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流域水资源实时监控管理系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
根据我国流域水文水资源特点和供用水特征,基于目前流域所面临的水资源短缺和污染问题,需要研究和开发流域水资源实时监控管理系统.其重点应放在现有监测站点的调整与完善,水库运行规则、技术参数的校核与调整,洪水资源调控与地下水人工回灌,污水处理回用与生态环境需水量,防洪与兴利统一调度,地表水与地下水资源联合运用管理等技术研究,以及水资源实时调度管理方案付诸实施后效益与风险分析、系统的标准化等方面.  相似文献   

王浩  吴振君  覃卫民  汤华 《岩土力学》2007,28(11):2380-2384
针对面向过程方法的缺陷,介绍了面向对象技术的思想、优势和技术特点,按面向对象的方法分析了地下厂房施工期监测的业务流程,提取出11种主要对象建立相关的类并开发了监测信息管理、预测系统。面向对象方法能够从逻辑上清晰地抓住监测系统中主要对象的关系并自然地形成功能模块,模块封装性好,具有高内聚和低耦合性、良好的易维护性、可读性、可扩充性和可重用性,在监测软件开发中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

谈成龙 《铀矿地质》2005,21(5):316-320,315
劣质饮用水是导致人群体质下降、营养代谢疾病早期化的主要原因。水中析出的氡被人体长期摄入,会对胃、肺等组织产生辐射影响。发达国家饮用水的水质检测项目多达350项,其中,衡量饮用水氡水平的是最大污染水平。我国目前饮用水水质检测项目仅为35项。城市自来水、瓶(桶)装蒸馏水、矿泉水、纯净水等,农村深井水、地表天然水的氡检测及市场调查前景广大。  相似文献   

论述了矿井水害防治保障体系中的一种实时监测技术.利用KJ117矿井水压实时监测系统,可对煤矿井下以总线网络拓扑结构方式连接的水文观测孔,进行水压、水位超远距离的实时监测.其监测数据能及时反映当前矿井不同地质层位的水压、水位及动态变化情况,为煤矿安全生产和防治水工作提供准确可靠的依据.  相似文献   

水资源及其开发利用综合评价指标体系   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
深入分析了人工侧支水循环和天然水循环之间动态的依存关系,对照水资源的自然属性、社会属性、经济属性、生态属性和环境属性,把水资源划分为水资源系统、水资源开发利用系统、水生态系统、水环境系统、社会经济五大系统,结合这五大系统构建水资源及其开发利用系统描述指标体系。在描述指标集的基础上,构建属性衡量准则指标集,进行水资源及其开发利用属性的定量识别。进而,以问题为导向,针对水资源及其开发利用中的不同问题,分别提出不同的问题诊断指标,对具体问题进行识别和诊断。  相似文献   

开展煤矿水害预警监测是实现煤矿安全开采、减少水害损失的关键。通过对煤矿突水监测预警系统研究和发展现状的分析,结合部分矿井的监测实践,指出煤矿突水监测预警系统中的关键技术是监测参数的选择、监测设备的稳定性与精确度、监测地点的选择与钻孔布置、预警阈值及报警设置等4个方面,提出了煤矿突水监测预警系统优化和完善的思路。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了靖宇县饮用天然矿泉水的类型、分布规律,矿泉水与构造、火山活动、地层岩石的关系和饮用天然矿泉水开发利存在的问题,并提出了开发利用建议。  相似文献   

岩溶地下水灰色系统分析软件开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
结合灰色系统在岩溶地下水方面的研究进展,从实际应用的角度出发,通过逐步求精的方法,使用VisualC++6.0编程,开发出一套能够满足水文地质工作者使用且操作方便的岩溶地下水灰色系统分析软件。该软件分别由灰色关联分析、数据预处理、GM(1,1)模型、等维递补预测、残差周期模型和GM(1,N)预测模型6个模块组成,具有操作简单便捷、计算结果精确、出错信息处理完善、预测结果直观、数据输入输出方式灵活、残差结果曲线输出及可推广性强等优点。利用该软件对山西柳林泉2008和2009年的泉水流量进行预测检验,GM(1,1)模型的残差周期修正预测精度明显提高,2008年的预测误差由0.32m3/s下降到0.17m3/s,2009年的预测误差由0.29m3/s下降低到0.19m3/s。   相似文献   

An effort has been made to comprehend the groundwater quality of Raipur city for drinking purpose utilizing Water Quality Index (WQI) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. In this study thirty four groundwater samples were collected during May, 2015. Standard methods has been adopted in groundwater sampling which are prescribed by the American Public Health Association (APHA, 1995). Eight water quality parameters have been considered to ascertained water quality index viz. pH, chloride, fluoride, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity, hardness and nitrate. The Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS, 2009) has been considered to assess the suitability of groundwater for drinking purposes and for the calculation of WQI. This study reveals that 76% area is falling under excellent, very good and good category and 24% area is falling under poor, very poor and unfit category as per the WQI classification. The predicted accuracy of the obtained result is around 97.05% reflecting capability of adopted techniques. Anthropogenic activities are influencing the groundwater quality of the study area. The present study is helpful in proper planning and management of available water resource for drinking purpose.  相似文献   

本文介绍了热脉冲式包气带微流速监测系统的原理研究、硬件设计及其标定和室内模拟试验.该监测系统理论上应用了线状热源热传导方程的两个阶段:计算微流速采用的是热传导方程的稳态阶段;计算热导率和土壤含水率用的是方程的非稳态阶段.监测系统前端机的研制着重介绍了硬件设计.室内模拟试验为饱和砂土的室内对比试验,流速值从18~485mm/h.实验结果显示系统的测量值和实际值能很好的吻合.  相似文献   

煤矿智能化、无人化开采迫切需要水害隐患地质透明化为其保驾护航。矿井电阻率法监测系统针对工作面回采过程中的水害问题,采用伪随机信号发射和全波形数据采集提高设备的抗干扰能力,采用电极接地条件一致性校正和监测数据归一化处理等手段压制假异常,采用时移电阻率成像实现水害隐患电阻率异常响应的识别和提取,通过监测工作面回采过程中顶、底板电阻率变化对水害风险进行判识,实现采动工作面水害隐患的地质透明化。结合矿井电阻率法监测系统近年来的井下现场试验,分别介绍其在顶、底板水害监测中的应用案例。井下试验结果显示,电阻率法监测可以有效捕捉顶、底板出水过程的前兆信息。但在实际应用中,矿井电阻率法监测系统依旧面临强电磁干扰以及采空区监测线缆难以保护等问题,并且采掘扰动对煤岩电阻率的影响机理研究不足,导致对电阻率异常进行分析解释时存在较大争议,还需要进一步开展相关研究工作。   相似文献   

The increased demands on water resources in northern China have had a significant impact on groundwater systems in the last three to four decades, including reductions in groundwater recharge capacity and overall water quality. These changes limit the potential for groundwater uses in this area. This paper discusses the issues surrounding groundwater system use in the eight basins of northern China as water resources have been developed. The results demonstrate that the recharge zone has shifted from the piedmont to the agricultural area, and that the total recharge rate in the basins tended to decrease. This decrease in arid inland basins was mainly caused by both the excessive use of water in the watershed area and irrigated channel anti-seepage. In semi-arid basins, the decrease observed in the groundwater recharge rate is related to an overall reduction in precipitation and increasing river impoundment. In addition, intensive exploitation of groundwater resources has resulted in disturbances to the groundwater flow regime in arid and semi-arid inland basins. Arid inland basins demonstrated fast falling groundwater levels in the piedmont plains resulting in declines of spring flow rates and movement of spring sites to lower locations. In the semi-arid basins, i.e. the North China Plain and the Song-nen Plain, groundwater depression cones developed and intersected regional groundwater flow. The semi-arid basins of the North China Plain and the Song-nen Plain have experienced significant hydrochemical evolution of groundwater characterized by changing water type including increase of TDS and pollutants.  相似文献   

Drinking water from Japan (Toyama, Kumamoto, Osaka, and Tokyo Prefecture) and France (Volvic water) was evaluated for taste and health properties using an index based on major and trace mineral content and organoleptic components. Although various reports point to calcium (Ca2+) as a key ingredient imparting good taste and magnesium (Mg2+) and sulfate (SO4 2?) as causing unpleasant taste in drinking water, recent sensory threshold experiments have indicated that other major ions and minerals directly or indirectly contribute to good taste, including potassium (K), silica (SiO2), and phosphorous (P). The present study examined major and trace constituents in water to accurately quantify water taste, flavor, and health effects in good-tasting (Volvic, Toyama, and Kumamoto water) and average-tasting water (Osaka and Tokyo water). Trace metal, volatile organic carbon, non-purgeable organic carbon and total inorganic carbon levels were evaluated as parameters influencing the sensory properties of the drinking water. All of the representative good-tasting water contained higher amounts of tasty minerals (Ca2+, K+, SiO2) and lower amounts of unsavory, rough (Mg2+ and SO4 2?), and bitter (Cl?) minerals. Stiff diagrams of the water samples indicated that good-tasting water was generally bicarbonate (HCO3 ?) type. Seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters did not change the order of abundance of cations and anions but did affect the concentration of various ions present in the water. Trace metals also affected water flavor. Mn facilitates acetaldehyde formation and Fe is associated with polyphenolic oxidation and formation of organoleptic flavor constituents. Trihalomethanes (THMs) may also cause unpleasant drinking water flavors or odors. THMs concentrations for all samples were below 5.7 μg/L, meeting the safety and taste requirements for good drinking water. The Japanese samples were compared against Volvic water, which was used as a standard for good-tasting water. Total dissolved solids concentrations were below 300 mg/L for all specimens, in compliance with World Health Organization guidelines. The results are discussed on the basis of the balance between inorganic major ions and trace minerals and THMs concentration thresholds.  相似文献   

In a study of 291 mineral waters from 41 different countries, 9–20% exceeded the Dutch drinking water standards for chloride, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulphate, and fluorine. The mineral water quality cannot be qualified as bad because the standards for these compounds (with the exception of fluorine) are not based on health issues, but matters regarding undesirable taste and possible adverse effects on the water supply system. For the mineral water data set, the amount of dissolved compounds, hardness, and chloride content appear to be the most distinctive criteria. A mineral water type classification based on these criteria will offer consumers a tool for assessing mineral water on the basis of the chemical composition data on the bottle label. In terms of the criteria mentioned, average Dutch tap water strongly resembles the Belgian and Dutch mineral waters. This similarity does not extend to the price, since Dutch tap water is about 500 times cheaper.  相似文献   

王浩  吴振君 《岩土力学》2006,27(5):823-827
针对水电工程监测软件系统开发,讨论了系统总体设计、数据库和数据结构设计以及系统界面架构方面的一些共性问题,提出用7种属性对象来描述水工建筑物和观测仪器之间,以及各水工建筑物之间复杂的从属关系,介绍了实现这些关系的数据库表和相关数据结构;讨论了采取单文档和多窗口视界面的优点、可变大小的整编数据结构、软件容错、设置多个初值日期和更换传感器所带来的数据结构设计等问题。这些讨论对于开发监测系统软件是很有益的。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(5):531-539
Geomaterials can be cost-effective sorbents for use in water treatment. In this study, a heavily-weathered Tertiary soil from Xinzhou, China was used as a sorbent for defluoridation of high-fluoride drinking water. The soil is composed of quartz, feldspar, illite and goethite, with an Fe oxide content of 6.75%. Batch and column experiments were done to characterize the F removal properties and to develop an optimal activation and regeneration procedure. The soil can be regenerated following a simple base-acid rinsing procedure. This can be performed in situ, i.e., by passing the rinsing solutions directly through the treatment column. The same regeneration procedure can be used to activate the pristine soil. Fluoride sorption is described by a Freundlich isotherm model and the bulk of the uptake occurs within 1.5 h. Iron oxide coatings on soil particles and perhaps ≡FeOH surface groups at particle edges of illite grains are likely responsible for the soil's F-sorption property. As collected in the field, the soil has a low permeability and is thus unsuitable for direct use in a flow-through column. Heat-treatment at 400–500°C for 2 h, however, produces a granular and permeable sorbent. Although the soil's sorption capacity (150 μg/g ) is about a quarter of the low end range of values reported for commercially-available activated alumina, the sorption for F is specific. A batch sorption experiment in the presence of Cl, SO42− and HCO3 shows little or no competition from these other anions.  相似文献   

Recirculating cooling water systems are consist of a cooling tower and heat-exchanger network which conventionally have a parallel configuration. However, reuse of water between different cooling duties enables cooling water networks to be designed with series arrangements. This will results in performance improvement and increased cooling tower capacity. Research on recirculating cooling water systems has mostly focused on the individual components. However, a particular design method represented by Kim and Smith accounts for the whole system interactions. In this study, the Kim and Smith design method is expanded and a comprehensive simulation model of recirculating cooling system was developed to account for the interaction between the cooling tower performance and the heat-exchanger network configuration. Regarding this model and considering cycle water quality through introducing ozone treatment technology, a modern methodology of recirculating cooling water system design was established and developed. This technique, called the integrated ozone treatment cooling system design, is a superior designed tool based on pinch analysis and mathematical programing. It also ensures maximum water and energy conservation, minimum cost and environmental impacts. Related coding in MATLAB version 7.3 was used for the illustrative example to get optimal values in cooling water design method computations. The result of the recently introduced design methodology was compared with the Kim and Smith design method.  相似文献   

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