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We assume the prominence (or flare) to be a rotating cylinder. For the two cases of the spin velocity being a constant and having a gradient, we calculate the profile of the Balmer lines and their variation from the centre of the prominence to the edge, and establish methods for finding the spin velocity from the inclination or shift of the lines and the velocity gradient from the curvature of the lines. These methods are then applied to the observed data of the ring flare of 1981 April 27.  相似文献   

In this paper, the energy storage for a spotless two-ribbon flare is discussed with reference to the morphology of the chromospheric fibrils surrounding a filament prior to the flare. Also, on the basis of the Kippenhahn-Schluter model of filaments, we discuss the instability of magnetic structure in these filaments. We found that once the gradient of the magnetic field or the curvature of the magnetic “trough” exceeds certain critical value, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability will be triggered off, leading to the sudden disappearance (Disparition Brusque) of the filament. At the same time, a neutral current sheet will be formed in the field with magnetic flux concentrated on both sides of the filament. Rapid reconnection of the field lines then lead to the onset of a two-ribbon flare.  相似文献   

We analyze particle acceleration processes in large solar flares, using observations of the August, 1972, series of large events. The energetic particle populations are estimated from the hard X-ray and γ-ray emission, and from direct interplanetary particle observations. The collisional energy losses of these particles are computed as a function of height, assuming that the particles are accelerated high in the solar atmosphere and then precipitate down into denser layers. We compare the computed energy input with the flare energy output in radiation, heating, and mass ejection, and find for large proton event flares that:
  1. The ~10–102 keV electrons accelerated during the flash phase constitute the bulk of the total flare energy.
  2. The flare can be divided into two regions depending on whether the electron energy input goes into radiation or explosive heating. The computed energy input to the radiative quasi-equilibrium region agrees with the observed flare energy output in optical, UV, and EUV radiation.
  3. The electron energy input to the explosive heating region can produce evaporation of the upper chromosphere needed to form the soft X-ray flare plasma.
  4. Very intense energetic electron fluxes can provide the energy and mass for interplanetary shock wave by heating the atmospheric gas to energies sufficient to escape the solar gravitational and magnetic fields. The threshold for shock formation appears to be ~1031 ergs total energy in >20 keV electrons, and all of the shock energy can be supplied by electrons if their spectrum extends down to 5–10 keV.
  5. High energy protons are accelerated later than the 10–102 keV electrons and most of them escape to the interplanetary medium. The energetic protons are not a significant contributor to the energization of flare phenomena. The observations are consistent with shock-wave acceleration of the protons and other nuclei, and also of electrons to relativistic energies.
  6. The flare white-light continuum emission is consistent with a model of free-bound transitions in a plasma with strong non-thermal ionization produced in the lower solar chromosphere by energetic electrons. The white-light continuum is inconsistent with models of photospheric heating by the energetic particles. A threshold energy of ~5×1030 ergs in >20 keV electrons is required for detectable white-light emission.
The highly efficient electron energization required in these flares suggests that the flare mechanism consists of rapid dissipation of chromospheric and coronal field-aligned or sheet currents, due to the onset of current-driven Buneman anomalous resistivity. Large proton flares then result when the energy input from accelerated electrons is sufficient to form a shock wave.  相似文献   

Ramaty  R. 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):203-215
A detailed review of nuclear processes and particle acceleration in solar flares has been completed recently (Ramaty and Murphy, 1987). Included in this review were a comprehensive discussion of the theory of gamma-ray and neutron production, as well as the results of comparisons of calculations with gamma-ray, neutron and charged-particle observations of solar flares. The implications of these comparisons on particle energy spectra, total numbers, anisotropies and electron-to-proton ratios, as well as on acceleration mechanisms and the interaction site were also discussed. In addition, elemental and isotopic abundances of the ambient gas, derived from gamma-ray observations, were compared to abundances obtained from observations of escaping accelerated particles and other sources. The present paper is a synopsis of this review  相似文献   

Ramaty  R. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):203-215

A detailed review of nuclear processes and particle acceleration in solar flares has been completed recently (Ramaty and Murphy, 1987). Included in this review were a comprehensive discussion of the theory of gamma-ray and neutron production, as well as the results of comparisons of calculations with gamma-ray, neutron and charged-particle observations of solar flares. The implications of these comparisons on particle energy spectra, total numbers, anisotropies and electron-to-proton ratios, as well as on acceleration mechanisms and the interaction site were also discussed. In addition, elemental and isotopic abundances of the ambient gas, derived from gamma-ray observations, were compared to abundances obtained from observations of escaping accelerated particles and other sources. The present paper is a synopsis of this review


N. Vilmer 《Solar physics》1987,111(1):207-223
Solar hard X-ray emission is one of the most direct diagnostics of accelerated particles during solar flares. In this review, the current understanding of hard X-ray emission processes is discussed: first the different emission mechanisms (in particular inverse Compton radiation, energetic ion or electron bremsstrahlung) are presented and the plausibility of each of these mechanisms is discussed. Then, different types of hard X-ray models (thermal or non-thermal, homogeneous or inhomogeneous emission regions) are presented together with the comparison of their predictions with X-ray observations (spectral, spatial and temporal informations - directivity and polarization).Proceedings of the Second CESRA Workshop on Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares, held at Aubigny-sur-Nère (France), 23–26 June, 1986.  相似文献   

T. Hirayama 《Solar physics》1974,34(2):323-338
A theoretical model of flare which explains observed quantities in H, EUV, soft X-ray and flare-associated solar wind is presented. It is assumed that large mass observed in the soft X-ray flare and the solar wind comes from the chromosphere by the process like evaporation while flare is in progress. From mass and pressure balance in the chromosphere and the corona, the high temperature in the soft X-ray flare is shown to be attained by the larger mass loss to the solar wind compared with the mass remained in the corona, in accord with observations. The total energy of 1032 erg, the electron density of 1013.5 cm–3 in H flare, the temperature of the X-ray flare of 107.3K and the time to attain maximum H brightness (600 s) are derived consistent with observations. It is shown that the top height of the H flare is located about 1000 km lower than that of the active chromosphere because of evaporation. So-called limb flares are assigned to either post-flare loops, surges or rising prominences.The observed small thickness of the H flare is interpreted by free streaming and/or heat conduction. Applications are suggested to explain the maximum temperature of a coronal condensation and the formation of quiescent prominences.  相似文献   


We study the longitudinal magnetic field in a number of active limb prominences showing fields in excess of 30 G. The objects fall into three groups: surges, caps and active region prominences. There appears to be an upper limit of 150–200 G for the field strength in prominences.

A model of surges is presented in which a pre-surge axi-symmetric magnetic field is established by a line current in the corona. We observe particle acceleration in surges that indicates v×B≠0 in these objects during periods comparable to the Alfvén transit time.

The strong fields observed in caps seem to run between parts of active regions in accordance with Hale's law of sunspot group polarities.


The locations of flares and chromospheric absorption features on May 21 and 23, 1967, are compared with a series of H magnetograms. Each of the four major flares included in the study developed as double emission ribbons lying at positions of steep field gradient on opposite sides of the boundary between regions of opposite magnetic polarity. At certain stages, the flare outlines followed closely the isogauss contours of the longitudinal field. A fluctuating field of 75 gauss was measured directly in the importance two flare of May 21. Modifications in the magnetic structure of the active region followed the flares of May 23.  相似文献   

In the homogeneous model of solar radio burst model, the spectral index of the optically thick part of the spectrum is almost independent of the spectral index of the electron energy, while from the optically thin part, the derived electron index δR is far smaller than that derived from the X-ray emission, δX. An inhomogeneous model is proposed, in which, by adjusting two parameters within reasonable limits, we can make δR, derived from both the optically thick and thin parts, to equal δX. The model is exemplified by the 1981 April 27 0800 UT burst.  相似文献   

Ionization and recombination processes are studied for a plasma of which the electrons follow a power-law energy distribution.The rates for collisional ionization, radiative and dielectronic recombination and for autoionization are evaluated.Numerical computations are performed for H-like, He-like and Li-like ions from neon to nickel as a function of the spectral index of the electron distribution. The ionization equilibrium is evaluated as well as the ratios of fluxes emitted in two lines pertaining to two successive ionization stages of the same element. A comparison with a few experimental data is made and the possibility of a non-thermal interpretation of X-ray line emission during solar flares is discussed.  相似文献   

We present measurements of electric fields in quiescent prominences and in a small flare surge, obtained with the CRI electrograph at the NSO/SP 40 cm coronagraph, in 1993 and 1994. Our results on the 9 brightest quiescent prominences enable us to place r.m.s. upper limits ofE t < 2 – 5 V cm–1 on the component ofE transverse to the line of sight. We show that these upper limits may be difficult to reconcile with non-ideal MHD models of quiescent prominences formed in extended neutral sheets, whether or not the tearing mode instability is present. They do, however, seem consistent with ideal MHD models of prominence support. We point out also that these upper limits are within a factor 4 of the minimum value of anistropic electric field that exists due to motional Stark effect in any thermal plasma permeated by a directed magnetic field.Our data on the flare surge suggest an electric field of intensityE 35 V cm–1, oriented approximately parallel to the inferred magnetic field. This detection ofE needs to be verified in other flares. But we note that a detectableE would not be expected in the current interruption flare mechanism, if only a single double layer is present. We show further that the observed relatively narrow, approximately-Gaussian, and only slightly Doppler-shifted Paschen lines, seem inconsistent with the multiple double layers invoked in other models based on the current interruption mechanism. Our detection ofE does seem consistent with reconnection (including tearing-mode) models of flares, provided the field-aligned electrical conductivity is anomalous over substantial volumes of the plasma circuit joining the reconnecting domain to the photosphere.  相似文献   

Yngve Öhman 《Solar physics》1972,23(1):134-141
From material secured with the McMath Solar Telescope of the Kitt Peak National Observatory rotational (orbital) motion has been found in a prominence ejected from a rotating flare. A period of rotation of 32 min has been derived from the study of a periodic asymmetry of the AL i 3961 absorption line.Presented at the Physics of Prominences-colloquium at Anacapri, September 29, 1971.  相似文献   

P. Bakshi  G. Kalman 《Solar physics》1976,47(1):307-316
A high level of electrostatic turbulence can be generated by plasma instabilities in solar flares. The turbulence, in general, has both quasistatic (ionic) and dynamic (electronic) components. Hydrogenic line profiles develop distinct features under the simultaneous effect of the quasistatic and dynamic turbulent electric fields: these features are discussed and the possible inferences that can be drawn as to the nature of the turbulent electric fields through their observation are pointed out. Solar flare spectral diagnostics along these lines can provide an observational test of the existence of turbulent electric fields in the flare region. When a detailed determination of the characteristics of these fields is feasible, it would, in turn, help in identifying the underlying plasma instability mechanisms that give rise to these fields during the flare build-up and associated processes.  相似文献   

Quiescent prominences occur as long-lasting cool sheets of matter in the surrounding hot corona at the base of coronal streamers. Seen on the disk they appear as dark filaments dividing regions of opposite magnetic polarity.In this paper a theoretical model is presented, which describes the general appearance of quiescent prominences.It is shown that the neutral sheet between two regions of oppositely directed magnetic fields is thermally unstable. This gives rise to compression and cooling of coronal material to prominence material in a characteristic time of the order of one day for a field strength of 0.5 gauss in the lower corona.It is assumed that due to the finite electrical resistivity of the plasma, filamentary structures are formed by the tearing-mode resistive plasma instability. These structures are thermally insulated from the hot surroundings by the newly formed closed azimuthal magnetic field configuration.It has been shown that for fine structures with a diameter of 300 km the growth rate of the tearing-mode instability is of the same order as the cooling time. The occurrence of fine structures within the prominence is of vital importance for their origin.On leave from the Observatory Sonnenborgh at Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Solar flares, prominences and CMEs are well known manifestations of solar activity. For many years, qualitative studies were made about the cyclical behaviour of such phenomena. Nowadays, more quantitative studies have been undertaken with the aim to understand the solar cycle dependence of such phenomena as well as peculiar behaviour, such as asymmetries and periodicities, occurring within the solar cycle. Here, we plan to review the more recent research concerning all these topics.  相似文献   

Fontenla  Juan Manuel  Rovira  Marta 《Solar physics》1983,85(1):141-156
Solar Physics - We present simplified models for the region where Lα is formed, in the boundary between prominences and corona. The models were calculated by solving the radiation transfer in...  相似文献   

A new type of oscillations, being long-period oscillations of line-of-sight velocities, with periods ranging from 42 to 82 min and amplitudes in excess of 200 m s-1 has been discovered in prominences. These oscillations may be interpreted as a combination of torsional and longitudinal ones.  相似文献   

We define superthermal plasma nodules as bright points (diameter 20), visible on high resolution X-ray heliograms. Flares appear to show a strong tendency to occur at the places of these nodules. There are indications that (part of) the hot plasma produced by consecutive flares is accumulated and confined in the superthermal plasma nodules, and that with increasing energy content of a nodule the probability for a drastic change of its magnetic structure increases, thus reducing the possibility for more flares to occur.  相似文献   

As one of the most violent activities in the solar atmosphere,white-light flares(WLFs)are generally known for their enhanced white-light(or continuum)emission,which primarily originates in the solar lower atmosphere.However,we know little about how white-light emission is produced.In this study,we aim to investigate the response of the continua at 3600?and 4250?and also the Hαand Lyαlines during WLFs modeled using radiative hydrodynamic simulations.We take non-thermal electron beams as the energy source for the WLFs in two different initial atmospheres and vary their parameters.Our results show that the model with non-thermal electron beam heating clearly shows enhancements in the continua at 3600?and 4250?as well as in the Hαand Lyαlines.A larger electron beam flux,a smaller spectral index,or an initial penumbral atmosphere leads to a stronger emission increase at 3600?,4250?and in the Hαline.The Lyαline,however,is more obviously enhanced in a quiet-Sun initial atmosphere with a larger electron beam spectral index.It is also notable that the continua at 3600?and 4250?and the Hαline exhibit a dimming at the start of heating and reach their peak emissions after the peak time of the heating function,while the Lyαline does not show such behaviors.These results can serve as a reference for the analysis of future WLF observations.  相似文献   

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