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The iron-rich ultramafic pegmatites comprise a suite of coarse-grainedrocks that form discordant bodies within the layered sequenceof the Bushveld Complex. These pegmatites, which are considerablymore abundant than is generally realized, provide evidence forthe differentiation of iron-rich residual melts. The pegmatitesare composed largely of iron-rich olivine and clinopyroxene,together with Ti-magnetite and ilmenite. Feldspar is characteristicallyabsent, but paradoxically the pegmatites preferentially replaceanorthositic cumulates. Two subgroups are recognized, olivine-clinopyroxenepegmatite and Fe-Ti oxides pegmatite. With increased stratigraphicheight the pegmatites become richer in Fe-Ti oxides. Thus, olivine-clinopyroxenepegmatite is prevalent in the Upper Critical and Lower MainZones, whereas Fe-Ti oxide pegmatite is restricted to the UpperMain and Upper Zones. Zoned pegmatite, with a core of Fe-Tioxide pegmatite, is transitional between the two subgroups. New whole-rock and electron microprobe analyses of olivine-clinopyroxenepegmatite from the Upper Critical and Lower Main Zones provideconvincing evidence that their composition is directly relatedto height. Cryptic compositional variations are analogous tothose displayed by the layered cumulates, but for a given heightthe pegmatites are always more evolved. Compositions of clinopyroxenein the pegmatites reflect a near-linear relationship with height,whereas cumulus pyroxenes display upward iron-enrichment trendscomplicated by replenishment and reaction with trapped intercumulusliquid. The olivine-clinopyroxene pegmatite formed by magmatic replacementof earlier-formed cumulates in response to infiltration of iron-richmelts. Suitably differentiated melts comprised intercumulusand residual liquids derived from thick anorthosite layers.The absence of feldspar, although not fully understood, is attributedto an immiscible relationship between dense, iron-rich meltsand light, silica-alkali-rich liquids. The latter infiltratedupward to be reincorporated into the resident magma. The iron-richmelts, however, drained down into the crystallizing cumulatepile. Channelling along early-formed fractures and joints wassignificant, locally resulting in huge pipe-like bodies of pegmatite. The iron-rich melts became increasingly differentiated withheight, partly in response to the fractional crystallizationof more evolved cumulates. The olivine-clinopyroxene pegmatitesare related to infiltration of Fe-Ti oxide-rich silicate melt,whereas Fe-Ti oxide pegmatite is ascribed to Fe-Ti oxide liquid,as originally argued by Bateman (1951). The Bushveld Complexfollowed the Fenner trend of almost uninterrupted iron enrichment.Evidence of pronounced iron enrichment is, however, manifestedin the discordant iron-rich ultramafic pegmatites several thousandsof metres below the height at which iron-rich cumulates areobserved.  相似文献   

The Merensky Reef hosts one of the largest PGE resources globally.It has been exploited for nearly 100 years, yet its origin remains unresolved.In the present study, we characterised eight samples of the reef at four localities in the western Bushveld Complex using micro-X-ray fluorescence and field emission scanning electron microscopy.Our results indicate that the Merensky Reef formed through a range of diverse processes.Textures exhibited by chromite grains at the base of the reef are consistent with supercooling and in situ growth.The local thickening of the Merensky chromitite layers within troughs in the floor rocks is most readily explained by granular flow.Annealing and deformation textures in pyroxenes of the Merensky pegmatoid bear testament to recrystallisation and deformation.The footwall rocks to the reef contain disseminations of PGE rich sulphides as well as olivine grains with peritectic reaction rims along their upper margins suggesting reactive downward flow of silicate and sulphide melts.Olivine-hosted melt inclusions containing Cl-rich apatite, sodic plagioclase, and phlogopite suggest the presence of highly evolved, volatile-rich melts.Pervasive reverse zonation of cumulus plagioclase in the footwall of the reef indicates dissolution or partial melting of plagioclase, possibly triggered by flux of heat, acidic fluids, or hydrous melt.Together, these data suggest that the reef formed through a combination of magmatic, hydrodynamic and hydromagmatic processes.  相似文献   

Thirty separates of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from the lower Main Zone of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex were analysed for their mercury contents using combustion atomic absorption spectroscopy with gold amalgamation pre-concentration. The average mercury contents of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene were found to be 0.9 ppb, 1.2 ppb and 1.1 ppb, respectively. Mercury within the separates does not vary systematically with any of the major element oxides present in the minerals. Based on a positive 1:1 correlation between mercury in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, we estimate DOpxHg ≈ DCpxHg, and on this basis, can exclude the presence of significant Hg2+ within the melts from which these minerals crystallised. The lack of correlation between mercury in plagioclase and that in the mafic silicates may suggest diffusional loss of the element from the former during slow cooling under magmatic conditions and better retention of mercury by the mafic silicates under the same conditions. Alternatively and more likely, this lack of correlation may support earlier arguments based on distinct Sr-isotopic disequilibrium between co-existing plagioclase and mafic silicates, that plagioclase and the mafic silicates in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex may have crystallised from different melts within a variably contaminated, sub-Bushveld staging chamber.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe analyses of Ca-poor pyroxenes in gabbroic rocks of the Main Zone of the Bushveld Complex reveal that inverted pigeonites have lower Mg/Fe ratios than coexisting hypersthenes. Textural relationships, however, indicate that the two Ca-poor pyroxenes did not crystallize simultaneously from the magma. Early pigeonite reacted with the magma to form hypersthene and the difference in the Mg/Fe ratio of these two pyroxenes reflects the difference of this ratio between early pigeonite and the magma at the time of reaction. Some of the grains of early pigeonite, now inverted to hypersthene, evidently escaped this reaction with the magma. Bulk compositions of pyroxenes intermediate between that of pigeonite and hypersthene are postulated on the grounds of varying amounts of exsolved augite in the hypersthene which has originated from pigeonite by reaction with magma.  相似文献   

Summary Unusual facies of the Merensky Reef, the UG-2 and the UG-1 chromitite layers are developed in the western sector of the eastern Bushveld Complex. Within the basal pyroxenite of the Merensky unit, mineralization can be developed at up to four levels. Some of these contain significant mineralization with an increase in the Pt/Pd ratio upward in the succession.The UG-2 chromitite layer consists of a lower, sulphide-rich layer and an upper, sulphide-poor layer. Although these two layers are separated by a pyroxenite parting in places, both contain high platinum-group element (PGE) values. Textural features such as inclusions of base metal sulphides in chromite grains, and the moulding of sintered chromite grains around sulphides, indicates that immiscible sulphide liquid separated prior to or simultaneously with chromite crystallization. The presence of platinum minerals within the sulphides of the inclusions and enclosed in all the base metal sulphides interstitial to chromite, indicates that the PGE were extracted from the magma by the sulphide liquid.Textural and compositional evidence suggests that the sulphide enrichment in the UG-1 chromitite layer is also of magmatic origin, but that these sulphides underwent remobilization at high temperatures.Magma mixing processes are considered to have produced the chromitite layers. The high sulphide content associated with the chromitite layers in the upper critical zone in this sector is ascribed to favourable compositions and proportions of the magmas involved in the mixing process.
PGE-Vererzung im westlichen Sektor des östlichen Bushveld-Komplexes
Zusammenfassung Ungewöhnliche Fazies des Merensky-Reefes sowie der UG-2 und der UG-1 Chromitite kommen im westlichen Sektor des östlichen Bushveld Komplexes vor. In den basalen Pyroxeniten der Merensky-Einheit liegt Vererzung in bis zu vier verschiedenen Niveaus vor. Einige von diesen enthalten signifikante Metallgehalte, wobei das Pt/Pd Verhältnis gegen das Hangende hin zunimmt.Der UG-2 Chromitit besteht aus einer unteren, Sulfid-reichen, und einer oberen, Sulfid-armen Lage. Obwohl diese beiden Lagen stellenweise durch eine pyroxenitische Zwischenschicht getrennt sind, enthalten beide hohe Platin-Gruppen-Elementgehalte (PGE). Texturen wie z.B. Einschlüsse von Buntmetallsulfiden in Chromitkörnern, und die Anordnung von gesinterten Chromitkörnern um Sulfide herum weisen darauf hin, daß eine unmischbare Sulfidschmelze vor oder gleichzeitig mit der Chromitkristallisation abgetrennt wurde. Das Vorkommen von Platin-Mineralen in den Sulfiden der Einschlüsse, und in allen Buntmetallsulfiden die zwischen Chromitkörnern vorkommen, zeigen, daß die PGE durch eine Sulfidschmelze aus dem Magma entfernt worden sind.Texturelle und chemische Parameter zeigen, daß die Sulfidanreicherung in den UG-1 Chromititen auch einen magmatischen Ursprung hat, jedoch waren diese Sulfide später von einer Hochtemperatur-Mobilisation betroffen.Die Chromitit-Lagen werden durch Magmen-Mischung, der hohe Sulfid-Gehalt in den Chromitit-Lagen der oberen Kritischen Zone in diesem Sektor durch günstige Zusammensetzungen und Verhältnisse der Magmen, die an diesem Mischungsprozess teilgenommen haben erklärt.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Noble Metal Enrichment Processes in the Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
We have analysed sulphides, silicates, and chromites of theMerensky Reef for platinum-group elements (PGEs), Re and Auusing laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryand synthetic pyrrhotite standards annealed with known quantitiesof noble metals. Os, Ir and Ru reside in solid solution in pyrrhotiteand pentlandite, Rh and part of the Reef’s Pd in pentlandite,whereas Pt, Au, Re and some Pd form discrete phases. Olivineand chromite, often suspected to carry Os, Ir and Ru, are PGEfree. All phases analysed contain noble metals as discrete micro-inclusionswith diameters typically <100 nm. Inclusions in sulphidescommonly have the element combinations Os–Ir–Ptand Pt–Pd–Au. Inclusions in olivine and chromiteare dominated by Pt ± Au–Pd. Few inclusion spectracan be related to discrete noble metal phases, and few inclusionshave formed by sub-solidus exsolution. Rather, some PGE inclusions,notably those in olivine and chromite, are early-magmatic nuggetstrapped when their host phases crystallized. We suggest thatthe silicate melt layer that preceded the Merensky Reef wasPGE oversaturated at early cumulus times. Experiments combinedwith available sulphide–silicate partition coefficientssuggest that a silicate melt in equilibrium with a sulphidemelt containing the PGE spectrum of the Merensky ore would indeedbe oversaturated with respect to the least soluble noble metals.Sulphide melt apparently played little role in enriching thenoble metals in the Merensky Reef; rather, its role was to immobilizea pre-existing in situ stratiform PGE anomaly in the liquid-stratifiedmagma chamber. KEY WORDS: Bushveld Complex; Merensky Reef; laser-ablation ICP-MS; platinum-group mineralization  相似文献   

Origin of the UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chromitite layers are common in large mafic layered intrusions.A widely accepted hypothesis holds that the chromitites formedas a consequence of injection and mixing of a chemically relativelyprimitive magma into a chamber occupied by more evolved magma.This forces supersaturation of the mixture in chromite, whichupon crystallization accumulates on the magma chamber floorto form a nearly monomineralic layer. To evaluate this and othergenetic hypotheses to explain the chromitite layers of the BushveldComplex, we have conducted a detailed study of the silicate-richlayers immediately above and below the UG2 chromitite and anotherchromitite layer lower in the stratigraphic section, at thetop of the Lower Critical Zone. The UG2 chromitite is well knownbecause it is enriched in the platinum-group elements and extendsfor nearly the entire 400 km strike length of the eastern andwestern limbs of the Bushveld Complex. Where we have studiedthe sequence in the central sector of the eastern Bushveld,the UG2 chromitite is embedded in a massive, 25 m thick plagioclasepyroxenite consisting of 60–70 vol. % granular (cumulus)orthopyroxene with interstitial plagioclase, clinopyroxene,and accessory phases. Throughout the entire pyroxenite layerorthopyroxene exhibits no stratigraphic variations in majoror minor elements (Mg-number = 79·3–81·1).However, the 6 m of pyroxenite below the chromitite (footwallpyroxenite) is petrographically distinct from the 17 m of hangingwall pyroxenite. Among the differences are (1) phlogopite, K-feldspar,and quartz are ubiquitous and locally abundant in the footwallpyroxenite but generally absent in the hanging wall pyroxenite,and (2) plagioclase in the footwall pyroxenite is distinctlymore sodic and potassic than that in the hanging wall pyroxenite(An45–60 vs An70–75). The Lower Critical Zone chromititeis also hosted by orthopyroxenite, but in this case the rocksabove and below the chromitite are texturally and compositionallyidentical. For the UG2, we interpret the interstitial assemblageof the footwall pyroxenite to represent either interstitialmelt that formed in situ by fractional crystallization or chemicallyevolved melt that infiltrated from below. In either case, themelt was trapped in the footwall pyroxenite because the overlyingUG2 chromitite was less permeable. If this interpretation iscorrect, the footwall and hanging wall pyroxenites were essentiallyidentical when they initially formed. However, all the modelsof chromitite formation that call on mixing of magmas of differentcompositions or on other processes that result in changes inthe chemical or physical conditions attendant on the magma predictthat the rocks immediately above and below the chromitite layersshould be different. This leads us to propose that the Bushveldchromitites formed by injection of new batches of magma witha composition similar to the resident magma but carrying a suspendedload of chromite crystals. The model is supported by the commonobservation of phenocrysts, including those of chromite, inlavas and hypabyssal rocks, and by chromite abundances in lavasand peridotite sills associated with the Bushveld Complex indicatingthat geologically reasonable amounts of magma can account foreven the massive, 70 cm thick UG2 chromitite. The model requiressome crystallization to have occurred in a deeper chamber, forwhich there is ample geochemical evidence. KEY WORDS: Bushveld complex; chromite; crystal-laden magma; crustal contamination; magma mixing; UG2 chromitite  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data were acquired from eighteen sampling sites situated in the main zone of the eastern Bushveld Complex, Transvaal, South Africa. Specimens were subjected to alternating field and thermal demagnetization. Two mean magnetization directions, which are approximately antipodal, were found. One direction represents subzone B of the main zone in the eastern Bushveld Complex and yields a palaeomagnetic pole at . The second direction represents subzone C of the main zone in the eastern Bushveld Complex with virtual geomagnetic pole at . The positions of these poles on the apparent polar wander path (APW) for Africa indicate that the critical zone had acquired its remanent magnetization before the main zone. Fold tests prove that the main zone in the eastern Bushveld Complex had acquired its remanent magnetization with the igneous layering in a horizontal position.  相似文献   

Connectivity between the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mafic layered rocks of the Bushveld Complex are 6–8 km thick and crop out over an area of 65,000 km2. Previous interpretations of the Bouguer gravity anomalies suggested that the intrusion consisted of two totally separate bodies. However, the mafic sequences in these arcuate western and eastern limbs are remarkably similar, with at least six petrologically distinctive layers and sequences being recognisable in both limbs. Such similarity of sequences in two totally discrete bodies 200–300 km apart is petrologically implausible, and it is suggested that they formed within a single lopolithic intrusion.

All previous Bouguer gravity models failed to consider the isostatic response of the crust to emplacement of this huge mass of mafic magma. Isostatic adjustment as a result of this intrusion would have caused the base of the crust to be depressed by as much as 6 km. With this revised whole crustal model, it becomes possible to construct a gravity model, consistent with observed data, which includes a 6 km-thick sequence of mafic rocks connecting the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld Complex. The exact depth at which the mafic rocks of the Bushveld Complex lie in the centre of the structure cannot be constrained by the gravity data.

Such a first-order model is an approximation, because there have been subsequent deformation and structural readjustments in the crust, some of them probably related to the emplacement of the Bushveld Complex. Specifically, the observed geometry of the rocks around the Crocodile River, Dennilton, Marble Hall and Malope Domes suggests that major upwarping of the crust occurred on a variety of scales, triggered by emplacement of the Bushveld Complex.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - The Upper Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, has been divided into so-called cyclic units. Ideally, they should consist of (from the...  相似文献   

A petrogenetic model for the Merensky Reef in the Rustenburg section of the Bushveld Complex has been developed based on detailed field and petrographic observations and electron microprobe data. The model maintains that the reef formed by reaction of hydrous melt and a partially molten cumulate assemblage. The model is devised to account for several key observations: (1) Although the dominant rock type in the Rusterburg sections is pegmatoidal feldspathic pyroxenite, there is a continous range of reef lithology from pyroxenite to pegmatoidal harzburgite and dunite, and small amounts of olivine are present in nearly all pegmatoids. (2) The pegmatoid is usually bounded above and below by chromitite seams and the basal chromitite separated from underlying norite by a centimeter-thick layer of anorthosite. The thicknesses of the two layers exhibit a well-defined, positive correlation. (3) Inclusion of pyroxenite identical to the hanging wall and of leuconorite identical to the footwall are present in the pegmatoid. The leuconorite inclusions are surrounded by thin anorthosite and chromitite layers in the same sequence as that at the base of the reef. (4) Chromite in seams adjacent to plagioclase-rich rocks is characterized by higher Mg/Mg+Fe and Al/R3 and lower Cr/R3 than that in seams adjacent to pyroxene-rich rocks. Similar variations in mineral compositions are observed across individual chromitite seams where the underlying and overlying rock types differ. The chromite compositional variations cannot be rationalized in terms of either fractional crystallization or reequilibration with surrounding silicates. It is proposed that the present reef was originally a melt-rich horizon in norite immediately overlain by relatively crystallized pyroxenite. Magmatic vapor generated by crystallization of intercumulus melt migrated upward through fractures in the cumulate pile below the protoreef. The melt-rich protoreef became hydrated because fractures were unable to propagate through it and because the melt itself was water-undersaturated. Hydration of the intercumulus melt was accompanied by melting, and the hydration/melting front migrated downward into the footwall and upward into the hanging wall. In the footwall melting resulted first in the dissolution of orthopyroxene and then of plagioclase. With continued hydration chromite was stabilized as melt alumina content increased. The regular variations in chromite compositions reflect the original gradients in melt composition at the hydration front. The stratigraphic sequence downward through the base of the reef or pegmatoid (melt)-chromitite-anorthosite-norite represents the sequence of stable mineral assemblages across the hydration/melting front. The sequence is shown to be consistent with knowledge gained from experiments on melting of hydrous mafic systems at crustal pressures. With cooling the hydrated mixture from partial melting of norite footwall and more mafic hanging wall crystallized in the sequence chromite-olivine-pyroxene-plagioclase, with peritectic loss of some olivine. Calculations of mass balance indicate that a significant proportion of the melt was lost from the melt-rich horizon. Variations in the development of the pegmatoid and associated lithologies and amount of modal olivine in the pegmatoids along the strike of the Merensky Reef resulted because the processes of hydration, melting and melt loss operated to varying extents.  相似文献   

Analyses of stream sediment and soil samples from the Bushveld Complex, South Africa have revealed enhanced precious metal concentrations, which can be related both to mining activities and the presence of hidden concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGEs) and gold. The economically important PGE deposits hosted by the Upper Critical Zone of the Rustenburg Layered Suite are revealed by a high PGE and Au content in the overlying soils. A second zone of elevated precious metal concentrations straddles the boundary between the Main and Upper Zones and has to date been traced for more than 100 km. This zone follows the igneous layering of the Rustenburg Layered Suite and is offset by the Brits Graben. It is therefore thought to be the reflection of a magmatic PGE-Au mineralisation. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 7 January 1997  相似文献   

The Lower Zone of the Eastern Bushveld Complex in the Olifants River Trough   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
The Lower Zone of the Eastern Bushveld Complex in the OlifantsRiver Trough reaches 1584 m in thickness and is divisible intoBasal subzone, Lower Bronzitite, Harzburgite subzone, and UpperBronzitite. The Lower Zone is directly and conformably overlainby the Critical Zone; there is no break between the two. The principal cumulus minerals in the Lower Zone are bronziteand olivine. Chromite is an accessory cumulus mineral in peridotites,especially in the Harzburgite subzone, and cumulus plagioclaseoccurs in two thin units in the Basal subzone. Elsewhere plagioclase,with or without chromian augite, is postcumulus in origin. Electron microprobe analyses show that the range in En and Focontents of bronzite and olivine, respectively, is only a fewper cent over the entire rock sequence. Highest values of bothare found in the Harzburgite subzone. From modal and mineralanalyses the bulk composition of the Lower Zone (wt. per cent)is calculated as SiO2—53.94, TiO2—0.08, Cr2O3—0.55,V2O3—0.01, Al2O3—2.64, NiO—0.09, FeO (totalFe as FeO)—9.62, MnO—0.20, MgO—31.72, CaO—1.48,K2O—0.1, Na2O—0.13. This composition is unlike thatof any magma type, indicating that the Lower Zone is indeeda pile of crystal cumulates. From the data for the Lower Zone, together with available datafor the Critical, Main, and Upper Zones, the average MgO contentof the Eastern Bushveld Complex is calculated as about 13 percent, the Cr content as in excess of 1000 ppm. Even if the Complexformed from a single body of magma, the magma cannot have beentholeiitic, but rather olivine tholeiitic or picritic. An hypothesis of evolution of the Lower Zone is presented. Shiftsin total pressure are inferred to have been a major factor inproducing the succession of rock types and in producing theextraordinarily persistent chromitites of the overlying CriticalZone. It is suggested that the extraordinary richness in chromiteof the Bushveld is related to its formation not from tholeiiticmagma, but from more Mg-rich, chromium-rich magma drawn froma deeper level of the mantle than that which has yielded thetholeiitic basalts.  相似文献   

A suite of ultramafic and mafic rocks from the lower, critical and lower portion of the main zones of the Bushveld Complex has been analysed for Th, Cs, Zr, Ni, Cr and Au by INAA and XRF spectrometry. The incompatible elements Th, Cs, and Zr correlate positively, and show a gradual upward increase in abundance. Assuming constant average proportion of intercumulus material, this upward increase implies that the zones of the Complex studied represent crystallization of a single magma type some 3600 m thick. Pyroxenites dominate the lower portion of the section studied and their Ni content shows an initial rapid decrease from 850 ppm in the lowermost rocks, to around 500 ppm, with considerable scatter. This distribution is most likely to have resulted from bottom crystallization with superimposed convective overturn near the transient floor of the chamber. Gold abundances are generally higher in chromitites, and correlate positively with Ni, indicating the presence of significant amounts of cumulus immiscible sulphide. In the silicate rocks, Au does not correlate with any of the analysed elements, and it is concluded that Au was trapped in small quantities of immiscible sulphide which precipitated continuously during crystallization. There is an upward increase in the amount of cumulus immiscible sulphide, indicating a progressive increase in sulphur solubility in the magma.  相似文献   

Granite sheets emplaced into the migmatite zone of the easterncontact aureole of the Bushveld Complex resulted from fluid-enhanced,incongruent biotite melting of the underlying Silverton Formationshales during prograde metamorphism. Ba concentrations are extremein both the sheets (>1000 ppm) and the hornfels (>800ppm) into which they have been emplaced. We conclude that aBa-rich, hydrothermal fluid induced melting in the aureole,and that fluid transport of Ba2+, and to a lesser extent, Sr2+and Eu2+, persisted in the melt zones under subsolidus conditions.Sr-isotope systematics from high-Ba localities define an errorchronof 2161 ± 106 Ma with an initial (87Sr/86Sr) ratio of0·705 ± 0·001. Metasedimentary rocks unaffectedby fluid infiltration were homogenized at the same time butwith an increased initial ratio, suggesting that whereas isotopehomogenization was achieved between outcrops permeated by fluids,there is no evidence of regional homogenization. Oxygen-isotopecompositions of psammitic metasediments in the aureole are uncorrelatedwith distance from the contact, suggesting the infiltratingfluid equilibrated isotopically with the metasediments. Theirelevated  相似文献   

Summary Migration of residual liquid can potentially affect the textures and mineral compositions in layered intrusions, but is difficult to conclusively demonstrate. In the Upper Zone of the Bushveld Complex a metabasaltic xenolith forms a locally impermeable horizon, which acted as a barrier to vertically migrating residua. Increased Ab content in plagioclase, and K2O and Zr in whole-rock analyses in the anorthosite directly below the xenolith, compared to the same horizon along strike of the xenolith, demonstrate trapping of residual liquid and/or fluid beneath the xenolith.Comparison of Cu/Ni and Cu/S ratios of the mineralised anorthosite in the normal sequence and below the xenolith suggests that these are primary magmatic sulphides which crystallised within the anorthosite and are not derived by sinking of dense interstitial sulphide liquid originally associated with the overlying magnetite layer or introduced hydrothermally.
Vertikale Migration von Restmagma in der Upper Zone des Bushveld-Komplexes
Zusammenfassung Die Migration von Restschmelzen kann Texturen und Mineralzusammensetzungen in geschichteten Intrusionen beeinflussen, jedoch ist es schwierig, dies eindeutig nachzuweisen. In der Upper Zone des Bushveld-Komplexes bildet ein metabasaltischer Xenolith einen lokal undurchlässigen Horizont, der für vertikal migrierte Residuen als Barriere fungierte. Erhöhte Ab-Gehalte in Plagioklas, sowie erhöhte K2O und Zr-Werte in Gesamtgesteins-Analysen in Anorthosit direkt unterhalb des Xenolithen-verglichen mit der Zusammensetzung des gleichen Horizontes in Streichen des Xenolithen-weisen auf Konzentration von Restschmelzen und/oder Fluiden im Liegenden des Xenolithen hin. Der Vergleich von Cu/Ni und Cu/S Verhältnissen der mineralisierten Anorthosite in der normalen Abfolge mit denen unterhalb des Xenolithen zeigt, daß es sich hier um primäre magmatische Sulfide handelt, die innerhalb des Anorthosits kristallisierten. Diese Sulfide lassen sich nicht auf das Absinken von dichter Sulfidschmelze, die ursprünglich mit den überlagernden Magnetit-Bändern in Zusammenhang standen, und auch nicht auf hydrothermale Zufuhr zurückführen.

Magmatic metasomatism and formation of the Merensky reef,Bushveld Complex   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The rare earth element (REE) contents of pyroxenes and other minerals from the Merensky reef and stratigraphically adjacent rocks of the Atok section, Bushveld Complex, have been determined with the ion microprobe. Merensky reef clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene contain much higher and more variable concentrations of the REE than their cumulus counterparts in rocks several meters below the reef. Chondrite-normalized Merensky clinopyroxene Ce contents vary from 10 to 90 for Ce and from 4 to 17 for Yb. They also possess deep, negative Eu anomalies, the Eu anomalics being deeper for crystals having high REE contents and relatively shallow for pyroxenes with low REE contents. Similar compositional characteristics are displayed by Cl-rich apatite, which is an accessory phase in the rocks. Interstitial pyroxene in cumulates above and below the reef also tends to have elevated REE contents and in general is not in equilibrium with coexisting cumulus minerals. The melt from which the cumulus minerals crystallized falls within the compositional range of continental basalts; that from which Merensky and postcumulus pyroxenes crystallized is inferred to be much more highly enriched in REE than any normal tholeiitic or alkalic basalt. Despite their highly evolved nature in terms of the REE, the Merensky reef pyroxenes are not evolved in terms of major elements. The decoupling of incompatible trace and major elements is best explained by a metasomatic process. It is speculated that metasomatism involved upward percolation of hydrated silicate melt through and its reaction with the crystalline cumulate pile. The fact that the rocks enriched in the platinum group elements are also those that show evidence for metasomatism suggests that these elements were also metasomatically redistributed.  相似文献   

The Bushveld Complex and other layered intrusions show significant initial isotopic heterogeneity, both between and within co-existing cumulate minerals. Various processes have been proposed to account for this, including (i) intrusion of variably contaminated crystal mushes from deeper staging chambers, (ii) blending of semi-consolidated crystal mushes as a result of subsidence during cooling, (iii) variable infiltration of contaminants into a partially solidified crystal mush, (iv) density-driven mixing of minerals from isotopically distinct magma pulses, (v) contamination of crystals at the roof of the intrusion and mechanical incorporation of such contaminated crystals into the lower crystallisation front as a result of gravitational instability at the upper crystallisation front, and (vi) late-stage metasomatic processes. In order to assess the likely process(es) responsible for initial isotopic heterogeneities within the Bushveld Complex, we analysed core and rim domains of 12 plagioclase crystals from the Main and Upper zones of the Bushveld Complex for their Sr-isotopic compositions. The data show the presence of multiple, isotopically heterogeneous populations of plagioclase occurring within the same rocks. The data presented here are best explained through the intrusion of variably contaminated crystal mushes derived from a sub-compartmentalized, sub-Bushveld staging chamber that underwent different degrees of contamination with crustal rocks of the Kaapvaal craton.  相似文献   

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