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The objective of the paper is to derive the strength and modulus properties of rockmass as a function of intact rock strength and joint factor. The joint factor reflects the combined effect of joint frequency, joint inclination and joint strength. A study for the strength and deformation characteristics of jointed rock is done by conducting standard laboratory tests on cylindrical specimens of plaster of Paris after introducing artificial joints. The specimens having one to four joints at different inclinations which vary from 0° to 90° were tested at different confining conditions. The test results were examined to understand the effect of joint frequency and joint inclination on the strength and deformation behaviour of rock mass. Empirical correlations were developed for prediction of the uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus of jointed rocks. Results are compared with the earlier work on jointed specimens covering a wide variety of rocks. So, knowing the intact rock properties and the joint factor, the jointed rock properties can be estimated. These relations can be used for developing an equivalent continuum model for rock mass for handling boundary value problems. A failure criterion as proposed by Ramamurthy (1993 Ramamurthy, T. 1993. “Strength and modulus response of anisotropic rocks”. In Comprehensive rock engineering, Edited by: Hudson, J.A. Vol. 1, 313329. Oxford: Pergamon Press.  [Google Scholar]) has been validated from these experimental results.  相似文献   

预制节理岩体试件强度及破坏模式的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用相似材料模型试验对不同节理倾角、节理贯通度、节理组数、载荷应变率、试件长径比、节理充填物厚度及类型等7种工况下的预制节理岩体在单轴压缩下的峰值强度及破坏模式进行了研究。结果表明:节理岩体的破坏模式及峰值强度与节理构造形态密切相关。贯通节理岩体将产生沿节理面的剪切破坏或穿切节理面破坏,且与第1种破坏模式对应的岩体峰值强度更低。非贯通节理岩体的强度介于完整岩体和贯通节理岩体之间。随着平行节理组数的增加,岩体峰值强度逐渐下降。随着载荷应变率的增加,岩体峰值强度逐渐增大,相应地试件的破坏模式也变得更加复杂。试件长径比基本没有改变其破坏模式,完整试件仍主要是以张拉破坏为主,而节理试件仍以剪切破坏为主。随着长径比增加,试件峰值强度逐渐增大。随着节理充填物厚度增加,试件峰值强度降低。不同节理填充物对试件峰值强度也有一定影响。  相似文献   

崔臻  魏倩  侯靖  盛谦  李良权 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2921-2928
因其特殊的地质成因,柱状节理成为一种具有强烈非连续性及各向异性的特殊岩体结构。以白鹤滩水电工程设计、建设中所遇到的柱状节理玄武岩体为背景,针对柱状节理岩体的等效变形模量问题,在探讨了其结构效应表征参数的基础上,利用节理网络有限元为工具,研究各结构效应表征参数对柱状节理岩体等效变形模量的影响。研究结果表明:在柱轴线横向平面上,对于柱体不规则程度,当柱体完全不规则相对于完全规则情况,等效模量提高大约10%左右;在其他条件不变情况下,当柱体平均边长从0.1 m增加至0.5 m时,等效模量从5.36 GPa增加至23.4 GPa;对不同加载方向的研究结果表明,柱状节理在柱轴横向平面上可以视作各向同性;当节理刚度线性递增时,相应的岩体等效模量也基本符合线性递增的规律。在平行柱体轴线平面,节理组2间距越大,柱状节理岩体的等效变形模量越大;随着错距比的增加,柱状节理岩体的等效变形模量呈现先增加后减少的趋势,当错距比为50%时,节理岩体的等效变形模量取最大值;对于节理刚度的影响,与柱轴横向平面类似的,随柱体轴线平面上节理刚度的线性增加,相应的岩体模量也基本符合线性递增的规律。该研究成果与已有的现场研究成果及三维数值模型成果相比,吻合良好。说明了文中提供的研究结论具有较好的可信度及参考价值。  相似文献   

基于离散元的强度折减法分析岩质边坡稳定性   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
雷远见  王水林 《岩土力学》2006,27(10):1693-1698
将通用离散元UDEC与强度折减法结合,对含多结构面的岩质边坡的稳定性进行了分析。通过对节理岩质边坡的UDEC模型中的可变形块体和节理单元的强度参数进行折减,使模型不能再达到平衡状态,此时的折减系数就是边坡的安全系数,另外,由对应的边坡块体的速度矢量可以确定滑动面和边坡的破坏形态。通过与传统的条分法的结果比较,表明基于UDEC的强度折减法是一种可靠、有效的方法,为复杂节理岩质边坡的滑动面确定与安全系数计算开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

柱状节理岩体由于其内部赋存大量的隐节理面,开挖卸荷后极易出现隐节理面开裂松弛等特征,导致其破坏模式异于一般岩体。其破坏模式主要受到异常发育的节理面和较高地应力的共同作用影响。由于柱状节理岩体节理面发育,岩体结构控制型破坏占主要部分,包括单临空面节理面滑移(塌方)、多临空面节理面滑移(塌方)、与错动带、断层等弱面相组合的坍塌等破坏模式;应力控制型破坏主要为河谷侧顶拱喷层开裂;应力-结构面型破坏主要为岩性交界处的节理岩体塌落等。柱状节理岩体表层主要发生柱内竖直隐节理面和柱间节理面的拉破坏,而围岩内部的柱状节理主要发生柱间节理面的剪切破坏。因此,现场柱状节理的支护也应主要包括两个方面:以喷射混凝土钢纤维来阻止柱状节理岩体表层的张性开裂,以系统锚杆来控制柱状节理岩体内部的剪切破坏。  相似文献   

刘红岩  王贵和 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3523-3527
节理的存在是岩体明显区别于岩石的一个重要特征,也是导致岩体具有非均质性及各向异性的一个重要因素。节理岩体在爆炸冲击荷载作用下的破坏特征不仅是岩体力学研究的一个热点问题,也是岩石爆破领域经常遇到的一个工程问题。目前,常用的有限元和离散元等数值方法都不能很客观地反映岩体中节理分布的实际规律,而最新出现的数值流形方法则完全能够按照岩体中节理的实际分布规律进行建模,并能够很好地模拟岩体在外力作用下新裂纹的产生及已有节理的开裂。对3种不同节理岩体,即无节理岩体、均布水平节理岩体、均布垂直节理岩体等在均布垂直于圆周方向上的冲击荷载作用下的破坏过程进行了模拟。由模拟结果可以明显看出,节理的存在对岩体的破坏型式起到了关键性的控制作用。对于完整岩体,其破坏型式呈现出了很好的对称性;而对于水平及垂直节理岩体,其破坏型式在很大程度上受到节理分布的控制。研究结果对岩石爆破工程设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

An extensive program was conducted to develop and validate computer models for the deformation of structures in jointed rock. Both discrete element and finite element models were investigated. The program comprised a sequence of seven calculational and experimental studies. In the final step, model predictions were compared with experimental data from a well-instrumented jointed-rock precision test. The results show that the sophisticated models developed were able to predict some elements of structural deformation in jointed rock, but that it is difficult to make high-confidence predictions of all aspects of structural deformation with these models. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于离散元法的节理岩体边坡稳定性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贺续文  刘忠  廖彪  王翠翠 《岩土力学》2011,32(7):2199-2204
节理岩体边坡的稳定性在很大程度上取决于节理的强度及其分布形式。由于节理岩体边坡的失稳破坏具有大变形和非连续的特点,因此,离散单元法成为研究节理岩体边坡破坏机制的最有效方法之一。通过采用离散元软件PFC2D进行数值模拟,对完整岩石及节理的力学性能进行研究,并建立含密集节理的岩体边坡模型,讨论了节理连通率对边坡破坏形式的影响。结果表明,节理岩体边坡的失稳破坏是一个渐进的过程;在多组节理密集分布的岩体边坡中,连通率越大,其稳定性越差;随着连通率的减小,边坡的破坏形式由大范围的滑坡转变为局部崩塌的形式  相似文献   

郑安兴  罗先启  沈辉 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2371-2377
危岩是三峡库区典型的地质灾害类型之一,主要分为坠落式危岩和倾倒式危岩两种失稳形式,危岩主控结构面受荷断裂扩展是其发育成灾的关键核心。将危岩主控结构面类比为宏观裂纹,运用扩展有限元方法(XFEM),求解结构面扩展过程的移动非连续问题,探索在荷载作用下危岩主控结构面的断裂扩展行为,以重庆万州太白岩危岩为例,考虑岩石的抗拉强度、主控结构面的几何位置与倾角对危岩的变形破坏模式与稳定性的影响。结果表明,随着岩石抗拉强度的降低,危岩的稳定性程度降低;随着主控结构面倾角的减小,危岩的稳定性程度提高,同时结构面开裂路径也明显改变;危岩体两种失稳模式的破坏机制都为拉剪机制,相对于倾倒式危岩,同等条件下坠落式危岩的稳定性更差。  相似文献   

Microplane damage model for jointed rock masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a new microplane constitutive model for the inelastic behavior of jointed rock masses that takes into account the mechanical behavior and geometric characteristics of cracks and joints. The basic idea is that the microplane modeling of rock masses under general triaxial loading, including compression, requires the isotropic rock matrix and the joints to be considered as two distinct phases coupled in parallel. A joint continuity factor is defined as a microplane damage variable to represent the stress‐carrying area fraction of the joint phase. Based on the assumption of parallel coupling between the rock joint and the rock matrix, the overall mechanical behavior of the rock is characterized by microplane constitutive laws for the rock matrix and for the rock joints, along with an evolution law for the microplane joint continuity factor. The inelastic response of the rock matrix and the rock joints is controlled on the microplane level by the stress–strain boundaries. Based on the arguments enunciated in developing the new microplane model M7 for concrete, the previously used volumetric–deviatoric splits of the elastic strains and of the tensile boundary are avoided. The boundaries are tensile normal, compressive normal, and shear. The numerical simulations demonstrate satisfactory fits of published triaxial test data on sandstone and on jointed plaster mortar, including quintessential features such as the strain softening and dilatancy under low confining pressure, as well as the brittle–ductile transition under higher confining pressure, and the decrease of jointed rock strength and Young's modulus with an increasing dip angle of the joint. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

循环冻融条件下节理岩体损伤破坏试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘红岩  刘冶  邢闯锋  张力民  马敏 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1547-1554
通过循环冻融和相似材料试验,研究了节理岩体在冻融条件下的损伤破坏机制及其相应的力学特性。通过对经历冻融循环后的试件损伤破坏模式的观察和单轴压缩试验,重点研究了节理倾角、节理贯通度、节理条数、节理充填物厚度、节理充填物类型、试件饱和度、冻融循环次数等对试件冻融损伤破坏模式、单轴抗压强度和弹性模量的影响。研究发现:节理存在及其物理力学性质对岩体的冻融损伤破坏模式及强度均有很大影响。节理倾角通过影响冻融裂纹的起裂位置进而影响其破坏模式和强度;随着贯通度的增加,试件表面裂纹由稀变密;随着节理条数增加,试件受冻融影响明显加剧;随着节理充填物厚度增加,试件冻融损伤程度先增加后减小;节理充填物类型对试件冻融损伤程度也有一定影响;随着试件饱和度的增加,试件冻融损伤程度先减小后增加;随着冻融循环次数的增加,节理试件表面因冻胀引起的裂纹逐渐增多、变宽,且其抗冻融特性较完整试件差。上述研究成果对寒区岩体工程建设及安全运营具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, an anisotropic strength criterion is established for jointed rock masses. An orientation distribution function (ODF) of joint connectivity, is introduced to characterize the anisotropic strength of jointed rock masses related to directional distributed joint sets. Coulomb failure condition is formulated for each plane of jointed rock masses by joint connectivity, where the friction coefficient and cohesion of the jointed rock mass are related to those of the intact rock and joint and become orientation dependent. When approximating joint connectivity by its second‐order fabric tensor, an anisotropic strength criterion is derived through an approximate analytical solution to the critical plane problem. To demonstrate the effects of joint distribution on the anisotropic strength of jointed rock masses, the failure envelopes are worked out for different relative orientations of material anisotropy and principal stress axes. The anisotropic strength criterion is also applied to wellbore stability analyses. It is shown that a borehole drilled in the direction of the maximum principal in situ stress is not always the safest due to the anisotropic strength of the jointed rock mass. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

唐志成  夏才初  丁增志 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2353-2358
通过直剪条件下的模型试验研究具有相同连通率、含不同起伏角的共面闭合节理在不同法向应力作用下的剪切变形特征。试验结果表明:在达到峰值剪切强度前,剪切应力-位移曲线具有明显的线性段与非线性段;岩桥在法向与剪切荷载的共同作用下会产生一定程度的弱化,积累到一定程度时宏观表现为剪切应力软化。详细阐述了试验过程中裂纹发展的4个阶段并描述了剪切应力-剪切变形曲线变化的特征,提出一个能反映剪切应力-剪切变形曲线全过程的经验本构模型。新模型采用分段函数描述曲线变化特征。直剪试验数据分析表明,该模型能够拟合剪切应力-剪切变形变化发展趋势且具有较高的拟合精度,验证了模型的正确性。最后,对其存在的不足亦进行了简要分析  相似文献   

Summary Based on an extension to a model originally proposed by Zhang (1990), a method for estimating the shear strength of a jointed rock mass containing two joint sets is developed. Compared to the original method in which only a single en-echelon joint set was considered, the new method has the following advantages: (1) it allows a much more realistic joint pattern to be incorporated; (2) the effects of joint connectivity and intersection angle between joint sets on shear strength are included. Use of the new method is demonstrated by application to the calculation of the stability of slopes in jointed rock. The importance of joint connectivity, joint persistence and joint set intersection angle on slope stability, as predicted by the model, is revealed.  相似文献   

Conceived as a potential alternative to the classical design methods employed for analyzing the stability of underground structures driven in jointed rocks, the homogenization approach stems from the heuristic idea that, from a macroscopic point of view, a rock mass cut by a network of joints may be perceived as a homogenized continuum. The strength properties of the latter can be theoretically obtained from the failure conditions of its individual constituents: rock matrix and joint interfaces. At the material level, the limit analysis reasoning is used in the context of homogenization to formulate the homogenized strength criterion of a jointed rock mass in the particular situation of a single set of parallel joints. As it could be expected, the obtained closed‐form expressions show the strength anisotropy induced by joint preferential orientation. The support functions (π functions) associated with the homogenized strength criterion are also determined in both plane strain and three‐dimensional cases. This criterion is then applied to the investigation of stability analysis of a tunnel excavated in a jointed rock mass. Upper bounds estimated of the stability factor are derived from the implementation of the kinematic approach directly on the homogenized underground structure. Finally, the approach is applied to analyze and discuss the collapse of the Pinheiros subway station (São Paulo, Brazil). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着岩体工程建设规模的加大,对节理岩体的研究提出了更高的要求,需要对节理岩体强度及其相关问题有全新的认识。在认真总结国内外节理岩体理论与试验研究的基础上,以节理岩体强度为主线,详细论述了理论强度准则、经验强度准则及其与强度有关的节理岩体试验、本构、数值模拟等内容,指出了节理岩体需进一步研究的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

The smooth‐joint contact model based on distinct element method has been widely used to represent discontinuity in the simulation of fractured rock mass, but there is rare efficient guidance for the selection of proper parameters of smooth‐joint contact model, which is the basement for using this model properly. In this paper, the effect of smooth joint parameters on the macroscopic properties and failure mechanism of jointed rock under triaxial compression test is investigated. The numerical results reveal that the friction coefficient of smooth joint plays a dominant role in controlling mechanical behaviors. The stiffness of smooth joint has a relative small influence on the mechanical behaviors. Poisson ratio decreases with the reduction of normal stiffness but increases with the reduction of shear stiffness. The reduction of smooth joint strength, which is determined by normal strength, cohesion, and friction angle of smooth joint, contributes to the breakage of bonded smooth joint and ultimately decreases the strength of the specimen. We proposed a detailed calibration process for smooth‐joint contact model according to the relationship between smooth‐joint parameters and mechanical properties. By following this process, the numerical results are validated against corresponding experimental results and good agreement between them can be found in stress‐strain curves and failure modes of different joint orientations. Further analyses from the microperspective are performed by looking at transmission of contact force, the nature and distribution of microcracks, and the particle displacement to show the failure process and failure modes.  相似文献   

张玉军  张维庆 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):359-364
为考察不同的各向异性抗剪强度表达式对于数值计算结果的影响,以一个假定的位于层状岩体中的矩形地下洞室为背景,分别使用笔者和Pietruszczak各自提出的材料摩擦系数和黏聚力随方向变化的公式,进行3种工况的弹塑性二维有限元模拟,对比了围岩中的应力、位移及塑性区。结果显示,笔者提出的经验表达式与和相应的Pietruszczak一阶表达式在计算中的精度基本相当,而与Pietruszczak的二阶表达式相比有较明显的差别。  相似文献   

A hybrid discrete-continuum approach has been presented in this paper to simulate water flow in the near and far fields of deformable fractured rocks. In the near field, the discrete model is used; while in the far field, the equivalent continuum model is employed. The discrete element method (with the static relaxation algorithm) is used in the near field and the boundary integral equation method in the far field. Along the interface of these two domains, both mechanical and hydraulic compatibility conditions are satisfied. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical analysis can be conducted in the combined near and far fields. Application to a dam foundation problem has demonstrated the capability of the developed approach.  相似文献   

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