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This study focuses on storm deposits in the Muschelkalk facies of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain) and interprets their deposition mechanisms. Three types of storm deposit are distinguished: (i) pot/gutter casts; (ii) tempestite beds; and (iii) storm‐winnowed deposits. Each deposit provides information about the carbonate platform environment in which it was deposited. The tempestite models proposed are: (i) the bypass‐zone tempestite model, occurring in a muddy ramp at the epicontinental basin margin. This model is characterized by potholes and gutters that form in a shoreline bypass‐zone during storms; (ii) the gradient‐current tempestite model in which frequent tempestite beds are related to storm gradient currents. Thickness and grain size decrease towards the deep distal ramp; and (iii) the winnowed deposit tempestite model whereby storm deposits are winnowed and deposited in the same environment with only short lateral transport having occurred. This model evokes more restricted and shallower conditions, lagoons or inland seas. The distribution of all these deposits in the stratigraphic sections studied corroborate the eustatic third‐order cycle identified, although the different features of the storm deposits and their positions in each section indicate a subsidence varying in time and space. In the transgressive stage, the margins of the epicontinental basin were a well‐developed ramp with potholes and gutters. In contrast, during the high sea‐level stage, storm deposits generated tempestite beds or storm‐winnowed deposits in the different areas. The epicontinental carbonate platform with ramp edges evolved into a complex depositional system of coastal and shallow‐marine environments with lagoons and restricted inland seas. Thus, the epicontinental platform underwent substantial change from the Late Anisian to the Late Ladinian and this is reflected in its storm deposits.  相似文献   

鄂东黄石地区中上寒武统风暴岩的发现及意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
鄂东黄石地区中上寒武统中下部发育一套典型的白云质风暴岩.该风暴沉积的底面侵蚀构造清楚,长条形白云质灰岩砾屑具放射状构造或叠瓦状构造,并发育渠铸模、粒序层理和小型波状层理等沉积构造,为典型的浅水风暴岩.该风暴沉积具有原地或近原地特点.根据其中的叠层石和无明显泥裂构造,推测为潮间带-局限潮下带沉积环境.该风暴岩的发现对重建鄂东黄石地区中晚寒武世古地理及区域地层对比具有重要意义.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The middle member of the Loma del Toril formation (Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian, Intermediate units, Betic Cordillera) consists of up to 250 m of resedimented carbonate material. Three units have been distinguished. The lower, Unit A, is composed of conglomerates that are interpreted as deposited in a major valley on the lower slope of a basin margin. Unit B, calcarenites with some conglomerate intercalation, is interpreted as distributary channel deposits and Unit C, calcarenites, as the result of poorly developed depositional lobes of a submarine fan. The three units form a recessional sequence. They cannot be related to a transgression because the Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian in the Prebetic zone, where epicontinental sediments exist, is clearly regressive. The upper member of the Loma del Toril formation, made up of pelagic limestones with sporadic calcarenites or even thin conglomerate intercalations, is best interpreted as a basin plain facies. Lateral facies relationships suggest that down-faulting of the basin floor controlled the development of the fan. The scarce occurrence of turbidite beds in the basin plain facies, the prevailing channelized facies and the obvious lack of overbank deposits, suggest a transport system of low efficiency, with fan deposition at the base of slope. The underlying Jurassic strata cropping out along fault scarps, coeval carbonate shelf material, and upper slope deposits were the main sources of turbiditic resediments. With respect to basin morphology sedimentary processes and fan geometry, this Jurassic turbidite basin can be compared with the modern California continental borderland. Ancient analogues have been described by Reinhart (1977) and Price (1977).  相似文献   

随着研究的深入,逐渐认识到碳酸盐岩台地边缘带(简称台缘带)具有沉积结构和演化的差异性,其不但记录了古地理格局及其演化过程,同时也对相关油气储层的发育具有重要的影响。以四川盆地东北部早三叠世飞仙关期同期近平行的三排台缘带为研究对象,通过钻井、野外露头及地震等资料综合分析,揭示研究区早三叠世飞仙关早期台缘鲕粒滩带明显继承了晚二叠世长兴期台缘礁滩带的分布,并具有整体向东迁移的特点。不同台缘带之间具有明显差异,可识别出迁移型和加积型两种台缘结构样式,迁移型台缘带主要分布在元坝-龙岗-梁平台缘带(简称1号台缘带)、简池-鸡王洞-沙陀台缘带(简称3号台缘带),其具有台缘斜坡坡度缓、迁移明显,造成台缘带鲕粒滩整体分布宽但厚度薄、横向间互云化的特点;加积型台缘带主要分布在铁厂河-普光-罗家寨台缘带(简称2号台缘带),沉积结构总体上表现为加积特征,但晚期具有向东迁移特点,台缘带窄、台前滑塌普遍,鲕粒滩分布集中且厚度大、云化彻底。不同台缘带内部沉积和储层分布具有差异性,1号台缘带内部具有斜坡带陡缓相间,缓坡区台缘带鲕粒滩迁移明显,鲕粒滩累积厚度薄且云化弱或不发育,相对的陡坡区迁移幅度略小,鲕粒滩累计厚度略厚,且具有向上云化程度逐渐增强的特点;由于面对相对开阔的海域,3号台缘斜坡带风暴影响明显,具有横向上的云化间互及垂向云化增强特征明显,资料有限,横向地貌变化尚待进一步揭示;2号台缘带具有横向上的鲕粒滩厚薄变化,但加积和整体云化特征稳定。台缘沉积结构差异性明显受早期长兴期古地貌、海平面变化及古风向和沉积期差异沉降等因素的联合影响。研究建立了相关台缘带沉积和白云岩分布模式。  相似文献   

Sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cretaceous in the Subbetic of the Alamedilla area (province of Granada) were studied. In this area, a significant amount of redeposited sediments within the Carretero Formation were recorded. Resedimented material is mainly composed of Jurassic oolitic limestones and volcanic rocks, as well as of Neocomian hemipelagic sedimentary rocks (marly limestones and marls). All these redeposited sediments corresponding to rock fall and debris flow originated as the result of significant slopes in a very sharp submarine topography. Volcanism and the resultant volcanic edifices created this sharp slopes making up in some cases guyots. The volcanism was mainly active in the Middle Jurassic, although it persisted locally until Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and controlled the sedimentation in this area of the Subbetic basin during most of the Mesozoic. The proposed genetic model is in agreement with a base-of-slope apron model with two significant special features: (1) the provenance of the clasts mainly from Jurassic outcrops with oolites deposited in guyots and isolated marine platforms, and volcanic submarine rocks, and (2) the palaeobathymetry of the deposits, relatively shallow and sporadically affected by storm waves.  相似文献   

Wide carbonate platform environments developed on the western passive margin of the Tethys during the Late Triassic, after a major climate change (Carnian Pluvial Episode) that produced a crisis of high‐relief microbial carbonate platforms. The peritidal succession of this epicontinental platform (Dolomia Principale/Hauptdolomit, Dachstein Limestone) is widespread in the Mediterranean region. However, the start‐up stage is not fully understood. The original platform to basin depositional geometries of the system have been studied in the north‐eastern Southern Alps, close to the Italian/Slovenian boundary where they are exceptionally preserved. Sedimentological features have been investigated in detail by measuring several stratigraphic sections cropping out along an ideal depositional profile. The analysis of the facies architecture allowed reconstruction of the palaeoenvironments of the Dolomia Principale platform during its start‐up and early growth stages in the late Carnian. The carbonate platform was characterized by an outer platform area, connected northward to steep slopes facing a relatively deep basin. Southward, the outer platform was connected to inner sheltered environments by a narrow, often emerged shelf crest. Behind this zone, carbonate sedimentation occurred in shallow lagoons and tidal flats, passing inward to a siliciclastic mudflat. The Dolomia Principale platform was initially aggrading and able to keep pace with a concomitant sea‐level rise, and then prograding during the late Carnian. This stratigraphic interval was correlated with the Tuvalian succession of the Dolomites, allowing depiction of the depositional system on a wide scale of hundreds of kilometres. This large‐scale depositional system presents features in common with some Palaeozoic and Mesozoic carbonate build‐ups (for example, the Permian Capitan Reef complex, Anisian Latemar platform), both in terms of architecture and prevailing carbonate producers. A microbial‐dominated carbonate factory is found in the outer platform and upper slope. The recovery of high‐relief microbial carbonate platforms marks the end of the Carnian Pluvial Episode in the Tuvalian of Tethys.  相似文献   

Fault zone structure and lithology affect permeability of Triassic Muschelkalk limestone-marl-alternations in Southwest Germany, a region characterized by a complex tectonic history. Field studies of eight fault zones provide insights into fracture system parameters (orientation, density, aperture, connectivity, vertical extension) within fault zone units (fault core, damage zone). Results show decreasing fracture lengths with distances to the fault cores in well-developed damage zones. Fracture connectivity at fracture tips is enhanced in proximity to the slip surfaces, particularly caused by shorter fractures. Different mechanical properties of limestone and marl layers obviously affect fracture propagation and thus fracture system connectivity and permeability. Fracture apertures are largest parallel and subparallel to fault zones and prominent regional structures (e.g., Upper Rhine Graben) leading to enhanced fracture-induced permeabilities. Mineralized fractures and mineralizations in fault cores indicate past fluid flow. Permeability is increased by the development of hydraulically active pathways across several beds (non-stratabound fractures) to a higher degree than by the formation of fractures interconnected at fracture tips. We conclude that there is an increase of interconnected fractures and fracture densities in proximity to the fault cores. This is particularly clear in more homogenous rocks. The results help to better understand permeability in Muschelkalk rocks.  相似文献   

鄂东南地区早三叠世风暴沉积序列及其环境意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
鄂东南地区下三叠统以海相碳酸盐岩为主,发育典型的风暴成因的竹叶状砾屑灰岩.风暴沉积构遣包括风暴侵蚀构造、风暴撕裂构造、风暴浪构造、风暴涡流构造及风暴期后快速沉积构造和放射状构造等.风暴沉积主要包括7种岩相类型:A为具块状层理的竹叶状砾屑灰岩;B为具递变层理的砾屑灰岩;C为具丘状、洼状交错层理和平行层理的砂屑灰岩;D为具平行层理的砂屑灰岩;E为具波痕交错层理的砂屑灰岩;F为具水平层理的粉屑灰岩;G为具块状或水平层理的泥状灰岩.它们组成4种典型的风暴沉积序列:风暴潮序列(序列1)、潮下带风暴流序列(序列2)、内陆棚风暴流序列(序列3)和外陆棚风暴浊流序列(序列4).鄂东南地区广泛发育的风暴沉积,说明三叠纪时期该地区处于低纬度带的潮坪-陆棚浅水沉积环境.  相似文献   

The origin of fine‐grained dolomite in peritidal rocks has been the subject of much debate recently and evidence is presented here for a microbial origin of this dolomite type in the Norian Dolomia Principale of northern Calabria (southern Italy). Microbial carbonates there consist of stromatolites, thrombolites, and aphanitic dolomites. High‐relief thrombolites and stromatolites characterize sub‐tidal facies, and low‐relief and planar stromatolites, with local oncoids, typify the inter‐supratidal facies. Skeletal remains are very rare in the latter, whereas a relatively rich biota of skeletal cyanophycea, red algae and foraminifera is present in the sub‐tidal facies. Some 75% of the succession consists of fabric‐preserving dolomite, especially within the microbial facies, whereas the rest is composed of coarse dolomite with little fabric preservation. Three end‐members of dolomite replacement fabric are distinguished: type 1 and type 2, fabric retentive, with crystal size <5 and 5–60 μm, respectively; and type 3, fabric destructive, with larger crystals, from 60 to several hundred microns. In addition, there are dolomite cements, precipitated in the central parts of primary cavities during later diagenesis. Microbialite textures in stromatolites are generally composed of thin, dark micritic laminae of type 1 dolomite, alternating with thicker lighter‐coloured laminae of the coarser type 2 dolomite. Thrombolites are composed of dark, micritic clotted fabrics with peloids, composed of type 1 dolomite, surrounded by coarser type 2 dolomite. Marine fibrous cement crusts are also present, now composed of type 2 dolomite. Scanning electron microscope observations of the organic‐rich micritic laminae and clots of the inter‐supratidal microbialites reveal the presence of spherical structures which are interpreted as mineralized bacterial remains. These probably derived from the fossilization of micron‐sized coccoid bacteria and spheroidal–ovoidal nanometre‐scale dwarf‐type bacterial forms. Furthermore, there are traces of degraded organic matter, probably also of bacterial origin. The microbial dolomites were precipitated in a hypersaline environment, most likely through evaporative dolomitization, as suggested by the excess Ca in the dolomites, the small crystal size, and the positive δ18O values. The occurrence of fossilized bacteria and organic matter in the fabric‐preserving dolomite of the microbialites could indicate an involvement of bacteria and organic matter degradation in the precipitation of syn‐sedimentary dolomite.  相似文献   

The 720-m-thick succession of the Middle Triassic Latemàr Massif (Dolomites, Italy) was used to reconstruct the lagoonal facies architecture of a small atoll-like carbonate platform. Facies analysis of the lagoonal sediments yields a bathymetric interpretation of the lateral facies variations, which reflect a syndepositional palaeorelief. Based on tracing of lagoonal flooding surfaces, the metre-scale shallowing-upward cycles are interpreted to be of allocyclic origin. Short-term sea-level changes led to subaerial exposure of wide parts of the marginal zone, resulting in the development of a tepee belt of varying width. Occasional emergence of the entire lagoon produced lagoon-wide decimetre-thick red exposure horizons. The supratidal tepee belt in the backreef area represented the zone of maximum elevation, which circumscribed the sub- to peritidal lagoonal interior during most of the platform's development. This tepee rim, the subtidal reef and a sub- to peritidal transition zone in between stabilized the platform margin. The asymmetric width of facies belts within individual metre-scale cycles was caused by redistribution processes that reflect palaeowinds and storm paths from the present-day south and west. The overall succession shows stratigraphic changes on a scale of tens of metres from a basal subtidal unit, overlain by three tepee-rich intervals, separated by tepee-poor units composed of subtidal to peritidal facies. This stacking pattern reflects two third-order sequences during the late Anisian to early middle Ladinian.  相似文献   

In the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino Massif (Lombardy Basin, Southern Alps, Italy) the lateral transition from Ladinian‐Carnian carbonate platforms to coeval intraplatform basins is preserved. The succession records the sedimentological evidence of a sea‐level fall on a flat‐topped platform with a narrow marginal reef rim and its effects in the adjacent deeper‐water basin. Repeated high‐frequency exposures of the platform top are recorded by a peritidal–supratidal succession that overlies subtidal inner platform facies of the former highstand system tract (HST). On the slope and in the basin, the sea‐level fall is recorded by a few metre thick succession of bioclastic packstones. These facies directly lie on coarse clinostratified breccia bodies (slope facies of the former HST) or on resedimented, well‐bedded, dark laminated limestones (basinal facies of the HST). This facies distribution indicates that during the sea‐level fall carbonate production on the platform top decreased rapidly and that sedimentation in the basin was mainly represented by condensed facies. Microfacies record an enrichment, during low stand, in pelagic biota (packstones with radiolarians and spiculae), whereas the occurrence of platform‐derived, shallow‐water materials is limited to thin lenses of reworked and micritized Fe‐rich oolites and bioclasts (mainly pelecypods and echinoderms). The facies association in the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino Massif demonstrates that a highly‐productive carbonate factory was almost completely turned off during the emergence of the platform top at a sequence boundary, leading to low‐stand starvation in the basin. The reconstruction of the stratigraphic evolution of the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino carbonate platform therefore represents a significant case history for the study of the behaviour of ancient carbonate systems during a fall in sea‐level, independent of its origin (eustatic or tectonic).  相似文献   

The 14 km wide Valdorria outcrop (Pennsylvanian, northern Spain) is one of the few examples of entirely exposed flat‐topped and high‐relief carbonate platforms reported in the fossil rock record. Laterally and vertically traceable stratal patterns expose three phases of growth. Phase I is a 430 m thick platform to slope succession that prograded over 6 km, and is dated as Early Bashkirian (Akavasian–Askynbashian). Phase II aggraded and prograded, exhibiting 180 m thickness of cyclical platform top deposits, dated as Late Bashkirian (Asatauian). Phase III is a mound‐shape structure that developed over the platform top of Phase II as a new phase of platform nucleation. It is 535 m thick and 2 km wide, and dated as Late Bashkirian (Asatauian–Transition interval). The observed changes of growth styles during platform evolution, from a prograding to an aggrading–prograding system, and a rapid aggradational phase, are inferred to be controlled by flexural subsidence in the active Cantabrian foreland basin, at the Variscan orogenic front. The metre‐scale shallowing‐upward cycles of the platform top are most probably due to glacioeustasy, as evidenced by well‐recorded subaerial exposure surfaces superimposed on subtidal deposits, and by a stratal pattern recurrent in a short interval of about 160 kyr. Observations of outcropping Bashkirian cyclothems in an isolated carbonate system, devoid of siliciclastic input, are relevant for a better understanding of the impact of high‐frequency sea‐level fluctuations on the carbonate factory. Moreover, progradation of the platform margin during Phase I reaches a rate of 2500 m/Myr, and 1810 m/Myr during Phase II; rates that are high when compared to other Pennsylvanian examples. The aggradation rate of 447 m/Myr calculated for the Late Bashkirian–Transition interval (Phases II and III; uncorrected for compaction, missing beats and erosion) is uncommonly high in comparison to coeval Pennsylvanian examples. The platform exhibits a self‐nourishing prograding microbial boundstone‐dominated slope. Thus, the slope‐shedding model applies well to Valdorria. However, Phase II recorded eustatic variations able to inhibit the slope microbial boundstone factory during low sea‐level stands; this is marked by common slope red‐stained breccias synchronous to platform top subaerial exposure phases. Contrarily, periods of relative high sea‐level and rapid subsidence in Phase III registered a greater development of cemented microbial boundstone. These observed, partly opposing relationships of sea‐level stands, shedding modes and slope architecture provide an improvement of the currently used slope‐shedding model. The overall architecture of the Valdorria outcrop compares well with that of other contemporaneous platforms, such as Sierra del Cuera and Bolshoi Karatau. Valdorria shares the high‐relief and flat‐topped, steep slopes, cyclothemic patterns and occurrence of karst features with the Pricaspian Basin platforms (Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan), with minor variations in facies distribution of the internal platform. Furthermore, the continuous seismic‐scale outcrop of Valdorria, together with its isolated setting and asymmetrical growth, makes it a very good candidate for potential subsurface analogues of hydrocarbon‐bearing systems.  相似文献   

Many shoreface sandstone reservoirs host significant hydrocarbon volumes within distal intervals of interbedded sandstones and mudstones. Hydrocarbon production from these reservoir intervals depends on the abundance and proportion of sandstone beds that are connected by erosional scours, and on the lateral extent and continuity of interbedded mudstones. Cliff‐face exposures of the Campanian ‘G2’ parasequence, Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation in the Book Cliffs of east‐central Utah, USA , allow detailed characterization of 128 erosional scours within such interbedded sandstones and mudstones in a volume of 148 m length, 94 m width and 15 m height. The erosional scours have depths of up to 1·1 m, apparent widths of up to 15·1 m and steep sides (up to 35°) that strike approximately perpendicular (N099 ± 36°) to the local north–south palaeoshoreline trend. The scours have limited lateral continuity along strike and down dip, and a relatively narrow range of apparent aspect ratio (apparent width/depth), implying that their three‐dimensional geometry is similar to non‐channelized pot casts. There is no systematic variation in scour dimensions, but ‘scour density’ is greater in amalgamated (conjoined) sandstone beds over 0·5 m thick, and increases upward within vertical successions of upward‐thickening conjoined sandstone beds. There is no apparent organization of the overall lateral distribution of scours, although localized clustering implies that some scours were re‐occupied during multiple erosional events. Scour occurrence is also associated with locally increased amplitude and laminaset thickness of hummocky cross‐stratification in sandstone beds. The geometry, distribution and infill character of the scours imply that they were formed by storm‐generated currents coincident with riverine sediment influx (‘storm floods’). The erosional scours increase the vertical and lateral connectivity of conjoined sandstone beds in the upper part of upward‐thickening sandstone bed successions, resulting in increased effective vertical and horizontal permeability of such intervals.  相似文献   

四川盆地早三叠世飞仙关早期的环境基本上继承了晚二叠世长兴末期的格局。在川东北地区演化为碳酸盐蒸发台地。蒸发台地飞仙关组为一套含硫酸盐的富白云岩的蒸发潮坪沉积层系。下部为薄层的含石膏、硬石膏晶体、团块及肠状石膏层的泥晶灰岩、微晶白云岩组成的小潮差蒸发潮坪层序。中部为层状鲕粒白云岩、鲕粒灰岩的潮下鲕粒滩相与萨布哈环境的富层状膏岩的膏坪相、含石膏岩的膏云坪相组成的大潮差蒸发潮坪层序。上部为中薄层状富泥的含石膏质夹层的泥质泥晶灰岩、微晶白云岩组成的旋回性清楚的似蒸发潮坪层序。这三种层序的纵向组合在蒸发台地相区可以很好对比,尽管各层序厚度有明显变化。强烈白云石化的鲕粒白云岩是四川盆地飞仙关组大中型气藏的主要储层,依据鲕粒岩的相序特征可将其分为有障壁性质的台缘鲕粒坝和台内鲕粒滩两类。蒸发台地西缘的台缘鲕粒坝在飞仙关期基本稳定。东缘的台缘鲕粒坝在飞仙关中后期大幅度向盆地方向迁移。  相似文献   

Seismic‐scale continuous exposures of an Upper Carboniferous (Bashkirian–Moscovian) carbonate platform (N Spain) provide detailed information about the lithofacies and stratal geometries (quantified with differential global positioning system measurements) of microbial boundstone‐dominated, steep prograding and aggrading platform margins. Progradational and aggradational platform‐to‐slope transects are characterized by distinct lithological features and stratal patterns that can be applied to the understanding of geometrically comparable, high‐relief depositional systems. The Bashkirian is characterized by rapid progradation at rates of 415–970 m My?1. Characteristic outer‐platform facies are high‐energy grainstones with coated intraclasts, ooids and pisoids, moderate‐energy algal‐skeletal grainstones to packstones and lower energy algal packstone and boundstone units. The Moscovian aggradational phase is characterized by aggradation rates of 108 m My?1. Coated‐grain shoals are less common, whereas crinoidal bars nucleated in well‐circulated settings below wave‐base. Boundstones form a belt (30–300 m wide) at the platform break and interfinger inwards with massive algal‐skeletal wackestones (mud‐rich banks). The progradational phase has divergent outer‐platform strata with basinward dips of 12° to 2°. Steep clinoforms with dips of 20–28° are 650–750 m in relief and possibly sigmoidal to concave in the lower part. The basinward‐dipping outer‐platform strata might be depositional for less than 6°, consistent with lithofacies deepening seaward. The basinward dip is attributed to the downward shift of upper‐slope boundstone, forced by late highstand and relative sea‐level fall, and to compaction‐induced differential subsidence during progradation. The aggradational phase is characterized by horizontally layered platform strata. Clinoforms steepen to 30–45° reaching heights of 850 m and are planar to concave. The evolution from progradation to aggradation, at the Bashkirian–Moscovian boundary, is attributed to increased foreland‐basin subsidence and decreased boundstone accumulation rates. Progradation was primarily controlled by boundstone growth rather than by highstand shedding from the platform top. Within the major phases, aggradational–progradational increments are produced by third‐ to fourth‐order relative sea‐level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Sector-collapse structures ranging up to 27 km wide with up to 7.7 km bankward erosion (scalloped margins) and linear escarpments occur along the east-north-east-trending, south-facing margins of the Yangtze Platform and Great Bank of Guizhou. Exposure of one of the structures on the rotated limb of a syncline displays the geometry in profile view. Declivities range from 65° to 90° in the upper wall and decrease asymptotically to the toe. Catastrophic collapses of the margins in both platforms occurred during the late Ladinian as constrained by the ages of strata truncated along the margins and the siliciclastic turbidites that onlap collapse structures. Middle Triassic Anisian and Ladinian platform-edge reef facies and platform-interior facies were truncated along both the Yangtze and Great Bank of Guizhou margins. Lower Triassic facies were also truncated along the Great Bank of Guizhou margin. Gravity transport during the main episodes of collapse occurred as mud-rich debris-flows and as mud-free hyper-concentrated flows. Clasts, several to tens of metres and, exceptionally, hundreds of metres across, were transported to the basin. Following collapse, talus, carbonate turbidites and periplatform-mud accumulated at the toe of slope. Shedding of skeletal grains and carbonate mud indicates active carbonate factories at the margin. Preserved sections of the margins demonstrate that the platforms evolved high-relief, accretionary escarpments prior to collapse. High-relief, without buttressing by basin-filling sediments, predisposed the margins to collapse by development of tensile strain and fracturing within the margin due to the lack of confining stress. The linear geometry of margins and active tectonics in the region supports tectonic activity triggering the collapse. Collapse is thus interpreted to have been triggered by fault movement and seismic shock. Comparison with other systems indicates that evolution from high-relief accretion to tectonic collapse of largely lithified margins resulted in large sector-collapse structures and deposition of a coarse, generally mud-poor breccia apron.  相似文献   

In the Causses platform (south‐east France), Late Hettangian to Sinemurian deposits were interpreted previously as shallow‐water carbonate ramp deposits. A new look at these deposits has shown a fault‐controlled mosaic carbonate platform that is different from the carbonate ramp models. Within the platform mosaic, 15 lithofacies have been recognized, which are organized in four facies associations, including peritidal, restricted shallow sub‐tidal, sand dunes and sub‐tidal shelf facies associations. The rapid lateral and vertical facies changes, and the lack of consistent landward or seaward direction indicated by the pattern of facies changes, question the existence of a shoreline suggested by the traditional models for this region. Instead, the facies organization and cycle stacking pattern suggest deposition in a mosaic of intertidal islands between which sub‐tidal restricted or open conditions could coexist in very close proximity. Such a platform mosaic would have been defined by tectonic activities along normal faults which segmented the shallow‐water Causses platform. The facies and facies associations are arranged into metre‐scale, peritidal and sub‐tidal cycles that are also variable. Certain cycles show the same stacking pattern in all the sections and seem to be traceable over tens of kilometres. On the contrary, other cycles cannot be correlated; they are present only in specific sections and have a maximum lateral extension of 1 or 2 km. These metre‐scale cycles stack to form four medium‐scale cycles bounded by surfaces that display sub‐aerial exposure features. Medium‐scale cycles stack into two larger‐scale cycles (tens of metres thick) and are bounded by well‐defined karstic surfaces. Based on their lateral continuity and their stacking pattern, the metre‐scale cycles are controlled probably by high frequency eustatic variations overprinting the topographic irregularities formed by differential subsidence of fault‐bounded blocks. Episodic fault activities may reorganize the topography so that, even if eustatic changes may still be the major control of cycles, the expression and number of cycles could be different. Cycles of medium and large‐scale are interpreted as being allogenic, controlled by changes in eustasy and/or subsidence rates as evidenced by their lateral continuity and the correlations of the large‐scale cycles with third‐order depositional sequences.  相似文献   

青海同仁地区早三叠世晚期风暴岩的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
青海省同仁地区处于祁连和西秦岭造山带的接合部,构造演化历史悠久。对该地区隆务峡一带的三叠系剖面进行了详细测制。根据在该剖面上所获得的化石资料,初步厘定了该套地层的地质时代。在该剖面早三叠世晚期的江里沟组上段发现一套风暴岩沉积,丘状层理非常发育。剖面下部以Sc、Sd组合和Sc、Sd、Se组合为主,并伴随着风暴浊流沉积,属于一套较深水的沉积;上部以Sa1、Sc、Sd、Se组合和Sa2、Sc组合为主,是一套属于风暴浪基面附近的沉积产物。根据这些沉积构造特点和基本层序,判断其为远源风暴岩至B型近源风暴岩,下部为一套较深水型的远源风暴岩沉积,向上过渡为一套B型近源风暴岩沉积。风暴岩的发现表明,该区早三叠世晚期的沉积环境为风暴浪基面附近,早期海水逐渐变浅,晚期又出现了一个小的海侵。  相似文献   

华南地区二叠纪为东特提斯地区一个大型碳酸盐台地。中二叠世茅口亚世,上扬子碳酸盐台地经历了从全盛到萎缩的重要转折。黔南地区地处该台地南缘,是通过地层结构及其变化探讨台地演化控制因素的最佳地区。文中选取黔南罗甸纳水和沫阳2个代表性剖面,通过对茅口组的岩石类型和骨屑颗粒组合统计分析,从碳酸盐生产工厂的角度开展研究。野外和室内研究共识别出15种岩石类型、5种沉积相和6种骨屑颗粒组合,并恢复了各组合对应的碳酸盐生产工厂的特征。沉积相及碳酸盐生产工厂分析表明,黔南地区自晚孤峰期开始经历了由热带浅水、暖水工厂到热带较深水、温凉水工厂的明显转变,表现为孤峰阶上部开始出现较深水沉积。这一碳酸盐生产工厂的转变现象在华南地区孤峰期—早冷坞期普遍存在,表现为台地萎缩、台地边缘被淹没。中二叠世晚孤峰期至晚二叠世吴家坪期是全球重大地史转折期,光合作用生物遭受重创、海洋生态环境急剧恶化,上述碳酸盐生产工厂的急剧转变与当时热带浅海碳酸盐生产工厂被抑制或破坏有关。  相似文献   

Geological mapping, definition of facies distributions and reconstruction of platform‐interior growth geometries of the Messinian Cariatiz carbonate platform (Sorbas basin, South Spain), were performed to evaluate the controlling factors in platform growth and to test a 3‐D computer simulation program. For the simulation with the program REPRO, five platform‐related facies were modelled: (1) the reef crest facies by the numerical solution of a Fisher equation; (2) the lagoonal facies by a function of water depth‐dependent carbonate production; (3) the proximal and middle slope facies (breccia and block facies, calcarenite facies) by a subroutine simulating gravity‐driven particle export from the reef crest; (4) a distal slope; and (5) a basinal facies by a pelagic rain function. Development of a fan delta conglomeratic system is simulated by using a siliciclastic point source and gravity‐driven particle redistribution. A best fit between the observed platform growth geometries and modelling results is achieved by assuming that high‐frequency sea‐level changes superimposed onto a longer term sea‐level fall controlled platform growth. For the modelling, a relative sea‐level curve was reconstructed, which is based on a deep‐sea benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope record at ODP Site 926 with a 45 m eustatic sea‐level fall, and a tectonic uplift component of 20 m. The consistency of 3‐D simulation results is corroborated by the coral growth rates provided by the Fisher‐equation subroutine. These rates of 2–8 mm year−1 compare well to the coral growth rates in Recent fringing reefs. We propose that during the early stage of platform evolution the high‐frequency fluctuations were obliquity‐modulated precessional cycles, whereas precessional cycles control later stages of platform growth. REPRO provides a separate visualization of the different facies bodies as a function of time and space, showing the intrinsic pattern of facies distribution in the platform. This is the result of a combination of platform growth and syndepositional subaerial erosion. For example, only the youngest stages of reef framework facies in the development of the Cariatiz carbonate platform are preserved.  相似文献   

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