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Volcanic rocks in Ertix,Xinjiang,occurring in the collision zone between the Siberia Plate and the Junggar Plate,are distributed along the Eritix River Valley in northern Xinjiang.The volcanic rocks were dated at Late Paleozoic and can be divided into the spilite-keratophyre series and the basalt-andesite series.The spilite-keratophyre series volcanic rocks occur in the Altay orogenic belt at the southwest margin of the Siberia Plate.In addition to sodic volcanic rocks.There are also associated potassic-sodic volcanic rocks and potassic volcanic rocks.The potassic-sodic volcanic rocks occur at the bottom of the eruption cycle and control the distribution of Pb and Zn deposits.The potassic volcanic rocks occur at the top of the eruption cycle and are associated with Au and Cu mineralizations.The sodic volcanic rocks occur in the middle stage of eruption cycle and control the occurrence of Cu(Zn) deposits.The basalt-andesite series volcanic rocks distributed in the North Junggar orogenic belt at the north margin of the Junggar-Kazakstan Plate belong to the potassic sodic volcain rocks.The volcanic rocks distributed along the Ulungur fault are relatively rich in sodium and poor in potassium and are predominated by Cu mineralization and associated with Au mineralization.Those volcanic rocks distributed along the Ertix fault are relatively rich in K and poor in Na,with Au mineralization being dominant.  相似文献   

The major element, trace element and Nd-Sr isotopic composition of Cenozoic basaltic volcanic rocks from the Maguan area, eastern Tibet, indicates that the volcanic rocks are enriched in alkalis, especially K (K2O up to 3.81%) and depleted in Ti (TiO2 = 1.27%-2.00%). These rocks may be classified as two groups, based on their Mg# numbers: one may represent primary magma (Mg# numbers from 68 to 69), and the other, the evolved magma(Mg# numbers from 49 to 57). Their REE contents are very high (∑REE = 155.06-239.04μg/g). Their REE distribution patterns are of the right-inclined type, characterized by LREE enrichment [(La/Yb)N =12.0-19.2], no Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*=1.0), and weak negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*=0.9). The rocks are highly enriched in Rb, Sr and Ba (59.5-93.8μg/g, 732-999 μg/g, and 450-632 g/g, respectively), high in U and Th (1.59-2.31μg/g and 4.73-8.16 μg/g, respectively), and high in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf (70-118 μg/g,3.72-5.93 μg/g, 215-381 μg/g, and 5.47-9.03 μg/g, respectively). In the primitive mantle-normalized incompatible element spidergram, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and P show positive anomalies, whereas Ba, Ti and Y show negative anomalies. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0. 704029 to 0.704761; 143Nd/144Nd from 0. 512769 to 0. 512949; and εNd from 2.6 to 6.1. These geochemical features might suggest that the potential source of the basaltic high-K volcanic rocks in the Maguan area is similar to the OIB-source mantle of Hawaii and Kergeulen volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

Based on the data of 64 samples ,the REE geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks in northern Zhejiang and eastern Jiangxi provinces are discussed in this paper.The REE distribution patterns in acid and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks in these areas display some similarities,as indicated by rightward-inclined V-shaped curves with negative Eu anomalies,which are parallel to earch other.In addi-tion,their REE parameters(ΣREE,ΣLREE/ΣHREE,δEu,Ce/Yb,La/Sm,La/Yb,etc)also va-ry over a narrow range with small deviations.HREE are particularly concentrated in the volcanic rocks as-sociated with uranium mineralization.The initial ^87Sr/^86Sr ratio in the volcanic rocks is about 0.7056-0.7139.All these features in conjunction with strontium isotopic data indicate that the rock-forming materials come from the sialic crust.The REE distribution patterns and REE geochemical parameters of the volcanic rocks ,as well as La/Sm-La and Ce/Yb-Eu/Yb diagrams may be applied to the sources of rock-forming and ore-forming materials.  相似文献   

This paper presents age and geochemical data of a recently identified Late Paleozoic volcanic sequence in central Jilin Province, with aims to discuss the petrogenesis and to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in this area. Firstly, the volcanic rocks have zircon U-Pb ages of 290–270 Ma. Secondly, they are characterized by(a) ranging in composition from the low-K tholeiite series to high-K calc-alkaline series;(b) enrichment in light rare earth elements and deple...  相似文献   

1. Introduction The uplift and evolution of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau has been the most important projects for studying the dynamic process of the plateau, and the uplift mechanism and history are the essential problems. Researches have been done extensively in terms of tectonics, sedimentology, geophysics, paleontology, paleoclimate and paleomagnetism for several tens of years. Many evolution models have been suggested but so far none of them have been explained perfectly. In recent years,…  相似文献   

Geological and geochemical characteristics of cherts of the low-middle parts of the Jinchang Formation indicate that cherts are associated with hydrothermal sedimentation,but the middle-upper parts of the Jinchang Formaiton are mixed with normal sediments.The cherts are characterized by high Fe,As,Sb,Si and Ga,low Al and totoal REE,negative Ce anomaly and HREE enrichment.Their δ^18O values show that the forming temperatures of the cherts range from 128℃ tp 146℃.  相似文献   

In this paper,we present the occurrence and mineral components of the enclaves firstly dis-covered in the Cenozoic Pulu volcanic rocks in west Kunlun Mountains,and propose that the enclave is accumulated by fractional crystallization within high-level magma chamber.In addition,the chemical compostions of its primary magma are calculated.The calculated compositions are similar to those of the Kangxiwa volcanic rocks that belong to the same volcanic belt in the Pulu volcanic region,suggesting their origin from the same source region.However,the temperatures and oxygen fugacity of magmas at high-level magma chamber decreased along with fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Field geological investigation and geochemical analysis are carried out on Baya’ertuhushuo Gabbro in South Great Xing’an Range. Field investigation reveals that the gabbro is a magmatic intrusion rather than a component of an ophiolite suite as previously thought. Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb dating indicates the gabbro was formed in 274–275?Ma, just as the widespread volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation (P1d), monzogranites and miarolitic alkali-feldspar granites in the study area. The gabbro has SiO2 content between 47.23 wt% and 50.17 wt%, high MgO and FeOT contents of 6.95–11.29 wt% and 7.32–12.24wt%, respectively, and it belongs to low-K tholeiitic series in the SiO2-K2O diagram. The Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams of the gabbro are similar to those of Normal Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (N-MORB) except for the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Rb, Ba and K. In trace element tectonic discriminative diagrams, the samples are mainly plotted in the N-MORB field, and Zircon in?situ Lu-Hf isotopic analysis also indicates the gabbro originated from depleted mantle. Through synthetic studies of the geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Baya’ertuhushuo gabbro, volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation and granitoids in the area, it is suggested that the early Permian magmatism in the Xilinhot-Xiwuqi area formed in the tectonic setting of asthenosphere upwelling, which was caused by breaking-off of the subducted Paleo-Asian Ocean slab.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of the Chagande’ersi molybdenum deposit in Inner Mongolia and its genesis were analyzed in this study using rock mineralography and rock geochemical testing. The mineralized country rocks of the Chagande’ersi molybdenum deposit consist mainly of medium-to fine-grained monzogranite,medium-to fine-grained rich-K granite,with minor fine-grained K-feldspar granite veins and quartz veins.The rocks are characterized by high silica,rich alkali,high potassium,which are favorable factors for molybdenum mineralization.The rocks have the Rittmann index ranging from 1.329 to 1.961,an average Na2O+K2O value of 7.41,and Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)>1,suggesting that the rocks belong to the high-K calc-alkaline peraluminous granite.The typical rock samples are enriched in Rb,Th,K and light rare earth elements,depleted in Sr,Ba,Nb,P and Ti, and these features are similar to that of the melt granite resulting from collision of plate margins.TheδEu of the rocks falls the zone between the crust granite and crust-mantle granite,and are close to that of the crust granite;(La/Lu)N indicates the formation environment of granite is a continental margin setting.The Nb/Ta ratios are close to that of the average crust(10);the Zr/Hf ratios of monzogranite are partly below the mean mantle(34-60),while the Zr/Hf ratio of K-feldspar granite are close to the mean value in the crust.Comprehensive analyses show that the granite in this area formed during the transition period between tectonic collision and post-collision.During the plate collision and orogeny,the crust and mantle material were mixed physically,remelting into lava and then crystal fractionation,finally gave rise to the formation of the rock body in this area.This has close spatial and temporal relation with the molybdenum mineralization.  相似文献   

Just like in sedimentary stratigraphy, the volcanostratigraphic boundary is an important factor for constructing volcanostratigraphic framework. The fundamental factor of volcanostratigraphic boundaries is to classify the types and define their characteristics. Based on field investigation and cross-wells section analysis of Mesozoic volcanostratigraphy in NE China, 5 types of volcanostratigraphic boundaries have been recognized, namely eruptive conformity boundary(ECB), eruptive unconformity boundary(EUB), eruptive interval unconformity boundary(EIUB), tectonic unconformity boundary(TUB) and intrusive contacts boundary(ICB). Except ICB, the unconformity boundaries can be divided into angular unconformity and paraconformity. The time spans and signs of these boundaries are analyzed by using age data of some volcanic fields that have been published. The time spans of ECB and EUB are from several minutes to years. In lava flows, cooling crust is distributed above and below ECB and EUB; in pyroclastic flows, airfalls and lahars, a fine layer below these boundaries has no discernable erosion at every part of the boundary. EUB may be curved or cross curved and jagged. The scale of ECB/EUB is dependent on the scale of lava flow or pyroclastic flows. The time span of EIUB is from decades to thousands of years. There is also weathered crust under EIUB and sedimentary rock beds overlie EIUB. In most instances, weathered crust and thin sedimentary beds are associated with each other laterally. The boundary is a smooth curved plane. The scale of EIUB is dependent on the scale of the volcano or volcano groups. The characteristics of TUB are similar to EIUB’s. The time interval of TUB is from tens of thousands to millions of years. The scale of TUB depends on the scale of the basin or volcanic field. Both the lab data and logging data of wells in the Songliao Basin reveal that the porosity is greatly related to the boundaries in the lava flows. There is a high-porosity belt below ECB, EUB or EIUB, and the porosity decreases when it is apart from the boundary. The high-porosity belt below ECB and EUB is mainly contributed by primary porosity, such as vesicles. The high-porosity belt below EIUB is mainly contributed by primary and secondary porosity, such as association of vesicles and spongy pores, so the area near the boundary in lava flows is a very important target for reservoirs.  相似文献   

The thermal characteristic of cristobalite plays an important role in the application of casting industry. Because the phase transition of silica glass and cristobalite has low volume change, the block cristobalite had been manufactured by calcining fused silica ceramic, the XRD, SEM and thermal characteristics of the cristobalite had been tested. The result shows the formation of porous structure in the block cristobalite, and thermal expansion rate of the phase transition of β/αcristobalite reaches 1.5% at the temperature range of 250-290 ℃.  相似文献   

Presented in this paper are Sm-Nd isotope and major, trace and rare-earth element analyses of bimodal volcanic rocks of the Shilu Group and other stratigraphic units in northwestern Hainan Is-land ,South China. It is shown that there are some N-MORB-type basalts(spilites) in the western part of the bimodal volcanic belt, in addition to some E-MORB-type and initial rift-type tholeiites (IRT) in th emiddle and eastern parts.Sm-Nd model ages of these basalts range from 545 Ma to 460Ma .The other extremes of the bimodal volcanics are porphyritic quartz rhyolites, which are characteristic of crustal material source.Sm-Nd model ages of the rhyolites range from 1562 Ma to 1371 Ma .The bimodal volcanic rocks are almost distributed in fifts or faulted depressions,as well as in the Upper Paleozoic rift of Hainan Island.Tholeiites of the Shilu Group can be compared with Cenozoic basalts in the middle and south-ern parts of the Red Sea Rift Belt in petrology, elemental geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope geology. Shilu iron ores are closely associated with N-MORB-type basalts located in the western bimodal vol-canic belt.It is very interesting to note that the Shilu Fe-Co-Cu deposit can also be compared with Atlantis II Deep in the Red Sea Rift Belt.Therefore ,the present authors believe that the Shilu depos-it is a kind of hydrothermal deposit related to ocean volcanic belt ,where the geotectonic setting be-longs to initial extensional rifts in the oceanic crust.On the other hand, the largest Fe-Co-Cu ore de-posit in China used to be influenced by Hercynian granites after mineralization ,as is clearly observed on both εNd(T)-1/Nd and εNd(T)-^147Sm/^144Nd diagrams.  相似文献   

A large amount of igneous rocks in NE China formed in an extensional setting during Late Mesozoic. However, there is still controversy about how the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean and the Paleo-Pacific Ocean effected the lithosphere in NE China. In this paper, we carried out a comprehensive study for andesites from the Keyihe area using LA-ICP-MS zircon UPb dating and geochemical and Hf isotopic analysis to investigate the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of these andesites. The U-Pb dating yields an Early Cretaceous crystallization age of 128.3±0.4 Ma. Geochemically, the andesites contain high Sr(686–930 ppm) and HREE contents, low Y(11.9–19.8 ppm) and Yb(1.08–1.52 ppm) contents, and they therefore have high Sr/Y(42–63) and La/Yb(24–36) ratios, showing the characteristics of adakitic rocks. Moreover, they exhibit high K_2O/Na_2O ratios(0.57–0.81), low Mg O contents(0.77–3.06 wt%), low Mg# value(17–49) and negative εHf(t) values(-1.7 to-8.5) with no negative Eu anomalies, indicating that they are not related to the oceanic plate subduction. Based on the geochemical and isotopic data provided in this paper and regional geological data, it can be concluded that the Keyihe adakitic rocks were affected by the Mongol-Okhotsk tectonic regime, forming in a transition setting from crustal thickening to regional extension thinning. They were derived from the partial melting of the thickened lower crust. The closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean may finish in early Early Cretaceous, followed by the collisional orogenic process. The southern part region of its suture belt was in a post-orogenic extensional setting in the late Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The development of Early Cretaceous mafic dikes in northern and southern Jiangxi allows an understanding of the geodynamic setting and characteristics of the mantle in southeast China in the Cretaceous. Geological and geochemical characteristics for the mafic dikes from the Wushan copper deposit and No. 640 uranium deposit are given in order to constrain the nature of source mantle, genesis and tectonic implications. According to the mineral composition,the mafic dikes in northern Jiangxi can be divided into spessartite and olive odinite types, which belong to slightly potassium-rich calc-alkaline lamprophyre characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), large depletion in high strength field elements (HSFE) and with negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies, as well as 87Sr/86Sr ratios varying from 0.7055 to 0.7095 and 143Nd/r44Nd ratios varying from 0.5119 to 0.5122.All features indicate that the magma responsible for the mafic dikes was derived mainly from metasomatic lithosphere mantle related to dehydration and/or upper crust melting during subduction. Differences in geochemical characteristics between the mafic dikes in northern Jiangxi and the Dajishan area, southern Jiangxi were also studied and they are attributed to differences in regional lithospheric mantle components and/or magma emplacement depth. Combining geological and geochemical characteristics with regional geological history, we argue that southeast China was dominated by an extensional tectonic setting in the Early Cretaceous, and the nature of the mantle source area was related to enrichment induced by asthenosphere upwelling and infiltration of upper crust-derived fluids responding to Pacific Plate subduction.  相似文献   

Extensive volcanism is one of the important features of Cenozoic geology in China.Based on temporal-spatial distribution,the volcanism was associated with three major different geological settings:1)the continental rift basalts in Northeast and North China;2)the tension-fault basalts on the continental margins of Southeast China; and 3) the collision-zone high-K volcanics in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its vicinities.The characteristics of “depletion in the south and enrichment in the north“of the China continental mantle are strongly supported by isotopic evidence.The Cenozoic continental cal characters,into the following geochemical provinces:1)the depleted mantle in South China;2)the primary mantle in Northeast and NorthChina; 3)the hybrid and transi-tional mantle in the region of Shandong ,Anhui,Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang;4)the depleted mantle around the Bohai Bay and the Lower Liaohe River;5)the K-metasomatic enriched mantle in the northern part of Northeast China;and 6)the re-cycled enriched mantle in the ancient subduction zone in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its surround-ings.These geochemical characteristics on a regional scale must be a reflection of the nature of lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

Located in Alxa Zuoqi (Left Banner) of Inner Mongolia, China, the Zhulazhaga gold deposit is the first largescale gold deposit that was found in the middle-upper Proterozoic strata along the north margin of the North China craton in recent years. It was discovered by the No. l Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration Party of Inner Mongolia as a result of prospecting a geochemical anomaly. By now, over 50 tonnes of gold has been defined, with an average Au grade of 4 g/t. The ore bodies occur in the first lithological unit of the Mesoproterozoic Zhulazhagamaodao Formation (MZF), which is composed mainly of epimetamorphic sandstone and siltstone and partly of volcanic rocks. With high concentration of gold,the first lithological unit of the MZF became the source bed for the late-stage ore formation. Controlled by the interstratal fracture zones, the ore bodies mostly appear along the bedding with occurrence similar to that of the strata. The primitiveore types are predominantly the altered rock type with minor ore belonging to the quartz veins type. There are also some oxidized ore near the surface. The metallic minerals are composed mainly of pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite with minor chalcopyrite, galena and limonite. Most gold minerals appear as native gold and electrum. Hydrothermal alterations associated with the ore formation are actinolitization, silicatization, sulfidation and carbonation. A total of 100 two-phase H2O-rich and 7 three-phase daughter crystal-beating inclusions were measured in seven goldbearing quartz samples from the Zhulazhaga gold deposit. The homogenization temperatures of the two-phase H2O-rich inclusions range from 155 to 401℃, with an average temperature of 284℃ and bimodal distributions from 240 to 260℃ and 300 to 320℃ respectively. The salinities of the two-phase H2O-rich inclusions vary from 9.22wt% to 24.30wt% NaCl eqniv, with a mode between 23 wt% and 24wt% NaC1 equiv. Comparatively, the homogenization temperatures of the threephase daughter crystal-beating inclusions vary from 210 to 435℃ and the salinities from 29.13wt% to 32.62wt% NaCl equiv. It indicates that the ore-forming fluid is meso-hypothermal and characterized by high salinity, which is apparently different from the metamorphic origin with low salinity. It suggests a magmatic origin of the gold-bearing fluid. The δ^18O values of quartz from auriferous veins range from 11.9 to 16.3 per mil, and the calculated δ^18OH2O values in equilibrium with quartz vary from 1.06 to 9.60 per mil, which fall between the values of meteoric water and magmatic water. It reflects that the ore-forming fluid may be the product of mixing of meteoric water and magmatic water.Based on geological and geochemical studies of the Zhulazhaga gold deposit, it is supposed that the volcanism in the Mesoproterozoic might make gold pre-concentrate in the strata. The extensive and intensive Hercynian tectono-magmatic activity not only brought along a large number of ore-forming materials, but also made the gold from the strata rework. It can be concluded that the ore bodies were mainly formed in late hydrothermal reworking stage. Compared with typical gold deposits associated with epimetamorphic clastic rocks, the Zhulazhaga deposit has similar features in occurrence of ore bodies, ore-controlling structure, wall-rock alterations and mineral assemblages. Therefore, the Zhulazhaga gold deposit belongs to the epimetamorphic clastic rock type.  相似文献   

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