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Different continental collision belts show contrasting metamorphic trend along their length, including the distribution of extreme metamorphism; i.e., ultrahigh-pressure (>100 km depth) and ultrahigh-temperature (900–1150 °C) metamorphisms. However, no previous study has succeeded in explaining these trends. The present study investigates the main factors that control the metamorphic trends along collision belts, with reference to the Dabie–Hongseong collision belt between the North and South China blocks and the Himalayan collision belt between the Indian and Asian blocks. In the Dabie–Hongseong collision belt, collision began in the east before 245 Ma and propagated westward until ca. 220 Ma. In the eastern part of the belt, the amount of oceanic slab that subducted before collision was insufficient to pull down the continental crust to the depths of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism; however, ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism occurred in the western part of the belt. Slab break-off also migrated from east to west, with a westward increase in the depth of break-off (from ca. 10 kbar in the west to ca. 35 kbar in the east). These lateral trends along the belt resulted in a westward change from ultrahigh-temperature (915–1160 °C, 9.0–10.6 kbar) to high-pressure (835–860 °C, 17.0–20.9 kbar) and finally ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism (680–880 °C, 30–40 kbar). In the Himalayan collision belt, collision started from the west at 50 Ma and propagated eastward. The amount of oceanic slab subducted prior to collision was sufficient to pull down the continental crust to the depths of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the west, but not in the east. Slab break-off started in the west at ca. 46 Ma and propagated eastward, with an eastward decrease in the depth of slab break-off from 27–29 to 17–18 kbar. Consequently, the metamorphic trend along the belt changes eastward from ultrahigh-pressure (690–750 °C, 27–29 kbar) to high-pressure and finally high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism (890 °C, 17–18 kbar). The differences in metamorphic trend between the Dabie–Hongseong and Himalayan collision belts reflect the amount of oceanic crust subducted prior to collision and the depth and timing of slab break-off along each belt.  相似文献   

The final assembly of the Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Nuna was marked by the collision of Laurentia and Australia at 1.60 Ga, which is recorded in the Georgetown Inlier of NE Australia. Here, we decipher the metamorphic evolution of this final Nuna collisional event using petrostructural analysis, major and trace element compositions of key minerals, thermodynamic modelling, and multi-method geochronology. The Georgetown Inlier is characterised by deformed and metamorphosed 1.70–1.62 Ga sedimentary and mafic rocks, which were intruded by c. 1.56 Ga old S-type granites. Garnet Lu–Hf and monazite U–Pb isotopic analyses distinguish two major metamorphic events (M1 at c. 1.60 Ga and M2 at c. 1.55 Ga), which allows at least two composite fabrics to be identified at the regional scale—c. 1.60 Ga S1 (consisting in fabrics S1a and S1b) and c. 1.55 Ga S2 (including fabrics S2a and S2b). Also, three tectono-metamorphic domains are distinguished: (a) the western domain, with S1 defined by low-P (LP) greenschist facies assemblages; (b) the central domain, where S1 fabric is preserved as medium-P (MP) amphibolite facies relicts, and locally as inclusion trails in garnet wrapped by the regionally dominant low-P amphibolite facies S2 fabric; and (c) the eastern domain dominated by upper amphibolite to granulite facies S2 foliation. In the central domain, 1.60 Ga MP–medium-T (MT) metamorphism (M1) developed within the staurolite–garnet stability field, with conditions ranging from 530550°C at 67 kbar (garnet cores) to 620650°C at 89 kbar (garnet rims), and it is associated with S1 fabric. The onset of 1.55 Ga LP–high-T (HT) metamorphism (M2) is marked by replacement of staurolite by andalusite (M2a/D2a), which was subsequently pseudomorphed by sillimanite (M2b/D2b) where granite and migmatite are abundant. P–T conditions ranged from 600 to 680°C and 4–6 kbar for the M2b sillimanite stage. 1.60 Ga garnet relicts within the S2 foliation highlight the progressive obliteration of the S1 fabric by regional S2 in the central zone during peak M2 metamorphism. In the eastern migmatitic complex, partial melting of paragneiss and amphibolite occurred syn- to post- S2, at 730–770°C and 6–8 kbar, and at 750–790°C and 6 kbar, respectively. The pressure–temperature–deformation–time paths reconstructed for the Georgetown Inlier suggest a c. 1.60 Ga M1/D1 event recorded under greenschist facies conditions in the western domain and under medium-P and medium-T conditions in the central domain. This event was followed by the regional 1.56–1.54 Ga low-P and high-T phase (M2/D2), extensively recorded in the central and eastern domains. Decompression between these two metamorphic events is ascribed to an episode of exhumation. The two-stage evolution supports the previous hypothesis that the Georgetown Inlier preserves continental collisional and subsequent thermal perturbation associated with granite emplacement.  相似文献   

Robust quantification of pressure (P)–temperature (T) paths for subduction-related HP/UHP metamorphic rocks is fundamental in recognizing spatial changes in both the depth of detachment from the down-going plate and the thermal evolution of convergent margin sutures in orogenic belts. Although the Chinese southwestern (SW) Tianshan is a well-known example of an accretionary metamorphic belt in which HP/UHP metabasites occur in voluminous host metasedimentary schists, information about the P–T evolution of these rocks in the eastern segment is limited, precluding a full understanding of the development of the belt as a whole. In this study at Kekesu in the eastern segment of the SW Tianshan, we use microstructural evidence and phase equilibrium modelling to quantify the peak and retrograde P–T conditions from two lawsonite-bearing micaschists and an enclosed garnet–epidote blueschist; for two of the samples we also constrain the late prograde P–T path. In the two micaschist samples, relics of prograde lawsonite are preserved in quartz inclusions in garnet, whereas in the metabasite, polymineralic aggregates included in garnet are interpreted as pseudomorphs after lawsonite. For garnet micaschist TK21, which is mainly composed of garnet, phengite/paragonite, albite, chlorite, quartz and relict lawsonite, with accessary rutile, titanite and ilmenite, the maximum P–T conditions for the peak stage are 18.0–19.0 kbar at 480–485°C. During initial exhumation, the retrograde P–T path passed through metamorphic conditions of 15.0–17.0 kbar at 460–500°C. For garnet–glaucophane micaschist TK33, which is mainly composed of garnet, glaucophane, phengite/paragonite, albite, chlorite, quartz, relict lawsonite and minor epidote, with accessary titanite, apatite, ilmenite and zircon, the maximum P conditions for the peak stage are >24.0 kbar at 400–500°C. During exhumation, the P–T path passed through metamorphic conditions of 17.5–18.5 kbar at 485–495°C and 14.0–17.5 kbar at 460–500°C. For garnet–epidote blueschist TK37, which is mainly composed of garnet, glaucophane, epidote, phengite, chlorite, albite and quartz, with accessary titanite, apatite, ilmenite, zircon and calcite, the prograde evolution passed through metamorphic conditions of ~20.0 kbar at ~445°C to Pmax conditions of ~21.5 kbar at 450–460°C and Tmax conditions of 19.5–21.0 kbar at 490–520°C. During exhumation, the rock passed through metamorphic conditions of 17.5–19.0 kbar at 475–500°C, before recording P–T conditions of <17.5 kbar at <500°C. These results demonstrate that maximum recorded pressures for individual samples vary by as much as 6 kbar in the eastern segment of the SW Tianshan, which may suggest exhumation from different depths in the subduction channel. Furthermore, the three samples record similar P–T paths from ~17.0 to 15.0 kbar, which suggests they were juxtaposed at a similar depth along the subduction interface. We compare our new results with published information from eclogites in the same area before considering the wider implications of these data for the orogenic development of the belt as a whole.  相似文献   

Zircon grains separated from 2 granulites from the eastern Himalaya were investigated by Raman spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence imaging, and secondary ion mass spectrometry. These grains have a thin homogeneous rim and an oscillatory inner zone domain with or without a relict inherited core. Garnet, kyanite, and rutile inclusions were identified within only the rim domain of zircon grains, indicating that the rim had formed during peak granulite-facies metamorphism. U–Pb zircon data record three distinct age populations: 1,805 Ma (for the inherited core), ca. 500 Ma (oscillatory inner zone), as well as 24–25 Ma and ca. 18 Ma (for the metamorphic rim). These new precision ages suggest that the peak metamorphic age for the HP granulite is at ca. 24–25 Ma, and subsequent amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism occurred at ca. 18 Ma.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria in medium-grade metapelites of the Northern Ladoga area are calculated with the pseudosection method and Theriak/Domono software on the basis of zoning in garnets. It is shown that garnet in the staurolite-bearing parageneses crystallized at 520–600°C against the background of a pressure release from 7.0 to 3.5–4.0 kbar. The evolution of the mineral composition of rocks in the course of porphyroblast formation is discussed, placing special emphasis on the comparative analysis of P–T paths of garnet growth under decompression conditions.  相似文献   

The origin of the Greater Himalayan Sequence in the Himalaya and the paleogeographic position of the Lhasa terrane within Gondwanaland remain controversial. In the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis, the basement complexes of the northeastern Indian plate (Namche Barwa Complex) and the South Lhasa terrane (Nyingchi Complex) can be studied to explore these issues. Detrital zircons from the metasedimentary rocks in the Namche Barwa Complex and Nyingchi Complex yield similar U–Pb age spectra, with major age populations of 1.00–1.20 Ga, 1.30–1.45 Ga, 1.50–1.65 Ga and 1.70–1.80 Ga. The maximum depositional ages for their sedimentary protoliths are ~ 1.0 Ga based on the mean ages of the youngest three detrital zircons. Their minimum depositional ages are ~ 477 Ma for the Namche Barwa Complex and ~ 499 Ma for the Nyingchi Complex. Detrital zircons from the Namche Barwa Complex and Nyingchi Complex also display similar trace-element signatures and Hf isotopic composition, indicating that they were derived from common provenance. The trace-element signatures of 1.30–1.45 Ga detrital zircons indicate that the 1.3–1.5 Ga alkalic and mafic rocks belt in the southeastern India is a potential provenance. Most 1.50–1.65 Ga zircons have positive εHf(t) values (+ 1.2 to + 9.0), and most 1.70–1.80 Ga zircons have negative εHf(t) values (− 7.1 to − 1.9), which are compatible with those of the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic orthogneisses in the Namche Barwa Complex. Provenance analysis indicates that the southern Indian Shield, South Lhasa terrane and probably Eastern Antarctica were the potential detrital sources. Combined with previous studies, our results suggest that: (1) the Namche Barwa Complex is the northeastern extension of the Greater Himalaya Sequence; (2) the metasedimentary rocks in the Namche Barwa Complex represent distal deposits of the northern Indian margin relative to the Lesser Himalaya; (3) the South Lhasa terrane was tectonically linked to northern India before the Cambrian.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1184-1202
Based on metamorphic studies of the Yadong high-pressure (HP) granulite and multiple thermochronological investigations of granitoids from both upper and lower parts, the Yadong section in the eastern Himalaya constrains the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS). The Yadong HP granulite, located at the top of the GHS, underwent a peak-stage HP granulite facies metamorphism and two stages of retrograde metamorphism. Granulite and hornblende facies retrograde metamorphism took place at 48.5 and 31.8 Ma, respectively, marking the time of exhumation of the subducted Indian slab to lower and middle crustal levels. Subsequently, an average young zircon U–Pb age obtained from the Yadong HP granulite indicated that this unit was captured by its surroundings in a partially molten condition at 16.9 Ma. In addition, three granitoids from both the lower and the upper parts of the GHS yielded biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of 11.0, 11.3, and 11.5 million years. These consistent ages suggest that the GHS along the Yadong section was laterally extruded and synchronously cooled to ~300°C at ~11.3 Ma. Furthermore, the granitic gneisses yield apatite fission track ages of ~7 million years, documenting the cooling of the GHS to ~110°C. A two-stage model describes the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the GHS: (1) the Indian slab had subducted under Tibet before ~55 Ma, and was exhumed to the lower crust (50-40 km) at 48.5 Ma, and to the middle crust (22-15 km) at 31.8 Ma; and (2) the partial melting occurred at middle crustal levels during the period 31.8 to 16.9 Ma, causing channel flow. In the late stage, the GHS was laterally extruded by ductile mid-crustal flow during the period 16.9 to ~7 Ma, characterized by a fast cooling rate of ~2 mm per year.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1999,93(2-3):181-199
The Wutai Complex represents the best preserved granite-greenstone terrane in the North China Craton. The complex comprises a sequence of metamorphosed ultramafic to felsic volcanic rocks, variably deformed granitoid rocks, along with lesser amounts of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks and banded iron formations. Petrological evidence from the Wutai amphibolites indicates four metamorphic evolutionary stages. The M1 assemblage is composed of plagioclase+quartz+actinolite+chlorite+epidote+biotite+rutile, preserved as mineral inclusions in garnet porphyroblasts. The metamorphic conditions for this assemblage cannot be quantitatively estimated. The M2 stage is represented by garnet porphyroblasts in a matrix of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, rutile and ilmenite. PT conditions for this assemblage have been estimated using the program Tweequ at 10–12 kbar and 600–650°C. The M3 assemblage is shown by amphibole+plagioclase±ilmenite symplectic coronas around embayed garnets and yields PT conditions of 6.0–7.0 kbar and 600–650°C. M4 is represented by chlorite and epidote rimming garnet, chlorite rimming amphibole and epidote replacing plagioclase under greenschist-facies conditions of 400–500°C and relatively lower pressures. Taken together, the qualitative PT estimates from M1 and M4 and the quantitative PT estimates from M2 and M3 define a clockwise PT path for the Wutai amphibolites.The estimated PT path from the four stages suggests that the Wutai Complex underwent initial burial and crustal thickening (M1+M2), subsequent isothermal exhumation (M3), and finally cooling and retrogression (M4). This tectonothermal path, along with those of the Fuping and Hengshan complexes, which bound the southeast and northwest margins, respectively, of the Wutai Complex, is considered to record the early Paleoproterozoic collision between the eastern and western segments of the North China craton.  相似文献   

We studied a number of magmatic Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposits in two distinct belts in eastern Botswana. The Tati belt contains several relatively small deposits (up to 4.5 Mt of ore at 2.05% Ni and 0.85% Cu) at Phoenix, Selkirk and Tekwane. The deposits are hosted by ca 2.7 Ga, low- to medium-grade metamorphosed gabbroic–troctolitic intrusions situated within or at the periphery of a greenstone belt. The deposits of the Selebi-Phikwe belt are larger in size (up to 31 Mt of ore grade). They are hosted by high-grade metamorphosed gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites believed to be older than ca 2.0 Ga that intruded gneisses of the Central Zone of the Limpopo metamorphic belt. The composition of the sulfide mineralisation in the two belts shows systematic variation. Most of the mineralisation in the Tati belt contains 2–9% Ni and 0.05–4% Cu (Cu/Cu + Ni = 0.4–0.7), whereas most of the mineralisation in the Selebi-Phikwe belt contains 1–3% Ni and 0.1–4% Cu (Cu/Cu + Ni = 0.4–0.9). The Cu–Ni tenors of the ores in both belts are consistent with crystallization from a basaltic magma. The Tati ores contain mostly >3 ppm Pt + Pd (Pt/Pd 0.1–1), with Pd/Ir = 100–1,000, indicative of a differentiated basaltic magma that remained S-undersaturated before emplacement. Most of the Selebi-Phikwe ores have <0.5 ppm Pt + Pd (Pt/Pd < 0.1–1), with Pd/Ir = 10–500. This suggests a relatively less differentiated magma that reached S saturation before emplacement. The Tati rocks show flat mantle-normalised incompatible trace element patterns (average Th/YbN = 1.57), except for strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, K). Such patterns are characteristic of relatively uncontaminated oceanic arc magmas and suggest that the Tati intrusions were emplaced in a destructive plate margin setting. Most of the Selebi-Phikwe rocks (notably Dikoloti) have more fractionated trace element signatures (average Th/YbN = 4.22), possibly indicating digestion of upper crustal material during magma emplacement. However, as there are also samples that have oceanic arc-like signatures, an alternative possibility is that the composition of most Selebi-Phikwe rocks reflects tectonic mingling of the intrusive rocks with the country rocks. The implication is that orogenic belts may have a higher prospectivity for magmatic Ni–Cu ores than presently recognised. The trigger mechanism for sulfide saturation and segregation in all intrusions remains unclear. Whereas the host rocks to the intrusions appear to be relatively sulfur poor, addition of crustal S to the magmas is suggested by low Se/S ratios in some of the ores (notably at Selebi-Phikwe). External S sources may thus remain unidentified due to poor exposure and/or S mobility in response to metamorphism.  相似文献   

All geochemical measurements require the taking of field samples, but the uncertainty that this process causes is often ignored when assessing the reliability of the interpretation, of the geochemistry or the health implications. Recently devised methods for the estimation, optimisation and reduction of this uncertainty have been evaluated by their application to the investigation of contaminated land. Uncertainty of measurement caused by primary sampling has been estimated for a range of six different contaminated land site investigations, using an increasingly recognized procedure. These site investigations were selected to reflect a wide range of different sizes, contaminants (organic and metals), previous land uses (e.g. tin mining, railway sidings and gas works), intended future use (housing to nature reserves) and routinely applied sampling methods. The results showed that the uncertainty on measurements was substantial, ranging from 25% to 186% of the concentration values at the different sites. Sampling was identified as the dominant source of the uncertainty (〉70% of measurement uncertainty) in most cases. The fitness-for-purpose of the measurements was judged using the optimized contaminated land investigation (OCLI) method. This identifies the optimal level of uncertainty that reduces to overall financial loss caused by the measurement procedures and the misclassification of the contamination, caused by the uncertainty. Generally the uncertainty of the actual measurements made in these different site investigations was found to be sub-optimal, and too large by a factor of approximately two. The uncertainty is usually limited by the sampling, but this can be reduced by increasing the sample mass by a factor of 4 (predicted by sampling theory). It is concluded that knowing the value of the uncertainty enables the interpretation to be made more reliable, and that sampling is the main factor limiting most investigations. This new approach quantifies this problem for the first time, and allows sampling procedures to be critically evaluated, and modified, to improve the reliability of the geochemical assessment.  相似文献   

Metabasites exposed in far-eastern Nepal provide an important insight into the metamorphic evolution of the Himalayan orogen independent from data obtained on metapelites. The P–T conditions and formation process of mafic granulite intercalated within Early Oligocene migmatites and two amphibolites surrounded by Early Miocene metapelites were inferred from pseudosection modeling and conventional geothermobarometry combined with the occurrences of field and microstructures. A mafic granulite in the Higher Himalaya Crystalline Sequence (HHCS) yields P–T conditions of 6.5–8 kbar, 730–750 °C. The similar peak P–T condition and retrograde path with low P/T gradient of mafic granulite and surrounding migmatite indicate that both rocks were simultaneously metamorphosed and exhumed together along the tectonic discontinuities in the HHCS. In contrast, the P–T conditions (2–5 kbar, 500–600 °C) of highly-deformed amphibolite block above the Main Central Thrust (MCT) records significantly lower pressure than garnet-mica gneisses in the country rock, suggesting that the amphibolite block derived from upper unit of the MCT zone and became tectonically mixed with the gneisses of hanging wall near the surface. An amphibolite lense below the MCT preserves the prograde P–T conditions (6–7.5 kbar, 550–590 °C) of Early Miocene syn-tectonic metamorphism that occurred in the MCT zone. This study indicates the top-to-the south movement of the MCT zone results in the tectonic assembly of rocks with different P–T–t conditions near the MCT.  相似文献   

A single metapelitic sample from the Verbaard locality, near Messina was investigated in order to construct a P–T path and moreover, highlight pertinent contradictions in the current P–T database. Interpretations based on P–T pseudosections, garnet isopleth thermobarometry and mineral mode/isopleth modelling indicate that the mineral assemblages, textures and zonations developed in the metapelite formed along a single clockwise P–T path. The metamorphic evolution is characterized by an early high-pressure phase at 10–11 kbar/800 °C, followed by a simultaneous pressure decrease and temperature increase to ∼8/850 °C and subsequent retrogression via decompression-cooling to 4–5 kbar at T < 650 °C. Growth zoning in garnet provides evidence for an earlier, prograde history, however, as potential melt-loss was not accounted for this must be deemed speculative. The results of this study agree entirely with that of [Zeh, A., Klemd, R., Buhlmann, S., Barton, J.M. 2004. Pro- and retrograde PT evolution of granulites of the Beit Bridge Complex (Limpopo Belt, South Africa); constraints from quantitative phase diagrams and geotectonic implications. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 22, 79–95], who adopted a similar approach to thermobarometry i.e. pseudosections. The results are, however, inconsistent with recent publications that argue for a twofold, metamorphic history defined by two decompression-cooling paths (DC1 ∼2.6 Ga and DC2 ∼2.0 Ga) that are separated by an isobaric heating path (∼2.0 Ga). The disparity in the results obtained from different workers can be explained by an examination of the thermobarometric methods employed. The methodology employed to derive the twofold, polymetamorphic P–T path appears to be erroneous. At present, the most reliable and robust method for determining P–T paths is the pseudosection approach to thermobarometry. Future modelling of Limpopo Belt granulites should adopt this strategy and ensure potential melt-loss is taken into account. Alternatively, this potential problem can be avoided altogether by investigating rocks of mafic composition.  相似文献   

Eclogite and blueschist facies rocks occurring as a tectonic unit between the underlying Menderes Massif (MM) and the overlying Afyon Zone/Lycian Nappes and the Bornova Flysch Zone in western Anatolia represent the eastward continuation of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) in Turkey. This high-P unit is attributed to the closure of the Pindos Ocean and consists of (a) a Triassic to Upper Cretaceous coherent series derived from passive continental margin sediments and (b) the tectonically overlying Upper Cretaceous Selçuk mélange with eclogite blocks embedded in a pelitic epidote-blueschist matrix. The coherent series has experienced epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism (490 ± 25°C/11.5 ± 1.5 kbar; 38 km depth). 40Ar/39Ar white mica and 206Pb/238U monazite dating of quartz metaconglomerate from coherent series yielded middle Eocene ages of 44 ± 0.3 and 40.1 ± 3.1 Ma for epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism, respectively. The epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism of the matrix of the Selçuk mélange culminates at 520 ± 15°C/13 ± 1.5 kbar, 43 km depth, and is dated at 57.5 ± 0.3–54.5 ± 0.1 Ma (40Ar/39Ar phengite). Eclogite facies metamorphism of the blocks (570 ± 30°C/18 ± 2 kbar, 60 km depth) is early Eocene and dated at 56.2 ± 1.5 Ma by 206Pb/238U zircon. Eclogites experienced a nearly isothermal retrogression (490 ± 40°C/~6 to 7 kbar) during their incorporation into the Selçuk mélange. The retrograde overprints of the coherent series (410 ± 15°C/7 ± 1.5 kbar from Dilek Peninsula and 485 ± 33°C/~6 to 7 kbar from Selçuk–Tire area) and the Selçuk mélange (510 ± 15°C/6 ± 1 kbar) are dated at 35.8 ± 0.5–34.3 ± 0.1 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar white mica and 31.6 ± 6.6 Ma by 206Pb/238U allanite dating methods, respectively. Regional geological constrains reveal that the contact between the MM and the CBU originally formed a lithosphere-scale transform fault zone. 40Ar/39Ar white mica age from the contact indicates that the CBU and the MM were tectonically juxtaposed under greenschist facies conditions during late Eocene, 35.1 ± 0.3 Ma.  相似文献   

We report zircon U–Pb geochronologic and geochemical data for the post-collisional volcanic rocks from the Batamayineishan (BS) Formation in the Shuangjingzi area, northwestern China. The zircon U–Pb ages of seven volcanic samples from the BS Formation show that the magmatic activity in the study area occurred during 342–304 Ma in the Carboniferous. The ages also indicate that the Palaeo-Karamaili Ocean had already closed by 342 Ma. Moreover, the volcanic rocks also contained 10 inherited zircons with ages ranging from 565 to 2626 Ma, indicating that Precambrian continental crust or microcontinents with accretionary arcs are two possible interpretations for the basement underlying the East Junggar terrane. The sampled mafic-intermediate rocks belong to the medium-K to high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series, and the formation of these rocks involved fractional crystallization with little crustal contamination. These Carboniferous mafic-intermediate rocks show depletions in Nb and Ta and enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, U, and Th) and light rare earth elements. The low initial 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7034–0.7042) and positive εNd(t) values (+2.63 to +6.46) of these rocks suggest that they formed from depleted mantle material. The mafic-intermediate rocks were most likely generated by 5–10% partial melting of a mantle source composed primarily of spinel lherzolite with minor garnet lherzolite that had been metasomatized by slab-derived fluids and minor slab melts. In contrast, the felsic rocks in the BS Formation are A-type rhyolites with positive εNd(t) values and young model ages. These rocks are interpreted to be derived from the partial melting of juvenile basaltic lower crustal material. Taken together, the mafic-intermediate rocks formed in a post-collisional extensional setting generated by slap breakoff in the early Carboniferous (342–330 Ma) and the A-type rhyolites formed in a post-collisional extensional setting triggered by the upwelling asthenosphere in the late Carboniferous (330–304 Ma).  相似文献   

We present zircon U–Pb dating, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd isotope results for the Upper Permian–Upper Triassic volcanic rocks to constrain the timing of the final closure of the eastern segment of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean. The volcanic rocks were mainly collected from the Yanbian area in eastern Jilin Province, northeastern China. The zircon U–Pb dating results indicate that the samples can be classified as Upper Permian–Lower Triassic basalts (ca. 262–244 Ma) and Upper Triassic dacites (ca. 216 Ma). The whole-rock geochemical results indicate that the rocks predominately belong to the medium-K and high-K calc-alkaline series. The basalts are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g. Ba and K) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g. Nb and Ta), with weak positive Eu anomalies. The dacites are enriched in LILEs (e.g. Rb, Ba, Th, and K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs) and marked depletion in some HFSEs (e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti), with significant negative Sr, P, and Eu anomalies. Moreover, the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic basalts have low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7037–0.7048) and high εNd values (4.4–5.4). In contrast, the Upper Triassic dacites possess relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7052) compared with their low εNd values (1.4). The basaltic magma likely originated from the partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge metasomatized by subduction-related fluids, and the felsic magmas likely originated from the partial melting of a dominantly juvenile source with a minor component of ancient crust. Taken together, the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic basalts (ca. 262–244 Ma) are arc basalts that formed in an active continental margin setting, and the Upper Triassic dacites (ca. 216 Ma) are A-type granitic rocks that formed in an extensional setting. Therefore, the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean occurred during the Middle–Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The Owen Stanley Fault Zone (OSFZ) is the low-angle thrust boundary between the Australian and Woodlark plates. The eastern extension of the OSFZ links with the Woodlark Basin spreading centre. Recent tectonic models of eastern Papua depict the OSFZ boundary passing through the Mt Suckling district, with the Keveri Fault a key component. Gravity data clearly show that the OSFZ and the Papuan Ultramafic Belt (PUB) pass north of Mt Suckling. Tectonised mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Mt Suckling district, previously referred to the PUB, are reassigned to the Awariobo Range Complex (new name). Extensive pillow basalts previously referred to the middle Eocene part of the Kutu Volcanics at the top of the PUB sequence are, in the map area, reassigned on lithological and biostratigraphic grounds to the late Oligocene–middle Miocene Wavera Volcanics. The detailed work reported here indicates that the Keveri Fault is unrelated to the OSFZ with no evidence for thrusting along the structure. The area's tectonic history has been dominated by large vertical displacements along the Keveri Fault. The commencement of late Miocene buoyant uplift of the Suckling Dome (new name), related to granite intrusion into thick crust of the eastern Papua region, marks the inception of the Keveri Fault and coincides with the initiation of Woodlark rifting. The fault facilitated much of the rapid vertical movement of the dome, with an estimated 8000 m of uplift (2.5 m/103 a) since the late Miocene. Movement on the Keveri Fault is notably different from structures flanking other metamorphic core complexes in eastern Papua. There is no field evidence for the development of a low-angle, south-dipping detachment fault along the southern margin of the Suckling Dome. The Suckling Dome is the westernmost of the eastern Papua domes, localised within a broad extensional zone that continues to propagate westward along the OSFZ plate boundary.  相似文献   

Relict omphacite inclusions have been discovered in mafic granulite at Dinggye of China, confirming the existence of eclogite in central Himalayan orogenic belt. Detailed petrological studies show that relict omphacite occur as inclusions in both garnets and zircons, and the peak mineral assemblage of eclogite-facies should be garnet, omphacite, rutile, muscovite and quartz which was strongly overprinted by granulite-facies minerals during the exhumation. Phase equilibria modeling and associated geothermometer predict that the minimum P–T conditions for peak eclogite-facies stage are 720–760 °C and 20–21 kbar, and those of overprinted granulite-facies are 750 °C and 7–9 kbar in water-undersaturated condition. Thus, a near isothermal decompression P–T path for central Himalayan eclogite has been obtained. Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating of two studied eclogite samples at Dinggye yields the peak metamorphic ages of 13.9 ± 1.2 Ma and 14.9 ± 0.7 Ma, respectively, which indicates that the Dinggye eclogite should be the youngest eclogite in Himalayan orogenic belt. Geochemical characteristics and zircon analyses show that the protoliths of eclogite in Dinggye are predicted to be continental rift-related basaltic rocks. The eclogite at Dinggye in central Himalaya should be formed by the crustal thickening during the long-lasting continental overthrusting by Indian plate beneath Euro-Asian continent, and its exhumation process may be related with channel flow and orogen-parallel extension. In the middle Miocene (~ 14 Ma), Indian continental crust had reached at least ~ 65 km depth in southern Tibet.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):614-629
The Gridino Complex represents one of the oldest eclogite-facies terranes on Earth. It consists of blocks, boudins and lenses of eclogites, pyroxenites, and epidosites as well as deformed eclogitized dikes within biotite-amphibole gneisses. Detailed petrological studies of the pyroxenites and different types of eclogites reveal considerable diversity in metamorphic pressure (P) – temperature (T) conditions (from 1.3 GPa at 660 °C to 3.0 GPa at 660 °C) and fluid regimes (wet vs. dry) experienced by these rocks. Dike-related rocks escaped prograde metamorphism and reached higher pressures than the lenses and blocks that experienced considerable prograde metamorphic reworking. The variability in P–T conditions and the shapes of P–T paths are in agreement with the results of thermomechanical modeling and data from (U)HP metamorphic rocks exhumed during continent–continent collision in the Phanerozoic. The T/P ratio estimated for an eclogitized dike from Eclogitovii Island of the Gridino Complex corresponds to the gradients of < 350 °C/GPa attributed to high-pressure (HP)–ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belts, which are often considered as representative of modern style plate tectonics operating in the Phanerozoic Eon. The data presented in this paper suggest that occurrences of HP-UHP metamorphic terrains might be extended back towards the time of either the assembly of Columbia in the Paleoproterozoic or Kenorland in the Neoarchean.  相似文献   

In order to probe the genesis and tectonic significance of the granite in the Reshui area, geoehronologicai and geochemical studies of the Reshui monzogranite have been carried out in this paper. The results show that the Reshui monzogranite has LA-1CP-MS zircon U-Pb age of 231 ±1 Ma, indicating that it was formed in late Triassic. It has high contents of Si()2(68. 74%-7l.69%) , Al,(),( 14. 78%-15. 18%). and k,()( 3. 78%-4. 32% ) , with k,()/Na,() ratios ranging from 1. 05 to 1. 32 ,r Rttmann indexes ranging from 1. 87 to 2. 21 . and A/CNk values varying from 1. 03 to 1. 07, respectively. Thus, the Reshui monzogranite belongs to the high k calc-Alkaline weak peraluminous granite. In addition, it has total REE contents(ΣREE) of I 18. 28x 10-6 - 148. 1 x 10-6, with right declined REE distribution patterns showing strong enrichment of LREE and relative depletion of HREE. Its large ion lithophile elements( L1LE) , including Rb. Ra, Th, and l.REE are enriched, while its high field strength elements( HESE) , including Nh, Ta, P. and Ti, are relatively depleted. It has characteristics of the 1-Type granite. It could be mainly sourced from the partial melting of the subducted slab or basic rocks of the lower crust, mixed partly with mantle materials. Combining with regional geological background, it is believed that the Reshui monzogranite was formed by the interaction of the crust and mantle under the tectonic environment of collision-post collision.  相似文献   

Petrological and structural investigations in metapelites and amphibolites were undertaken to unravel the Variscan tectonic and metamorphic evolution of the southwestern Aiguilles Rouges massif. The geometry of planar and linear structures indicates a transpressive deformation regime with a change from predominantly subhorizontal to subvertical movements during its evolution. In metapelite samples from gneiss areas, garnet zonation trends have been correlated with chemical variations in plagioclase and biotite by microstructural observations. Applied conventional cation-exchange and net-transfer geothermobarometers yielded anti-clockwise P–T-deformation paths. Clockwise P–T-deformation paths resulted from (Na, Ca)-amphibole zonations of amphibolite samples from a different lithotectonic unit. Notable differences in P–T conditions and the general shape of P–T paths for the gneisses and amphibolites indicate that the units do not represent a continuous metamorphic zonation and underwent no common tectono-metamorphic evolution throughout the entire deformation. The combination of P–T-deformation paths and structural investigations revealed first-stage thrust tectonics followed by a transpressive deformation which was responsible for the uplift of the southwestern Aiguilles Rouges massif.  相似文献   

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