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The grain‐scale spatial arrangement of melt in layer‐parallel leucosomes in two anatectic rocks from two different contact aureoles located in central Maine, USA, is documented and used to constrain the controls on grain‐scale melt localization. The spatial distribution of grain‐scale melt is inferred from microstructural criteria for recognition of mineral pseudomorphs after melt and mineral grains of the solid matrix that hosted the melt. In both rocks, feldspar mimics the grain‐scale distribution of melt, and quartz is the major constituent of the solid matrix. The feldspar pockets consist of individual feldspar grains or aggregates of feldspar grains that show cuspate outlines. They have low average width/length ratios (0.54 and 0.55, respectively), and are interstitial between more rounded and equant (width/length ratios 0.65 for both samples) quartz grains. In two dimensions, the feldspar pockets extend over distances equivalent to multiple quartz grain diameters, possibly forming a connected three‐dimensional intergranular network. Both samples show similar mesoscopic structural elements and in both samples the feldspar pockets have a shape‐preferred orientation. In one sample, feldspar inferred to replace melt is aligned subparallel to the shape‐preferred orientation of quartz, indicating that pre‐ or syn‐anatectic strain controlled the grain‐scale distribution of melt. In the other sample, the preferred orientation of feldspar inferred to replace melt is different from the orientations of all other mesoscopic or microscopic structures in the rock, indicating that differential stress controlled grain‐scale melt localization. This is probably facilitated by conditions of higher differential stress, which may have promoted microfracturing. Grain‐scale melt distribution and inferred melt localization controls give insight into possible grain‐scale deformation mechanisms in melt‐bearing rocks. Application of these results to the interpretation of deep crustal anatectic rocks suggests that grain‐scale melt distribution should be controlled primarily by pre‐ or syn‐anatectic deformation. Feedback relations between melt localization and deformation are to be expected, with important implications for deformation and tectonic evolution of melt‐bearing rocks.  相似文献   

The Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit(northwest of Varzeghan, East-Azarbaidjan Province, NW Iran) is a product of the alteration of Eocene andesitic rocks. Based on mineralogical examinations, kaolinite, quartz, smectite, pyrophyllite, muscovite-illite, alunite, calcite, diaspore, goethite and hematite are the most abundant mineral phases in this deposit. The geochemical indicators, such as Y/Ho and Zr/Hf, indicate the non-CHARAC(non-Charge-radius control) behavior of these pairs, which are likely to be due to the occurrence of the tetrad effect phenomenon in this deposit. Simultaneous concave and convex shapes in the chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns are a remarkable feature of the kaolin samples. Bivariate diagrams of the size of the third tetrad effect(T_3) versus geochemical parameters such as Y/Ho, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios display two distinct populations for the kaolin samples. The first population is characterized by high T_3 values(>0.13), which are near or on the fault zone. The second population is characterized by low T_3 values(<0.13), and are farther from the fault zone. The obtained results from the geochemical data have furnished compelling evidence that fluidrock interaction, overprint of hypogene processes by supergene ones, and structural control, are key controlling factors for the occurrence of tetrad effects in REE distribution patterns in the Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit.  相似文献   

Under contact metamorphic conditions, carbonate rocks in the direct vicinity of the Adamello pluton reflect a temperature‐induced grain coarsening. Despite this large‐scale trend, a considerable grain size scatter occurs on the outcrop‐scale indicating local influence of second‐order effects such as thermal perturbations, fluid flow and second‐phase particles. Second‐phase particles, whose sizes range from nano‐ to the micron‐scale, induce the most pronounced data scatter resulting in grain sizes too small by up to a factor of 10, compared with theoretical grain growth in a pure system. Such values are restricted to relatively impure samples consisting of up to 10 vol.% micron‐scale second‐phase particles, or to samples containing a large number of nano‐scale particles. The obtained data set suggests that the second phases induce a temperature‐controlled reduction on calcite grain growth. The mean calcite grain size can therefore be expressed in the form D = C2 eQ*/RT(dp/fp)m*, where C2 is a constant, Q* is an activation energy, T the temperature and m* the exponent of the ratio dp/fp, i.e. of the average size of the second phases divided by their volume fraction. However, more data are needed to obtain reliable values for C2 and Q*. Besides variations in the average grain size, the presence of second‐phase particles generates crystal size distribution (CSD) shapes characterized by lognormal distributions, which differ from the Gaussian‐type distributions of the pure samples. In contrast, fluid‐enhanced grain growth does not change the shape of the CSDs, but due to enhanced transport properties, the average grain sizes increase by a factor of 2 and the variance of the distribution increases. Stable δ18O and δ13C isotope ratios in fluid‐affected zones only deviate slightly from the host rock values, suggesting low fluid/rock ratios. Grain growth modelling indicates that the fluid‐induced grain size variations can develop within several ka. As inferred from a combination of thermal and grain growth modelling, dykes with widths of up to 1 m have only a restricted influence on grain size deviations smaller than a factor of 1.1. To summarize, considerable grain size variations of up to one order of magnitude can locally result from second‐order effects. Such effects require special attention when comparing experimentally derived grain growth kinetics with field studies.  相似文献   




Garnet–biotite–(sillimanite) gneiss (~700 °C, 7 kbar) of the Otter Lake area in the Western Grenville Province (Canadian Shield) occurs as granitic gneiss (group 4) that forms a large part of the Otter Complex, and as widely distributed, more heterogenous metasedimentary gneiss (group 2). In one sample of group 4 gneiss (Qtz25 Pl34 Kfs28 Bt10 Grt2.5 Sil1) the true diameter (determined by serial grinding) of subhedral garnet crystals ranges from 0.2 to 3.0 mm, with a mode at 1.0 mm. Nearest‐neighbour measurements in this sample, and in surfaces of nine additional samples (all <5% garnet) confirm that garnet crystals are distributed mainly at random; slight clustering was detected in two samples. In one sample of group 4 gneiss, microprobe analyses on sections through crystal centres (obtained by serial slicing), reveal that small crystals and margins to large crystals contain more Fe and Mn and less Mg than the broad central regions of large crystals. Based on these and previous results, together with theoretical considerations, a crystallization model is proposed, in which, (i) garnet was produced by the continuous reaction, Ms + Bt + Qtz → Grt + Kfs + H2O, (ii) nucleation occurred by the random selection of randomly distributed Ms–Bt–Qtz triple junctions, (iii) the rate of linear growth remained constant, and (iv) as temperature increased, the rate of nucleation first increased slowly, then remained nearly constant, and finally declined. Within‐population compositional homogenization was followed, on cooling, by local Fe–Mg–Mn exchange with biotite.  相似文献   

The Sorkhe‐Dizaj iron oxide–apatite deposit in the Cenozoic Alborz‐Azarbaijan magmatic belt, NW Iran, is hosted mainly by a Late Eocene to Oligocene quartz‐monzonitic body, and subordinately in the Eocene volcanic and volcanoclastic sequences. The Sorkhe‐Dizaj intrusive body is an I‐type granitoid of the calc‐alkaline series. Mineralization is associated with actinolization, K‐feldspar, sericitic, propylitic, and tourmaline alteration types. The orebodies are massive, banded, stockwork, and breccia in shape and occur mainly along the fault zones within the quartz‐monzonitic intrusion, volcanic, and volcanoclastic rocks. Ore minerals dominantly comprise magnetite, apatite, and monazite, as well as minor amounts of chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite. Four major paragenetic stages are discriminated in the mineralization including early, oxide, sulfide, and late stage. The Sorkhe‐Dizaj deposit is similar in the aspects of host rock lithology, alteration, and mineralogy to the Kiruna‐type deposits associated with minor Cu sulfide minerals. Spatial and temporal association of the mineralization with the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene quartz‐monzonite intrusive body suggests that the ore fluid was probably related to magmatic activity.  相似文献   

Dendritic crystal morphologies occur in a number of igneousrocks and are thought to originate from the rapid growth ofcrystals, yet many examples of dendritic morphologies are foundin plutonic igneous rocks where cooling rates should be low.Results from crystal size distribution (CSD) measurements onharrisitic olivines from Rum, Scotland, combined with estimatedolivine growth rates, suggest that the characteristic skeletalhopper and branching olivines of harrisitic cumulates that areup to centimetres long, may have exceptionally short crystalgrowth times (several hours to several hundreds of days). This,together with very low calculated nucleation densities for harrisiticolivine, supports the interpretation of harrisite being a disequilibriumtexture, developed in response to supersaturation of the magmain olivine. We propose that this supersaturation arose throughundercooling of thin picrite sheets emplaced along the Rum magmachamber floor, beneath cooler resident magma. It is envisagedthat the picrite sheets were largely free of suspended olivinecrystals. Coupled with the olivine-enriched composition of themelt and the increasing cooling rate, this allowed homogeneousnucleation of olivine to set in at deeper undercooling and greaterolivine supersaturation than if there had been plentiful suspendedolivines to act as heterogeneous nuclei. The enhanced supersaturationcaused rapid growth of olivine once nucleation began, with skeletaland dendritic shapes. It is suggested that the observed, interlayeredsequences of harrisite and cumulus peridotite found throughoutthe Rum Layered Suite are a result of multiple episodes of harrisitecrystallization resulting from picrite emplacement that alternatedwith periods of crystal growth and accumulation in the mainbody of magma at lesser degrees of undercooling. KEY WORDS: crystal size distribution; harrisite; crystal growth rates; Rum Layered Suite  相似文献   

The truncated shifted Pareto (TSP) distribution, a variant of the two-parameter Pareto distribution, in which one parameter is added to shift the distribution right and left and the right-hand side is truncated, is used to model size distributions of oil and gas fields for resource assessment. Assumptions about limits to the left-hand and right-hand side reduce the number of parameters to two. The TSP distribution has advantages over the more customary lognormal distribution because it has a simple analytic expression, allowing exact computation of several statistics of interest, has a J-shape, and has more flexibility in the thickness of the right-hand tail. Oil field sizes from the Minnelusa play in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, are used as a case study. Probability plotting procedures allow easy visualization of the fit and help the assessment.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

A closed or semi-closed plateau lake, whose sediment records can provide us with plenty of fine and high resolution information, is a sensitive indicator of climatic and environmental changes. During the reconstruction of various short-time-scale climatic and environmental changes, the geochemical records in plateau-lake sediments are superior to other natural files. Based on fine dissection of the vertical profile of sediment particle sizes, this paper reveals the quasi-periodical changes of sediment particle sizes, which indicates the quasi-periodical fluctuations of the regional climate. A synthetic analysis of multiple indexes shows that sediment particle size is a more sensitive and more effective index of climatic and environmental changes than other geochemical indexes. High content of >20μm sediment particles and low content of 2–10μm sediment particles indicate a warm-dry climate and conversely a cold-humid climate, and their ratio can be used as an effective index of climatic changes. The basic climate succession in the region of Lake Erhai is characterized as being alternatively warm-dry and cold-humid and it has been developing into a warm-dry climate as a whole. There exist at least 2 time-scale quasi-periodical fluctuations of the regional climate in Lake Erhai. At present, the region of Lake Erhai is at the end of the warm-dry period and at the beginning of a cold-humid period, so the temperature will go down and the water level will rise. This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 49894170, 49773207).  相似文献   

The Tafresh granitoids are located at the central part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc(UDMA) in Iran. These rocks, mainly consisting of diorite and granodiorite, were emplaced during the Early Miocene. They are composed of varying proportions of plagioclase + K-feldspar + hornblende ± quartz ± biotite. Discrimination diagrams and chemical indices of amphibole phases reveal a calc-alkaline affinity and fall clearly in the crust-mantle mixed source field. The estimated pressure, derived from Al in amphibole barometry, is approximately 3 Kb. The granitoids are I-type, metaluminous and belong to the calc-alkaline series. They are all enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, depleted in high field strength elements and display geochemical features typical of subduction-related calc-alkaline arc magmas. Most crystal size distribution(CSD) line patterns from the granitoids show a non-straight trend which points to the effect of physical processes during petrogenesis.The presence of numerous mafic enclaves, sieve texture and oscillatory zoning along with the CSD results show that magma mixing in the magma chamber had an important role in the petrogenesis of Tafresh granitoids. Moreover, the CSD analysis suggests that the plagioclase crystals were crystallized in a time span of less than 1000 years, which is indicative of shallow depth magma crystallization.  相似文献   

This study considered the possibility of using visible and near infrared (VNIR) spectral absorption feature parameters (SAFPs) in predicting the concentration and mapping the distribution of heavy metals in sediments of the Takab area. In total, 60 sediment samples were collected along main streams draining from the mining districts and tailing sites, in order to measure the concentration of As, Co, V, Cu, Cr, Ni, Hg, Ti, Pb and Zn and the reflectance spectra (350–2500 nm). The quantitative relationship between SAFPs (Depth500nm, R610/500nm, R1344/778nm, Area500nm, Depth2200nm, Area2200nm, Asym2200nm) and geochemical data were assessed using stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and enter multiple linear regression (EMLR) methods. The results showed a strong negative correlation between Ni and Cr with Area2200nm, a significant positive correlation between As and Asym2200nm, Ni and Co with Depth2200nm, as well as Co, V and total values with Depth500nm. The EMLR method eventuated in a significant prediction result for Ni, Cr, Co and As concentrations based on spectral parameters, whereas the prediction for Zn, V and total value was relatively weak. The spatial distribution pattern of geochemical data showed that mining activities, along with the natural weathering of base metal occurrences and rock units, has caused high concentrations of heavy metals in sediments of the Sarough River tributaries.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the applicability of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) techniques for determining the porosity, pore size distribution and internal specific surface area in coals. The method is noninvasive, fast, inexpensive and does not require complex sample preparation. It uses coal grains of about 0.8 mm size mounted in standard pellets as used for petrographic studies.Assuming spherical pore geometry, the scattering data are converted into the pore size distribution in the size range 1 nm (10 Å) to 20 μm (200,000 Å) in diameter, accounting for both open and closed pores. FTIR as well as SAXS and SANS data for seven samples of oriented whole coals and corresponding pellets with vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values in the range 0.55% to 5.15% are presented and analyzed. Our results demonstrate that pellets adequately represent the average microstructure of coal samples.The scattering data have been used to calculate the maximum surface area available for methane adsorption. Total porosity as percentage of sample volume is calculated and compared with worldwide trends. By demonstrating the applicability of SAXS and SANS techniques to determine the porosity, pore size distribution and surface area in coals, we provide a new and efficient tool, which can be used for any type of coal sample, from a thin slice to a representative sample of a thick seam.  相似文献   

In the Upper Murray Valley, Victoria, Late Silurian, high‐Si igneous rocks, which are closely associated with alkalic, basaltic dykes, were emplaced at high crustal levels following the peak of the Benambran Orogeny, which deformed and metamorphosed the Wagga Zone in Late Ordovician‐Early Silurian times. These rocks, which are informally termed ‘the Upper Murray high‐Si magmatic suite’, include leucogranites, rhyolite dykes and flows, and ash‐flow tuffs characterised by the following features. They are transitional from mildly peraluminous to mildly metaluminous; they represent relatively anhydrous magmas, in which halides were important volatile constituents; they have high Si, total alkalies, Rb, Th, U, Nb, Sn and heavy rare earth elements; and they are relatively repleted in Mg, Ca, Sr, Eu, V, Cr and Ni. In these respects and in their post‐orogenic setting and close association with alkalic basalts, they resemble many post‐orogenic granitoids from elsewhere. Such granitoids appear to have formed as partial melts during crustal extension following major episodes of deformation and high‐Si magmatism. A residual granulitic crust, from which an earlier generation of granitoid magmas had been extracted, is argued to be the source rock‐type for these post‐orogenic magmas. Tectonic extension, affecting such a crust, was accompanied by deep fracturing and basaltic vol‐canism. Mantle‐derived, CO2‐ and halide‐rich fluids moved into the residual crust, causing widespread metasomatism, and emplacement of basaltic magma caused temperatures to rise until melting took place and a second group of magmas was produced. This model explains most aspects of the trace and major element chemistry of post‐orogenic, high‐Si igneous rocks and, for the Upper Murray high‐Si suite it also provides an explanation for variations in trace elements and isotopic characteristics. Other processes, such as crystal fractionation, magma mixing, thermogravi‐tational diffusion, and separation and loss of a volatile phase, provide explanations for variations within individual units of the suite, but they do not explain overall variations or the highly fractionated nature of the suite.  相似文献   

The present work attempts to describe the spatial distribution of heavy metals in the surficial sediments of the Xiamen Bay influencing by the characters of the sediments. In this paper, the distribution of trace metals, as well as the main properties (i.e. grain size, TOC, AVS) based on surface sediments collected at 40 stations across the Xiamen Bay was done. The relation of the sediment properties to heavy metal concentrations was evaluated with Pearson’s correlation analysis. According to the grain size distribution, cluster analysis is used to classify the sampling stations into groups regarding the depositional environment. Basing on the data, the hydrodynamic feature and the contamination of surface sediment by selected metals were discussed. The results show that the distribution of various types of sediments and the variations of their concentrations of heavy metals are controlled largely by the hydrodynamic conditions. As for the surface sediments, Xiamen West Harbour shows a serious situation with Arsenic, Pb and Zn.  相似文献   

Upper Callovian to Tithonian (late Jurassic) sediments represent an important hydrocarbon reservoir in the Kopet‐Dagh Basin, NE Iran. These deposits consist mainly of limestone, dolostone, and calcareous mudstone with subordinate siliciclastic interbeds. Detailed field surveys, lithofacies and facies analyses at three outcrop sections were used to investigate the depositional environments and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Jurassic interval in the central and western areas of the basin. Vertical and lateral facies changes, sedimentary fabrics and structures, and geometry of carbonate bodies resulted in recognition of various carbonate facies related to tidal flats, back‐barrier lagoon, shelf‐margin/shelf‐margin reef, slope and deep‐marine facies belts. These facies were accompanied by interbedded beach and deep marine siliciclastic petrofacies. Field surveys, facies analysis, parasequences stacking patterns, discontinuity surfaces, and geometries coupled with relative depth variation, led to the recognition of six third‐order depositional sequences. The depositional history of the study areas can be divided into two main phases. These indicate platform evolution from a rimmed‐shelf to a carbonate ramp during the late Callovian–Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian–Tithonian intervals, respectively. Significant lateral and vertical facies and thickness changes, and results obtained from regional correlation of the depositional sequences, can be attributed to the combined effect of antecedent topography and differential subsidence related to local tectonics. Moreover, sea‐level changes must be regarded as a major factor during the late Callovian–Tithonian interval. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

尽管镁铁质层状侵入体得到了广泛关注,与其相关的成岩和成矿过程仍然存在很多疑问。文中首次报道了在川西拉拉Fe-Cu矿区发现的一种含矿镁铁质岩席,它的深入研究可能有助于理解拉拉Fe-Cu矿床的成因,以及层状侵入体的组装过程与成矿作用。野外观察表明,该岩席共由9个岩相带组成,相邻岩相带为侵入接触关系,上半部分和下半部分的岩性呈镜像对应。对该岩席上半部分的5个岩相带分别进行了显微镜观察、粉晶X-射线衍射分析和CSD分析,表明相邻岩相带的矿物组成和结构参数具有明显区别,揭示该岩席由4、5次岩浆脉动组装而成。各岩相带均具有显微斑状结构,其中1~4岩相带的斑晶矿物主要为角闪石、云母和Ti-Fe氧化物,第5岩相带的斑晶为白云母、钾长石和石英。此外,第3岩相带还含有大颗粒单斜辉石斑晶,第4岩相带含有方解石大斑晶。含水矿物呈斑晶产出表明所有岩相带都是挥发分(H2O+CO2)饱和或过饱和岩浆固结的产物,但各岩相带的岩浆具有不同的来源。根据斑晶(循环晶)矿物组合、定量化结构参数和参数变异趋势,推测拉拉岩席之下曾经存在3~5个位于不同深部水平上的岩浆房。这些岩浆房有不同成分的进化岩浆充填,可能富集了相应的成矿金属。当深部含矿流体输入该岩浆系统时,有可能引起骨牌效应,导致各种含矿流体大规模释放。拉拉矿区的这类岩席可能对成矿物质起到了屏蔽作用,使其大规模聚集形成超大型矿床。需要注意的是,拉拉岩席的富矿岩相带侵位时间最晚,类似于攀枝花铁矿。因此,拉拉岩席的成岩成矿模式有可能也适应于攀枝花式铁矿。  相似文献   

Abstract TEM and XRD techniques were used to study crystal growth characteristics of the fabric-forming phyllosilicates which developed in response to low-grade metamorphism and tectonic imbrication in part of the Southern Uplands thrust terrane. Prograde regional metamorphism, ranging from late diagenesis through the anchizone to the epizone, was accompanied by the development of a slaty cleavage which is commonly bedding-parallel. TEM-measured mean thicknesses of white mica and chlorite crystallite populations increase with advancing grade and correlate with XRD-measured crystallinity indices. Analytical TEM data show that prograde changes in composition lead to a net loss of Si, Ca and minor Fe from the fabric-forming phyllosilicates. White micas are paragonite-poor phengites with a mean b lattice parameter of 9.037 Å, and indicate an intermediate pressure series of metamorphism with a field gradient of <25° C km-1. Chlorite compositions evolved from diabantite (with intergrown corrensite) to ripidolite over an estimated temperature range of 150–320° C. Field gradient and temperature estimates suggest that crystal growth and fabric development occurred at burial depths ranging from 6 km to at least 13 km in the thrust terrane. During late diagenesis, crystal growth of white mica and chlorite was predominantly a consequence of polytypic and phase transitions, and resulted in similar size distributions which resemble typical Ostwald ripening curves. Under anchizonal and epizonal conditions, white mica grew more rapidly than chlorite because of its greater ability to store strain energy and recover from subgrain development; as a result crystal thickness distributions are not typical of Ostwald ripening. In contrast, chlorite crystals which grew under these conditions developed subgrain boundaries at high strain rates which were only partially recovered at low strain rates; these retained dislocations reduce the crystallite thicknesses detected by TEM and XRD, compared with those of white mica. These differences in strain-induced crystal growth indicate that white mica (illite) and chlorite crystallinity indices are likely to show significant differences where low-grade metamorphism is closely associated with tectonic fabric development.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination and their distribution in different size fractions of the surficial sediment in Haihe River, China have been investigated. These results reveal that the heavy metal contamination of Haihe River is closely related to the contaminating sources along the river and has the order: Cd > Cu > Pb > Cr. The contents of these heavy metals in the sediment of Haihe River are at least two times higher than their background values and the highest contaminating metal, Cd, is 15.5 times higher than its background value and determined in the urban area of Tianjin city. The surficial sediments of Haihe River, with 70% particles smaller than 20 μm, belong to sandy clay containing about 28% clay and 42% silt. Electron micrographs and x-ray analysis show that the concentrations of heavy metals depend on the particle size of sediments. The highest concentrations for most metals exist in fine-grained sediments, which are mainly composed of silicates, oxides, and hydroxides of Si, Fe, and Al. In contrast, lower levels of heavy metals are usually found in the coarse sandy sediments, which are composed of quartz, feldspar, and other rocky substances. Based on the results in the present study of the surficial sediments of Haihe River, the contents of Cr, Cu, Pd, and Cd in finer sediments are 2.4, 3.9, 2.8, and 3.6 times higher than those in coarse sandy sediments, respectively. Obviously, because of rapid industrial development in this area during the last few decades, the surficial sediments of Haihe River, especially those finer fractions, have been seriously contaminated by heavy metals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the surface sediments collected from Dongping Lake in China for speciation and distribution of toxic heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd) in different grain size fractions, and for the factors that need to be considered in potential hazard of metals to the environment. Four grain size fractions (<63, 63–78, 78–163 and 163–280 μm), divided in wet condition, and bulk samples less than 280 μm in diameter were analyzed for their distribution, density and appearance. A three-stage extraction procedure following the BCR protocol was used to chemically fractionate metals into “acid soluble”, “reducible”, “oxidizable” and “residual” fractions. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the datasets. The results showed that <63 μm grain size part constitutes the major proportion of the sediments, but its density is the smallest among the four grain size fractions. In general, the metal content curve against grain size presents “S” distribution, and the highest concentrations do not exist in <63 μm grain size. Appearance observation indicates that the adsorbed substance increases gradually along with the decreasing grain size. The dominant speciation of elements and the extent of pollution are responsible for the metal distribution in different grain size sediments. While studying bioavailability and mobilization of metals, it is advisable to take metal speciation, grain size distribution and density into consideration.  相似文献   

As an important reservoir type in the Bohai Bay Basin, China, lacustrine beach and bar sands which refer to the shallow water complex deposited mainly by nearshore, delta‐rim and buried hill‐related beaches as well as longshore bars were developed in a particular stage in the evolution of those faulted Cenozoic continental depressions. In the Chezhen Depression, for example, the Second Member of the Oligocene Shehejie Formation (abbr. as Es2 hereafter) formed during the rifting‐to‐thermal subsidence transitional stage. Although well developed in Es2, beach and bar sands are difficult to recognize owing to their relative thinness. The paper summarizes sedimentary characteristics of lacustrine beach and bar sands on cores and logs. Low‐angle cross‐stratification, swash stratification, as well as occasional small‐scale hummocky cross‐stratification resulted from storms can be observed in beach and bar sands. The paper distinguishes bars and beaches from each other in Es2 mainly based on the grain‐size, bed thickness, facies succession and log responses. In order to predict the distribution of beach and bars, a chrono‐stratigraphic correlation framework of Es2 in the study strata is established using a high‐resolution sequence stratigraphic approach. Es2 strata are sub‐divided into six medium‐scale cycles and the mapping of the high‐frequency cycles allows the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of both beach and bar sands to be predicted. The study shows that beach and bars are better developed in times of base‐level fall than in base‐level rise. Factors such as lake‐level fluctuation, sediment supply, palaeogeomorphology and palaeowind direction have exerted control on the formation and distribution of beach and bar sands. Finally, the genetic pattern of beach and bar sands in the Es2 unit has been constructed, which provides a foundation for the prediction of beach and bars reservoir in continental basins in general. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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