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Geochemical and petrographic data suggest early submarine cementation of hardgrounds from the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation, Middle Jurassic, England. The three hardgrounds, from Cowthick, Castle Bytham and Leadenham quarries, developed in tidal-inlet, on-barrier and lagoonal sub-environments of a carbonate barrier-island complex. At Cowthick early composite (acicular-bladed) radial-fibrous cements, which pre-date aragonite dissolution, completely fill intergranular pore-space at the hardground surface; away from it isopachous fringing cements decrease in thickness. Microprobe analyses demonstrate zoning within the fringes with magnesium concentrations (> 2 wt % MgCO3) higher than those in allochems or later, ferroan cement (?0.5 wt % MgCO3, 1.7 wt % FeCO3). At Castle Bytham early granular isopachous cements, which post-date aragonite dissolution, occur within 5 cm of the surface. At Leadenham early lithification is superficial and represented by ferruginous crusts and micritic internal sediment. Late blocky cement fills residual pore-space in all three examples. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of whole-rock samples taken at intervals away from each hardground surface demonstrate the increasing proportion of late 18O depleted cements (δ18O – 8 to – 10). Early cements must have a marine isotopic composition; different δ18O values from each hardground reflect the intensity of early lithification and exclusion of late cements at the hardened surface. There is no isotopic evidence for subaerial cement precipitation during possible emergence at Castle Bytham. Oyster samples (with δ18O, – 2.9 and δ13C, 2.4) give estimated palaeotemperatures of 22–25°C. Early cements from Cowthick are enriched in 18O and 13C (δ18O = 0 δ13C ? 3‰) compared to the oyster values. In conjunction with trace element data this is interpreted as evidence for high-magnesium calcite precursor cements which underwent replacement in a system with a low water: rock ratio. The intensity of early lithification is related to depositional environment: maximum circulation of sea-water producing the most lithified hardground (Cowthick). This is directly analogous to the formation of Recent hardgrounds.  相似文献   

Analyses were made of a mollusc‐based meta dataset of 859 δ13C and δ18O data of Miocene nearshore settings in the European Paratethys Sea and its descendant Lake Pannon. The observed trends document a strong tie to geodynamics, which are largely decoupled from Miocene open ocean isotope curves. Semi‐ to fully enclosed, initially marine water bodies such as the Paratethys Sea are prone to switching seawater isotope signatures because they respond rapidly to changes in the evaporation/precipitation ratio. Two phases of positive deviations of oxygen isotope values of water (relative to the modern ocean value, SMOW) occurred during the Middle Miocene; both were initiated by tectonic constrictions of the seaways and became amplified by global warming and regionally decreasing precipitation. With the final disintegration of the Paratethys, the marine isotope signatures vanish. Instead, the observed isotope trends suggest a comparably simple system of an alkaline lake with steadily declining salinity. The ‘ocean‐derived’ Paratethys Sea may thus act as a key for understanding isotope trends in epicontinental seas.  相似文献   

Four wells (K-109, Hr-1, Tk-3, and Bj-1) in NE Iraq (including parts of the Kurdistan Region) were selected to study the Tithonian–Berriasian Chia Gara Formation from the inorganic geochemical point of view. The intervals studied in each well occurred at present-day burial depths of Hr-1 3,075–3,310 m; K-109 2,780–3,090; Tk-1 2,770–2,890; and Bj-1 2,150–2,310 m. A total of 16 samples from the four studied wells were investigated geochemically using X-ray fluorescence in order to measure their major element oxides and their trace element contents. Among the major oxides, CaO has the highest weight percentages in all samples as expected in this limestone-dominated formation. SiO2 and Al2O3 show higher concentrations only in well Bj-1 than the other sections, due to its shallower depth of deposition and its marginal location within the depositional basin. The general trace element distribution along all studied well successions showed good similarity. However, the ratios of V/Ni and V/Cr were of higher values in the lower part of the formation, which is considered as a good indicator to the deposition of this part of the formation within anoxic depositional environment. An exception was in well Bj-1, where the V/Ni ratio was lower in the this lower part of the formation than the upper part that may be due to the different lithology in this succession which is lacking distinct shale or calcareous shale beds. However, the V/Cr ratio can still indicate the prevailing of reducing condition because V/Cr ratios in all samples are >2. Also, Th/U ratio in the lower part of the studied successions was lower than the upper part, which is also coinciding with the domination of the reducing geochemical conditions in the depositional environment. It may be concluded from this study that the R-mode cluster analysis of the main oxides indicated to the main mineral constituent of the rock which is calcite. It is also confirmed that the SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the Chia Gara limestones are especially high in well Bj-1, particularly in the lower and upper parts of the succession. On the other hand, R-mode cluster analysis of the trace elements showed lower amounts of Zr and V in relation to silica and confirmed the random distribution of Sr and Ba in the studied samples. Q-mode cluster analysis indicated that the upper part of the studied formation is pure limestone in well H-1 and such purity of limestone beds also occurs in the lower part of the studied formation in well Tk-3. The elemental distribution within the sections as inferred from the studied samples indicates that the anoxic depositional conditions were prevailed during the Chia Gara Formation, especially during the accumulation of the lower part.  相似文献   

对取自赣南地区10个温泉的地热气体进行了气体化学成分及氦、碳、氖同位素组成的分析。该区地热气体可分为CO2型和N2型两种类型。CO2型地热气体分布在赣南东南部地区,主要成分是CO2,占总体积96.47%以上,二氧化碳气体的δ13C值为 -5.50‰~-3.49‰(PDB),平均为 -4.66‰,为幔源无机成因,其氦同位素组成为1.36~2.27 Ra,具有明显的幔源成因特征,最高约有28.2%的氦源于地幔,其N2-Ar-He关系研究表明,该型地热气体中的氮源于地幔-地壳-大气混合成因。研究揭示该区CO2型地热气体属幔源无机成因气,是地幔脱气作用的产物。N2型地热气体分布在赣南西部地区,N2含量占91.04%以上,其中二氧化碳气体的δ13C值为 -23.7‰~-12.6‰,平均为 -17.82‰,为壳源有机成因,其氦同位素组成为0.06~0.13 Ra,具有明显的壳源放射性成因特征,3He/4He 与 4He/20Ne关系和He-Ar-N2关系研究表明,N2型温泉气主要来源于大气,并有壳源气体的贡献。  相似文献   

Pb isotopic composition and concentrations were determined for whole-rock samples from the Pliocene-Pleistocene, acid, Tuscan Igneous Province, Italy, in order to clarify their relation to the Cenozoic alkaline volcanism of Central Italy. The Pb of the Tuscan rocks is fairly uniform in its isotopic composition, despite variable and high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.711–0.725; Barberi et al, 1971).A comparison of the Pb isotopic composition in the Tuscan and the potassic alkaline rocks strongly suggests a continuous mixing relation between both rock series, with partial melts of mantle material and argillaceous sedimentary rocks as likely end-members. Such an interrelation could also provide a simple explanation for the range in the Sr isotopic ratio within the Tuscan rocks. The favoured model envisages a similar history for both rock-series; it is suggested that their main petrographic differences result from a lower portion of mantle-derived material in the parental material for the Tuscan rocks, and from the mineral phases present in the residue during partial melting of the source region.  相似文献   

Petrological, geochemical and radiogenic isotopic data on ophiolitic‐type rocks from the Marlborough terrane, the largest (~700 km2) ultramafic‐mafic rock association in eastern Australia, argue strongly for a sea‐floor spreading centre origin. Chromium spinel from partially serpentinised mantle harzburgite record average Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.4 with associated mafic rocks displaying depleted MORB‐like trace‐element characteristics. A Sm/Nd isochron defined by whole‐rock mafic samples yields a crystallisation age of 562 ± 22 Ma (2σ). These rocks are thus amongst the oldest rocks so far identified in the New England Fold Belt and suggest the presence of a late Neoproterozoic ocean basin to the east of the Tasman Line. The next oldest ultramafic rock association dated from the New England Fold Belt is ca530 Ma and is interpreted as backarc in origin. These data suggest that the New England Fold Belt may have developed on oceanic crust, following an oceanward migration of the subduction zone at ca540 Ma as recorded by deformation and metamorphism in the Anakie Inlier. Fragments of late Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere were accreted during progressive cratonisation of the east Australian margin.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾北部深海沉降颗粒物通量的季节性变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用1998~2000年中国南极科学考察期间(第15和16航次)在南极普里兹湾北部海域所获得的沉积物捕获器样品的资料,对南极普里兹湾北部海域颗粒物的有机地球化学特征进行了调查,并重点开展了该海域颗粒物通量及其季节性变化特征的研究。研究结果表明,在1000m深度,颗粒物通量呈现明显的季节性变化,最高通量出现在南极夏季的1月份,最低通量出现在4~7月份;通量的变化范围为13.00~334.59mgd-1m-2。捕获器中颗粒物的主要成分为生源物质(生物硅、有机质和碳酸钙),占总通量的50.62%~92.06%,而生源组分中又以生物硅为主要成分,其值介于9.30~136.33mgd-1m-2之间,占总通量的40.74%~74.21%。有机质和碳酸钙的通量远小于生物硅,分别平均占总通量的9.06%±4.26%和4.42%±2.14%。颗粒物中各组分通量的变化趋势与总通量明显相似,均呈现明显的季节性变化,这主要归因于研究海域海冰的形成与消退。在垂向变化上,1月份1000m深度颗粒物通量高于2000m深度,这表明该海域颗粒物的转化主要发生在上层水体。  相似文献   

Before the 20th century, groundwater circulation in the aquifers of the British Isles had largely adjusted to the temperate maritime climate and sea levels established over the past 10 ka since the end of the Pleistocene. However, in the last 100 a this natural regime has been disturbed by abstraction of water for public supply and industrial use, and palaeowaters from earlier recharge episodes are now becoming a factor to be considered in water balance estimates. This paper presents a synthesis of the existing palaeowater distribution in the British Isles, based on isotopic evidence (δ18O, δ2H and and14C). As such, it has relevance to palaeoclimatic studies in addition to the water resource implications.The Triassic basins of England and Northern Ireland contain saline waters beyond the range14C dating (>; 40 ka). Stable isotopic ratios show enrichment in some basins and depletion in others, without an overall pattern that would explain all the observed compositions. The results for the Wessex basin suggest recharge in pre-Quaternary times, but for the other basins some flushing by Pleistocene or Holocene meteoric waters is indicated. Isolated occurrences of apparently long-residence waters are found elsewhere throughout the British Isles, for example from Carboniferous and Lower Palaeozoic strata. In such cases, environmental isotopes are more useful as constraints on hydrogeological models than as indicators of palaeoconditions.Major water supply aquifers are restricted almost entirely to England. The two sandstone formations (Triassic Sherwood Sandstone and Cretaceous Lower Greensand) have a greater range of stable isotopic values between phreatic and confined conditions than the two carbonate formations (Jurassic Lincolnshire Limestone and Cretaceous Chalk). This indicates that the sandstone aquifers are better archives of information on palaeoconditions than the carbonate aquifers. They show that atmospheric circulation patterns over Britain have probably remained the same since the late Pleistocene. However,14C data from all four of the major aquifers emphasise the hiatus in recharge during periglacial conditions which occurred between the late Pleistocene and early Holocene.  相似文献   

The mechanical breakdown of rock by physical weathering exerts a significant control on chemical weathering rates because it produces surface area. During periods of icehouse conditions on Earth, the grinding of rock by glacial processes should lead to faster chemical weathering of the continents, perhaps particularly during periods of pronounced climatic variability, like the Quaternary. Evidence is reviewed here for both high and cyclical chemical weathering rates during the Quaternary, and the implications for both marine geochemical budgets and climate-chemical weathering feedbacks are discussed.  相似文献   

Radiometric age data for shergottites yield ages of 4.0 Ga and 180-575 Ma; the interpretation of these ages has been, and remains, a subject of debate. Here, we present new 39Ar-40Ar laser probe data on lherzolitic shergottites Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 and Northwest Africa (NWA) 1950. These two meteorites are genetically related, but display very different degrees of shock damage. On a plot of 40Ar/36Ar versus 39Ar/36Ar, the more strongly shocked ALH 77005 (45-55 GPa) does not yield an array of values indicating an isochron, but the data are highly scattered with the shock melts yielding 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 1600-2026. Apparent ages calculated from these extractions range from 374-8183 Ma, with 50% of the data, particularly from the shock melts, yielding impossibly old ages (>4.567 Ga). On the same plot, extractions from igneous minerals in the less shocked NWA 1950 (30-44 GPa) yield a fitted age of 382 ± 36 Ma. Argon extractions from the shock melts are well distinguished from minerals, with the melts exhibiting the highest 40Ar/36Ar ratios (1260-1488) and the oldest apparent ages. Laser step heating was also performed on maskelynite separates from NWA 1950 yielding ages of 1000 Ma at the lowest release temperatures, and ages of 360 and 362 Ma at higher temperature steps. Stepped heating data from previous studies have yielded ages of 500 and 700 Ma to 1.7 Ga for ALH 77005 maskelynite separates. If the ages obtained from igneous minerals represent undegassed argon from an ancient (4.0 Ga) rock, then the ages are expected to anticorrelate with the degree of shock heating. The data do not support this inference. Our data support young crystallization ages for minerals and Martian atmosphere as the origin of excess 40Ar in the shock melts.The shock features of shergottites are also reviewed in the context of what is known of the geologic history of the Martian surface through remote observation. The oldest, most heavily cratered surfaces of Mars are thought to be ?4.0 Ga; we contend that ancient rocks from Mars (Noachian >3.5 Ga) are likely to record multiple impact events reflecting megaregolith formation and the cumulative effects of erosion and aqueous alteration occurring during or since that era. Young rocks (Late Amazonian, <0.6 Ga) should record a relatively simple history of emplacement and ejection from the near surface. We show that although shergottites are strongly shocked, they are relatively pristine crystalline igneous rocks and not pervasively altered breccias. The petrography of shergottites is at odds with an ancient age interpretation. A model in which young coherent rocks are preferentially sampled by hypervelocity impact because of material strength is considered highly plausible.  相似文献   

Time-series Mark VII sediment trap was deployed at 72°58.55′E, 62°28.63°S (north of the Prydz Bay, Antarctica) during the cruise of CHINARE-15 in cooperation with University of Marine of America. Seasonal variability of deep ocean particle fluxes and biogenic components were investigated in order to reveal the fluxes and biogeochemistry of sinking particles in the deep ocean. The results show that the total mass flux of sinking particles at a water depth of 1000 m ranges from 13.00 to 334.59 mg⋅d−1⋅m−2). A marked seasonal variability exists in the fluxes of all particle components reflecting the seasonal changes in upper water productivity. Biogenic material was a significant component and biogenic silica represented more than 80% of the biogenic matter, reflecting a diatom dominated system, but a lithogenic fraction is always present. The fact that the POC dominated over particulate inorganic carbon (as CaCO3) and Cinorg/Corg was always greater than 1, indicate a net removal of CO2 from surface water by biological activity. __________ Translated from Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2006, 5: 49–55 [译自:海洋 学报]  相似文献   

The low‐grade metamorphosed Jurassic accretionary complex of the Northern Chichibu Belt, Hijikawa area, western Shikoku, is divided into two units, the Hijikawa and Kanogawa units, that are separated by an out‐of‐sequence thrust (OOST), the Ozu‐Kawabegawa Fault. The Kanogawa unit south of the Ozu‐Kawabegawa fault consists mainly of sandstone, shale, broken formation of alternating sandstone and shale, greenstone, chert, and pelitic melange, while the Hijikawa unit is characterized by a stack of subunits separated by small‐scale thrusts. The subunits are mainly made up of basic, pelitic and psammitic semischists, schistose pelitic melange, and chert. Petrological and mineralogical constraints suggest peak metamorphic conditions of 204–247 °C at 1–3 kbar in the Kanogawa unit, and 228–289 °C at 3–5.6 kbar in the Hijikawa unit. Quartz and quartz‐calcite veins are widely developed in the study area, especially in the Hijikawa unit. Regional variations in stable isotopic data show that the δ18Oquartz and δ18Ocalcite values in veins tend to increase towards the Ozu‐Kawabegawa Fault. The δ18Owhole rock values are remarkably high in some subunits close to OOSTs within the Hijikawa unit. Oxygen isotopic compositions from vein quartz indicate that a higher δ18O fluid migrated upward from depth along the Ozu‐Kawabegawa Fault within the accretionary prism during prehnite‐pumpellyite facies metamorphism. The fluid source is inferred to be pelitic rocks at higher temperatures and greater depths within the accretionary prism.  相似文献   

I.L. Abbotts 《Lithos》1981,14(4):283-294
The island of Masirah is composed of a fully-developed, late-Mesozoic, ophiolite in which are exposed extensive tracts of regularly-trending, sheeted dyke complex and associated pillow lavas. These upper ocean-crust rocks have been subject to a hydrothermal constructive-margin metamorphism, which has had profound effects on their major and alkaline element geochemistry. Minor, trace and rare-earth element characteristics suggest: (1) the involvement of extensive magma-chamber fractional crystallisation in the development of their chemistry, (2) their origin at a former spreading centre, through whether mid-ocean or marginal basin cannot be constrained by their geochemistry alone.  相似文献   

Sections through Lower Jurassic epicontinental carbonates from Southern Britain (Junction Bed and equivalent) show a positive carbon-isotope excursion (δ13Ccarbonate), detectable in bulk rock, in the falciferum Zone of the lower Toarcian. Isotopic data from organic matter in more clay-rich sections from Wales and north-east England, together with determinations on belemnite calcite, indicate that highest δ13C values are localized in the upper exaratum Subzone of the falciferum Zone. Levels of particular enrichment in organic carbon were developed in the early to mid-exaratum Subzone and hence pre-date this δ13C maximum. These phenomena reflect the impact of the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event in the British area. Similar isotopic trends have been recorded in other Toarcian sections from Tethyan Europe and are interpreted as reflecting the chemistry of sea water. On the assumption of isotopic correlation between the English and Tethyan sections, the δ13C maximum would be everywhere dated as latest exaratum Subzone in terms of the north European ammonite scheme. Absolute oxygen-isotope values in carbonates probably reflect both early diagenetic cementation and later temperature-related burial diagenesis, although a palaeotemperature maximum is tentatively identified as characterizing the early falciferum Zone. Subsequent climatic deterioration may have been triggered by drawdown of CO2, related to regional excess carbon burial during the oceanic anoxic event. Using the positive δ13C excursion as a correlative level in sections from different faunal provinces (Britain, Italy and Spain) implies that lower Toarcian zonal stratigraphy is diachronous between northern and southern Europe. There is evidence for partitioning of water masses between the north European shelf and the Tethyan continental margin during the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

通过对云南澜沧老厂深部斑岩钼(铜)矿的S、Pb、H、O同位素地球化学特征的综合分析研究,探讨了隐伏斑岩型矿床的成矿物质来源.研究表明:斑岩钼(铜)矿体主要硫化物的δ34S在3.99‰~+1.8‰之间,平均值为- 1.32‰,分布范围较窄,指示硫具有壳-幔混合源特征;隐伏的成矿花岗斑岩和矿石中主要硫化物的铅同位素组成的变化范围和平均值均具明显的相似性,206pb/204pb比值变化于17.863~ 18.701之间(平均值为18.411),207pb/204 Pb值变化于15.448~15.733之间(平均值为15.628),208 Pb/204 pb值变化于37.753~39.104之间(平均值为38.615),指示矿区斑岩型矿体中的原始铅具有壳-幔混合源的特点,深部地幔也是重要源区之一;斑岩型钼(铜)矿体脉石矿物石英的δ18QH2O在-9.51‰~+9.41‰之间,δD在- 93‰~- 46.2‰之间,指示斑岩矿体成矿流体介质水既有岩浆水又有大气降水,其中,在远离主岩体的外接触带大气降水(雨水)参与成矿的程度相对较高.  相似文献   

Field relations, petrographic features, major and selected trace element compositions, and Sr- and Pb- isotope characteristics indicate that the Coire Uaigneich Granophyre (CUG) was formed by the mixing of two magmas. One of these, a liquid of high 87Sr/86Sr ratio (ca. 0.731) formed by the anatexis of late Precambrian Torridonian sediments, contained relict quartz and zircon. The other liquid was an acid differentiate of basaltic magma and was enriched in incompatible elements such as Zr and Y. The two magmas mixed in the proportions of approximately two parts anatectic melt to one part acid differentiate. Hydrothermal metamorphism had no significant effect on the bulk chemistry of the CUG.  相似文献   

The Jurassic dolerites of Tasmania represent a small part ofthe widespread Mesozoic magmatism of Gondwana, and possess someof the most extreme isotopic and elemental signatures observedin tholeiitic rocks. This study documents the remarkable uniformityof the magma in major, trace element and isotopic compositionat the time of emplacement. Many of the trace element and isotopiccharacteristics compare more closely with those of continentalcrustal rocks than with typical mantle-derived materials, indicatingthe dominance of a crustal component in the petrogenesis ofthese tholeiites. Difficulties in reproducing the trace elementsignatures of the dolerites using calculations involving crustalassimilation, and the unreasonable isotopic compositions requiredof the contaminant, make such models unlikely. We argue that a more likely explanation involves the introductionof a small quantity of sediment (3 wt.%) into a depleted mantlesource by the process of subduction. It is envisaged that thetrace element and isotopic compositions of the mantle sourcewere overprinted by the crustal signatures owing to the lowabundance of incompatible trace elements originally present.These crustal signatures were subsequently inherited by magmasproduced during partial melting.  相似文献   

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