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The complex dielectric constant of snow at microwave frequencies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex dielectric constant of snow has been measured at microwave frequencies. New and old snow at different stages of metamorphosis have been studied. The results indicate that the complex dielectric constant is practically independent of the structure of snow. For dry snow, the dielectric constant is determined by the density. For wet snow, the imaginary part and the increase of the real part due to liquid water have the same volumetric wetness dependence. The frequency dependence of the complex dielectric constant of wet snow is the same as that of water. A nomograph for determining the density and wetness of wet snow from its dielectric constant is given. A snow sensor for field measurement of the dielectric constant has been developed. It can be used for determining the density and the wetness of snow by a single measurement.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic backscattering from small-amplitude water waves has been studied using a microwave model (2.5 GHz). The first- and second-order backscatter Doppler spectra have been measured and compared with the theoretical models, and good agreement has been found. In this paper, the specific case of two water waves propagating at right angles to each other will be presented, and the level of contribution of both the hydrodynamic and the electromagnetic effects on the backscatter radar Doppler spectrum will be considered.  相似文献   

Successive measurements of the size distribution and abundance of marine snow in the upper 100 m of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, with an in situ still camera system following 11 tagged water masses revealed a consistent pattern of nighttime decreases in the abundance of large particles. A net nocturnal reduction in particulate flux from the upper 100 m as calculated from camera profiles occurred in 75% of the day–night comparisons, and nighttime aggregate carbon losses resulted in a 38% average reduction in camera-derived aggregate flux. Intensive investigation of three stations for 24–48 h each indicated that nighttime decreases in aggregate concentrations and derived aggregate flux could be registered throughout the observed water column. Nocturnal decreases in marine snow concentration are unlikely to result from diel variations in the production of marine snow either as feeding webs of zooplankton or through variations in aggregation rates of smaller particles. Moreover, measured diel variations in the intensity of surface mixing and convective overturn during one of the 24 h deployments were not intense enough to produce aggregate fragmentation and reduced aggregate flux. Nighttime increases in large crustacean zooplankton (i.e., euphausiids and the large copepod Calanus pacificus) could explain some or all of the reduction in aggregate abundance at most stations. Fragmentation and consumption of marine snow by migrating macrozooplankton could produce our observed synchronous diel cycles in marine snow concentration. This is the first empirical evidence of a diel pattern in the concentration and calculated particulate flux of large sinking particles in near-surface waters. The data presented here are consistent with the only other existing diel study, which also reported decreases in marine snow abundance at night at 270 m depths in the oceanic north Atlantic. Diel variations in the sizes and concentrations of marine snow may impact water column processes dependent upon particle availability and size, such as grazing and remineralization, and may generate a diel cycle of food availability to the benthos.  相似文献   

尹豪  苏洁  Bin Cheng 《海洋学报》2021,43(7):75-89
积雪具有复杂的时空分布,在高纬度地区的气−冰−海耦合系统中扮演了重要的角色。准确的积雪质量平衡计算可以帮助我们更好地理解海冰演变过程以及极区冰雪与大气之间的相互作用。雪密度是影响积雪质量平衡众多因素中的重要因子。现有的一维高分辨率冰雪热力学模型(如HIGHTSI)中,使用常数块体雪密度均值将降雪雪水当量转化为积雪深度。本文参考拉格朗日冰上积雪模型(SnowModel-LG)模式对积雪分层压实的处理,简化为新、旧两个雪层,并在质量守恒条件下同时考虑新、旧雪层深度对压实增密的响应,将该物理过程加入HIGHTSI模式中。利用ERA-Interim再分析数据作为大气强迫,针对北极15个冰质量平衡浮标沿其漂移轨迹模拟了降雪积累期海冰表面雪密度变化对积雪深度变化的影响,在原HIGHTSI设置下分别采用定常块体雪密度均值330 kg/m3(T1试验)、接近实际的常数新雪密度200 kg/m3(T2试验)以及改进后框架下新、旧雪层随时间压实增密的雪密度(T3试验)计算积雪深度,并将模拟结果与浮标观测进行对比。结果表明,本文改进的算法对雪密度变化的处理更为合理,且能较好地再现积雪深度的变化;考虑新、旧雪层深度对压实增密的响应能较好地避免以较低的降雪密度持续过度积累,以浮标观测为标准,分层积雪密度压实计算得到的平均绝对误差相对T2减小了5 cm。  相似文献   

Microwave radiometric measurements were made at wavelengths ranging from 0.8 to 2.8 cm at altitudes from 0.16 to 11 km under well documented meteorological conditions over the Bering Sea. It is shown that determinations of wind speed at the ocean surface and liquid water content of the clouds may be made from such data. Determinations were made from two simultaneous but independent sets of radiometric measurements. The wind speeds and liquid water contents made from these two sets showed remarkable agreement. Independent estimates of these parameters made from in situ measurements showed reasonable agreement as well.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of the influence of Debye parameters' variations on the characteristics of the microwave radiation field of water solutions are examined. Examples of these parameters and their variation according to the data of different authors are presented. Approximate expressions for the dependence of brighness temperature versus physical temperature and salinity of water are obtained for different wavelengths.  相似文献   

A numerical 1‐dimensional fine grid sea ice thermodynamic model is constructed accounting specially for: (1) slush formation via flooding and percolation of rain‐ and snow meltwater, (2) the consequent snow ice formation via slush freezing, and (3) the effects of snow compaction on heat diffusion in snow cover. The model simulations from ice winter period 1979–90 are viewed against corresponding observations at the Kemi fast ice station (65 °39.8' N, 24° 31.4' E). The 11‐year averaged model results show good overall consistency with corresponding total ice thickness observations. The model slightly overestimates the snow ice thickness and underestimates the snow thickness in February and March, which is mainly addressed to the model assumption of isostatic balance (i.e., slush formation via flooding), which was probably not fully satisfied at the coastal Kemi fast ice station. Supposing that this assumption is nevertheless generally valid away from the very coastal fast ice zone, an estimate for sea ice sensitivity to changes in winter precipitation rate is produced. Increased precipitation leads to an increase only in snow ice thickness with little change in total ice thickness, while a reduction in precipitation of more than {213}50% causes a significant increase in total ice thickness. The difference in modeled total ice thickness for the case of artificially neglecting snow ice physics is about 25%, which indicates the importance of including snow ice physics in a sea ice model dealing with the seasonal sea ice zone.  相似文献   

海冰上积雪的分布是影响海冰与大气能量交换以及气候变化的重要因素。当前的CMIP6气候模式(如CESM2和NESM3)采用定常的积雪密度,而专注于模拟雪厚度和密度变化的模式(如SnowModel-LG)则采用经验的变化雪密度公式。对比CryoSat-2卫星观测的积雪厚度发现,从积雪厚度的空间分布与平均值难以判断出变化雪密度对北冰洋积雪厚度模拟产生何种影响,对于变化雪密度模拟积雪厚度的改进及机制有待进一步研究。本文采用随气温、风速等因子变化的雪密度经验公式模型,并利用SNOTEL单站的长时间序列观测资料,对不同影响因子设计如下敏感性实验:A. 考虑所有气象因子的变化雪密度模型;B. 常数雪密度模型;C. 在A中不考虑风对密实化的影响;D. 在A中不考虑气温对密实化的影响。实验A、B、C和D诊断计算的2018年11月1日至2019年5月10日积雪厚度的均方根误差分别为4.2 cm、4.8 cm、25.9 cm和4.2 cm。结果表明,变化雪密度方案A模拟的积雪密度、厚度在平均值上与常数雪密度的结果接近,但其模拟的积雪厚度均方根误差最小,并且能够模拟出积雪厚度在几天到十几天时间尺度上的高频变化,同时减小了这种高频变化对应时段雪厚模拟结果的相对误差,二者具有一定的相关性。此外,还发现气温变化对积雪密实化的影响远小于风。  相似文献   

基于声波探测海底浅层沉积物特性的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用声波在水中的传输特性进行海底浅层沉积物特性的探测。在实践应用中有实验室方法、现场测量方法和海底声学遥测方法,并研制出大量的仪器。由于海上和海底实际条件的限制,声波探测方法都存在一定的不足之处,由此提出了声衰减测试沉积物特性以及建立实验室模拟海底环境探测方法的设想。  相似文献   

利用大洋多金属结核矿区调查过程中4个航次所得的600多组表层沉积物物性测试资料,将矿区的沉积物分为5种类型,并分析了这些沉积物的物理性质,同时,运用回归分析方法,统计分析了不同类型沉积物的含水量、湿密度、孔隙比与埋藏深度的关系,以及各物性指标之间的相关关系。结果表明:(1)大洋多金属结核矿区表层沉积物均为粉质土,黄棕色粉质土是西部矿区的主要沉积物类型,棕黄色粉质土是东部矿区的主要沉积物类型;(2)除褐色粉质土外,其余4种类型土的含水量、孔隙比均随埋藏深度的增加而减少和降低,湿密度则随深度增加而增大;(3)各类土的物性指标与埋藏深度的相关性甚好,因而可以利用埋藏深度对矿区的沉积物进行物性指标预测;(4)含水量、孔隙比、湿密度等物性指标之间呈线性相关,其中含水量与孔隙比的相关性最为密切,呈明显线性关系。  相似文献   

A model is presented that simulates the formation of marine aggregates from particles of different origin inside a model of pelagic biological processes. Experiments are carried out with parameterizations appropriate for different types of aggregates, using different kinds of physical forcing, and compared to observations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), marine snow concentration, and sedimentation.The occurrence of large, macroscopically visible aggregates (marine snow) can best be simulated with parameterizations that have been derived from in situ observations of marine snow, but not with a parameterization sufficient for dense particles. The parameterization strongly determines the amount and timing of deep export, as well as the post-bloom development of the food web in the upper layers.Detritus in aggregates plays a role mainly during times when zooplankton are abundant, as e.g. in the western Arabian Sea during Southwest Monsoon. Then the large aggregates as fast sinking vehicles may remove detritus quickly from shallow and mid-water depth, preventing the accumulation of nutrients that are produced via detritus decomposition. In this region, detritus contributes strongly to deep sedimentation. The nitrogen budget at this location with regard to the observations cannot be closed: depending on model type, either the model simulates too high sedimentation, or too high DIN. Possible causes for this mismatch include undercollection by sediment traps, inaccurate representation of physical processes in the model and the neglect of biological processes, such as production of dissolved organic matter or denitrification.  相似文献   

一次冬季降雪过程的多普勒雷达资料特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年2月17~18日青岛出现了一次大雪过程,通过对多普勒雷达资料的分析,发现多普勒雷达资料很好地揭示了本次降水过程的成因。降水初期,主要为暖湿气团从相对较暖的海面上移动到相对较冷的陆地上冷却凝结产生的降雪,所以强度很弱;在0~2.7km高度上,在倒槽上发展起来的以青岛为中心的中尺度气旋性风场的出现,预示着降水强度的迅速增强和降水量级的改变,该风场的破坏,则预示着降雪强度的迅速减弱;回波强度在30~35dbZ时,降雪强度即可达到较强。  相似文献   

Neutral aldoses as source indicators for marine snow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The chemical characteristics of aggregating material in the marine environment are largely unknown. We investigated neutral aldose (NA) abundance and composition in aggregation of marine snow and other organic matter (OM) size fractions in the field. Four sample sets were fractionated using membrane filtration and ultrafiltration into the following size fractions: particulate material, high-molecular-weight (HMW) material, and low-molecular-weight (LMW) material. We also collected three sample sets of marine-snow aggregates. Each sample set contained small, medium, and large aggregate size fractions and each size fraction consisted of 25–50 aggregates. For 7 marine-snow samples and for each water-sample size fraction, we determined monomeric and polymeric NA concentration, NA yield (amount of NA-C normalized to organic carbon), and composition; total organic carbon (TOC) concentration; transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) concentration, and TEP propensity (TEP concentration after inducing TEP formation in filtered samples). This is the first study to include compound-specific NA determinations on these four marine OM size fractions.The mass balances of organic carbon and NA indicated that there were no serious contamination or loss problems. Concentrations, yields, and NA mol fractions in water samples were similar to results from other studies. Glucose and galactose had the highest relative abundance in all size fractions. The NA yield increased with increasing molecular weight or particle size for all fractions except marine snow. The NA yield increased in the order: LMW< marine snow< HMW< particles. Marine snow had a higher average NA yield than the LMW fraction, but lower than particle and HMW-fractions. This indicates that OM in marine snow could have been diagenetically derived from particulate and HMW-fractions, that is, marine snow may include material from the particulate and the colloidal phase.TEP concentration or TEP propensity was positively correlated with concentrations of all individual NAs as well as the sum NA concentrations, indicating that TEP contains neutral sugars in addition to the acidic polysaccharides stained in the determination of TEP concentrations.Despite the relatively low NA yield in marine snow, marine snow was enriched in NA when compared with seawater, with enrichment factors of 34–225 (average 125). By combining data from this study with data from other studies, we estimate that < 10% of carbohydrates in marine snow comprise NAs.There was no clear correlation between marine-snow aggregate size and NA yield, that is, there appears to be no general age difference between small and large marine-snow aggregates. NA composition was similar among different marine-snow size fracions collected during the same day, indicating that aggregation/disaggregation reactions resulted in homogenizing NA composition in marine-snow aggregates of all sizes. The NA composition of marine snow was different from that of other OM size fractions, indicating either that bacterial degradation has modified the composition of marine snow to a larger extent than other OM size fractions or that marine snow is formed through the aggregation of selected subcomponents of OM.  相似文献   

Two physicochemical parameters: specific surface area (SSA) and heat-of-wetting (ΔwH) were measured in order to characterize the surface of sediments from river and marine environments. The data for the sediment samples of the Krka River Estuary were compared with polluted river and shelf marine sediment samples. It was found that organic free samples from the polluted river sediments show two to three times larger SSA compared to native samples. At the same time, ΔwH was two to three times higher for native samples. The inverse of this trend was found for marine sediment samples. In the Krka River Estuary a narrow transition zone is evident, where such an inversion occurs. This inversion is attributed to significant compositional changes of organic matter within the estuary.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, sea ice in the polar regions has been significantly affecting local and even hemispheric climate through a positive ice albedo feedback mechanism. The role of fast ice, as opposed to drift ice, has not been well-studied due to its relatively small coverage over the earth. In this paper, the optical properties and surface energy balance of land fast ice in spring are studied using in situ observations in Barrow, Alaska. The results show that the albedo of the fast ice varied between 0.57 and 0.85 while the transmittance increased from 1.3×10?3 to 4.1×10?3 during the observation period. Snowfall and air temperature affected the albedo and absorbance of sea ice, but the transmittance had no obvious relationship with precipitation or snow cover. Net solar shortwave radiation contributes to the surface energy balance with a positive 99.2% of the incident flux, with sensible heat flux for the remaining 0.8%. Meanwhile, the ice surface loses energy through the net longwave radiation by 18.7% of the total emission, while the latent heat flux accounts for only 0.1%. Heat conduction is also an important factor in the overall energy budget of sea ice, contributing 81.2% of the energy loss. Results of the radiative transfer model reveal that the spectral transmittance of the fast ice is determined by the thickness of snow and sea ice as well as the amount of inclusions. As major inclusions, the ice biota and particulates have a significant influence on the magnitude and distribution of the spectral transmittance. Based on the radiative transfer model, concentrations of chlorophyll and particulate in the fast ice are estimated at 5.51 mg/m2 and 95.79 g/m2, which are typical values in the spring in Barrow.  相似文献   

A short review of snow cover parametrizations used in different atmospheric general circulation models is given. The results of comparison of 20-year mean integral characteristics of snow cover for North America and Eurasia obtained in three Russian models in the AMIP-2 experiments with observations and reanalysis data are analyzed. Results of the models of the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia, the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory are used. It is shown that all models better reproduce snow cover characteristics of Eurasia than those of North America, and snow area is reproduced with smaller errors than snow mass. It is also shown that the fall and winter snow cover formation is simulated more closely to the reference data than the spring snowmelt. It is also shown that 20-year mean snow cover changes in watersheds of the Siberian Ob, Yenisei, and Lena rivers are well reproduced in all models. In the fall and winter period of snow cover formation, the model results are close to one another. During a spring rapid snowmelt, the model of the Hydrometeorological Centre is closer to the reference data.  相似文献   

海(湖)效应降雪的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾国内外有关海(湖)效应降雪的主要研究成果,依据海(湖)效应降雪的定义,对其产生机制、大尺度环流背景及多尺度相互作用、影响因素和空间形态分类等方面进行的总结和分析.表明,海(湖)效应降雪过程存在多尺度相互作用,海(湖)气温差、热力不稳定、风向风速、地形、云物理过程等是其关键影响因素,并影响其空间分布形态.数值模拟和多普勒雷达资料是主要研究手段.在此基础上,经进一步分析指出,未来我国应重点深入开展海效应降雪的空间分布形态及其产生机制研究,提高海效应降雪的精细化预报能力.  相似文献   

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