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The importance of near real‐time access to environmental data has increased steadily over the last few years. In this article, the focus is on the European Environment Agency (EEA), which receives environmental data from a large number of providers. The heterogeneous data formats and data transfer mechanisms make the data collection and integration a difficult task for the EEA. An approach is needed for facilitating the interoperable exchange of environmental data on a large scale. A core element of this approach is the Sensor WebEnablement (SWE) technology of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) which allows the standardized, interoperable, vendor and domain independent exchange of sensor data. The main contribution of this article is a lightweight profile for the OGC Sensor Observation Service that ensures the necessary interoperability for seamlessly integrating the environmental data provided by the EEA's member states and thus forms the foundation for the developed data exchange mechanisms. This is complemented by information about the resulting Sensor Web architecture and the integration into the EEA's existing IT infrastructure. In summary, this article describes a practical scenario in which SWE technology enables the exchange of near real‐time environmental data on a large scale.  相似文献   

传感器观测服务是传感网的核心服务,用于管理和获取异构传感器的元数据和观测数据.在一定的硬件和软件条件下,评估传感器观测服务的性能有助于发挥传感网监测目标地物时的最优性能.本文以服务性能的响应时间为评估标准,提出了传感器观测服务性能的评估方法.此方法分别从不同的操作和软件配置等方面进行了响应时间的评估,分析出传感器观测服务中不同操作的性能特征,提高了传感器观测服务的设计与部署效率.  相似文献   

基于Web目录服务的地学传感器观测服务注册和搜索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在分布式异构网络环境下,如何根据时间、空间和尺度等因子发现地学传感器和聚集传感器观测数据已成为自适应地球观测和空间信息服务中需要解决的问题.本文提出集成OGC的目录服务和传感器观测服务的地学传感器数据的访问方法和体系架构,包含分布式地学观测服务、基于ebRIM的目录服务、SOS注册与搜索服务中间件和地学传感器门户4个部件;深入探讨了观测数据注册的流程、观测能力注册的更新、目录服务中海量历史观测数据的管理和可视化搜索等实现技术;最后,基于传感器观测服务和目录服务标准,设计和实现了服务注册原型,并用E0-1的高光谱观测数据验证了服务原型的可行性,能够有效解决传感器观测服务、观测能力和观测结果的注册、管理和搜索.  相似文献   

基于SVG的开放式LBS系统设计与实现   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
基于SVG适合互联网传输的矢量数据格式,讨论了在基于位置的服务(LBS)系统和移动终端上应用SVG作为GIS数据传输的可行性,结合J2ME和J2EE的技术特点,设计了一个开放的、可支持多种终端的LBS系统,并以掌上电脑作为移动终端,实现了该LBS系统。  相似文献   

介绍了地质资料空间服务系统设计思路,系统开发使用的关键技术、系统体系架构及系统功能,利用Arc-GIS Server平台,采用RIA和flex技术,用地质资料数据,开发了集地质资料空间数据查询检索、数据发布及浏览、资料数据统计和资料空间分析等功能的地质资料空间数据服务系统.  相似文献   

为了实现GNSS应用的数据共享,让更多用户充分地使用已有数据资源,突破数据匮乏的制约,减少资料收集等重复性劳动和相应费用并面向用户提供“一站式”、“可视化”的数据共享服务,需要设计一种面向多用户的数据共享平台。本文在分析了用户对数据共享平台互操作的需求后, 基于SSM框架设计了B/S(浏览器/服务器)模型的GNSS应用的数据共享平台,面向GNSS应用用户提供了静态数据和动态数据下载。该数据共享平台的体系架构由数据采集层、数据存储层、数据分析与处理层、数据共享层构成。平台采用松耦合机制的各个分层功能明确,并且具有良好的扩展性。   相似文献   

目前在各行业、各部门存在的大量多源异构空间数据,严重影响了地理数据跨地区、跨行业、跨部门的交换与共享,为提高各行业、各部门之间的协调工作能力,达到空间数据的交换与共享,对多源异构空间数据的整合研究尤为重要.在总结前人研究成果的基础上,提出基于GML的多源异构空间数据整合、共享方式,并设计实现空间数据整合原型系统,该系统基本实现了空间数据的交换与共享.  相似文献   

A key problem with sensor networks is achieving interoperability between different networks potentially built using different software and hardware platforms. Services interfaced by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications allow GIS clients to access geospatial data without knowing the details about how these data are gathered or stored. Currently, OGC is working on a set of interoperable interfaces and metadata encodings known as Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) that enables the integration of heterogeneous sensor systems and measurements into geospatial information infrastructures. In this article we present the implementation of gvSOS, a new module for gvSIG to connect to Sensor Observation Services (SOS). The gvSOS client module allows gvSIG users to interact with SOS servers, displaying the information gathered by sensors as a layer composed by features. We present the software engineering development process followed to build the module. For each step of the process we specify the main obstacles found during the development such as restrictions of the gvSIG architecture, inaccuracies in the OGC specifications, and a set of common problems found in current SOS server implementations available on the Internet. For most of the problems found we propose a solution, or at least we present a path that might lead to it.  相似文献   

目前我国地名数据库的建设主要靠传统测绘手段完成,存在周期长、成本高、效率低的缺点。随着地理数据服务的发展,出现了一些在格式、尺度、范围、内容、现势性等方面具有差异性的免费地名数据库。本文提出了一种整合多开源网络地名数据库形成统一格式、多尺度、内容完备、现势性强的矢量地名库的方法。首先通过OGR和数据访问API构建不同文件格式的网络地名库的矢量格式转换模型,然后对多网络地名库进行矢量转换,最后对其进行数据预处理、数据处理、数据分类映射等处理过程建立矢量地名数据库。本文以香港地区的Geonames,GNS,OSM地名数据库整合为例,验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

针对地理信息企业内部拥有的地理信息资源呈爆炸式增长态势,以及公有云在地理信息企业推广中面临的安全性与可靠性问题,本文设计了一个采用混合云模式搭建基于Hadoop技术的时空大数据服务平台的方案,并依据方案建设了集数据存储、管理、共享和分发利用的图、属一体化空间数据管理平台,为企业不同场景提供服务.  相似文献   

In recent years, large-scale sensor arrays and the vast data-sets they produce worldwide are being utilized, shared, and published by a rising number of researchers on an ever-increasing frequency. An increasing number of sensor web services are deployed to host and share the large volume of sensor data online. How to efficiently discover the sensor web resources and visualize different types of sensor data in a coherent environment becomes an important research question that is still not fully resolved. In this paper, we propose the Sensor Web PivotViewer system. By integrating the Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Sensing (GeoCENS) cyber infrastructure, the Microsoft PivotViewer, and the Microsoft BingMaps, the proposed system fills in the missing software components for users to easily and intuitively discover and utilize the worldwide sensor web resources.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel open source toolbox for street network comparison based on the Sextante geoprocessing framework for the open source Geographic Information System Quantum GIS (QGIS). In the spirit of open science, the toolbox enables researchers worldwide to assess the quality of street networks such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) by calculating key performance indicators commonly used in street network comparison studies. Additionally, we suggest two new performance indicators for turn restriction and one‐way street comparisons specifically aimed at testing street network quality for routing. We demonstrate the use of this toolbox by comparing OSM and the official Austrian reference graph “Graph Integration Platform” (GIP) in the greater Vienna region.  相似文献   

基于"天地图·嘉兴"省市级与市县级电子地图分级节点数据融合实施的必要性与实现方法,介绍了分级节点电子地图数据融合的技术路线和技术流程,可为天地图其他城市级节点电子地图数据融合工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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