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2014年夏季的山东人工引雷实验中,我们利用高灵敏度宽频段磁场天线在距引雷点78 m的距离上开展了对人工引雷初始连续电流过程的遥感测量。通过分析实验期间5次人工引雷的综合观测数据,发现磁场遥感方法对人工引雷中特有的初始连续电流有很好的反演效果。通过对78 m距离上获得的磁场测量信号进行积分处理,能够有效地抑制测量过程中白噪声的影响,从而反演得到初始连续电流的低噪声时变波形。该方法为获取空中引雷实验中的初始连续电流波形提供了一种解决方案,同时也可用于反演近距离自然闪电中地闪回击中的长连续电流的时变波形。  相似文献   

中国气象局雷电野外科学试验基地开展的人工触发闪电试验是研究闪电电磁辐射效应的有效手段,利用架设在试验场地周边的多套磁场天线所获取的高灵敏度磁场数据,针对初始连续电流阶段的中低频磁场特征开展研究。得益于磁场天线带宽的拓展,首次解析出了相对平静期内的磁场脉冲,单个脉冲的平均宽度约为1μs,平均脉冲间隔约为14μs,对应了该阶段中上行先导的小尺度击穿发展形式;在近、远距离磁场测量中均观测到了与先导通道头部击穿放电相关的爆发式磁场脉冲,其平均脉冲间隔(约为24.5μs)明显大于平静期脉冲的统计值,而且在爆发式脉冲期间通道底部电流逐步增大到几十至上百安培,表明此时电场条件更加有利于上行先导的发展;此外,高灵敏磁场天线能够直观地呈现出初始连续电流脉冲(initial continuous current pulse,ICCP)的电荷传输过程,且ICCP期间观测到的规则磁场脉冲的脉冲间隔比其他类型的磁场脉冲小一个量级,可能体现了正极性击穿和负极性击穿的特征差异。  相似文献   

This study investigates an abnormal artificially triggered lightning event that produced two positive upward propagations: one during the initial stage (i.e., the upward leader (UL)) and the other after a negative downward aborted leader (DAL). The triggered lightning was induced in a weak thunderstorm over the experiment site and did not produce a return stroke. All of the intra-cloud lightning around the experiment site produced positive changes in the electric field. The initial stage was a weak discharge process. A downward dart leader propagated along the channel produced by the first UL, ending at a height of approximately 453 m and forming a DAL. Under the influence of the DAL, the electric field at a point located 78 m from the rod experienced a steady reduction of about 6.8 kV m-1 over 5.24 ms prior to the initiation of a new upward channel (i.e., the second upward propagation (UP)). The second UP, which started approximately 4.1 ms after the termination of the DAL and propagated along the original channel, was triggered by the DAL and sustained for approximately 2.95 ms. Two distinct current pulses were superimposed on the current of the second UP. The first pulse, which was related to the sudden initiation of the second UP, was characterized by a more rapid increase and decrease and a larger peak value than the second pulse, which was related to the development of the second UP into the area affected by the DAL. The second UP contained both a similar-to-leader process and a following neutralization process. This study introduces a new type of triggering leader, in which a new upward discharge is triggered in an established channel by an aborted leader propagating along the same channel with opposite polarity and propagation direction.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2005, one negative lightning flash was artificially triggered in Shandong Province (117°48′ E, 37°42′N), middle latitude region of eastern China. The flash included 10 return strokes, and the geometric mean value of the current peak was 11.9 kA (the average value was 12.6 kA) with a maximum of 21.0 kA and a minimum of 6.6 kA, similar to the subsequent return strokes in natural lightning. The geometric mean value of half peak width was 39 μs (the average value was 40 μs), which was much larger than the usual result. Based on the Diendorfer and Uman (DU) model, the return-stroke current waveforms and charge distribution along the lightning channel are discussed. The simulated current waveforms, being divided into breakdown and corona current components, are in agreement with the optical measurements when the two different discharge time constants are properly chosen.  相似文献   

张鹃  林卓宏  严金芳 《气象科技》2014,42(5):918-921
近年来,由雷击引起的电梯停运事件时有发生,雷电对电梯的损坏主要有闪电电涌侵入、地电位反击、辐射电磁场等3种主要途径。经过专业技术人员的现场鉴定调查发现,以雷电辐射电磁场诱发的控制板损坏引起的为最多。以一幢超高层建筑物为例,计算雷击建筑物以外附近218 m和雷电直接击在建筑物上防雷区LPZ1区、LPZ2区内磁场强度,分析雷击时辐射电磁场对电梯机房LPZ2区控制设备的损坏机理,并得出以下结论:确定点距LPZ1区屏蔽最短距离取最大值能尽可能减小磁场强度值;电梯机房LPZ1区屏蔽网格宽度w≤0.15m时,若建筑物电梯机房顶接闪器遭受小于等于150kA雷电流直接雷击,机房内控制设备一般不会受到辐射电磁场的干扰。  相似文献   

张庆云  常蕊 《大气科学》2007,31(6):1160-1170
利用1971~2000年逐月SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation) 同化资料(Carton等,2004)、1980~2000年逐月NCEP/NCAR再分析资料(Kalnay等,1996)探讨中部型(暖海水首先出现在120°W以西)和东部型(暖海水首先出现在120°W以东)El Ni?o事件赤道纬向风应力及洋流的异常变化与暖海水信号的传播特征。研究指出:(1)中部型和东部型El Ni?o事件发生时,太平洋上赤道海表最大西风应力距平在西太平洋地区都有显著的东传现象,但中部型El Ni?o事件西风应力距平强度强,造成西太平洋赤道表层的东向流可达东太平洋地区,这类El Ni?o事件强度偏强。(2)中部型El Ni?o事件,赤道表层洋流辐合区及其下沉运动由西太平洋向东太平洋传播,辐合下沉运动抑制了深层冷海水上翻,西太平洋暖水能够传到东太平洋与西太平洋赤道表层洋流辐合区及其下沉运动的东移有关。(3)东部型El Ni?o事件西太平洋赤道表层洋流辐合区及其下沉运动没能直接传到东太平洋地区,东太平洋暖水形成与局地(120°W以东)辐合下沉运动抑制深层冷海水上翻有关;东部型El Ni?o事件暖池次表层的暖水,不是沿着西太平洋赤道次表层向东传播到东太平洋地区,而是由南太平洋西边界流将暖池海水带到40°S左右的西风漂流区, 再由西风漂流平流到东太平洋。  相似文献   

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