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The problem of dust formation in the circumstellar envelopes of Asymptotic Giant Branch stars is addressed. We summarize the basic thermodynamic prerequisites necessary to enable the formation and growth of solid particles from the gas phase and draw some conclusions on the evolution of the emergent dust component. In a circumstellar environment the dust grains interact with the stellar radiation field, which leads to a strong coupling among the local thermodynamic conditions and the dust formation process itself. By a consistent treatment of the physics describing the dust forming circumstellar shells of evolved stars we demonstrate, that the non-linear interaction among the dust formation process and the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic conditions of the dust forming system leads to a complex dynamical structure of these shells. Some observable consequences resulting from corresponding model calculations are given. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

葛宏伟 《天文学报》2012,53(4):353-354
双星间的快速物质交换是一个非常复杂的过程,它涉及到双星演化的两个基本问题:物质交换的动力学不稳定性和公共包层的形成和演化.这两个问题是双星演化中最不清楚的两个基本问题.本论文通过建立相互作用双星之间的快速(绝热)物质损失模型,研究双星演化中物质交换的不稳定性判据和对公共包层的演化结局作出理论限制.利用恒星绝热物质损失模型得到的结果,还有很多潜在应用.比如,促进含双星的大样本恒星演化研究,改进演化星族合成方法等.恒星绝热物质损失模型的建立,基于主星在快速物质损失过程中,恒星内部的热量来不及交换,  相似文献   

Along with the considerations of the effect of constraint of gravitation on the matter loss of stellar wind and the disturbances of the radiation pressure and turbulent pressure on it, by introducing the mechanism of compressible flow, the effect of promotion of the convective region in stellar outer shell on the matter loss of stellar wind is investigated. Hence a new formula of matter loss of stellar wind is established. After this and via the computation of the rate of mass loss of stellar wind in the theoretical model of 3∼5M? stars, the following is revealed. From the main sequence up to the stage of termination of central helium-core burning, the rate of mass loss of stellar wind calculated with the new formula agrees almost completely with that given by the classical formula. But in the TP-AGB stage the stellar model calculated with the new formula of mass loss of stellar wind is not affected by luminosity and gives rise to the persistent and large matter loss of stellar wind. This rather well agrees with the results of actual observations.  相似文献   

The mass loss of T Tauri stars leads to the production of dust in circumstellar space. The total amount of lost mass (and therefore of produced dust) is observed to be positiv correlated with the intensity of the H and Call emission lines of the objects. This fact is used in the present paper to explain quantitatively another correlation, namely the observation, that the interstellar extinction which is found by star counts in the wider surroundings of a T Tauri star is roughly proportional to the intensity of its Hα emission. By this, the outflow of circumstellar matter into the interstellar space seems to be observable directly.  相似文献   

共生星双星是一颗有强大星风物质损失的红巨星与一颗早型热星组成的特殊双星系统。由于早型热星在充满红巨星的星风物质的空间中环绕运行,可以产生P—Cygni型谱线,通过对P—Cygni型谱线的理论分析可以精确测定共生星双星的星风物质损失率。文章介绍了国际上比较有代表意义的一些共生星双星的工作,其中的方法几乎都是近十年中发展起来的。同时,文章还介绍了作者的一些工作。在谱线形成计算中考虑了较多的因素,如氢—氦混合气体的多能级跃迁问题、轨道运动引起的密度非径向分布问题等,并在轨道形状方面做了一些简化。反映了共生星双星谱线形成关键的周期性相位变化的特征,取得了比较满意的结果,对这个方法存在的问题和改进方向进行了一些简要讨论,此外,还介绍了作者在线性化分离法求解Non-LTE大气模型中所做的工作。  相似文献   

Gasdynamic features of detached shells around carbon stars with variable mass loss rate are investigated in detail numerically. It is shown that a shell is unstable and also, 2D perturbations are less developed that 3D ones. The structure of perturbed flows corresponding to different evolution scenarios is compared. The results obtained seem to be promising for interpretation of observations, in particular, the recently obtained detailed data of TT Cyg. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We apply the concept of wave quantum theory in an astronomical scale and discuss the periodic distribution of the galaxies red shift. A generalization of the commutation relation is used to write down the wave equation and the redshift spectrum is calculated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The analysis of spectral lag between energy bands, which combines temporal and spectral analyses, can add strict constraints to gamma-ray burst (GRB) models. In previous studies, the lag analysis focused on the lags between channel 1 (25-57 keV) and channel 3 (115-320 keV) from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE). In this Letter, we analyzed the cross-correlation average lags (including approximate uncertainties) between energy bands for two GRB samples: 19 events detected by Ginga and 109 events detected by BATSE. We paid special attention to the BATSE GRBs with known redshifts because there has been a reported connection between lag and luminosity. This extends our knowledge of spectral lags to lower energy ( approximately 2 keV). We found that lags between energy bands are small. The lag between the peak of approximately 50 keV photons and that of approximately 200 keV photons is approximately 0.08 s. The upper limit in the lag between approximately 9 and approximately 90 keV photons is approximately 0.5 s. Thus, there are not large shifts at low energy. We found that about 20% of GRBs have detectable lags between energy bands in the Ginga and BATSE samples. From the internal shock model, we found that there are three sources of time structure in GRB pulses: cooling, hydrodynamics, and angular effects. We argue that cooling is much too fast to account for our observed lags and that angular effects are independent of energy. Thus, only hydrodynamics can produce these lags. Perhaps the radiation process varies as the reverse shock moves through the shell.  相似文献   

对20颗依巴谷(Hipparcos)卫星所观测的碳星作了近红外JHK测光,由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等mbpl以及有效温度Te,结合依巴谷卫星所得视差,得到其中一些星的绝对热星等Mbol。  相似文献   

We study the relation between the infrared colors[ OⅢ] emission lines,gaseous absorbing column density(NH) ,and the detectability of the polarized (hidden)broad-line region(HBLR) in a large sample of 75 Seyfert 2 galaxies(Sy2s).From the indicators of star-formation activity,f60/f100 and LFIR/LB,we find some evidence that the Sy2s without HBLR show higher star-formation activities than those with HBLR,in agreement with previous prediction.Also,we confirm that the HBLR Sy2s tend to have a larger luminosity ratio of the core to the host galaxy,suggesting that the HBLR Sy2s display more powerful AGN activity.Howerver,the level of obscuration found in previous papers in nearly indistinguishable between the two types of Sy2s.The results support the statement that the non-HBLR Sy2s,with a weaker core component and a stronger star-formation activity component,are intrinsically different from the HBLR Sy2s,which are Sy1 systems with a hidden powerful AGN core and a low star-formation activity.The indications are that the non-HBLR Sy2s might be at an earlier evolutionary phase than the HBLR Sy2s.  相似文献   

本文针对晚型星红外辐射的一些模型,讨论相应的拟合方法。对有拱星壳层的晚型星的双黑体模型,给出了具体的拟合方法──线性化方法。最后我们就拟合结果及拟合程序编制方面讨论了线性化方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

本文利用列于IRAS Point Source Catalog上的Be星资料,讨论了利用IRAS的三个流量(12μm、25μm、60μm)区分红外色余是自由-自由跃迁还是由星周尘埃再发射所产生。前者被认为是经典的Be星,而后者则可能是处于主序前的Herbig Ae/Be星。但是有16个一般认为是经典Be星的,却也显示出部分红外色余来自尘埃的再发射。它们的物理状态显然值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

对观测到的受星风或膨胀气壳包围的双星系统的PCyg谱线理论分析可精确测定其星风物质损失率.我们在计算这类星的理论谱线时,考虑了氢氦混合气体的多能级跃迁、轨道运动引起的密度非径向分布等因素,对轨道形状做了简化,所得结果是令人满意的.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION In the past years, we were thrilled to the reports of discoveries of many planets around stars.These planetary systems outside the solar system (if exist) provide not only an independenttest of the formation theory of the solar system but also a chance to search for extraterrestriallife in the universe. Many studies have been made to identify the particularities of these stars,among which spectroscopic studies (e.g. Gonzalez et al. 2001; Santos et al. 2001; Zhao etaL. 2001…  相似文献   

天体物理学家第一次成功地计算中等质量恒星演化到中心氦燃烧阶段 ,就发现蓝拐现象 ,它是赫罗图上形成黄巨星分支的重要理论条件。但由于蓝拐对很多输入物理 ,如对流的混合长理论 ,对流超射 ,初始元素丰度等都十分敏感稍稍不同就会抑制或触发蓝拐 ,因此蓝拐的激发机制一直没有满意的理论。本文回顾了蓝拐的研究历史 ,并对中等质量恒星在演化过程中的蓝拐的激发机制问题进行理论分析 ,给出一个蓝拐整个过程的物理图象。本文探寻了氢燃烧核反应的CNO循环过程对蓝拐的影响 ,用两种不同的方法处理CNO循环 ,在第一种模型中保持14N丰度不变 ;而在第二种模型中计算了16 O向14N的转化过程。结果模型一中出现了蓝拐而模型二中没有蓝拐。在对两种模型的比较中 ,我们进一步研究蓝拐的触发机制。我们注意到蓝拐的一个重要特征 ,恒星内部的核反应产能增加决定了蓝拐光度的上升 ;同时对于一个内部产能恒定的恒星 ,恒星外壳的膨胀和收缩将决定恒星表面的有效温度。根据这点 ,对恒星内部和外壳的各种物理量进行了研究 ,并着重注意了恒星外壳对内部产能变化的反应。我们发现RGB阶段产生的氢丰度不连续区的跳变是恒星光度上升的一个关键因素 ,当氢壳层的外边缘接触到氢跳变的时候 ,突然增加的氢丰度使氢燃烧壳层变宽 ,产能  相似文献   

By reviewing the methods of mass measurements of neutron stars in four different kinds of systems, i.e., the high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), double neutron star systems (DNSs) and neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) binary systems, we have collected the orbital parameters of 40 systems. By using the boot-strap method and the Monte-Carlo method, we have rebuilt the likelihood probability curves of the measured masses of 46 neutron stars. The statistical analysis of the simulation results shows that the masses of neutron stars in the X-ray neutron star systems and those in the radio pulsar systems exhibit different distributions. Besides, the Bayes statistics of these four different kind systems yields the most-probable probability density distributions of these four kind systems to be (1.340 ± 0.230)M8, (1, 505 ± 0.125)M8,(1.335 ± 0.055)M8 and (1.495 ± 0.225)M8, respectively. It is noteworthy that the masses of neutron stars in the HMXB and DNS systems are smaller than those in the other two kind systems by approximately 0.16M8. This result is consistent with the theoretical model of the pulsar to be accelerated to the millisecond order of magnitude via accretion of approximately 0.2M8. If the HMXBs and LMXBs are respectively taken to be the precursors of the BNS and NS-WD systems, then the influence of the accretion effect on the masses of neutron stars in the HMXB systems should be exceedingly small. Their mass distributions should be very close to the initial one during the formation of neutron stars. As for the LMXB and NS-WD systems, they should have already under- gone the process of suffcient accretion, hence there arises rather large deviation from the initial mass distribution.  相似文献   

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