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Lan  Tian-gang  Xu  Ling  Lu  Shi-feng 《Acta Geotechnica》2023,18(2):1125-1134
Acta Geotechnica - Natural loess usually experiences mechanical wetting and hydraulic wetting in situ conditions. In this paper, the difference of soil water retention curves of natural loess along...  相似文献   

罗爱忠  邵生俊  陈昌禄  方娟 《岩土力学》2015,36(8):2209-2215
土结构性是土结构空间排列几何特征和联结特征所表现出的力学性质,是影响土力学特性的重要内在因素。它与土的密度、粒度、湿度相联系,能够综合反映土的强度、变形等力学特性的变化和发展。从综合反映增湿导致土结构内在主动变化和加载变形导致土结构被动变化两个方面出发,沿用土综合结构势的应力比结构性参数,首先建立压缩、剪切及增湿作用下黄土的结构性演化规律;其次,通过压剪湿作用下黄土的应力-应变特性、屈服破坏特性及其与结构性之间的关系,揭示结构性变化对土力学性质的影响;进而,建立了反映压剪湿作用下黄土结构性发展演化的湿载结构性本构模型。最后通过与试验数据、修正剑桥模型的比较分析,初步验证该模型的准确性。  相似文献   

Q2黄土浸水前后微观结构变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对陕西蒲城电厂Q2黄土浸水前后的试样进行微观结构对比测试,得到了大量珍贵的微观结构图片。浸水前后Q2黄土的微观结构定性、定量分析表明:架空孔隙受力作用影响较大,对水的作用敏感;粒间孔隙对压力和水的作用相对较迟钝;Q2黄土的湿陷峰值压力大于200 kPa。随着压力的增大,Q2黄土的灰度熵、欧拉数和孔隙的面积比例、圆形度、定向度、分布分维减小;而颗粒的面积比例、圆形度、定向度、分布分维将增大;随着水的浸入,各量将继续减小或增大;浸水后孔径大于20 ?m的孔隙含量减少,孔径小于20 ?m的孔隙含量增加,湿陷的过程中大部分孔隙都在发生变化,大孔隙变成中、小孔隙,中、小孔隙则变为更小的孔隙。浸水前后微观结构的变化能较好地解释Q2黄土特殊的湿陷性。  相似文献   

Wang  Jiading  Zhang  Dengfei  Zhang  Yongshuang  Chen  Hui  Ma  Weiqian 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(7):2995-3015
Acta Geotechnica - Loess landslides induced by rainfall or irrigation frequently occur in the Loess Plateaus, China, and the stress paths followed are similar to water infiltration at a constant...  相似文献   

干湿循环作用下压实黄土湿陷特性试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
压实黄土作为重要的填筑材料,广泛应用于我国西北、华北公路、铁路、机场等基础设施建设中.由于降雨及蒸发的周期性变化,黄土路基及基础经历着强烈的干湿交替作用.基于此,开展压实黄土风干干燥-滴水增湿条件下的干湿循环试验,利用双线法测试最佳含水量条件下不同初始压实度的黄土土样干湿循环前后的湿陷系数.结果表明:没有经历干湿交替作用的土样,湿陷系数随着压实度的增大而快速减小,当压实度达到90%,提高压实度对于黄土湿陷变形特征的影响较小;5次干湿循环作用后,不同压实度下的试样的湿陷系数均明显增大,且压实度越大,干湿作用对其湿陷变形的影响越显著;压实度K=95%试样在经历5次干湿循环作用后土样上部出现肉眼可见的细微孔隙,体积膨胀,有可溶盐析出,湿陷系数达到0.017,土样出现二次湿陷.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effect of initial placement conditions and flooding stress (vertical compressive stress at flooding) on the collapse potential of remoulded loess. Compacted specimens of loess were tested in a one-dimensional consolidometer to study the collapse behaviour. Initial water content, dry unit weight and flooding stress were varied. Collapse potential was found to be dependent on initial water content, initial dry unit weight and flooding stress. Partial collapse was studied by allowing measured increments of water into the specimens.  相似文献   

Saye, S.R., Nass, K.H. and Easton, C.N., 1988. Performance of heavy structures founded upon loess at varying moisture conditions. Eng. Geol., 25: 325–339.

The site preparation for foundations and records of performance of three storage structures founded on loess are presented to illustrate the engineering problems and the range in compressibility of loess associated with different moisture conditions. The sites are located in western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. The structures are a 7500 m3 capacity steel water storage reservoir founded on dry collapsible loess along the bluff line of the Missouri River; a 7200 m3 capacity concrete grain elevator supported by a rigid mat founded on saturated and partially saturated loess; and a 10 m high soil preload for a 54 m diameter ammonia storage tank underlain by saturated and partially saturated loess.

The foundation design, the site preparation and the observed settlements are presented for each structure. The settlement behavior varies markedly with the individual moisture conditions and the apparent preconsolidation of the loess. The apparent preconsolidation is attributed to desiccation and appears to vary systematically.  相似文献   

Lutenegger, A.J. and Hallberg, G.R., 1988. Stability of loess. Eng. Geol., 25: 247–261.

The natural stability of loess soils can be related to fundamental geotechnical properties such as Atterberg limits, water content and void ratio. Field observations of unstable conditions in loess deposits in the upper midwest, U.S.A. show relationships between instability and the in situ moisture content and the liquidity index of the loess. Unstable loess can attain natural moisture contents equal to, or greater than, its liquid limit. Implications of these observations for applied engineering works are described.  相似文献   

饱和黄土的性质与非饱和黄土流变模型   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
吴燕开  陈红伟  张志征 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1143-1146
对西安地区相关数据统计分析,把西安市饱和黄土、软黄土的工程性质与一般黄土进行详细对比,指出它们之间的工程性质差异。同时重点介绍推导非饱和黄土加载体积流变模型过程以及模型的适用条件,对该模型的应用作了分析。  相似文献   

M. Pécsi 《GeoJournal》1991,24(2):143-150
Loess as a typically subaerial, loess deposit has long been regarded a Pleistocene sediment and its date of formation has been put to ca 600 ka BP. Recently, the beginning of the Pleistocene is identified in the official concord reached — at 1.6 Ma BP, while not infrequently others propose 2.4 Ma BP. Until the fifties the whole loess (loess-paleosol-sand) sequence could be referred into the shorter Pleistocene period, which —according to the climatic claendar by Milankovitch — consisted of nine cold and eight warm intervals. Some supporters of the longer Pleistocene chronology hold that the beginning of loess formation can be put as far back as 1.6 – 2.4 Ma BP. Loess formation intervals are usually correlated with the cold stages (nos 2, 4, 6 etc.) of the Emiliani oxygen isotope timescale, while soil formation is believed to correspond to the warm stages (nos 1, 3, 5, 7 etc.). The typical loess, i. e. loess proper, are not older than stage no 23 (Jaramillo event — 0.96 Ma BP). Previous to this date climatic conditions had not generally favoured loess formation and paleosols formed one above the other with clay, loam or carbonate intercalations.  相似文献   

Ella M. Zelikson 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):223-228
Basic climatic indexes for loess deposits may be determined by the floristic method of palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Spectra of loess pollen are selective, thus may or may not reflect adequately the original composition of the vegetation. Presence of a steppe may be unambiguously stated based on pollen of taxa characteristic for a steppe cenose or of taxa zonally restricted to steppes. Family ranked taxa may often not be regarded as indicating a steppe, because inferior taxa included may be of different cenotic requirements. In order to determine the vegetation and other conditions during the deposition of loess it is important to take into consideration the palaeofloristic data as well.  相似文献   

The purpose of this contribution is to describe the sequence of physical and chemical processes resulting in the sediment-type named loess, a fine-grained sediment deposit of universal occurrence. Owing to historical causes, loess has been (and still is) implicitly linked to glacial/periglacial environments among most naturalists. However it is known today that most eolian dust is deflated from tropical deserts. Hence, that sequence of processes is more comprehensive than the former narrow cold scenario. Six examples of different “non-classical” cases (from South America and Europe) that fit well to the loess definition are developed: 1) volcanic loess in Ecuador: pyroclastic eruptions/valley wind/mountain praire/silica structuring; 2) tropical loess in northeastern Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay: deflation of river and fan splays/savanna/iron sesquioxide structuring; 3) gypsum loess in northern Spain: destruction of anhydrite/gypsiferous layers in a dry climate/valley wind/Saharian shrub peridesert/gypsum structuring; 4) trade-wind deposits in Venezuela and Brazil: deflation in tidal flats/trade wind into the continent/savanna/iron hydroxide structuring; 5) anticyclonic gray loess in Argentina: continental anticyclone on plains/anti-clockwise winds and whirls/steppe/carbonate structuring. All these non-classical types conform to the accepted loess definitions and they also share the most important field characteristics of loess such as grain size, friability, vertical or sub-vertical slopes in outcrops, subfusion and others. Other cases can probably be recognized when systematically scrutinized.  相似文献   

郅彬  韩晓雷  戚明军 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1158-1160
研究分析了邓肯-张模型在挤密桩周土体应用中的不足。通过室内试验及对黄土地区挤土桩成孔对桩周土挤密原理的分析,认为桩周挤密黄土变形模量在破坏前符合邓肯-张模型,破坏后可用重塑土室内压缩试验的压缩模量与建议的转换系数? 确定,并进一步给出了相应的计算模式,提出了黄土成孔挤密模型并通过一个实例验证了模型的合理性。此模型为以后对桩周土体的应力分析打下了良好的基础,对进一步完善挤密桩设计理论具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The loess of West Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last thirthy years, many studies about loess and periglacial deposits have allowed to present a correlation table from the Netherlands and Belgium to north-west France. For the Quaternary, 11 main interglacial soils were recognized, separated during Early Pleistocene by combe-rock and solifluction deposits, and during Middle and Late Pleistocene by loess cycles. Two main loess basins exist in France. The most important is the Northern basin, continuing the sandy area of Belgium (cover sand) and the desert pavement of the Netherlands. The second is developed in Normandy and results from the Channel landscape open during pleniglacial periods. We have now stratigraphic tables at different time-scales. The main research axes must be now to attain a better knowledge about sources of loess materials, to estimate the volume of loess and its climatic significance and landscape variation during the pleniglacial events. Absolute datings of Middle Pleistocene stratigraphic details are needed to evaluate the differences between the different climatic cycles.  相似文献   

黄土微结构的试验研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文通过电镜扫描分析手段,对Q3黄土试验场地土样微结构特征的各项指标进行了比较和分析,旨在找出其规律性。同时,本文还介绍了黄土微结构的研究方法和要求。结合室内实验,对所获得的一系列黄土特性量化指标进行了分析对比,揭示了微结构与黄土液化之间的内在联系。研究结果表明,由统计值变异系数,能达到对黄土场地液化势起到相当程度确定性的目的,验证了利用微结构研究黄土结构变化的可行性。  相似文献   

入渗诱发黄土滑坡的力学机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周跃峰  谭国焕  甄伟文  许领 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3173-3179
在农田水利建设蓬勃发展的同时,灌溉入渗在黄土塬边诱发了严重的滑坡灾害。作为黄土滑坡的典型区域,甘肃黑方台地区近年来受到了密切关注。为了研究入渗条件下黄土边坡的变形破坏机制,在黑方台典型滑坡后壁削取原状土样,开展了3组不同应力路径的三轴试验以模拟边坡的失稳过程。通过开展偏压固结不排水(ACU)试验和饱和恒载(SDL)增孔压试验研究了饱和黄土启动和变形破坏过程;通过开展非饱和恒载(UDL)增湿试验,研究了非饱和黄土启动和变形破坏过程。在此基础上,从应力路径和黄土的微观结构角度阐述了入渗诱发黄土滑坡的力学机制。此外,利用试验结果分析了黄土的典型物理力学特性,结果表明:在埋深应力范围内,该黄土的饱和临界状态线可简化为单一的直线;该黄土的状态边界线可近似为其临界状态线;由UDL试验预测的土-水特征曲线受应力状态影响,较高的应力水平对应较低含水率。  相似文献   

A loess section near Lanzhou, China, has been investigated using the seismic refraction technique. The results show that the method is able to discriminate four distinct seismic boundaries within the section as well as indicating that the loess-bedrock contact occurs at a depth of more than 200 m. A 30 m deep pit was subsequently dug and revealed that the first two seismic boundaries correspond to soil units Sa (an intermediate soil within loess unit L1) and S1 (the last interglacial soil at the base of L1). These results, though preliminary, indicate the potential of the technique not only for mapping loess-bedrock contacts but also for determining the finer subsurface detail of the loess-palaeosol stratigraphy.  相似文献   

黄土拱作用机理剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵学勐  王璐 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):9-12
广泛分布于黄土地区的民居黄土窑洞表明,围岩土体中的黄土拱是承受荷载的结构单元。应用滑动线法绘出的土拱形状,已被实际观测资料加以证实。对黄土拱的承载力、整体稳定性进行了计算,揭示出现有的两种地层压力学说没有正确与缪误之别,只是各有其适宜的应用场合,其前提条件是整体稳定性是否满足。  相似文献   

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