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Rubidium and strontium determinations are reported for Godhra and geographically related granites from central Gujarat. The whole rock data define a Rb-Sr isochron corresponding to a common age of 955±20 m.y. and initial Sr ratio of 0·7130±0·001. This age is distinctly older than the age of 735 m.y. reported for the Erinpura suite of rocks from Mount Abu in western Rajasthan and from Idar in northern Gujarat. There are at least two generations of post-Delhi intrusive rocks in the Gujarat precambrian. Biotites associated with these granites have the same age as the whole-rocks within experimental error indicating the absence of significant metamorphic heating since the time of emplacement. It is significant that rocks of similar age occur in the Rajasthan Precambrian mainly in the axial zone of the Aravalli Mountains.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of geochemical, isotopic (Sm-Nd), and geochronological (U-Pb and Ar-Ar) investigations of leucogranites from the Garevka massif in the Transangara segment of the Yenisey Ridge. The most distinctive geochemical characteristics of these A-type granitoids are the enrichment in silica, potassium, iron, and fluorine and a considerable depletion in europium. Using U-Pb zircon geochronology, the age of the Garevka leucogranites was estimated as 752 ± 3 Ma, which allowed us to attribute them to a previously established Neoproterozoic tectonic event related to the collision of the Central Angara terrane and the Siberian craton. The parental melts of the granitoids were probably derived by melting of a mixed source composed of continental crustal rocks of Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic and (or) Neoproterozoic ages. Based on the obtained petrological, geochemical, and geochronological data, the leucogranites of the Garevka massif were assigned to the Neoproterozoic postcollisional Glushikha complex.  相似文献   

A combined study of major and trace elements, Nd isotopes, and U-Pb systematics has been conducted for the early Palaeoproterozoic (Sumian) volcanic rocks and granites localized in different portions of the Karelian Craton. SHRIMP dating of zircons from the Sumian basalts indicates an emplacement age of 2423 ± 31 Ma, which constrains the lower age boundary of the early Palaeoproterozoic sequence at the Karelian Craton. The early Palaeoproterozoic mafic volcanic rocks of the Karelian Craton show practically no lateral geochemical and isotope-geochemical variations. The rocks bear signs of crustal contamination, in particular Nb and Ti negative anomalies, light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, and nonradiogenic Nd isotope composition. However, some correlations between incompatible element ratios suggest that the crustal signatures were mainly inherited from mantle sources metasomatized during a previous subduction event. En route to the surface, melts presumably experienced only insignificant contamination by crustal material. Felsic rocks do not define common trends with mafic rocks and were formed independently. They exhibit higher REE contents, large-ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment, and extremely wide variations in Nd isotope composition, which clearly demonstrates a considerable contribution of heterogeneous basement to their formation. Geochemically, the felsic rocks of the Karelian Craton correspond to A2-type granites and were formed by melting of crustal rocks in an anorogenic setting. Their possible sources are Archaean sanukitoid-type granitoids and Archaean granite gneisses. The high Yb content and pronounced Eu anomaly imply that they were generated from a garnet-free pyroxene – plagioclase source at shallow depths. By the Palaeoproterozoic, the older Vodlozero block was colder than the Central Domain, which facilitated the development of the brittle deformations and faulting and, correspondingly, rapid magma ascent to the surface without melting of crustal rocks. This resulted in the absence of felsic rocks and the formation of more primitive basalts in this area.  相似文献   

冈底斯北缘Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Fe多金属成矿带内发育有大量的矽卡岩矿床。本文研究的龙马拉矿床便是位于该成矿带东侧典型的层控式矽卡岩型Cu-Fe-Pb-Zn多金属矿床。对矿床成矿时代的精确厘定,是理解矿床成因机制和冈底斯北缘大规模矽卡岩型成矿地质背景的关键。本文首先对龙马拉矿床中与磁铁矿共生的蚀变云母进行了电子探针分析,结果显示这些云母为金云母;金云母的Ar-Ar同位素测年显示,其Ar-Ar坪年龄为56.32±0.48 Ma,等时线年龄为55.58±0.93 Ma。根据金云母与矿石矿物的共生关系可知,该年龄应代表龙马拉多金属矿床的成矿时代。综合前人的研究结果,认为龙马拉多金属矿床形成于印-亚陆陆碰撞的主碰撞汇聚成矿阶段,新特提斯洋壳板片的回卷很可能是该矿床形成的深部动力学机制。  相似文献   

Collisional granitoid magmatism caused by the Early Neoproterozoic orogeny in the west of the Siberian craton is considered. New data on the petrogeochemical composition, U-Pb (SHRIMP II), Ar-Ar, and Sm-Nd isotopic ages of the Middle Tyrada granitoid massif in the northwestern Yenisei Ridge are presented. Plagiogranites, granodiorites, and quartz diorites of the massif are of calcareous and calc-alkalic composition. The elevated alumina contents and presence of accessory garnet permit them to be assigned to S-type granitoids. Their spidergrams show Rb, Ba, and Th enrichment, minimum Nb, P, and Ti contents, and no Sr depletion. The granitoids formed through the melting of plagioclase-enriched graywacke source, obviously Paleoproterozoic metaterrigenous rocks of the Garevka Formation and Teya Group (TNd(DM) = 2.0-2.5 Ga), judging from the isotope composition of the granitoids (TNd(DM-2st) = 2200 Ma and 8Nd(T) = − 6.0) and the presence of ancient zircon cores (1.80-1.85 Ga). Formation of granitoids took place in the final epoch of the Grenville collision events in the late Early Neoproterozoic (U-Pb zircon age is 857.0 ± 9.5 Ma). In the Late Neoproterozoic, the granitoids underwent tectonothermal reworking caused by Vendian accretion and collision events on the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton, which explain the younger K-Ar biotite age, 615.5 ± 6.3 Ma.  相似文献   

甘肃北山牛圈子蛇绿岩铷-锶同位素年龄及其大地构造意义   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
甘肃北山地区早古生代蛇绿岩受阿尔金北东向左行走滑断裂影响,被分割成白云山—洗肠井蛇绿岩段、通畅口—牛圈子蛇绿岩段、白玉山—红柳河蛇绿岩段。牛圈子蛇绿岩属洋壳型蛇绿岩,蛇绿岩各单元岩石发育齐全,与东部洗肠井洋壳型蛇绿岩和西部红柳河洋壳型蛇绿岩相似,牛圈子蛇绿熔岩Rb-Sr同位素年龄为463±18Ma,与洗肠井蛇绿熔岩夹层中放射虫时代一致,为中奥陶世—晚奥陶世早期,红柳河蛇绿岩尚无可靠时代依据。通过构造恢复,上述3条蛇绿岩段在早古生代为统一的早古生代蛇绿岩带,这条早古生代蛇绿岩带属早古生代塔里木板块和哈萨克斯坦板块间的缝合带。  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of 56 Hercynian granites and 42 pre-Hercynian gneisses has been investigated. In addition some mineral δ 18O data and 5 δD values of whole rocks have been obtained. The granites from the N-Schwarzwald show, in general, relatively uniform δ 18O values between 11.5 and 13.5‰, those from the S-Schwarzwald are less uniform and lighter in 18O and range from 2.3 to 11.5‰. The gneisses from the pre-Hercynian basement exhibit more or less the same variation and range from 1.7 to 10.4‰. δ 18O values <6‰ only occur in the S-Schwarzwald and obviously indicate hydrothermal interactions of meteoric waters, which probably took place after the emplacement and solidification of the granites and which equally affected granites and gneisses. Due to the nearly identical 18O/16O ratios of S-Schwarzwald granites and gneisses, it is proposed that such gneisses in the pre-Hercynian basement qualify as the precursor rocks of the S-Schwarzwald, granites whereas for the N-Schwarzwald granites crustal rocks with heavier δ 18O values, unknown from the present surface, have to be postulated. This distribution is also reflected on a 87Sr/86Sr-18O/16O diagram.  相似文献   

Summary A new Swiss gold occurrence at Mont Chemin, comprising gold-bearing quartz veins, displays many characteristics that are typical of mesothermal gold deposits within the Alps and globally. The most notable of these features are: i) the presence of NaCl-H2O-CO2-bearing fluid with an XCO2 of approximately 0.016 and NaCl equivalents in the range 4.6 to 10.6 weight percent, ii) greenschist formational temperatures and pressures in the range 265-285 °C and 700-1400 bars; and iii) the proximity of the occurrence to the Rhone-Simplon Line, a deep crustal structure in the Swiss Alps.Corrected Ar-Ar data for hydrothermal adularia, considered to be contemporaneous with mineral deposition from the gold-bearing fluid, yields an age of 9.9 ±1.0 Ma. Geothermal gradients and uplift rates derived from the Ar-Ar age data and the geothermometry are in agreement with existing data for this region, and indicate that the hydrothermal activity at the Mont Chemin gold occurrence records one of the last Alpine metamorphic events in the northeastern Mont Blanc massif.Temperature estimates from fluid-muscovite-quartz-feldspar equilibrium and oxygen isotope thermometry of coexisting adularia and quartz are combined with the fluid inclusion isochores to derive depositional pressures. These data yield geothermal gradients on the order of 50 °C/km and uplift rates of 0.44 mm/a for the NE portion of the Mont Blanc massif.
Evidenz aus Flüssigkeitseinschluß-, stabilen Isotopen- und Ar- Ar Daten fü r das Alter und den Ursprung Gold führender Quarzgänge am Mont Chemin, Schweiz
Zusammenfassung Ein neues Schweizer Goldvorkommen am Mont Chernin, es handelt sich um Goldführende Quarzgänge, zeigt viele Charakteristika, die für mesothermale Goldlagerstätten der Alpen und weltweit typisch sind: i) Die Anwesenheit von NaCl-H2O-CO2 Fluiden mit einem XCO2 von ca. 0.016 und NaCl zwischen 4.6 und 10.6 Gew. % Äquiv.ii) Grünschieferfazielle Bildungstemperaturen und -drucke von 265-285°C bzw. 7001400bar. iii) Die Nähe der Vorkommen zur Rhone-Simplon Linie, einer tiefgreifenden Struktur in der Kruste der Schweizer Alpen.Korrigierte Ar-Ar Daten von hydrothermalem Adular, der als zeitgleich mit den Minerallagerstätten gebildet, angesehen wird, ergaben ein Alter von 9.9 ± 1.0 Ma. Die aus aus den Ar-Ar Daten bestimmten geothermalen Gradienten und Hebungsraten und die Ergebnisse der Geothermometrie stimmen mit bisher existierenden Daten aus dieser Region überein und zeigen, daß die hydrothermale Aktivität in den Goldvorkommen des Monte Chemin eines der letzten alpidischen metamorphen Ereignisse im nordöstlichen Mont Blanc Massiv darstellt.Temperaturabschätzungen aus Fluid-Muscovit-Quarz-Feldspat Gleichgewichten und Sauerstoffisotopen-Thermometrie an koexistierendem Quarz und Adular werden mit den Isochoren der Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse kombiniert, um die Bildungsdrucke abzuleiten. Diese Daten ergeben geothermische Gradienten in der Größenordnung von ca. 50 °C/km und Hebungsraten von 0.44 mm/Jahr für den Nordostteil des Mont Blanc Massives.

Sixty-four Rb-Sr and two K-Ar isotopic measurements from seven ring complexes in central Nigeria provide evidence for a systematic age trend along a 200 km zone ranging from 174±5 m.y. in the north to 154±4 m.y. in the south. A peak of anorogenic magmatism occurred in the Jos Plateau region about 164±4 m.y. ago. Although a small syenitetrachyte complex at Zaranda, near Bauchi, gives an age of 190±15 m.y., unpublished ages of 290–330 m.y. for the southern Niger ring complexes confirm the existence of an overall southerly decreasing age trend in the Niger-Nigeria province of West Africa. Isotopic measurements on two small, oversaturated syenite intrusions at Zaranda and Pankshin suggest that syenitic liquids had initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7048—not significantly different from the mantle range of values, but that related peralkaline silicic variants from the same complexes are depleted in total Sr and have higher 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios characteristic of the earth's crust. This variation of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios in syenite-related granitic liquids of the peralkaline spectrum has also been noted at the Shere Hills, near Jos, and at Liruei, near Kano, and may be representative for all syenite-granite occurrences in the Nigerian Younger Granite province. Such isotopic variations in the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio may be attributed to “crustal enrichment” of syenitic liquids whose source lies in the mantle. Coarse-grained, peraluminous biotite granites have consistently low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the range 0.706–0.709 (similar to the ca. 600 m.y. Pan-African granites of the basement), and may represent further modifications of originally syenitic liquids in the crust, or the granites may have originated from an independent source within a “dioritio” lower crust. Although the magmatic trends show small variations in the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio, much higher initial ratios are recorded in granites which have been modified within their roof zone by deuteric (autometamorphic) and/or metasomatic processes.  相似文献   

广东大降坪硫(铅锌)矿床位于与岩浆作用有关的大绀山多金属矿田的中部,主矿体为赋存在震旦纪变质岩中的层状、透镜状黄铁矿矿体,最近在两个不同产状的黄铁矿矿体下部又新发现了脉状及层状铅锌矿体。文章通过对铅锌矿体的年龄及硫同位素研究,探讨其与主矿体的成因关系,获得了脉状铅锌矿体中闪锌矿的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为(88.5±3.9)Ma,即晚白垩世,与上部黄铁矿矿体的年龄(约630 Ma)相差较大,而与整个大绀山多金属矿田的成矿作用时限一致。三种不同产状的矿体硫同位素组成差异明显:层状黄铁矿矿体富集硫的轻同位素(δ34S=-10.90‰~-25.55‰),且与围岩的硫同位素范围一致,说明硫来自生物的细菌还原硫;透镜状黄铁矿矿体δ34S组成范围较宽(-9.38‰~22.69‰),具多源性硫的特征;铅锌矿体的δ34S在-7.1‰~6.4‰之间变化,硫可能来自深源岩浆,并受围岩成分混染。多方面的证据表明,大降坪黄铁矿矿体下部的铅锌矿体形成于晚白垩世的岩浆热液成矿作用,透镜状黄铁矿矿体受到岩浆热液的叠加。  相似文献   

华山和合峪花岗岩体分别位于华北陆块南缘的西北部和东南部,华山岩体顶部混染相二长花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为133.8±1.1Ma,合峪复式杂岩体第三次侵入的似斑状黑云母二长花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为134.5±1.5Ma,二者年龄相近。华山岩体与合峪岩体的地球化学特征相似,其SiO2>69.0%,Al2O3>13.0%,K2O+Na2O>7.0%,Na2O>3.2%,ACNK<1.1,具有高钾钙碱性花岗岩类的特征。两岩体的轻重稀土元素分馏显著,Sr含量较高(Sr多数>400×10-6, Y、Yb含量低(Y<18×10-6,Yb<2×10-6),Eu负异常较弱(δEu>0.67),LILE富集,HFSE亏损,表明岩浆房存在斜长石+角闪石+石榴石+金红石的分离结晶,或者这些矿物在源区部分熔融时作为残留相。华山岩体岩浆锆石εHf (t)u集中在-18~-20之间,Hf二阶段模式年龄tDM2集中于2.1~1.8Ga;合峪岩体岩浆锆石εHf (t)u集中在-16~-17之间,Hf二阶段模式年龄tDM2集中于2.0~1.7Ga。以上表明,两岩体均为增厚下地壳(2.1~1.7Ga左右)部分熔融形成的陆壳改造型花岗岩类。综合区域地质演化,我们认为,侏罗纪及其以前的碰撞挤压或逆冲推覆使地壳增厚,侏罗纪-白垩纪之交的挤压向伸展转换过程的减压增温条件导致加厚下地壳(2.1~1.7Ga左右)部分熔融,岩浆上升侵位造成了华山岩体及合峪岩体等碰撞改造型花岗岩类的发育。  相似文献   

The Bogda Shan orogenic belt is interpreted to be an Upper Palaeozoic continental rift, which was closed towards the end of the Carboniferous period. Intrusive activities in that belt are represented mainly by a large number of diabasic sills, dykes and stocks with sparse dioritic and granitic bodies. Determinations on a group of samples from the Shangdaheyan intrusion yielded a mineral-rock Rb-Sr isochron with an age of 298.4±0.76 Ma and an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7041. In combination with field evidence, these results indicate that most of the intusions of the Bogda Shan orogenic belt were emplaced during the Hercynian cycle as a result of initial extension following rift closure, and that post-Hercynian intrusive activities are not important in that belt.  相似文献   

CaO-rich, Al2O3-poor ultracalcic primitive melts occur at mid-ocean-ridges, back-arc basins, ocean islands and volcanic arcs. They are subdivided into a nepheline-normative alkaline-rich, silica-poor group uniquely found in arcs and in hypersthene-normative fairly refractory melts which occur in all of the above environments. The high CaO contents (to 19.0 wt%) and CaO/Al2O3 ratios (to 1.8) exclude an origin from fertile lherzolites at volatile-absent conditions. Experimental investigation of the liquidus of a hypersthene-normative and a nepheline-normative ultracalcic melt results in quite distinct pressure-temperature conditions of multiple saturation: whereas the hypersthene-normative liquid saturates in olivine + clinopyroxene at 1.2 GPa and 1,410°C, this occurs at 0.2 GPa and 1,220°C for the nepheline-normative ultracalcic liquid. Our results in combination with melting experiments from the literature suggest that hypersthene-normative melts result from melting of a refractory olivine + clinopyroxene ± orthopyroxene source at elevated mantle temperatures. Contrasting, nepheline-normative ultracalcic melts form from wehrlitic cumulates in the arc crust; to account for the high alkaline and low silica contents, and the relatively low temperatures, source wehrlites must have contained amphibole.  相似文献   

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