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1 INTRODUCTIONTherateoffoodconsumptionoffishfedadlibitumisregardedasthemaximumrateoffoodconsumption(Cmax) (Woottonetal.,1 980 ) .SeveralfactorsthatinfluenceCmaxincludingbodyweight (Liuetal.,1 998) ,watertemperature (Liuetal.,1 998) ,dis solvedoxygen (Vivekanandan ,1 977) ,salinity (ZanuyandCarrillo ,1 985 ) ,andphotoperiod (Grossetal.,1 965 ) ,werereported .Bodysizeandwatertemperaturewereregardedastwoofthemostimportantfactors,andhadreceivedmostattention (Elliott,1 979;Woottonetal.,1 …  相似文献   

1 IntroductionManymeteorologistsandoceanographerspaidmuchattentiontothestudyofthemechanismofENSOformanyyears,suchasBjerknes(1 966) ,Wyrtki(1 975) ,McCreary(1 983 ) ,Philander(1 984) ,ZhangandChao(1 993 )andMcCPhaden(1 998)havemadegreatdevelopmentinthestudyofENSO .Especiallyinthe 1 990’s,withtheincreasingofthedatainthedeepocean ,thesomeonearguedthattheENSOepisodehadcloserelation shipwiththeeasterntransportationoftheanomalousseasurfacetemperatureinthewestPacific(LiandMu 1 999;Huang 2…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionCloudybandsaretypicalstratigraphicstructureindeepicecoresandtheylookwhitecolorwhenaflorescentlightwasirradiated.InWisconsinice ageiceattheGreenland ,manycloudybandsarelocatedincoldperiodsiceandcloudybandsareusedfordatingofdeepicecoresincepairofseriescloudybandandclearlayercorrespondstoannuallayer(Alleyetal.1 997;Meeseetal.1 997) .AndcloudybandcorrespondstovolcaniclayerfortheAntarcticicecore (GowandWilliamson 1 976) .Therefore,identificationofcloudybandsisimportantworkfordatin…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONInrecentyearsglobalclimatechangehasbeenanissueofbothpublicandscientificconcern.Oceanscover71 %ofearthandplayamajorroleinglobalclimatechange.Phosphorus,asacriticalelement,regulatespri maryproductioninaquaticecosystems.Therefore,thefunctionofphosphorusinoceansystemhasreceivedin creasingscientificinterest(Songetal.,2 0 0 3 ) .PP (particulatephosphorus)isanimportantforminphosphorustransferinseawater(Song,2 0 0 1 ) .Pro portionofPPintotalphosphorus(TP)inseawatervar iesfrom 1 0 …  相似文献   

1 Introduction Photosyntheticdinoflagellatesareimportantprima ryproducersandcausesoftoxic‘redtide’ .Theyarefoundinmostaquaticenvironmentsandformamajorpartofthemodernplankton .Dinoflagellatesmaybeimportantindicatorsofenvironmentalstatus (Dale ,1996 ) .…  相似文献   

Seaweeds are one of the largest producers of biomass in the marine environment.It has been well known that marine algae,especially brown algae was a rich source of biogenic compounds with antifouling potential that could be ideal alternatives of tributyltin(TBT).In this paper,antifouling potential of the brown algae Laminaria ‘sanhai' was explored.Firstly,the dried alga was extracted and the antialgal and antilarval activities were investigated.The EC_(50) and LC_(50) values of crude extract of Laminaria ‘sanhai' against diatom(Skeletonema costatum) and barnacle larval(Chthamalus challengeri) were 8.9 μg mL~(-1) and 12.0 μg mL~(-1) respectively.Then,guided by bioassay,the bioactive substances were isolated by liquid-liquid extraction.The antialgal and antilarval activities of isolated fraction were improved with the EC_(50) value of 7.4 μg mL~(-1) against S.costatum and LC_(50) value of 9.7 μg m L~(-1) against C.challengeri larvae.Identification by IR,Q-TOFMS and GC-MS of the isolated bioactive substances revealed the abundance of fatty acids.These fatty acids,most with 16,18 or 20 carbon atoms,contained myristic,hexadecanoic,oleic,linolenic,arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids.The results indicated that both the crude extract and the isolated bioactive substances had high antialgal and antilarval activities with no highlighted cytotoxicity which made the brown algae Laminaria ‘sanhai' a promising source of the environmentally friendly antifoulants.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAtthepresenttime ,thereiseveryindicationthattheearthbecomingwarmerandwarmer (Liuetal.1 995) ,asoneofthewarmhousegases,CO2 playanimportantroleinthechangingofthetemperatureandenvironmentoftheglobe .TheexchangingofCO2betweentheatmosphereandocean ,maketheoceanbeingthelargepoolofcarbon ,andthechangingofcarboncycleintheoceanwouldbringdistincteffectontheatmosphere .TheSouthernOceanisthewaterbodythathastheenormousenergyandexchangessub stancewithotheroceansintheglobe ,anditsecosystem …  相似文献   

New Methods of Fitting the Membership Function of Oceanic Water Masses   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1 Introduction Watermassanalysisisanimportantsubjectinphys icaloceanographystudies (PickardandEmery ,1 990 ;YeandLi,1 992 ) .Helland Hansenplottedin 1 91 6theT Scurve ,whichisafterwardsknownasoneoftheT Sdiagrams ,andsuggestedthatawatermasscanbedefinedby…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONThewesternequatorialPacific ,particularlythesouthernmostPhilippineSea ,wascalled“watermasscrossroads”byFineetal.(1 994 )duetotheconfluencethereofseveralwatermassesfromhigherlatitudesofbothhemispheres (Wyrtki,1 96 1 ;Fineetal.,1 994 ) .Fineetal.(1 994 )de picted (Fig .1 )majorcurrentsintheIndonesianregion .AfterencounteringthewesternboundaryalongthePhilippinecoast,theNorthEquatorialCur rent (NEC)bifurcatesintothenorthwardflowingKuroshioandthesouthwardflowingMindanao…  相似文献   

The vertical distributions and sources of PAHs in sediment of Xiamen Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTIONTheindustrialdevelopmentandrisingpopulationintheXiamencoastalzonearelikelytoresultinincreasingpollutantsloadingwhichcanaffecttheoceanicecosystemsenvironmentthereandthreatenhumanhealth .PAHs ,asgoodenvironmentpollutionindicators(Aizenshat,1 973 ;Randahl,1 983 ) ,arerela tivelystableinairandwater,andarewidelydistributedintheaquaticenvironmentasaresultofhumanactivities.ProposedprimarysourcesofPAHsincludecombustionofvariousfossilfuels,nat uralfires,roadrunoff streetdustaswellas…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONOrganochiorine(OC)compounds,suchaspolych1orinatalbiphenyIsrpCBs),hexachlorocycohexane(HCH)andDDThaveentetalmarineenvirorimentSthI0ughatmospherictransport,estuarinerunofTcoastalwaterdischarge,andsoon.InspiteoftheastriCtion0rbanonOCsusageinmostcountriesformanyyears,OCnsiduescanstillbefoundatconsiderableleveIsinvari0usmarineaservotrisuchasseaWhtef,maforor-ganismandtaltrit.ooinrnarineenvirOrimenthavedrawnmuchattenti0ntheuse0ftheirubiquity,persistenceandt0xidty.Marinesedtri…  相似文献   

The environmental quality status of Daya Bay (22.56–22.77°N, 114.51–114.73°E), a main aquaculture area in Guangdong of China, was investigated using 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sediment samples of the bay. The total concentrations of 16 PAHs varied from 115 to 1 134 ng/g dry weight. The PAH composition pattern in sediments suggest dominance of 4-ring PAHs in Sites 2 and 4, and the ratio of certain related PAHs indicated important pyrolytic and petrogenic sources. The results enhance the understanding of current contamination levels and make a better assessment of likely impacts of organic contamination on ecosystems and the sustainability of local aquaculture in the area especially after the establishment of the Nuclear Power Station by the bay.  相似文献   

Accumulation and distributions of aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals were measured in tissues of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum collected from 5 sites in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China. The concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbon and PAHs ranged from 570 to 2 574 ng/gdw (gram dry weight) and from 276 to 939 ng/gdw, in the most and least polluted sites, respectively. The bio-accumulation of hydrocarbons and PAHs in the clams appeared to be selective. Aliphatic hydrocarbons were predominantly represented by short chain (<nC23) n-alkanes, suggesting that petroleum hydrocarbons were likely the major contamination source. The selective uptake of 3 and 4 ring PAHs, such as naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene, by the clams was probably related to the physiological and bio-kinetic processes that were energetically favorable for uptake of compounds with fewer rings. Accumulation of the metals Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Hg, and As in the clam tissues also showed high variability, ranging from 0.043 to 87 μg/gdw. Among the 7 detected metals, Zn, Cd, Cu, and As had a particularly high potential of accumulation in R. philippinarum. In general, a positive correlation was found between the tissue concentrations and sediment concentrations of hydrocarbons and of some metals. Our study suggests that moderate contamination with polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and low to moderate contamination with metals, currently exists for clam R. philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay, in comparison with other regional studies. A long-term monitoring program is certainly needed for assessment of the potential ecological influence and toxicity of these contaminants of R. philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay.  相似文献   

Bay scallops were introduced from the east coast of the U.S. into China to shorten the economic turn-over from 2 to 1 year. Parent scallops were carried to Qingdao on Dec. 20, 1982 and stocked in indoor tanks at controlled temperature and fed with a mixture ofPhaeodictylum tricornutum, Pyramimonas sp. andChlorella sp. They spawned on Jan. 26 of the next year. The larvae were reared at a temperature of 18–21°C and fed withIsochrysis galbana, Pyramimonas sp. andChorella sp. In 4 weeks’ growing, the spats averaged 827 μm. They attained a height of 6.9 mm on May 9. In the middle of May, the seed scallops were transferred to Luoyuan Bay in Fujian Province, and Jiaozhou Bay, as well as the area off Taiping Jiao Cape, Qingdao, Shandong Province for experimental culture in plastic netcages suspended on a single line raft. Bay scallops cultured in Luoyuan Bay grew to an averaged shell height of 10.4 mm. In Jiaozhou Bay and the Taiping Jiao Cape culture area, they grew to 50 mm in average shell height (marketable size) and 26 g in average weight by late September; and attained 59 mm in average shell height (R. 39–75 mm) and 46 g in average weight in late December. The ovary and testis could be distinguished by color in August. In early September, eggs and sperms were collected for our laboratory where the second generation of seed scallops was successfully reared to suitable size for growing outdoor and breeding. This species can be harvested within a year after fertilization of the eggs, so we consider it suitable for culture in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. This is the first reported successful introduction of Atlantic mollusks to the China Seas. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 17 (5): 367–374, 1986.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of benthic heterotrophic bacteria were investigated for the 4 typical sampling stations in the northern muddy part of Jiaozhou Bay, estuary of the Dagu River, raft culturing and nearby areas of Huangdao in March, June, August and December, 2002. The abundance and biomass range from 0.98×107 to 16.87×107 cells g−1 sediment and 0.45 to 7.08 μg C g−1 sediment, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that heterotrophic bacterial abundance and biomass are significantly correlated to water temperature (R=0.79 and 0.83, respectively,P<0.01).  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of black carbon (BC) and its correlation with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ΣPAH) in the surface sediments of China’s marginal seas. BC content ranges from <0.10 to 2.45 mg/g dw (grams dry weight) in the sediments studied, and varied among the different coastal regions. The Bohai Bay sediments had the highest BC contents (average 2.18 mg/g dw), which comprises a significant fraction (27%–41%) of the total organic carbon (TOC) preserved in the sediments. In ...  相似文献   

Analysis and comparison of Jiaozhou Bay data collected from May 1991 to February 1994 revealed the spatiotemporal variations of the ambient Si(OH)4:NO3 (Si:N) concentration rations and the seasonal variations of (Si:N) ratios in Jiaozhou Bay and showed that the Si:N ratios were <1 throughout Jiaozhou Bay in spring, autumn, and winter. These results provide further evidence that silicate limits the growth of phytoplankton (i.e. diatoms) in spring, autumn and winter. Moreover, comparison of the spatiotemporal variations of the Si:N ratio and primary production in Jiaozhou Bay suggested their close relationship. The spatiotemporal pattern of dissolved silicate matched well that of primary production in Jiaozhou Bay. Along with the environmental change of Jiaozhou Bay in the last thirty years, the N and P concentrations tended to rise, whereas Si concentration showed cyclic seasonal variations. With the variation of nutrient Si limiting the primary production in mind, the authors found that the range of values of primary production is divided into three parts: the basic value of Si limited primary production, the extent of Si limited primary production and the critical value of Si limited primary production, which can be calculated for Jiaozhou Bay by Equations (1), (2) and (3), showing that the time of the critical value of Si limitation of phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay is around November 3 to November 13 in autumn; and that the time of the critical value of Si satisfaction of phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay is around May 22 to June 7 in spring. Moreover, the calculated critical value of Si satisfactory for phytoplankton growth is 2.15–0.76 μmol/L and the critical value of Si limitation of phytoplankton growth is 1.42–0.36 μmol/L; so that the time period of Si limitation of phytoplankton growth is around November 13 to May 22 in the next year; the time period of Si satisfactory for phytoplankton growth is around June 7 to November 3. This result also explains why critical values of nutrient silicon affect phytoplankton growth in spring and autumn are different in different waters of Jiaozhou Bay and also indicates how the silicate concentration affects the phytoplankton assemblage structure. The dilution of silicate concentration by seawater exchange affects the growth of phytoplankton so that the primary production of phytoplankton declines outside Jiaozhou Bay earlier than inside Jiaozhou Bay by one and half months. This study showed that Jiaozhou Bay phytoplankton badly need silicon and respond very sensitively and rapidly to the variation of silicon. This study was funded by NSFC (No. 40036010) and subsidized by Special Funds from National Key Basic Research Program of P. R. China (G19990437), the Postdoctoral Foundation of Ocean University of Qingdao, the Director's Foundation of the Beihai Monitoring Center of the State Oceanic Administration and the Foundation of Shanghai Fisheries University.  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONGroundwaterwthAnneralimtionofmorethan5OgA(about5"Be')"iscalledunder-groundbrine.ltbelongstoevaporationoredepositinliquidstateandisantwortantrnaterialsourceforsaltonkingandthechewhcalindustry.QuatemarylittoralfadesundergroundbrinewasstoredinthelittoralsoneandhadtwobasictypesofgenesisenvironmentflittoralplaincoastenvironmentcharacterindbythecoastalongLaichouBay,andembayedcoastenvironmentcharaCterindbythecoastalzoneofQingdao.TheauthorresearchedthebrineintheLaizhoubaycoastareainthe…  相似文献   

Trare amounts of benzene hydrocarbons obtained in Jiaozhou Bay (Qindao) were enriched bysorption on a GDX-102 column and eluted by carbon disulfide. The eluted was concenttaled and then de-temened by capillary column gas cbornatognphy.The contents of virious kinds of benzene hydrocarbons in Jiaozhou Bay coastal water were benzene(22.3-141.6)× 10~(-9)g/L, toluate (15.2-94.0) × 10~(-9) g/L, ethyl benzene(11.8-85.1)×10~(-9) g/L, p -xylene(15.2-78.5) ×10(-9) g/L, m-xylene (10.9-79.4) ×10(-9) g/L, o -xylene (12.4-80.1) x ×10(-9)g/L; iso-propyl(8.4- 73.1) x ×10(-9)g/L, n -propyl (6.9-76.4) ×10(-9) g/L, 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene (10.9- 35.9)×10(-9) g/L, 1,2, 4-trimethybenzene (10.0- 38.0)×10(-9) g/L, n - butydriare (8. 1 - 34.6) ×10(-9)g/L. The recovery of benzenehydrocarbons was (85.1 -95.6)%.  相似文献   

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