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The implications of the Gulf War are assessed for the countries in Asia that send labor migrants to the Middle East. "This paper seeks to examine the effects of...the loss of remittances (and related issues, including return migration), primarily in terms of the long-term implications of the War for the future of contract labour migration in the Asian region...."  相似文献   

"This article presents newly-available migration data from the 1990 U.S. census to assess immigration and internal migration components as they affect state poverty populations. New immigrant waves are heavily focused on only a few 'port-of-entry' states. It is suggested that these immigrants have begun to impact upon internal migration into and out of these 'high immigration states', and have also altered the national system of internal migration patterns. This article addresses three questions: How do the magnitudes of poverty population out-migration from high immigration states compare with those of other states? Is this out-migration selective on particular social and demographic groups? Is immigration a significant determinant of internal migration of the poor population? The results of this analysis are consistent with the view that recent, focused immigration is associated with out-migration among a state's poor longer-term residents."  相似文献   

Neil M Coe  Philip F Kelly 《Area》2000,32(4):413-422
Summary In this paper we use the example of Singapore to make two theoretical contributions to the geographical literature on local labour markets. Firstly, we suggest that the local labour market should be conceived of as an extended 'network space' that is constituted by extra-local linkages and flows as well as local interactions. The importance of certain kinds of foreign 'workers' and 'talent' in Singapore can be used to illustrate this argument. Secondly, we contend that locally constructed discourses can actively shape labour market dynamics, exemplified here by the rise of 'knowledge-based economy' rhetoric in Singapore.  相似文献   

随着“十四五”时期以人为核心的新型城镇化战略的深入推进,家庭式迁移作为现阶段中国人口迁移的主要模式,对加快实现流动人口市民化有着重要意义。文章采用文献计量方法和CiteSpace可视化技术对1996—2018年的452篇相关文献进行定量分析,绘制出研究的关键词、发文作者、发文机构的知识图谱,对国内家庭式迁移研究现状进行分析与总结。结果表明:①国内家庭式迁移研究总体呈现良好态势。研究热点持续升温,研究主题趋向多元化,并呈现多学科交叉的趋势。②研究作者群体呈现出总体分散、局部集中的特征,已形成一批学术代表,研究团队之间的合作度不高,学术交流有待加强。③研究机构主要是全国各地的高校和科研院所,机构之间的学术合作不够。④研究热点主要围绕家庭式迁移的过程、特征和影响因素,家庭式迁移与新型城镇化发展以及家庭式迁移带来的子女教育和就业问题等方面展开。未来相关研究应以流动家庭为核心,融入空间与地方、身体、日常生活实践和流动性等多理论视角,进一步加强人口家庭式迁移的社会文化维度的探讨与本土化理论的创新。  相似文献   

"Changes in the system of settlement in Staraya Russa Rayon, Novgorod Oblast [USSR], are traced. Migration from peripheral areas of the rayon to the suburban zone of Staraya Russa and to larger inhabited places along highways has transformed the historical pattern of settlement focused on river valleys into a new pattern focused on the central city of Staraya Russa, i.e., from the traditional dendritic configuration into a monocentric pattern. The impact of the migration process on land use is discussed, and it is suggested that abandoned peripheral villages be converted to recreation uses."  相似文献   

古恒宇  沈体雁 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1823-1839
自户籍制度放宽以来,中国经历了大规模的人口迁移.其中,异质性劳动力(高技能劳动力、普通劳动力)在迁移过程中表征出不同的空间格局和网络组织特征,对地区经济发展产生各异的影响.本研究基于人口普查和抽样调查微观抽样数据,使用复杂网络理论对1995-2015年中国异质性劳动力迁移的时空格局和网络演化展开分析,并分析了格局背后的...  相似文献   

While the business intelligence sector, involving data warehouses and online analytical processing (OLAP) technologies, is experiencing strong growth in the IT marketplace, relatively little attention has been devoted to the problem of utilizing such tools in conjunction with GIS. This study contributes to the development of this research area by examining the issues involved in the design and implementation of an integrated data warehouse and GIS system that delivers analytical OLAP and mapping results in real‐time across the Web. The case study chosen utilizes individual records from the US 1880 population census, which have recently been made available by the North Atlantic Population Project. Although historical datasets of this kind present a number of challenges for data warehousing, the results indicate that the integrated approach adopted offers a much more flexible and powerful analytical methodology for this kind of large social science dataset than has hitherto been available.  相似文献   

Whereas refugees and larger immigrant groups’ integration in the Norwegian labour market has received considerable research attention, less is known about the labour market integration of small, non-refugee immigrant groups from West African countries such as Ghana. The purpose of the article is to examine the role of social networks and social identities for the differentiated labour market integration outcomes among Ghanaian immigrants in the city of Bergen. Based on data produced through in-depth interviews, participant observation and informal conversations, the authors argue that Ghanaian immigrants’ ability to obtain jobs is determined by more than simply having the appropriate educational and language qualifications, and largely depends on having favourable social identities and being embedded in social networks beyond the Ghanaian immigrant community. They find that those who mainly relied on Ghanaian networks found it difficult to circumvent labour market hindrances and they predominantly obtained menial jobs. The authors conclude that Norwegian job-seekers networks played a crucial role in the immigrants’ opportunities and for potential Norwegian employers’ perception of their employability, especially in professional and semi-professional jobs.  相似文献   

揭示高铁对中国航空客运市场影响的空间分异特征,对于针对性协调2种交通方式的发展具有重要参考价值。运用标准差椭圆和交通综合效用分析方法,对中国中心城市高铁、航空客运市场实际发展现状及空间竞合分异特征进行分析。结果发现:① 高铁、航空客运市场均形成以武汉为重心点的空间发展格局;与高铁客运市场相比,航空客运市场区域发展更加均衡;与东西部中心城市相比,中部中心城市旅客出行选乘高铁的概率更高。② 人均时间价值与高铁优势距呈反比,优势距的不同使各中心城市高铁、航空客运市场范围存在明显的空间分异特征;基于交通出行综合效用视角,中国大多数中心城市间的交往,航空出行依旧是最好的选择。③ 高铁对航空客运市场的影响存在明显的空间分异特征。中部大部分中心城市受影响最大,是协调高铁、航空发展的关键区域;西部地区受交通区位条件及高铁发展滞后的影响,中心城市间交往时飞机仍是旅客主要的出行方式,在航空主导优势区依旧存在一定的市场空白。  相似文献   

文萍  周素红 《地理研究》2022,41(4):1212-1226
流动人口家庭化迁移可能对其在城市的职住关系产生影响。本研究基于广州市居民日常出行调查数据,考察流动人口在不同家庭化迁移状态下的职住关系,并与本地市民进行比较。研究发现:广州市流动人口职住临近特征明显,但随着家庭化迁移程度提高,职住距离增长,并接近本地市民水平。相较于个体单独迁移,夫妻共同迁移由于难以同时实现职住临近,职住距离更长;子女和老人随迁情境下,流动人口职住区位郊区化特征明显,因为郊区能以较低成本满足家庭生活对住房和住区环境的更高要求,但该情境下整体职住距离增幅较小且不显著。多数家庭化迁移的流动人口仍存在不稳定流动特征,以租房为主,租金规避需求与环境提升需求并存,需要相关政策加以关注。  相似文献   

There have been a great number of debates about the impacts of trees on crimes: some researchers believed that trees are a crime facilitator because of the concealment provision for potential criminals, while others argued that they are a crime deterrent because of the increased surveillance possibility and the therapeutic effect on psychological fatigue. To better answer this question, this study incorporated detailed tree features by using multi-source remotely sensed data at a very high resolution into environmental criminology analysis across the entire City of Milwaukee. Trees were extracted from aerial photographs, and broken down into two categories based on their heights to consider the effects of tree height on view obstruction. By controlling for confounding socioeconomic variables, the relationship between crimes and a series of composition and configuration indicators of trees with different height were investigated by using global and local spatial regressions. Results from classic and spatial statistical techniques finds complicated relationship between crimes and trees, which can be summarized in two aspects. First, the mixed effects of trees can be observed among different crime types. Second, the trends of spatial nonstationarity of the composition and configuration of trees with different heights were observed across the entire study area. The study outcomes could provide reasonable implications for making appropriate policies for crime prevention through environmental design to strengthen neighborhoods and communities in a city.  相似文献   

童昀  马勇  刘海猛 《地理学报》2020,75(11):2505-2520
新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情对中国国民经济和社会发展产生剧烈冲击。科学评价中国受新冠疫情短期影响及恢复情况并揭示其时空特征,可为常态化疫情防控阶段的经济形势研判和城市恢复提供有力支撑。基于2020年1月13日—4月8日百度迁徙大数据,通过构建恢复指数(RRI)和恢复缺口(RGI)等指标,从多尺度揭示中国受COVID-19疫情短期影响的逐日特征、阶段特征以及时空格局。结果发现:① 疫情未影响春节前返乡迁徙,节后恢复经历恢复停滞期、快速恢复期、平稳恢复期,全国总体恢复程度由恢复停滞期不足20%上升至快速恢复期末60%左右,3月3日开始进入平稳恢复期,恢复指数达70%以上,完全恢复至历史同期水平仍需较长时间。② 疫情对周末和节假日城市间交往活动影响显著,中部和东北地区尤为明显。③ 疫情影响的区域差异性明显,相对恢复程度西部>东部>中部>东北地区。④ 城市间恢复程度差异显著,节后至4月8日呈现南高北低空间格局。结合疫情程度,广州、深圳、重庆处于高确诊高恢复聚类,河北、天津、黑龙江、河南、安徽、湖南处于低确诊低恢复聚类。⑤ 随着疫情有效控制,城市层面恢复缺口由京津冀、长三角、珠三角等城市群的大规模成片劳动力迁入缺口,转变为国家中心城市和部分省会城市的点状缺口。本文研究结果表明时空大数据在重大突发公共卫生事件实时影响评价方面具有较好应用前景。  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力转移的理论研究与实践探索   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文用哲学、地理学、人口学和发展经济学的观点,对外国和中国农村剩余劳动力转移的理论进行了评析,并且对中外农村剩余劳动力转移的经验模式进行了归纳总结,旨在为我国解决农村剩余劳动力转移问题提供科学理论依据和实践经验。  相似文献   

塔娜  刘志林 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1208-1217
为满足当前城市社会发展与城市建设需要,西方女性时空行为研究近年来取得了长足进展,研究主题覆盖行为特征、社会公平、可持续性等方面。中国城市女性在转型期同样面临着重大的挑战,城市空间的性别不平等正在深刻地影响女性的日常行为与生活质量。本文系统梳理了近50年来西方女性时空行为研究成果,介绍了女性通勤行为、非工作活动等传统议题和家庭关系、联合行为、可达性等新问题的研究进展,并总结了女性时空行为研究的理论解释。西方女性时空行为研究早期关注经济转型背景下的女性出行行为,对就业可达性、通勤和非工作活动的性别差异进行了大量研究。近年来,西方研究呈现出多元化趋势,研究重点转向家庭关系、家庭联合行为与时空可达性等新主题,指出女性在日常生活中面临社会排斥与空间不平等。为理解女性时空行为模式的形成机制,学者从经济学、社会学、地理学等角度进行探讨,提出了地租与工资理论、劳动力市场隔离理论、家庭责任假说、女性的自我认知与社会文化、家庭资源分配说、时空固定性制约等解释理论。这些研究为中国城市女性时空行为研究提供了借鉴。针对中国女性面临的城市社会转型的独特背景,其时空行为受制度、家庭和自身的多重制约,提出了中国城市女性时空行为研究的框架和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

自中国与哈萨克斯坦建交以来,双方逐渐深化和拓展合作领域。两国推进中方丝绸之路经济带建设同哈方"光明之路"新经济政策的对接,更加注重旅游等人文交流合作领域。因此,研究哈萨克斯坦旅华客源市场具有十分重要的现实意义。本文以连续多年的统计数据为基础,研究哈萨克斯坦游客的入境旅游优势,并从历史发展阶段、人口统计学特征、人均消费与平均停留时间、人均消费构成、入境方式、年内时间分布规律、在华空间分布和出境流向等八个方面分析哈萨克斯坦旅华客源市场特征,并得出相应结论。文章最后从创新旅游合作领域、丰富游客入境条件和进行旅游宣传推广三方面为两国市场拓展提出建议。  相似文献   

中国电子通信产业受国际贸易保护的冲击日趋严重。国际贸易保护与地方知识产权制度通过影响企业参与全球生产网络(GPN)高技术附加值环节,而影响中国电子通信业在全球的分工。制度是衔接演化经济地理与GPN两个范式重要的共有要素,但已有文献对产业演化、制度变迁与GPN动态三者之间的融合缺乏关注,关于超国家制度与区域制度对区域产业嵌入GPN的复杂影响探讨不足。本研究基于2002—2016年间中国的国际贸易和相关制度数据,运用时间序列模型,分析中国电子通信产业嵌入GPN的分工情况对国际贸易保护与地方知识产权制度演变的时间响应;并进一步建立空间收敛模型,对不同区域间这一分工差异进行分析。研究发现,总体而言中国各地区电子通信业在国际分工中的差异未随时间变化而缩小,贸易保护使得区域间电子通信业参与全球分工的差异逐渐扩大,而知识产权制度则有助于缩小区域间的这一差异。具体发现:① 在东部地区,各省份的国际分工差异随时间变化而扩大,而中部地区各省份的差异则在缩小。② 从长期来看,贸易保护制度有助于提升中国整体和东部、中部地区电子通信业在国际上的水平分工度;东部地区对贸易保护制度的响应更快;贸易保护对东部地区在国际分工中位置变动的影响更强。③ 各地区知识产权保护对其产业嵌入GPN分工演化的影响不尽相同,且影响并不显著。研究结果对当前中国电子通信业遭遇贸易保护冲击以及“双循环”战略背景下制定相关政策具有指导意义。当下制定产业发展政策需要因地制宜,考虑各地区电子通信业发展的不同阶段,以实现出口额和产品附加值的双增长。  相似文献   

卢明华  李国平  孙铁山 《地理研究》2011,30(11):1970-1982
利用北京市第一、第二次经济普查数据,以“乡镇\街道”为基本空间单元,运用因子分析和聚类分析方法研究北京都市区城市功能格局的特征与模式。与2004年相比,2008年北京都市区城市功能格局发生了明显变化。北京都市区城市功能布局呈现郊区化态势:建筑运输与制造功能呈现最明显的郊区化特征,沿主要交通干线向远郊区快速拓展;生产服务...  相似文献   

沟道等级结构与顺序结构都可看作是沟道拓扑结构,在黄土高原小流域坝系规划研究中,往往需要将Horton-Strahler的沟道分级模型与较长沟道优先的顺序编码模型进行整合。该文提出一个沟道结构假说,即在黄土高原小流域尺度上,存在一个最小集水面积与最短沟道长度的适宜取值区间,使得基于DEM提取的沟道网络上任意节点对应的较长沟道作为主沟道,其Horton-Strahler沟道等级不低于汇入支流。搜集的黄土高原丘陵沟壑区多个副区的一些典型小流域数据有效验证了上述假说,从而为实现整合等级结构与顺序结构的沟道编码模型的进一步研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

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