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Crustal shear wave velocity structure beneath the Malawi and Luangwa Rift Zones (MRZ and LRZ, respectively) and adjacent regions in southern Africa is imaged using fundamental mode Rayleigh waves recorded by 31 SAFARI (Seismic Arrays for African Rift Initiation) stations. Dispersion measurements estimated from empirical Green's functions are used to construct 2-D phase velocity maps for periods between 5 and 28 s. The resulting Rayleigh wave phase velocities demonstrate significant lateral variations and are in general agreement with known geological features and tectonic units within the study area. Subsequently, we invert Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves to construct a 3-D shear wave velocity model. Beneath the MRZ and LRZ, low velocity anomalies are found in the upper-most crust, probably reflecting the sedimentary cover. The mid-crust of the MRZ is characterized by an ~3.7% low velocity anomaly, which cannot be adequately explained by higher than normal temperatures alone. Instead, other factors such as magmatic intrusion, partial melting, and fluid-filled deep crustal faults might also play a role. Thinning of the crust of a few kilometers beneath the rifts is revealed by the inversion. A compilation of crustal thicknesses and velocities beneath the world's major continental rifts suggests that both the MRZ and LRZ are in the category of rifts beneath which the crust has not been sufficiently thinned to produce widespread syn-rifting volcanisms.  相似文献   

We applied a seismic tomography technique to arrival time data generated by local crustal earthquakes in central Anatolia in order to study the three-dimensional velocity and Vp/Vs structures and their relation with the complex tectonic processes and seismic activity occurring in the study region. The relatively equal and large number of both P- and S-wave arrival times comprising a total of 51,650 arrivals and the relatively uniform distribution of the recording stations imply that the obtained velocity anomalies are reliable features down to a depth of 40 km. This is also evident from the results of the checkerboard resolution test, hit count, and the ray-path coverage. The inversion results indicate the existence of strong lateral heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath central Anatolia. Prominent low-velocity anomalies are clearly imaged at all layers especially beneath existing volcanoes and the active fault segments. Higher-than-average Vp/Vs ratios are widely distributed, indicating the possible existence of over-pressurized fluids that may be responsible for the triggering of the large crustal earthquakes along the north and east Anatolian fault zones. We noticed that the seismic activity occurs mainly at the low-velocity areas and to a lesser extent in some high-velocity zones, perhaps because of the complex tectonics and geological structures. These observations imply that all the zones with velocity anomalies—either low or high—are potential sites for strain energy accumulation and subsequent release. The obtained velocity and Vp/Vs models are consistent with previous geophysical measurements conducted beneath central Anatolia and give much deeper understanding of the current seismotectonic processes occurring in the region.  相似文献   

We present the results of mapping selected cross-sections across the margins of the Chinese Tien Shan, an intracontinental mountain belt that formed in response to the India-Eurasia collision. This belt contains significant lateral variation in topography, structure, and stratigraphy at all scales, and our estimated rates of shortening also reveal a distribution of shortening that varies laterally. At the largest scale, it consists of two major high mountain ranges in the west that merge eastward into a complex, single high mountain belt with several distinct ranges, then separates farther eastward into several low mountain ranges in the south and a single narrow high mountain range in the north. Active fold-and-thrust belts along parts of the north and south flanks of the Tien Shan involve only Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary cover, which varies in both stratigraphy and structure from east to west. The southern fold-and-thrust belt decreases in width and complexity from west to east and ends before reaching Korla. The northern belt begins near the longitude where the southern belt ends, and increases in width and complexity from west to east. Within these two fold-and-thrust belts are both E-W and N-S variations in stratigraphy at the scale of the fold-and-thrust belts and across individual structures. All these variations make it very difficult to generalize either structure or stratigraphy within the Tien Shan or within local areas.

Four maps and cross-sections, two across each of the northern and southern fold-and-thrust belts, imply different magnitudes of shortening. In the eastern part of the northern belt, a cross-section along the southern part of the Hutubi River yields shortening of 6.2 km, and a section to the north across the Tugulu anticline yields shortening of 5.5 km. The two parts of the cross-section cannot be added because the Tugulu anticline lies 20 km west of the Hutubi River, and diminishes greatly in amplitude toward the Hutubi River. In the western part of the northern belt, cross-sections require 4.6 to 5.0 km of shortening at Tuositai and 2.12 to 2.35 km across the Dushanzi anticline. The Tuositai structure lies south of the Dushanzi anticline, but shortening in these two areas also cannot be summed, because they seem to be separated by a N-trending strike-slip fault. In the western part of the southern fold-and-thrust belt, an incomplete cross-section along the Kalasu River suggests shortening of 12.1 to 14.1 km. If the estimated shortening of 6 to 7 km in the Qiulitage anticline, which we did not map, is added, the total shortening in this cross-section would be ~18 to 21 km. To the east, a complete cross-section at Boston Tokar yielded shortening of 10.3 to 13.0 km.

Calculating long-term shortening rates from these four cross-sections is difficult, because the time of initiation of deformation is poorly known. In the Kalasu River area of the southern belt, there is evidence that limited shortening of 2 to 4 km occurred in the early Miocene, if major thickness changes in deposition of conglomerate unit 3b are interpreted to be growth strata. Geological evidence suggests that most of the shortening began in both belts after the beginning of the deposition of the thick conglomerate unit shown as lower Quaternary on Chinese geological maps. Strata within the middle part of these conglomerates were deposited during the growth of the folds. Presence of Equus near the base of similar conglomerates indicates a Quaternary age, but the fossil localities are far from most of our cross-sections, and the contemporaneity of the rocks remains in question. The beginning of conglomerate deposition may be controlled by climate change, and if so, the beginning of conglomerate deposition may be generally contemporaneous throughout the region at ~2.5 Ma. Deformation began at some time after the onset of conglomerate deposition, but this time is not well constrained. Thus we have calculated shortening rates for 2.5, 1.6, and 1.0 Ma that should bracket maximum and minimum slip rates. These calculations yield the following ranges in the northern fold-and-thrust belt: southern Hutubi River = 2.5 to 6.2 mm/yr; Tugulu anticline = 2.1 to 5.5 mm/yr; Tuositai anticline = 1.8–2.0 to 4.6–5.0 mm/yr; and Dushanzi anticline = 0.8 to 2.1–2.4 mm/yr; and in the southern fold-and-thrust belt: Kalasu River = 4.6–5.6 (including the Qiulitage anticline = 7.2–8.4) to 12.1–14.1 (including Qiulitage anticline = 18–21) mm/yr; and at Boston Tokar = 4.1–5.2 to 10.3–13.1 mm/yr. If 2 to 4 km of shortening occurred in the Kalasu River section during early Miocene time, the long-term rates for Quaternary time are 3.2–4.8 (including Qiulitage anticline = 5.6–7.6) to 8.1–12.1 (including Qiulitage anticline = 14–19) mm/yr.

Calculation of the shortening rate across the entire width of the Tien Shan is difficult because of the rapid lateral variations in structure and because of active deformation within the range, which we have not studied. The cross-sections at Boston Tokar in the south and Tuositai in the north lie along the same longitude. Adding the shortening rates in these areas would yield a minimum range (using 2.5 Ma as the initiation time) of 5.7 to 7.2 mm/yr. If deformation began at 1.6 or 1.0 Ma, the range of shortening rates would be 10–11.2 mm/yr to 14.9–18.1 mm/yr, respectively. Because the first indication of structural growth with the mapped areas occurs above the base of the conglomerates at the top of the stratigraphic succession, a minimum shortening rate greater than 5.7 to 7.2 mm/yr is more likely.

Both the marginal fold-and-thrust belts have a thin-skinned geometry with the drcollement at -6 to 10 km and within Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Toward the interior of the range the decollement must pass into the Paleozoic basement rocks and steepen beneath the flanks of the range. The structural style is similar to that in the Laramide Rocky Mountains and the California Transverse Ranges. The highest parts of the Tien Shan are adjacent to areas of active shortening. Such a relation might suggest that the major uplift of the Tien Shan is very young, mostly latest Cenozoic or Quaternary in age. The shortening across the Tien Shan is inhomogeneous and spatially distributed.  相似文献   

Seismic-tomography studies were conducted in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan using two different observation schemes. The first was based on the arrival times of P and S waves from regional earthquakes recorded with local seismological networks (local scheme). Nonlinear tomographic inversion based on the LOTOS algorithm was used to construct the 3D distributions of P and S wave velocities in the crust beneath the Kyrgyz Tien Shan and to refine the earthquake locations. The second scheme was used to study the upper-mantle structure based on data from global earthquake catalogs (regional scheme). All the data on waves which at least partly travel within the volume studied were used here, including (1) those from regional earthquakes recorded at world seismic stations and (2) teleseisms recorded at the local stations. This approach was earlier applied to calculate the upper-mantle structure beneath Asia. We used a fragment of this structure beneath the Tien Shan and adjacent areas. A series of synthetic tests was performed to estimate the resolution provided by both schemes. The tomography shows traces of the delamination of the Tarim mantle lithosphere from south to north. Also, the local and regional schemes reveal evidence for cold-matter descent from north to south in the northern Tien Shan but on a much smaller scale. Low velocities in the upper mantle beneath the Tien Shan might indicate lithospheric thinning. These data suggest that mantle-lithosphere delamination is taking place underneath both the northern and the southern margins of the Tien Shan collision belt. Lack of the mantle lithosphere beneath the Tien Shan leads to lithospheric weakening and active deformation, thus causing intense orogeny.  相似文献   

The sections, the map, and the geological analysis of the area show that the uplifts within the large area of the Paleogene-Neogene subsidence had arisen during Anthropogene time, in consequence of a certain tectonic reconstruction of the area. The uplifts appear to be anticlinal folds whose strike tends to follow and even coincide with the strike of the major structures of the Hercynian base. Similar uplifts in tectonically similar environments are found also in northern Tien Shan and elsewhere in central Asia. – IGR Staff.  相似文献   

In this study, the recent update of the gravity database with new measurements has raised the opportunity of improving the knowledge of the crustal structure beneath the large volcanic system called Mount Cameroon, and its implication in the regional tectonics. The multi-scale wavelet analysis method was applied to highlight the geologic features of the area, and their depths were estimated using the logarithmic power spectrum method. The results reveal a complex crustal structure beneath Mount Cameroon with high variation in the lateral distribution of crustal densities. The upper and lower crusts are intruded by dense materials originating from the mantle with less lateral extension. The trends of Tiko and Ekona faults along the intrusion suggest tectonic activities as deep as 25 km. The difference in mantle composition or temperature between the East and the West of the studied area is clearly seen in detailed wavelet images and agrees with a mantle origin for the Cameroon Volcanic Line.  相似文献   

Regional surface wave tomography in the sub-Antarctic Scotia Sea is helpful in revealing the nature of the crust and the S-wave seismic velocity profile beneath the Bransfield Strait. The joint use of our regional network, global seismographic network stations and local temporary arrays provide better lateral resolution than that obtained in our previous studies concerning the Scotia Sea region.Tomographic analysis of data obtained using 10 broad band seismic stations and more than 300 regional events, shows that the Bransfield Basin is characterised by a strong group velocity reduction of 8% with respect to the surrounding areas, in the period range from 15 s to 50 s.The crustal and upper mantle models of the eastern, central and western Bransfield Basin are obtained by joint inversion of Rayleigh and Love local dispersion curves from 15 s to 50 s. In addition our data set is expanded to a broader period interval (1–80 s), in central Bransfield Strait in order to better constrain the upper mantle and shallow crust.The main results can be summarized as follows: (a) the crust thins distinctly from W toward E; the variation is consistent with the type of volcanism, earthquake distribution and bathymetric observations, (b) low upper mantle velocities (soft lid) extend down to depths exceeding 70 km as a consequence of elevated temperatures, (c) the crust beneath the central Bransfield Basin displays continental characteristics with a gradually increasing S-wave velocity distribution versus depth analogous to the East African Rift structure of Kenya, (d) negative velocity gradients are present in the lower crust beneath the eastern Bransfield Basin; these could be interpreted as magmatic bodies originating from decompression melting of the mantle.  相似文献   

The Chinese Tien Shan range is a Palaeozoic orogenic belt which contains two collision zones. The older, southern collision accreted a north-facing passive continental margin on the north side of the Tarim Block to an active continental margin on the south side of an elongate continental tract, the Central Tien Shan. Collision occurred along the Qinbulak-Qawabulak Fault (Southern Tien Shan suture). The time of the collision is poorly constrained, but was probably in in the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous. We propose this age because of a major disconformity at this time along the north side of the Tarim Block, and because the Youshugou ophiolite is imbricated with Middle Devonian sediments. A younger, probably Late Carboniferous-Early Permian collision along the North Tien Shan Fault (Northern Tien Shan suture) accreted the northern side of the Central Tien Shan to an island arc which lay to its north, the North Tien Shan arc. This collision is bracketed by the Middle Carboniferous termination of arc magmatism and the appearance of Late Carboniferous or Early Permian elastics in a foreland basin developed over the extinct arc. Thrust sheets generated by the collision are proposed as the tectonic load responsible for the subsidence of this basin. Post-collisional, but Palaeozoic, dextral shear occurred along the northern suture zone, this was accompanied by the intrusion of basic and acidic magmas in the Central Tien Shan. Late Palaeozoic basic igneous rocks from all three lithospheric blocks represented in the Tien Shan possess chemical characteristics associated with generation in supra-subduction zone environments, even though many post-date one or both collisions. Rocks from each block also possess distinctive trace element chemistries, which supports the three-fold structural division of the orogenic belt. It is unclear whether the chemical differences represent different source characteristics, or are due to different episodes of magmatism being juxtaposed by later dextral strike-slip fault motions. Because the southern collision zone in the Tien Shan is the older of the two, the Tarim Block sensu stricto collided not with the Eurasian landmass, but with a continental block which was itself separated from Eurasia by at least one ocean. The destruction of this ocean in Late Carboniferous-Early Permian times represented the final elimination of all oceanic basins from this part of central Asia.  相似文献   

We use seismic tomography, exploiting group velocities derived from ambient noise, to delineate the crustal structure beneath Mt Isa and the surrounding blocks and basins. The depth extent of the blocks can be traced into the mid-crust and the spatial extent of the associated velocity anomalies mapped over an area of approximately 500 km by 500 km. The Proterozoic Mt Isa block is imaged as a region of elevated seismic velocities comparable to the Yilgarn craton in Western Australia, while the surrounding basins have relatively low velocities. Seismic velocity anomalies display correlations with the regional Bouguer gravity data and with high crustal temperatures in the region. There are a number of isolated low-velocity anomalies under the Millungera basin that suggest either previously unknown thermal anomalies or zones with high permeability, which can also produce lowered velocities.  相似文献   

We investigated the seismic shear-wave velocity structure of the crust beneath nine broadband seismological stations of the Shillong–Mikir plateau and its adjoining region using teleseismic P-wave receiver function analysis. The inverted shear wave velocity models show ∼34–38 km thick crust beneath the Shillong Plateau which increases to ∼37–38 km beneath the Brahmaputra valley and ∼46–48 km beneath the Himalayan foredeep region. The gradual increase of crustal thickness from the Shillong Plateau to Himalayan foredeep region is consistent with the underthrusting of Indian Plate beyond the surface collision boundary. A strong azimuthal variation is observed beneath SHL station. The modeling of receiver functions of teleseismic earthquakes arriving the SHL station from NE backazimuth (BAZ) shows a high velocity zone within depth range 2–8 km along with a low velocity zone within ∼8–13 km. In contrast, inversion of receiver functions from SE BAZ shows high velocity zone in the upper crust within depth range ∼10–18 km and low velocity zone within ∼18–36 km. The critical examination of ray piercing points at the depth of Moho shows that the rays from SE BAZ pierce mostly the southeast part of the plateau near Dauki fault zone. This observation suggests the effect of underthrusting Bengal sediments and the underlying oceanic crust in the south of the plateau facilitated by the EW-NE striking Dauki fault dipping 300 toward northwest.  相似文献   

Moraines studied in the Chon-Kyzylsuu River valley (southeastern Lake Issyk-Kul region, Tien Shan) were mobilized during historic and prehistoric large earthquakes. Seismic triggers of moraine mobilization included the M > 8 Kebin earthquake of 1911 and prehistoric events that produced rockslides, landslides, and multiple fault scarps. Rockslides in the Chon-Kyzylsuu basin are located in the hanging wall of the Terskey border thrust fault. The observed deformation results from at least four prehistoric earthquakes in the second half of the Holocene (early 20th century BC, early 11th century BC, middle 8th century BC, and early 2nd century BC), with local shaking intensity I > 7.  相似文献   

中国东部地区深部结构的层析成像   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑洪伟  耿树方  杨贵  刘淑聪 《地质通报》2012,31(7):1069-1077
利用中国国家台网60个宽频带地震台站和国际地震中心(ISC)592个台站分别记录的1996—2007和1990—2004的震相报告,从中提取出可供反演使用的远震事件9806个,共12078个高质量的P波初至走时数据,对中国东部地区进行了远震P波层析成像研究。结果显示,在五大连池火山区和大同火山区有明显的低速异常,大同火山源区较深。另外几个明显的低速区分别分布在广东地区、渤海湾地区和长江中下游地区。四川盆地的高速特征和扬子板块的低速特征在纵剖面图像上也较为明显。中国东南部的软流圈中存在大面积的地幔上涌,认为是由板块之间的碰撞俯冲、引起大尺度地幔横向流动造成的,而太平洋板块的作用局限于其俯冲的"远程效应",为大范围的软流圈物质上涌提供了东侧的深部动力条件。  相似文献   


The land-sea transition zone in the northern South China Sea (SCS) records important information from the continental rifting to the seafloor spreading. The crustal structure is the key to explore the deep tectonic environment and the evolution of the SCS. In 2015, the onshore-offshore 3D deep seismic experiment was carried out on the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). Explosions and air guns were used as sources on land and at sea respectively in this experiment.Onshore seismic stations and Ocean Bottom Seismographs (OBSs) synchronously recorded the seismic signals. We focus on an onshore-offshore seismic profile (L2, SE-trending) along the eastern side of the PRE. By modelling the seismic travel times, we constructed a P-wave velocity model along the profile. The model shows that the sediment on land is thin and has seismic velocities of 4.5–5.5 km/s. In contrast, thickness of the offshore sediment gradually increases to more than 4.0 km, and the velocities vary between 2.0 km/s and 4.5 km/s. The onshore and offshore crustal velocities are 5.8–6.8 km/s and 5.5–6.8 km/s, respectively. At depth between 15 km and 20 km, a low-velocity layer (LVL; only 5.9 km/s) is detected, pinching out under the Littoral Fault Zone (LFZ). The LVL has probably accommodated the crustal extension beneath the land area, resulting in low extent of the crustal thinning. A slightly uplifted Moho exists beneath the Dongguan fault depression zone, representing a place where hot mantle materials ascend. Localized thickening of the sediments and rapid thinning of the crust characterize the LFZ, and it can be regarded as a tectonic boundary between the South China (SC) with normal continental crust and the northern SCS margin with extended continental crust.  相似文献   

郑洪伟  耿树方  杨贵  刘淑聪 《地质通报》2012,31(07):1069-1077
利用中国国家台网60个宽频带地震台站和国际地震中心(ISC)592个台站分别记录的1996—2007和1990—2004的震相报告,从中提取出可供反演使用的远震事件9806个,共12078个高质量的P波初至走时数据,对中国东部地区进行了远震P波层析成像研究。结果显示,在五大连池火山区和大同火山区有明显的低速异常,大同火山源区较深。另外几个明显的低速区分别分布在广东地区、渤海湾地区和长江中下游地区。四川盆地的高速特征和扬子板块的低速特征在纵剖面图像上也较为明显。中国东南部的软流圈中存在大面积的地幔上涌,认为是由板块之间的碰撞俯冲、引起大尺度地幔横向流动造成的,而太平洋板块的作用局限于其俯冲的“远程效应”,为大范围的软流圈物质上涌提供了东侧的深部动力条件。  相似文献   

L.  V.  A.  V.  G.  E.  G.  V.  A. 《Tectonophysics》2007,431(1-4):143
On the base of the GPS-measured velocity field referring to the recent crust movements over sizable terrestrial areas (Central Tien Shan), the strain rate tensor is evaluated as the tensor components are governed by space gradients of the velocity field. The areas of the extreme values of the strain rate tensor components are shown to coincide with the highest seismic activity areas. Also shown is the fact that, in the direction of the crust surface layer compression, the deep layer electric conductivity reaches its maximum. A simplest explanation of this phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   

Newly digitized and amplitude controlled record sections from the 1977 Southern Alps refraction campaign permitted a reinterpretation of the crustal structure in the area between western Lombardy and the Giudicaria fault. The resulting model exhibits considerable lateral heterogeneity: in the west, below 7.5 km of sediments of the Lombardy Basin, the crust reaches a depth of only 31 km, whereas it thickens towards the more mountainous area in the east, reaching a depth of 46 km below the Adamello Massif. Although the signal character of the corresponding reflections is somewhat erratic, the data are satisfied best by models with a low-velocity zone in the upper crust. An additional small velocity discontinuity from 6.2 to 6.4 km/s was found in the middle crust at around 20 km. Earlier interpretations, based on travel-times alone, included a layer with a velocity of about 7 km/s at this depth. This high-velocity layer was then interpreted as lower-crustal material of the Adriatic — African plate, which had been overthrust onto the European plate during the Alpine orogeny, thus explaining the uplift of the Southern Alps. However, this model of crustal doubling is questionable, because such a mid-crustal high-velocity layer is not in agreement with the amplitude data. The relatively thin crystalline part of the crust under the Lombardy Basin is interpreted, in accordance with geological evidence, as a relic of a Late Hercynian rifting event.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This paper analyzes the rose diagrams of the directions of 439 faults of the Variscian province, 476 faults of the Caledonian province, and 603 presently active faults of...  相似文献   

Traditional methods of imaging the Earth's subsurface using seismic waves require an identifiable, impulsive source of seismic energy, for example an earthquake or explosive source. Naturally occurring, ambient seismic waves form an ever-present source of energy that is conventionally regarded as unusable since it is not impulsive. As such it is generally removed from seismic data and subsequent analysis. A new method known as seismic interferometry can be used to extract useful information about the Earth's subsurface from the ambient noise wavefield. Consequently, seismic interferometry is an important new tool for exploring areas which are otherwise seismically quiescent, such as the British Isles in which there are relatively few strong earthquakes. One of the possible applications of seismic interferometry is ambient noise tomography (ANT). ANT is a way of using interferometry to image subsurface seismic velocity variations using seismic (surface) waves extracted from the background ambient vibrations of the Earth. To date, ANT has been used successfully to image the Earth's crust and upper-mantle on regional and continental scales in many locations and has the power to resolve major geological features such as sedimentary basins and igneous and metamorphic cores. Here we provide a review of seismic interferometry and ANT, and show that the seismic interferometry method works well within the British Isles. We illustrate the usefulness of the method in seismically quiescent areas by presenting the first surface wave group velocity maps of the Scottish Highlands using only ambient seismic noise. These maps show low velocity anomalies in sedimentary basins such as the Moray Firth, and high velocity anomalies in igneous and metamorphic centres such as the Lewisian complex. They also suggest that the Moho shallows from south to north across Scotland which agrees with previous geophysical studies in the region.  相似文献   

Analysis of teleseismic records obtained in two broadband seismic stations of three components located on the Andean region of Colombia is presented in this work. The two stations are located at the Western Cordillera (WC), station BOL, and at the Central Cordillera (CC), station PBLA. The analysis of seismograms was performed by inversion of the receiver functions (RF) in order to obtain the crustal velocity structure beneath the receivers. The receiver function is a spectral ratio obtained from teleseismic earthquakes recorded by broadband seismic stations, which allows the calculation of the velocity structure beneath the receiver by removing source effects in the horizontal components of the seismic traces. Data stacking was performed in order to improve signal to noise ratio and then the data was inverted by using two optimization algorithms: a genetic algorithm (GA), and a simulated annealing algorithm (SA). The present work calculates the receiver functions using teleseismic earthquakes at epicentral distances (Δ) ranging between 30° and 90° and recorded at the two stations within the years 2007 and 2009.Delay times between P and PS waves converted at the Moho boundary were used to constrain the velocity structure. The receiver functions at the stations were generated from seismic events within a broad range of back azimuth. Data from gravity and magnetism were also used during the geophysical survey. The depth of the Moho boundary was found to be at 40 km in the WC beneath station BOL and at 43 km in the CC beneath station PBLA. The upper crust, with a thickness of 5 km, is characterized by a shear wave velocity of about 3.0 km s−1; the shallower layers, at approximately 1.0 km, have shear wave velocities between 2.2 and 2.6 km s−1, which corresponds to sediments overlying the upper crust. These observations support the hypothesis of a thickness of the crust at the root of the mountain range to be between 32 and 50 km. The calculated receiver functions were compared with artificial ones generated from the inversion of 48000 models of horizontal layers for each station using a GA and an SA that allowed a satisfactory coverage of all the sample space in order to avoid non-unique solutions. Beneath station BOL a moderate low-velocity zone (LVZ) was found, which was caused by accretionary processes of the ophiolite complex in the WC.  相似文献   

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