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论震源辐射问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
地震震源辐射过程是现代地震学中一个复杂而关键的课题,而震源谱的研究则是认识震源辐射的重要一环。地震波由震源传播至地球表面,经历了一系列诸如路径衰减、地壳表层放大和场地效应等物理作用。其中震波衰减效应包括几何扩散、非弹性衰减(YQ(f))和近地表高频衰减。地壳放大作用主要发生于表层或浅层波阻抗梯度带。为了更确切地描述和理解震源辐射谱,必须从观测到的地面运动记录中把地震源谱分离出来,从而消除传播路径和地表场地效应。强震运动记录是研究震源谱的基本资料。采用频率域方法,以傅里叶变换为工具,可使时间域的卷积问题简化为频率域的乘积运算。研究区域含日本、墨西哥、土尔其、加利福尼亚、加拿大西部(British Columbia)和北美东部(ENA)等典型构造区。结果表明,在适当消除路径和场地效应之后,震源谱的基本特征只随震级变化,而与研究地区无直接关系,亦即震源谱基本独立于构造区域、震源距和震源深度。这对于未来强震运动预测和地震灾害评估具有十分重要的理论和实际意义。与此同时,高频衰减因子(Kappa)与构造环境有关:低Kappa工资值相应于较稳定的板内构造环境下的硬岩场地(如北美东部),而相对较高的Kappa值则相应于比较活跃的构造环境下的场地条件,如日本、墨西哥、加拿大西海岸、美国西部的加利福尼亚和土耳其的转换构造带。强震运动水平与垂直分量的频谱比RH/V(f)作为频率的函数可近似描述为地壳放大和场地高频衰减的综合效应:即RH/V(f)=A(f)^-πkf。其中,A(f)是地壳表层放大函数,k是Kappa因子。通过震源谱的对比研究。提供了一个新的震级转换公式。  相似文献   

长江中游上段沿岸地区地震反应及抗震条件分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈国金  龚树毅 《地球科学》1994,19(5):705-714
在综合利用物探,地质,钻探等方法查明工作区内地貌,地层及构造条件的基础上,从地震地质,第四纪地质及土体结构研究入手,对区内分析划出的地震基本烈度Ⅶ度区地震反应及抗震条件进行了分析,评价和区划,并提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

For the greater area of the city of Cologne a microzonation from an earthquake engineering perspective was introduced. The area has been divided into eight subregions with approximately uniform soil profile. For all regions the influence of the sediments on simulated earthquakes has been investigated by three well known methods: 2-layer solution, SHAKE 91, HASKELL matrix algorithm. The transfer functions and response spectra were computed and compared to the elastic acceleration response spectra of the German building code E-DIN 4149. Two different methods for the generation of synthetic accelerograms and the three wave propagation analysis procedures have been compared and a series of issues relevant to the practical application of them were discussed.  相似文献   

A new approach on numerical modeling of wave propagation is introduced and is used to analyze the effect of earthquake magnitudes (ground motion amplitudes) on wave propagation. In this method, the sum of the maximum amplitudes of the first output model at time 0 s and rest of the output models at different times are normalized to unity. Considering this as a constraint, the sum of the weighted‐squared Fourier amplitudes is minimized by using the Lagrange multiplier method. The proposed method can reveal the relationship of actual time histories by showing simple clear peaks. This method is used to analyze the time histories of various earthquake events at different vertical array sites of the Kashiwazaki–Kariwa nuclear power plant of Tokyo electric power company (TEPCO). The wave arrival times obtained from this method and down‐hole measurements are compared. The results show increase in the arrival times at surface layer when the magnitude of earthquake is large. The results reveal that the amplitudes of small magnitude earthquakes at depths are small and are largely amplified at surface, whereas in case of large magnitude earthquakes, the amplitudes are large at depths and are deamplified at surface reflecting the effects of the strain‐dependent soil properties that result in non‐linear site response to strong shaking. The results also show that the reflected peak amplitudes are higher for small magnitude earthquakes than for large magnitude earthquakes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汶川5月12日8.0级地震在构造上起因于印度板块与欧亚板块以每年约5 cm的速度聚敛,并因此而引起青藏高原的地壳物质向四川盆地及中国东南大陆运移.主震震源及余震活动集中于以龙门山为中轴的一条长约350 km、宽约100 km的地震活动带.震源深度一般分布丁地壳脆性-韧性转换边界以上约10~20 km区间的地壳震源层之中,属浅源构造地震.主要震源机制与龙门山构造运动方式密切相关,以其地壳厚度向西急剧加厚、重力梯度带、高波速比(Vp/Vs~2.2)等深部异常及逆冲断层兼具走滑性质的地质构造为特征.在震源辐射、路径传播和场地效应研究的基础上,分别计算并比较了岩石和土壤条件下的地震响应谱,特别强调了土壤条件下的场地放大效应;同时对与地震安全性有关的一些问题如地质灾害、地震频谱设计、地震早期预警系统及中、长期至短期地震预报等进行了探讨;特别提供了一个由加权平均计算、以岩石条件下震波衰减模式为基础的地震频谱设计参考实例.地震构造与动力学研究可融人工程地质与环境工程等学科发展.经历汶川地震考验的一些新近设计和建设的工程项目可为今后改进工程建筑规范与标准提供重要而有益的参考.地震预报是当今一大难题,但需探索研究,不可懈怠.地震减灾与预防足目前比较切合实际的安全举措.  相似文献   

The devastating earthquake (mb = 6.6) at Chamoli, Garhwal Himalaya, which occurred in the morning hours on 29th March 1999, was recorded on Delhi Strong Motion Accelerograph (DSMA) Network operated by the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee. In this paper the source parameters of this event calculated from the Strong Motion Data are presented. The seismic moment for this event has been found to be of the order of 1025 dyne.cm and the moment magnitude has been calculated in the range of 6.53–6.69 at different stations. The stress drop and source radius for the earthquake are also calculated.  相似文献   

夏坤  董林  蒲小武  李璐 《岩土力学》2020,41(1):295-304
2008年汶川Ms8.0级强烈地震对远离震中的黄土塬地区造成了较为严重的破坏,局部场地的震害和地震动放大效应显著。以典型黄土塬场地为对象,应用地形台阵流动观测和有限元计算方法,系统开展强震动作用下黄土塬边坡场地动力响应特征研究;应用大型振动台模拟试验和数值计算方法,重点探讨黄土塬平台场地在汶川地震作用下地表加速度响应随覆盖层厚度、地震动强度的变化规律以及对建筑结构的潜在影响。结果表明:黄土塬边坡顶部存在低频但较高放大系数的现象,可能与斜坡高差与入射波波长之比密切相关;大角度(60°~70°)黄土塬边坡对地震动的放大效应十分显著,坡顶加速度峰值(PGA)放大可达2倍,反应谱卓越周期放大可达5倍;较厚黄土塬平台场地加速度放大可达2倍以上,地震烈度增加1度,对于场地上固有周期0.7~2.0 s和周期大于3.0 s的建筑物地震反应将显著增加。  相似文献   

5.12大地震对国家造成了一次重大的损失,则对地震预报的研究则显得尤为重要。本文认为地震发生的机理是板块挤压破裂学说。在地震动发生前后都会出现一些宏观或微观异常,在地震发生前其微观异常主要表现为电磁波、地壳倾斜、地应力等异常。本方通过对低频电磁波和地倾斜进行测量和研究,可通过数据多台站共享来进行地震预报分析。  相似文献   

The influence of local geologic and soil conditions on the intensity of ground shaking is addressed in this study. The amplification of the ground motion due to local site effects resulted in severe damage to dwellings in the Bam area during the 2003 Bam Earthquake. A unique set of strong motion acceleration recordings was obtained at the Bam accelerograph station. Although the highest peak ground acceleration recorded was the vertical component (nearly 1 g), the longitudinal component (fault-parallel motion) clearly had the largest maximum velocity as well as maximum ground displacement. Subsurface geotechnical and geophysical (down-hole) data in two different sites have been obtained and used to estimate the local site condition on earthquake ground motion in the area. The ground response analyses have been conducted considering the nonlinear behavior of the soil deposits using both equivalent linear and nonlinear approaches. The fully nonlinear method embodied in FLAC was used to evaluate the nonlinear soil properties on earthquake wave propagation through the soil layer, and compare with the response from the equivalent linear approach. It is shown that thick alluvium deposits amplified the ground motion and resulted in significant damage in residential buildings in the earthquake stricken region. The comparison of results indicated similar response spectra of the motions for both equivalent and nonlinear analyses, showing peaks in the period range of 0.3–1.5 s. However, the amplification levels of nonlinear analysis were less than the equivalent linear method especially in long periods. The observed response spectra are shown to be above the NEHRP building code design requirements, especially at high frequencies.  相似文献   

利用上海及邻区的最新地震资料,对其全区和四个小区的震源深度与震级、震源深度与频次的关系进行初步探讨,并对三个典型震(群)区的震源深度加以分析,最后提出了对上海地区地震活动性和震源深度研究的几点认识。  相似文献   

We present an overview of our recent results on utilizing small earthquakes in the earthquake engineering practice. Site-specific ground motion time-histories of large earthquakes can be successfully simulated using recordings of small earthquakes which are often referred to as 'empirical Green's functions' in seismology. Another important practical problem is whether and how these observations can be used in seismic risk studies which are based on empirical attenuation relations for ground motion parameters. We study a possibility of extrapolating attenuation relations for small earthquakes, to larger magnitudes using the data from the Garner Valley downhole array in Southern California. Finally we introduce efficient ground motion processing techniques in frequency- and time-domains and apply them to site response estimation.  相似文献   

A recent development in strong motion instrumentation in Japan provides an opportunity to collect valuable data sets, especially after moderate and large magnitude events. Gathering and modeling these data is a necessity for better understanding of regional ground motion characteristics. Estimations of the spatial distribution of earthquake ground motion plays an important role in early-stage damage assessments for both rescue operations by disaster management agencies as well as damage studies of urban structures. Subsurface geology layers and local soil conditions lead to soil amplification that contributes to the estimated ground motion parameters of the surface. We present a case study of the applicability of the nationally proposed GIS-based soil amplification ratios [J. Soil Dyn. Earthqu. Eng. 19 (2000) 41–53] to the October 6, 2000 Tottori-ken Seibu (western Tottori Prefecture) and the March 24, 2001 Geiyo earthquakes in Japan. First, ground motion values were converted to those at a hypothetical ground base-rock level (outcrop) using an amplification ratio for each 1×1 km area, based on geomorphological and subsurface geology information. Then a Kriging method, assuming an attenuation relationship at the base-rock as a trend component, is applied. Finally, the spatial distribution of ground motion at ground surface is obtained by applying GIS-based amplification factors for the entire region. The correlation between the observed and estimated ground motion values is reasonable for both earthquakes. Thus, the proposed method is applicable in near real-time early-damage assessments and seismic hazard studies in Japan.  相似文献   

In the present study, distribution of the seismic acceleration at base rock level has been computed for the Zakynthos (Western Greece) Ms = 6.6 earthquake of 18 November 1997, using a semi-empirical approach, taking into consideration the shape and dimension of the fault as well as the direction of the rupture propagation. Considering the geological conditions of the region under investigation and a simplifiedamplification factor, the distribution of peak ground acceleration is obtained. The results derived in this study are based on the amplification factors and velocity response spectra observed in Japan. To get more realistic results we also incorporated in our model attenuation factors obtained by using data from earthquakes in Greece. Different sets of results are compared with peak ground acceleration values recorded by instruments installed in the investigated area and the validity of the applied method is discussed.  相似文献   

为研究太阳活动与全球大震的关系, 引入一个无量纲的"地震能量函数√G", 并分析研究了1681—2011故年间全球M≥7.0大震的能量释放的时间序列.由此发现全球大震在太阳活动周4个阶段的分布和活动度, 随震级的强度而异.提出地壳对太阳风暴加卸载响应模式, 用于解释此现象: 通过考察最近331 a, 得出全球共发生了10个M≥9.0超级巨震的时空分布特征, 特别是太阳活动峰年期间没有发生过超级巨震.该研究结果可为判断全球大震提供参考.   相似文献   

Tanaka  Yasuo 《Natural Hazards》1997,16(2-3):267-285
This paper describes the behaviour of Port Island in Kobe city during and after the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 17 January 1995. The island is near the city centre and was constructed on the soft seabed in Kobe Port. A vertical array of four seismometers and pore water pressure sensors recorded the response of the ground during and after the earthquake. This study shows how the stiffness of the ground dropped and recovered during and after the earthquake.  相似文献   

Sargeant  S.L.  Burton  P.W.  Douglas  A.  Evans  J.R. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):35-45
On 7 September, 1999, an earthquake (5.8 mb USGS)took place about 20 km from the centre of Athens, until then a seismically quiet region ofeastern Greece. Considerable damage ranging from rock falls to the collapse of reinforcedconcrete structures was reported in the city and surrounding area. No surface break which couldbe directly attributed to rupture on the fault plane was mapped. We use the relativeamplitude method and forward modelling of broadband P seismogramsrecorded at long range to produce a two-dimensional model of the source. We conclude that the earthquake tookplace on a south-west dipping normal fault at a depth of 10 km. This implies that the depthof the seismogenic zone in the area is comparable to other more active regions of Greece.The rupture speed (2.1 km/s) and stress drop (0.54 MPa) are low and are typical of earthquakesin a tectonic environment dominated by high rates of extension. The estimated seismicmoment is 6.014 × 1017 N m. We have investigated reported rupture directivity and thepossibility of a circular rupture is also examined. Extrapolation of the fault plane to the freesurface suggests that the earthquake took place on a structure associated with the Fili fault.  相似文献   

地震的发生往往伴随着能量的转换和物质的运移,物质运移最直接的体现是重力异常的变化。为了对比地震前后重力异常的变化,在垂直龙门山断裂带走向上布设了2条实测重力剖面,揭示物质的运移规律及地震发生的原因。布格重力异常在汶川地区升高了15×10-5 m/s2,而周围地区布格重力异常却减小了;说明汶川地区是应力集中区,且青藏高原物质在楔入龙门山时的通道是有一定范围的。通过地震前后均衡异常和上地幔物质引起异常的变化特征也可以得到上述结论,并能证明物质运移在上地幔也有发生的观点。其结果揭示了汶川爆发地震的原因以及地下物质的运移规律,并为地震的预报工作提供了基础性依据。  相似文献   

涟江源区河流地貌特征及其与构造的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对涟江源区河流地貌及地质构造的调查发现,区内河谷地貌平面展布形式有纵谷、横谷及斜向谷,纵断面形态主要为"V"型、次之为"U"型.支流与干流交汇处发育三处盆地,各盆地中均发育三级阶地,分别形成于距今56.7±3.6 Ka,24.2±2.4Ka,0.8±0.250 Ka.区内河谷地貌、阶地特征与新构造运动地壳间歇性抬升...  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper analyzes various earthquake fault types, mechanism solutions, stress field as well as other geophysical data to study the crust movement in the Tibetan plateau and its tectonic implications. The results show that a lot of normal faulting type earthquakes concentrate in the central Tibetan plateau. Many of them are nearly perfect normal fault events. The strikes of the fault planes of the normal faulting earthquakes are almost in the N-S direction based on the analyses of the equal area projection diagrams of fault plane solutions. It implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the normal faulting type events have quite great components in the E-W direction. The extension is probably an eastward extensional motion, mainly a tectonic active regime in the altitudes of the plateau. The tensional stress in the E-W or WNW-ESE direction predominates the earthquake occurrence in the normal event region of the central plateau. A number of thrust fault and strike-slip fault type earthquakes with strong compressive stress nearly in the NNE-SSW direction occurred on the edges of the plateau. The eastward extensional motion in the Tibetan plateau is attributable to the eastward movement of materials in the upper mantle based on seismo-tomographic results. The eastward extensional motion in the Tibetan plateau may be related to the eastward extrusion of hotter mantle materials beneath the east boundary of the plateau. The northward motion of the Tibetan plateau shortened in the N-S direction probably encounters strong obstructions at the western and northern margins. Extensional motions from the relaxation of the topography and/or gravitational collapse in the altitudes of the plateau occur hardly in the N-S direction. The obstruction for the plateau to move eastward is rather weak.  相似文献   

引入“结构动力学数值分析解析递推格式法”求解软土地基地震反应分析问题。就一维地基非线性地震反应分析问题,将解析递推格式方法与等效线性化方法在各种场地土的计算结果进行了比较,结果表明:(1) 对软土层地震反应分析时,两种方法计算结果差别较大; (2)入射波幅值较强时,两种方法计算结果差别较大;(3)对于中等硬度土层、入射波幅值较弱时,计算结果相似, 并验证了该方法的实用有效性。  相似文献   

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