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High-resolution geophysical data define acoustically amorphous, mounded structures on the upper, middle, and lower continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Physical samples and observations within this unique seismic facies show gassy sediments, sometimes in hydrated form and, in places, as chemosynthetic communities. The geologic setting of these mounds suggests that the process of formation falls on the continuum of mud volcanoes to mud diapirs.  相似文献   

The continental slope off Texas and Louisiana is the most structurally and sedimentologically complex area in the Gulf of Mexico. This 120,000 km2 area is dominated by diapiric tectonics, resulting in numerous faults, oil and gas seeps, and other geological phenomena that affect near-surface sediments. Bottom gradients range from 0 to 20°. High-resolution seismic surveys, foundation borings, and drop cores reveal several mass-movement features, acoustic wipeout zones, sea floor erosion, faults, hardgrounds, bioherms, reefs, and outcrops. Recent data indicate that most geological activity takes place during relative sea level lowering and low stands.  相似文献   


Grain size, coarse fraction analyses, and depositional environment as interpreted from microfauna are related to the character of sparker reflections at the location of core holes drilled by Exxon, Chevron, Gulf, and Mobil on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continuous sparker reflections are correlated with slowly deposited, evenly bedded sediments containing bathyal faunas. The coarse fraction is dominated by the tests of foraminifera. Discontinuous, discordant reflections and diffractions are correlated with sediments more rapidly emplaced in the bathyal environment of the continental slope by slumping and sliding from the continental shelf. Their coarse fraction is dominated by terrigenous sand grains. A large portion of the volume of continental slope sediments appears to consist of these “displaced”; sediments, including an area 3–24 km wide and 80 km long, southeast of Corpus Christi, Texas. Comparable processes of movement of sediments are interpreted on the continental shelf south of the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River. Bathymetry in this area is characterized by a series of subaqueous “gullies”; radiating from the river mouth and leading to terraces at their southern extremities. Side‐scan sonar and PDR surveys show a rough bottom in these “gullies”; and terraces, as contrasted with a relatively smooth bottom elsewhere. The rough bottom is interpreted as indicative of slump and creep of the sediments from shallower water. Some foundation soil borings in this area south of Southwest Pass find a low‐strength material gradually increasing in strength with depth. Other borings find a “crust”; of anomalously strong material 8–15 m below the mudline. The microfauna recovered from the “crust”; has moved to its present position by slump or creep from shallower water along a pattern comparable to the gullies shown in the present‐day bathymetry.  相似文献   


Fine‐grained sedimentary deposits on the Kodiak continental shelf and upper slope comprise three distinct compositional types: terrigenous mud, diatomrich mud, and ash‐rich sandy mud. The sediment types can be distinguished on the basis of geotechnical properties as well as by composition. The terrigenous mud has properties largely within the normal range for fine‐grained marine sediment, except for the low compressibility of many samples. This sediment underlies the walls of canyons that incise the upper slope, and analyses of undrained static and cyclic loading indicate potential instability in the steepest areas. The diatom‐rich mud has high water content, plasticity index, and compression index but low grain specific gravity. The ash‐rich sandy mud is nonplastic and has low water content and compressibility. It has high drained and undrained static strength but is extremely weakened by cyclic loading. Extensive deposits of sedimentary bedrock and coarsegrained glacial sediment in the region apparently are relatively stable, but low sediment strength or high compressibility may be encountered at the local sites of soft sedimentary deposits.  相似文献   

Bathymetric charts of the continental slope of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico reveal the presence of over 90 intraslope basins with relief in excess of 150 m. The evolution and the general configuration of the basins are a function of halokinesis of allochthonous salt. Intraslope-interlobal and intraslope-superlobal basins occupy the upper and lower continental slope, respectively. Other structures on the slope associated with salt tectonics are the Sigsbee Escarpment, the seaward edge of the Sigsbee salt nappe, and the Alaminos and Keathley canyons. Major erosional features are the Mississippi Canyon and portions of a submarine canyon on the southern extreme of the Sigsbee Escarpment.  相似文献   

A physical experiment shows that shortening applied to existing diapirs and minibasins produces anomalous structural styles that are unlike those of more typical foldbelts. Strong minibasins remain largely undeformed while weak diapirs localize contractional strain. Short diapirs form the cores to folds and thrusted folds, whereas tall diapirs are squeezed and often welded, commonly leading to the extrusion of allochthonous material. Key features of the model are observed in real examples. In the northern Gulf of Mexico passive margin, minibasins were originally separated by a polygonal pattern of deep salt ridges, with diapirs located at ridge intersections. Gravity spreading resulted in squeezed diapirs (and associated allochthonous salt) connected by variably oriented contractional, extensional, and strike-slip structures. In the Flinders Ranges convergent-margin foldbelt of South Australia, preexisting diapirs were squeezed, welded, and thrusted, with anticlines plunging away in multiple directions, so that minibasins are surrounded by highly variable structures. A different geometry is observed in La Popa Basin, Mexico, where squeezing of a linear salt wall produced a vertical weld with diapirs at the terminations, rather than the culmination. In all areas, foldbelt geometries are strongly influenced by the preestablished salt-minibasin architecture.  相似文献   

High-resolution and high-density 2-D multichannel seismic data, combined with high-precision multibeam bathymetric map, are utilized to investigate the characteristics and distribution of submarine landslides in the middle of the northern continental slope, South China Sea. In the region, a series of 19 downslope-extending submarine canyons are developed. The canyons are kilometers apart, and separated by inter-canyon sedimentary ridges. Numerous submarine landslides, bounded by headscarps and basal glide surfaces, are identified on the seismic profiles by their distorted to chaotic reflections. Listric faults and rotational blocks in head areas and compressional folds and inverse faults at the toes of the landslides are possibly developed. Three types of submarine landslides, i.e., creeps, slumps, and landslide complexes, are recognized. These landslides are mostly distributed in the head areas and on the flanks of the canyons. As the most widespread landslides in the region, creeps are usually composed of multiple laterally-coalesced creep bodies, in which the boundaries of singular component creep bodies are difficult to delineate. In addition, a total of 77 landslides are defined, including 61 singular slumps and 16 landslide complexes that consist of two or more component landslides. Statistics show that most landslides are of a small dimension (0.53–18.09 km² in area) and a short runout distance (less than 3.5 km). Regional and local slope gradients and rheological behavior of the displaced materials might play important roles in the generation and distribution of the submarine landslides. A conceptual model for the co-evolution of the canyons and the associated landslides in the study area is presented. In the model it is assumed that the canyons are initiated from gullies created by landslides on steeper sites of the continental slope. The nascent canyons would then experience successive retrogressive landsliding events to extend upslope; at the same time canyon downcutting or incision would steepen the canyon walls to induce more landslides.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡发育众多海底峡谷,其形成、发育、演化过程都存在较大差异。本文选取南海北部陆坡典型的珠江口外海底峡谷群、东沙海底峡谷、台湾浅滩南海底峡谷和澎湖海底峡谷进行研究,通过高分辨率多道地震数据和多波束测深数据,结合前人研究成果,对4条典型海底峡谷的形态特征、沉积充填特征及结构、形成发育过程及控制因素进行研究。结果表明,南海北部陆缘各个海底峡谷的形成受多个控制因素的影响,其影响程度及方式都有差别。构造活动、海平面变化及沉积物重力流与海底峡谷的演化密切相关,而陆地河流和局部构造因素也以不同方式影响着海底峡谷的发育。对于发育在主动大陆边缘的台湾岛东南侧的澎湖海底峡谷,其板块运动和岩浆活动活跃,其上发育的海底峡谷的控制因素以内营力地质作用为主。而具有被动大陆边缘属性的其他3条峡谷,由于构造运动较少或停止,其上发育的海底峡谷的控制因素以外营力地质作用为主。  相似文献   

As part of a larger project on the deep benthos of the Gulf of Mexico, an extensive data set on benthic bacterial abundance (n>750), supplemented with cell-size and rate measurements, was acquired from 51 sites across a depth range of 212–3732 m on the northern continental slope and deep basin during the years 2000, 2001, and 2002. Bacterial abundance, determined by epifluorescence microscopy, was examined region-wide as a function of spatial and temporal variables, while subsets of the data were examined for sediment-based chemical or mineralogical correlates according to the availability of collaborative data sets. In the latter case, depth of oxygen penetration helped to explain bacterial depth profiles into the sediment, but only porewater DOC correlated significantly (inversely) with bacterial abundance (p<0.05, n=24). Other (positive) correlations were detected with TOC, C/N ratios, and % sand when the analysis was restricted to data from the easternmost stations (p<0.05, n=9–12). Region-wide, neither surface bacterial abundance (3.30–16.8×108 bacteria cm−3 in 0–1 cm and 4–5 cm strata) nor depth-integrated abundance (4.84–17.5×1013 bacteria m−2, 0–15 cm) could be explained by water depth, station location, sampling year, or vertical POC flux. In contrast, depth-integrated bacterial biomass, derived from measured cell sizes of 0.027–0.072 μm3, declined significantly with station depth (p<0.001, n=56). Steeper declines in biomass were observed for the cross-slope transects (when unusual topographic sites and abyssal stations were excluded). The importance of resource changes with depth was supported by the positive relationship observed between bacterial biomass and vertical POC flux, derived from measures of overlying productivity, a relationship that remained significant when depth was held constant (partial correlation analysis, p<0.05, df=50). Whole-sediment incubation experiments under simulated in situ conditions, using 3H-thymidine or 14C-amino acids, yielded low production rates (5–75 μg C m−2 d−1) and higher respiration rates (76–242 μg C m−2 d−1), with kinetics suggestive of resource limitation at abyssal depths. Compared to similarly examined deep regions of the open ocean, the semi-enclosed Gulf of Mexico (like the Arabian Sea) harbors in its abyssal sediments a greater biomass of bacteria per unit of vertically delivered POC, likely reflecting the greater input of laterally advected, often unreactive, material from its margins.  相似文献   

南海中北部中新世陆坡凹陷沉积充填与古陆坡形态演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中德合作“南海地球科学联合研究”和“中国边缘海的形成演化及重大资源的关键问题”的有关航次获得的地震资料进行层序地层和沉积相解释,并结合前人的研究成果,对南海中北部陆坡凹陷的构造和沉积特征进行了研究.研究结果表明,南海中北部陆坡区凹陷的构造演化经历了裂陷期、裂陷-坳陷过渡期和坳陷期三个阶段,沉积环境经历了河流-湖泊、浅海和深海的演化过程,不同演化阶段形成不同的地形形态.南海中北部地形演变可分为三个阶段,即早第三纪、早中新世-中中新世中期和中中新世中期-现在,其中早中新世中期-中中新世中期的沉积充填使陆坡形态发生了重要的转变,这次转变基本上奠定了现代意义上的陆架-陆坡-海盆的格局.  相似文献   

于2014年10月和2015年6月对珠江口、南海北部陆坡区域溶解态铝的分布进行观测,探讨影响其分布及季节差异的主要因素,并以其作为示踪因子探讨潜在的陆源物质跨陆架输送途径。研究结果显示,夏、秋季珠江口盐度为0时溶解态铝的浓度分别为690.0 nmol/L和360.0 nmol/L,在淡咸水混合初期溶解态铝迅速自水体清除,夏季的清除率(55.8%)大于秋季(29.7%)。在南海北部陆坡区域,夏季表层溶解态铝浓度表现为沿纬线方向西高东低的分布特点,秋季则相反;夏、秋季底层溶解态铝浓度均呈现出随着离岸距离增加逐渐降低的分布趋势。秋季溶解态铝浓度的分布与盐度呈现显著的负相关关系,表明其行为近乎保守,陆架混合水及黑潮次表层水等水团混合是影响南海北部陆坡区域溶解态铝分布的主要因素。并且以溶解态铝作为示踪因子发现,在21.6~22.2 kg/m3密度面区间存在自陆架向陆坡方向的跨陆架输送。而夏季陆坡中部受到珠江冲淡水的影响出现低盐水舌,但溶解态铝的浓度相对较低,表现出明显的不保守行为。浮游植物的清除作用是导致夏季陆坡区域溶解态铝分布异常的重要因素。  相似文献   

A very soft ground constructed by dredging and hydraulic fill has characteristics such as high water content, high initial void ratio, and very little effective stress. Estimating, with thorough considerations about consolidation properties and the initial stress associated with each layer's distinctive stress history, is essential in order to predict a reasonable consolidation settlement of soft ground. By investigating a construction project for national industrial complexes at a coastal area in southern Korea that experienced reclamation and ground improvement adapting PVD, various laboratory tests to find consolidation properties were performed with undisturbed samples collected from the entire depth of the marine clay fill layer and original clay layer. Through the investigation, this report suggests relationships of heterogeneity of permeability in both vertical and horizontal directions, void ratio-effective stress, and void ratio-permeability. Considering the fact that the original clay layer was under the process of consolidation by load due to hydraulic fill from the top, estimating the appropriate initial stress of each layer is critical to predict the future process of consolidation settlement determined by time. In order to obtain the initial stresses of two layers with different stress histories related to consolidation, cone penetration and dissipation tests were conducted.  相似文献   

The community structure of megacrustaceans (orders Lophogastrida, Isopoda, and Decapoda) collected in trawls on the continental margin, upper slope and abyssal plain of the southern Gulf of Mexico was studied to determine to what extent broad-scale variation in community composition and diversity was influenced by geographic regions environmental variability and depth. Trawls were collected in the Mexican Ridges, the Campeche Bank, and the Sigsbee abyssal plain. There was variability in species composition, density and diversity among geographic regions and along the depth gradient. A total of 106 species were identified and grouped in three orders; five infraorders, 40 families, and 70 genera. This study extends the known geographic ranges of the species Homolodromia monstrosa and Ephyrina benedicti. The largest number of species was recorded in the Mexican Ridges and on the upper continental shelf; lower values were found on the continental margin and in the abyssal plain. The largest densities were recorded on the continental margin in the Mexican Ridges. Megacrustaceans show in general low frequencies and low abundances in trawls, characterizing them as rare components of benthic assemblages. Contrary to an accepted paradigm about deep-sea biodiversity, the highest H′ diversity values were recorded in the Sigsbee abyssal plain, followed by values from the upper continental slope; diversity values were correlated with evenness. Canonical Redundancy analysis results showed a significant affinity to regions for 18 crustacean species; 33 species showed a significant affinity to both regions and depth zones within regions.  相似文献   

Density, biomass and community structure of macrofauna were estimated together with several sediment characteristics at seven stations ranging from 208 m to 4460 m water depth along the OMEX transect in the Goban Spur area (NE Atlantic) during three seasons (October 1993, May 1994, and August 1995). Median grain size decreased with increasing water depth and showed no differences between the seasons. The percentages of organic carbon and total nitrogen were highest at mid-slope depths (1000 to 1500 m), and were significantly higher in August at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1500 m. The C:N ratio in the surface layer amounted to 7 to 8 in May, 10 to 12 in August and 14 to 17 in October at all stations (except the deepest at 4460 m, where it was 11 in May and August), indicating arrival of fresh phytodetritus in May, and therefore seasonality in food input to the benthos. Densities of macrofauna decreased exponentially with increasing water depth. Significantly higher densities of macrofauna were found in May at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1500 m. These differences were mainly due to high numbers of postlarvae of echinoids at the shallowest station and ophiuroids at the deeper stations. Biomass values also decreased with increasing water depth, but biomass was relatively high at the 1000 m station and low at 1500 m, due to relatively high and low mean weights of the individual macrofaunal specimens. No significant differences in biomass were found between the seasons. Respiration was high (15 to 20 mgC·m−2·d−1) in May at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1000 m and low (1–3 mg C·m−2·d−1) at the deeper part. At the shallowest stations to a depth of 1000 m respiration was highest in May, at the mid-slope stations (1400–2200 m) it was highest in August, whereas the deepest stations (3600 to 4500 m) did not show any differences in respiration rates. In conclusion; seasonal variation in organic input is reflected in denstiy, community structure and activity of the macrofauna along the continental slope in the NE Atlantic.  相似文献   

Environmental qualities of coastal water and bottom sediment were assessed at Jordan's northernmost tip of Gulf of Aqaba to evaluate possible impacts of the bordering fish pen cages in Eilat. Results showed significant differences between surface and bottom water in the chemical and physical variables in the different months of the year (2004-2005). Chlorophyll a was also significantly higher in bottom water when compared to that of the offshore water. Nitrate and ammonia were significantly higher in bottom water than the surface water at each individual station. The upper 2 cm of sediment sample recorded higher values of total phosphorus and organic matter. Seasonality affected the content of total phosphorus, organic matter, redox potential and color especially at the sediment layer below 3 cm of the sediment core. The present investigation showed slight modification of water and sediment qualities but no clear sign of eutrophication was observed. However, to maintain sustainability of healthy environmental conditions at the northern tip of Gulf of Aqaba potentials of any possible environmental risks arising from the fish farms or any other coastal investment should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

浅地层剖面是基于声学信号(频率在几百至几千赫兹)在沉积物中的传播得到可反映沉积地层结构的数据,海底反射系数与沉积物物理性质密切相关。Biot-Stoll声波传播理论模型可以预测海底沉积物的物理性质,构建反射系数等声学参数与物理参数之间的关系,但在不同的海域采用不同的参数所获得的效果不同。为此,本文基于南海北部陆坡海底表层沉积物的实测物理参数,利用BiotStoll模型建立研究区海底反射系数和沉积物物理性质之间的关系,结果表明模型计算值与样品实测值吻合度总体较好,偏差在0.1%~4.9%之间,并建立了频率3.5 kHz时海底反射系数与沉积物孔隙度、密度、平均粒径之间的关系方程,且方程拟合度较高,可决系数R2均大于0.99。在对典型Chirp剖面数据计算其海底反射系数的基础上,反演了海底表层沉积物的孔隙度、密度、颗粒平均粒径等物理性质,其中反演孔隙度、密度、平均粒径与实测孔隙度、密度、平均粒径相对误差均小于5%,结果与实测值基本相符,表明该反演方法在南海北部陆坡区的应用是可行的。  相似文献   

Measurements of phytoplankton distribution and production, and zooplankton abundance and biomass were made during the summer of 1979 along several shelf-slope transects in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. At the shelf-break, macrozooplankton (>200 μm) grazing was estimated to be sufficient to remove a substantial proportion of daily phytoplankton production. In contrast, on the shelf and in slope waters, where ciliates were abundant, estimates of macrozooplankton grazing indicated a consumption rate less than 15% of the daily primary production. Ciliate grazing, even at non-maximum rates, potentially could have consumed the entire daily primary production in all areas sampled. The findings indicate that the nature of the heterotrophic community is spatially variable in offshore waters even during summer conditions and could influence not only trophodynamic pathways but perhaps nutrient regeneration and recycling. This would be an important consideration in evaluating the fate of particle-bound chemcial species in the water column since fecal pellet producing zooplankton would affect rates of removal and sedimentation in a different manner than ciliates which produce non-compacted digestive debris.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary surveys were conducted to investigate gas seepage and gas hydrate accumulation on the northeastern Sakhalin continental slope (NESS), Sea of Okhotsk, during joint Korean–Russian–Japanese expeditions conducted from 2003 to 2007 (CHAOS and SSGH projects). One hundred sixty-one gas seeps were detected in a 2000 km2 area of the NESS (between 53°45′N and 54°45′N). Active gas seeps in a gas hydrate province on the NESS were evident from features in the water column, on the seafloor, and in the subsurface: well-defined hydroacoustic anomalies (gas flares), side-scan sonar structures with high backscatter intensity (seepage structures), bathymetric structures (pockmarks and mounds), gas- and gas-hydrate-related seismic features (bottom-simulating reflectors, gas chimneys, high-amplitude reflectors, and acoustic blanking), high methane concentrations in seawater, and gas hydrates in sediment near the seafloor. These expressions were generally spatially related; a gas flare would be associated with a seepage structure (mound), below which a gas chimney was present. The spatial distribution of gas seeps on the NESS is controlled by four types of geological structures: faults, the shelf break, seafloor canyons, and submarine slides. Gas chimneys that produced enhanced reflection on high-resolution seismic profiles are interpreted as active pathways for upward gas migration to the seafloor. The chimneys and gas flares are good indicators of active seepage.  相似文献   

Polychaete assemblages are described from replicate box‐core samples collected in summer 1983 at 18 stations on the continental shelf and upper slope (28–943 m) off the west coast of the South Island, New Zealand, south‐eastern Tasman Sea (c. 41–43°S, 169–172°E). Three main station groupings were identified by multivariate analysis: (1) inner shelf sandy stations characterised by Prionospio australiensis, Aricidea (Acesta) sp., Magelona cf. dakini, Paraprionospio aff. pinnata, Aglaophamus sp., Heteromastus filiformis, and Magelona sp.; (2) middle to outer shelf muddy stations characterised by Levinsenia cf. gracilis, Prionospio australiensis, Paraprionospio coora, Aglaophamus verrilli, and Auchenoplax mesos; and (3) upper slope sandy mud or mud stations characterised by Prionospio ehlersi. A combination of water depth and sediment clay content provided the best correlation with the biotic pattern. Spionidae was the most abundant family (49% of polychaete individuals), which may reflect the scope for opportunistic species in a shelf environment characterised by a high input of terrigenous sediment and episodic upwelling.  相似文献   

Triple mass-transport deposits(MTDs) with areas of 625, 494 and 902 km2, respectively, have been identified on the north slope of the Xisha Trough, northern South China Sea margin. Based on high-resolution seismic reflection data and multi-beam bathymetric data, the Quaternary MTDs are characterized by typical geometric shapes and internal structures. Results of slope analysis showed that they are developed in a steep slope ranging from 5° to 35°. The head wall scarps of the MTDs arrived to 50 km in length(from headwall to termination). Their inner structures include well developed basal shear surface, growth faults, stepping lateral scarps, erosion grooves, and frontal thrust deformation. From seismic images, the central deepwater channel system of the Xisha Trough has been filled by interbedded channel-levee deposits and thick MTDs. Therefore, we inferred that the MTDs in the deepwater channel system could be dominated by far-travelled slope failure deposits even though there are local collapses of the trough walls. And then, we drew the two-dimensional process model and threedimensional structure model diagram of the MTDs. Combined with the regional geological setting and previous studies, we discussed the trigger mechanisms of the triple MTDs.  相似文献   

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