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"5.12"汶川大地震龙门山地区发育地震高位滑坡,通常发生在10~11度的极震区,这种灾害难预测,发生速度快,容易造成惨重的生命和财产损失。本文通过在龙池乡川主坪的实地调查,对典型地震抛射滑坡形成的抛射堆积体进行剖析,探究地震加速度受地形放大效应的影响效应及崩塌被抛射的运动程式。  相似文献   

汶川地震诱发大型滑坡分布规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2008年5.12汶川地震由于其超常的地震动力,触发了数百处大型滑坡灾害。本文以遥感解译所获取的汶川地震区112处面积大于50000m2大型滑坡的基本信息为基础,结合代表性大型滑坡实例的现场调绘,对汶川地震诱发大型滑坡的发育分布规律进行了较系统的研究。结果表明,汶川地震大型滑坡分布除表现出与汶川地震诱发区域性地质灾害类似的分布规律之外,因主要源于发震断层瞬间大幅度错动的直接地震动力引发的大型滑坡,其发育分布及滑动、运动方式还表现出自身的特点,具体可归结为以下几种效应:(1)距离效应:约80%的大型滑坡集中分布于发震断裂地表破裂带两侧5km的范围内,距离越远,滑坡分布数量越少;(2)锁固段效应:汶川地震诱发的大型滑坡主要集中分布在与发震断裂的交叉、错列、转换部位及NE段末端等5个集中区段。其中,红白-茶坪段是大型滑坡最为集中发育段,不仅滑坡数量多,而且规模大,汶川地震诱发的最大两处滑坡均分布于此段。其次为断裂NE段末端的南坝-东河口段,该段大型滑坡密集发育,东河口滑坡和窝前滑坡等大型滑坡均出露于此段;(3)上下盘效应:绝大多数(70%)大型滑坡都位于活动断裂的上盘,存在明显的"上下盘效应;"(4)方向效应:在与发震断裂带近于垂直的沟谷斜坡中,在地震波传播的背坡面一侧的滑坡发育密度明显大于迎坡面一侧,存在"背坡面效应"。同时,大型滑坡的滑动及运动方向还与各区段断层的错动方向有一定的相关性。在断层活动以右旋走滑为主的青川境内,有相当数量的滑坡表现出向NE方向滑动和运动的特点。  相似文献   

汶川八级地震滑坡高速远程特征分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
汶川地震触发的高速远程滑坡主要沿龙门山主中央断裂带汶川映秀安县高川北川县城平武南坝青川一线地震破裂带展布。由于获得了1.5g以上的抛掷加速度,具有明显的气垫效应,估计最大滑动速度一般大于70ms-1,滑动距离一般为滑体启动时长度的数倍甚至10多倍,堆积成坝形成多处堰塞湖,最大滑行距离达3.2km。本文重点解剖了位于地震破裂带南西段(初始震中)的汶川映秀牛圈沟滑坡碎屑流、位于地震破裂带中段的北川城西滑坡和位于地震破裂带北东段青川东河口滑坡碎屑流3个典型实例,认为具有如下特征:(1)岩性条件:母岩遭受长期构造动力作用,呈碎裂岩体,后期被强烈风化,岩体极为破碎;(2)抛掷效应:位于汶川地震主断裂带或附近,垂直加速度大于水平加速度,强地面运动持时长,岩体发生振胀和抛掷;(3)碰撞效应:上部滑坡体发生高位剪出和高位撞击,致使岩体碎屑化;(4)铲刮效应:撞击作用导致下部山体被铲刮,形成次级滑坡,为碎屑流体提供了足够展翼和抛洒物源体积;(5)气垫效应:碎屑化岩体快速抛掷导致下部沟谷空气迅速谷状圈闭和向下紊流,形成气垫效应,或者,在下部地形开阔地带压缩空气呈层流状态致使滑体凌空飞行。  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0级地震、芦山MS7.0级地震和鲁甸MS6.5级地震均引发了大量的滑坡灾害。由于震级差异和地质地形条件的不同,地震滑坡分布情况有较大区别。本文综合已有的研究成果,从地震、地质和地貌3个方面,对比分析了地震滑坡的分布规律。结果表明:(1)3次地震滑坡数量和密度随着PGA和震级的增加而增加。汶川和鲁甸地震随烈度的增加,滑坡数量呈现递增的趋势。但芦山地震在较低烈度区也发育着大量滑坡。(2)断层影响滑坡分布的最大距离随着震级的增加而增加。在最大影响距离0.2倍的范围内,汶川地震分布有80%的滑坡,而其他两次地震仅30%。此外,汶川地震滑坡数量随断层距离呈指数衰减关系。(3)地震滑坡的分布受到地形的强烈影响。Ⅶ度及以上烈度区地形切割深度越大,地震触发的滑坡集中分布区域相对高差越大。同时,滑坡集中发育的坡度会随之增加。切割深度越大,地震滑坡更易发生在地势较陡的山脊或者上坡处,这可能与地形放大效应有关。  相似文献   

刘亢  李海兵  李亦纲  王金萍 《地质学报》2019,93(10):2666-2677
全球多数大地震发生在俯冲带地区,然而对于俯冲带地震诱发的滑坡研究并不多见。2015年4月25日尼泊尔廓尔喀县发生了Mw78地震,为喜马拉雅俯冲带近70年来的首次强震,震源机制解表明为低角度逆冲型的俯冲带地震,触发了大量滑坡、崩塌等地震次生灾害。通过遥感解译和现场调查获取2072组地震滑坡信息,揭示滑坡多数分布在海拔1000m~3000m之间,高喜马拉雅与低喜马拉雅的过渡区域,基本沿主中央逆冲断裂断裂(MCT)展布,地势落差大。早期断裂活动频繁,由中、高级变质岩和新生代浅色花岗岩变为古生代沉积岩和少量岩浆岩组成的逆冲岩席,易于发生滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害。滑坡坡度值优势分布区间为35°~40°,与中国西部地区一致,说明地震滑坡坡度分布与大的构造背景相关性较小,可能受局部地形地貌、地层岩性等因素控制。坡向值的优势分布区间为120°~200°,与水平形变场关系紧密。以尼泊尔地震滑坡为例探讨了喜马拉雅俯冲带地震滑坡的特征:滑坡点明显呈相对较宽的矩形区域展布,受深部逆冲推覆构造低倾角的断层破裂面影响较大,滑坡全部位于上盘,由于地震运动的惯性作用,在坡向与上盘逆冲方向一致的斜坡上容易诱发地震滑坡。  相似文献   

2014年8月3日鲁甸县MS6.5级地震造成了617人死亡,并诱发了大量次生滑坡崩塌灾害。其中红石岩滑坡堆积体方量最大,甘家寨滑坡造成的人员伤亡最多。根据笔者对甘家寨特大型滑坡的实地调查和遥感影像解译,分析了该滑坡堆积体的发育特征及演化期次,从活断层破裂角度研究了滑坡的主控因素,认为甘家寨滑坡分为两个发育期次,最新一期滑坡体(本次地震诱发)长约700m,宽约250m,滑体面积约18×104m2,体积约140×104m3,是在20kaBP前发生的古崩塌堆积体在地震诱发下的复活型滑坡,受控于NW向的下水沟断层。最后建议进一步防范鲁甸8.03地震次生灾害的可能危险,加强该地区活动断层的复发周期研究,为灾害恢复重建中的地质环境安全提供基础依据。  相似文献   

龙门山地震带的地质背景与汶川地震的地表破裂   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
龙门山位于青藏高原与扬子地台之间, 系由一系列大致平行的叠瓦状冲断带构成, 自西向东发育汶川茂汶断裂、映秀北川断裂和彭县灌县断裂,并将龙门山划分为3个构造地层带,分别为变形变质构造地层带(主要由志留系泥盆系浅变质岩和前寒武系杂岩构成)、变形变位构造地层带(主要由上古生界三叠系沉积岩构成)、变形构造地层带(主要由侏罗系至第三系红层和第四纪松散堆积构成)。 龙门山断裂带属地震危险区,3条主干断裂皆具备发生7级左右地震的能力,其中映秀北川断裂是引发地震的最主要断层,据对彭县灌县断裂青石坪探槽场地的研究结果表明,在该断裂带上最晚的一次强震发生在93040a.B.P.左右,据此,可以初步判定,这3条主干断裂的单条断裂上的强震复发间隔至少应在1000a左右,表明龙门山构造带及其内部断裂属于地震活动频度低但具有发生超强地震的潜在危险的特殊断裂,以逆冲-右行走滑为其主要运动方式。 汶川地震属于逆冲走滑型的地震,地表破裂分布于映秀北川断裂带和彭县灌县断裂带上。根据近南北向的断裂(小鱼洞断层、擂鼓断层和邓家坝断层)和地表断距可将映秀北川断层的地表破裂带划分为两个高值区和两个低值区,两个高值区分别位于南段的映秀-虹口一带和位于中北段的擂鼓北川县城邓家坝一带;两个低值区分别位于中南段的白水河茶坪一带和北段的北川黄家坝至平武石坎子一带,两个高值区分别与小鱼洞断层和擂鼓断层相关。根据保存于破裂面上的擦痕,可将该地震破裂过程划分为两个阶段,早期为逆冲作用,晚期为斜向走滑作用,其与地壳增厚构造模式和侧向挤出摸式在青藏高原东缘的推论具有不吻合性。鉴于龙门山的表层运动速率与深部构造运动速率具有不一致性,初步探讨了龙门山地区的地表过程与下地壳流之间的地质动力模型,认为下地壳物质在龙门山近垂向挤出和垂向运动,从而造成导致龙门山向东的逆冲运动、龙门山构造带抬升和汶川特大地震。在此基础上,根据汶川地震所引发的地质灾害,对地震灾后重建提出了的几点建议。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日龙门山汶川(Ms8.0)地震导致了北川断裂、彭灌断裂和小鱼洞断裂发生了地表破裂,显示为两条近于平行的北东向逆冲-走滑型断层.同震变形在瞬间就改变了地形坡度,并产生了巨量的滑坡和泥石流,导致河流地貌产生相应的变化和响应.本文在整合汶川地震所导致的地表破裂、地形和水系变化相关数据的基础上,标定了汶川地震驱动的逆冲-走滑型构造作用对河流坡折点、河流转折点、河道走向的控制作用,刻画了平行的走滑-逆冲断层对河流地貌与不规则水系样式的控制作用,讨论了汶川地震驱动的隆升作用对河床梯度剖面的影响,探讨了汶川地震和暴雨驱动滑坡、泥石流和洪水及其剥蚀卸载作用对河道地貌和龙门山地形演化的影响.研究结果表明:1)汶川地震驱动的右行走滑作用导致水平位错和偏转,使水系产生新的河流流向的转折点;2)汶川地震驱动的逆冲作用导致的垂向位错使水系产生新的河流坡折点;3)汶川地震驱动的活动断层走向对河道走向具有控制作用;4)汶川地震驱动抬升作用导致河床梯度平衡剖面和剥蚀基准面的变化;5)汶川地震驱动的滑坡使得该地区剥蚀作用加强,同震滑坡量远大于同震岩石隆升增加的山脉体积,导致了龙门山造山带的物质亏损;6)龙门山地形雨的“雨影区”产生的强降雨带与汶川地震驱动的地表破裂带和滑坡带的空间分布位置一致,暴雨季节来临时容易出现滑坡、泥石流和洪水,这是未来几十年所面临的地质灾害.因此认为,在龙门山地震活动频繁的地区,河流地貌和水系样式主要受地震构造活动控制.  相似文献   

2008年3月21日新疆于田7.1级地震发生在青藏高原北缘东昆仑山、西昆仑山和阿尔金山交汇的地区。文中介绍了此次地震的近断层破坏作用。此次地震在阿尔金断裂西端近南北向谷地海拔4 900~5 600 m东坡形成了近31 km长的地震地表破裂带。破裂带主要显示正断层滑动性质,其总体走向近南北,但局部追索北北西和北北东向共轭断裂发育,走向变化很大。受地形及滑塌作用影响,断裂陡坎高度最大可达20 m,垂直位移为2 m左右,最大水平拉张量也接近1.8 m,此外局部还存在近1 m的左旋位移。沿断裂发育一个近10 hm2的滑坡体,以及大量中小规模的滑坡、崩塌,多为冰碛物、洪积物及残坡积物等松散堆积。虽位于陡峭的山坡上,也未见大规模基岩崩塌、滑坡。通过平地上巨石的翻滚推测,断层附近的最大加速度峰值可达1 g。同时根据不同坡度的边坡崩塌和滚石发育程度估算出距离断层不同距离地区的地震震动峰值加速度。地裂缝分布范围较宽,距断层1 km的地区仍可见到长度超过100 m的地裂缝。这些地裂缝可能是地震震动、谷地边坡变形及旁支断层地震触发滑动的综合产物。极震区最大烈度估计可达Ⅹ度,综合各方面资料文章提供了该次地震Ⅸ度、Ⅷ度、和Ⅶ度等震线;长轴方向呈NNESSW向,与余震方向大致一致。近断层破坏作用包括强地面运动、断层破裂带、地裂缝、滑坡、崩塌、滚石等。它们受到震级、断裂活动性质及场地条件等多因素控制。  相似文献   

地质构造及其活动特征与滑坡灾害的关系是工程地质研究中的热点问题。文章在川西南大凉山区美姑河流域地质构造资料分析和大型古滑坡精细化调查的基础上,以流域内的典型古滑坡为研究对象,结合该地区地质构造的几何学、变形学、运动学和活动性特征,深入剖析了沉积构造、断裂构造、褶皱构造和节理构造等不同的地质构造类型对大型古滑坡的孕育的控制作用,认为地质构造对大型滑坡的控制主要表现在:(1)断层破碎带、节理密集带等不连续结构面控制了滑坡发育的边界,(2)断层破碎带、褶皱弯滑作用的滑动层面、沉积结构软弱夹层等孕育滑带的形成,(3)节理构造形成的裂隙构成地下水储集和运移的通道,促进滑坡的孕育和大型滑坡的发生,(4)活动断裂制约着滑坡地貌发展演化,诱发断裂活动的地震导致了大型滑坡失稳。建议在美姑河流域的滑坡灾害防治方面应加强不同尺度,尤其是中小尺度活动构造与滑坡发育演化研究。  相似文献   

Landslide hazards triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China   总被引:35,自引:16,他引:19  
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (M s = 8.0; epicenter located at 31.0° N, 103.4° E), with a focal depth of 19.0 km was triggered by the reactivation of the Longmenshan fault in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China on 12 May 2008. This earthquake directly caused more than 15,000 geohazards in the form of landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows which resulted in about 20,000 deaths. It also caused more than 10,000 potential geohazard sites, especially for rockfalls, reflecting the susceptibility of high and steep slopes in mountainous areas affected by the earthquake. Landslide occurrence on mountain ridges and peaks indicated that seismic shaking was amplified by mountainous topography. Thirty-three of the high-risk landslide lakes with landslide dam heights greater than 10 m were classified into four levels: extremely high risk, high risk, medium risk, and low risk. The levels were created by comprehensively analyzing the capacity of landslide lakes, the height of landslide dams, and the composition and structure of materials that blocked rivers. In the epicenter area which was 300 km long and 10 km wide along the main seismic fault, there were lots of landslides triggered by the earthquake, and these landslides have a common characteristic of a discontinuous but flat sliding surface. The failure surfaces can be classified into the following three types based on their overall shape: concave, convex, and terraced. Field evidences illustrated that the vertical component of ground shaking had a significant effect on both building collapse and landslide generation. The ground motion records show that the vertical acceleration is greater than the horizontal, and the acceleration must be larger than 1.0 g in some parts along the main seismic fault. Two landslides are discussed as high speed and long runout cases. One is the Chengxi landslide in Beichuan County, and the other is the Donghekou landslide in Qingchuan County. In each case, the runout process and its impact on people and property were analyzed. The Chengxi landslide killed 1,600 people and destroyed numerous houses. The Donghekou landslide is a complex landslide–debris flow with a long runout. The debris flow scoured the bank of the Qingjiang River for a length of 2,400 m and subsequently formed a landslide dam. This landslide buried seven villages and killed more than 400 people.  相似文献   

The M s 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake or “Great Sichuan Earthquake” occurred at 14:28 p.m. local time on 12 May 2008 in Sichuan Province, China. Damage by earthquake-induced landslides was an important part of the total earthquake damage. This report presents preliminary observations on the Hongyan Resort slide located southwest of the main epicenter, shallow mountain surface failures in Xuankou village of Yingxiu Town, the Jiufengchun slide near Longmenshan Town, the Hongsong Hydro-power Station slide near Hongbai Town, the Xiaojiaqiao slide in Chaping Town, two landslides in Beichuan County-town which destroyed a large part of the town, and the Donghekou and Shibangou slides in Qingchuan County which formed the second biggest landslide lake formed in this earthquake. The influences of seismic, topographic, geologic, and hydro-geologic conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

中国西北地区存在大量的新近纪硬土软岩滑坡灾害,为研究该类滑坡的变形特征,开展两组离心机模型试验模拟滑带劣化引起滑坡变形破坏的全过程,获取模型坡体土压及位移的实时变化曲线。研究表明,当软弱带强度降低时,硬土软岩滑坡的上部滑体呈块体状滑动,在快速运动滑动过程中,滑体呈现块状平移,不会彻底解体、液化;硬土软岩滑坡中前部出现水平应力集中,导致下伏滑带塑性流动变形,诱发其中前部上覆滑体的水平运动,并向滑坡后缘扩展,最终形成多级水平滑动。  相似文献   

汶川八级地震地质灾害研究   总被引:103,自引:15,他引:103  
汶川地震触发了15000多处滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,估计直接造成2万人死亡。地质灾害隐患点达10000余多处,以崩塌体增加最为显著,反映出地震对山区高陡斜坡的影响差异性非常大,在山顶上的放大作用非常显著。通过综合分析堰塞湖库容、滑坡坝高以及坝体物质组成和结构,对地震形成的33处坝高大于10m的滑坡堰塞湖进行了评估,划分出极高、高、中和低4种溃决危险。汶川地震滑坡滑床往往不具连续平整的滑面,尖点撞击是极震区滑坡的一大共性,可以分为勺型滑床、凸型滑床和阶型滑床等类型。据实地调查,滑坡附近震毁建筑物垂向震动非常明显,具有地震抛掷撞击崩裂高速滑流三阶段特征。在高速滑流中,发生3种效应:(1)高速气垫效应,滑坡体由较大块石和土构成,具有一定厚度,飞行行程可达1~3km;(2)碎屑流效应,撞击粉碎的土石呈流动状态,特别是含水丰富时,形成长程流滑;(3)铲刮效应,巨大撞击力导致下部岩体崩裂,形成新滑坡、崩塌,但是,其厚度不大,滑床起伏不平。本文以北川城西滑坡和青川东河口滑坡为例,分析了地震滑坡高速远程滑动及成灾机理。北川县城城西滑坡导致1600人被埋死亡,数百间房屋被毁,是汶川地震触发的最严重的滑坡灾难,举世罕见。青川东河口滑坡碎屑流是汶川地震触发的较为典型的高速远程复合型滑坡,滑程约2400m,高速碎屑流冲抵清江河左岸,形成滑坡坝,致使7个村庄被埋,约400人死亡。  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, at 1428 hours (Beijing time), a catastrophic earthquake, with a magnitude of Ms 8.0, struck the Sichuan Province, China. About 200,000 landslides, as a secondary geological hazard associated with the earthquake, were triggered over a broad area. These landslides were of almost all types such as shallow, disrupted landslides, rock falls, deep-seated landslides, and rock avalanches. Some of these landslides damaged and destroyed large part of some towns, blocked roads, dammed rivers, and caused other serious damages. The purpose of this study is to detect correlations between landslide occurrence and the surface rupture plane, ground shaking conditions (measured by peak ground acceleration, PGA), lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, topographic position, and distance from drainages by using two indices, landslide area percentage (LAP) and the landslide number density (LND), based on geographic information system (GIS) technology and statistical analysis method in a square region (study area) of Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, China. There were 5,096 landslides related with the earthquake which were delineated by visual interpretation and selected field checking throughout the study area. The total area (horizontal projection) of the 5,096 landslides is about 41.103 km2. The LAP, which is defined as the percentage of the plane area affected by landslides, was 10.276 %, and the LND, means the number of landslides per square kilometers, was 12.74 landslides/km2. Statistical analysis results show that both LAP and LND have a positive correlation with slope gradient and a negative correlation with distance from the surface rupture. However, the correlation between the occurrence of landslides with PGA, topographic position, and distance from drainages are uncertain, or has just a little positive correlation. The correlation between landslide and slope aspect also shows the effect of the directivity of the seismic wave. The Zbq formation had the most concentrated landslide activity with the LND value of 21.78 landslides/km , 2 and the ∈1 q Gr. geological units had the highest LAP value. Furthermore, weight index (W i) model is performed with a GIS platform to derive landslide hazard index map. The success rate of the model was 71.615 % and, thus, it was valid. In addition, comparison of five landslide controlling parameters’ influence on landslide occurrences was also carried out.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake triggered 15,000 rock avalanches, rockfalls and debris flows, causing a large number of causalities and widespread damage. Similar to many rock avalanches, field investigations showed that tensile failure often occurred at the back edge. Some soil and rock masses were moved so violently that material became airborne. The investigation indicates that this phenomenon was due to the effect of a large vertical seismic motion that occurred in the meizoseismal area during the earthquake. This paper analyses the effect of vertical earthquake force on the failure mechanism of a large rock avalanche using the Donghekou rock avalanche as an example. This deadly avalanche, which killed 780 people, initiated at an altitude of 1,300 m and had a total run-out distance of 2,400 m. The slide mass is mainly composed of Sinian limestone and dolomite limestone, together with Cambrian slate and phyllite. Static and dynamic stability analysis on the Donghekou rock avalanche has been performed using FLAC finite difference method software, under the actual seismic wave conditions as recorded on May 12, 2008. The results show that the combined horizontal and vertical peak acceleration caused a higher reduction in slope stability factor than horizontal peak acceleration alone. In addition, a larger area of tensile failure at the back edge of the avalanche was generated when horizontal and vertical peak acceleration were combined than when only horizontal acceleration was considered. The force of the large vertical component of acceleration was the main reason rock and soil masses became airborne during the earthquake.  相似文献   

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with Ms8.0 triggered extensive throwing-pattern landslides in the area within or near the seismic faults. The resultant landslides from this earthquake brought to the fore the effect of vertical earthquake acceleration on landslide occurrence. The pseudostatic analysis and the dynamic response on landslide stability due to the Wenchuan earthquake are studied with the Chengxi (West Town) catastrophic landslide used as a case study. The results show that the epicenter distance is an important factor which affects the vertical acceleration and thus the stability of landslide. Also, the vertical acceleration was found to have a significant impact on the FOS of landslide if the earthquake magnitude is quite large. Within the seismic fault, the amplitude effect of vertical acceleration is very dominant with the FOS of landslide, for vertical acceleration ranging from positive to negative, having a variation of 25 %. The variation of FOS of landslide for vertical acceleration ranging from positive to negative are 15 and 5 % for landslides near seismic fault and outside seismic fault, respectively. For landslide with a slope angle <45°, the FOS of landslide with both horizontal and vertical accelerations is significantly greater than the one without vertical acceleration. Further, the results computed from both the pseudostatic method and dynamic analysis reveal that the FOS during the earthquake varied significantly whether vertical acceleration is considered or not. The results from this study explain why lots of throwing-pattern catastrophic landslides occurred within 10 km of the seismic fault in the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

The 12 May 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, China, was one of largest continental thrusting events worldwide. Based on interpretations of post-earthquake high-resolution remote sensing images and field surveys, we investigated the geometry, geomorphology, and kinematics of co-seismic surface ruptures, as well as seismic and geologic hazards along the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt. Our results indicate that the Wenchuan earthquake occurred along the NE–SW-trending Yingxiu–Beichuan and Guanxian–Anxian faults in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt. The main surface rupture zones along the Yingxiu–Beichuan and Guanxian–Anxian fault zones are approximately 235 and 72 km in length, respectively. These sub-parallel ruptures may merge at depth. The Yingxiu–Donghekou surface rupture zone can be divided into four segments separated by discontinuities that appear as step-overs or bends in map view. Surface deformation is characterized by oblique reverse faulting with a maximum vertical displacement of approximately 10 m in areas around Beichuan County. Earthquake-related disasters (e.g., landslides) are linearly distributed along the surface rupture zones and associated river valleys.The Wenchuan earthquake provides new insights into the nature of mountain building within the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The total crustal shortening accommodated by this great earthquake was as much as 8.5 m, with a maximum vertical uplift of approximately 10 m. The present results suggest that ongoing mountain building of the Longmen Shan is driven mainly by crustal shortening and uplift related to repeated large seismic events such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Furthermore, rapid erosion within the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt occurs along deep valleys and rupture zones following the occurrence of large-scale landslides triggered by earthquakes. Consequently, we suggest that crustal shortening related to repeated great seismic events, together with isostatic rebound induced by rapid erosion-related unloading, is a key component of the geodynamics that drive ongoing mountain building on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0级特大地震发生后,在北川县擂鼓地区出露了一条擂鼓同震地表破裂带,该破裂带呈近南北向展布,位于映秀-北川断裂的中北段,其北东起于擂鼓镇柳林村北部,南西止于石岩村南部,以脆性破裂为特征,分别由3条呈北北东、北西西、北北东走向的地表破裂组成,延伸长度约4~5km,并切割了多种地貌单元,其平均垂直断距为1.5m,平均水平断距为1.4m,垂直与水平断距之比为1.07∶1。通过对该地表破裂带野外测量数据、几何展布结构及其成因机制的初步分析表明: 擂鼓断裂是出露于擂鼓地区的捩断层,具有捩断层的基本特性;其主要特征包括:1)擂鼓断裂的形成是由于在汶川地震中其东西两侧逆冲块体之间的差异性运动而引起; 2)断裂呈近南北向展布,与映秀-北川主干断裂近垂直相交;3)断面倾角较陡,为高角度断面的逆断层,具有逆冲兼走滑特征。  相似文献   

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