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论西藏农业生产的经济管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏是我国的高寒农业区,也是世界农业地理上一个十分独特的区域。本文分析了西藏农业生产条件,并从西藏农业生产特点出发,通过西藏农业生产的经济管理的可行性分析,以探讨农业生产持续发展中经济管理的基本途径。  相似文献   

多功能农业越来越受到关注,被认为是未来农业的发展方向。河南省是我国的农业大省,对国家的粮食生产安全意义重大。自建国以来,河南农业取得了辉煌成绩,但也有深刻教训。从经济功能看,河南粮食产量持续增加,为国家粮食安全做出了重大贡献,但农业的收入功能已大为弱化;从社会功能看,农业的就业和社会保障功能对河南来说具有特殊意义;从生态功能看,自改革开放后,其负面效应远大于正面效应,严重后果正在显现;农业的文化传承功能在市场经济冲击下衰落明显,但休闲旅游功能则异军突起。  相似文献   

作为我国农业生态建设的典型,赣南“猪-沼-果”生态农业的发展模式,是赣南劳动人民在农业生产中遵守“因地制宜”原则,发展农业生产的成功经验,也顺应了当今世界发展循环经济,实现可持续发展的潮流。它通过养猪-猪粪、猪尿-沼气池-沼气-沼气渣-果园-(套种青饲料)饲料-养猪的生产模式,达到以“资源高效利用和循环利用”为核心,运用生态学规律把经济活动组织成一个“资源-产品-再生资源”的反馈式流程,以尽可能少的资源消耗和环境代价,实现最大发展效益的目的,其循环生产如图。这种农业发展模式的综合效益可以从社会经济、生态等方面体现出来。  相似文献   

国际都市农业发展的经验及其借鉴   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
蔡建明  杨振山 《地理研究》2008,27(2):362-374
都市农业是跳出农业、农村框架,从城乡统筹发展观看农业的新型理念。本文对美国、欧洲、日本、韩国和新加坡,以及拉美和非洲一些国家都市农业发展的历程和经验进行了总结;对其不同的发展特征、组织形式、生产特点、营销与物流、功能作用和扶植政策进行了梳理。从城市进程和社会发展角度,认为都市农业是我国当前和未来社会主义新农村建设的重要内容和实施方式。结合我国发展现状,都市农业的着力点在大城市地区和粮食主产区要有所不同;功能体现城市近、中、远郊区的需要;建设中需要鼓励发展都市农业企业和农业协会;加深产业现代化和专业化;疏通物流渠道;在城市规划、土地制度、产权制度、经营形式和科技推广等政策上需要给予支持和规范。  相似文献   

俄罗斯和澳大利亚农业比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯和澳大利亚的自然禀赋相近,然而两国农业发展水平差距巨大。澳大利亚是高效农业,商品化、国际化程度高,有3/4的“富余”产品出口国外;俄罗斯则自给不足,肉、奶、蛋、土豆等依赖进口。本文从土地所有权、农业生产主体和农业生产分工三个角度出发,分析造成俄、澳农业劳动生产率差距的原因,探讨提高土地利用率、规模与效率以及市场对组织生产的调节作用等问题。  相似文献   

对于持续农业的定义,存在各种各样的说法,但其基本内涵可以概括为:在发展生产的同时,保护资源,改善环境,提高作物质量和产量,以实现农业的持续发展,这里仅对河南省持续发展农业的几个问题作初步探讨。  相似文献   

在城市郊区及工矿区周围,往往形成以生产蔬菜、肉、乳、禽、蛋为重点的农业生产基地,这就是郊区农业。如果其生产地距离城市较远,需要长距离的运输,非但要增加成本,也容易使产品损耗或腐烂变质。但在交通运输业高度发达的国家,这种因素对农业生产的影响已经减弱,而更重要地考虑中心城市的地域经济价值及环境质量。  相似文献   

苏南地区农业生产模式创新与运作风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对苏南地区农业生产模式变迁过程进行了回顾与比较,详细分析了农村家庭承包制在农业产业化进程中表现出的制度性缺陷,并从现代农业发展的内在要求、发达国家经验和苏南实际情况出发,总结出苏南农业生产模式创新的理性选择是家庭农场制。在新生产模式下,随着经营规模扩大和市场参与程度提高,经营主体面临风险大幅度上升。文章从自然、经济、社会3个角度分析了家庭农场制运作风险,提出了依靠健全农业法制建设、完善农业社会化服务体系和加强政府支农力度等方面保证现代农业稳定发展的应对策略。  相似文献   

随着数字乡村战略的实施,农业信息化是现代农业发展的方向,探讨农业信息化对农业经济增长的影响有利于数字农业的健康发展。以河南省18个地市为例,运用波拉特法测算农业信息化水平,代入修正C-D生产函数模型,采用2009—2018年的面板数据分析农业信息化对农业经济增长的贡献。结果表明:河南省总体农业信息化水平2009—2018年呈缓慢增长,豫北农业信息化水平明显高于豫南,18个地市农业信息化水平差异较大;农业信息化要素投入是当前农业经济增长的主要因素,其弹性系数高于资本投入要素和劳动力投入要素;从合理配置农业信息化资源、输送专业农业信息化人才、支持农业信息化区域差异化发展三方面提出提升农业信息化水平的对策。  相似文献   

河南省绿色农业发展对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河南省是我国重要的农产品生产基地,但有害成分含量过高是目前农产品在国内、国际市场缺乏竞争力的主要原因。河南省发展绿色农业的条件较好:农业生产的资源条件优越;形成了规模巨大、结构复杂的农业生产体系;交通便利,农产品交流市场活跃;无公害农产品品种多,规模大,市场占有率高。由于生态环境条件差别大,山区、丘陵和平原绿色农业发展的方向不同。加强绿色农业的组织建设、积极培育绿色农业的消费市场、加强农业生态环境建设、大力发展绿色食品产业、充分发挥绿色农业生产基地示范作用,是河南发展绿色农业的主要对策。  相似文献   

通过对崇明岛的实地考察在充分分析崇明岛农业资料特点和优势的基础上,提出了建立崇明岛都市家业和现代家业生产体系的设想。  相似文献   

China’s low agricultural labor productivity has become the key weakness of its agricultural competitiveness and sustainable development, and strategies for improving China’s agricultural labor productivity lack clear and consistent theory and empirical support. To address this issue, the current study uses the methods of convergence index, correlation coefficient, and nonparametric test, to analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of agricultural labor productivity among 32 major agrarian countries during 1961-2013. This analysis shows that the development gap among countries has been narrowing. The USA takes the leading position among all the countries, while some countries with scarce land like Japan have succeeded in achieving transcendence, and other countries like India have experienced relatively slow speed. The agricultural labor productivity is significantly driven by agricultural labor surplus, agricultural product processing, and agricultural industrial structure. The effects of land resource endowment, agricultural mechanization, and biochemical inputs have been declining and in some cases are no longer even significant. It is therefore necessary to shift attention to marketization, diversification, and high quality, instead of the former focus on agricultural intensification, concentration and large-scale operations, and this shift is probably more closely aligned with current practices. There are more people and less land in China, and the agricultural labor force in China still accounts for nearly 30% of the total population. Considering these national conditions, it is very important to simultaneously improve the efficiency of agricultural production of small farmers and promote the successful urbanization of the agricultural labor force. In the medium and long term, it is imperative to improve the competitiveness of Chinese agriculture by adopting related policy arrangements such as induced agricultural technological innovation, production factor substitution, and multifunctional agriculture development.  相似文献   

山东省农业生产条件现代化可持续发展研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
农业生产条件现代化是实现农业现代化的重要基础 ,包括农业机械化、农业水利化、农业化学化和农业电气化 4个方面。本文根据山东省近 2 0年的统计资料 ,全面分析了山东省在由传统农业向现代化农业转变过程中 ,在农业生产条件方面所取得的进展和明显存在的问题。如农业机械发展结构欠合理、农田水利工程建设标准不高、化肥施用构成比例不当等 ,针对上述问题 ,提出实现农业生产条件现代化可持续发展的战略措施 :1完善农机服务体系 ,大力开展农机社会化、市场化服务 ;2狠抓以水利为重点的农田基础设施建设 ,提高农田水利建设的科技含量 ;3加大对磷肥使用宣传力度 ,降低化肥农药造成的环境污染 ;4继续大力实施“科教兴农”战略 ,加速农业科技成果转化。  相似文献   

万永坤  董锁成  王菲  李泽红  李富佳  李俊 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1890-1898
区域差异历来是国内外学者关注的热点问题,区域差异长期扩大、过分悬殊,会产生严重的负面影响;而处于转轨时期的俄罗斯,由于各种矛盾导致经济发展缓慢、区域差异不断扩大。针对俄罗斯东部地区人口分布特点,利用超越对数计量模型深入分析后发现,俄罗斯东部地区科技贡献率都较低,经济增长主要是依靠劳动力和物质资本的投入,并且劳动力对经济贡献率远高出物质资本的贡献率。要转化优势、加快经济增长,就必须把自然资源与科技创新和劳动力发展等结合起来,提高人力与物质资本的直接产出弹性和外溢弹性,是俄罗斯东部、乃至整个俄联邦增强经济实力,在国际贸易中争取最大利益的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

Environmental studies conducted worldwide often overlook the knowledge traditions of the locales where they are conducted. Addressing this issue, I investigated the geographic journal literature of late Soviet (1980–1989) and post-Soviet (1990–2003) Russia. Notable trends are increasing criticism of environmental and resource management in Russia and a (re)turn to pre-socialist Russian theorizations of society–nature interactions. Specifically, the noösphere, ethnogenesis and geosystems are trends in the literature that signify how Russian geographers (re)construct environmental knowledge. For non-Russian geographers working in Russia, awareness of these trends situates place-based knowledge relative to multiple cultures (ethnic, scientific) and time periods, promoting cross-cultural understanding of different traditions of geographic inquiry.  相似文献   


The courtyard is a space that existed before, during, and now after the Soviet period in Russian urban history. Noting the change in the courtyard's formerly hegemonic position on daily trajectories illustrates both Harvey's and Lefebvre's suggestions for uncovering the way that spaces articulate social values. A particularly revealing case study occurs in the struggle over including courtyards in a Chinese developer's project for a new multi-use district outside St. Petersburg. A brief history of the courtyard in Soviet planning allows subsequent analysis of the ways in which the city administration, the Chinese design team, and Russian planners deployed the courtyard as a spatial code for social meaning in design discussions. Examining the change in function and conceptualization of the courtyard shows how different groups in post-Soviet Russia seek to retain or redeploy concepts of the “collective” as they attempt to remake St. Petersburg as a successful “world” city.  相似文献   

The author "examines a range of issues surrounding the involuntary migration of Russian populations from the non-Russian republics of the former USSR. Among the questions addressed are possible magnitudes of in-migration into Russia (with special attention paid to conditions in one of the major source regions, Central Asia), attitudes in Russia regarding appropriate policy with respect to treatment of co-nationals in the near abroad and whether their return to Russia would have a positive or negative impact, and conditions in areas of Russia that presently are absorbing the greatest numbers of migrants. The assertion that Russian policy should seek aggressively to prevent the out-migration of Russian populations [from] the near abroad is assessed critically."  相似文献   

在“一带一路”与“中蒙俄经济走廊”倡议的背景下,利用人口增减变化率、人口重心、人口密度变化率、人口地理集中度、人口商度等研究21世纪以来俄罗斯的人口增长与空间分布格局变化。结果表明:(1)21世纪以来,俄罗斯人口经历了先降后增的变化过程;中央区的人口显著上升,伏尔加、西伯利亚与远东区均呈下降趋势;莫斯科、圣彼得堡、乌拉尔区、北高加索区南端的联邦主体人口快速增加,西伯利亚区多数联邦主体人口缓慢增加,远东东部、莫斯科外围地域、伏尔加区多数联邦主体的人口缓慢减少,西北区北端联邦主体的人口急剧减少。(2)俄人口空间分布格局变化主要受地区间人口迁移流动的影响。空间上,俄人口重心不断朝西北向迁移,莫斯科市与圣彼得堡市的人口密度快速增加,远东与东西伯利亚区的人口密度缓慢降低,强化了俄人口分界线——“圣彼得堡-图瓦线”。以“圣图线”为界,俄“西密东疏”“欧洲密、亚洲疏”的格局短期不会改变,整体呈“一横、四纵、两团”及若干区域人口集团的空间结构。  相似文献   

The spatial nature of learning is increasingly a focus of geographic inquiry. I argue that the spatiality of education, which is where formal learning occurs, has the potential to shape students’ spatial imaginaries. I analyze the role the spatiality of agronomic education plays in the historical construction of the social and physical landscape in southeastern Pará, Brazil. In opposing ways, the first Green Revolution, and agrarian social movements’ more recent agroecological Green Revolution are found to structure agronomic education and spatial imaginaries. The perspectives of agricultural extension agents trained in traditional agronomic programs are compared with teachers from an agroecological school located in an Amazonian agrarian reform settlement of Brazil's Landless Workers’ Movement. I collected these data over 17 months of ethnographic fieldwork. To analyze these data, I employ a political ecology of education perspective, which highlights how education and political economy interact to mediate relations with, access to, and contestations over natural resources. The geography of education and the education of geography exist in a complicated feedback cycle: Education is not neutral but ideologically charged and affects conceptions of productive landscapes, providing students intellectual and economic power to put their visions of landscape into effect.  相似文献   

王琦  石莉  万芳芳 《极地研究》2013,25(2):176-184
北极地区是俄罗斯的重要关注领域,其战略重要性正在迅速提升。俄罗斯决心通过政治、经济和军事手段成为北极核心国家。俄政府于2008年制定了《截至2020年及之后俄罗斯联邦北极地区国家政策》,旨在维持俄罗斯“北极领导国家”的地位。结合俄罗斯在极地的一系列举措,从经济、法律、军事和地缘政治这几个角度分析俄罗斯北极政策中的关键内容,同时关注当前俄罗斯在极地区域的政策与2001年由俄罗斯总统普京签署的《俄罗斯联邦至2020年期间的海洋政策》中的北极战略中所呈现出的态度之间的差别。最后,从有利因素和制约因素两方面评估俄罗斯北极政策目标的实施前景。  相似文献   

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