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A widely used one-dimensional nonlinear effective stress site response analysis program is used to model the response of potentially liquefiable soils during strong shaking. Ground motion records from six events of the 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence and the extensive site investigation data that have been obtained for the Christchurch area provide the basis for the analyses. The results of the analyses depend significantly on the input motions and soil profile characterization, so these important aspects are examined. Deconvolved Riccarton Gravel input motions were generated, because recorded rock or firm layer motions were not available. Nonlinear effective stress seismic site response analyses are shown to capture key aspects of the observed soil response through the comparison of acceleration response spectra of calculated surface motions to those of recorded surface motions; however, equivalent-linear and total stress nonlinear analyses capture these aspects as well. Biases in the computed motions compared to recorded motions were realized for some cases but they can be attributed primarily to the uncertainty in the development of the input motions used in the analyses.  相似文献   

In the last 50 years, there have been many incidences of failure of gravity quay walls. These failures are often associated with significant deformation of liquefiable soil deposits. Gravity quay wall failures have stimulated great progress in the development of deformation-based design methods for geotechnical structures. In this paper, the effective-stress analysis method has been used in conjunction with a generalised elasto-plasticity constitutive model implemented into a finite element procedure. Various monotonic and cyclic triaxial paths are simulated in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the constitutive model. The FEM is validated by back analysis of a typical Port Island PC1 caisson type quay wall, which was damaged during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. The numerical results are compared with the observed data obtained consisting of seaward displacement, settlement and tilting. In addition, both the influence of permeability, on the generation of pore water pressure and the influence of the relative density of the backfill and foundation layers, on the residual deformation of gravity quay walls are investigated.  相似文献   

综合物探方法在堤防质量检测中的应用   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
在堤防质量检测中,地球物理方法能够实现快速、无损的探测,但采用单一物探方法对堤防隐患的判别易形成多解,也很难对堤防质量做出准确分类.本文中应用探地雷达、高密度电法、地震勘探等综合物探方法对大源渡堤防质量进行检测,并以龙荫港以例,通过综合三种物探方法互相参照、相互验证,互为补充,查明了堤防隐患的分布位置与埋深,为堤防质量检测提供一种新的工作方法.  相似文献   

松散的饱和砂土在液化之前可作为固体看待,但当过量的孔隙水压达到初始侧应力时它成为液体,之后又恢复其强度。这个过程不能各自单独处理,而应视为一个从固态到液态,或从液态到固态的连续变化过程。因此,整个伴随着地基液化———土体流动现象全过程应作为一个在固态和液态之间相变的系列过程。本文导出了一个简单的基本方程式,可以表达松散饱和砂土在液化和地基侧向滑移现象期间的固-液相转换。该基本方程式可用作桩基系统的动力分析,其适用性通过与弹塑性基本方程的比较得到验证。  相似文献   

The paper presents a mathematical model for the deformation of soil under irregular cyclic loading in the simple-shear conditions. The model includes the possible change in the effective pressure in saturated soil due to the cyclic shearing, the reciprocal influence of the effective pressure on the response of the soil to the shear loading, and the pore pressure dissipation due to the seepage of the pore fluid. The hysteresis curves for the strain–stress relationship are constructed in such a way that they produce both the required backbone curve and the required damping ratio as functions of the strain amplitude. At the same time, the approach enables the constitutive functions involved in the model to be specified in various ways depending on the soil under study. The constitutive functions can be calibrated independently of each other from the conventional cyclic shear tests. The constitutive model is incorporated in the boundary value problem for the dynamic site response analysis of level ground. A numerical solution is presented for the dynamic deformation and liquefaction of soil at the Port Island site during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake.  相似文献   

在地震反应分析中常采用总应力分析法,但总应力法没有考虑孔隙水压力的变化规律和液化随时间的发展过程。基于二维有效应力动力分析方法,结合Biot动力固结理论,采用自行开发的有效应力动力分析程序对某核电站导流堤地基进行液化分析,给出在地震作用下砂土层的液化范围,并计算出永久变形。所得结论可以给类似工程提供理论指导。  相似文献   


苏门答腊地区发育多条左旋走滑性质断层,地震活动活跃.2006年3月2日该区西南海域发生了MS7.8大地震.大地震的发生常常会引发区域位移场和应力场及周围断层应力状态发生变化.本文建立全球PREM有限元地球模型,据已有的断层滑动模型计算了此次苏门答腊地震引发的同震位移和应力及库仑应力变化,并进一步讨论了此次地震对周围断层的影响以及区域构造应力场对库仑应力变化计算的影响.初步结果表明此次苏门答腊MS7.8地震造成较大的南北向水平位移且集中在探测者破裂区(Investigator Fracture Zone),最大水平位移量约6.74 m,断层倾角接近垂直,下盘向北运动而上盘向南,进一步表明MS7.8地震为典型的左旋走滑为主的地震,发生海啸的可能性较低;库仑应力变化达MPa量级的区域集中在震中,但近场大部分余震分布在库仑应力减小区域,有效摩擦系数变化和区域构造应力场的耦合作用可能是其原因;利用改进的库仑应力变化计算方法和最优破裂方向计算得出的结果显示库仑应力触发理论可较好地解释余震分布.


The interpretation of the gravity and magnetic fields from inclined dikes has been studied with artifical data contaminated by various noise components: base level, linear trend, and random noise. A Gaussian window was applied to the data prior to transformation to reduce the influence of noise as demonstrated by an analysis of the horizontal cylinder. The case of the dike is more complicated due to the fact that its spectrum has a number of zeroes at wavenumbers which are inversely related to the width of the dike. Around these wavenumbers, especially the random noise distorts the spectrum making interpretation ambiguous.  相似文献   

火山区岩浆压力变形源的反演计算采用解析方法存在难以考虑地形的限制,采用传统有限元方法则存在网格依赖和计算量大的问题,反演过程中每一次正演由于岩浆房位置和大小变化都需要重新生成一次网格,耗费巨大的计算量和网格生成时间.为了克服上述问题,首次在长白山火山区使用"有限元等效体力"方法考虑地形影响反演地下岩浆压力变形源,计算岩浆应力扰动对周边断层稳定性的影响.在火山区地下压力变形源引起的地表形变计算中,地表地形影响不可忽略.埋深越浅,地表最大径向位移ur所在的位置越靠近岩浆囊中心.当坡度达到30°时,最大垂向位移uz所在位置不再位于岩浆囊正上方.椭球状岩浆囊压力源可以较好地模拟长白山火山地区2002—2003年间的GPS和水准测量.岩浆房扰动应力场和区域构造应力场的叠加有可能造成天池西部近EW向,天池北部以NW-NNW向为主的现今应力方向.岩浆房压力源引起的库仑应力变化有利于天池火山口NW向震群在空间上主要分布于火山口的西南和东北部.  相似文献   


2016年11月13日新西兰南岛北端凯库拉(Kaikoura)发生了MW7.8大地震,造成了强烈的地表变形并引发大面积滑坡和海啸的发生.基于美国地质调查局(USGS)断层滑动模型,建立全球同震横向不均匀并行椭球型地球模型,计算了此次新西兰凯库拉大地震产生的同震形变和应力及库仑应力变化.初步计算结果表明:新西兰凯库拉MW7.8地震造成断层上盘东北向抬升,下盘西南俯冲;引起发震区域同震位移较大,从凯库拉到坎贝拉(Campbell)以及首都惠灵顿(Wellington)整体上东北向抬升,最大同震水平位移1.2 m,垂直位移1.1 m.此次大地震释放了发震断层上积累的压应力,但增加了发震断层两端的挤压力;同时,同震剪应力变化增加了NE-SW向断层发生右旋滑动的危险性;采用此次地震发震断层参数计算得出的最大库仑应力变化增加区域集中在发震断层两端,可达到MPa量级.当分别采用新西兰北岛Awatere断裂系和南岛Wellington断裂系参数计算库仑应力变化时,发现新西兰北岛和南岛震中以南区域的库仑应力均增加,可触发部分余震的发生.


火山区岩浆压力变形源的反演计算采用解析方法存在难以考虑地形的限制,采用传统有限元方法则存在网格依赖和计算量大的问题,反演过程中每一次正演由于岩浆房位置和大小变化都需要重新生成一次网格,耗费巨大的计算量和网格生成时间.为了克服上述问题,首次在长白山火山区使用"有限元等效体力"方法考虑地形影响反演地下岩浆压力变形源,计算岩浆应力扰动对周边断层稳定性的影响.在火山区地下压力变形源引起的地表形变计算中,地表地形影响不可忽略.埋深越浅,地表最大径向位移ur所在的位置越靠近岩浆囊中心.当坡度达到30°时,最大垂向位移uz所在位置不再位于岩浆囊正上方.椭球状岩浆囊压力源可以较好地模拟长白山火山地区2002—2003年间的GPS和水准测量.岩浆房扰动应力场和区域构造应力场的叠加有可能造成天池西部近EW向,天池北部以NW-NNW向为主的现今应力方向.岩浆房压力源引起的库仑应力变化有利于天池火山口NW向震群在空间上主要分布于火山口的西南和东北部.  相似文献   

Large earthquake-induced displacements of a bridge abutment can occur, when the bridge is built on a floodplain or reclaimed area, i.e., liquefiable ground, and crosses a water channel. Seismic responses of a bridge abutment on liquefiable ground are the consequence of complex interactions between the abutment and surrounding soils. Therefore identification of the factors dominating the abutment response is important for the development of simplified seismic design methods. This paper presents the results of dynamic three-dimensional finite element analyses of bridge abutments adjacent to a river dike, including the effect of liquefaction of the underlying ground using earthquake motions widely used in Japan. The analysis shows that conventional design methods may underestimate the permanent abutment displacements unless the following two items are considered: (1) softening of the soil beneath the liquefiable layer, due to cyclic shearing of the soil surrounding the piles, and (2) the forces acting on the side faces of the abutment.  相似文献   





构造应力场往往对地震活动性具有控制作用,应力快速集中的地方常常是地震频繁发生的地方.本文以巴颜喀拉块体及其边界断裂带近20年来的7次中强震为例,结合区域历史地震震源信息、地质背景及GPS等观测数据,利用Monte Carlo方法和库仑-摩尔破裂准则为计算依据,反演该块体的震前初始构造应力场.通过将初始应力场反演中不确定部分限定在一个合理的上下限范围内进行独立的重复性随机试验,并运用统计学方法得到了巴颜喀拉块体1997年玛尼MW7.5地震震前区域初始应力场.计算结果显示:(1)巴颜喀拉块体10 km深度处最大水平主应力方向自西向东呈顺时针旋转趋势,由NS向转变为近EW向,与浅部实测地应力数据、历史地震类型和板块运动方向吻合较好.(2)最大/最小水平主应力和二者差值自西向东均逐渐增加,最大水平主压应力值~400 MPa,最小水平主压应力值~250 MPa.差应力在昆仑山断裂带与阿尔金断裂带交汇处及甘孜—玉树断裂带西段较低(~150 MPa);在昆仑山断裂带东端和甘孜—玉树断裂带的东南段局部地区较高(~220 MPa).


Flow failure of sandy subsoil induced by seismic liquefaction is known to cause significant damage to structures. It is induced not only by the dynamic forces exerted by seismic acceleration but also by the static gravity force in consequence of the topography of the ground. The ground flow may sometimes continue after the end of the seismic loading and finally the ground is significantly deformed to cause a failure.This paper numerically predicts the magnitude of flow that could occur when soil liquefaction continues for a sufficiently long period. It is considered that liquefied soil behaves like a viscous liquid, and hence, ground flow is governed by the principle of minimum potential energy. In the calculation, liquefied sand is assumed to be a viscous liquid that deforms in undrained conditions with its volume remaining constant. To consider the non-linearity due to large displacement, the updated Lagrangian method is used to solve the equation of motion. The Newmark β method is employed to calculate the time history of the ground motion. Finally, a simulation using this calculation method shows that the proposed method gives reasonable results for the conditions indicated.  相似文献   


2021年MS7.4玛多地震是发生在青藏高原巴颜喀拉块体内部的一次左旋走滑型地震,地表沿发震断层——江错断裂形成了150 km长的破裂带和分叉现象.本研究基于玛多地震主震及余震的三维空间分布特征,依据断层走向与倾角的分段变化构建了江错断层的三维精细模型,并顾及GNSS速度场、采用黏弹性本构关系、依据库仑破裂准则,利用ANSYS有限元计算并分析了江错断层面上的应力演化过程.结果表明:江错断层面西段末端浅部区域(<10 km)、中段深部区域(>10 km)以及东段末端区域的库仑破裂应力积累速率和等效应力要显著大于其他区域,与玛多地震主震及余震序列存在较好的空间对应关系,意味着高水平的应力积累是诱发玛多主震及余震发育的主要原因.同时,地表沿江错断层分布的高应力区与玛多地震地表破裂带位置基本一致,表明玛多地震对地表高应力区产生的扰动是导致地表破裂的原因.而在震源深度(17 km)水平面内,江错断层东段末端应力集中区的空间范围远大于该处已发余震的分布范围,暗示玛多地震序列并不会使得江错断裂东段积累的构造应力全部释放;结合模拟揭示的江错断裂断层面上应力扩展趋势,推测巴颜喀拉块体东南区域可能是未来发震的高风险区.


龚丽文  陈丽娟  郭卫英  陈涛  唐小勇 《地震工程学报》2021,43(5):1087-1094,1102
奉节钻孔应变前兆异常对应震例较远,前兆异常机理不明确.结合其他观测数据和历史背景资料,对比分析该异常的可信度及观测物理意义,并进一步利用有限元模拟方法分析其前兆异常机理.结果显示:奉节钻孔应变的趋势变化与附近的其他观测资料较吻合,能记录到区域应力场的变化信息.数值模拟分析认为该台位于扬子地台四川台坳东缘,扬子地台基底较...  相似文献   

本文对数值模拟方法(主要针对有限单元法)在应力场演化及地震科学中的应用和发展做了回顾与总结,主要包括构造应力场模拟、地震活动性模拟、地震危险性模拟等部分,并对数值模拟方法的发展趋势、方法的优势及其所存在的主要问题做了探讨.  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川九寨沟发生了MS7.0地震,距离汶川地震震中约为140km.地震的发生会调整区域应力分布和影响区域地震活动性变化.那么,汶川地震的发生对此次九寨沟地震有何影响?区域应力如何演化?为回答这些问题,本研究基于高性能并行有限元方法和网格自适应加密技术,采用含地形起伏的黏弹非均匀椭球型地球模型,分别计算了汶川地震引起的同震-震后应力时空动态演化及其对此次九寨沟地震的影响.同时,考虑同震静态应力和震后黏弹性应力调整,计算了汶川、芦山和九寨沟地震的发生对周边断层应力积累的影响.计算结果显示汶川地震对九寨沟发震断层的同震库仑应力加载约为0.008 MPa,震后9年的黏弹性应力加载约为0.012~0.016 MPa,可能会使九寨沟地震提前发生.此外,汶川、芦山和九寨沟地震的发生引起龙门山断裂映秀以南段、东昆仑断裂、龙日坝断裂东段和岷江断裂北段及鲜水河断裂康定段应力加载大于0.01 MPa,增加了这些断裂带发生地震的危险性.  相似文献   

This paper explains how to control in displacement any force proportional loading. Such a procedure makes it possible to derive the complete (i.e. including the possible softening branch) response curve of a structure along any radial loading path in the force space. This is exactly what is required in the so‐called pushover analysis used in the seismic assessment of structures. The proposed procedure is simple in the sense that it can be easily implemented in any classical (displacement‐based) finite element code through a standard displacement control loading process. Furthermore, it leads to an interesting definition of the controlled degree‐of‐freedom, which, in the case of the pushover analysis, could substitute the classical roof displacement. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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