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本文以宜昌县的实践为依据,论述了农业企业在振兴山区经济中的特殊地位和作用,并总结出“按规模经营组织山地开发,按农业企业特点实施管理,按商品生产需求搞好服务”的山地开发经验;指明兴办农业企业是一条振兴山区经济的成功之路。  相似文献   

“岩石圈的物质循环”这部分内容由文字信息和图像信息(“岩石圈物质循环示意”图)两部分组成。“岩石圈物质循环示意”图绘制清晰,示意明确,蕴涵了比文字内容更为丰富的信息,为学生观察、想象、推测、比较、归纳、概括等提供了多样的探究资源和广阔的探究空间。因此,以“岩石圈物质循环示意”图为教学的蓝本和依据,步步设问,层层探究,努力提高学生依据图像系统提取信息的综合能力,应成为这部分内容教学的主要策略。  相似文献   

中国干旱区地表水与地下水的转化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汤奇成 《地理研究》1990,9(2):51-57
地表水与地下水的转化是中国干旱区水文的主要特征之一。本文按山区和平原两部分阐明地表水与地下水转化的特点,并对水资源作了估算。  相似文献   

位于横断山脉中部的白马雪山是著名的世界遗产地——三江并流中澜沧江与金沙江的分水岭。依据2011年5月对白马雪山冰川环境的考察,发现白马雪山4200m以上部分区域有终年积雪覆盖,根据Ohmura对70条中高纬现代冰川的相关研究所得出的山岳冰川雪线处降水量与气温的关系(此关系也被Hebenstreit用于计算台湾部分偏低纬度的山地现代雪线计算)并结合当地的气候数据,计算出白马雪山现代理论雪线位置大概为4800m,低于山体顶峰海拔高度。且位于4800m以上的部分地形适合冰川发育,依据这些可形成冰川的理论条件,可见白马雪山部分较高地区至今仍有小规模的现代冰川发育。白马雪山现代冰川变化以及终年积雪分布特征反映了一段时间内当地的气候环境变化。  相似文献   

自然村是指自然形成的村落。按房屋布局可将其划分为街区式、散列式、半街区式三种。房屋毗连成片形成街区者为街区式自然村;房屋互不相连,犹如繁星一般散落在特定区域者为散列式自然村;部分房屋毗连成片形成小街区、部分房屋呈零星分布者是半街区式自然村。按生产职能还可将其划分为以农业为主的农村、以牧业为主的牧村、以渔业为主的渔村、以林业为主的山村;等等。  相似文献   

地图投影的分类,常见的主要有两种划分标志,一是依据投影后表象的不变性(或即变形性质),二是按正常位置下经纬线的形状来区分。前者是属于内在的问题,后者是属于外在的问题。  相似文献   

地图投影的分类,常见的主要有两种划分标志,一是依据投影后表象的不变性(或即变形性质),二是按正常位置下经纬线的形状来区分。前者是属于内在的问题,后者是属于外在的问题。  相似文献   

突出重点、突破难点,是教师讲好一堂课的关键所在。所谓重点就是章、节中最主要的关键性的内容,是教材中的中心内容和最本质、最重要的部分,也是教师必须深入分析讲解、学生必须牢固掌握的部分。确定重点的依据是课程标准(教学大纲)和教学目标,其方法有四:①根据教材的主次——主要的关键性的部分必然是重点;②根据教材的从属关系——主体教材是重点;  相似文献   

最近,市场指向型观光产业不再利用人口统计因素来分析观光客的购买决策,而是呈现出利用知觉、价值、态度、生活方式等心理因素来分析的趋势。本研究在拓展此方向的基础上,通过问卷调查的形式,将个人价值按因子载荷量为基础分为外向性、内向性和娱乐性,并依据个人价值的差异、酒店基本服务、支援服务、人力服务等变数如何做出相对反应为研究目的。  相似文献   

依据国家地理课程标准,高中地理必修二教材内容主要抓住了两个问题,即人类各种活动的地理条件、人类活动对地理环境的利用和改造。在这部分教学过程中多数老师采用案例分析、探究性学习等方式组织教学,  相似文献   

当前我国文武人才的地理分布与南北差异   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
作为一种文化现象,人才的空间分布规律体现着人才与经济、历史及地理环境之间的关联性。本文选取17000多名教授和1600多名将军作文武人才的地理分析。教授工作地集中的地区依次为北京、上海、四川、湖北、辽宁、江苏、陕西、广东、吉林、天津,籍贯集中的地区依次为江苏、浙江、四川、辽宁、广东、湖南、山东、河北、天津,主要流入地区为北京、上海、陕西、吉林、黑龙江、天津,主要流出地区为浙江、江苏、河北、河南、福建、广东、山东。将军籍贯分布集中程度比教授更为突出,主要集中在江西、湖北、湖南、安徽、河南、四川、山东、福建、河北、陕西。如以县计,则集中在江西的兴国、永新、吉安,湖北的红安、大梧,安徽的金寨、六安,河南的新县,前面三县属中央苏区,后面五县属鄂豫皖苏区。工作在南方和北方教授数基本平衡,但籍贯在南方的约为北方的两倍,籍贯在南方的将军数为北方的两倍多。这种格局反映了文化大革命前的人才流向。近十年,人才流向和人才格局发生变化,不仅国内毕业生,而且国外留学人员也被吸引到南方沿海开放地区,为此,需要新的办法和政策。  相似文献   

Attitudes to Geography in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on an initial study in Australia of attitudes to geography held by members of the community at large. The study focused on perceptions of the role of geography in contributing to wider social goals relating to lifelong learning and living. Groups of business people, government representatives, professional people, educators and members of the general public were surveyed. The results focus on the perceptions of the importance of geography to Australian society; important knowledge, skills and values that are learned while doing geography; and the importance of geography for work. The generally positive appreciation of geography that is held by the wider community needs to be promoted carefully in the education sectors and in society at large if geography is to live up to the importance that is ascribed to it.  相似文献   

A second phase of New Zealand engagement with the International Geographical Union spans from 1956 to 1974. The nature of this engagement which culminated in the hosting of a Regional Conference in New Zealand in 1974 is the subject of this paper.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:

Stuart C. Aitken, Family Fantasies and Community Space

Robert M. Bone, The Regional Geography of Canada

Michael R. Curry, Digital Places: Living with Geographic Information Technologies

John Fraser Hart, The Rural Landscape

Guntrum Herb and David Kaplan, Nested Identities: Nationalism, Territory, and Scale

Klaus Frantz, Indian Reservations in the United States: Territory, Sovereignty, and Socioeconomic Change

Linda Mcdowell, Gender, Identity and Place

Wolfgang G. Natter, Literature at War, 1914–1940

Allen J. Scott, Regions and the World Economy

Hilgard O' Reilly Sternberg, A Água e o Homem na Várzea do Careiro  相似文献   

地理认知理论内涵分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
鲁学军  承继成 《地理学报》1998,53(2):132-140
在分析现有地理信息系统以及地理专家系统的研究特点之后,提出对于以研究和模拟地理学家的逻辑思维方式为目的的“地理认知理论”进行了研究。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Cresswell, TimIn Place/Out of Place: Geography, Ideology, and Transgression Cho, GeorgeTrade, Aid and Global Interdependence Colten, Craig E. and Skinner, Peter N.The Road to Love Canal: Managing Industrial Waste before EPA DeMers, Michael N.Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Frantz, Klaus and Sauder, Robert A. (eds)Ethnic Persistence and Change in Europe and America: Traces in Landscape and Society Hardwick, Susan Wiley and Holtgrieve, Donald G.Valley for Dreams: Life and Landscape in the Sacramento Valley Herbert, StevePolicing Space: Territoriality and the Los Angeles Police Department Jackson, TimMaterial Concerns: Pollution, Profit and Quality of Life King, Russell; Connell, John, and White, Paul (eds)Writing across Worlds: Literature and Migration Majumdar, S. K.; Miller, E. W., and Brenner, F. J. (eds)Environmental Contaminants, Ecosystems and Human Health Tuathail, Gearóid ÓCritical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space Pinch, StevenWorlds of Welfare: Understanding the Changing Geographies of Social Welfare Provision Poulsen, Thomas M.Nations and States: A Geographic Background to World Affairs Reid, DavidSustainable Development: An Introductory Guide Simmie, James (ed.)Innovation, Networks and Learning Regions?  相似文献   


The geographic distribution of formal and informal names is considered. Given names are variable and bearers may identify themselves with one name form or another (e.g., William, Will, Billy, Bill, W. T., “Skip”). The form of name chosen by state legislators was classified as formal or informal and the proportions of each were plotted by state. Three regions are identified by their relative use of name formality: the Northeast, where formal names are the rule, the South, centering on Arkansas, where informal names are common, and the West, also characterized by informal names. The West is divided between the Mountain and Pacific states, with large numbers of informal names and the states which they surround, which tend toward formal names. Some states, especially those of the Midwest, do not participate in this process. Indiana and South Carolina are exceptions to the general patterns. Informal names presume to create solidarity between legislators and voters. The South and West are apparently less formal than the Northeast in general, also in name usage.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of formal and informal names is considered. Given names are variable and bearers may identify themselves with one name form or another (e.g., William, Will, Billy, Bill, W. T., “Skip”). The form of name chosen by state legislators was classified as formal or informal and the proportions of each were plotted by state. Three regions are identified by their relative use of name formality: the Northeast, where formal names are the rule, the South, centering on Arkansas, where informal names are common, and the West, also characterized by informal names. The West is divided between the Mountain and Pacific states, with large numbers of informal names and the states which they surround, which tend toward formal names. Some states, especially those of the Midwest, do not participate in this process. Indiana and South Carolina are exceptions to the general patterns. Informal names presume to create solidarity between legislators and voters. The South and West are apparently less formal than the Northeast in general, also in name usage.  相似文献   

云南民族语地名探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南有25种世居的少数民族,是全国少数民族最多的省,也是民族语地名语种最多的省。云南被称为“地名博物馆,,民族语地名有其典型性。云南的民族语地名有很多特点,但并不特殊,在其他地方也似曾相识。本文以一个省为单元,对少数民族语地名进行全面综合研究,探讨民族语地名与地理环境、历史发展的关系及各种民族语地名之间的关系。  相似文献   

地理专家系统的试验研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
马蔼乃  周长发 《地理学报》1992,47(3):252-259
80年代人工智能与地理学的结合产生了地理专家系统(GES)。地理专家系统是继地理信息系统之后,对地理知识与推理形式化,建立的具有一定地理专业水平的计算机软件系统。地理专家系统由地理数据库,地理知识库和地理推理机三大部分组成。地理数据库是GES的数据管理模块,我们设计了一套地理信息系统MCGIS来作为微机地理专家系统MCGES的综合数据库;地理知识库是GES的知识管理模块;地理推理机则是GES的推理控制策略的程序体现。本文结合一个用C语言自行设计的基于规则的产生式微机地理专家系统MCGES阐述了地理专家系统的原理和方法。  相似文献   

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