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In the spring of 1995, short-term variations in the concentration of particulate and dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) were monitored in the western Wadden Sea, a shallow coastal region in open connection with the North Sea. Significant correlations were found between abundance of Phaeocystis globosa and particulate DMSP; concentrations increased rapidly from 100 to 1650 nM in the middle of April. Highest DMS concentrations were found during the initial phase of the exponential growth of the bloom. DMS production and loss rates of DMSP and DMS were estimated experimentally during various phases of the bloom. DMS production and consumption were roughly in balance, with production only slightly exceeding consumption at the start of the bloom. Rates of production and consumption were highest during the exponential growth phase of Phaeocystis and declined in the course of the bloom (from 300–375 to less than 5 nmol dm−3 d−1). Demethylation of DMSP increased during the bloom (from 11 to 1300 nmol dm−3 d−1); it accounted for up to 100% of the DMSP loss at the end of the bloom. The shift from DMSP cleavage to demethylation in the course of a Phaeocystis bloom implies that DMS concentrations are not necessarily highest at the peak or towards the end of blooms.  相似文献   

A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was designed and evaluated for rapid detection of the toxic microalgae Alexandrium catenella and A.minutum,which can produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).Two sets of four specific primers targeting these two species were derived from the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA.The method worked well in less than an hour under isothermal conditions of 65 C.LAMP specificity was validated in closely related algae as a comparison,suggesting the strict specificity of the LAMP primers.Two visual inspection approaches were feasible to interpret the positive or negative results.The detection limits of A.catenella and A.minutum samples using the LAMP assay were found to be 5.6 and 4.5 pg DNA,respectively.The sensitivity of this LAMP assay was 10 or 100-fold higher than Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in detecting the two microalgae.These characteristics of species specificity,sensitivity,and rapidity suggest that this method has the potentiality in the monitoring of red tide caused by A.catenella and A.minutum.  相似文献   

A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was designed and evaluated for rapid detection of the toxic microalgae Alexandrium catenella and A. minutum, which can produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Two sets of four specific primers targeting these two species were derived from the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. The method worked well in less than an hour under isothermal conditions of 65℃. LAMP specificity was validated in closely related algae as a comparison, suggesting the strict specificity of the LAMP primers. Two visual inspection approaches were feasible to interpret the positive or negative results. The detection limits of A. catenella and A. minutum samples using the LAMP assay were found to be 5.6 and 4.5 pg DNA, respectively. The sensitivity of this LAMP assay was 10 or 100-fold higher than Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in detecting the two microalgae. These characteristics of species specificity, sensitivity, and rapidity suggest that this method has the potentiality in the monitoring of red tide caused by A. catenella and A. minutum.  相似文献   

Mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were exposed to different concentrations of estradiol (20, 200, and 2000 ng/l) in a semi-static regime (1-day dosing intervals) for up to 7 days in an attempt to see how mussels dealt with exogenous estrogenic compounds. Sex hormone levels were determined in whole tissue. Free-estradiol was only significantly elevated at the highest exposure dose (up to 10-fold). Most of the estradiol was in the tissues as fatty acid esters (>78%), which sharply increased in a dose-dependent manner (from 4 ng/g in controls to 258 ng/g at the high exposure group). In contrast, neither free nor esterified testosterone levels showed significant differences between control and exposure groups. The results suggest the existence of mechanisms that allow mussels to maintain their hormonal status, and the important role that fatty acid esterification may play within those mechanisms. Synthesis and conjugation rates of estradiol were further investigated by measuring the activity of P450 aromatase, and palmitoyl-CoA:estradiol acyltransferase, in digestive gland microsomal fractions. Overall, the study contributes to the better knowledge of molluscan endocrinology, and defines new mechanisms of regulation of free steroid-levels in mussels.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of the nursery areas of red mullet (Mullus barbatus), hake (Merluccius merluccius) (Linnaeus, 1758) and deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) (Lucas, 1846) was studied in the South Adriatic and North Ionian Seas (Eastern-Central Mediterranean) applying geostatistical techniques and data from time series trawl surveys conducted in the area. The analysed variables were: R (number of recruits/km2) and R/Tot (fraction of recruits on the total sampled population). The structural analysis showed a spatial pattern of both variables characterized by continuity on a small scale. Predictions of nursery area localization with probability of finding recruits at different threshold values were obtained through median indicator kriging. For the red mullet the nurseries were mainly identified in the South Adriatic Sea off the Gargano peninsula and between Molfetta and Monopoli within 50 m in depth. The main concentration of hake juveniles was found to be between 100 and 200 m in depth along the Gargano peninsula and between Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca, where a nursery of deep-water rose shrimp was also detected. An overlapping depth, between 100 and 200 m, was identified for hake and deep-water rose shrimp nurseries. Protection of these areas through limitations of fishing pressure is discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal monitoring of the levels of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in two green macroalgae (Ulva and Enteromorpha) was carried out at 22 sampling sites in four embayments (rías) on the northwest coast of Spain. Sediments were also analysed to determine the concentrations of these elements as well as organic matter, organic carbon, iron and texture. In addition, accumulations of Ulva were monitored. Nitrogen levels in algae were similar to those found in comparable studies, whereas carbon concentrations were generally higher and those of phosphorus were lower. As a result the macroalgae were relatively enriched by carbon and nitrogen compared with phosphorus. Seasonal variations in algal tissue nitrogen and phosphorus followed the usual pattern for temperate zones, with minimum levels in summer and maximum levels in winter. Variations in carbon concentrations were much less accentuated. The low levels of P in the algae appear to indicate limitation by this element, however, comparison of the monthly changes in nitrogen and phosphorus in Ulva with the critical concentrations of these elements suggests dual nutrient limitation in this alga in summer. By contrast, the sediments were more enriched by phosphorus; high retention of this element by the sediment may explain the low levels in algae. The highest accumulations of Ulva occurred in spring and summer; hydrodynamic factors appeared to be important in determining the extent of these accumulations.  相似文献   

Current distribution of Atherina lagunae poses an interesting biogeographical problem as this species inhabits widely separate circum-Mediterranean lagoons. Statistical analyses of 87 biometric parameters and genetic variation in a portion of the cytochrome b gene were examined in four populations of A. lagunae from Tunisian and French lagoons. The results suggested a subdivision into two distinct Atherinid groups: one included the French lagoonal sand smelts and the second included the Tunisian ones. Tunisian lagoonal sand smelts were distinguished from the French ones by the lower number of lateral line scales, vertebrae, pectorals and first dorsal fin rays and the higher number of lower and total gillrakers. In addition, A. lagunae from Tunisian lagoons are characterised by short preorbital length, developed operculum, broad interorbital space, larger head, robust body and a relatively small first dorsal fin which is positioned backwards. In addition, intraspecific sequence variation in a portion of the cytochrome b gene was examined in 87 individuals from Tunisia and France. The high correlation between the results of the molecular phylogenetic tree and biometric statistical data analysis suggested that two different sibling species or at least sub-species or semi-species have colonised the lagoons. In addition, our analyses suggested that the evolution of A. lagunae probably occurred in two steps including marine sympatric speciation within the large Atherina boyeri complex and a post-Pleistocene colonisation of the lagoons.  相似文献   

Several years of continuous physical and biological anomalies have been affecting the Bering Sea shelf ecosystem starting from 1997. Such anomalies reached their peak in a striking visual phenomenon: the first appearance in the area of bright waters caused by massive blooms of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (E. huxleyi). This study is intended to provide an insight into the mechanisms of phytoplankton succession in the south-eastern part of the shelf during such years and addresses the causes of E. huxleyi success by means of a 2-layer ecosystem model, field data and satellite-derived information. A number of potential hypotheses are delineated based on observations conducted in the area and on previous knowledge of E. huxleyi general ecology. Some of these hypotheses are then considered as causative factors and explored with the model. The unusual climatic conditions of 1997 resulted most notably in a particularly shallow mixed layer depth and high sea surface temperature (about 4 °C above climatological mean). Despite the fact that the model could not reproduce for E. huxleyi a clear non-bloom to bloom transition (pre- vs. post-1997), several tests suggest that this species was favoured by the shallow mixed layer depth in conjunction with a lack of photoinhibition. A top-down control by microzooplankton selectively grazing phytoplankton other than E. huxleyi appears to be responsible for the long persistence of the blooms. Interestingly, observations reveal that the high N:P ratio hypothesis, regarded as crucial in the formation of blooms of this species in previous studies, does not hold on the Bering Sea shelf.  相似文献   

The effects of the invasive species Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (hereafter C. racemosa) on amphipod assemblages associated with shallow-water rocky habitats were studied. Two habitats located along the SE Iberian Peninsula were compared; invaded and non-invaded. The results showed that growth of C. racemosa affects habitat structure, influencing the species composition and biomass of macroalgae, and detritus accumulation. In turn, such changes in habitat features affected the associated amphipod assemblages with different ecological requirements. However, the species richness of amphipods was relatively high in both habitats, while the species composition of amphipods changed completely. For example, some species such as Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale schmidti did not colonize invaded habitats, while others such as Apocorophium acutum were favoured by the spread of C. racemosa. Habitat invasion by C. racemosa can have an important influence on biotic assemblages, modifying both habitat structure and the associated fauna, with unknown effects on the overall ecosystem.  相似文献   

Correlations between daily fish settlement and environmental and physical parameters were examined during two consecutive years in two labrid species (Symphodus roissali and Symphodus ocellatus) in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Both these species have a short planktonic larval duration (12±0.3 and 9±0.4 days, respectively) and limited offshore larval dispersal. Time-series analysis was used to compare the daily settlement patterns with various environmental variables, and non-linear generalized additive models (GAM) were used to examine the relationship between environmental conditions averaged over larval period and daily settlement patterns. Settlement was not uniform and took place as pulses of different length. Although the analyses detected a few significant correlations between day-to-day patterns in environmental variables and settlement (e.g. solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, daytime or nocturnal wind components), these were not consistent among years. In S. ocellatus, however, wind components (daytime or nighttime) explained part of the variance in settlement intensity. The correlations (GAM outputs) observed between settlement patterns and environmental variables (averaged during the whole planktonic period) suggest that calm weather during the planktonic period usually increases settlement success.  相似文献   

The biology, population dynamics, and production of Talorchestia brito were studied at two sandy beaches located on the Atlantic (Portugal) and on the Mediterranean (Tunisia) coasts, respectively. The seasonal variation in abundance and the overall densities were similar in both populations. Reproduction occurred from February to September in the Atlantic, and from March to early November in the Mediterranean. The sex ratio was male biased in the Atlantic, and female biased in the Mediterranean. Based on data from the Atlantic population, both abundance and the proportion of reproductive females were positively correlated with temperature, while the proportion of juveniles in the population was positively correlated with temperature and sediment moisture. On average, individuals from the Atlantic were larger than the ones from the Mediterranean. Life span was estimated at six to nine months in the Atlantic, and five to eight months in the Mediterranean. Talorchestia brito was shown to be a semiannual species, with iteroparous females producing two broods per year, and exhibited a bivoltine life cycle. The minimum age required for males' and females' sexual differentiation and for female sexual maturation was shorter in the Mediterranean. Growth production (P) was estimated at 0.19 g m−2 y−1 ash free dry weight (AFDW; 4.3 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Atlantic population, and 0.217 g m−2 y−1 AFDW (4.9 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Mediterranean one. Elimination production (E) was estimated at 0.35 g m−2 y−1 AFDW (7.9 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Atlantic, and 0.28 g m−2 y−1 AFDW (6.3 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Mediterranean. The average annual biomass ( ) (standing stock) was estimated at 0.032 g m−2 in the Atlantic beach, and 0.029 g m−2 in the Mediterranean one, resulting, respectively, in ratios of 5.9 and 7.5 and ratios of 10.8 and 9.6. Like other talitrids, T. brito exhibited geographic variation in morphometrical characteristics, sex ratio, growth rates, life span, and reproduction period, with the Atlantic population presenting a slower life history.  相似文献   

We are investigating the effects of in vivo exposure of prototypical enzyme inducing agents on hepatic biotransformation enzyme expression in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), a predatory game fish found throughout the United States and Canada. The current study targeted those genes involved in biotransformation and oxidative stress that may be regulated by Ah-receptor-dependent pathways. Exposure of bass to β-naphthoflavone (β-NF, 66 mg/kg, i.p.) elicited a 7–9-fold increase in hepatic microsomal cytochrome P4501A-dependent ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activities, but did not affect cytosolic GST catalytic activities toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) or 5-androstene-3,17-dione (ADI). Glutathione S-transferase A (GST-A) mRNA expression exhibited a transient, but non-significant increase following exposure to β-NF, and generally tracked the minimal changes observed in GST–CDNB activities. Expression of the mRNA encoding glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis, was increased 1.7-fold by β-NF. Changes in GCLC mRNA expression were paralleled by increases in intracellular GSH. In summary, largemouth bass hepatic CYP1A-dependent and GSH biosynthetic pathways, and to a lesser extent GST, are responsive to exposure to β-NF.  相似文献   

Eight ophiuroid species, six from the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak and three from the northern Adriatic Sea, were examined for regeneration of arms. The species were separated into groups based upon mode of feeding and habitat. Comparison between groups collected in the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak showed that infaunal suspension- and deposit-feeding species (Amphiura filiformis and A. chiajei) had significantly more scars per arm (mean number 0.78) than epibenthic suspension feeders (Ophiothrix fragilis and Ophiocomina nigra, 0.29) or epibenthic carnivores and deposit feeders (Ophiura ophiura and O. albida, 0.13). Spatial variation in arm regeneration incidence was found between sampling sites in the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak for Amphiura filiformis and in the northern Adriatic Sea for Ophiothrix quinquemaculata. The ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and nitrogen (N) contents were measured in arms of six species of brittle-stars from the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak. Differences between species were found, with highest concentrations of AFDW and N in Amphiura filiformis, intermediate in A. chiajei, Ophiocomina nigra and Ophiothrix fragilis, and lowest in Ophiura ophiura and O. albida. As the infaunal suspension- and deposit-feeding brittle-stars (Amphiura spp.) had the highest proportions of damaged arms and highest AFDW and N contents in their arms in this comparison, it is suggested that selective cropping of arms by demersal fish is the main cause of arm damage on Amphiura spp. in this area.  相似文献   

The distribution of Cystoseira species was studied at 103 coves in the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands, NW Mediterranean). Both geomorphological parameters and anthropogenic pressures were considered in order to investigate which were the main environmental factors explaining their distribution. Several factors contributed to explain the composition of Cystoseira assemblages in the sampled coves being coastal morphology, bottom nature, nutrient concentration in seawater and urbanization level of the coast the most important. The relatively high number of Cystoseira species found in Menorca suggested a general high quality of the environment. However, in southern coves the number and abundance of Cystoseira spp. was reduced compared to the northern ones. This pattern seems to be related both to a higher anthropogenic pressure and to a less favourable geomorphology at southern coves. When strong anthropogenic disturbances were present (proximity to harbour areas), coves were completely devoid of Cystoseira specimens. As historical data is available for some of these sites, we can document the disappearance of some Cystoseira species at these coves, which seems to be related to increased pollution levels. However, as the absence of Cystoseira assemblages can also respond to a lack of a suitable geomorphology, their use as bioindicators of water quality needs of a definition of proper reference sites.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of carbon and nitrogen isotope values of co-occurring suspension-feeders in two shellfish culture areas (Normandy, France) were investigated over two years to evaluate the inter-specific trophic partitioning and relative contributions of organic matter sources to benthic suspension-feeders' diet. Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), mussels (Mytilus edulis), cockles (Cerastoderma edule), slipper limpets (Crepidula fornicata), and sand-mason worms (Lanice conchilega) were sampled in an estuarine environment (Baie des Veys, east Cotentin, Normandy), while oysters, mussels, slipper limpets, and honeycomb worms (Sabellaria alveolata) were sampled in an open-marine environment (Lingreville-sur-mer, west Cotentin, Normandy). Whatever the sampling period, the bivalves, C. gigas and M. edulis, exhibited the lowest values of δ13C and δ15N compared with the other species. Feeding relationships among suspension-feeders in both C. gigas culture areas exhibited temporal variations due to the marine/estuarine influence and seasonal changes in food supply. In the open-marine ecosystem, the contribution of phytoplankton remained the most important for all species except S. alveolata, while in the estuarine ecosystem, microphytobenthos and/or macroalgae detritus contributed a larger extent to the organisms' diets. During phytoplankton bloom periods (e.g. May and July) suspension-feeders, except for S. alveolata, relied strongly on phytoplankton; however, the majority of suspension-feeders exhibited different opportunistic behaviour in winter when phytoplankton biomass might be a limiting factor. We hypothesized that differences in particle capture and selection by the suspension-feeders influenced their isotopic values. Feeding ecology of suspension-feeders partly explained why competition was limited and why ecosystems can often support unexpectedly large numbers of suspension-feeders. We also showed that understanding ecosystem characteristics of the organic matter sources is of primary importance to determine the extent to which members of the suspension-feeding guild potentially compete for food.  相似文献   

CYP1A-immunopositive protein can be elevated in response to planar PAHs and PCBs in Mytilus sp. digestive gland whilst CYP3A-immunopositive protein has been associated with testosterone 6β-hydroxylation in fish. Levels of CYP1A- and CYP3A-immunopositive protein were determined in Mytilus galloprovincialis digestive gland microsomes collected from 12 sites in the Mediterranean Sea during May and September 2001. CYP1A-immunopositive protein was significantly highest at contaminated sites whilst CYP3A-immunopositive protein was significantly lowest. A weak negative correlation (r2=0.21) was seen between CYP1A- and CYP3A-immunopositive protein. Little evidence of differences at the different sampling times was observed. These results confirm previous work indicating elevation of CYP1A-immunopositive protein in Mytilus sp. digestive gland at contaminated sites. Further study is required to characterise CYP3A-like expression in Mytilus and to elucidate the consequences of possible CYP3A-like down-regulation at contaminated sites.  相似文献   

The Ross Sea, a region of high seasonal production in the Southern Ocean, is characterized by blooms of the haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica and of diatoms. The different morphology, structural composition and consumption of these two phytoplankton by grazing zooplankton may result in different carbon cycling dynamics and carbon flux from the euphotic zone. We sampled short-term (2 days) particle flux at 5 sites from 177.6°W to 165°E along a transect at 76.5°S with traps placed below the euphotic zone at 200 m during December 1995–January 1996. We estimated carbon flux of as many eucaryotic organisms and fecal pellets as possible using microscopy for counts and measurements and applying volume:carbon conversions from the literature. Eucaryotic organisms contributed about 20–40% of the total organic carbon flux in both the central Ross Sea polynya and in the western polynya, and groups of organisms differed in contribution to the carbon flux at the different sites. Algal carbon flux ranged from 4.5 to 21.1 mg C m−2 day−1 and consisted primarily of P. antarctica (cell plus mucus) and diatom carbon at all sites. Different diatom species dominated the diatom flux at different sites. Carbon fluxes of small pennate diatoms may have been enhanced by scavenging, by sinking senescent P. antarctica colonies. Heterotrophic carbon flux ranged from 9.2 to 37.6 mg C m−2 day−1 and was dominated by athecate heterotrophic dinoflagellate carbon in general and by carbon flux of a particular large athecate dinoflagellate at two sites. Fecal pellet carbon flux ranged from 4.6 to 54.5 mg C m−2 day−1 and was dominated by carbon from ovoid/angular pellets at most sites. Analysis of fecal pellet contents suggested that large protozoans identified by light microscopy contributed to ovoid/angular fecal pellet fluxes. Carbon flux as a percentage of daily primary production was lowest at sites where P. antarctica predominated in the water column and was highest at sites where fecal pellet flux was highest. This indicates the importance of grazers in carbon export.  相似文献   

During the 2006 Italian Antarctic expedition a diel sampling was performed close to Cape Hallett (Ross Sea) during the Austral summer. Under-ice seawater samples (4 m) were collected every 2 h for 28 h in order to estimate prokaryotic processes' variability and community structure dynamics. Prokaryotic and viral abundances, exoenzymatic activities (β-glucosidase, chitinase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase), prokaryotic carbon production (3H-leucine incorporation) and community structure (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis – DGGE fingerprints) were analysed. Results showed that the diel variability of the prokaryotic activity followed a variation in salinity, probably as a consequence of the periodical thawing of sea ice (driven by solar radiation and air temperature cycles), while negligible variation in viral and prokaryotic abundances occurred. The Bacterial and Archaeal community structures underwent an Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) temporal shift from the beginning to the end of the sampling, while Flavobacteria-specific primers highlighted high variations in this group possibly related to sea ice melting and substrate release.  相似文献   

在我国南海海域大型底栖生物进行分类和多样性研究中,发现我国长眼寄居蟹属2个新记录种,紫斑长眼寄居蟹(Paguristes gonagrus)和条纹长眼寄居蟹(Paguristes runyanae),并对其进行描述。紫斑长眼寄居蟹采集自海南岛,主要特征为:螯足和步足密布刚毛,第一触角柄未达到角膜基部,螯足腕节、掌节背面刺和突起密集而发达,螯足和第二、三步足长节末端有紫色色斑;条纹长眼寄居蟹采集于西沙群岛,主要特征为:右螯足略大于左螯足,第一触角柄短,长度仅为眼柄长度的1/2,螯足和第二、三步足背腹面均有黄色条纹。  相似文献   

The fishery for the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus is of great importance to many European regions, although in some of them this species has shown a wide scale decline in recent years. This paper reports on direct (on P. lividus) and indirect (on the co-occurring but not fished echinoid, Arbacia lixula) effects of sea urchin harvesting in shallow rocky reefs in North-western Sardinia (Italy, central-western Mediterranean Sea), where this activity is intensively practised. Density, size (test diameter), and biomass of both species were assessed in autumn 2004 at two locations impacted by P. lividus fishery, and at two controls within an adjacent Marine Protected Area. Density of P. lividus and A. lixula was significantly greater at the controls than at the exploited locations. The average test diameter of P. lividus was also significantly larger at the controls, where large-sized specimens (i.e. >5 cm) were notably more abundant. The average size of A. lixula did not significantly differ between the impacted locations and the controls. The average biomass of P. lividus was significantly greater at the controls than at the exploited locations, whereas no differences were detected for A. lixula. These results reveal the existence of a heavy fishing impact on P. lividus in North-western Sardinia and the need for regulation of its harvesting to prevent severe direct effects on its populations. Since no indirect effects on A. lixula have been detected, it could be hypothesized that this species did not benefit from P. lividus fishery due to an only moderate competition for habitat and resources between these two echinoids. Implications for management of edible sea urchin fishery are also discussed.  相似文献   

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