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Monochromatic images in H, H, [Nii] 6584, [Sii] 6717, and [Oiii] 5007 lines are presented for a morphological study of planetary nebulae. Narrow bandpass (=5 to 10Å) interference filters are generally used in order to discriminate peculiar structures existing in different emission lines. However, large bandwidths (=50 Å) along with long exposures, are also necessary in searching for faint nebulosities associated with planetaries.Three faint objects of the Abell's list of old planetary nebulae have been observed through narrow band filters, by means of an image tube (A33, A36 in Chile) or the image photon counting device (A79 at the Haute Provence Observatory). Following the H/[Nii] intensity ratio, a discussion is given about the distance previously derived with some assumptions concerning the measured red fluxes.  相似文献   

We have obtained infrared spectra of planetary nebulae in the 3.0–3.8 m range using IRSPEC, the ESO grating infrared spectrograph, attached to the 3.6-m telescope. We find evidence of an evolution of the carriers of the unidentified emission bands in the 3 m region, and explain the observed behaviour in terms of ion irradiation from fast stellar wind.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Univers, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese records of observations of planetary positions are introduced and classified. A table which includes 66 records of planetary occultations is given in this paper. Those ancient records are valuable for research on the secular motions of planets.  相似文献   

The observational data for planetary nebulae in the radio region of the spectrum is reviewed and summarized. The methods of determining interstellar extinction, electron temperatures and turnover points in the spectrum from these observations are given, as are the tests for the recombination theory and a discussion of the validity of several models of these objects.  相似文献   

Satellite instrumentations designed for planetary studies are often open to other interesting applications from ground: not only one can efficiently carry out detailed calibrations before space data become available, but also the prototypes of the satellite instruments can be successfully employed in different fields ranging from astrophysics to cosmology. Both possibilities are opened by coupling these instruments with ground based telescopes having short focal ratios, like those designed for far infrared studies. These possibilities are particularly amazing in view of the long delay usually present between the launch and the collection of the first scientific data (months in case of Mars Express, years in case of Rosetta).

We propose in this article to employ immediately this technology, by coupling the developing model of the Image-Spectrometer VIRTIS-M with the ground telescope MITO.

This project will allow us to perform a better calibration of the space qualified instrument and observational campaigns, including some important cosmological investigations.  相似文献   

The repeated samplings of the Jovian magnetosheath during the Ulysses encounter with Jupiter provided an opportunity to probe the planetary depletion layer. Of the 10 complete crossings of the Jovian magnetopause, only three contained clear signatures of an overlying depletion layer. All of these occurred on the flanks of the magnetosphere near the dusk terminator; crossings on the dayside were ambiguous or clearly lacked a depletion layer signature. In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the observations by the Ulysses solar wind plasma and magnetometer experiments and discuss conditions favorable and unfavorable for depletion layer observation.  相似文献   

More than 70 new distant satellites of major planets have been discovered over the past five years. Until recently, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the USA was the only institution that modeled the motion of these satellites based on observational data and computed their ephemerides. New independent computations are needed to ensure the reliability and to assess the accuracy of satellite ephemerides. In this paper, the results of our determination of orbital parameters for 73 new distant satellites of major planets based on all available observations are reported and the adopted model of perturbing forces acting on a satellite is described. The satellite motions are computed via numerical integration. A special program—an ephemeris server—is used to compute the ephemerides of satellites, which are freely available to any user on the Internet at http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/index.htm. The server offers ample choice in terms of the form and composition of the ephemerides produced. The paper gives examples of deviations of the theory from observations and comparisons of our results with JPL ephemerides. Standard deviations of observational results from the theory are equal to 0.3–0.5 for most of the satellites. A comparison of our models of the motion of satellites with those developed at JPL shows that deviations in topocentric coordinates do not exceed 0.01 over a six-year interval.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 128–140.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Emelyanov, Kanter.  相似文献   

Extrasolar planets are expected to emit detectable low-frequency radio emission. In this paper, we present results from new low-frequency observations of two extrasolar planetary systems (Epsilon Eridani and HD 128311) taken at 150 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). These two systems have been chosen because the stars are young (with ages <1 Gyr) and are likely to have strong stellar winds, which will increase the expected radio flux. The planets are massive (presumably) gas giant planets in longer period orbits, and hence will not be tidally locked to their host star (as is likely to be the case for short-period planets) and we would expect them to have a strong planetary dynamo and magnetic field. We do not detect either system, but are able to place tight upper limits on their low-frequency radio emission, at levels comparable to the theoretical predictions for these systems. From these observations, we have a 2.5σ limit of 7.8 mJy for ε Eri and 15.5 mJy for HD 128311. In addition, these upper limits also provide limits on the low-frequency radio emission from the stars themselves. These results are discussed and also the prospects for the future detection of radio emission from extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

By using the Boller and Chivens spectrograph with a moderate dispersion (59 å mm-1) in the red spectral region, we obtained 65 spectra covering the whole surface of the planetary nebula NGC 2440. Intensities of Hα, [N II] λλ 6548–6584 and [S II] λλ 6717–6731 lines are derived using the IDS system available at the ESO in La Silva (Chile). The nebula is known to be a nitrogen-rich nebula (Peimbert 1978) surrounded by secondary structures (Minkowski 1964). The unusual high value of the [N II]/Hα in the central core (~ 30) is certainly due to the nitrogen overabundance occurring in that part of the nebula. Its variations from scale ionization structure (Capriotti, Cromwell and Williams 1971). The observations show clearly an outward increase of both [NII]/Hα andI(6717)/I(6713) ratios.  相似文献   

This paper presents new observations of 97 planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) obtained using the FLAIR system on the UK 1.2-m Schmidt Telescope. These nebulae are mostly at the fainter end of the known population, and about 75 per cent have not been observed before in spectroscopic mode. Radial velocities have been measured using cross-correlation techniques, and represent an increase of 66 per cent in the sample of LMC planetary nebulae with known radial velocities. The major line ratios are given, and are analysed in conjunction with published data. One-quarter of the faint nebulae are Type I objects with very strong [N II ] and [S II ] lines; most of the other faint nebulae have low density, low excitation and relatively strong [S II ] lines.  相似文献   

We present and discuss the results of the astrometry project during which we observed the satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (Georgia) between 1983 and 1994. Observations at the Abastumani Observatory were performed with the double Zeiss astrograph (DZA: D/F = 400/3024 mm) and AZT-11 telescope (F = 16 m). We processed a large array of observations and determined exact coordinates of the planets and their satellites in a system of reference stars of modern catalogues as well as relative coordinates of the satellites. The results were compared with modern ephemerides using the MULTI-SAT software. The comparison enabled us to estimate the accuracy of observations (their random and systematic uncertainties) and the accuracy of modern theories of the motion of planets and their satellites. Random uncertainties of observations are estimated to be 0.10??C0.40?? for various objects and observational conditions. Observational results obtained for Uranus, Neptune and the satellites Titania and Oberon were shown to deviate appreciably and systematically from theories of their motion. The results of observations are presented in the Pulkovo database for Solar System bodies that is available at the website http://www.puldb.ru.  相似文献   

We have analysed the meteor records in the chronicles that describe the era of the Song dynasty ( ad 960–1279). The data are complementary to the record-vacant 10th century of the Koryo dynasty ( ad 918–1392). The annual activity of sporadic meteors analysed shows a generic sinusoidal behaviour as in modern observations. In addition, we have also found that there are two prominent meteor showers, one in August and the other in November, appearing on the fluctuating sporadic meteors. The date of occurrence of the August shower indicates it to be the Perseids. By comparing the date of occurrence of the November shower with those of the Leonid showers of the Koryo dynasty, recent visual observations and the world-wide historical meteor storms, we conclude that the November shower is the Leonids. The regression rate of the Leonids is obtained to be     days per century, which agrees with recent observations.  相似文献   

Sunspot drawings made by Galileo Galilei in 1612 are used to derive the law of differential rotation at that time. The main interest of the work is during the time of observations, just at the beginning of telescopic observations and some decades before the Maunder Minimum (1645 – 1715), a period where the sunspots almost disappeared from the solar surface. For this purpose we have carried out careful corrections of the different sources of errors derived from the observing technique. By comparing with other results of the same century, a significant difference is only detected by comparing with data corresponding to the deep Maunder Minimum (Paris Observatory drawings). The characteristics of the solar differential rotation, and extrapolating the behavior of solar activity, did not differ before or after the Maunder Minimum. We also include an analysis of hitherto ignored sunspot drawings by N. Bion made in October and November 1672.  相似文献   

On the basis of data on planetary nebula (PN) central star temperatures obtained by measurements in the ultraviolet (UV) range, the empirical calibration dependence between the number of Lyman photons emitted by a central starS and PN diameterD, is constructed. The temperatures of 118 PN central stars are estimated with this dependence. It is shown that the central star masses are distributed in a wide interval from 0.5 to 1.2M . About 60% of all stars have masses <0.6M , about 25% have masses >0.6M and the remainder have masses 0.6M . The averaged empirical tracks of evolution of low-mass (<0.6M ) and massive (>0.6M ) central stars differing considerably from each other are constructed. It is shown that the majority of central stars may possess hot chromospheres (T>2×105 K) which spread for several tens of radii of the central star. The PN originates as a result of ionization of the matter ejected by a red giant at the superwind stage. The cause for this ionization is the UV radiation of the PN central star.  相似文献   

Narrow-band [OIII] 500.7 nm images and ultraviolet spectrophotometry are obtained for 20 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Four objects show P Cygni-like features in the ultraviolet HST data, and/or broad emission complexes near the HeII 468.6 nm and CIV 580.6 nm lines in ground-based spectra. All objects are of excitation class four or lower, and all are compact and dense compared to other objects in the sample. The likelihood of detecting ultraviolet P Cygni-like profiles in future HST spectroscopy of other objects is discussed.  相似文献   

The recent evolution of the central star of the planetary nebula LMC-N66 is presented. Before 1987, it showed a weak continuum with aT eff120 000 K andL bol25 000L and in a few years it developed strong WR features (P Cygni line profiles in N v at 124.0 nm and C IV at 155.0 nm, wide Heii emission, etc.) typical of a WN 4.5. Additionally the stellar continuum increased by a large factor and the absolute visual magnitude of the star changed from + 1.24 in 1987 to–2.57 in January, 1995. The WR features and enhanced continuum, evidencing a powerful mass-loss event remained with small variations for more than 5 years. Recent ultraviolet and optical data shows that the mass-loss seems to have diminished abruptly in the last three months.  相似文献   

This work reports the first observations of the Martian atmosphere returned by the planetary Fourier spectrometer (PFS) on board of Mars express (MEX) satellite in the vicinity of the greatest volcanic domes of the planet. Two of the early MEX orbits have already covered the region of Olympus Mons and Ascraeus Mons. These measurements are very similar in terms of local time (14LT) and season (LS=337 and 342, respectively).The long wavelength channel (LWC) of the instrument works in the thermal IR (300-1500 cm−1); its data allow the simultaneous retrieval of surface temperature, integrated content of water ice and dust suspended in the atmosphere and air thermal field up to an altitude of about 50 km. Results of the code described in the companion paper by Grassi et al. for the two orbits are presented and compared with the state expected by the European Martian climate dataset v3.1. The parent global circulation model LMD-Oxford-AAS is able to take into account a wide number of physical phenomena, but the results included in EMCD are affected by a relatively coarse spatial resolution, that does not properly describe the great volcanic domes. The comparison demonstrated that observed data follow quite strictly the trends foreseen by the model in low altitude regions, while the behavior shows remarkable differences above the relief, where orography likely plays an important role. Namely, extended mid-altitude minima in air temperature fields above the summit of volcanic domes are observed.The integrated content of dust shows a minima above Olympus, as expected for a dust particle concentration that decays with height. Measurements are consistent with an exponential decay characterized by a scale height of ∼10 km. Consistently, the surface temperature presents a maxima over the dome, as expected for conditions of clearer sky. Water ice clouds are clearly detected around Ascreus Mons, with a strong asymmetry in latitude.Further comparison with the results of the thermal emission spectrometer (TES) on board of Mars global surveyor (MGS) is also provided, partially supporting our observations of air temperature fields.Possible explanation of these trends is represented by thermal circulation, driven by air heating close to the surface. If confirmed by future observations, these data can represent important constraint by PFS data to mesospheric simulation, with possible implications on the Global Circulation Models.  相似文献   

This paper offers a few comments on the impact and changing sociology of astronomy information handling over the past century (especially its last third), drifting from individual measurements or records to catalogues and data centres, and moving recently from information hubs to distributed digital research facilities including the current projects of so‐called ‘virtual observatories’. After an introductory part and some notes on personal experience, the paper discusses data centres, methodologies, electronic publishing, as well problems and challenges inherited from the new media: fragility, security and ethics, not to forget the most important one, quality.  相似文献   

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