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随着地理信息在国民经济、国防建设和人们日常生活中的应用越来越广泛,高校所培养的学生远远不能满足社会需求。由于各培养单位的教学水平、力量和能力不同,培养出的人才水平良莠不齐,很多单位培养的GIS人才不尽人意。本文根据GIS教育的特点,就GIS专业本科教育的课程体系、教学内容、技能培养提出了几点意见,供大家批评与深入讨论。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, higher education has made substantial investments in GIS education through equipment and software purchases, upgrades to teaching facilities, and the creation of innovative academic programs such as certificates and degrees. However, comparatively less attention and fewer resources have been directed towards what might be called the “instructor element” of GIS instruction. In this article we look at the preparation and ongoing professional development of GIS educators through a survey of 270 individuals teaching GIS at US colleges and universities. Along with assessing the education and professional background of GIS instructors, we evaluate their perceptions concerning the importance of various GIS subject areas. Our findings demonstrate considerable breadth in the range of education and experience held by faculty members who are presently teaching GIS courses. In evaluating the importance placed on GIS teaching elements, we found little variation among individuals according to their institution type or educational attainment. However, significant differences in the perceived importance of GIS teaching areas were found across disciplinary areas.  相似文献   

Introductory courses in Geographic Information Science (GIS) expose students to the concepts and practices necessary for future academic and professional use of GIS tools. Traditional GIS courses balance lectures in the theories of GIS with pre‐built and pre‐packaged lab activities to learn the practices of GIS. This article presents a case study of an experimental introductory course in which students conducted novel, independent project‐based group research under the supervision of graduate or advanced undergraduate students enrolled in the course, culminating in a class presentation and publication quality paper. Surveys and interviews indicated that students reacted more positively to project‐based group research than to traditional activities. Students felt the projects better prepared them for ‘real world’ applications of GIS, and recommend project‐based group research in other GIS coursework. Additionally, our findings indicate that students appreciate interactions with peers of varying skill levels and experiences, as these broaden their capabilities to work with other GIS users.  相似文献   

University College London's Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) offers a number of Masters programmes in topics related to Geomatics, including Surveying, Hydrographic Surveying, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Science. Data management, and in particular the technology and applications of Spatial Databases, forms a key part of the curriculum on these courses. Interest in Spatial Databases is, however, more widespread – especially with the increasing understanding of the relevance of geospatial techniques to fields as diverse as anthropology and architecture. This article describes the development and evaluation of a self‐paced hands‐on course on Databases and Spatial Databases for CEGE students, presented to students to complement and enhance in‐class teaching. The article focuses on both pedagogical elements of self‐paced learning and the suitability of Free and Open Source Software and Open Data (PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Quantum GIS, Open Street Map) for the Spatial Databases curriculum. The resulting material was evaluated by a cohort of 25 students in 2010, and their feedback (very positive) and the overall results provide an interesting insight into suitable methods to employ when teaching technical subjects to a cohort having differing background skill levels.  相似文献   

The accreditation of GIS programs was first proposed more than 25 years ago as a means of encouraging consistency in instructional content and learning outcomes across many new GIS programs being developed at U.S. colleges and universities. However, in lieu of a peer review system to evaluate the quality of instruction, the GIS community focused instead on certification programs for recognizing and rewarding competency and professionalism among persons already in the workforce. With hundreds of colleges and universities now offering formal programs in GIScience ranging from certificates to undergraduate and graduate degrees, it may be an appropriate time reconsider rewards associated with accreditation. This article argues that accreditation can benefit institutions, students, and GIScience employers by directing attention to “upstream” and formative elements in the preparation of entry-level GIScience professionals that can potentially complement “downstream” and summative programs for recognizing experienced GIScience professionals such as certification. Along with providing detail about the implementation and administration of accreditation, we explore accreditation processes in surveying and engineering as possible pathways for accrediting academic GIScience programs.  相似文献   

地理信息系统专业教学实践与改革探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对当前GIS专业就业面临的挑战以及高校地理信息系统专业教学中存在的若干问题进行了深入研究,针对课程体系设置、教学考核模式、实践教学、师资队伍建设、学术交流等方面提出了改革措施和建议,这些措施已在教学实践中尝试使用,并取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

学科竞赛驱动下GIS专业人才培养模式改革   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以地理信息产业大发展为背景,分析了GIS专业人才培养存在的问题,结合河南理工大学地理信息科学专业实际,以学科竞赛作为驱动因素,从"阶梯式"课程体系设置和"海绵式"学生兴趣小组构建两个方面对GIS专业人才培养模式进行改革,并从学科竞赛成绩、毕业生就业、考研情况和国际交流4个方面对该模式改革的实践效果进行阐述,为高校培养适应行业需求的GIS专业人才提供参考。  相似文献   

高校专业课的课程思政建设是高校思想政治工作的基本载体。“地图学”是测绘工程、遥感科学与技术、地理信息科学、地理科学等本科专业的基础课,在测绘、地理等学科的课程思政建设中具有基础性地位。本文依据教学实践,归纳了地图学课程中与课程思政相结合的知识点,并介绍了在教学中如何巧妙、潜移默化地融入思政元素,在地图学课程教学过程中做到能力培养和素质提升共同进步。  相似文献   

While writing is touted as a way to learn, little has been written about the use of writing in courses focused on the geospatial technologies: geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, and the Global Positioning System (GPS). This study, therefore, aimed to assess student knowledge gained through two types of coursework, writing‐intensive and methods‐oriented. The study used a pre‐/post‐test strategy to measure gains in student knowledge. Results illustrate that student learning took place in both types of courses. The results, while encouraging, point to the need for more refined study of the use of writing in courses on geospatial technologies.  相似文献   

加强测量误差理论教学的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测量误差理论是GIS专业学习各门测绘类课程的理论基石,是学生理解各门测绘类课程测量原理的关键所在.针对当前国内不少院校缺乏对GIS专业测量误差理论教学统一规划的问题,探讨了GIS专业测量误差理论的教学内容,结合当前GIS专业测绘类课程的教学特点,探讨了其具体的教学安排,根据已有的授课经验,讨论了一些针对GIS专业学生的...  相似文献   

赵健赟 《东北测绘》2013,(4):223-226
在介绍GIS在土木工程应用的基础上,结合现代土木工程特点,分析了在土木工程人才培养中开设GIS课程的必要性,探讨了其教学内容。针对土木工程专业学生知识面的特点研究了GIS理论教学的方法,提出综合应用各种教学方法和现代教育技术,以改善教学效果。阐述了GIS实验教学的重要性,结合应用型GIS教学方法,提出了不同层次的实验项目和提高学生应用能力的途径。论述了以突出应用能力培养和平时学习效果为目的的考核方法,研究了针对土木专业GIS教学质量保障的有效途径。  相似文献   

课程之间具有知识的前后铺垫和衔接关系,这种在开设时间上的先后关系称为课程拓扑排序关系。GIS本科专业在地理、遥感、计算机、地图与测绘等系列主干课程体系上呈现了很强的课程拓扑排序关系。随各院校GIS本科专业的发展背景不一样,这些主干课程系列的拓扑体系差别较大。在研究了目前国内主要高校的课程体系设置后,探讨了各种学科发展背景下的GIS本科专业主干课程相互之间的拓扑排序关系。研究成果为GIS学科发展及人才培养提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

分析了3S高新技术学科的特点,针对工科学生的学科背景,以郑州大学GIS专业全球定位系统和数字摄影测量学为例,探讨了这些学科的教学方法。主要包括:随时掌握学生的思想状况、扩大教学内容的新颖性与信息量、采取灵活多样的课堂教学方法、注重培养学生动手能力等。三年来的教学实践证明,这些措施大大提高了学生的学习积极性与效率,效果显著。  相似文献   

随着GIS在中国的快速发展,越来越多的高校开设GIS专业,然而,每年从高校批量培养的GIS专业毕业生到单位工作后,发现自身在学校所学的知识和技能多数不能满足单位要求。这样的问题亟待引起教育界和社会各界的重视。从开设GIS专业以来,不少专家学者就GIS人才培养方案做了相关研究和讨论,本文则从学生角度谈GIS人才培养。主要从国内外的GIS教育情况分析,说明我国GIS人才培养方案主要存在的问题;并提出随着GIS的发展变化而不断调整的GIS人才培养方案。  相似文献   

从地理信息系统发展入手,依据社会对GIS人才需求,从GIS知识结构、实践教学和目前高校GIS人才培养所面临的问题对GIS人才培养进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In North America there are currently between 50 and 100 widely advertised GIS certificate programs and possibly many more regional programs. The course content of these programs varies widely and includes topics as diverse as cartography, database design, programming, and graphics. This report assesses the cartographic education offered in forty-six programs and suggests issues for a more thorough study of certificate programs. A list of selected GIS certificate programs in the U.S. and Canada is also provided. The cursory survey of programs for this report indicates that cartography is being taught to a degree in nearly all programs, but few programs require courses specifically in cartography.  相似文献   

Planning information pertaining to the potential visual impacts of proposed construction developments is particularly important in the case of wind farm planning, given the high levels of concern amongst members of the public regarding the perceived negative visual impacts of wind turbines on the landscape. Previous research has highlighted the shortcomings associated with traditional visualization techniques used to assess these impacts, and also the means by which such information is then disseminated to the wider public during the consultation stages of the wind farm planning process. This research is concerned with examining the potential of Web‐based mapping and digital landscape visualization techniques for addressing some of these shortcomings. This article reports the findings of a Web‐based survey study designed to evaluate the potential of online GIS‐based approaches for improving the effectiveness and dissemination of wind farm visualizations and enhancing public participation in the wind farm planning process. Results from the survey study add to the research literature by demonstrating how innovative Web‐based approaches have real potential for augmenting existing methods of information provision and public participation in the planning process. The findings of this study are also potentially transferrable to other landscape planning scenarios.  相似文献   

数字高程模型是地理信息科学专业的必修课,DEM生成方法是该课程的核心知识点之一。通常以GIS软件为实验操作平台构建DEM,GIS软件提供良好的操作界面且简化教学过程,但软件同时会弱化学生对DEM生成过程的理解,而面向对象程序设计课程往往开设在数字高程模型课程之前。文中融合面向对象程序设计和数字高程模型课程知识点,采用面向对象程序设计思想对DEM课程中的DEM生成实验进行设计并实现,为GIS专业的DEM生成实验提供新的教学思路,提升DEM课程教学实践的品质和效果。  相似文献   

随着信息化技术和高校信息化建设的迅速发展,在现代高校规划和管理建设中,建立数字化校园地理信息系统已成为一种趋势。本文以山东科技大学校园地理信息系统为例,基于校园信息服务的基本需求,并结合Arcgis Engine进行GIS二次开发,设计了集成化的校园地理信息系统,实现校园浏览和查询以及空间分析等功能,给学校师生提供便捷、优质、实时的校园信息服务,加快了学校数字化建设的进程,提高了学校对外宣传的影响力。  相似文献   

在“卓越计划”背景下,针对“测量程序设计”课程,从优化教学内容、丰富教学手段、提高实践能力、完善考核体系等几个方面进行教学改革探讨,对其进行集“专业导向、课堂讲授、自主学习、课程实验”于一体化的全方位、多层次改革与实践,旨在实现该课程在测绘学科中的作用,全面提升学生分析和解决实际问题的能力,对培养卓越测绘工程师具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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