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《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,85(1-2):330-338
Ballast water exchange (BWE) is the most efficient measure to control the invasion of exotic species from ships. This procedure is being used for merchant ships in national and international voyages. The ballast water (BW) salinity is the main parameter to evaluate the efficacy of the mid-ocean ballast water exchange. The vessels must report to the Port State Control (PSC), via ballast water report (BWR), where and how the mid-ocean BWE was performed. This measure allows the PSC to analyze this information before the ship arrives at the port, and to decide whether or not it should berth.Ship BW reporting forms were collected from the Captaincy of Santana and some ships were visited near the Port of Santana, located in Macapá (Amazon River), to evaluate the BW quality onboard. We evaluated data submitted in these BWR forms and concluded that the BWE efficacy might be compromised, because data contained in these BWR indicate that some ships did not change their BW. We found mistakes in filling the BWR forms and lack of information. Moreover, these ships had discharged BW with high level of salinity, Escherichia coli and total coliforms into the Amazon River. We concluded that the authorities of the Amazon Region need to develop more efficient proceedings to evaluate the ballast water reporting forms and BW quality, as there is potential risk of future invasion of exotic species in Brazilian ports.  相似文献   

Environmental data are highly variable. They also include uncertainties resulting from all steps of the analytical process e. g. sampling, or sampling pre‐treatment. However, a lot of information is unfortunately often lost because only univariate statistical methods are used for data evaluation and interpretation. This neglects correlation between different pollutants and relationships among various sampling points. It is therefore necessary to apply additional methods of analysis that can accommodate such relationships. This ability is provided by the established, and by the more modern, multivariate statistical methods because they can analyze complex sets of multidimensional data. These methods are used to visualize large amounts of data and to extract latent information (e. g. differently polluted areas, dischargers, or interactions between different environmental compartments). The goal of this paper is to present the use of established statistical techniques, like cluster or factor analysis, and the progress made in basic modern techniques (e. g. cluster imaging, multiway‐partial least squares regression, projection pursuit, or information theory) and to demonstrate each with examples and illustrations.  相似文献   

Complicated geological structures, different from the plane-parallel stratification, often occur in the underground and present problems for the geoelectrical prospecting. At least from a theoretical point of view, modern exploration procedures for dealing with this type of situations may be planned. These procedures are based on a large number of data distributed on the area to be explored, and on rigorous inversion methods, carried out by means of powerful computers.Such a procedure leads to models of the subsoil, on grounds of the apparent resistivity values measured on the surface. This is an inverse problem which implies the use, in opposite direction, of a direct computing method, i.e. a procedure allowing the computation of apparent resistivity values from a structural model. One of these, the “surface charge” algorithm is described in this paper.In practice, implementation of such ideal procedures often encounters difficulties of technical and also of economic type, at least for the 3-D problems. The consequence is that, in many cases, one is obliged to use traditional procedures, as, for instance, the use of vertical soundings distributed on the area to be surveyed.The application of traditional procedures to complicated problems requires some changes. Firstly, the popular Schlumberger array must be avoided, as it may result into insufficient information. Moreover, the array is not suitable for deep explorations because of the excessive cable length. More convenient is the dipole-dipole array, which, however, presents its own drawbacks, as, for instance, a higher sensitivity towards lateral variations. This last incovenience may be avoided by means of the transformation of the field dipole-dipole into half-Schlumberger diagrams; but it has been shown that, over arbitrary structures, this is possible only if “polar dipole-dipole” arrays are used in the field.In the final part of the paper some field examples of “continuous” polar dipole-dipole soundings carried out for deep exploration are shown.  相似文献   

The main shock of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm, Czechoslovakia, (magnitudem=4.5, depthh=10 km) exhibits an irregular areal distribution of macroseismic intensities 6° to 7° MSK-64. Four lobes of the 6° isoseismal are found and the maximum observed intensity is located at a distance of 8 km from the instrumentally determined epicentre. This distribution can be explained by the energy flux of the directS wave generated by a circular source, the hypocentral location and focal mechanism of which are taken from independent instrumental studies. The theoretical intensity, which is assumed to be logarithmically proportional to the integrated squared ground-motion velocity (i.e.,I=const+log v 2 (t)dt), fits the observed intensity with an overall root-mean-square error less than 0.5°. It is important that the present intensity data can also be equally well explained by the isotropic source. The fit was attained by means of a horizontally layered model though large fault zones and an extended sedimentary basin suggest a significant lateral heterogeneity of the epicentral region. The results encourage a broader application of the simple modelling technique used.  相似文献   

《Water Policy》2001,3(1):41-46
Lebanon depends primarily, for its water resources on ground water that is deteriorating rapidly. The increased demand on water resources in Lebanon as a result of: progressive urbanization, socio-economic growth, development of agricultural and industrial activities will lead to critical water limitations factor by the year 2010. Consequently, other resources such as the availability of surface water in terms of quality and quantity is of major importance. The political instability in the country limited the development of a comprehensive data-base for surface water. The paper focuses on assessing the water quality of the Qaraaoun reservoir, an impoundment of the river Litani for multipurpose utilization. This would serve as a prototype for the development of comprehensive plans for optimal utilization of surface water sources in Lebanon, as a venue to meet the water needs of Lebanon. The Qaraaoun reservoir, which till now has limited utilization of hydroelectric power and agricultural activities, proved to posses other usage. A master plan for the management of the Qaraaoun reservoir, as a prototype for surface water, should address policy constrains relative to environmental, institutional and financial issues.  相似文献   

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys are currently being flown over populated areas and applied to detailed problems using high flight line densities. Interpretation information is supplied through a model of the subsurface resistivity distribution. Theoretical and survey data are used here to study the character and reliability of such models. Although the survey data were obtained using a fixed-wing system, the corresponding associations with helicopter, towed-bird systems are discussed. Both Fraser half-space and 1D inversion techniques are considered in relation to their ability to distinguish geological, cultural and environmental influences on the survey data. Fraser half-space modelling provides the dual interpretation parameters of apparent resistivity and apparent depth at each operational frequency. The apparent resistivity was found to be a remarkably stable parameter and appears robust to the presence of a variety of at-surface cultural features. Such features provide both incorrect altitude data and multidimensional influences. Their influences are observed most strongly in the joint estimate of apparent depth and this accounts for the stability of the apparent resistivity. Positive apparent depths, in the example data, result from underestimated altitude measurements. It is demonstrated that increasingly negative apparent depths are associated with increasing misfits between a 1D model and the data. Centroid depth calculations, which are a transform of the Fraser half-space parameters, provide an example of the detection of non-1D influences on data obtained above a populated area. 1D inversion of both theoretical and survey data is examined. The simplest use of the 1D inversion method is in providing an estimate of a half-space resistivity. This can be undertaken prior to multilayer inversion as an initial assessment. Underestimated altitude measurements also enter the problem and, in keeping with the Fraser pseudo-layer concept, an at-surface highly resistive layer of variable thickness can be usefully introduced as a constrained parameter. It is clearly difficult to ascribe levels of significance to a ‘measure’ of misfit contained in a negative apparent depth with the dimensions of metres. The reliability of 1D models is better assessed using a formal misfit parameter. With the misfit parameter in place, the example data suggest that the 1D inversion methods provide reliable apparent resistivity values with a higher resolution than the equivalent information from the Fraser half-space estimates.  相似文献   

Hanford Loam, from Richland, Washington, was used as a test soil to determine the precision, accuracy and nature of two methods to extract soil water for stable isotopic analysis: azeotropic distillation using toluene, and simple heating under vacuum. The soil was oven dried, rehydrated with water of known stable isotopic compositions, and the introduced water was then extracted.

Compared with the introduced water, initial aliquots of evolved water taken during a toluene extraction were as much as 30 ‰ more depleted in D and 2.7 ‰ more depleted in 18O, whereas final aliquots were as much as 40 ‰ more enriched in D and 14.3 ‰ more enriched in 18O. Initial aliquots collected during the vacuum/heat extraction were as much as 64 ‰ more depleted in D and 8.4 ‰ more depleted in 18O than was the introduced water, whereas the final aliquots were as much as 139 ‰ more enriched in D, and 20.8 ‰ more enriched in 18O. Neither method appears quantitative; however, the difference in stable isotopic composition between the first and last aliquots of water extracted by the toluene method is less than that from the vacuum/heat method. This is attributed to the smaller fractionation factors involved with the higher average temperatures of distillation of the toluene. The average stable isotopic compositions of the extracted water varied from that of the introduced water by up to 1.4 ‰ in δD and 4.2 ‰ in δ18O with the toluene method, and by 11.0 ‰ in δD and 1.8 ‰ in δ18O for the vacuum/heat method.

The lack of accuracy of the extraction methods is thought to be due to isotopic fractionation associated with water being weakly bound (not released below 110°C) in the soil. The isotopic effect of this heat-labile water is larger at low water contents (3.6 and 5.2% water by weight) as the water bound in the soil is a commensurately larger fraction of the total. With larger soilwater contents the small volume of water bound with an associated fractionation is not enough to affect the remaining unbound introduced soil water. Pretreatment of the soil to equilibrate the heat-labile water to the test water produced good results for the toluene distillation but not the vacuum/heat extraction method.

Vapors collected over the soils also show stable isotopic variations related to soilwater content. These vapors also appear to be in closer equilibrium with the free water, as extracted by the toluene method, than with the originally introduced water; thus, the soil vapors do not appear to be isotopically affected by the heat-labile water.

The toluene method appears to be better for extracting soil water for stable isotopic analysis because it allows more precise temperature control and excludes the extraction of heat-labile water which is isotopically fractionated. The bound nature of this heat-labile water limits association with the hydrologically active soil water; thus, the exclusion of this water from the soil water attained by toluene distillation may be advantageous. However, the azeotropic nature of toluene distillation affords no benefit and the extraction procedure must continue to completion.  相似文献   

New and previously published micro-gravity data are combined with InSAR data, precise levelling and GPS measurements to produce a model for the processes operating at Krafla volcano, 20 years after its most recent eruption. The data have been divided into two periods: from 1990 to 1995 and from 1996 to 2003 and show that the rate of deflation at Krafla is decaying exponentially. The net micro-gravity change at the centre of the caldera is shown, using the measured free air gradient, to be −85 μGal for the first and −100 μGal for the second period. After consideration of the effects of water extraction by the geothermal power station within the caldera, the net gravity decreases are −73±17 μGal for the first and −65±17 μGal for the second period. These decreases are interpreted in terms of magma drainage. Following a Mogi point source model, we calculate the mass decrease to be ∼2×1010 kg/year reflecting a drainage rate of ∼0.23 m3/s, similar to the ∼0.13 m3/s drainage rate previously found at Askja volcano, N. Iceland. Based on the evidence for deeper magma reservoirs and the similarity between the two volcanic systems, we suggest a pressure-link between Askja and Krafla at deeper levels (at the lower crust or the crust-mantle boundary). After the Krafla fires, co-rifting pressure decrease of a deep source at Krafla stimulated the subsequent inflow of magma, eventually affecting conditions along the plate boundary in N. Iceland, as far away as Askja. We anticipate that the pressure of the deeper reservoir at Krafla will reach a critical value and eventually magma will rise from there to the shallow magma chamber, possibly initiating a new rifting episode. We have demonstrated that by examining micro-gravity and geodetic data, our knowledge of active volcanic systems can be significantly improved.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   

Cladistics is a systematic method of classification that groups entities on the basis of sharing similar characteristics in the most parsimonious manner. Here cladistics is applied to the classification of volcanoes using a dataset of 59 Quaternary volcanoes and 129 volcanic edifices of the Tohoku region, Northeast Japan. Volcano and edifice characteristics recorded in the database include attributes of volcano size, chemical composition, dominant eruptive products, volcano morphology, dominant landforms, volcano age and eruptive history. Without characteristics related to time the volcanic edifices divide into two groups, with characters related to volcano size, dominant composition and edifice morphology being the most diagnostic. Analysis including time based characteristics yields four groups with a good correlation between these groups and the two groups from the analysis without time for 108 out of 129 volcanic edifices. Thus when characters are slightly changed the volcanoes still form similar groupings. Analysis of the volcanoes both with and without time yields three groups based on compositional, eruptive products and morphological characters. Spatial clusters of volcanic centres have been recognised in the Tohoku region by Tamura et al. (Earth Planet Sci Lett 197:105–106, 2002). The groups identified by cladistic analysis are distributed unevenly between the clusters, indicating a tendency for individual clusters to form similar kinds of volcanoes with distinctive but coherent styles of volcanism. Uneven distribution of volcano types between clusters can be explained by variations in dominant magma compositions through time, which are reflected in eruption products and volcanic landforms. Cladistic analysis can be a useful tool for elucidating dynamic igneous processes that could be applied to other regions and globally. Our exploratory study indicates that cladistics has promise as a method for classifying volcanoes and potentially elucidating dynamic and evolutionary volcanic processes. Cladistics may also have utility in hazards assessment where spatial distributions and robust definitions of a volcano are important, as in locating sensitive facilities such as nuclear reactors and repositories.  相似文献   

The dynamic model Seemod applied to the Southern Basin of Lake Lugano   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The dynamic model Seemod developed at the EAWAG (Imboden and Gächter, 1978) and modified by Bührer (Ambühl and Bührer, 1984), was adapted to the South Basin of the Lake of Lugano (Lago di Lugano). The model can predict the evolution of the state of the lake, described by the concentrations of dissolved phosphorus, dissolved oxygen particulate phosphorus and organic particulate carbon, in function of phosphorus load and taking into account physical and biochemical initial- and boundary conditions. The model parameters were chosen through measurements and calibrations by short runs. A 10-year-long simulation was done, starting from the data of 1980, and its results agree quite well with the measurements. Then some 15-year-long simulations were done, which corresponded to different scenarios related to a progressive linking up of sewage systems to water treatment plants. The model predicts that a satisfactory water quality level can only be reached by reducing the total phosphorus input to less than 25 t/a.  相似文献   

《Water Policy》2002,3(6):555-572
Water and watersheds are difficult to separate for management purposes. Providing irrigation as a supplement to rainfall for crop production requires considerable collective action at the watershed level to mobilize labor and other resources, as well as to make decisions and implement the distribution of benefits. Small-scale water harvesting irrigation systems in Mexico have endured for centuries. They now face considerable challenges with changes in the ejido property rights over land and water, the growing importance of alternative sources of livelihoods, and increasing scarcity and competition for water within the river basins.  相似文献   

Turbidity measurements by foreward scattering nephelometer have been regularly conducted on the north basin of Lake Lugano (Switzerland/Italy) since September 1992. In order to determine mass concentrations from these data, both, in-situ and laboratory calibration experiments have been performed in November and December 1992 on suspended matter of the hypolimnion. Results show:
  1. Mass concentration/turbidity ratios are different in the two turbidity zones examined due to variation in the optical signature of the suspended matter.
  2. Laboratory calibrations using suspended matter originating from the water depths of interest give representative results provided that physical and chemical alterations occuring during the particle transfer process remain negligible.

Cores recovered from the Iceland Basin show evidence of transport and deposition of volcaniclastic sediment from the Eastern Volcanic Zone of Iceland during the Holocene and last glacial period. Three types of deposits have been identified: tephra fall, sediment gravity flows, and bottom-current-controlled deposits. Tephra fall layers contain basaltic glass of composition that suggests Katla volcano as the major source. A chronology of the volcano activity is reconstructed, back to isotopic stage 5d (120,000 yr). Glass chemistry of tephra in sediment gravity flows deposited south of Myrdalsjökull Canyon indicates a source in the Grímsvötn–Lakagígar volcanic system. These volcaniclastic gravity flows were most likely derived from jökulhlaups or large glacial floods, at a time of a more extensive ice cover over the volcanic zone. Deposition of the sediment gravity flows has created a deep-sea fan south of the canyon. Basalt glass composition, age, and depositional environment suggest that one early Holocene turbidite sequence was derived from a large jökulhlaup of the Grímsvötn area. The volcanogenic sediment gravity flows were influenced by a strong contour current, moving across the Katla sediment ridges. The contour current has winnowed the silt fraction and transported it downstream as suspended load. The recovery of numerous silty volcaniclastic layers, enriched in detrital crystals, indicates that they contributed to the sedimentation of contourite drifts.  相似文献   

An environmental isotope and hydrochemical study was carried out to conceptualize the surface water and groundwater interaction and to explore the groundwater flow pattern in relation to the geological setting. More emphasis is given to the Afar Depression where groundwater is a vital source of water supply. Conventional field hydrogeological study and river discharge records support the isotope and hydrochemical analysis. The region is tectonically active, comprising rift volcanic terrain bordered by highlands. The result revealed that recent meteoric water is the major source of recharge. Three distinct groundwater zones were identified associated with the highlands, transitional escarpment and the rift. Towards the rift, the ionic concentration and isotopic enrichment (δ2H and δ18degO) increases following the groundwater flow paths, which is strongly controlled by axial rift faults. The groundwater flow converges to the seismically active volcano–tectonic depressions with internal drainage and to the Awash River. Within the Afar Depression, at least four groundwater regimen are identified: (1) fresh and shallow groundwater associated with alluvial deposits ultimately recharged by isotopically depleted recent highland rainfall and the evaporated Awash River; (2) cold and relatively younger groundwater within localized fractured volcanics showing mixed origin in axial fault zones; (3) old groundwater with very high ionic concentration and low isotopic signature localized in deep volcanic aquifers; and (4) old and hot saline groundwaters connected to geothermal systems. The study demonstrated that dependable groundwater can only be obtained from the first two aquifer types in aerially restricted zones in flat plains following river courses, local wadis and volcano–tectonic depressions. The conventional hydrogeological survey and discharge records indicate substantial channel losses from the Awash River, which becomes a more dominant source of recharge in central and lower Awash valleys. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In situ REE concentrations of various dolomites from Tarim Basin were obtained by LA-ICP-MS analysis,and the data were normalized to standard seawater(Seawater Normalized=SWN).Most of the samples have a ΣREE range of less than 20 ppm.All samples show similar REESWN distributions with heavy REE depletion,and positive Ce anomaly,which indicates that they have the same dolomitization fluids(seawater).According to the origin and diagenetic process of dolomite,two types of dolomite are determined and described a...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地下古生界白云石微区REE配分特征及其成因研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用LA-ICP-MS分析手段, 对塔里木盆地下古生界不同类型白云石进行了微区REE分析, 并利用标准海水对白云石REE含量进行了标准化处理(SWN, Sea Water Normalized). 总体上看, 白云石SREE多低于20 ppm (1 ppm=1 mg/g), 绝大多数样品REESWN配分特征类似, 表现为轻稀土富集, 重稀土曲线平缓, Ce正异常明显, 说明它们具有类似的白云岩化流体来源, 即海水来源. 根据白云石成因与成岩特征, 将白云石分为准同生白云石与成岩(改造)白云石两大类, 各自具有不同的REE配分特点: (1) 准同生白云石具有最高的REE含量(大于20 ppm), 且其边部REE含量明显低于核部. 高的REE含量记录了浓缩海水与灰质沉积物相互作用而发生白云岩化的过程, 低REE含量的白云石边缘乃是后期成岩过程中较淡的孔隙流体对其改造的结果. (2) 成岩(改造)白云石又可细分为4类: a) 埋藏白云石, 其REE含量低于准同生白云石, 但高于灰岩, 且边部REE含量高于核部, 说明浓度较高的孔隙流体交代早期灰岩而形成; b) 孔隙充填白云石, 产于白云岩较大孔隙/洞中, 与基质白云石具有类似的REESWN配分特征, Eu异常不明显, 说明白云岩化流体源自成岩流体; c) 重结晶白云石, REE含量普遍较低, 说明重结晶过程中伴随有REE的流失; d) 热液改造充填白云石, REE含量最低, 并具有明显的Eu正异常, 反映其形成与热液活动有关, 并且伴随着REE的大量流失. 因此, 不同类型白云石REE含量变化与配分特征, 较好地记录了它们形成的原始条件与后期变化过程, 是深入研究白云石成因与成岩演化的良好示踪标志.  相似文献   

Underwater dunes are a morphological feature that are explored by marine scientists and coastal engineers alike. This study presents new methodologies in order to simplify bedform identification and morphodynamic analyses. Specifically, subaqueous compound dunes are decomposed with a simple yet extensive tracking algorithm, which relies on a repeated evaluation of unfiltered bed elevation profiles according to five predefined length classes. In a second step, morphological trends are assessed in the form of bed migration rates, bed slope asymmetries and net sediment changes, in which all parameters are referred to equidistant sections of the examined fairway stretch. This integrated approach not only avoids the challenges in weighting the varying size and abundance of dunes of different scales but also ensures comparability between dune-specific and areal parameters, which significantly improves the interpretation of the morphological setting as a whole. The developed methods are applied to the Outer Jade fairway, an anthropogenically influenced and regularly maintained waterway in the German Bight, and allow scrutiny of spatio-temporal trends in this region. Based on a unique data set of 100 sequential high-quality echo-sounding surveys, various types of bedforms are identified, comprising large-scale primary as well as superimposing secondary dunes that are assumed to interfere with each other. Temporal trends show a long-term rise of the troughs of major bedforms and constant maximum crest elevations near the official maintenance depth, which matches the observed long-term aggradation of sediments. The spatial distribution of integrated morphodynamic parameters reflects a previously described zone of primary dune convergence and facilitates the precise localization of this geophysical singularity. The presented findings both confirm the robustness of the proposed methodologies and, in return, enhance the understanding of morphological processes in the Outer Jade. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a multistage simulation-based optimization model is developed for supporting water resources management under uncertainty. The system couples a lumped rainfall-runoff model with an inexact multistage stochastic program, where its random parameter is provided by the statistical analysis of simulation outcomes. Moreover, penalties are exercised with recourse against any infeasibility, which permits in-depth analyses of various policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of economic consequences when the promised water-allocation targets are violated. The developed model can also reflect dynamic features of the system conditions through transactions at discrete points in time over a multistage context. The developed model is applied to a real case of planning water resources management in Tarim River Basin, which is one of the most serious water-shortage regions of China. A variety of policies associated with different water-allocation targets are analyzed. The results are helpful for decision makers identifying optimal water-allocation plans for mitigating the conflict among ecological protection, economic development, and regional sustainability.  相似文献   

离散型湖泊水体提取方法精度对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
基于卫星遥感的陆地水体提取方法多种多样,并且应用广泛.对于水体分布支离破碎的枯水期湖泊,准确的水体提取方法尚不明晰,直接影响湖泊水域面积的提取精度.以鄱阳湖湖区为研究对象,利用ALOS遥感影像,以2.5 m高分辨率全色波段融合影像非监督分类(ISODATA)得到的水体面积为参考值,分别使用归一化水体指数(NDWI)法、NDWIISODATA法和基于近红外(NIR)的ISODATA法提取了10 m分辨率的水体分布,分析了不同方法提取结果之间的差异性及产生原因.结果表明:3种方法均可以较好地提取出水体,但利用ISODATA法提取的水体细部信息更为明显,面积值较NDWI法更大;相对于近红外单波段而言,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取水体的精度更高.纵观3种方法,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取的水体精度最高,基于近红外波段的ISODATA法提取结果次之,NDWI阈值法的提取效果最差.研究结果对于离散型湖泊水体提取方法及数据源的选择等具有重要的借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   

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