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The pelitic schists of the area around Kandra, Singhbhum district, Jharkhand belong to the Chaibasa Formation of the Singhbhum Group, which constitute a part of the youngest Precambrian orogenic cycle of the Singhbhum region. Structurally, the area represents the Singhbhum anticlinorium and is overlain by Dalma traps which form the synclinorium towards the north of the area around Kandra. This area mainly consists of medium to high grade rocks belonging to greenschist and amphibolite facies. These rocks are folded in the E-W trending doubly plunging folds (F1) overturned towards the south with low plunges and superposed by cross-folds (F2). The spatial distribution of the index minerals in the pelitic schists of the area shows Barrovian type of metamorphism. Four isograds, viz. biotite, garnet, staurolite and sillimanite have been delineated by the first appearance of the index minerals and also by isograd reactions. The textural relation suggests that sillimanite is formed from staurolite consumption reaction instead of kyanite consumption.  相似文献   

The pelitic schists and gneisses of the area are free from staurolite, kyanite and sillimanite, though they are metamorphosed in middle to upper amphibolite facies.The plots of analyses of pelitic rocks in the AKF diagram show that these rock of the area under study have low Al2O3/FeO + MgO ratio as compared to staurolite-kyanite-bearing assemblages of the adjoining area. It is thus evident that chemical composition of the rock has played an important role in the formation of these minerals and the general absence of staurolite and aluminosilicates in the area may be related to deficiency in excess Al2O3.The field and textural relation and chemical variation of the gneisses suggest that they are formed due to introduction of granitizing solution of cotectic minimum composition into the schists. It is assumed that such melt was derived from the deeper zone where the rocks were metamorphosed in upper amphibolite or granulite facies. On the basis of this study it is also suggested that regional metamorphism, granitization and deformation are interrelated in the area.
Zusammenfassung Die pelitischen Schiefer und Gneise von Ranikhet enthalten keinen Staurolith, Disthen oder Sillimanit, obwohl diese Gesteine in einer mittel- bis hochgradigen Amphibolitfazies metamorphisiert worden sind.Die darstellenden Punkte aus den chemischen Analysen pelitischer Gesteine im AKF-Diagramm zeigen, daß diese Gesteine ein niedrigeres Al2O3/FeO+MgO-Verhältnis haben als die Staurolith-Disthen-führenden Paragenesen der angrenzenden Gebiete. Daraus geht hervor, daß der Gesteinschemismus für die Bildung dieser Mineralparagenese wichtig ist und das Fehlen von Staurolith und Alumosilikaten auf einen ungenügenden Al2O3-überschuß zurückzuführen ist.Auf Grund der Geländebeobachtungen und der texturellen Verhältnisse kann man schließen, daß die Gneise durch Eindringen granitischer Schmelzen von kotektischer Zusammensetzung in die Schiefer entstanden sind. Es ist anzunehmen, daß solche Schmelzen in der Tiefe gebildet sein müssen, in der die Gesteine die obere Amphibolit- und Granulitfazies erreicht haben. Auf Grund dieser Untersuchung läßt sich feststellen, daß in diesem Gebiet die Regionalmetamorphose, Granitisation und Deformation zeitlich und räumlich miteinander verknüpft sind.

Résumé Les schistes pélitiques et gneiss de Ranikhet ne contiennent pas de staurotide, disthène ou sillimanite, bien que ces roches aient été métamorphisées en un faciès moyennement à hautement amphibolitique.Le diagramme AKF des analyses chimiques de ces roches pélitiques montre qu'elles ont un rapport Al2O3/FeO + MgO inférieur aux paragénèses à staurotide et disthène des régions voisines. C'est done le chimisme des roches qui est important pour la formation de ces paragénèses et l'absence de staurotide et de silicates d'alumine résulte d'un excès en A2O3 insuffisant.Partant d'observations sur le terrain et des conditions de texture on peut conclure que les gneiss se sont formés par la pénétration de bains de fusion granitiques de composition cotectique dans les schistes. Il faut admettre que ces bains de fusion ont pris naissance à une profondeur où les roches ont atteint le faciès à amphibolite et granulite supérieur. Cette étude montre que dans cette région la métamorphose régionale, la granitisation et la déformation sont liées dans le temps et l'espace.

, , , , . AKF , , , . , , , — , . , , . , , , , .

Zaw Win Ko  M. Enami  M. Aoya   《Lithos》2005,81(1-4):79-100
The Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks in the Besshi district, central Shikoku, are grouped into eclogite and noneclogite units. Chloritoid and barroisite-bearing pelitic schists occur as interlayers within basic schist in an eclogite unit of the Seba area in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. Major matrix phases of the schists are garnet, chlorite, barroisite, paragonite, phengite, and quartz. Eclogite facies phases including chloritoid and talc are preserved only as inclusions in garnet. PT conditions for the eclogite facies stage estimated using equilibria among chloritoid, barroisite, chlorite, interlayered chlorite–talc, paragonite, and garnet are 1.8 GPa/520–550 °C. Zonal structures of garnet and matrix amphibole show discontinuous growth of minerals between their core and mantle parts, implying the following metamorphic stages: prograde eclogite facies stage→hydration reaction stage→prograde epidote–amphibolite stage. This metamorphic history suggests that the Seba eclogite lithologies were (1) juxtaposed with subducting noneclogite lithologies during exhumation and then (2) progressively recrystallized under the epidote–amphibolite facies together with the surrounding noneclogite lithologies.

The pelitic schists in the Seba eclogite unit contain paragonite of two generations: prograde phase of the eclogite facies included in garnet and matrix phase produced by local reequilibration of sodic pyroxene-bearing eclogite facies assemblages during exhumation. Paragonite is absent in the common Sanbagawa basic and pelitic schists, and is, however, reported from restricted schists from several localities near the proposed eclogite unit in the Besshi district. These paragonite-bearing schists could be lower-pressure equivalents of the former eclogite facies rocks and are also members of the eclogite unit. This idea implies that the eclogite unit is more widely distributed in the Besshi district than previously thought.  相似文献   

Summary The high-alumina metapelites and the orthogneisses of the lower tectonic unit of East Rhodope underwent high P/T metamorphism followed by partial reequilibration during decompression under epidote-amphibolite/amphibolite facies to greenschist facies conditions. The high P/T mineral paragenesis in the orthogneisses is: quartz + albite + microcline + phengite (Simax = 7 atoms p.f.u.) + biotite and in the high alumina metapelites: garnet + chloritoid + chlorite + phengite (Simax. = 6.85 atoms p.f u.) + paragonite + quartz. Pressures between 14 and 15.5 kbar, for Tmin = 550°C, are estimated for the high P/T metamorphism. During continuing uplift, staurolite + chlorite, staurolite + biotite and finally andalusite + Fe-ripidolite are grown at the expense of chloritoid in metapelites, while in the orthogneisses oligoclase, still coexisting with albite, is formed; in both rock types the Si content of white K-mica decreases considerably from almost pure phengite to pure muscovite.
Hochdruck-Metamorphose in Gneisen und pelitischen Schiefern der östlichen RhodopeZone, Nord-Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Die Aluminium-reichen Metapelite und die Orthogneise der unteren tektonischen Einheit der östlichen Rhodope-Zone wurde unter hohen Drucken und Temperaturen metamorphosiert. Darauf folgte eine teilweise Reequilibration unter Druck-Entlastung bei Bedingungen der Epidot-Amphibolit/Amphibolit bis Grünschiefer Fazies. Die Hoch-P/T Mineral-Assoziation in den Orthogneisen besteht aus: Quarz + Albit + Mikroklin + Phengit (Simax = 7 atoms p.f.u.) + Biotit und in den Aluminium-reichen Metapeliten: Granat + Chloritoid + Chlorit + Phengit (Simax = 6.85 atoms p.f.u.) + Paragonit + Quarz. Drucke zwischen 14 and 15.5 kbar für Tmin = 550°C wurden für die Hoch- P/T Metamorphose berechnet. Während andauernder Anhebung bildeten sich Staurolit + Chlorit, Staurolit + Biotit und schließlich Andalusit + Fe-Ripidolit auf Kosten von Chloritoid in den Metapeliten, während in den Orthogneisen Oligoklas der noch mit Albit koexistiert, gebildet wurde; in beiden Gesteinstypen nimmt der Si-Gehalt heller Kaliglimmer von fast reinem Phengit bis zu reinem Muskowit ab.

Abstract The effects of Tertiary Alpine metamorphism on pelitic Mesozoic cover rocks have been studied along a cross-section in the central Lepontine Alps in the Nufenen Pass area, Switzerland. Greenschist facies to amphibolite facies conditions are indicated by the formation of the index minerals chloritoid, garnet, staurolite and kyanite in pelitic rocks. Regional metamorphism reached maximum conditions during the interkinematic period between a main Alpine penetrative (D2) and a late Alpine (D3) crenulation type deformation phase or synchronous with the late Alpine deformation. Based on AFM phase relationships four different metamorphic zones can be distinguished: (1) chloritoid zone; (2) staurolite + chlorite zone; (3) staurolite + biotite zone; and, (4) kyanite zone. The isograds that separate these zones can be modelled by univariant reactions in the KFMASH system. The conditions of metamorphism calculated from geological ther-mobarometers for the maximum post-D2 por-phyroblast stage are from North to South: 500° C at 5-6 kbar and 600° C at 7-8 kbar. Detailed thermobarometry of garnet por-phyroblasts with complex textures suggests that maximum temperature was reached later than maximum pressure. Early garnet growth occurred along a prograde P-T-path, post-D2 rims grew with increasing temperature but decreasing pressure, and finally post-D3 garnet formed along a retrograde P-T-path. It may be concluded from the calculated pressure and temperature difference over a short distance (3 km) across the mapped area that the isogradic surfaces of the post-D2 metamorphism are steeply oriented. The data also suggest that isobaric and isothermal surfaces are parallel. Much of the observed metamorphic pattern can be explained as the result of a significant post-D2 differential uplift of the hot Pennine area relative to the Helvetic area along a tectonic contact zone. The closely spaced isograds (isotherms) in the North may then be interpreted as a thermal effect owing to the emplacement of the hot Pennine rocks against the Got-thard massif with its cover. Whereas, in the Pennine metasediments, post-D2 porphyroblast formation can be related to the decompression path which was steep enough for dehydration reactions to proceed. It is also remarkable that late kyanite porphyroblasts probably formed with decreasing pressure. The interpretation given here for the Nufenen Pass area may also apply to the Luk-manier Pass area where similar metamorphic patterns have been reported by Fox (1975). The formation of the ‘Northern Steep Belt’;, as denned by Milnes (1974b), and the associated late Alpine fold zones may, therefore, have significantly modified the metamorphic pattern of the Helvetic-Penninic contact zone.  相似文献   

Anhydrite occurs as a primary rock-forming mineral in late-Precambrian gneisses from the Rössing area, South West Africa. Studies on critical mineral associations in the area indicate that temperatures during metamorphism approached or exceeded 700° C. Textural relations in the anhydrite-bearing gneisses show that the mineral remained in equilibrium with its associated phases during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Phase equilibrium modelling and monazite microprobe dating were used to characterize the polymetamorphic evolution of metapelites from the northern part of the Vepor Unit, West Carpathians. Three generations of garnet and associated metamorphic assemblages found in these rocks correspond to three distinct metamorphic events related to the Variscan orogeny, a Permian phase of crustal extension and the Alpine orogeny. Variscan staurolite‐bearing and Alpine chloritoid‐bearing assemblages record medium‐temperature and medium‐pressure regional metamorphisms reaching 540–570 °C/5–7.5 kbar and 530–550 °C/5–6.5 kbar respectively. The Permian metamorphic assemblage involves garnet, andalusite, sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, plagioclase and corundum and locally forms silica‐undersaturated andalusite‐biotite‐spinel coronas around older staurolite. The transition from andalusite to sillimanite indicates a prograde low‐pressure and medium‐temperature metamorphism characterized by temperature increase from 500 to 650 °C at ~3 kbar. As accessory monazite is abundant in the rocks, an attempt was made to derive its age of formation by means of electron microprobe‐based Th‐U‐Pb chemical dating. Despite the polymetamorphic nature of the metapelites, the monazite yielded uniform Permian ages. Microstructures confirm that monazite was formed in relation to the low‐pressure and medium‐temperature paragenesis, and the weighted average ages obtained for two different samples are 278 ± 5 and 275 ± 12 Ma respectively. The virtual lack of Variscan and Alpine monazite populations points to interesting aspects concerning the growth systematics of monazite in metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Polyphase deformation and metamorphism of pelitic schists of Chorbaoli Formation of Sausar Group in and around Ramtek area, Nagpur district, Maharashtra, India has led to the development of garnet and sataurolite porphyroblasts in a predominantly quartz-mica matrix. Microstructural study of oriented thin sections of these rocks shows that garnet and staurolite have different growth histories and these porphyroblasts share a complex relationship with the matrix. Garnet shows at least two phases of growth — first intertectonic between D1 and D2 (pre-D2 phase) and then syn-tectonic to post-tectonic with respect to D2 deformation. Growth of later phase of garnet on the earlier (pre-D2) garnet grains has led to the discordance of quartz inclusion trails between core and rim portion of the same garnet grain. Staurolite develops only syn-D2 and shows close association with garnet of the later phase. The peak metamorphic temperature thus coincided with D2 deformation, which developed the dominant crenulation schistosity (S2), regionally persistent in the terrain. The metamorphic grade reached up to middle amphibolite facies in the study area, which is higher than the adjoining southern parts of Sausar Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Metamorphism of the Gile Mountain Formation and Waits River Formation in the Strafford Dome and Townshend-Brownington Syncline in east-central Vermont records two nappe-style events, D1 and D2, followed by doming. D1 formed a muscovite + biotite ± ilmenite schistosity subparallel to compositional layering, SO, and was followed by heating to garnet grade. The temperature and pressure at the end of D1 are estimated to be c . 450 C and 6-8 kbar. D2 variably crenulated and folded S1 during a nearly isothermal pressure increase of 1-2 kbar, calculated from compositions of garnet, which have inclusions trails with progressive crenulation and rotation of the S1 fabric. Similar P-T paths are computed for most of the area, suggesting that the later schistosity developed during emplacement of a regional nappe 3-6 km thick. There is a general lack of D3 (dome-stage) microstructures.
Near the Strafford-Willoughby Arch, staurolite and kyanite overgrew S2 in pelites, and plagioclase with increasing X An overgrew S2 in calcic pelites, reflecting post-D2 heating to a maximum of 550-600 C. Metamorphic pressures at the end of D2 are fairly constant on the west side of the dome, indicating minor dome-stage uplift. In contrast, pressures at the thermal peak of metamorphism decrease by more than 4 kbar east of the dome. The observed pattern of isotherms and isobars is mainly the result of post-metamorphic, differential uplift and unroofing.
Finally, a minor, retrograde metamorphism produced the assemblage albite + epidote + K-feldspar + muscovite + chlorite, with grade increasing east toward the Connecticut River.  相似文献   

The occurrence of lawsonite is described from pelitic schists of the lower-grade part of the pumpellyite-bearing subzone of the chlorite zone in the Asemi River area of central Shikoku. The lawsonite-bearing parageneses are consistent with the generally accepted view that the Sanbagawa facies series represents higher pressures than the lawsonite-bearing facies series in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Kurseong hill subdivision, being one of the three (Kurseong, Sadar and Kalingpong) subdivisions of the hilly portions of the Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India, is affected by severe landslide incidence in the rainy season every year. These landslides and related phenomena frequently create social and economic instability disrupting communication system, claiming property and even sometimes life. Curbing landslide threat, therefore, becomes very much essential over this area. Individual landslide treatments are seen to be taken up by the construction engineers and geo-technical experts almost every year from government level. But reoccurrence of landslides on the same spots or surrounding places clearly reveals that construction works and filling procedures (usually taken up) are not the adequate measures to heal up the problem unless the area is treated as zones of landslides than individual spots of landslide occurrences. Therefore, the assessment of spatial probability of landslide occurrence in various magnitudes in the form of landslide vulnerability zones becomes essential. This spatial probability should also be compared with temporal probability based on the data of landslide incidence of the area for justification of match or mismatch between the inference drawn from the diagnostic criteria based assessment of the possibility level of landslide occurrence and the reality of the landslide scenario in the light of historical perspective of the area. This comparison will finally help to achieve the predicted vulnerability zones of landslide with desirable accuracy to put forward for planning decision. Moreover, such predicted vulnerability zonation can be taken as a standard estimate to use in planning purpose for the areas where historical data of landslide incidences are inadequate or unavailable. With this view in mind, the present paper takes an attempt to verify and compare landslide vulnerability zones derived from Spatial Terrain Parameter Evaluation (STPE) and Anthropogenic Criteria Identification (ACI) methods with the landslide hazard zones prepared from historical data, i.e. landslide inventory of certain length of time. Careful observation reveals that different degrees of landslide vulnerability zones significantly correspond with the similar magnitudes of the landslide hazard zones determined by past occurrence data of landslides over this hill subdivision and therefore validate the predictability procedure of landslide vulnerability zonation. The accuracy performance of the landslide vulnerability zonation model has further been verified by the occurrence dataset of landslide events through receiver operating characteristic curve analysis where area under curve evaluation showed 81.77 % correctness.  相似文献   

Eudialyte is a group of hydrated silicate minerals essentially consisting of Na and Zr with a very complex crystal structure, and generally associated with alkaline rocks. The complexity of the eudialyte structure can be understood from the fact that Na alone exist in five distinct sites and extensive solid solubility can occur in almost all cation sites, sometimes one element occupying multiple sites to the extent of exclusion of other elements. Structurally, eudialyte can be represented as Na15[M 1 ]6[M 2]3Zr3[M 3 ](Si25O73)(O,OH,H2O)3X2 (Johnsen and Grice, 1999), where M 1 and M 2 sites are occupied by Ca, Mn and Fe, M 3 by Nb and X by OH, Cl and F. In addition, cations like Al, Hf, W, Ta, Sr, Ba and various REEs get incorporated into the eudialyte structure by substitution, and additional site vacancies even may develop in order to maintain electrical neutrality. Eudialyte, approximately of the composition Na9Ca8Mn3Nb(Zr,Ce)3Si25O73(OH)2, has hydrothermally replaced albite in the nepheline syenite gneiss exposed south of the Sushina hill of Purulia district, West Bengal. The eudialyte contains ≈2.25 atom% Zr and 0.75 atom% Nb. In addition to eudialyte in nepheline syenite, an unknown Na-Zr silicate (NZS) has also replaced the albite crystals. The NZS contains ≈ 7 atom% Zr with a possible empirical formula of Na12Zr11Si36O95(OH)10. Surface exposures of these rocks are limited at Sushina hill, yet a detailed and systematic investigation on this enigmatic rock is warranted for they may turn out to be a resource for Zr.  相似文献   

Abstract Petrological data from intercalated pelitic schists and greenstones are used to construct a pressure–temperature path followed by the Upper Schieferhülle (USH) series during progressive metamorphism and uplift in the south-west Tauern Window, Italy. Pseudomorphs of Al–epidote + Fe-epidote + albite + oligoclase + chlorite after lawsonite and data on amphibole crystal chemistry indicate early metamorphism in the lawsonite-albite-chlorite subfacies of the blueschist facies at P ± 7–8 kbar. Geothermometry and geobarometry yield conditions of final equilibration of the matrix assemblage of 475±25°C, 5–6 kbar; calculations with plagioclase and phengite inclusions in garnet indicate early garnet growth at pressures of ∼ 7.5 kbar. Garnet zoning patterns are complex and reversals in zoning can be correlated between samples. Thermodynamic modelling of these zoning profiles implies garnet growth in response to four distinct phases of tectonic activity. Fluid inclusion data from coexisting immiscible H2O–CO2–NaCl fluids constrain the uplift path to have passed through temperatures of 380 + 30°C at 1.3 + 0.2 kbar.
There is no evidence for metamorphism of USH at pressures greater than ∼ 7.5 kbar in this area of the Tauern Window. This is in contrast to pressures of ± 10 kbar recorded in the Lower Schieferhülle only 2–3 km across strike. A history of differential uplift and thinning of the intervening section during metamorphism is necessary to reconcile the P–T data obtained from these adjacent tectonic units.  相似文献   

Abstract Muscovite-poor pelitic schists in the wallrocks of the Proterozoic Annex sulphide deposit, near Prieska, South Africa, contain peak metamorphic assemblages including Crd + Bt + Sil, St + Sil + Bt, Crd + St + Bt and, rarely, Ky + St ° Crd. All rocks include oligoclase, quartz and commonly Fe–Mn garnet, with or without muscovite. Peak assemblages, assigned to M2 regional metamorphism in the Gordonia Belt (Namaqua Province), are syn- to post-kinematic with respect to the main S2 fabric although larger staurolite grains contain S1 inclusion trails. Garnet–biotite thermometry, utilizing corrections for Fe3+, Mn, AlVI and Ti, yields peak temperatures of 571–624°C at pressures of 4.5–6.0 kbar. Consideration of the sympathetic variation of XMn in garnet with XMg in biotite and the preserved zoning patterns in prograde garnets, together with the inferred prograde transition from kyanite to sillimanite, indicates that heating occurred during mild decompression to the M2 metamorphic peak. Sillimanite and cordierite grew last in the prograde sequence, possibly related to a pulse of thermal metamorphism (M3) that is found along the margin of the Keimoes Suite batholith to the north. Retrograde assemblages, including Ms + Ky + Chl + Qtz (after Crd + Bt), Ky + Ms (after Sil) and Chl + Ms (after St) indicate a period of isobaric cooling (M4a) terminated by rehydration in the kyanite stability field at about 500°C. The size difference between prograde (1–2-mm) and retrograde (0.05–0.1-mm) mineral grains indicates substantial undercooling below equilibrium positions of relevant retrograde reactions prior to rehydration, and explains why cordierite that grew during M2 is almost completely destroyed. Post-M4a regrowth of staurolite and garnet (M4b) is spatially linked to sites of M4a rehydration. It reached temperatures of 510–530°C, remaining within the stability field of kyanite. A best fit of the observed textural history to the Namaqua orogenic cycle involves collision and heating (M2/D2) followed by granite intrusion (M3), rifting (M4a) and renewed heating due to crustal loading during volcanism (M4b). The P–T path for the Annex region is consistent with those derived from elsewhere in the Gordonia Belt and, with modification, to that published already for the nearby Prieska Copper Mines.  相似文献   

U-Th-Pb, Pb-Pb, Rb-Sr and K-Ar radiometric relationships in the minerals from six selected Amîtsoq gneiss samples reveal a complicated history of variable mineral response to polymetamorphism.K-Ar dates on biotite range from 2170 to 3220 m.y. (excess argon present), on hornblende from 2340 to 2510, and on a single muscovite at 1670 m.y.Rb-Sr whole rock results give an apparent isochron of at least 4065 m.y., but this result is likely fortuitous from a small sample selection since Pb-Pb whole rock analyses give ~ 3600 m.y. and the zircons in these rocks yield a concordia-discordia intersection at 3600 m.y. Rb-Sr mineral analyses generally give a confusing and variable pattern of isotopic relationships; but hornblende, K-feldspar, apatite, allanite and sphene appear to have last responded to metamorphism at 2200–2600 m.y. Rb-Sr in biotite, epidote and, in part, plagioclase have been affected by an event at ~ 1550 m.y.U-Th-Pb data from sphene, apatite and allanite give almost concordant dates at 2500–2600 m.y. soul207Pb204Pb vs soul206Pb204Pb plots yield two separate lines for apatite (slope age 2435 m.y.) and for sphene + allanite (slope age 2530 m.y.), indicating apatite to have a different (less-radiogenic) ‘initial’ Pb than that for sphene and allanite. A similar pattern is found for the soul208Pb204Pb vs soul207Pb204Pb plot for sphene and apatite. The Pb-isotopic composition of the feldspars is very homogeneous and the least-radiogenic of all components, pointing towards a homogeneous parent material for the now lithologically diverse Amîtsoq gneisses. Using a0 = 9.307, b0 = 10.294, C0 = 29.476, t0 = 4.56 b.y., ω = 6.9 and soul232Th204Pb = 27.1; the feldspars give a model Pb age of 3500–3600 m.y. by either U-derived or Th-derived Pb. The segregation of the present Amîtsoq gneisses from the homogeneous parent material was apparently accompanied by a U and Th loss with preservation or enrichment of Pb at ~ 3600 m.y. ago. No consistent treatment of the present U-Th-Pb data will produce viable data indicating an age > 3600 m.y. for the parent materials of the Amîtsoq gneiss.Petrographie observations generally concur with radiometric results and permit the postulation of the reaction: Hbl + K-feld→ biotite + epidote + sodic plag, to account for some of the effects of the latest metamorphism.The total internal radiometric evidence indicates three major metamorphic events affected the Amîtsoq gneisses close to 3600, 2500 and 1550 m.y.  相似文献   

Whole-rock major element chemical analyses of progressively metamorphosed impure carbonate rocks and pelitic schists, collected from the same metamorphic terrain, reveal similarities and differences in the chemical response of these rock types to the metamorphic event. Relative to a constant aluminum reference frame, both schist and carbonate exhibit no detectable change in their contents of Fe, Mg, Ti, Si, and Ca with change in metamorphic grade. Carbonate rocks become progressively depleted in K and Na with increasing grade of metamorphism, while schists exhibit no statistically significant change in their contents of K and Na. Both rock types become depleted in volatiles (principally CO2 and H2O) with increasing grade.Whole-rock chemical data permit two mechanisms for migration of K and Na from the carbonate rocks during metamorphism: (a) diffusion of alkalis from carbonate to adjacent schist; (b) transport of alkalis by through-flowing metamorphic fluid (infiltration). Mineral equilibria in schist and metacarbonate rock from the same outcrops allow calculation of the affinity for cation exchange between the two rock types during metamorphism. Measured affinities indicate that if mass transport of K and Na occurred by diffusion, chemical potential gradients would have driven the alkalis from schist into carbonate rock. Because diffusion cannot produce the observed chemical trends in the metacarbonates, K and Na are believed to have been removed during metamorphism by infiltration.The disparity in chemical behavior between the pelitic schists and metacarbonate rocks may be a result of enhanced fluid flow through the carbonates. The carbonate rocks may have acted as metamorphic aquifers; the greater flow of fluid through them would then have had a correspondingly greater effect on their whole-rock chemistry.  相似文献   

The area lies between Hugli river in the northwest and Bidyadhari river in the east and includes the East Kolkata Wetlands. The East Kolkata Wetlands is included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (“Ramsar List”), as per the Convention on Wetlands signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. This wetland has been declared as a Ramsar site on the 19th August 2002 (Ramsar site no. 1208) and therefore has acquired an international status. The area is a part of the lower deltaic plain of the Bhagirathi–Ganga river system and is generally flat in nature. The sub-surface geology of the area is completely blanketed by the Quaternary fluviatile sediments comprising a succession of clay, silty clay, sand and sand mixed with occasional gravel. The Quaternary aquifer is sandwiched between two clay sequences. The confined aquifer is made up of moderately well sorted sand and reflects fluviatile environment of deposition. The regional groundwater flow direction is from east to west. Detailed geochemical investigations of 40 groundwater samples along with statistical analysis (for example, correlation and principal component analysis) on these chemical data reveal: (i) four types of groundwater quality, for example, good, poor, very poor and water unsuitable for drinking purpose, (ii) four hydrochemical facies which may be assigned to three broad types such as “fresh”, “blended”, and “brackish” waters, (iii) the evolution of the “blended” water is possibly due to hydraulic mixing of “fresh” and “brackish” waters within the aquifer matrix and/or in well mixing, and (iv) absence of Na–Cl facies indicates continuous flushing of the aquifer.  相似文献   

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