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Coal mine restoration projects increase public perception of mining companies. Spain has relatively few examples of completed opencast mine rehabilitation projects. This study seeks to obtain the use of mine spoils from coal mines in Teruel. The studied mine spoils may be used as raw material for the Spanish ceramic industry, located in the provinces of Castellon, Valencia and Teruel. This study specifically discusses the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous materials from coal deposits in Estercuel basin, around Teruel and Castellon in Spain. These provinces have a large ceramic industry. A characterization of mine spoils from coal deposits has been carried out. This characterization is based on the data of both mineral and chemical analysis. The mineralogical characterization was complemented with SEM/EDAX. The study of the chemical composition allows the evaluation of the applicability of the studied mine spoils to the following industries: refractory, fine clay, red clay for pavement and coating, and heavy clay. The clay used for refractory industry has the highest compositional demand. The positive results obtained on this set of preliminary tests lead us to envisage new research programs, focusing on testing these mine spoils on a semi-industrial scale.  相似文献   

Stereochemical changes of triterpanes present in extracts from an immature oil shale sequence intruded by a 3-m dolerite sill have been studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The steric configuration of the hopanes was observed to change from one dominated by the thermally less stable 17β(H), 21β(H) configuration at some distance from the intrusion, to one dominated by the thermally more stable 17α(H), 21β(H) and 17β(H), 21α(H) configurating in the immediate vicinity of the intrusion. In addition, severe alteration of the kerogen appeared to have taken place as a result of the contact metamorphism, and high concentrations of extractable organic matter were observed below the intrusion. Characterization of the kerogens by Curie-point pyrolysis has enabled the effects of the intrusion on the shales to be monitored.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of trace elements in the underground and open-pit mine of the Goze Delchev subbituminous coal deposit have been studied. The coals in both mines are highly enriched in W, Ge and Be, and at less extent in As, Mn and Y as compared with the world-wide Clarkes for subbituminous coals. Ni and Ti are also enhanced in the underground coals, and Zr, Cr and Mo in the open-pit mine coals.Characteristic for the trace element contents in the deposit is a regular variation with depth. The following patterns were distinguished for profile I: a — the element content decreases from the bottom to the top of the bed paralleling ash distribution (Fe, Co, As, Sb, V, Y, Mo, Cs, REE, Hf, Ta, Th, P and Au); b — Ge and W are enriched in the near-bottom and near-top coals; c — in the middle part of the bed the content of K and Rb is maximal, while that of U is slightly enriched; d — Ba content decreases from the top to the bottom of the bed. In profile II, W and Be contents decrease from the bottom to the top. The near-bottom, and especially the near-roof samples of profile IV are highly enriched in Ge, while for W the highest is the content of the near-bottom sample.Ge, Be, As, Mn, Cl and Br are mainly organically associated. The organic affiliation is still strong for Co, B, Sr, Ba, Sb, U, Th, Mo, La, Ce, Sm, Tb and Yb in the underground coals, and Fe, Co, Na, W, Sr, Y and Ag in the coals from the open-pit mine. K, Rb, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta are of dominant inorganic affinity. The chalcophile and siderophile elements correlate positively with Fe and each other and may be bound partly with pyrite or other sulphides and iron containing minerals.Compared statistically by the t-criteria, the elements Na, Li, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, Fe and Be are of higher content in the open-pit mine. Tungsten is the only element of higher concentration in the underground mine. The contents of Ge, As, Sr, V, Mn, Y, Zr and P are not statistically different in both mines.It was supposed that there were multiple sources of the trace elements in the deposit. The source of the highly enriched elements (W, Ge, Be, and As) most probably were the thermal waters in the source area. The contemporary mineral springs are of high content of these elements. Another source were the hosting Mesta volcanic rocks, which are enriched in Sb, Mo, Hf, U, Th, As, Li and Rb. Some of the volcanics were hydrothermally altered and enriched or depleted of many elements. Thus, the hydrothermal solutions were also suppliers of elements for the coals. It is obvious that the contents, distribution and paragenesis, of the trace elements in both Goze Delchev coals reflect the geochemical specialization of the source area, including rocks, paleo- and contemporary thermal waters.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of major and trace elements have been investigated in two coal-bearing units in the Chonqing mining district (South China): the Late Permian and Late Triassic coals.The Late Permian coals have higher S contents than the Late Triassic coals due to the fixation of pyrite in marine-influenced coal-forming environments. The occurrence of pyrite accounts for the association of a large number of elements (Fe, S, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn) with sulphides, as deduced from the analysis of the density fractions. The marine influence is probably also responsible for the organic association of B. The REEs, Zr, Nb, and Hf, are enriched by a factor of 2–3 with respect to the highest levels fixed for the usual worldwide concentration ranges in coal for these elements. The content of these elements in the Late Permian coal is higher by a factor of 5–10 with respect to the Late Triassic coal. Furthermore, other elements, such as Cu, P, Th, U, V, and Y, are relatively enriched with respect to the common range values, with maximum values higher than the usual range or close to the maximum levels in coal. The content of these elements in the Late Permian coal is higher than the Late Triassic coal. These geochemical enrichments are the consequence of the occurrence, in relatively high levels, of phosphate minerals, such as apatite, xenotime, and monazite, as deduced from the study of the density fractions obtained from the bulk coal.The Late Triassic coal has a low sulphur content with a major organic affinity. The trace element contents are low when compared with worldwide ranges for coal. In this coal, the trace element distribution is governed by clay minerals, carbonate minerals, and to a lesser extent, by organic matter and sulphide minerals.Major differences found between late Permian and Triassic coals are probably related to the source rocks, given that the main source rock of the late Permian epicontinental marine basin is the Emeishan basalt formation, characterised by a high phosphate content.  相似文献   

Thermally metamorphosed Tertiary age coals from Tanjung Enim in South Sumatra Basin have been investigated by means of petrographic, mineralogical and chemical analyses. These coals were influenced by heat from an andesitic igneous intrusion. The original coal outside the metamorphosed zone is characterized by high moisture content (4.13–11.25 wt.%) and volatile matter content (> 40 wt.%, daf), as well as less than 80 wt.% (daf) carbon and low vitrinite reflectance (VRmax = 0.52–0.76%). Those coals are of subbituminous and high volatile bituminous rank. In contrast the thermally metamorphosed coals are of medium-volatile bituminous to meta-anthracite rank and characterized by low moisture content (only < 3 wt.%) and volatile matter content (< 24 wt.%, daf), as well as high carbon content (> 80 wt.%, daf) and vitrinite reflectance (VRmax = 1.87–6.20%). All the studied coals have a low mineral matter content, except for those which are highly metamorphosed, due to the formation of new minerals.The coalification path of each maceral shows that vitrinite, liptinite and inertinite reflectance converge in a transition zone at VRmax of around 1.5%. Significant decrease of volatile matter occurs in the zone between 0.5% and 2.0% VRmax. A sharp bend occurs at VRmax between 2.0% and 2.5%. Above 2.5%, the volatile matter decreases only very slightly. Between VRr = 0.5% and 2.0%, the carbon content of the coals is ascending drastically. Above 2.5% VRr, the carbon content becomes relatively stable (around 95 wt.%, daf).Vitrinite is the most abundant maceral in low rank coal (69.6–86.2 vol.%). Liptinite and inertinite are minor constituents. In the high rank coal, the thermally altered vitrinite composes 82.4–93.8 vol.%. Mosaic structures can be recognized as groundmasss and crack fillings. The most common minerals found are carbonates, pyrite or marcasite and clay minerals. The latter consist of kaolinite in low rank coal and illite and rectorite in high rank coal. Change of functional groups with rank increase is reflected most of all by the increase of the ratio of aromatic C–H to aliphatic C–H absorbances based on FTIR analysis. The Oxygen Index values of all studied coals are low (OI < 5 mg CO2/g TOC) and the high rank coals have a lower Hydrogen Index (< 130 mg HC/g TOC) than the low rank coals (about 300 mg HC/g TOC). Tmax increases with maturity (420–440 °C for low rank coals and 475–551 °C for high rank coals).Based on the above data, it was calculated that the temperature of contact metamorphism reached 700–750 °C in the most metamorphosed coal.  相似文献   

岩墙厚度对成矿作用的约束:以石湖金矿为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
根据透岩浆流体成矿理论,岩浆体是含矿流体的通道而不是来源,因而估算含矿流体注入岩浆体的能力是评价高位侵入体成矿潜力的有效方法。文中利用一维传热模型计算了石湖金矿区三类代表性岩墙(花岗斑岩、石英闪长玢岩和辉绿岩)不同厚度条件下的冷却时间尺度,同时估算了岩浆冷却过程中的粘度变化速率。假定岩浆侵位于约6 km,且完全固结时含矿流体才不能有效注入,石湖金矿区三类代表性岩墙的最小临界成矿厚度分别为3345 m(花岗斑岩)、822 m(石英闪长玢岩)和102 m(辉绿岩)。模拟结果与石湖金矿区矿体的产状一致,暗示模拟结果具有较强的实用价值。结合岩墙长度/宽度比值,进一步估算致矿侵入体的最小临界出露面积分别约为312~1 561 m2(玄武质岩体)、0014~0068 km2(石英闪长玢岩)和0011~0034 km2(花岗斑岩)。估算结果为野外地质找矿提供了一个定性的标准,对快速资源勘查具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The coal deposits of southern Africa (Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) are reviewed. The coal seams formed during two periods, the Early Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) and the Late Permian (Ufimian–Kazanian). The coals are associated with non-marine terrestrial clastic sedimentary sequences, most commonly mudrock and sandstones, assigned to the Karoo Supergroup. The Early Permian coals are most commonly sandstone-hosted while the younger coals typically occur interbedded with mudstones. The sediments were deposited in varying tectono-sedimentary basins such as foreland, intracratonic rifts and intercratonic grabens and half-grabens. The depositional environments that produced the coal-bearing successions were primarily deltaic and fluvial, with some minor shoreline and lacustrine settings. Coals vary in rank from high-volatile bituminous to anthracite and characteristically have a relatively high inertinite component, and medium- to high-ash content. In countries where coal is mined, it is used for power generation, coking coal, synfuel generation, gasification and for (local) domestic household consumption.  相似文献   

Igneous intrusions thermally and geochemically alter coal, commonly causing economic and safety problems for many coal mines. The effects of two dykes on the inorganic content of the Late Permian bituminous Upper Wynn seam were determined from analyses of 44 samples that were collected along transects approaching the intrusions. Petrographic and XRD data were used to determine sample mineralogy, and INAA and XRF spectrometry were utilised to determine the contents of 57 elements. The mineralogy of the unaltered coal, altered coal and dyke is dominated by carbonates, particularly dawsonite, which formed by epigenetic precipitation at a late stage, after thermal alteration. Ankerite and siderite are the products of thermal alteration and are restricted to the altered coal and dykes.Principal component analysis, correlations and compositional trends approaching the intrusions were used to subdivide the elements into groups and to identify the mineralogical affinity of each group. Geochemical data are more sensitive than mineralogy for defining the size of the alteration halo, and three zones ranging from unaltered coal, through altered coal to highly coked coal are recognised as each intrusion is approached.The alteration halos differ in extent (9.5 and 56 m wide), but their size is not a multiple of the size of the causative intrusion. At the contact between coal and intrusion, concentrations of elements with affinities to some aluminosilicates, oxides, carbonates, sulphides and organic components are enriched, while other aluminosilicate-related elements are depleted. In the altered coal towards the edge of the alteration halo, some aluminosilicate elements are enriched and oxide elements are depleted.  相似文献   

The coal of the Miocene Bukit Asam deposit in south Sumatra is mostly sub-bituminous in rank, consistent with regional trends due to burial processes. However, effects associated with Plio–Pleistocene igneous intrusions have produced coal with vitrinite reflectance up to at least 4.17% (anthracite) in different parts of the deposit. The un-metamorphosed to slightly metamorphosed coals, with Rvmax values of 0.45–0.65%, contain a mineral assemblage made up almost entirely of well-ordered kaolinite and quartz. The more strongly heat-affected coals, with Rvmax values of more than 1.0%, are dominated by irregularly and regularly interstratified illite/smectite, poorly crystallized kaolinite and paragonite (Na mica), with chlorite in some of the anthracite materials. Kaolinite is abundant in the partings of the lower-rank coals, but is absent from the partings in the higher-rank areas, even at similar horizons in the same coal seam. Regularly interstratified illite/smectite, which is totally absent from the partings in the lower-rank coals, dominates the mineralogy in the partings associated with the higher-rank coal beds. A number of reactions involving the alteration of silicate minerals appear to have occurred in both the coal and the associated non-coal lithologies during the thermal metamorphism generated by the intrusions. The most prominent involve the disappearance of kaolinite, the appearance of irregularly interstratified illite/smectite, and the formation of regular I/S, paragonite and chlorite. Although regular I/S is identified in all of the non-coal partings associated with the higher-rank coals, illite/smectite with an ordered structure is only recognised in the coal samples collected from near the bases of the seams. The I/S in the coal samples adjacent to the floor of the highest rank seam also appears to have a greater proportion of illitic components. The availability of sodium and other non-mineral inorganic elements in the original coal to interact with the kaolinite, under different thermal and geochemical conditions, appears to be the significant factor in the formation of these new minerals, and distinguishes the mineralogical changes at Bukit Asam from those developed more generally with rank increases due to burial, and from the effects of intrusions into coals that were already at higher rank levels.  相似文献   

Stable (δ13C and δ18O) and radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotopic data have been used to investigate the origin of cleat dawsonite (NaAlCO3(OH)2) in the Late Permian Wittingham Coal Measures of the Upper Hunter region in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales. The δ13CPDB values have a narrow range (− 1.7‰ to + 2.4‰), with an average of + 0.3‰, suggesting a magmatic source for the carbon. In contrast, δ18OSMOW values have a wide range (+ 13.6‰ to + 19.8‰), and decrease systematically with decreasing distance from a major intrusion. This systematic variation reflects establishment of localised hydrothermal cells. Water–rock interaction between fluids associated with these hydrothermal cells, and Rb-poor volcaniclastic detritus in the coal measures, produced mantle-like 87Sr/86Sr (0.705032 to 0.706464) in the dawsonite.  相似文献   

Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures strata have been interpreted traditionally in terms of cyclothems bounded by marine flooding surfaces (marine bands) and coal seams. Correlation of such cyclothems in an extensive grid of closely spaced coal exploration boreholes provides a robust stratigraphic framework in which to study the Lower Coal Measures (Namurian C–Westphalian A) of the Ruhr district, north-west Germany. Three distinct types of cyclothem are recognized, based on their bounding surfaces and internal facies architecture. (1) Type 1 cyclothems are bounded by marine bands. Each cyclothem comprises a thick (30–80 m), regionally extensive, coarsening-upward delta front succession of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones, which may be deeply incised by a major fluvial sandstone complex. The delta front succession is capped by a thin (<1 m), regionally extensive coal seam and an overlying marine band defining the top of the cyclothem. (2) Type 2 cyclothems are bounded by thick (≈1 m), regionally extensive coal seams with few splits. The basal part of a typical cyclothem comprises a thick (15–50 m), widespread, coarsening-upward delta front or lake infill succession consisting of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones. Networks of major (>5 km wide, 20–40 m thick), steep-sided, multistorey fluvial sandstone complexes erode deeply into and, in some cases, through these successions and are overlain by the coal seam defining the cyclothem top. (3) Type 3 cyclothems are bounded by regionally extensive coal seam groups, characterized by numerous seam splits on a local (0·1–10 km) scale. Intervening strata vary in thickness (15–60 m) and are characterized by strong local facies variability. Root-penetrated, aggradational floodplain heteroliths pass laterally into single-storey fluvial channel-fill sandstones and coarsening-upward, shallow lake infill successions of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones over distances of several hundred metres to a few kilometres. Narrow (<2 km) but thick (20–50 m) multistorey fluvial sandstone complexes are rare, but occur in a few type 3 cyclothems. Several cyclothems are observed to change character from type 1 to type 2 and from type 2 to type 3 up the regional palaeoslope. Consequently, we envisage a model in which each cyclothem type represents a different palaeogeographic belt within the same, idealized delta system, subject to the same allogenic and autogenic controls on facies architecture. Type 1 cyclothems are dominated by deltaic shorelines deposited during a falling stage and lowstand of sea level. Type 2 cyclothems represent the coeval lower delta plain, which was deeply eroded by incised valleys that fed the falling stage and lowstand deltas. Type 3 cyclothems comprise mainly upper delta plain deposits in which the allogenic sea-level control was secondary to autogenic controls on facies architecture. The marine bands, widespread coals and coal seam groups that bound these three cyclothem types record abandonment of the delta system during periods of rapid sea-level rise. The model suggests that the extant cyclothem paradigm does not adequately describe the detailed facies architecture of Lower Coal Measures strata. Instead, these architectures may be better understood within a high-resolution stratigraphic framework incorporating sequence stratigraphic key surfaces, integrated with depositional models derived from analogous Pleistocene–Holocene fluvio-deltaic strata.  相似文献   

Four organic-rich shale units of the Proterozoic Vindhyan sedimentary succession have been scanned to reveal their origin and hydrocarbon potential. The wavy-crinkly nature of the carbonaceous laminae is suggestive of a microbial mat origin of the shales. These shales are thus different from Phanerozoic black shales which typically exhibit planar laminae. The hydrocarbon potential of the black shale units has been evaluated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Total organic carbon content of many of the shales exceeds 1%. The meanT max for the black shales translate to a vitrinite reflectance range of 2.05-2.40% Rm based on standard conversion techniques. These shales have reached the catagenetic stage near the beginning of anthracite formation.  相似文献   

黑山铜镍硫化物含矿岩体位于中亚造山带南缘北山褶皱带东部,对该岩体的研究有助于正确理解造山带型铜镍硫化物的成矿作用。详细的野外基础地质特征表明黑山矿区仅出露单一的新元古代青白口系地层,无寒武纪地层出露。黑山含矿岩体由早期的方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩和橄榄辉长苏长岩,以及稍晚期的辉长岩脉组成。黑山岩体位于黑山背斜南翼,其初始产状应为一水平或近水平的岩床状岩体,因后期褶皱作用,岩体发生了倾斜形成现今的产状。黑山岩体中橄榄石Fo值为80.5~87.0,其Ni含量为1070×10-6~3461×10-6。借助"MELTS"软件,我们进一步厘定了黑山母岩浆为高镁玄武岩浆 (12.81% MgO, 10.84% FeO, 430×10-6 Ni)。研究表明,黑山橄榄石的主要控制因素为:1)母岩浆的成分;2)后续新鲜岩浆的补充混合作用;3)硫化物熔离作用;4)晶间硅酸盐熔浆作用;5)橄榄石与硫化物之间发生的Fe-Ni交换。模拟计算表明,硫化物熔离与橄榄石结晶几乎同时发生,橄榄石与硫化物的最小质量比约为20:1。1号矿体及矿化体的橄榄石比4号矿体更富Mg和Ni,并且还呈现非常好的负相关关系,表明这些橄榄石与硫化物发生了不同程度的Fe-Ni交换,而与其发生Fe-Ni交换的硫化物更富Ni以及共生的岩浆更为原始。这很可能是因为黑山岩体形成于开放的岩浆通道系统,早期融离的硫化物与后续的新鲜的硫不饱和岩浆发生反应,使得该类硫化物含量减少但硫化物中的金属元素含量增高从而形成1号矿体及矿化体。  相似文献   

The Carboniferous succession in the Donets Basin hosts about 130 seams, each with a thickness over 0.45 m. Nine economically important seams from the (south)western Donets Basin are studied using organic petrographical, inorganic geochemical, and organic geochemical techniques. The main aim of the study is the reconstruction of peat facies of Serpukhovian (Mississippian) and Moscovian (Middle Pennsylvanian) coals.Formation of major coal seams commenced during Serpukhovian times. Early Serpukhovian coal accumulated in a relatively narrow shore-zone and is rich in inertinite and liptinite. Very low ash yields, low to moderate sulphur contents, and upward increasing inertinite contents suggest coal deposition in raised mires.Moscovian coal has a significantly wider lateral extension and is generally rich in vitrinite. Coal properties vary widely in response to different peat facies. Low-sulphur, low-ash k7 coal was formed in a raised mire or in a low-lying mire without detrital input. l1 and l3 seams containing several fluvial partings were formed in low-lying mires. Both seams are more than 2 m thick. Seams m2 and m3 contain high-sulphur coal, a consequence of deposition in a peat with marine influence. In contrast, syngenetic sulphur content is low in the m51 upper seam, which was formed in a lacustrine setting. The late Moscovian n1 seam, up to 2.4 m thick, accumulated in a swamp with a vegetation rich in bryophytes and pteridophytes. The properties of the n1 seam are transitional between those of Serpukhovian and other Moscovian seams. Differences in maceral composition between Serpukhovian and Moscovian coals probably reflect changes in climate and vegetation type.Tuff layers are observed in the l1, l3, and m3 seams. The l3 and m3 seams contain abundant authigenic quartz. Trace element contents are high in many seams. As contents are especially high in seams c102, k7, l3 and m3. Ash in the l3 seam contains up to 8000 ppm As. Co is enriched near the base of several seams. Maxima up to 2400 ppm occur in the ash of the k7 and l3 seams. Cd contents in ash are frequently as high as 30 or 40 ppm.  相似文献   

Two samples from the upper and lower horizons of the Irati oil shale of the Paraná Basin, Brazil were sampled in a single borehole, and analysed using organic petrography and geochemistry. The results are interpreted in terms of the kerogen type, maturity and depositional environment of the two horizons.Organic petrography shows the oil-shales to be composed of a mineral groundmass, mainly clay minerals, carbonate and pyrite, associated, and sometimes impregnated, with fluorescing organic material and disseminated phytoclasts. Humic material is fairly rare and mostly present as very small particles. The liptinitic particles are mostly alginite (A and B), sporinite and more rarely resinite. Reflectance measurements (upper seam = 0.34% R0; lower seam = 0.40% R0) indicate an equivalent rank of lignite/sub-bituminous coal (ASTM), i.e. immature with respect to oil and gas generation. Different organic geochemical methods (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, solvent extraction, GC and GC-MS) demonstrate both samples to be immature, rich oil-shales (100–114 kg/ton) containing Type I kerogen, of a dominantly bacterially-degraded algal origin deposited in a lacustrine environment. The presence of Botryococcus suggests deposition under fresh/brackish water conditions.A tentative interpretation of the extract and vitrinite reflectance data suggests a maximum paleo-burial of between 1.3 and 2.8 km for the analysed section of the Irati Formation.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time a petrological and geochemical study of coals from the Central Asturian Coal Basin (North Spain) of Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), mainly of Moscovian, age. A paleoenvironmental approach was used, taking into account both petrographic and organic geochemical studies. Vitrinite reflectance (Rr) ranges from 0.5% to 2.5%, which indicates a high volatile bituminous to semianthracite and anthracite coal rank. The coal samples selected for paleoenvironmental reconstruction are located inside the oil–gas-prone phase, corresponding to the interval between the onset of oil generation and first gas generation and efficient expulsion of oil. This phase is represented by coals that have retained their hydrocarbon potential and also preserved biomarker information. Paleodepositional reconstruction based on maceral and petrographic indices points to a swamp environment with vitrinite-rich coal facies and variable mineral matter content. The gelification index (GI) and groundwater influence index (GWI) indicate strong gelification and wet conditions. The biomarkers exhibit a high pristane/phytane ratio, suggesting an increase in this ratio from diagenetic processes, and a high diterpanes ratio. This, in turn, would seem to indicate a high swamp water table and a humid climate. The maximum point of coal accumulation occurred during the regressive part of the Late Moscovian sequence and in the most humid climate described for this period of time in the well-known coal basins of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to recognise the variability of petrographical structure of two coal seams occurring in the Cracow Sandstone Series (Upper Carboniferous/Pennsylvanian, Upper Westphalian), being exploited in the Siersza mine. This mine is located in the eastern part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (USCB). The chemical analyses and petrographical features allow the inclusion of these coals to the group of hard brown coals belonging to subbituminous class.Two coal seams (207 and 209/210) of a considerable thickness (7.44 and 6.54 m, respectively), representative of the Cracow Sandstone Series (CSS), were chosen for the petrographic studies. Dominant macroscopic constituents of both seams are banded bright coal and banded coal.The coal seams were sampled in 284 intervals using a channel profile sampling strategy. The microscopical examinations revealed the majority of macerals from the vitrinite group (55%), followed by inertinite (21%), liptinite (11%), and mineral matter (13%). Low values of the vitrinite reflectance (Ro=0.46%) confirm very low coalification of the coal in both seams. Facies analysis indicates that in the course of a mire development, in which the studied coal seams originated, wet forest swamp conditions dominated characterized by a high degree of flooding and gelification as well as by a prevalence of arborescent plants. In such conditions, lithotypes with a large content of bright coal were mainly formed. Petrographic and facies data point to the rheotrophic character of these peatbogs. Frequent changes of the conditions in the peatbog, as it is shown by the variability of petrographic structure of the studied profiles, as well as by lateral changes of the phytogenic sedimentary environment within the coal seams, indicate a strong influence of a river channel on the adjoining peatbogs. An accretion of clastic sediments within the wide river channel belts was balanced mainly by the peatbog growth on the areas outside channels. Frequency and rate of avulsion of the river channels influenced the size, continuity and variability of the peatbogs.  相似文献   

Coal beds of the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado have significant liquid hydrocarbon generation potential as indicated by typical Rock-Eval Hydrogen Indexes in the range of 200–400 mg hydrocarbon/g organic carbon (type II and III organic matter). Small, non-commercial quantities of oil have been produced from the coal beds at several locations. The oils are characterized by high pristane/phytane (ca 4) and pristane/n-C17 ratios (ca 1.2), abundant C21+ alkanes in the C10+ fraction with a slight predominance of odd carbon-numbered n-alkanes, abundant branched-chain alkanes in the C15+ region, and a predominance of methylcyclohexane in the C4----C10 fraction. The oils are indigenous to the Fruitland Formation coals and probably migrated at thermal maturities corresponding to vitrinite reflectance values in the range 0.7–0.8%. Although the oils found to date are not present in commercial amounts, these findings illustrate the potential of some coals to generate and expel oil under conditions of moderate thermal heating.  相似文献   

Forty-two bench samples of the Sewickley coal bed were collected from seven localities in the northern Appalachian Basin and analyzed palynologically, petrographically, and geochemically. The Sewickley coal bed occurs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Formation (Monongahela Group) and is of Late Pennsylvanian age. Palynologically, it is dominated by spores of tree ferns. Tree fern spore taxa in the Sewickley include Punctatisporites minutus, Punctatosporites minutus, Laevigatosporites minimus, Spinosporites exiguus, Apiculatasporites saetiger, and Thymospora spp. In fact, Punctatisporites minutus was so abundant that it had to be removed from the standard counts and recorded separately (average 73.2%). Even when Punctatisporites minutus is removed from the counts, tree fern spores still dominate a majority of the assemblages, averaging 64.4%. Among the tree fern spores identified in the Sewickley coal, Thymospora exhibits temporal and spatial abundance variation. Thymospora usually increases in abundance from the base to the top of the bed. Thymospora is also more abundant in columns that are thick (>100 cm) and low in ash yield (<12.0%, dry basis). Calamite spores (e.g. Calamospora spp., Laevigatosporites minor, and L. vulgaris) are the next most abundant plant group represented in the Sewickley coal, averaging 20%. Contributions from all other plant groups are minor in comparison.Petrographically, the Sewickley coal contains high percentages of vitrinite (average 82.3%, mineral matter-free (mmf)), with structured forms being more common than unstructured forms. In contrast, liptinite and inertinite macerals both occur in low percentages (average 7.7% and 10.0%, respectively). Geochemically, the Sewickley coal has a moderate ash yield (average 12.4%) and high total sulfur content (average 3.4%).Four localities contained a high ash or carbonaceous shale bench. These benches, which may be coeval, are strongly dominated by tree fern spores. Unlike the lower ash benches, they contain low percentages of vitrinite, which mainly occurs as unstructured vitrinite, and higher liptinite and inertinite contents.The accumulated data suggest that the Sewickley paleomire was probably a rheotrophic, planar mire that had a consistent water cover. This is supported by the high vitrinite contents, moderate ash yields, and high total sulfur contents. The high ash and carbonaceous shale benches probably represent either periods of dryness and substrate exposure, or flooding of the mire surface, the duration of which is unknown.  相似文献   

The Danville Coal Member (Dugger Formation, upper Desmoinesian, Pennsylvanian) is a significant economic coal resource in the Illinois Basin, central USA. Deposition of the Danville Coal (peat) was in coastal environments, varying distances from the coastline and, in turn, variable influences from saline waters. The purpose of this study is to examine the coal quality and petrography of the Danville Coal; and to discuss their relationship with depositional environment as it relates to the final coal product. A medium sulfur (1.0–1.5 wt.%) Danville Coal reserve area (northern Indiana coalfield) was compared to a low sulfur (<1.0 wt.%) Danville Coal (central Indiana coalfield) reserve area, the two being approximately 70 km apart. The medium sulfur coal resulted from the peat being deposited in a near-marine environment less protected from the influence of saline waters, whereas the low sulfur coal resulted from fine-grained, clay-dominated sediment protecting the peat from the direct influence of saline waters. Within both areas, the coal quality, coal composition, and trace element concentrations vary as a function of the proximity of the coal to the overlying Busseron Sandstone Member (Pennsylvanian). Where the Busseron Sandstone rests near or directly on the coal, the sulfur content is significantly higher in the top third of the seam. Conversely, where there is a thick section (>3 m) of finer-grained clastic sediments atop the Danville, the sulfur and trace elements contents are significantly lower.  相似文献   

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