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Hydrology of the coastal sabkhas of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water fluxes were estimated and a water budget developed for the land surface and a surficial 10-m-deep section of the coastal sabkhas that extend from the city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, west to the border with Saudi Arabia. The fluxes were estimated on the basis of water levels and hydraulic conductivities measured in wells and evaporation rates measured with a humidity chamber. In contrast with conceptual models proposed in earlier studies, groundwater inflow is estimated to be small, whereas the largest components of the water budget are recharge from rainfall and evaporation from the water table. Estimates within a rectilinear volume of sabkha, defined as 1 m wide by 10 km long by 10 m deep, indicate that about 1 m3/year of water enters and exits by lateral groundwater flow; 40–50 m3/year enters by upward leakage; and 640 m3/year enters by recharge from rainfall. Based on the water and solute fluxes estimated for the upward leakage into the sabkha, 7–8 pore volumes of brine have entered the sabkha from below since the time the sabkha became saturated (7,000 years ago) as a result of the last global sea-level rise.
Ward E. SanfordEmail:

The present work was conducted in the Sinai Peninsula (1) to identify the recharge and flow characteristics and to evaluate the continuity of the Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone aquifer; and (2) to provide information for the aquifer's rational appraisal. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with the geological and hydrogeological settings were used for this purpose. A considerable depletion in isotopic content (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and low d-excess values exist in the studied groundwater, reflecting the contribution of old meteoric water that recharged the aquifer in pluvial times. Modern recharge also occurs from precipitation that falls on the aquifer outcrops. The wide scatter of the data points around the two meteoric lines, the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and Mediterranean meteoric water line (MMWL), in the δ18O–δD diagram indicates considerable variation in recharge conditions (amount, altitude, temperature, air masses, distances from catchment, overland flow, etc.). The isotopic composition in the El-Bruk area is minimum (18O=–9.53‰), very close to the average value of the Western Desert Nubian Sandstone (18O=–10‰), where the local structural and lithologic conditions retard groundwater flow and the main bulk of water becomes noncyclic. The continuity of the aquifer in northern and central Sinai is evidenced by the isotopic similarity between samples taken from above and below the central Sinai Ragabet El-Naam fault, the distribution of potentiometric head, and hydrogeological cross sections. The combination of isotopic composition in terms of 18O and chemical composition in terms of TDS and salt contents is the basis for separating the studied groundwater into groups that reflect the recharge sources and isotopic and chemical modifications during flow. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Aquifer storage recovery (ASR) is an innovative technology with the potential to augment dwindling water resources in regions experiencing rapid growth and development. Planning and design of ASR systems requires quantifying how much water should be stored and appropriate times for storage and withdrawals within a planning period. A monthly scale planning model has been developed in this study to derive optimal (least cost) long-term policies for operating ASR systems and is solved using a recursive deterministic dynamic programming approach. The outputs of the model include annual costs of operation, the amount of water to be imported each month as well as the schedule for storage and extraction. A case study modeled after a proposed ASR system for Mustang Island and Padre Island service areas of the city of Corpus Christi is used to illustrate the utility of the developed model. The results indicate that for the assumed baseline demands, the ASR system is to be kept operational for a period of 4 months starting from May through August. Model sensitivity analysis indicated that increased seasonal shortages can be met using ASR with little additional costs. For the assumed cost structure, a 16% shortage increased the costs by 1.6%. However, the operation time of ASR increased from 4 to 8 months. The developed dynamic programming model is a useful tool to assess the feasibility of evaluating the use of ASR systems during regional-scale water resources planning endeavors.  相似文献   

Pesticides are a potential threat to the quality of extracted groundwater when the water-supply area is used for agricultural activities. This problem is discussed for the water-supply area of Sint-Jansteen, The Netherlands, where measured pesticide concentrations in the extracted water regularly exceed EU limits (0.1 μg/L). Groundwater samples taken from the aquifer within the water-supply area show low contamination, but samples taken from the extracted water occasionally contain pesticides, making the water inadequate for drinking-water purposes. The more intense contamination of the extracted water is caused by the change in the natural groundwater flow pattern near the extraction wells. In this area, pesticide use cannot be avoided easily, and an approach is given to differentiate pesticide use in the area according to expected travel time toward the wells and the chemical characteristics of the pesticides. A groundwater flow model for the area is developed and the effects of groundwater extraction on the natural flow pattern are evaluated. Using particle tracking, the travel-time zones are determined. Combining these results and the degradation behavior of certain pesticides led to an optimal scheme to integrate agricultural activities and groundwater extraction in the area. This is illustrated for five different types of pesticides (atrazine, simazine, bentazone, MCPA, and mecoprop). Received, October 1998/Revised, July 1999, September 1999/Accepted, November 1999  相似文献   

Long-term time series data of aquifer recharge, groundwater extraction, and discharge are used to estimate aquifer storage capacity and maximum annual yield. Aquifer storage capacity is defined as the maximum volume of water that can be stored in an aquifer. It is estimated using a transient water-balance approach. The maximum annual yield is defined as the maximum combined groundwater extraction plus discharge that can be sustained in an aquifer judged by the historical record of recharge. It is determined according to a graphical mass-curve method. These two quantities are useful in aquifer characterization and groundwater management, the apportionment of groundwater rights and aquifer storage and recovery operations being two frequent applications. Time series data from the Edwards Aquifer, Texas, USA, illustrate the application of the methods presented.
Résumé Des données sur le long terme de la recharge d’aquifère, de l’exploitation de l’eau souterraine et de la vidange sont utilisées pour estimer la capacité d’emmagasinement de l’aquifère et la capacité annuelle maximum. La capacité d’emmagasinement de l’aquifère est définit comme le volume maximum de l’eau qui peut être emmagasinée dans le réservoir. Elle est estimée en utilisant une approche par bilan hydrologique en transitoire. La capacité annuelle maximum est définit comme la combinaison de l’extraction de l’eau souterraine et de la vidange, combinaison qui peut être jugée durable ou non au regard de l’examen des valeurs de recharge. Elle est déterminée au moyen d’une méthode de courbe des valeurs cumulées. Ces deux quantités sont très utiles pour caractériser les aquifères et pour gérer les eaux souterraines, l’imputation des droits aux eaux souterraines, et du fait que les opérations de recharge des aquifères et de récupération sont très fréquentes. Les données temporelles provenant de l’aquifère Edwards, Texas, USA, illustrent l’application de la méthode présentée.

Resumen Para estimar la capacidad de almacenamiento de un acuífero y su rendimiento máximo anual, se han utilizado series temporales largas de datos de recarga al acuífero, de extracciones de agua subterránea y de descarga. La capacidad de almacenamiento de un acuífero se define como el volumen máximo de agua que puede ser almacenado en el mismo. Se estima utilizando una aproximación con un balance de agua en régimen transitorio. El rendimiento máximo anual se define como el máximo resultante de la combinación de la extracción de aguas subterráneas y la descarga que puede ser sostenido por un acuífero según los registros históricos de recarga y se define según un método gráfico masa-curva. Estos dos valores son útiles en la caracterización de los acuíferos y en la gestión de las aguas subterráneas, el reparto de los derechos sobre las aguas subterráneas y las operaciones de almacenaje y recuperación de los acuíferos, que son dos aplicaciones frecuentes. Las series de tiempo para el Acuífero Edwards, Texas, USA, ilustra la aplicación de los métodos presentados.

Analysis of base flow trends in urban streams, northeastern Illinois, USA   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Statistical analysis shows that mean annual base flows in three unregulated urban streams in northeastern Illinois do not display significant trends during periods of substantial watershed urbanization. However, statistically-significant upward trends in median annual base flow (probably emblematic of overall changes in the time-distribution of the base flow), characterized by increases in lower base flow rates, affected the flows in all three streams. The analysis reveals no trends in annual and monthly precipitation during these periods. These results are in contrast to results from studies of other urban streams that have shown decreases in base flow, but these results may be partially explained by the low permeability of the near-surface materials in the watersheds investigated. This study employs formal hypothesis-testing of Kendall tau-a trend statistics computed for monthly and annual base flow and precipitation rates to assess the impact of urban development on base flow rates.
Resumen El análisis estadístico muestra que el flujo base anual medio en tres arroyos urbanos no regulados en el noreste de Illinois no ostenta tendencias significativas durante los periodos de urbanización sustancial de la cuenca. Sin embargo, el flujo en los tres arroyos fue afectado por tendencias al incremento en el flujo base annual medio. Esto es probablemente emblemático en cambios globales en el tiempo-distribución del flujo base caracterizado por incrementos en las tasas de flujo base bajo y afecta a los tres arroyos. El análisis no revela ninguna tendencia en la precipitación annual y mensual durante estos periodos. Estos resultados contrastan con los resultados de estudios de otros arroyos urbanos que muestran un decrecimiento en el fujo base. Sin embargo, estos resultados pueden explicarse parcialmente por la baja permeabilidad de los materiales cercanos a la superficie en las cuencas investigadas. Este estudio emplea las estadísticas de tendencia tau-a de la hipótesis de prueba formal de Kendall - calculadas según los flujos base mensuales y anuales y las tasas de precipitación. El objetivo es evaluar los impactos del desarrollo urbano sobre las tasas de flujo base.

Résumé Une analyse statistique démontre que la moyenne annuelle de lécoulement de base dans trois rivières urbaines non réglementées du nord est de lIllinois ne montre pas de tendance significative lors de périodes durbanisation massive du bassin versant. Par contre, une tendance statistiquement significative à la hausse de lécoulement de base médian, probablement représentatif de lensemble des changements dans la distribution temporelle de lécoulement de base caractérisé par une augmentation des faibles taux découlement de base, affecte lécoulement dans les trois rivières. Lanalyse ne révèle pas de tendance dans les précipitations annuelles et mensuelles lors de ces périodes. Ces résultats contrastent avec les résultats dautres études de rivières en milieu urbain qui ont montré une diminution de lécoulement de base. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude peuvent partiellement être expliqués par la faible perméabilité des dépôts de surface dans le bassin versant étudié. Cette étude utilise le test dhypothèse tau de Kandall, une tendance statistique calculée pour lécoulement de base annuel et mensuel et des taux de précipitation dans le but de déterminer limpact du développement urbain sur les taux découlement de base.

 The 1995 Water Consumer Protection Act of Tucson, Arizona, USA (hereafter known as the Act) was passed following complaints from Tucson Water customers receiving treated Central Arizona Project (CAP) water. Consequences of the Act demonstrate the uncertainties and difficulties that arise when the public is asked to vote on a highly technical issue. The recharge requirements of the Act neglect hydrogeological uncertainties because of confusion between "infiltration" and "recharge." Thus, the Act implies that infiltration in stream channels along the Central Wellfield will promote recharge in the Central Wellfield. In fact, permeability differences between channel alluvium and underlying basin-fill deposits may lead to subjacent outflow. Additionally, even if recharge of Colorado River water occurs in the Central Wellfield, groundwater will become gradually salinized. The Act's restrictions on the use of CAP water affect the four regulatory mechanisms in Arizona's 1980 Groundwater Code as they relate to the Tucson Active Management Area: (a) supply augmentation; (b) requirements for groundwater withdrawals and permitting; (c) Management Plan requirements, particularly mandatory conservation and water-quality issues; and (d) the requirement that all new subdivisions use renewable water supplies in lieu of groundwater. Political fallout includes disruption of normal governmental activities because of the demands in implementing the Act. Received, December 1996 · Revised, October 1997 · Accepted, October 1997  相似文献   

 The coastal aquifer system of southern Oahu, Hawaii, USA, consists of highly permeable volcanic aquifers overlain by weathered volcanic rocks and interbedded marine and terrestrial sediments of both high and low permeability. The weathered volcanic rocks and sediments are collectively known as caprock, because they impede the free discharge of groundwater from the underlying volcanic aquifers. A cross-sectional groundwater flow and transport model was used to evaluate the hydrogeologic controls on the regional flow system in southwestern Oahu. Controls considered were: (a) overall caprock hydraulic conductivity; and (b) stratigraphic variations of hydraulic conductivity in the caprock. Within the caprock, variations in hydraulic conductivity, caused by stratigraphy or discontinuities of the stratigraphic units, are a major control on the direction of groundwater flow and the distribution of water levels and salinity. Results of cross-sectional modeling confirm the general groundwater flow pattern that would be expected in a layered coastal system. Groundwater flow is: (a) predominantly upward in the low-permeability sedimentary units; and (b) predominantly horizontal in the high-permeability sedimentary units. Received, October 1996 Revised, August 1997 Accepted, September 1997  相似文献   

The city of Scarborough lies on the eastern margin of the Greater Toronto Area of southern Ontario, Canada, along the northern coastline of Lake Ontario. The City has a population of 500,000 and is presently one of the fastest growing communities in Canada. The City is expanding northwards onto rural land on the south slope of the large Pleistocene glacial Oak Ridges Moraine system. The moraine system is underlain by a thick (150 m) succession of tills, sands and gravels and is a regionally-significant recharge area for three principle aquifer systems that discharge to numerous watercourses that flow to Lake Ontario. Protection of deeper aquifers from surface-generated urban contaminants is a particular concern. A groundwater flow model using Visual MODFLOW was developed for the 350-km2 Rouge River–Highland Creek (RRHC) drainage basin using an extensive GIS-based collection of subsurface geological, geophysical and hydrogeological data, maps of land use and surficial geology. The RRHC model was calibrated against point water level data, known potentiometric surfaces of the principal aquifers and baseflow measurements from streamflow gauging stations and determined to be within acceptable limits. Water balance calculations indicate that 70% of the basin recharge (106,000 m3/day) enters the Upper Aquifer along the crest and immediate flanks of the Oak Ridges Moraine. To the south, Upper Aquifer water moving through fractured till aquitards accounts for more than 75% of recharge to deeper aquifers. Water quality data confirm previous observations that urban- and rural-sourced contaminants (chlorides and nitrates) present in Upper Aquifer waters are moving rapidly into deeper aquifers. Some 83% of total RRHC recharge water is ultimately discharged as baseflow to creeks draining to Lake Ontario; the remainder discharges to springs and along eroding lakeshore bluffs. Model results demonstrate that deeper aquifers are poorly protected from urban contaminants and that long-term protection of ground and surface water quality has to be a priority of municipal planners if the resource is not to be severely degraded. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The Cretaceous aquifers underlying the central part of the North Carolina Coastal Plain are used extensively as the preferred source of water for municipalities, industries, and agriculture. Regional decline in head in the middle parts of the system (the Upper Cape Fear and Black Creek aquifers) began in the late 1950s to early 1960s. The trends in head during the 1960s, together with data on land subsidence, were analyzed to demonstrate the value of using early data, in conjunction with conceptual models, before collecting additional data. The sources of withdrawals from the Cretaceous aquifers identified in the conceptual model are: (1) movement of water (recharge) across confining beds, (2) reduction in natural discharge, (3) release of water from aquifer storage, (4) drainage of water from fine-grained lenses in aquifers and confining beds, and (5) release of water resulting from advance of the salt-water front. Estimates of the amounts derived from each of these sources resulted in a reduction of the estimated safe yield of the Cretaceous aquifers in the 2,486-mi2 (6,439-km2) area of the central Coastal Plain from 75 mgd (million gallons per day) (284,000 m3/day) to less than 5 mgd (19,000 m3/day). Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Water-table elevation measurements and aquifer parameter estimates are rare in alpine settings because few wells exist in these environments. Alpine groundwater systems may be a primary source of recharge to regional groundwater flow systems. Handcart Gulch is an alpine watershed in Colorado, USA comprised of highly fractured Proterozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks with wells completed to various depths. Primary study objectives include determining hydrologic properties of shallow bedrock and surficial materials, developing a watershed water budget, and testing the consistency of measured hydrologic properties and water budget by constructing a simple model incorporating groundwater and surface water for water year 2005. Water enters the study area as precipitation and exits as discharge in the trunk stream or potential recharge for the deeper aquifer. Surficial infiltration rates ranged from 0.1–6.2×10?5 m/s. Discharge was estimated at 1.28×10?3 km3. Numerical modeling analysis of single-well aquifer tests predicted lower specific storage in crystalline bedrock than in ferricrete and colluvial material (6.7×10?5–2.0×10?3 l/m). Hydraulic conductivity in crystalline bedrock was significantly lower than in colluvial and alluvial material (4.3×10?9–2.0×10?4 m/s). Water budget results suggest that during normal precipitation and temperatures water is available to recharge the deeper groundwater flow system.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in order to determine the net infiltration in the Gran Sasso Massif, central Italy, a typical central Mediterranean karstic hydrogeological system. It relied on the Thornthwaite water-budget method, which was modified in order to account for the local hydrological setting. The changes to the method were as follows: (1) use of the curve-number (CN) method of the US Soil Conservation Service to estimate runoff; (2) addition of runoff to the water budget of endorheic areas; and (3) assessment of snow melt in mountain areas. The analysis of net infiltration in individual land units in extensive and complex groundwater systems, such as the Gran Sasso, is a useful tool for the indirect study of groundwater flow. The generalized direction of Gran Sasso groundwater flow is toward the south, i.e., from the areas with the highest net infiltration to the areas with the lowest net infiltration, where the largest springs are located at low altitude. The average annual net infiltration, estimated by the above method, is 506 mm/year, i.e., about 53% of the average annual rainfall (945 mm/year). The results of the Gran Sasso water budget, obtained by the modified Thornthwaite method integrated with the CN method, are considered to be satisfactory because the computed inflows (17.3 m3/s) and the measured outflows (17.4 m3/s), which are estimated for a period of about 40 years (1950–1990), are very similar. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

An analysis of horizontal inflow and outflow in the groundwater-budget equation and the significance for interbasin flow are presented. Two field cases in Mexico, one in the Baja California peninsula and another in central Mexico, highlight the influence of interbasin flow. A significant proportion (approximately 70%) of the abstracted (thermal) groundwater probably originates outside the drainage basin. A conclusion is that a groundwater-balance study is an unsatisfactory method for determining some parameters, such as storativity (S). Specifically, the groundwater-balance approach provides unreliable results when vertical inflow is ignored or cannot be adequately defined. Vertical flow is indicated by the presence of groundwater temperatures as much as 23 °C higher than ambient temperature. Regional faults could be the pathways for upward flow. When vertical inflow is ignored, uncertainty in the estimation of the storativity through regional groundwater-balance calculation results. On the basis of the groundwater-balance equation, a value of S=0.19 appears to represent the confined condition of the developed part of the aquifer; this result is several orders of magnitude higher than would be reasonable according to the geological conditions. Findings are useful in evaluating whether a groundwater resource is being "overexploited". Conclusions are instructive in the application of transient-flow computer models, in which vertical flow of less dense water from beneath is not included. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

美国Sand Hills地区地下水数值模拟及水量平衡分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用地下水数值模型MODFLOW和非饱和带水平衡模型对处于半干旱半湿润沙丘地区(Sand Hills)地下水位进行了模拟,并分析了含水层补排水量,河流与地下水补排关系,以及区域水平衡过程。揭示了独特沙丘地形和土壤特性对地下水补排量的影响。模拟结果表明,入渗率大、非饱和带厚的沙丘有利于降水入渗补给,减少了地下水蒸散发损失。加上下覆含水层具有良好的地下水储水空间,是该地区储存丰富的地下水量,以维持河流稳定流量,供给众多湖泊和湿地的原因。该研究对我国地下水资源评价和生态环境脆弱地区水资源保护具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The Basin of the Valley of Mexico is a closed basin of 9600?km2, where average annual precipitation (1980–85) is 746?mm (226.7?m3/s). Calculated actual evapotranspiration is 72–79% of the precipitation. The surrounding mountain ranges of the Sierra de Las Cruces, Sierra Nevada, and Sierra Chichinautzin are the main recharge areas for the enclosed Basin, in decreasing order. Calculated recharge rate is a maximum of 19?m3/s in the Metropolitan Zone, whereas a recent estimate of the groundwater exploitation rate indicates that 51.35?m3/s is being withdrawn from the Basin aquifer systems, resulting in a deficit of more than 30?m3/s. Taking into account infiltration processes by leaking water-supply systems, the calculated deficit is reduced to 20.5?m3/s. Overexploitation of the natural aquifer systems is also indicated by an average annual decline of 1?m of the potentiometric levels of the shallow groundwater systems. Possible solutions include: (1) the use of surface runoff water (unused amount in 1995?:?17.6?m3/s) for consumption purposes, which is currently pumped to areas outside the Basin; (2) an increased number and capacity of treatment plants; (3) the renovation of the leaky water-distribution network; (4) the reinjection of treated water; and (5) possible exploitation of deep regional aquifer systems.  相似文献   

The Grand Forks aquifer, located in south-central British Columbia, Canada was used as a case study area for modeling the sensitivity of an aquifer to changes in recharge and river stage consistent with projected climate-change scenarios for the region. Results suggest that variations in recharge to the aquifer under the different climate-change scenarios, modeled under steady-state conditions, have a much smaller impact on the groundwater system than changes in river-stage elevation of the Kettle and Granby Rivers, which flow through the valley. All simulations showed relatively small changes in the overall configuration of the water table and general direction of groundwater flow. High-recharge and low-recharge simulations resulted in approximately a +0.05 m increase and a –0.025 m decrease, respectively, in water-table elevations throughout the aquifer. Simulated changes in river-stage elevation, to reflect higher-than-peak-flow levels (by 20 and 50%), resulted in average changes in the water-table elevation of 2.72 and 3.45 m, respectively. Simulated changes in river-stage elevation, to reflect lower-than-baseflow levels (by 20 and 50%), resulted in average changes in the water-table elevation of –0.48 and –2.10 m, respectively. Current observed water-table elevations in the valley are consistent with an average river-stage elevation (between current baseflow and peak-flow stages).
Resumen El acuífero de los Grand Forks, situado al sur de la Columbia Británica central (Canadá) ha sido utilizado como lugar de estudio para modelar la sensibilidad de un acuífero a los cambios en la recarga y el caudal de los ríos de acuerdo con escenarios previstos de cambio climático en la región. Los resultados sugieren que las variaciones en la recarga al acuífero bajo los diversos escenarios, que han sido modelados en régimen estacionario, tienen un impacto mucho menor en las aguas subterráneas que los cambios en el caudal de los ríos Kettle y Granby, que discurren por el valle. Todas las simulaciones muestran diferencias relativamente pequeñas en la configuración regional de los niveles freáticos y en la dirección general del flujo subterráneo. Las simulaciones de recarga elevada y baja causan un incremento de 0,05 m y un decremento de 0,025 m, respectivamente, en los niveles del acuífero. Los cambios de la elevación del río, simulados para reflejar niveles de flujo mayores que los valores pico (en un 20% y un 50%) resultan en cambios medios de los niveles del acuífero de 2,72 m y 3,45 m, respectivamente. Los cambios simulados en la elevación del río para flujos inferiores al caudal de base (en un 20% y en un 50%) provocan descensos en los niveles de 0,48 y 2,10 m, respectivamente. Los niveles actuales del acuífero en el valle son coherentes con una elevación media del nivel en el río (entre el caudal de base actual y los picos de caudal).

Résumé L'aquifère de Grand Forks, situé en Colombie britannique (Canada), a été utilisé comme zone d'étude pour modéliser la sensibilité d'un aquifère à des modifications de la recharge et du niveau de la rivière, correspondant à des scénarios envisagés de changement climatique dans cette région. Les résultats font apparaître que les variations de recharge de l'aquifère pour différents scénarios de changement climatique, modélisées pour des conditions de régime permanent, ont un impact sur le système aquifère beaucoup plus faible que les changements du niveau des rivières Kettle et Granby, qui coulent dans la vallée. Toutes les simulations ont montré des différences relativement faibles dans la configuration d'ensemble de la nappe et dans la direction générale des écoulements. Des simulations de conditions de recharge forte et de recharge faible produisent respectivement une remontée de 0,05 m et un abaissement de 0,025 m, approximativement, des cotes de la nappe pour l'ensemble de l'aquifère. Des changements simulés de la cote du niveau de la rivière, pour refléter des niveaux plus hauts que ceux des pics de crues (de 20 et de 50%), produisent respectivement des remontées de la nappe de 2,72 et 3,45 m en moyenne. Des changements simulés de l'altitude du niveau de la rivière, pour refléter des niveaux plus bas que ceux de basses eaux (de 20 et de 50%), produisent respectivement des abaissements de la nappe de 0,48 et 2,10 m en moyenne. Les altitudes courantes observées de la nappe dans la vallée sont cohérentes avec une cote moyenne du niveau de la rivière (entre les niveaux courants de basses eaux et de crues).


On the basis of the isotopic composition of water in the northern part of Epirus, Greece, from springs at different altitudes with well-defined recharge areas, the altitude effect on the δ18O value of groundwater is –0.142±0.003ö (100?m)–1 and is uniform over the entire study area. Using the δ18O composition of surface water and groundwaters, the contribution of Ioannina Lake and the channel draining the lake water to the Kalamas River to the recharge of springs and boreholes was confirmed and quantitatively defined. In contrast, the Voidomatis and Vikos Rivers are not sources for recharge of the big springs along their banks. However, water from the Aoos River does replenish the aquifer in the unconsolidated deposits underlying the plain of Konitsa. In addition, limestones of Senonian–Late Eocene ages, dolomites, and limestones of the "Vigles" facies are hydraulically interconnected, and the limestones of the "Pantokrator" facies are hydraulically isolated from the other carbonate formations.  相似文献   

A geographic information systems (GIS)-based model was used to derive spatially explicit estimates of recharge using the elevation-dependent chloride mass-balance (EDCMB) approach in a 14-basin area in southwestern Nevada, USA. For each of the 14 basins, a non-linear regression equation was developed relating chloride enrichment to the elevation of spring watersheds. The ratio of chloride enrichment as a function of elevation was used in a GIS framework to transform continuous precipitation data to recharge. Spatial masks that represented two definitions of the lower limits of recharge—one definition based on alluvium/non-alluvium boundaries, the other based on both alluvium/non-alluvium boundaries and an elevation threshold—were applied to each basin. Resultant recharge estimates were then summed for each basin. When compared to summaries of previous recharge estimates for the study area, the EDCMB approach produced results that were within 14 and 3% of two studies, but were significantly greater (31%) than a third. GIS proved to be a very effective tool for combining large spatial data with widely different resolutions into an integrated data set, and also proved to be an efficient mechanism for implementing robust statistical models to estimate recharge.
Résumé Un modèle basé sur les systèmes d’informations géographiques (SIG) a été utilisé pour obtenir des estimations explicites de la recharge dans l’espace, en utilisant l’approche du bilan des chlorures en fonction de l’altitude (EDCMB en anglais) dans une zone de 14 bassins, dans le Sud-Ouest du Nevada aux Etats-Unis. Pour chacun des 14 bassins, une régression non-linéaire a été établie, reliant l’enrichissement des chlorures à l’altitude des bassins d’alimentation des sources. Le rapport d’enrichissement des chlorures en fonction de l’altitude a été utilisé dans une approche SIG pour transformer des données pluviométriques continues en terme de recharge. Des masques spatiaux représentant deux définitions des limites de recharge les plus basses ont été appliquées à chaque bassin ; l’une basée sur les limites alluvions/autres formations, l’autre sur ces mêmes limites ainsi que sur un seuil altitudinal. Les recharges estimées résultantes ont ensuite été additionnées pour chaque bassin. Comparée aux précédents bilans de recharge estimés dans la zone d’étude, l’approche EDCMB conduit à des résultats se situant entre 14 et 3% de ceux de deux autres études et largement supérieurs (31%) à ceux d’une troisième étude. Le SIG s’est révélé être un outil très efficace pour combiner dans une base de données intégrée, des données spatiales étendues avec des résolutions largement différentes, ainsi que pour implémenter des modèles statistiques conséquents permettant d’estimer la recharge.

Resumen Se utilizó un modelo basado en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG) para derivar espacialmente estimados explícitos de recarga usando el enfoque de balance de masa de cloruro dependiente de elevación (EDCMB) en un área de 14 cuencas en el suroeste de Nevada, Estados Unidos. Para cada una de las 14 cuencas se desarrolló una ecuación de regresión no linear que relaciona el enriquecimiento de cloruro con la elevación de las cuencas con manantiales. La relación de enriquecimiento de cloruro en función de la elevación se usó en un marco SIG para transformar datos continuos de precipitación a recarga. Se aplicaron máscaras espaciales a cada cuenca las cuales representaron dos definiciones de los límites inferiores de recarga, una definición basada en límites de aluvión/sin aluvión, el otro basado en ambos límites aluvión/sin aluvión y una elevación normal de fondo. Los estimados resultantes de recarga fueron sumados para cada cuenca. Al compararse con estimados de recarga previos para el área de estudio se encontró que el enfoque EDCMB produjo resultados que estaban entre el 14 y 3% de dos estudios pero fueron significativamente mayores (31%) que un tercer estudio. El SIG ha demostrado ser una herramienta muy efectiva para combinar datos espaciales grandes con resoluciones muy distintas en un grupo integrado de datos y también ha mostrado ser un mecanismo eficiente para implementar modelos estadísticos robustos para estimar recarga.

 A lumped-parameter model of groundwater balance is proposed that permits an estimate of discharge variability in comparison with the variability of recharge, by taking into account the influence of aquifer parameters. Recharge–discharge relationships are analysed with the model for cases of deterministic and stochastic recharge time-series variations. The model is applied to study the temporal variability of groundwater discharge in a river valley in the territory of Tajikistan, an independent republic in Central Asia. Received, April 1996 Revised, August 1997 Accepted, March 1998  相似文献   

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