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以《住宅设计规范》(GB50096-2011)与《建筑设计防火规范》(GB50016-2014)为基础,山东省滨州市某小区的多层住宅、小高层住宅、高层住宅的楼梯间分别采用了敞开楼梯间、敞开楼梯间+户门采用乙级防火门、防烟楼梯间3种形式进行了设计,所选择的楼梯间完全符合规范规定,最大限度地节约了公共部分面积。本文对其设计方案及思路进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

作者在美国居住期间,观察美国住宅类型、构造、附属设施等,并就与我国住宅建筑的不同之处加以比较分析,为我国住宅设计提供了很多有益的思路。  相似文献   

住宅商品化使住宅设计理念更新,城市住宅产品丰富多彩。本文论述高质量住宅社区环境及城市住宅设计产品在市场竞争中定位合理。在经济上得到快速回报。  相似文献   

住宅设计应“以人为本”,充分考虑安全卫生、安静私密的生理和心理要求,提供功能和尺度适宜的居住空间。还应该注重生态环境和可持续发展,要实现人。洼化的设计目标,提供大量高质量高舒适度的住宅产品,就必须走产业化的道路,建筑师有责任和义务积极参与和推动这一进程,起到促进住宅产业化龙头作用。  相似文献   

作者在美国居住期间,观察美国住宅类型、构造、附属设施等,并就与我国住宅建筑的不同之处加以比较分析,为我国住宅设计提供了很多有益的思路。  相似文献   

社会的发展带来人们对住宅设计的要求越来越高,现在的房屋设计越来越强调"以人为本"和"可持续发展",强调"人、建筑与自然的共存与融合",要求生态、文化与效益的统一,如今的房屋设计在外观立面、环境打造上已有很大突破,但是在住宅人性化方面尚有一些不足,细部设计上应当注意以下问题:  相似文献   

第13届住博会上,中国标准建筑设计研究院设计搭建的90平方米的"科技百年住宅——SI住宅体系样板间"点亮会场。它将建造长寿命、好性能、绿色低碳好房子的梦想变为现实,彰显了我国在住宅产业化领域研究的先进性、示范性和专业性。在近日举办的第六届中国房地产科学发展论坛上,中国建筑标准设计研究院总建筑师刘东卫围绕住宅产业化技术转型升级主题作了演讲。  相似文献   

针对中低收入家庭的住房保障这一重大社会问题,研究保障性住房设计,已成为建筑师所面临的现实任务。方案"民居·庭院·住宅",以弘扬民居传统文化为设计理念,提出创造以人为本、融入自然、高科技含量、低成本高质量的特色时代住宅,进而保障中低收入家庭平等的居住权利。  相似文献   

1顶级豪宅的概念与分类——别墅与公寓都可能成为豪宅所谓豪宅应该是指比高档住宅在质量、档次、规模和售价等方面都更高的住宅。其豪华程度主要表现在其对资源的占有率方面。而不同类型的住宅所占有的资源类型可能完全不同,所谓豪宅仅是统称。  相似文献   

当前,工业化住宅是国内工程建设关注的热点,各种名称和定义并存,如装配式住宅、PC预制混凝土住宅、模块化建筑等。住宅产业化定义的多样性,表明国内对住宅产业化本质认识、理解和概念模糊,甚至产生了“住宅产业化=预制装配率”的局限性理解。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,我国房地产业获得了极佳的发展机遇,人们对住宅的概念已经远远不止是居住的要求了,特别是住宅消费市场化进程的加快,无论是小区规划、住宅楼的外观设计还是内部格局,都呈现出新的设计趋势。与此同时,也出现了一些忽略专业原则,市场把握不准,盲目追求“时尚”等误区。本人仅从工作实践中谈一谈自己的感受。  相似文献   

The increase in the popularity of using environmental design criteria in town and country planning has brought about the need to fully identify the principles to determine the best location of hazardous wastes to be landfilled. This environmental management issue has received considerable attention because of its applications in urban and rural infrastructure planning, industrial development planning as well as health, housing, transportation and agricultural schemes. This paper explains a method to determine how to locate suitable sites for hazardous waste landfilling area by using the site screening study. It demonstrates how the criteria such as geology, topography, land use, climate, earthquake and other related factors can be introduced into the overlayer technique to determine the suitable site selection in a region. The research was undertaken in the Southeastern Anatolia Project (known as GAP in Turkey) region where identifying the land resources is crucial for agricultural and water management purposes. The paper also explains the validity of the method employed on the site selection process for hazardous wastes. The introduced method may enable more accurate design procedure for planning in environmental management in future.  相似文献   

多层砌体结构房屋由于其材料呈脆性的特点,抗震性能比较差。但由于其造价低,施工周期短,施工工艺简单,在我国中小城市的民用建筑和大部分农村建筑中仍普遍采用,因此,设计时仍须高度重视。只有掌握设计要点,妥善处理各环节的问题,才能切实提高设计质量。  相似文献   

GPS技术、WebGIS技术和GPRS/GSM技术的有机结合,为移动目标进行远程监控调度提供了手段。为实现对物流运输公司的车辆进行实时监控,设计并实现了基于MS4W和GPRS/GSM的车辆综合监控系统一系统涉及用于获取车辆GPS定位数据的通讯工作站、基于B/S四层模式的Web车辆监控平台等关键技术。实现的系统已经应用于上海多家物流运输公司,均取得良好效果,结果表明,系统具有实用性、安全性、可靠性和实时性,可以有效远程监控所有在GSM网覆盖范围内的移动目标:本文主要介绍该系统的总体设计思想、系统功能、关键技术和应用实例.  相似文献   

在对低收入家庭的居住现状与居住空间需求的调查研究基础上,结合2008年全国保障性住房设计方案竞赛的回顾与思考,提出社会保障型住宅设计的策略与原则。  相似文献   

James L. Cobban 《GeoJournal》1993,29(2):143-154
Colonial society in Indonesia during the first forty years of the 20th century faced housing problems for both the European and native populations analogous to those in many Third World countries today. Some colonial cities tried to provide more housing first by annexing more land and so making building sites available and second by supporting the few private building societies which arose. In the mid-1920s housing proponents organized two national housing congresses. One result was the creation of limited liability public housing companies financed jointly by the central and city governments. By 1940 these companies had failed to provide more housing and so improve housing conditions particularly for the urban native population. The poverty of the masses, the shortage of funds, increasing populations, and government priorities which existed in colonial Indonesia are different in scale in Third World countries today and one may wonder if present-day solutions to housing problems will be any more effective.  相似文献   

Ella Ödmann 《Geoforum》1973,4(1):31-41
Urbanisation is a functional change in land utilisation which requires a high degree of coordination in time and space. Swedish society has not considered it possible to entrust this coordination to the free market forces. A number of measures was introduced during the latter part of the sixties with a view to coordinating housing development by means of local authority-land ownership and preventing land speculation. In a recently published report of a Government Commission it is proposed that dwellings receiving Government housing loans (more than 90 % of building construction) shall only be built on land which is owned by the local authorities. The local authorities may then be assumed to be the only purchasers of land for housing development purposes. Their housing policy can be given a more short-term character and can be better adapted to urban planning. Urban development in Sweden during recent decades is characterised by a struggle between the two groups of our mixed-economy society, i. e., a social democratic government, and capitalistic enterprise. As far as the private individual is concerned, both parties are remote decision makers. The important question is whether an improvement in town environment may be expected before the private individual has been given a chance to influence planning. The relationship between housing development and land ownership in some Swedish towns over the period 1950–1970 is presented as an example of the realization of land policy.  相似文献   

Louise Crabtree 《Geoforum》2006,37(4):519-535
This paper responds to challenges made by Castree [Castree, N., 2004. Environmental issues: signals in the noise? Progress in Human Geography 28 (1), 79-90] and Sneddon [Sneddon, C., 2000. ‘Sustainability’ in ecological economics, ecology and livelihoods: a review. Progress in Human Geography 24 (4), 521-549] for human geography to clarify its contribution to environmental debates and engage with recent formulations of sustainability as informed by the ‘new ecology’. This approach focuses on resilience, functional diversity, flexibility and complexity, here used to examine housing sustainability within an industrialised sub/urban context in terms of design philosophy, ownership, management bases, community engagement and funding mechanisms. This framework highlights areas of concern for enhancing the functional diversity of housing systems, echoing recent assertions that challenges for sustainability arise more from trust and power sharing issues, than from physical design and maintenance issues. It is argued that it is precisely human geography’s place-by-place consideration of power, embeddedness, scale and politics that can lend new ecology the social relevance it requires.  相似文献   

This paper discusses social network interactions among individuals who have been hospitalized with mental illness and who currently reside in different types of community housing programmes. First, a conceptualisation of social networks that focuses on network interactions, both supportive and non-supportive, between network interactions may be more important influences on successful or unsuccessful adaptation of current and former psychiatric patients to community life than the structural dimensions of social networks more commonly analysed in the literature. The design of a current longitudinal study of social network interactions is presented. The results of two pilot studies that examine social network interactions is presented. The results of two pilot studies that examine social network interactions with data from several community housing programmes in southern Ontario, Canada are reviewed and an agenda is stated for further data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

The housing outcomes of immigrants in Canada vary mainly along ethnicity. However, many other factors including place of birth, length of stay in Canada, labour market outcomes, and discrimination among others also play a role. Although general patterns are observable at broad ethnic group levels, vast intra-group differences exist—with housing outcomes potentially being influenced by specific group behaviours such as transnational (housing) activities. This study investigates the relationship between homeownership in Canada and Ghanaian immigrant transnational housing investment. Logistic regression models are fitted on survey data collected among Ghanaian immigrants resident in the Greater Toronto Area. The results show an association between homeownership status in Canada and transnational housing investment. Interestingly, we found that immigrants with on-going housing projects in Ghana were more likely to own a house in Canada. Theoretically the findings demonstrate the importance of including a transnational perspective in immigrant housing integration research. The findings show that it is possible to simultaneously engage in transnational activities and remain integrated in the society of destination areas. This has wider implications for the transnationalism-integration debate within immigrant receiving nations across the world. Recognition of transnationalism as a possible conduit for enhancing integration in destination societies should result in eschewing alarmist perspectives which have been relied on to formulate anti-immigration policies.  相似文献   

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