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This paper "summarises some of the major changes which have occurred in international migration to, from, and within Asia in the last two decades....A number of theoretical challenges are put forward regarding the complex interrelationships between international population movements, economic development and social change. The employment of systems approaches, neoclassical economic theory, social networks and institutional approaches, and the potential role of population geography in developing a more comprehensive explanation of the changing dynamics of international migration in the region, are discussed. Also considered are the gender dimension in migration, remittance flows and their consequences, and policy issues."  相似文献   

FENG Yan  HE Daming 《地理学报》2006,16(3):271-276
With the regional population growth, socioeconomic development, more and more attention has been paid to issues on the shared water allocation and the transboundary eco-security conservation during the development of water resources in the international rivers. In this paper, the existing major problems on transboundary waters in different sub-regions of Asia, such as water shortage, transboundary waters pollution, fragile eco-environment are discussed. Then, the key scientific issues to be concerned in the next study progress on the basis of the analyses of the new research directions and focus fields are raised: (1) unpredicted changes of the hydrologic and water system, and their impacts on the allocation of the sharing waters by global changes; (2) models of the international cooperation on the international rivers on the studies of international and national water laws or regulations, policies, the relative experiences and the case studies; (3) quantificational assessment on environmental flow, available water, and the comprehensive functions and values of the international watercourse system; (4) studies on transboundary aquatic bio-diversity maintenance, transboundary pollution supervision and treatment under the rules and principles accepted by the riparian states; (5) issues on transboundary compensation at the rules of “payments for using”, “payments for harm” and “compensation for benefit”; (6) using advanced 3S techniques to promote the integrated watershed development and management; and so on.  相似文献   

中国人口地理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘劲松 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1177-1189
1978年以来是中国人口地理学复兴和发展时期。中国人口地理学工作者消化吸收西方经典人口学理论,讨论中国人口容量问题,认识到中国人口总量即将达到增长极限,强调控制人口总量、努力发展生产和转变生存方式是解决人口问题的关键。针对资源短缺和环境污染问题,提出了创建第四产业,实施环境抚育,推动劳动力就业,降低环境污染的策略。针对民生问题,提出深入开展微观社会调查,主动再造跨尺度的社区制度,推进对人口行为的尺度综合和文化自觉。针对中国人口快速转变和人口结构问题,提出了人口均衡发展理论。针对国土空间开发格局问题,提出了区域发展均衡模型,强调通过产业转移、人口流动、转移支付等手段,形成相对均衡的区域发展格局。针对区域人口发展不平衡问题,提出了人口发展功能分区指标和分区模型,初步实现了视野综合化、指标定量化、分析模型化,将人口地理学研究推向新高度。未来中国人口地理学研究,一要围绕人口普查和人口业务数据库,建设分布式人口地理信息系统,推动人口专题数据和人口计量模型共享,巩固和发展人口地理学定量化研究之特色;二要加强不同尺度的社区微观调查,主动调控人口快速转变情景下的社区行为,提高对人口地理学定量研究结果的理解和解释;三要加强国际人口情报交流,把握各国人口演化趋势,从经济全球化的分工合作体系的视角,合理配置中国劳动力资源和人才资源。中国人口地理学应坚持走跨学科的发展道路,努力在世界人口之巅辛勤耕耘,为国家发展、学科建设做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

亚洲国际河流研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 General situation Entering the 21st century, resource and environmental diplomacy is regarded as a new element for establishing future international patterns of cooperation. Transboundary resources and environmental issues in international river basins …  相似文献   

Neglect by most geographers, especially political geographers, of one of the major issues of our time, that of war and peace, is criticized. Theories, methods and advances in the field of international relations are briefly reviewed and suggestions are offered to bring the geographic profession to a greater awareness of the major research issues. Sources for the study of international conflicts are listed.  相似文献   

使用WOS及CNKI收录的期刊论文,借助CiteSpace软件量化分析引力模型的国内外发展脉络及近期研究热点,进而对多边阻力与零值问题、距离变量选取及社会网络分析等方面的主流研究进行评述,并简述我国学者在国际贸易、国际投资及社会空间等方面应用引力模型存在的偏差。研究发现(:1)国内外引力模型研究主题较为集中,共同知识基础明确,以国际贸易、外商直接投资及人口流动为主形成一系列跨国经济研究(;2)近几年,应用引力模型进行国际研究的热点集中于气候问题、创新、全球价值链、空间整合等,而国内研究则在市场一体化、国际区域协作及中美贸易摩擦背景下,形成了以“一带一路”、中美贸易、长江经济带、粤港澳大湾区为重点的研究格局(;3)结合关键词共现、突现、趋势的研究以及传统的文献分析法,可知国内引力模型的研究以应用为主,明显滞后于国际研究,且缺乏多边阻力、零值问题、广义距离及引力值计算等方面的基础理论探索。  相似文献   

史丽  熊理然  蒋梅英 《热带地理》2022,42(3):499-508
基于联合国难民署的动态监测数据,对2018年1月至2020年9月期间的缅孟边境罗兴亚难民人口规模、人口结构及其对区域地缘政治关系的影响进行分析。研究表明:1)缅孟边境罗兴亚难民规模大且呈不断增长的态势;女性难民多于男性,难民年龄结构趋于年轻型,以18岁以下的未成年人为主,青壮年难民占总人口比重次之且增长快速;在空间分布上表现出典型的“距缅孟边境的距离衰变规律”,即难民营地向西部扩张,难民规模呈现自东向西递减的分布规律。2)罗兴亚难民的人口规模及结构对区域地缘政治关系产生了显著影响。一是深刻影响着缅甸的民主化进程;二是对缅孟边境安全形成挑战,导致缅孟关系趋于紧张;三是引发了多地缘行为体的介入与关注,进而引发了围绕难民问题的地缘政治博弈,导致东盟内部的分化及其地缘政治的外溢效应。3)相较于部分西方国家及国际组织,中国提出的“三步走”解决方案符合缅孟两国的实际情况,在中缅孟联合工作组机制下,罗兴亚难民问题正朝着合作共商的道路积极推进解决。  相似文献   

“外大陆架问题”折射出了地理因素是众多国际关系和国际法问题中的重要因子。地理因素在历史上驱动了国际法的产生和发展,广泛分布于国际法体系中的各个部分并和国际法紧密结合而并呈现出多种鲜明特点。地理因素同时还是未来国际法发展和产生争议的聚焦点。  相似文献   

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) was established in 1995 and represents a third chapter in the Mekong Project's organizational history. The MRC's predecessors – the Mekong Committee (1957–78) and the Interim Mekong Committee (1978–95) – operated under difficult circumstances, yet made many contributions to transboundary river basin planning and international diplomacy. The MRC's 2001 Work Programme represents a shift in Mekong basin planning from the era of the Mekong Committee. This shift is largely embodied by a change from a project–oriented focus to an emphasis on better management and preservation of existing resources. The MRC is in a position to help address the related issues of population growth, environmental preservation and regional security. In doing so, the MRC will benefit from the programmes and international collaboration established by its predecessors.  相似文献   

城镇化中后期中国人口迁移流动形式的转变及政策应对   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
林李月  朱宇  柯文前 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):2054-2067
人口迁移流动形式是构成人口迁移流动特征的一个关键要素。在中国进入人口城镇化中后期后,准确判断和把握人口迁移流动形式的转变是一项十分重要的工作。论文基于人口迁移流动形式转变的相关理论与国际经验,考察现阶段中国人口迁移流动形式转变的进程和特点及由此产生的问题与挑战。研究发现,中国人口迁移流动形式已发生转变,并突出表现为人口回流现象不断增多、省际和省内人口迁移流动此消彼长的趋势日益明显;城—城流动显著增加,人口的城-城间流动将渐成常态化;流动人口户籍城镇化进程开始加快,其城乡两栖生计的重心向城镇转移;住房驱动下的流动人口就地、异地城镇化渐成趋势等。同时,人口迁移流动形式转变过程中面临着人口回流推动的就近就地城镇化发展可持续性不足;城—城流动向东部少数省市聚集的态势明显;以户籍城镇化主导的农业流动人口市民化面临多重障碍等问题与挑战。最后,从流动人口城镇化的空间载体构建、城市治理方式转变、中西部小城镇自我可持续发展能力提升等方面提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Previous studies of postage stamps noted their importance in promoting national identity and the objectives of the state. Neglected in this literature by geographers and others is a discussion of stamp themes and issues during political and economic transitions. A content analysis of issues during the Soviet Union's last three years and Russia's first three years revealed some significant changes. The Soviet Union issued many stamps and sets on a wide variety of topics, including nature, folk items and legends, international ties, and ideology. Russia issued fewer stamps: Nature was important, but religion and issues that promoted Russia's heritage replaced ideology and international themes. Early Russian stamps evoked an “inward” worldview that promoted a nascent nationalism. In its final years the Soviet Union noted evidence of these changes in priorities and themes with issues that depicted Soviet environmental disasters or honored the individuals killed in the failed Russian coup attempt in August 1991.  相似文献   

China possesses over 110 international rivers and lakes, among which 41 are major ones and 15 are of great importance. With the highest concentration of international rivers, the northeast, northwest and southwest regions of China enjoy abundant transboundary resources and pose complicated ecological security issues. Following the 1950s, relevant studies on international rivers fall into three periods: 1) the planned economy period of the 1950s–1980s when border development and basic research were scant; 2) the reform and opening-up period from 1980 to the end of 20th century. Along with the drive of economic globalization and regional cooperation, development of international rivers was thriving, which filled blanks in the research and narrowed gaps with international standards. Relevant studies also provided national and local governments with important scientific grounds for making decisions; 3) since the start of the 21st century, China has integrated its international river studies across sectors and across international borders. Now both government and scientific institutions pay great attention to transboundary environmental issues.  相似文献   

中国国际河流研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1IntroductionThe increasing momentum of economic globalization and regional geopolitical cooperation no longer stand as the major drivers of a new world order. Resource and environmental diplomacy are now regarded as new elements establishing future international patterns. Transboundary resources and environmental issues in international river basins have attracted increasing global concern and professional attention. The impact of such issues penetrates into national security, international e…  相似文献   

当代边界与领土争端升级激化的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边界与领土争端是引发国际冲突的重要因素之一。边界与领土争端处理不当,会成为武装冲突与战争的导火线。边界与领土争端是世界存在的一种普遍现象,由此引发的冲突构成国际政治冲突的重要内容之一。边界与领土问题虽然普遍存在。但并不是每时每刻都处于激化状态,而导致边界与领土争端升级的原因有时并不单单是边界与领土问题本身。领土争端往往与政治争端同时演变和作用才会导致为冲突。当两国因政治、经济、军事、外交等问题关系恶化时,边界与领土问题就成了体现双方交恶程度的温度计.成为向对方表达不满与敌对情绪的途径,施加压力的手段和斗争的工具。边界与领土争端。极易引发强烈的民族主义情绪,使当事国之间的关系严重恶化,人民之间产生敌对情绪。和平解决国家之间的领土与边界争端是当代国际关系面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

"The research reported here evaluates whether students come to the UK mainly for educational reasons, and therefore perceive their stay as temporary, or whether emigration for study is being used as part of a conscious strategy by people intending to become future labour migrants.... The simplest interpretation of the results appears to be that migration, experienced as a result of international moves for study purposes, does not influence planning of further migration moves. But the research also indicates that migration for education is closely tied to other types of population redistribution and should be treated by population geographers as an integral part of international migration systems." Data were collected by questionnaire survey from 349 engineering students at Hong Kong universities and 82 Hong Kong students studying engineering in the UK.  相似文献   

This article provides information on those population education materials and services which are available from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and explores their usefulness in secondary school and college environments. PRB data sheets are a most useful source of information. Demographic and socioeconomic information (birth and death rates, natural increase, population doubling times, projections for the year 2000, life expectancies, per capita gross national product, etc.) are included. The World's Women Data Sheet is a special publication issued to mark the midway point of the UN Decade for Women. 161 countries are included with information on demographic, health, employment, and educational status of women. There is a nominal cost for these data sheets. To help students learn about population dynamics and world patterns of population, mapping exercises can be developed. The Population Bulletin is published 6 times/year and each issue concentrates on specific aspects of population. The 28 bulletins which have been published since January 1976 are listed. The PRB Chart Series is a multicolor graphic presentation of topical issues in population and development trends worldwide. A total of 26 charts in 4 series have been produced and cover such topics as world population growth, urbanization, world energy consumption, age structure in the U.S., and adolescent pregnancy in the U.S. This material is best used with high school students. A monthly international population news magazine called Intercom is desinged to inform about worldwide trends and activities in population and family planning. It is published in both English and Spanish and is a useful source of current information in capsulized form. For population educators there is the bimonthly newsletter Interchange. PRB's teaching-learning modules are valuable publications for teachers. Thus far there are 9, each of which is a self-contained unit with classroom activities for junior high to college students. Each one outlines a problem and then presents methods which can stimulate discussion and provoke interest. 2 special publications on special interest topics (Population Handbook; Population Education: Sources and Resources) are described. PRB may well be the best single source of population education materials which will hopefully be used and incorporated into teaching.  相似文献   

万永坤  董锁成  王菲  李泽红  李富佳  李俊 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1890-1898
区域差异历来是国内外学者关注的热点问题,区域差异长期扩大、过分悬殊,会产生严重的负面影响;而处于转轨时期的俄罗斯,由于各种矛盾导致经济发展缓慢、区域差异不断扩大。针对俄罗斯东部地区人口分布特点,利用超越对数计量模型深入分析后发现,俄罗斯东部地区科技贡献率都较低,经济增长主要是依靠劳动力和物质资本的投入,并且劳动力对经济贡献率远高出物质资本的贡献率。要转化优势、加快经济增长,就必须把自然资源与科技创新和劳动力发展等结合起来,提高人力与物质资本的直接产出弹性和外溢弹性,是俄罗斯东部、乃至整个俄联邦增强经济实力,在国际贸易中争取最大利益的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

中亚地区水问题研究综述   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
中亚地区地处内陆干旱区,水资源匮乏,是国际上水问题十分严重的地区。本文收集了自2000年以来近15年的相关文献,从文献数量、研究机构、研究方法和主要水问题等方面,综述国内外中亚地区水问题研究成果。通过对文献分析得出以下认识:① 中亚地区水问题是地理学研究热点之一,中国、德国和美国等国家的研究机构开展了大量研究工作,主要集中在水循环过程对气候变化的响应和流域水环境两个方面,中国在跨界河流管理方面的研究成果相对丰富;② 气温升高与降水增加是中亚地区气候变化的基本特征,受气温升高影响,陆地水储量与河川径流减小趋势明显,水资源日趋短缺;③ 不合理的水资源利用方式,加剧了土壤盐渍化和土地退化,加重了水环境污染,加大了流域水环境的压力;④ 复杂的地缘政治使中亚地区跨界河流管理成为当前国际社会面临的重大难题。从已经获得的成果还可以看出,基础数据获取方法、人口—资源—环境相互关系分析、气候—水文—社会—政治相互作用机制等将是未来中亚地区水问题研究发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

Firms often encounter location-based impediments that hinder them from engaging with international markets. These challenges can be exacerbated for smaller firms, which often have limited resources and exposure to global markets. This article examines successful small and medium-sized exporters from Nova Scotia, a province with decreased export activity in recent years. It explores these firms’ trade-related motivations, their impediments, and the strategies that they have used to address possible location-related problems. Although geographical distance does not appear to be a competitive challenge, other issues emerge, including travel expenditures and the costs of export intelligence gathering. Successful exporters have overcome many potential impediments by using government trade programs, establishing and maintaining face-to-face contacts, and working with international partners.  相似文献   

本文分析了丝绸之路经济带的资源、环境和经济格局,认为该格局有利于丝绸之路经济带沿线国家之间开展多领域、多层次的经济合作;在此基础上,论文提出了丝绸之路经济带主要经济合作模式和可持续发展道路,包括生态文明模式,区域经济一体化模式,交通经济带模式,国际旅游带合作模式;最后,论文总结了丝绸之路经济带实现可持续发展需要解决的关键科学问题,并提出了几个优先行动计划:建立丝绸之路经济带国际科学家联盟和思想库,建立丝绸之路经济带生态环境与可持续发展国际信息共享中心和科学决策支持系统,启动丝绸之路跨国科技交流合作与人才计划,建立丝绸之路经济带可持续发展国际合作委员会,建立应对气候变化和生态环境跨国共建、合作共赢机制。  相似文献   

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