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A first-order theory is developed for the radiative dissipation of compressive waves in the chromosphere above T min, where line radiation becomes dominant. The radiative relaxation time, which is the key to dissipation, is shown to depend on wave amplitude, falling greatly for amplitudes 2 km s–1 or more. For a given amplitude, dissipation is greatest for high frequencies, 0.1 s–1, periods 1 min. The observed short-period r.m.s. velocities ~2.4 km s–1 at the D1, level are adequate to provide dissipation balancing chromospheric emission losses.Predictions for the temperature-velocity phase difference and the phase velocity are compatible with observations.  相似文献   

Harold Zirin 《Solar physics》1996,169(2):313-326
We discuss many aspects of the solar chromosphere from an observational point of view, and show that most existing models are in direct contradiction to radio and eclipse measurements. We plead for attention to the actual observed radio temperatures and density gradients, as well as images of the chromosphere. We find that the chromosphere is not in hydrostatic equilibrium and suggest that the support is due to the tangled intranetwork fields.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   

We assume that the lines of the solar spectrum, formed in the reversing layer, when travelling for an optical thickness τ in the chromosphere are subjected to a red shift Δλ(τ) due to multiple Compton scattering. We limit our investigation to the difference of the red shift at the limb—the red shift at the centre of the disc giving a good agreement between the theoretical results and observations.  相似文献   

Sawyer  C. 《Solar physics》1974,37(1):63-74
Solar Physics - Oscillating velocity fields can be observed on Hα filtergrams as a shifting pattern of intensity fluctuations known as ‘the galloping chromosphere’. The...  相似文献   

The red shift and central intensity are given for eleven spectral lines having an observed reduced equivalent widthV ranging fromV=15 toV=200. The computations have been repeated for eight values of the scattering thickness of the chromosphere, from to . A theoretical interpretation of measurements in the Sun is also given.  相似文献   

It is shown that in the solar spectrum at the centre of the disc there is evidence of a red shift due to generalized Compton effect and Thomson scattering in the chrosmophere. It is also shown that there is no proof of the Einstein effect.The analysis of the emission lines of the limb spectrum confirms this point of view and is in accord with the previous results obtained from the study of the ultraviolet limb spectrum.At last a study of the spectra of Orionis suggests the possibility that a quite large Compton red shift is present in the spectrum of the star.  相似文献   

The abundance of helium relative to hydrogen is spectroscopically determined in prominences and in the chromosphere by using 1952, 1958, 1962 and 1966 eclipse data. Care is taken in the intensity calibration of emission lines, the self-absorption, and the departure from local thermodynamic equilibrium. We find from the line profiles and intensities of prominences and the chromosphere that the neutral helium lines are emitted in the metal-hydrogen emitting region where the kinetic temperature is low enough, 6000 8000 K, so that only the ionization due to UV radiation from the corona can explain the intensity of neutral helium emission. Also we find that the intensity ratio of Hei 3888.65 to H8 3889.05 increases towards the upper boundaries of prominences and of the chromosphere and that it approaches to a universal limiting value, both in various prominences or in the chromosphere, where it is considered that the ionization of neutral helium and hydrogen is nearly complete. From these facts the helium to hydrogen number ratio is found to be 6.5 ± 1.5%.A new schematic model of the chromosphere is presented where spicules have no hot region of emitting neutral helium lines. Here it is suggested that the kinetic temperature of spicules, 6000 8000 K, would be primarily determined by the radiation temperature of the corona and the transition region beyond the Lyman continuum of hydrogen which happens to be around those temperatures.  相似文献   

Observations are reported of two, possibly three, distinct wave systems in the Hα chromosphere.
  1. Velocity films show waves propagating predominantly outwards along mottles and fibrils from as close as 2000 km to the network axis at velocities of the order of 70 km s-1. The line-of-sight component of the velocity amplitude is estimated to be typically 5 km s-1. The velocities are accompanied by propagating intensity fluctuations. The system is interpreted as one of basically Alfvén waves. Similar waves are observed propagating predominantly outwards along superpenumbral fibrils radiating from a small sunspot.
  2. The velocities in the chromospheric granulation undergo fluctuations of an oscillatory character but without any observable horizontal propagation. The intensities show a close correlation with the velocities, maximum intensity occurring about T/4 after maximum downward velocity. The period is variable across the surface (2.5 min upwards). The intensity-velocity correlation is characteristic of a standing compressional wave.
  3. Intensity cinefilms at Hα line centre show in places a horizontal drift of the chromospheric granulation pattern at about 12 km s-1 without any accompanying vertical velocity fluctuations. It is not known whether this is due to a gas stream at sonic velocities, or to a horizontally propagating sound wave.
The Alfvén wave system is shown to make a significant contribution to coronal heating. Whether the velocity fluctuations in the chromospheric granulation also make an important contribution depends on whether there are upwardly propagating or standing waves; this is not yet established despite the intensity-velocity correlation.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented demonstrating the existence of a type of chromospheric structure in the form of bright streaks. These are extensions across the solar disk of elongated bright mottles which originate in the central regions of clusters of mottles. They are best observed on good filtergrams at H ± 0.5 Å through comparison with filtergrams at other positions on the line profile. Their length can be as much as 200 sec of arc. The bright streaks appear to be predominantly horizontal loop structures, while the well-known spicules are mainly vertical structures. A bright streak may be well defined or rather diffuse along its length, and many of them are accompanied by darker boundaries or envelopes. It is usual to find a loop of bright streak bridging the central areas of two mottle clusters. It seems that the observed pattern in the space between the chromospheric network at H ± 0.5 Å results partly from the interactions of the bright streaks of different stages of evolution traversing the area in different directions.  相似文献   

A high resolution profile of the solar Oi 1304.9 Å line has been measured from rocket spectrograms. The profile is nearly flat-topped, showing only a slight solar reversal after instrument effects and absorption due to atomic oxygen in the earth's atmosphere have been allowed for. A theoretical analysis of this line, under the assumption of non-LTE conditions and a homogeneous, spherically symmetric chromosphere, predicts a rather deep solar reversal. The theoretical profile may be made consistent with the observed profile if mass motion is present in the chromospheric region where the line is formed. A Gaussian distribution of up and down velocities with a root mean square velocity of about 7 km/sec gives best agreement between the predicted and observed profile. This result is consistent with the conclusion made from a study of high resolution profiles of solar lines in the visible spectrum that mass vertical velocities increase with height above the photosphere.  相似文献   

A computer experiment on a one-dimensional self-gravitating system is described. We attempt to observe the dynamic time required for this system to thermalize by comparing the position and velocity densities with those predicted by the microcanonical ensemble. Hohl and Broaddus (1967) have previously reported an estimate of the thermalization time which is inferred from studies of the kinetic energy covariance. We ran the system for the time which they report and find that the system has not thermalized. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the system is even proceeding towards equilibrium in the time-scale considered here. Significant changes in the distribution do occur in a short time, after which the system remains in a stationary state which is not characteristic of equilibrium.  相似文献   

Spectra of several strong lines of sunspots have been obtained with the Echelle spectrograph at the Vacuum Tower Telescope, Sacramento Peak Observatory. With a variety of model atmospheres, Ca ii H, K, and 18498 line profiles were calculated using a non-LTE line formation procedure.In the present study we examined only a specific part of the sunspot umbra which is thought to be coolest over the spot. An optimum model representing such a region is presented and its physical properties are discussed.This work has been supported by the U.S. - Republic of Korea Cooperative Science Program (K-24).  相似文献   

The cloud model employed in the analysis of chromospheric contrast profiles is subject to two criticisms. The source function in the cloud may not be varied independently of the Doppler width in the case of Hα and the radiative coupling between the cloud and the underlying atmosphere cannot be ignored. These criticisms are investigated quantitatively with two simple extreme models. It is found that by taking account of both effects the cloud model may be reinstated. Observed chromospheric features may be understood in terms of clouds of varying parameters embedded in the uppermost regions of a generally undisturbed homogeneous atmosphere. The variable cloud parameters are the optical thickness, the Doppler width, the bulk velocity and the angular size viewed from the line forming regions of the underlying atmosphere. Without multidimensional models the distribution of these parameters in chromospheric features observed at supergranulation boundaries for instance cannot be determined. General considerations however allow the interpretation of plagettes as simply low-lying mottles and allow the chromospheric velocity distribution derived by the original cloud model analysis to be upheld.  相似文献   

We present a minimum-gradient model to complement a maximum-gradient model (Zwaan, 1974). Both models are compatible with published continuum intensities and within constraints on the temperature gradient; both are adjusted to T eff=4000K. In order to explain the visual intensities the minimum-gradient model requires an additional line-haze opacity which is only slightly smaller than in the maximum-gradient model.We show that various published models are not compatible with plausible constraints on the temperature gradient.  相似文献   

Extreme ultraviolet spectroheliograms in Mg x (625 Å) and the Lyman continuum (897 Å) obtained from OSO-6 are used to determine the differential rotation rate in the solar chromosphere and corona. The equatorial rotation rate agrees with spectroscopic measurements of the photospheric plasma velocity; the variation of rate with latitude is less pronounced than in most other determinations. We cannot discern a variation in the rotation rate between the chromosphere and corona.  相似文献   

We report an unsuccessful search for the He+ 4686 line in the low chromosphere. However, at the location of this line we detect a number of other chromospheric emission lines. This leads us to the conclusion that the He+ 4686 identification made in the past, as well as other identifications, are probably in error. Additionally the region of the neutral helium 4713 line is also studied.On leave from Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Japan.  相似文献   

Slitless spectrograms obtained during the eclipse of 10 June 1972 have been analyzed to determine the height distribution of the D3 He line intensity.For undisturbed regions the maximum of D3 line intensity is confirmed to exist at about 1700km above the limb. Besides the above mentioned maximum, in plages a considerable intensity may be observed at low heights (h < 1000 km).An analysis of these observations for h > 1000 km has been carried out within the low temperature mechanism of triplet helium emission taking into account the helium ionization by XUV radiation. The density dependence of the 23 S level population at different XUV flux values has been calculated. Our observations give N e 2 × 1010 cm–3 in the chromosphere at h = 2000 km. The probable coincidence of the H and He emission small filaments in the middle chromosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

Gouttebroze  P.  Vial  J.-C.  Bocchialini  K.  Lemaire  P.  Leibacher  J.W. 《Solar physics》1999,184(2):253-266
Variations of intensity and wavelength in several UV lines have been observed with the SUMER spectroheliometer onboard SOHO, and they have been analysed to obtain oscillation spectra and phase differences between lines of different ions. Lines intensities of neutral or singly ionized atoms (with temperature of formation 30000 K) exhibit an increase of oscillatory power between 2.5 and 7 mHz, which may be considered as the signature of p modes. Lines of highly ionized elements (with a temperature of formation 50000 K) yield power spectra which are continuously decreasing with frequency. Brightness variations of the continuum at different wavelengths between 1000 and 1400 Å present oscillations in the same frequency range. Thus, p modes seem to be efficiently stopped by the transition region. No clear evidence is found for the existence of a chromospheric oscillation mode. Phase comparisons between lines formed at different altitudes (in particular Sii and Siii) indicate that these lines oscillate in phase, within the precision of the measurements.  相似文献   

Propagation of velocity waves are investigated in the solar chromosphere, with a special view to high frequencies (periods 60 s). Four line profiles have been observed during 27 mn with the Sacramento Peak vacuum telescope (H, 3933, 8498 and 8542 Ca ii). Three Fourier analysis are performed according to the location in the cells of the chromospheric network. Phase-shifts and amplitude ratios between the line Doppler shifts are computed as functions of frequency. The pollution of high frequency results by energetic low frequency oscillations is investigated.H Doppler shifts are probably affected by the large width of line formation layers (low transfer function). Using formation altitudes for Doppler shifts previously computed for the infra-red lines, we show that acoustic waves propagating upwards cannot account for the observations. In particular, the phase-shifts between oscillations in different chromospheric layers are much smaller than theoretical predictions. As a first attempt for a qualitative agreement, we suggest that most of the high frequency oscillations (10–15 mHz) are magnetoacoustic waves, travelling in layers where the gradient of the Alfvén-speed cannot be neglected, and reflected at the top of the chromosphere. The amplitudes of these waves are probably underestimated as derived from the observed Doppler shifts.  相似文献   

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