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李静  史宏达 《海岸工程》2009,28(4):48-58
对我国近年出现的几种新型码头结构的研究进行了综述和分析。其中,遮帘式板桩码头结构减小了作用于前板桩上的土压力,使板桩码头在大水深情况下得以应用;双排大管桩码头结构使大管桩较高的轴向承载力和抗弯强度得到充分发挥;架空直立式码头解决了内河大水位差情况下建造码头的难题;椭圆型沉箱的应用避免了采用2个圆沉箱产生前后不均匀沉降的技术难题。最后,对上述新型结构的应用进行了总结。  相似文献   

刘洪超  李华 《海岸工程》2020,39(1):53-59
介绍了广州港新沙港区板桩码头主要内力计算方法及常用软件,结合设计过程、工程地质情况、现场实际施工情况,着重从受力合理性、施工便利性、节省造价方面,对提出的钢板桩方案、钢管板桩方案进行比较分析,确定了钢管板桩结构更合理,并对优势进行总结。研究表明相对于钢板桩结构,钢管板桩结构在抗弯、抗变形、拉杆拉力和锚碇墙稳定性、对复杂地基(软弱土层较厚、岩层标高较高的地基)适应性、兼顾桩基基础、施工速度等方面更具备优势,且钢管板桩结构可更好的适应码头的大型化和深水化发展,在类似工程设计中可优先采用钢管板桩结构。  相似文献   

我国码头新结构型式综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雍新  史宏达 《海岸工程》2013,32(1):35-43
对我国近些年出现的几种新型码头结构进行了分析和综述。导管架码头结构型式是一种新型的结构型式,结构的整体刚度大、水平变位小、透空性好、波浪反射小,在开敞式环境下可适当降低码头面高程;椭圆沉箱墩式结构解决前后不均匀沉降的问题,提高了结构的整体稳定性;内河架空直立墩式结构对大水位差适应能力强,结构紧凑,对水流穿行影响小,装卸作业时泊稳条件好,是内河航道未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

针对重力式码头CAD系统开发中存在的设计荷载处理的技术难题,提出了一种切实可行的计算机解决方案,并提供了CAD系统常用的数据接口技术。该方案有较强的应用价值,可作为开发各类重力式码头CAD系统的借鉴。  相似文献   

朱锡昶  陈辉 《海洋工程》2000,18(3):79-83
介绍了嘏基斯坦卡西姆港化学码头钢管桩实施牺牲阳极阴极保护所进行的钢桩保护面积计算和保护电位测量,以及根据涂层状况经设计计算,安装牺牲的阳极的型号、数量和阳极材料的性能检测。  相似文献   

There has been a growing trend in the development of offshore deep-water ports in China. For such deep sea projects, all-vertical-piled wharves are suitable structures and generally located in open waters, greatly affected by wave action. Currently, no systematic studies or simplified numerical methods are available for deriving the dynamic characteristics and dynamic responses of all-vertical-piled wharves under wave cyclic loads. In this article, we compare the dynamic characteristics of an all-vertical-piled wharf with those of a traditional inshore high-piled wharf through numerical analysis; our research reveals that the vibration period of an all-vertical-piled wharf under cyclic loading is longer than that of an inshore high-piled wharf and is much closer to the period of the loading wave. Therefore, dynamic calculation and analysis should be conducted when designing and calculating the characteristics of an all-vertical-piled wharf. We establish a dynamic finite element model to examine the dynamic response of an all-vertical-piled wharf under wave cyclic loads and compare the results with those under wave equivalent static load; the comparison indicates that dynamic amplification of the structure is evident when the wave dynamic load effect is taken into account. Furthermore, a simplified dynamic numerical method for calculating the dynamic response of an all-vertical-piled wharf is established based on the P-Y curve. Compared with finite element analysis, the simplified method is more convenient to use and applicable to large structural deformation while considering the soil non-linearity. We confirmed that the simplified method has acceptable accuracy and can be used in engineering applications.  相似文献   

针对海南八所港矿砂码头服役近30年的混凝土梁、柱和70年的甬道等结构腐蚀状况进行现场调研,发现钢筋混凝土结构出现钢筋锈蚀、混凝土剥落,部分混凝土严重破损。测量了其混凝土梁、柱、甬道等不同位置混凝土和铁锈中氯离子含量,分析了局部环境对氯离子分布的影响。根据调研结果总结分析了其破损原因。结果表明混凝土中氯离子分布呈现规律性变化,且铁锈中的氯离子含量远小于混凝土中氯离子含量。  相似文献   

This paper, based on wave data measured with Type 956 Directional WAVE-TRACK Buoy System at new Dalian Port for a whole year, analyses the properties of the wave frequency spectra, and derives the formula for the frequency spectrum of wind-waves.  相似文献   

The assembly coastal hfilding technique initiated at home and abroad,is for a novel vertical standing harbor structure.Its main concept is the assembling components which can be combined and locked together to form a large caisson.Its application and future are discussed for a building.After many years of application and tests,the technique has a high stability,a wide range of application,low workload and fast construction speed.It can be widely applied in future for harbor engineering projects.  相似文献   

具有挡浪设施的高桩码头是国内近年来采用的一种新型水工结构型式,具有防浪、透流、防止泥沙回淤和造价低等优点。根据Wiebel、Kriebel等人的理论分析,结合东营港扩建工程码头的尺度参数,对挡板的透浪系数Kt的计算进行了推导,并与物理模型试验及现行规范进行了比较与讨论。  相似文献   

High-pile and beam-slab quays have been widely used after several years development.They are mature enough to be one of the most important structural types of wharves in China coastal areas. In order to accommodate large tonnage vessels, wharves should be constructed in deep water gradually. However, conventional high-pileand beam-slab structures are hard to meet the requirements of large deep-water wharf.According to arch''s stresscharacteristics, a new type of wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams is presented in this paper. The new wharf structure can make full use of arch''s overhead crossing and reinforced concrete compression resistance, improve the interval between transverse bents greatly, and decrease underwater construction quantity. Thus, the construction cost cab be reduced. Take the third phase project of the Yangshan Deep-water Port for example, comparative analysis on catenary arched longitudinal beams and conventional longitudinal beams has been made. The result shows that with the same wharf length and width, the same loads and same longitudinal beam moment, catenary arch structure can improve the interval between bents up to 28 m, decrease the number of piles and underwater construction quantity.  相似文献   

High-pile and beam-slab quays have been widely used after several years development. They are mature enough to be one of the most important structural types of wharves in China coastal areas. In order to accommodate large tonnage vessels, wharves should be eorrstructed in deep water gradually. However, conventional high-pile and beam-slab structares are hard to meet the requirements of large deep-water wharf. According to arch' s stress characteristics, a new type of wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams is presented in this paper. The new wharf structure can make full use of arch's overhead crossing and reinforced concrete compression resistance, improve the interval between transverse bents greatly, and decrease underwater construction quantity. Thus, the construction cost cab be reduced. Take the third phase project of the Yangshan Deep-water Port for example, comparative analysis on catenary arched longitudinal beams and conventional longitudinal beams has been made. The result shows that with the same wharf length and width, the same loads and same longitudinal beam moment, catenary arch structure can improve the interval between bents up to 28 m, decrease the nmnber of piles and underwater construction quantity.  相似文献   

本文从十个方面对中国港口面向21 世纪的发展方向、策略等进行了分析探讨  相似文献   

All-vertical-piled wharf is a kind of high-piled wharf, but it is extremely different from the traditional ones in some aspects, such as the structural property, bearing characteristics, failure mechanism, and static or dynamic calculation methods. In this paper, the finite element method (FEM) and theoretical analysis method are combined to analyze the structural property, bearing behavior and failure mode of the all-vertical-piled wharf in offshore deep water, and to establish simplified calculation methods determining the horizontal static ultimate bearing capacity and the dynamic response for the all-vertical-piled wharf. Firstly, the bearing capability and failure mechanism for all-vertical-piled wharf are studied by use of FEM, and the failure criterion is put forward for all-vertical-piled wharf based on the ‘plastic hinge’. According to the failure criterion and P-Y curve method, the simplified calculation method of the horizontal static ultimate bearing capacity for all-vertical-piled wharf is proposed, and it is verified that the simplified method is reasonable by comparison with the FEM. Secondly, the displacement dynamic magnification factor for the all-vertical-piled wharf under wave cyclic loads and ship impact loads is calculated by the FEM and the theory formula based on the single degree of freedom (SDOF) system. The results obtained by the two methods are in good agreement with each other, and the simplified calculation method of the displacement dynamic magnification factor for all-vertical-piled wharf under dynamic loads is proposed. Then the simplified calculation method determining the dynamic response for the all-vertical-piled wharf is proposed in combination with P-Y curve method. That is, the dynamic response of the structure can be obtained through the static calculation results of P-Y curve method multiplied by the displacement dynamic magnification factor. The feasibility of the simplified dynamic response method is verified by comparison with the FEM under different conditions.  相似文献   

分析了港口开发的现状、优势和制约港口发展的因素,根据港口吞吐量的预测结果分析了岸线资源需求量,提出了新的港群布局框架:10个综合性港区,11个主要渔港,9个游艇码头、20个旅游码头、轮渡及陆岛交通码头.  相似文献   

桩基属于柔性结构,低频密集,不利于检测.本研究利用小波变换法可以分离高频成份的特点,提出了利用高频成份和曲线相似性理论相结合的腐蚀厚度识别方法,并以天津港某梁板式码头为例进行了应用,具体步骤为:根据目前研究成果,确定五种典型工况,计算其动力反应;采用小波变换获得突出高频成份的特征曲线;借鉴曲线识别思想,根据实测曲线与特征曲线的相似度确定腐蚀厚度.结果表明,该方法具有较好的效果.  相似文献   

我国港口企业发展现代物流探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代物流是现阶段港口企业在结构调整中的一个主流发展方向,从港口在当前状况下发展现代物流的战略意义、我国港口企业推动现代物流发展的优势、港口企业发展现代物流所采取的具体形式3个方面,对我国港口发展现代物流的重要性和策略进行了论述.  相似文献   

湛江地区老粘土分布广泛,呈硬塑-坚硬状,粘聚力大,力学强度高,对沉桩有一定影响。针对湛江地区较多工程高桩码头方桩沉桩施工中出现裂损或入土过浅的现象,结合湛江奥里油电厂油改煤项目码头工程,设计对方桩锥形桩尖优化为H型桩尖,施工中没有出现桩破损现象,最终贯入度、桩尖标高达到设计要求;施工完成后经检测,桩身质量和承载力满足设计要求,效果良好,可供湛江地区类似工程借鉴参考。  相似文献   

相关法在提高浅水港口潮汐预报质量方面的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据相关法思想,编制了潮汐分析程序并对中国海区典型的浅水港口进行了分析及预报。结果表明,相关法可以提高浅水港口的潮汐预报质量。  相似文献   

"依港管船"制度的提出是我国对渔船管理模式的探索和创新,也是贯彻落实党的十九大精神,推进海洋生态文明的重要举措。文章通过对"依港管船"制度内涵与外延的阐述,从"依港管船"制度的法理基础与现实需求角度入手,研究其合理性与必要性。并且对国外港口建设与船舶管理制度进行分析,总结出目前日本、美国、韩国、德国等国家实施"依港管船"制度的相似性及主要差异,为我国"依港管船"制度的完善与实施提供了参照。并给出了完善"依港管船"以及"渔港生态"立法;明晰渔港产权制度;强化渔船管理制度建设;建立主管部门驻港管理机制;实行部门执法联动等对策建议。  相似文献   

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