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Offshore geotechnical surveys form part of an integrated investigation to rejuvenate a decrepit minor port at Badagara, Kerala on the southwestern coast of India. The sediments typify a fluvio-marine milieu ranging from silty clay, sand, silty sand, sandy silt and clayey silt. Geotechnical and sedimentological studies of shallow cores reveal the geotechnical aspects besides the depositional history of the sediments. Downcore geotechnical variations and regressive coefficients based on their inter-relationships highlight diverse factorial inferences. X-Ray Diffraction data indicate the prominent clay type.

A comparative evaluation of the geotechnical characteristics of clayey sediments off Badagara, with similar studies along various sectors of the Kerala coast, both on land as well as in the near shore, is broadly attempted. Geotechnical studies carried out earlier on the uplifted Cochin marine clays provide comparative data for evaluating the possible variations between present day marine clayey sediments occurring along the Kerala coast and uplifted marine clays which, besides their gross variations in levels with respect to the present sea-level, also obviously relate to a much older depositional environment and provenance during probable Holocene times.  相似文献   


Methane concentrations and sediment shear strengths were measured in three foundation borings taken from areas of variable acoustical penetration in the Mississippi river delta front. Acoustically impenetrable or “turbid”; zones were associated with sedimentary methane concentrations above about 30 ml/liter, measured at atmospheric pressure. Sediments in the high‐gas, acoustically turbid zones demonstrated a smaller percentage increase in shear strength with depth than in zones of low gas concentration. The results indicate that a 3.5‐kHz system used for sub‐bottom profiles is unable to determine the thickness of gas‐charged sediments.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the implication of geoacoustic behaviors in the shallow marine sediments associated with the changes in geotechnical index properties. Two piston cores (270 cm and 400 cm in core length) used in this study were recovered from stations 1 and 2, the western continental margin, the East Sea. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to illustrate the effects of microstructure on shear properties. The direct SEM observation of sediment fabrics is inevitable to understand the correlation of the changes in geoacoustic properties to the sediment structure. The consolidation of sediments by overburden stress resulting in the clay fabric alteration appears to play an important role in changing shear properties. Water contents and porosity of sediments gradually decreases with increasing depth, whereas wet bulk density shows a reverse trend. It is interesting to note that shear wave velocities increase rapidly from 8 to 20 m/s while compressional wave velocities significantly fluctuate, ranging from 1450 to 1550 m/s with depth. The fabric changes in sediment with increasing depth for example, uniform grain size and well oriented clay fabrics may cause the shear strength increase from 1 to 12 kPa. Shear wave velocity is, therefore, shown to be very sensitive to the changes in undrained strength for unconsolidated marine sediments. This correlation allows an in-situ estimation of shear stress in the subsurface from shear wave velocity data.  相似文献   


The composition and properties of glacigenic sediments in the southwestern Barents Sea are described based on data from 33 shallow boreholes (< 143 m below seabed) and 11 seabed cores (<4.2m below seabed). The cores are tied into a regional seismostratigraphic framework, illustrating the relationships between different boreholes.

A massive, muddy diamicton (silty, sandy clay with scattered gravel) is found in nearly all cores. Average clay content (<2 pm) of this lithology is about 38%, but varies between about 25% and 50%. Short intervals of finely laminated, waterlain sediments or gravelly sand are cored in a few occasions. A high content of sand and gravel in the cores from near the Norwegian coast shows an influence of sediment input from the mainland, while material eroded from sedimentary rocks dominates farther offshore.

The data presented on physical properties include undisturbed and remolded undrained shear strength, natural water content, bulk density, compressional sound velocity (P waves), Atterberg consistency limits, effective preconsolidation pressure, and consolidation coefficient.

Prediction of overconsolidation from seismic mapping of erosional surfaces is confirmed by the borehole cores. High compaction is found both in Weichselian and older deposits, with a general increase in compaction toward the east as well as toward shallower water. Cores that are “underconsolidated” at their present burial depth are also reported.

The average compressional sound velocity is about 1780 m/s for the borehole cores, 1550 m/s for the seabed cores, and increases with increasing shear strength and consolidation. Both horizontal and vertical sound velocities are measured in several cores, and although the data have a considerable scatter, a slightly aniso‐tropic sound velocity is indicated.  相似文献   


The San Diego Trough Geotechnical Test Area, located about 24 km southwest of San Diego in a water depth of about 1.2 km, lies near the base of the Coronado Escarpment directly north of the Coronado Fan. A new bathymetric map delineates a shallow basin in the soft, highly plastic, clayey silts flooring the Test Area. Measurements of shear strength by vane and static cone pene‐trometer, and bulk density by nuclear densitometer, were made in place from the submersible Deep Quest. Sixteen short (< 1.6 m) gravity cores were collected from ships.

The geotechnical properties show little areal variation and generally change uniformly with depth within the 55 km2 Test Area. Silt is the predominant grain size, averaging about 62%. In‐place bulk density shows little change with increasing depth, values range from 1.23 to 1.26 Mg/m3; laboratory density values increase with depth, ranging from 1.30 to 1.52 Mg/m3 between the surface and a depth of about 1.1 m. The difference between the in place and laboratory values may indicate sampling densification of the cored sediment. Water content in the cores decreases uniformly within the range of 249 to 43% dry weight. Shear strength increases linearly with depth. The laboratory shear strength values are lower than the in place values, which range from 4 kPa at the surface to about 29 kPa at a depth of 3.27 m. Predictor equations relate Atterberg limits, bulk density, water content, and laboratory and in place shear strength to depth. Sedimentation‐compression e log p curves have an equivalent compression index of 1.5 to nearly 2. Excluding rurbidite layers and sampling disturbance effects, all cores indicate a uniform depositional environment in the surface to 1.6 m of sediment sampled. The geotechnical properties indicate that the sediments in the west central and southwest parts of the Test Area exhibit vertical heterogeneity due to thin silt‐sand layers, presumably of turbidity current origin, that originated from the Coronado Canyon.  相似文献   


It is clear from morphology alone that distinctly different dynamic and sedimentary processes can be expected to be associated with the Greater Antilles Outer Ridge relative to those of the adjacent Nares Abyssal Plain. This difference is further substantiated by seismic reflection data which show the ridge to be a very large prism of acoustically transparent sediment in contrast to the stratified deposits of the abyssal plain. An examination of the geotechnical properties of the near‐surface (0 to 2.4m) deposits of the two areas also reveals distinct differences in their sedimentological characteristics. The outer ridge sediments, of more or less homogenous clay‐size material, display much higher water contents, porosities, sensitivities, plasticity, and organic carbon contents in contrast to the abyssal plain deposits which are much less homogenous owing to the presence of turbidite sequences. The turbidites themselves are uniquely contrasted to the other abyssal plain sediments by their higher silt content, wet bulk density, shear strength, and sensitivity.  相似文献   

The Bering Sea shelf and Chukchi Sea shelf are believed to hold enormous oil and gas reserves which have attracted a lot of geophysical surveys. For the interpretation of acoustic geophysical survey results, sediment sound velocity is one of the main parameters. On seven sediment cores collected from the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea during the 5th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, sound velocity measurements were made at 35, 50, 100, 135, 150, 174, 200, and 250 k Hz using eight separate pairs of ultrasonic transducers. The measured sound velocities range from 1 425.1 m/s to 1 606.4 m/s and are dispersive with the degrees of dispersion from 2.2% to 4.0% over a frequency range of 35–250 k Hz. After the sound velocity measurements, the measurements of selected geotechnical properties and the Scanning Electron Microscopic observation of microstructure were also made on the sediment cores. The results show that the seafloor sediments are composed of silty sand, sandy silt, coarse silt, clayey silt, sand-silt-clay and silty clay. Aggregate and diatom debris is found in the seafloor sediments. Through comparative analysis of microphotographs and geotechnical properties, it is assumed that the large pore spaces between aggregates and the intraparticulate porosity of diatom debris increase the porosity of the seafloor sediments, and affect other geotechnical properties. The correlation analysis of sound velocity and geotechnical properties shows that the correlation of sound velocity with porosity and wet bulk density is extreme significant, while the correlation of sound velocity with clay content, mean grain size and organic content is not significant. The regression equations between porosity, wet bulk density and sound velocity based on best-fit polynomial are given.  相似文献   


Deltaic sedimentation has produced an accumulation of clay and silt with a maximum thickness of 90 m in East Bay area. Sediments in the upper 50 m grade from interbedded sand, silt, and clay near South Pass and Southwest Pass to predominantly clay in the central part of the area. The variation in the types of sediments and rates of deposition greatly affected the engineering properties of these deposits. Sediments from boreholes in the central part of the area have shear strengths of less than 10 kPa to a depth of at least 50 m. Near the distributaries, shear strength increases with depth; values as high as 43 kPa were measured in sediments in the upper 50 m. These sediments are generally stronger and coarser, and have a lower water content and liquid limit than do sediments at comparable depths in the central part of the area.  相似文献   

根据闽浙沿岸沉积物的实验室分析资料,从物理性质和力学特征对海底沉积物的综合工程地质特征进行了研究,结果发现,本区沉积物以淤泥和淤泥质黏土为主,含少量细砂、粉砂、黏土和粉质黏土等,总的表现为含水率高、孔隙比大、压缩性强、塑性大和强度低。从微观结构、物质来源、物质成分、水动力条件等方面对沉积物的工程特性进行了成因分析,这些因素是造成本区沉积物工程性质不良的主要原因。  相似文献   

In Memoriam     

The engineering properties of deep continental margin sediments were determined on a worldwide basis. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) core data and material were utilized from over 900 cores obtained from 89 sites, primarily on the continental margins. Cores were recovered from penetrations to 200 m in water depths averaging 3000 m. Supplementary laboratory testing on selected cores was directed toward determining index properties and shear strength properties of the sediments. The study included a literature review of deep‐sea soil properties, the results of which are to be used by DSDP to evaluate foundation conditions for reentry cones with long casing strings. The results will also be used for a feasibility study of an ultradeepwater marine riser and well‐control system. The marine sediments examined can be divided into three main types: clay, calcareous ooze, and siliceous ooze. Sediment distribution consisted of 48% calcareous ooze, 43% clay, 6% siliceous ooze, and 3% volcanic ash. Because of the sample disturbance inherent in the deepwater coring operation, emphasis was placed on analyzing sediment properties not significantly affected by changes in in situ stresses and structure caused by sampling. Averages and ranges in values of water content and unit weight are presented for the three main sediment types. Plasticity and strength characteristics are discussed in detail and the elastic and compression properties are outlined. The geotechnical properties of deep continental margin soils are summarized.  相似文献   


Keeping in view the paucity of information as to the nature of the marine sediments from the continental shelf adjoining the Indian subcontinent, a number of shallow seismic surveys were carried out, nearshore and offshore Bombay between 18°45'N and 21°00'N. Representative core samples preserving their natural state were also retrieved from the region in the water depths ranging from 5 to 70 m for the determination of physical properties in the laboratory. Data on the physical, acoustic, and elastic properties of the sediment cores are reported for the first time. Useful individual least‐squares relations are presented for acoustic impedance, reflection coefficient, and bulk modulus against density; for the dependence of rigidity and bulk moduli on the constrained modulus; for the association between impedance and field sediment velocity against P‐velocity; and for rigidity against Poisson's ratio. Results indicate that the bulk modulus and Young's modulus are higher for silty clay and clayey silt samples than for the clay samples. Similarly, the acoustic impedance, reflection coefficient, and constrained modulus of silty clay and clayey silt are also higher than clay. The results are found to be comparable to the North Atlantic and Bay of Bengal sediments.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation undertaken to study the nature of two submarine carbonate soils from Bombay High off the west coast of India, as well as to study the shear and plasticity behavior of their sand and silt‐clay fractions, respectively. Scanning electron micrographs reveal that the carbonate content in both soils is comprised primarily of nonskeletal particles of various types. X‐ray diffraction and infrared absorption analyses indicate that in one soil the carbonate fraction consists of calcite and aragonite minerals, whereas in the other soil dolomite is also present. The non‐carbonate fraction of both soils is comprised primarily of quartz and feldspar, and also some clay minerals. The nature of the carbonate fraction of the two soils indicates that they were formed by different depositional processes.

During drained triaxial shear the nonskeletal sand grains of both soils exhibit a lower degree of crushing when compared with that of the skeletal carbonate sands, and thus appear to be stronger foundation material.

Although the carbonate contents of the silt‐clay fractions of the two soils are similar, they exhibit markedly different plasticity characteristics . This is probably because of the microlevel cementation produced by carbonate material in one soil.

This study leads one to the conclusion that carbonate content alone should not be treated as a parameter which controls the engineering behavior of submarine soils; the nature and form of carbonate material must also be identified.  相似文献   


Grain size, coarse fraction analyses, and depositional environment as interpreted from microfauna are related to the character of sparker reflections at the location of core holes drilled by Exxon, Chevron, Gulf, and Mobil on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continuous sparker reflections are correlated with slowly deposited, evenly bedded sediments containing bathyal faunas. The coarse fraction is dominated by the tests of foraminifera. Discontinuous, discordant reflections and diffractions are correlated with sediments more rapidly emplaced in the bathyal environment of the continental slope by slumping and sliding from the continental shelf. Their coarse fraction is dominated by terrigenous sand grains. A large portion of the volume of continental slope sediments appears to consist of these “displaced”; sediments, including an area 3–24 km wide and 80 km long, southeast of Corpus Christi, Texas. Comparable processes of movement of sediments are interpreted on the continental shelf south of the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River. Bathymetry in this area is characterized by a series of subaqueous “gullies”; radiating from the river mouth and leading to terraces at their southern extremities. Side‐scan sonar and PDR surveys show a rough bottom in these “gullies”; and terraces, as contrasted with a relatively smooth bottom elsewhere. The rough bottom is interpreted as indicative of slump and creep of the sediments from shallower water. Some foundation soil borings in this area south of Southwest Pass find a low‐strength material gradually increasing in strength with depth. Other borings find a “crust”; of anomalously strong material 8–15 m below the mudline. The microfauna recovered from the “crust”; has moved to its present position by slump or creep from shallower water along a pattern comparable to the gullies shown in the present‐day bathymetry.  相似文献   

Gassy sediments are detectable acoustically in subbottom profiles of Canada's Fraser Delta slope and prodelta areas. Interstitial gas is typically represented by zones of acoustic turbidity on high-resolution seismic profiles and by gas brightening on air-gun profiles. The top of the acoustically turbid zone is generally highest within the sediment column closest to the river mouths and lies within 10 ms (two-way travel time) of the sea floor in a nearly continuous area that covers over 530 km2. Most of the gas is believed to be biogenic in origin, although thermogenic gas derived from underlying Tertiary sedimentary rocks may be present in places.  相似文献   


As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0–10 cm) have a shear strength of 0–1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312–577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm3. Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   

根据“灾害地质环境调查与评价”项目1995年11月、1996年6月和1998年10月的航次调查及随后的沉积物样品的试验室分析资料,从物理性质和力学特征各方面对东海油气资源区海底沉积物进行了综合工程地质特征研究。发现本区沉积物结构、剪切特征、含水量和液塑限随深度的变化而变化;本区海底沉积物类型既分布有中砂、细砂和粉砂3种砂性土,也分布有淤泥、淤泥质粘土和粘质粉土3种粘性土,沉积物的物理力学性质与相应的土类变化相一致。  相似文献   

通过搜集汇总埕岛海域地质勘察资料,绘制表层土体的平面分布,分析该区粉质黏土、粉土和淤泥质土的土性均值、变异系数和互相关系数,结果发现,埕岛海域沉积的土体主要以粉土和粉质黏土为主;该区土体重度、含水量、孔隙比和液塑限变异系数均较小,压缩性参数变异系数相对较大;根据文中的回归公式,可由含水量求出孔隙比、重度和压缩参数。最后基于Vanmarcke土层随机场模型,采用空间递推法计算土性在竖向上的非均匀程度,竖向相关距离位于0.49~O.93m之间,且与水深无相关性。  相似文献   


The possibility of seafloor failure under external loadings on a gently sloping continental shelf is controlled, to a large extent, by the geotechnical characters of subbottom sediments (e.g., shear strength, compressibility, and liquefaction potential) and structural factors (e.g., sedimentary stratification). By means of undis‐turbing coring, in‐situ acoustic measurement, and subbottom profiling, the authors conducted an investigation into the seafloor instabilities and possibilities of sediment slope failure within the continental shelf off the Pearl River mouth, which is one of the most important areas for offshore development in the northern South China Sea. Based on in‐situ and laboratory measurements and tests for sediment physical properties, static and dynamic behavior, and acoustic characteristics, the analyses indicate: (1) subbottom sediments that originated from terrigenous clay during the Pleistocene are compact and overconsolidated, and the mean sound velocity in such sediments is relatively high; (2) the maximum vertical bearing capacity of subbottom sediments is efficiently conservative on the safe side for dead loads of light structures, and the trench walls are stable enough while trenching to a depth of about 2 m below the seafloor under still water; and (3) it is quite improbable that the subbottom sediments liquefy under earthquake (M ≤ 6) or storm wave loading.  相似文献   


To model the deep penetration process of T-bar in soft clay, an adhesive contact algorithm was developed in conjunction with the Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian approach with consideration of the effect of strain softening. Numerical results show the simulated penetration resistance agrees well with the previous centrifuge experimental data. The failure mechanisms of the clay around the T-bar can be divided into three stages, including shallow penetration stage with global failure mechanism, partially and fully back-flow stages with local failure mechanism. Fluctuations of the penetration resistance can be explained by the formation and evolution of shear bands around the T-bar. Newly formed shear bands would intersect the previously formed shear bands in the partially back-flow stage, which results in the formation of “ear-shaped” areas rotating anticlockwise around the T-bar. The evolution of shear bands would form a similar fabric structure in the fully back-flow stage.  相似文献   

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