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Particle fluxes were measured 7 m above the sea bottom during the predisturbance, disturbance, and postdisturbance periods by using time series sediment traps attached to seven deep-sea moorings deployed in the INDEX experiment site in the Central Indian Basin. The predisturbance particle fluxes varied between 22.3 to 55.1 mg m -2 day -1 . Increased and variable particle fluxes were recorded by the sediment traps during the disturbance period. The increase observed was 0.5 to 4 times more than the background predisturbance fluxes. The increases in particle fluxes (~4 times) recorded by the sediment trap located in the southwestern direction (DMS-1) were the greatest, which could be the result of preferential movement of resuspended particles generated during the deep-sea benthic disturbance along the general current direction prevailing in this area during the experimental period. Also, the traps located closer to the disturbance area recorded greater fluxes than did the traps far away, across the Deep Sea Sediment Resuspension System path. This variability in recorded particle fluxes by the traps around the disturbance area clearly indicates that physical characteristics such as grain size and density of the resuspended particles produced during the disturbance had an important effect on particle movement. The postdisturbance measurements during ~5 days showed a reduction in particle fluxes of ~50%, indicating rapid particle settlement.  相似文献   


Twenty-four stations (12 each, during pre- and postdisturbance studies) 5300 to 5330 m deep between 10°01' and 10°03'S latitude and between 75°59' and 76°02'E longitude were sampled to study the effect of benthic disturbance on the distribution of meiofauna in the Central Indian Ocean. Bottom-sampling was conducted with a box corer. Total meiofauna density ranged from 35 to 45 organisms per 10 cm2 of bottom area during the predisturbance period and 21 to 32 organisms per 10 cm2 during the postdisturbance period in the test and reference sites. Differences between pre- and postdisturbance study results were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Nematoda was the most abundant meta-zoan group, on an average representing >55% of the meiofaunal population. The abundance of nematodes and harpacticoid copepods as well as total meiofauna showed marked decreases during postdisturbance sampling. Vertical distribution of meiofauna in the sediment cores revealed that 75% to 90% of the metazoan population was confined to the top 2-cm layer of the sediment. Recolonization experiments suggest that harpacticoid copepods may take more time for recolonization than the nematodes and are more sensitive to the physical disturbance. These findings suggest that nematodes and harpacticoid copepods can be used as indicator organisms in recolonization experiments.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) may be used as tracers of particle dynamics in aquatic systems. Internal cycling of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay to assess the role of resuspension in maintaining particle and contaminant inventories in the water column, and to compare settling and suspended particle characteristics. Direct measurements of sediment resuspension and settling conducted in conjunction with one of the sediment trap deployments indicate reasonable agreement between measurements of particle flux using the two different methods. Organic carbon and PCB concentrations in settling solids collected in near-surface sediment traps were remarkably lower than concentrations in suspended particles collected by filtration during the trap deployments, but higher PAH concentrations were found in the settling particles. The different behaviors of PAHs and PCBs in the settling particles are due to their different source types and association to different types of particles. Sediment trap collections in near bottom waters were dominated by resuspension. Resuspension fluxes of HOCs measured 2 m above the bay bottom were as high as 2.5 μg/m2 day for total PCBs and 15 μg/m2 day for fluoranthene, and were 25 and 10 times higher than their settling fluxes from surface waters, respectively. HOC concentrations in the near bottom traps varied much less between trap deployments than HOC concentrations in the surface traps, indicating that the chemical composition of the resuspended particles collected in the near bottom traps was more time-averaged by repeated resuspension than the surface particles.  相似文献   

Measurements of particle size-fractionated POC/234Th ratios and 234Th and POC fluxes were conducted using surface-tethered, free-floating, sediment traps and large-volume in-situ pumps during four cruises in 2004 and 2005 to the oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean Sea and the seasonally productive western Mediterranean and northwest Atlantic. Analysis of POC/234Th ratios in sediment trap material and 10, 20, 53, 70, and 100 μm size-fractionated particles indicate, for most stations, decreasing ratios with depth, a weak dependence on particle size, and ratios that converge to ~1–5 μmol dpm?1 below the euphotic zone (~100–150 m) throughout the contrasting biogeochemical regimes. In the oligotrophic waters of the Aegean Sea, 234Th and POC fluxes estimated using sediment traps were consistently higher than respective fluxes estimated from water-column 234Th–238U disequilibrium, observations that are attributed to terrigenous particle scavenging of 234Th. In the more productive western Mediterranean and northwest Atlantic, 234Th and POC fluxes measured by sediment trap and 234Th–238U disequilibrium agreed within a factor of 2–4 throughout the water column. An implication of these results is that estimates of POC export by sediment traps and 234Th–238U disequilibrium can be biased differently because of differential settling speeds of POC and 234Th-carrying particles.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral reefs and mounds are observed mainly on slopes and topographic highs, in areas with high current speeds. Previous investigations of the near-bed hydrodynamic regime around cold-water coral mounds at the Southwest Rockall Trough margin have revealed the presence of internal waves with a diurnal tidal frequency. Hitherto only short-term measurements existed on the particle supply to the corals and data are lacking on the seasonal variability. Bottom landers equipped with sensors recording near-bottom current dynamics were deployed at two sites in a mound area on the Southwest Rockall Trough margin, one with a dense coral cover and one without coral cover. At both sites a similar seasonal variation in internal-wave activity was recorded with high activity during winter and summer months and less dynamic conditions in spring and autumn. Increased intensity of internal-wave activity, reflected in higher average near-bottom current speed and amplitude of daily temperature fluctuations, results in higher mass fluxes as recorded in the sediment traps. On the site without coral cover, mass fluxes are two times higher, compared to the site with dense coral cover. During periods of high mass fluxes a predominance of resuspended material was observed at both sites, as indicated by reduced 210Pb activity and low organic matter concentrations. The flux of resuspended material largely masked the primary pelagic signal. However, low δ15N values in early spring and summer marked the arrival of fresh particles on both sites. A dense coral framework, baffling a large amount of particles settling between the coral branches, results in differences in particle flux, chemical composition and freshness of the trapped material. On the long term the presence of a coral framework plays a crucial role in the build-up of cold-water coral mounds.  相似文献   

Three moorings equipped with sediment traps were deployed in the north-western Alboran continental margin to study downward particle fluxes in the Guadiaro submarine canyon depositional system. This area is located close to the Strait of Gibraltar and is influenced by the upwelling induced by the Atlantic Jet and by episodic flood events from the Guadiaro River. Sediment traps were installed in the Guadiaro Canyon, in the Guadiaro Channel and in the adjacent continental slope. The overall duration of the deployment was 12 months (from November 1997 to October 1998). Time-series of downward particle fluxes, major constituents (organic carbon, nitrogen, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate and lithogenics) and 210Pb were determined near the surface at mid-depths and near the bottom. Total mass fluxes (TMF) in this area fluctuated more than two orders of magnitude and showed an important seasonal variability with higher fluxes in winter. Increases in TMF and lithogenics together with decreases in 210Pb, organic carbon and opal were recorded in all traps coinciding with river floods, indicating a direct response of the system to these events and a rapid offshore transport of suspended matter affecting the entire water column. The channel site received similar particle fluxes to the western open slope site, indicating that this channel did not act as a preferential sediment conduit during the deployment period. In the Guadiaro Canyon, TMF were more than one order of magnitude higher, 210Pb concentration was lower (one half) and organic matter was more degraded than at the channel site during spring and summer, as a consequence of receiving particles resuspended by internal waves and occasionally by trawling activities. These particles were mainly retained in the canyon, which works as a trap. Also, during spring and summer, the opal and organic carbon percentages increased in all traps both in magnitude and variability, and peaks seem to be associated with biological blooms.  相似文献   


Radiolarian fossil study in the sediment cores collected during the pre- and postdisturbance cruises of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Indian Ocean Experiment (INDEX) program of deep sea mining in the Central Indian Ocean Basin suggests a pronounced directional deposition of fossil radiolarians exhumed during the deep sea benthic disturbance experiment. The relative occurrences of the Stylatractus universus species that became extinct ~0.425 million years before present were mostly confined to the older and deeper strata of the sediment of the disturbance tract in the southwestern direction. This pattern is remarkable and suggests that the disturbance plume has been preferentially redeposited in the southwestern direction. This observation is in concurrence with the prevailing southwestern abyssal current during the disturbance experiment in the Central Indian Basin.  相似文献   

Downward fluxes of labile organic matter (lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) at 200 (trap A) and 1515 m depth (trap B), measured during a 12 months sediment trap experiment, are presented, together with estimates of the bacterial and cyanobacterial biomasses associated to the particles. The biochemical composition of the settling particles was determined in order to provide qualitative and quantitative information on the flux of readily available organic carbon supplying the deep-sea benthic communities of the Cretan Sea. Total mass flux and labile carbon fluxes were characterised by a clear seasonality. Higher labile organic fluxes were reported in trap B, indicating the presence of resuspended particles coming from lateral inputs. Particulate carbohydrates were the major component of the flux of labile compounds (on annual average about 66% of the total labile organic flux) followed by lipids (20%) and proteins (13%). The biopolymeric carbon flux was very low (on annual average 0.9 and 1.2 gC m−2 y−1, at trap A and B). Labile carbon accounted for most of the OC flux (on annual average 84% and 74% in trap A and B respectively). In trap A, highest carbohydrate and protein fluxes in April and September, corresponded to high faecal pellet fluxes. The qualitative composition of the organic fluxes indicated a strong protein depletion in trap B and a decrease of the bioavailability of the settling particles as a result of a higher degree of dilution with inorganic material. Quantity and quality of the food supply to the benthos displayed different temporal patterns. Bacterial biomass in the sediment traps (on average 122 and 229 μgC m−2 d−1 in trap A and B, respectively) was significantly correlated to the flux of labile organic carbon, and particularly to the protein and carbohydrate fluxes. Cyanobacterial flux (on average, 1.1 and 0.4 μgC m−2 d−1, in trap A and B, respectively) was significantly correlated with total mass and protein fluxes only in trap A. Bacterial carbon flux, equivalent to 84.2 and 156 mgC m−2 y−1, accounted for 5–6.5% of the labile carbon flux (in trap A and B respectively) and for 22–41% protein pool of the settling particles. These results suggest that in the Cretan Sea, bacteria attached to the settling particles represent a potential food source of primary importance for deep-sea benthic communities.  相似文献   

As a part of the Environmental Impact Assessment studies for nodule mining, a long-term program has been initiated in the Central Indian Basin. Multidisciplinary studies on geological, biological, physical, and chemical parameters were carried out in an area selected on the basis of baseline data collected in the first phase of the program. A benthic disturbance was simulated with a hydraulic device also used in the previous experiments in the Pacific Ocean. A site of 3,000 ×200 m was repeatedly disturbed by a combination of fluidizing pump and suction pump to dislodge and discharge sediment from the seafloor into the water column 5 m above the seafloor. During 9 days of operation, 26 tows were carried out for 47 h of disturbance, resuspending about 6,000 m 3 of sediment along an 88-km line. Data for postdisturbance impact assessment were collected with sediment traps, deep-towed cameras, seafloor samples, and conductivity-temperature depth sensor (CTD)-rosette observations. Seafloor data, sediment samples, and water column studies were aimed at evaluating the impact of benthic disturbance, on the basis of pre- and postdisturbance data collected during the experiment. Observations show that vertical mixing of sediment as well as its lateral movement and resedimentation because of plume migration alters various parameters and leads to changes in the environment around the area.  相似文献   

The DYFAMED time-series station, located in the open Ligurian Sea, is one of the few pluriannual flux programs in the world and the longest in the Mediterranean Sea. The trap data series is one of only three multi-decadal data sets in existence, and it provides flux information for an environment that is distinct from the other long-term data sets. At DYFAMED, downward fluxes of particles, carbon and other major elements have been regularly measured with sediment traps since 1986 at fixed depths of 200 and 1000 m. An overview is presented of the main trends of particle and carbon fluxes observed during the period 1988–2005, period when the mooring was located on the northern side of the Ligurian Sea. In spite of considerable interannual variability, fluxes displayed a marked seasonal pattern with the highest fluxes occurring during winter and spring and lowest fluxes throughout the stratified season (summer–autumn). Organic carbon fluxes measured at both depths were highly variable over time, ranging from 0.3 to 59.9 (mean 6.8) mg C m−2 d−1 at 200 m, and from 0.2 to 37.1 (mean 4.3) mg C m−2 d−1 at 1000 m. Mass fluxes were maximal in winter, whereas carbon fluxes were maximal in late spring. Reasonably good agreement existed between particle fluxes at both depths over the years, indicating a relatively efficient and rapid transport of particles from the upper ocean to the deep sea. However, during certain periods mass flux increased with depth suggesting lateral inputs of particles that by-pass the upper trap. Since 1999, the system has apparently shifted towards an increasing occurrence of extreme flux events in response to more vigorous mixing of the water column during the winter months. Although annual mass fluxes have increased in the last years, mean POC fluxes have not substantially changed over time, due mainly to lower carbon contents of the sinking particles during maxima of mass flux.  相似文献   


Macrofaunal communities of the Central Indian Basin (CIB) were sampled with a spade before (June 1997), and immediately after (August 1997), and 44 months (April 2001) after a simulated benthic disturbance for polymetallic nodule mining. The average density recorded down to a sediment depth of 40 cm ranged from 89 to 799 ind·m?2 (mean: 373 ± 221 SD; n = 12) and 178–1066 ind·m?2 (mean: 507 ± 489 SD; n = 3) in the test and reference area, respectively. Most of the macrobenthic animals (64%) were concentrated in the upper 0 to 2 cm sediment layers, whereas, sizeable fauna (6%) inhabited the 20–40 cm sediment section and the deepest 5 cm section from 35–40 cm contributed only about 2% to the total population density. The fauna, comprised of 12 groups, were dominated by the nematodes, which constituted 54% of the total population. The macrofaunal density in the test site showed a significant increase (x:400 ind·m?2) in the 44 months postdisturbance sampling (x:320 ind·m?2). The population of nematodes and oligochaetes was nearly restored after 44 months, but the polychaetes and crustaceans did not reach the baseline populations measured in June 1997. The top 0–2 cm sediment layer was severely affected by the disturber, and the study suggests that physically disturbed deep-sea macrofauna may require a longer period for restoration and resettlement than normally believed.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2002,80(1):11-26
Profiles of particulate and dissolved 234Th (t1/2=24.1 days) in seawater and particulate 234Th collected in drifting traps were analyzed in the Barents Sea at five stations during the ALV3 cruise (from June 28 to July 12, 1999) along a transect from 78°15′N–34°09′E to 73°49′N–31°43′E. 234Th/238U disequilibrium was observed at all locations. 234Th data measured in suspended and trapped particles were used to calibrate the catchment efficiency of the sediment traps. Model-derived 234Th fluxes were similar to 234Th fluxes measured in sediment traps based on a steady-state 234Th model. This suggests that the sediment traps were not subject to large trapping efficiency problems (collection efficiency ranges from 70% to 100% for four traps). The export flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) can be calculated from the model-derived export flux of 234Th and the POC/234Th ratio. POC/234Th ratios measured in suspended and trapped particles were very different (52.0±9.9 and 5.3±2.2 μmol dpm−1, respectively). The agreement between calculated and measured POC fluxes when the POC/234Th ratio of trapped particles was used confirms that the POC/234Th ratio in trap particles is representative of sinking particles. Large discrepancies were observed between calculated and measured POC fluxes when the POC/234Th ratio of suspended particles was used. In the Barents Sea, vertical POC fluxes are higher than POC fluxes estimated in the central Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort Sea and lower than those calculated in the Northeast Water Polynya and the Chukchi Sea. We suggest that the latter fluxes may have been strongly overestimated, because they were based on high POC/234Th ratios measured on suspended particles. It seems that POC fluxes cannot be reliably derived from thorium budgets without measuring the POC/234Th ratio of sediment trap material or of large filtered particles.  相似文献   

To understand the transport process of lithogenic particles in the ocean, we measured the grain size distributions of lithogenic particles and measured the opal, La, Yb, Th, and Sc concentrations of the settling particles collected from time-series sediment traps at Sta. KNOT (44°N, 155°E, water depth 5320 m) from June 2002 to May 2004. The annual mean lithogenic particle flux observed at the lower sediment trap (5100 m) was twice as high as that at the upper sediment trap (770 m). The contribution of Asian loess estimated by the La/Yb and the Th/Sc ratios in the lower layer was greater than that in the upper layer. The fluxes of small lithogenic particles with sizes of 3–4 μm at the lower layer (5 to 65 mg/m2/day) were approximately four times larger than that at the upper layer (0.6 to 27 mg/m2/day). These results indicate that the horizontal addition of small particle sizes of Asian loess is a main factor in the increase of lithogenic particles at the lower layer. The temporal variations in the small lithogenic particle flux at the lower layer had a positive correlation with those at the upper layer (r = 0.71). The small lithogenic particle fluxes showed a strong positive correlation with the opal fluxes (r = 0.9). We therefore conclude that the small lithogenic particles were laterally transported and scavenged by the formation of aggregates with opal.  相似文献   

Downward fluxes of microbial assemblages associated with sinking particles sampled in sediment traps deployed at nominal depths of 1000 m (trap A), 3000 m (trap B) and 4700 m (trap C) were measured between October 1995 and August 1998 on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP, NE Atlantic). The goal of the study was to provide detailed information on the microbial contributions to the particulate organic carbon and DNA fluxes. Bacterial fluxes associated with settling particles in the PAP area were generally low and significantly lower than bacterial fluxes reported from the same area during 1989–90. Marked seasonal pulses in the microbial assemblages were observed in all years that were associated with particle flux maxima in April–June. No significant differences were found in microbial fluxes between 1000 and 4700 m depth, but both the bacterial biomass flux and the frequency of dividing bacteria increased with depth, suggesting that organic matter turnover and conversion into bacterial biomass increased in the deeper traps. The structure of microbial assemblages displayed clear changes with increasing depth; the ratios of bacteria to both flagellates and cyanobacteria increased up to 4-fold between 1000 and 4700 m, showing a marked increase in bacterial dominance in the deeper layers of the water column. A parallel increase of the bacterial contribution to particulate organic carbon (POC) and DNA fluxes was observed. Total microbial contribution to the POC flux in the PAP area was about 2%, whereas the contribution of cyanobacteria was negligible. Fluxes of microbial assemblages were significantly correlated with DNA fluxes and on average the bacteria accounted for 5% of DNA fluxes. Data reported here confirm that the “rain” of particulate bacterial DNA may represent an important source of nucleotides for deep-sea bacteria, but also suggests that a much larger pool of detrital DNA is potentially available to deep-sea micro-organisms.  相似文献   

During the Indian Deep-sea Environment Experiment (INDEX) conducted in the Central Indian Basin to simulate nodule mining activity, the sediments were physically disturbed, lifted from the seafloor, and then redeposited to study the effects of sediment redistribution on geological, chemical and biological characteristics of benthic environment. The first monitoring cruise, 44 months after the experiment, was part of long-term observations for restoration of conditions. This study describes the effects of the experiment on geotechnical properties of sediments measured in predisturbance, postdisturbance and monitoring phases. To compare the effects, sediment cores were collected from the same locations during the three phases. Siliceous, fine-grained sediments from the study area showed change in geotechnical properties induced due to the disturbance. Marginal increase in natural water content and significant reduction in undrained shear strength at the 0–5 cm sediment layer of cores from the tow zone during postdisturbance was observed. However, during the monitoring phase, an increase in shear strength and reduction in water content was noticed, which might indicate that the sediments are gradually acquiring predisturbance characteristics. The study also revealed that the meiofaunal density has a positive correlation with the water content, but a negative relationship with the shear strength of these siliceous sediments. Specific gravity of solids and porosity showed marginal change, whereas wet density remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the multidisciplinary RECS project and with the aim of describing the particle flux transfer from the continental shelf to the deep basin, an array of five mooring lines equipped with a total of five pairs of PPS3/3 sequential-sampling sediment traps and RCM-7/8 current meters were deployed 30 m above the bottom from March 2003 to March 2004 inside and outside the Blanes Canyon. One mooring line was located in the upper canyon at 600 m depth, one in the canyon axis at 1700 m depth and other two close to the canyon walls at 900 m depth. A fifth mooring line was deployed in the continental open slope at 1500 m water depth.The highest near-bottom downward particle flux (14.50 g m−2 d−1) was recorded at the trap located in the upper canyon (M1), where continental inputs associated with the presence of the Tordera River are most relevant. On the other hand, the downward fluxes (4.35 g m−2 d−1) in the canyon axis (M2) were of the same order as those found in the western flank (M3) of the canyon. Both values were clearly higher than the value (1.95 g m−2 d−1) recorded at the eastern canyon wall (M4). The open slope (M5) mass flux (5.42 mg m−2 d−1) recorded by the sediment trap located outside the canyon system was three orders of magnitude lower than the other values registered by the inner canyon stations. The relevance of our data is that it explains how the transport pathway in the canyon occurs through its western flank, where a more active and persistent current toward the open ocean was recorded over the entire year of the experiment.Off-shelf sediment transport along the canyon axis showed clear differences during the period of the study, with some important events leading to strong intensifications of the current coupled with large transport of particle fluxes to the deepest parts of the canyon. Such events are primarily related to increases in river discharge and the occurrence of strong storms and cascading events during the winter.In summary, in this study it is shown that the dynamics of the water masses and the currents in the study area convert the sharp western flank of the Blanes Canyon in a more active region that favors erosion processes than the eastern flank, which has a smoother topography and where the absence of erosional conditions yields to steadier sedimentary processes.  相似文献   

Application of a simple model describing regional variations in the contents of manganese and associated minor metals in deep-sea sediments suggests that solid manganese phases are being removed from the <0.5 μm fraction of seawater at ~1–7 · 1012g yr?1 in excess of the rate of stream-supplied manganese. This flux is consistent with: (1) the relative rates of sediment accumulation in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; (2) the contrast between the oceanic residence time of manganese calculated from stream-supply data (14 · 103 yr) and from the flux of manganese precipitating in marine sediments or as manganese nodules (0.38–2.4 · 103 yr); (3) the surplus mass of manganese revealed by geochemical balance calculations (22.9 · 102g). On this basis excess manganese is accumulating in deep-sea sediments at 0.2–2.0 · 10?6 g cm?2yr?1. Manganese supplied to the upper layers of marine sediments by diagenesis has been evaluated with the aid of vertical advection—diffusion—reaction models. The calculated diagenetic flux of manganese at the sediment surface in a near-shore environment is in agreement with the known accretion rate of manganese deposits (1.7 · 10?2 g cm?2 10?3 yr?1) and the regionally variable flux over the area assessed is consistent with the presence or absence of manganese nodules at or near the water-sediment interface. The diagenetic flux at the surface of deep-sea sediments has been calculated at 0.7 · 10?4 g cm?2 10?3 yr?1 when the upper, oxic, zone of the sediment is ~20 cm thick. A limiting factor on the in situ production flux of dissolved manganese in deep-sea sediments appears to be the availability of reducing agents for manganese dissolution rather than the rate of downward transport of manganese-rich sediment to a reaction boundary where dissolution takes place. Various estimates of the rate of upward-migrating manganese suggest that manganese precipitates in the oxic zone with a rate constant of ~10?7 sec?1 with the result that diagenetic processes cannot supply the flux of excess manganese through more than ~0.25 m of oxic sediment. However, estimates of the flux of manganese to the oceans by submarine volcanic processes (0.79–1.1 · 1012g yr?1) are similar to the surplus mass of manganese detected by geochemical balance calculations (0.7 · 1012g yr?1). If submarine hydrothermal solutions provide only 10% of this excess then their computed discharge rate (39 g cm?2 yr?1) and residence time in the upper layer of oceanic crust (130,000 yr) agree well with these parameters for continental thermal springs.  相似文献   

The natural isotope 234Th is used in a small-scale survey of particle transport and exchange processes at the sediment–water interface in the Benguela upwelling area. Results from water and suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the uppermost and lowermost water column as well as the underlying sediment of three stations are compared. The stations are situated in different sedimentological environments at 1200–1350 m water depth at the continental slope off Namibia. Highly differing extent and particle content of the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) are determined from transmissometer data. Three models are presented, all explaining the 234Th depletion of the BNL and 234Th excess of the surface sediment that were observed. While the first model is based solely on local resuspension of surface sediment particles, the second evaluates the influence of vertical particle settling from the surface waters on the 234Th budget in the BNL. The third model explains 234Th depletion in the BNL by sedimentation of particles that were suspended in the BNL during long-range transport. Particle inventory of the BNL is highest at a depocenter of organic matter at 25.5°S, where strong deposition is presently taking place and lateral particle transport is suggested to predominate sediment accumulation. This is supported by the high settling flux of particles out of the BNL into the sediments of the depocenter, exceeding the vertical particle flux into sediment traps at intermediate depth in the same area by up to an order of magnitude. High particle residence/removal times in the BNL above the depocenter in the range of 5–9 weeks support this interpretation. Comparison with carbon mineralization rates that are known from the area reveals that, notwithstanding the large fraction of advected particles, organic carbon flux into the surface sediment is remineralized to a large extent. The deployment of a bottom water sampler served as an in situ resuspension experiment and provided the first data of 234Th activity on in situ resuspended particles. We found a mean specific activity of 86 disintegrations per minute (dpm) g−1 (39–339 dpm g−1), intermediate between the high values for suspended particles (in situ pump: 580–760 dpm g−1; CTD rosette: 870–1560 dpm g−1) and the low values measured at the sediment surface (26–37 dpm g−1). This represents essential information for the modeling of 234Th exchange processes at the sediment–water interface.  相似文献   

Since 2000 long-term measurements of vertical particle flux have been performed with moored sediment traps at the long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN in the eastern Fram Strait (79°N/4°E). The study area, which is seasonally covered with ice, is located in the confluence zone of the northward flowing warm saline Atlantic water with cold, low salinity water masses of Arctic origin. Current projections suggest that this area is particularly vulnerable to global warming. Total matter fluxes and components thereof (carbonate, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, biogenic silica, biomarkers) revealed a bimodal seasonal pattern showing elevated sedimentation rates during May/June and August/September. Annual total matter flux (dry weight, DW) at ~300 m depth varied between 13 and 32 g m?2 a?1 during 2000 and 2005. Of this total flux 6–13% was due to CaCO3, 4–21% to refractory particulate organic carbon (POC), and 3–8% to biogenic particulate silica (bPSi). The annual flux of all biogenic components together was almost constant during the period studied (8.5–8.8 g m?2 a?1), although this varied from 27% to 67% of the total annual flux. The fraction was lowest in a year characterized by the longest duration of ice coverage (91 and 70 days for the calendar year and summer season, May–September, respectively). Biomarker analyses revealed that organic matter originating from marine sources was present in excess of terrigenious material in the sedimented matter throughout most of the study period. Fluxes of recognizable phyto- and protozooplankton cells amounted up to 60×106 m?2 d?1. Diatoms and coccolithophorids were the most abundant organisms. Diatoms, mainly pennate species, dominated during the first years of the investigation. A shift in the composition occurred during the last year when numbers of diatoms declined considerably, leading to a dominance of coccolithoporids. This was also reflected in a decrease in the sedimentation of bPSi. The sedimentation of biogenic matter, however, did not differ from the amount observed during the previous years. Among the larger organisms, pteropods at times contributed significantly to both the total matter and CaCO3, fluxes.  相似文献   

Settling particles and surface sediments collected from the western region of the Sea of Okhotsk were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), long-chain n-alkanes and their stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) to investigate sources and transport of total and terrestrial organic matter in the western region of the sea. The δ13C measurements of TOC in time-series sediment traps indicate lateral transport of resuspended organic matter from the northwestern continental shelf to the area off Sakhalin via the dense shelf water (DSW) flow at intermediate depth. The n-alkanes in the surface sediments showed strong odd carbon number predominance with relatively lighter δ13C values (from −33‰ to −30‰). They fall within the typical values of C3-angiosperms, which is the main vegetation in east Russia, including the Amur River basin. On the other hand, the molecular distributions and δ13C values of n-alkanes in the settling particles clearly showed two different sources: terrestrial plant and petroleum in the Sea of Okhotsk. We reconstructed seasonal change in the fluxes of terrestrial n-alkanes in settling particles using the mixing model proposed by Lichtfouse and Eglinton [1995. 13C and 14C evidence of a soil by fossil fuel and reconstruction of the composition of the pollutant. Organic Geochemistry 23, 969–973]. Results of the terrestrial n-alkane fluxes indicate that there are two transport pathways of terrestrial plant n-alkanes to sediments off Sakhalin, the Sea of Okhotsk. One is lateral transport of resuspended particles with lithogenic material from the northwestern continental shelf by the DSW flow. Another is the vertical transport of terrestrial plant n-alkanes, which is independent of transport of lithogenic material. The latter may include dry/wet deposition of aerosol particles derived from terrestrial higher plants possibly associated with forest fires in Siberia.  相似文献   

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