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印度-欧亚大陆碰撞作用形成了以西藏-喜马拉雅造山带为主体的正向碰撞带和以"三江"造山带为主体的斜向碰撞带,二者之间的现代分界线为喜马拉雅东构造结.剑川盆地是目前已确定的、位于斜向碰撞带最南端的始新世盆地.通过对盆地西缘4条剖面的详细沉积学研究,发现盆地充填过程分为2个阶段.钾质-超钾质火山活动(37~34 Ma)之前的...  相似文献   

川西前陆盆地上三叠统沉积特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用层序地层学方法将川西前陆盆地上三叠统划分为4个三级层序和12个体系域。在层序格架内,研究了不同时期的古地理背景、物源、沉积类型和沉积相展布,明确了上三叠统存在龙门山古陆、米仓山-大巴山古陆、康滇古陆、江南古陆4个物源,识别出上三叠统海湾、冲积扇、曲流河、辫状河、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲和湖泊8种沉积相类型。层序Ⅰ沉积时期,盆地处于海陆交互相向陆相转变的时期,整体具有填平补齐的沉积特征,发育海湾等沉积;层序Ⅱ沉积时期,川西前陆盆地成为统一的内陆湖盆,其湖侵期为须家河期最大的湖侵期,主要发育三角洲沉积和湖相沉积;层序Ⅲ沉积时期,米仓山-大巴山古陆提供充足的物源,在米仓山-大巴山两逆冲推覆带前缘广泛发育大型冲积扇、辫状河、辫状河三角洲沉积体系;层序Ⅳ沉积时期,主要受江南古陆的影响,发育三角洲沉积和湖泊沉积。整体上,川西前陆盆地沉积相带的展布格局受构造控制,具有平行构造带展布的特点。盆地西北部陡坡带发育粗粒的冲积扇、扇三角洲-湖底扇,西南部陡坡带发育辫状河三角洲、北部-东北部陡坡带发育辫状河三角洲,而在东南部缓坡带则发育远源的曲流河、曲流河三角洲。  相似文献   

兰坪盆地西缘发育一系列脉状铜矿床,科登涧铜矿床是其组成之一。该矿床矿体主要产出于上三叠统崔依比组(T3c)中基性火山岩内部的断层破碎带中。热液期成矿作用可大致划分为2个成矿阶段:主成矿阶段主要发育大量含铜硫化物石英脉,晚成矿阶段主要发育贫硫化物方解石脉。流体包裹体结果表明,主成矿期石英和成矿后期石英/方解石中均主要发育两相水溶液包裹体,含CO2包裹体极少出现。主成矿期石英脉中包裹体均一温度变化幅度较小,集中在180~240℃,盐度(Na Cleq,质量分数)集中在8%~14%。成矿流体主要表现出盆地热卤水的特征,这与兰坪盆地内其它Pb、Zn、Cu等贱金属矿床的成矿流体特征较为一致。成矿流体的δ18O值为3.5‰~5.5‰,δD值为-62‰~-38‰,介于岩浆水/变质水和大气降水之间。热液硫化物黄铜矿、黄铁矿、斑铜矿的δ34S值显示较低的负值(-20.8‰~-9.4‰),明显有别于赋矿围岩(安山岩)的δ34S值(11.1‰~11.6‰),推测该矿床成矿所需还原硫主要来自于地层硫酸盐。综合分析认为,该矿床成矿物质主要来源于地层,成矿流体主要为源于大气降水或建造水的盆地热卤水。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地二叠纪盆地属性的再认识及其构造意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
准噶尔盆地及其邻区野外剖面、钻井剖面的系统对比和地震剖面的精细解释表明,二叠系沉积演化、断裂控制沉积、箕状断-超反射特征及大地构造背景均显示,二叠纪准噶尔盆地是形成于张性背景下的断陷-裂陷盆地。准噶尔盆地及邻区火山岩地化特征、年代学数据及区域构造研究成果也证明,二叠纪是张性的大地构造背景。早二叠世—中二叠世早期以发育冲积扇沉积为特征,各构造部位的沉积环境差异较大,强烈断陷并逐渐形成坳隆相间的沉积格局,为断陷盆地的裂陷期;中二叠统中晚期由早二叠世隆坳分割的局面逐渐转化为统一的大型内陆湖盆,吐哈盆地与准噶尔盆地水体相通,形成统一的沉积体系,为断陷盆地扩张期;晚二叠世时期以出现冲积-河流相红色粗碎屑沉积为特征,准噶尔盆地和吐哈盆地分割自成沉积体系,是断陷盆地的萎缩期。因此,中生代盆地演化是建立在二叠纪张性背景的基础之上,二叠纪断陷-裂陷盆地的提出对重新认识中生代盆地演化历程将具有重要启示意义,也将对今后的油气勘探具有重要指导意义,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

The Upper Permian Bijori Formation of the Satpura Gondwana basin comprising fineto coarse-grained sandstone, carbonaceous shale/mudstone and thin coal bands was previously interpreted as the deposits of meandering rivers. The present study documents abundance of wave ripples, hummocky and swaley cross-stratification and combined flow bedforms in the Bijori Formation, suggesting that a significant part of the formation was deposited in a wave-agitated environment. Evidence of near-emergent depositional conditions provided by repeated occurrence of rootlet beds and hydromorphic paleosols, local flooding surfaces denoting rapid fluctuation of water level, occurrences of temnospondyl vertebrate fossils, and absence of tidal signatures and marine fossils suggest a lacustrine rather than marine depositional regime. Five facies associations recognised within the Bijori Formation are inferred to represent fluvial channels and associated floodplains (FA1), lake shorelines (FA2), subaqueous distributary channels and associated levees (FA3), waveand storm-affected delta front (FA4), and open lacustrine/lower shoreface (FA5) deposits. The planoconcave fluvial channel-fill sandbodies with unidirectional cross-beds are clearly distinguishable from the delta front bars that show a convexo-plan or bi-convex sandbody geometry and dominance of wave and combined flow bedforms. Some of the distributary channels record interaction of fluvial and wave-dominated basinal processes. Major distributary sandbodies show a north to northwest flow direction while wave-affected delta front sandbodies show very complex flow patterns reflecting interaction between fluvial discharge and wave processes. Wave ripple crest trends show that the lake shoreline had an overall east-northeast to west-southwest orientation. The lack of documented contemporaneous lacustrine or marine sediments in the Satpura Gondwana basin posed a major problem of basin-scale palaeogeographic reconstruction. The existence of Bijori lake solves the problem and the lake is inferred to have acted as repository for the contemporaneous alluvial drainage. Development of the large Bijori lake body implies generation of accommodation space exceeding the rate of sediment supplied and thus represents locus of high tectonic subsidence. Transition of fluvial sediments with red mudstone and calcareous soil profile in the lower part of the succession to carbonaceous shale and coal-bearing lacustrine sediments in the upper part, denote a change from a warm semi-arid climate with seasonal rainfall to a more humid one.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部南北向构造的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔里木盆地是介于青藏高原和天山造山带之间的一个刚性块体,前人在盆地内部相继发现了平行于周边造山带的构造和近东西向构造,并且对这些构造的特征、形成和演化进行了深入研究,但在塔里木盆地始终没有发现南北向构造。本次在塔里木盆地西部发现的南北向构造为断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱,主要形成于晚二叠世,反映了塔里木盆地在晚二叠世曾经受到来自西部的挤压作用。在印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的远距离效应影响下,吐木休克断裂带附近的南北向构造自古近纪以来又重新活动。  相似文献   

The October 2005 series of earthquakes that occurred in the Gulf of Siğaçik (western Turkey) reveal the operation of pure strike-slip faults, as evidenced from the 49 focal mechanisms we determined, in a region dominated by N–S extension and bounded by well-documented graben structures. The sequence is characterized by the occurrence of three moderate size events (17 October 2005, 05:45 UTC, Mw 5.4; 17 October 2005, 09:46 UTC, Mw 5.8; and 20 October 2005, 21:40 UTC, Mw 5.8) with an eastward propagation and close spatial separation (< 6 km). We relocated over 200 aftershocks, combining phases from the Greek and Turkish seismological networks, which align roughly in a NE–SW cloud, but considerably spread after the first day of the sequence, indicating the simultaneous activation of multiple structures nearly orthogonal to the main rupture. It is hard to relate the occurrence of the events to any of the previously mapped faults in the region. The region of occurrence is a well-known geothermal area which implies that it is in a very unstable state, with the fault systems close to rupture and very sensitive to stress perturbations. Here we showed that the sequence is adequately explained by static stress triggering. It is worth noting that this sequence, though moderate in magnitudes, provides stronger evidence for the operation of sub-parallel strike-slip faults in the central Aegean Sea–western Turkey, north of the volcanic arc, which seem to be optimally oriented in the regional stress field and facilitate the Anatolia motion into the Aegean Sea.  相似文献   

The Mihalıççık region (Eskişehir) in NW Turkey includes an ophiolitic assemblage with a serpentinite‐matrix mélange. The serpentinites of this mélange host silica‐carbonate metasomatites which were previously named as listvenites. Our mineralogical and geochemical studies revealed that these alteration assemblages represent members of the listvenitic series, mainly the carbonate rocks, silica‐carbonate rocks and birbirites, rather than true listvenites (sensu stricto). Tectonic activity and lithology are principal factors that control the formation of these assemblages. Carbonatization and silicification of the serpentinite host‐rock is generated by CO2, SiO2‐rich H2O hydrothermal fluid which includes As, Ba, Sb and Sr. Low precious metal (Au, Ag) contents of the alteration assemblages indicate lack of these metals in the fluid. Primary assemblages of the alteration are carbonate rocks that are followed by silica‐carbonate rocks and birbirites, respectively. Petrographic studies and chemical analyses suggested an alkaline and moderate to high temperature (350–400°C) fluid with low oxygen and sulphur fugacity for the carbonatization of the serpentinites. The low temperature phases observed in the subsequent silicification indicated that the fluid cooled during progressive alteration. The increasing Fe‐oxide content and sulphur phases also suggested increasing oxygen and sulphur fugacity during this secondary process and silica‐carbonate rock formation. The occurrence of birbirites is considered as a result of reactivation of tectonic features. These rocks are classified in two sub‐groups; the Group 1 birbirites show analogous rare earth element (REE) trends with the serpentinite host‐rock, and the Group 2 birbirites simulate the REE trends of the nearby tectonic granitoid slices. The unorthodox REE trend of Group 2 birbirites is interpreted to have resulted from a mobilization process triggered by the weathering solutions rather than being products of enrichment by the higher temperature hydrothermal activity. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

可可西里西段羊湖盆地沉积、构造特征及其动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对可可西里西段新生代盆地缺乏了解是导致该区新生代地质演化存在争议的重要原因.本文以沉积学和构造变形分析为主要手段,对可可西里西段羊湖盆地时代、充填序列、物源区和变形特征进行了分析,结果表明,羊湖盆地新生界沉积厚度大于1302m,主要由下部雅西错组冲积扇相碎屑岩和上部五道梁群湖泊相碳酸盐岩组成,其岩石组合和充填序列与可可西里东段具有一致性,同时古流向和碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学分析显示盆地物源来南部的羌塘地块,盆地形成演化受南部褶皱冲断带制约,盆地构造变形强烈,沿褶皱冲断带和羊湖盆地地壳分别发生51%和41%的缩短.沉积充填结构和变形特征表明,羊湖盆地与东段可可西里盆地具有相同的演化历史和性质,预示青藏高原中部在渐新世-中新世在存在一个大的、统一的可可西里盆地.  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes can provide important information about the underlying strata, hydrocarbon accumulation, and recent neotectonic movements in an area. The fluids erupting from mud volcanoes provide important information about their formation and evolution. The ion concentration and the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the fluids that were erupted from the three mud volcano groups, Baiyanggou, Aiqigou, and Dushanzi, and nearby rivers in the southern margin of the Junggar basin, northwestern China, are studied. The concentrations of Na and Cl in mud volcano fluids are clearly elevated, displayed as the Na-Cl type. The δD and δ18O values of the fluids are similar between the Baiyanggou and Dushanzi mud volcanoes, which are mainly from ancient sedimentary pore water. However, the Aiqigou mud volcano is depleted in dissolved Cl and shows lower δ18O values with mixed sources, including deep pore and local meteoric water. Two types of mud volcanoes are proposed in this study. One type is low-energy mud volcanoes with a low volume of fluid of deep origin on the hillcrest, which display as mud pool/pie/hole. The other type is high-energy mud volcanoes having mixed fluid origin in the valley and formed in the shape of a mud cone (dome).  相似文献   

The definition and inventory of the upper units of the Antalya Nappes or “Calcareous Antalya Nappes” (CAN) are still a matter of controversies and often conflicting interpretations. In the Gedeller type locality, we logged a new succession that sheds light on the detailed stratigraphy of the Upper Antalya Nappes. The lower part of the series corresponds to the uppermost part of the Kemer Gorge Nappe and is overthrust by the Ordovician Seydişehir Formation of the Tahtalı Dağ Nappe. The newly described Gedeller Formation belongs to the Kemer Gorge Nappe and is represented by Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Scaglia-type pelagic limestones, which yielded radiolarians of the Amphipyndax pseudoconulus Zone. It is demonstrated that the “Calcareous Antalya Nappes” are composed of three different nappes, the Kemer Gorge, Bakırlı and the Tahtalı Dağ nappes, all of them belonging to the Upper Antalya Nappes system.  相似文献   

运用多孔介质渗流理论和构造应力场驱动油气运移的流固耦合分析方法对柴达木盆地西部的构造应力场及流体运移势进行了数值模拟,揭示盆地西部油气运聚的规律是:①区域主要构造格架或构造体系控制了构造压力低值区的展布,二级构造压力低值区的边界为近南北和北北东向;②由浅层向深层,构造压力低值区的范围有逐渐扩大的趋势;③盆地西南部油区棋盘格式构造的结点为构造压力低值区;④不同构造层油气流矢量聚集区往往都是构造压力的低值区和油气聚集的有利部位。  相似文献   

运用多孔介质渗流理论和构造应力场驱动油气运移的流固耦合分析方法对柴达木盆地西部的构造应力场及流体运移势进行了数值模拟,揭示盆地西部油气运聚的规律是:①区域主要构造格架或构造体系控制了构造压力低值区的展布,二级构造压力低值区的边界为近南北和北北东向;②由浅层向深层,构造压力低值区的范围有逐渐扩大的趋势;③盆地西南部油区棋盘格式构造的结点为构造压力低值区;④不同构造层油气流矢量聚集区往往都是构造压力的低值区和油气聚集的有利部位.  相似文献   

Post‐collisional granitoid plutons intrude obducted Neo‐Tethyan ophiolitic rocks in central and eastern Central Anatolia. The Bizmişen and Çaltı plutons and the ophiolitic rocks that they intrude are overlain by fossiliferous and flyschoidal sedimentary rocks of the early Miocene Kemah Formation. These sedimentary rocks were deposited in basins that developed at the same time as tectonic unroofing of the plutons along E–W and NW–SE trending faults in Oligo‐Miocene time. Mineral separates from the Bizmişen and Çaltı plutons yield K‐Ar ages ranging from 42 to 46 Ma, and from 40 to 49 Ma, respectively. Major, trace, and rare‐earth element geochemistry as well as mineralogical and textural evidence reveals that the Bizmişen pluton crystallized first, followed at shallower depth by the Çaltı pluton from a medium‐K calcalkaline, I‐type hybrid magma which was generated by magma mixing of coeval mafic and felsic magmas. Delta 18O values of both plutons fall in the field of I‐type granitoids, although those of the Çaltı pluton are consistently higher than those of the Bizmişen pluton. This is in agreement with field observations, petrographic and whole‐rock geochemical data, which indicate that the Bizmişen pluton represents relatively uncontaminated mantle material, whereas the Çaltı pluton has a significant crustal component. Structural data indicating the middle Eocene emplacement age and intrusion into already obducted ophiolitic rocks, suggest a post‐collisional extensional origin. However, the pure geochemical discrimination diagrams indicate an arc origin which can be inherited either from the source material or from an upper mantle material modified by an early subduction process during the evolution of the Neo‐Tethyan ocean. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部坳陷的英雄岭地区古近系下干柴沟组上段(E23)页岩油获勘探重大突破。下干柴沟组上段沉积时期属于典型的咸化湖盆,通过岩芯观察和X射线衍射全岩、地球化学、储层物性分析,发现在此环境下形成的页岩及页岩油具有明显的特性:① 页岩以碳酸盐岩矿物为主,岩性以纹层状云灰岩和层状灰云岩为主;② 烃源岩具有低TOC、高转化率的特点,游离烃含量高,具有明显的石油“超越效应”,而且页岩的含油性和生烃潜量与碳酸盐矿物含量呈正相关性;③ 储层表现为特低孔、特低渗的特点,黏土矿物类型以伊利石和伊蒙混层为主,有利于页岩油的稳产和高产;④ 地层压力系数高,能量充足,原油轻质组分多、气油比高。柴西坳陷E23页岩层系厚度大、面积广,为了评价其资源潜力,将柴西坳陷划分为小梁山、英雄岭、扎哈泉和茫崖4个凹陷,首先应用成因法计算资源量,然后用体积法、容积法和类比法验证其结果的可靠性,最终用德尔菲法确定页岩油总的资源量为69×108 t。本文研究成果具有重要的意义:① 明确了咸化湖盆页岩油独特的地质特征,指出富油层系的岩性组合;② 提出了计算吸附烃的计算公式,提供了一套切实可行的页岩油资源量的评估方法;③ 资源量的落实证实了柴西坳陷具有可观的页岩油资源潜力,坚定了勘探信心;④ 多因素综合划定的I类有利区带面积为2460 km2,指出了下一步勘探的现实领域。  相似文献   

西南"三江"复合造山成矿带中段的兰坪盆地东、西缘均出露大片火山岩,但仅在西缘发育脉状铜矿床,并构成一条近南北向长约150 km的铜矿带。大多数矿床产于火山岩内及其与紧邻地层接触部位的断层裂隙带中。目前尚未确定赋矿围岩的年代,制约了对成矿过程的认识。在对位于该矿带中北段的大宗脉状铜矿区的详细路线地质调查的基础上,分别对代表安山质火山喷发-沉积旋回第1、2韵律层的2件玻屑晶屑凝灰岩和含火山角砾凝灰岩样品进行了锆石U-Pb定年,以期揭示赋矿围岩的时代。结果表明,容矿火山岩出露厚度约1 904 m,可划分为3个喷发-沉积韵律;第1韵律层凝灰岩的岩浆锆石加权平均~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为247.2±4.4 Ma(n=21,MSWD=2.7),第2韵律层凝灰岩的岩浆锆石加权平均~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为243.8±6.4 Ma(n=9,MSWD=1.5),指示火山活动时代为244~247 Ma,属早中三叠世;区内强劈理化的砂泥岩夹灰岩位于火山岩之下,应属于晚二叠世地层。结合前人资料分析,认为大宗铜矿区容矿沉积-火山岩组合形成于晚古生代—早中生代,是古特提斯阶段造山运动的产物。从容矿围岩看,大宗矿区内早中三叠世火山岩容矿脉状铜矿床只是兰坪盆地西缘铜矿带诸多脉状铜矿床的一种类型,没有明显的地层或岩性专属性,应属强构造变形带控矿的后生充填热液矿床。  相似文献   

The Chinese western Tianshan high-pressure/low-temperature (HP–LT) metamorphic belt, which extends for about 200 km along the South Central Tianshan suture zone, is composed of mainly metabasic blueschists, eclogites and greenschist facies rocks. The metabasic blueschists occur as small discrete blocks, lenses, bands, laminae or thick beds in meta-sedimentary greenschist facies country rocks. Eclogites are intercalated within blueschist layers as lenses, laminae, thick beds or large massive blocks (up to 2 km2 in plan view). Metabasic blueschists consist of mainly garnet, sodic amphibole, phengite, paragonite, clinozoisite, epidote, chlorite, albite, accessory titanite and ilmenite. Eclogites are predominantly composed of garnet, omphacite, sodic–calcic amphibole, clinozoisite, phengite, paragonite, quartz with accessory minerals such as rutile, titanite, ilmenite, calcite and apatite. Garnet in eclogite has a composition of 53–79 mol% almandine, 8.5–30 mol% grossular, 5–24 mol% pyrope and 0.6–13 mol% spessartine. Garnet in blueschists shows similar composition. Sodic amphiboles include glaucophane, ferro-glaucophane and crossite, whereas the sodic–calcic amphiboles mainly comprise barroisite and winchite. The jadeite content of omphacite varies from 35–54 mol%. Peak eclogite facies temperatures are estimated as 480–580 °C for a pressure range of 14–21 kbar. The conditions of pre-peak, epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism are estimated to be 350–450 °C and 8–12 kbar. All rock types have experienced a clockwise PT path through pre-peak lawsonite/epidote-blueschist to eclogite facies conditions. The retrograde part of the PT path is represented by the transition of epidote-blueschist to greenschist facies conditions. The PT path indicates that the high-pressure rocks formed in a B-type subduction zone along the northern margin of the Palaeozoic South Tianshan ocean between the Tarim and Yili-central Tianshan plates.  相似文献   

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