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While a crushed sandstone particle mixture, usually used as an engineering fill, is filled along bank of or in a large reservoir, it is subjected to periodic saturation induced by filling-drawdown cycles of reservoir water. The periodic saturation may induce post-construction settlement, and reduce stability of the filled body. In order to evaluate the effects of periodic saturation on stress–strain relationship of the mixture, several triaxial tests are carried out. According to experimental data, the periodic saturation may induce an increment of axial strain (Δε; <0.226%), a decrement of crest of deviator stress (Δ(σ1?σ3)f; <0.192?MPa) and a decrement of angle of shearing resistance (Δφ; <3.70°). With increment of the number of periodic saturation cycles, the variations of the three parameters may be fitted by logarithmic curves. And with increase in the stress level for periodic saturation, the variations of the three parameters may be fitted by straight lines. Three fitting equations to predict the three parameters’ values, and an equation to calculate the settlement induced by the periodic saturation of a large-area filled foundation, are suggested.  相似文献   

A fundamental study of pile–soil systems subjected to lateral loads in offshore deposit was conducted using experimental tests and numerical analysis. The emphasis was on the soil–pile rigidity of a laterally loaded pile in marine clay. Rigid- and flexible-pile analyses were conducted for comparison. A framework for determining the lateral load transfer curve (py curves) is proposed based on both field and laboratory model tests. A numerical analysis that takes into account the proposed py curves was performed for the pile flexibility parameters such as pile diameter, pile length, pile-bending stiffness, and the modulus of subgrade reaction. Based on the analysis, it is shown that the differences in bending moment and lateral displacement are more significant for flexible piles rather than rigid piles. It was found that the py curves influence the behavior of flexible piles more than rigid piles, thus the magnitude and distribution of the py curves are significantly important in flexible pile design.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the effect of berm width and elevation of composite slope on irregular wave run-up. Based on the data obtained from model tests, the formula and distribution of irregular wave run-up on composite slope are derived. The changing of wind speed, width and elevation of the berm are considered comprehensively. The wave run-up with various exceedance probability can be es-timated utilizing the distribution curves of irregular wave run-up.  相似文献   

Compacted sand–bentonite mixtures have been used as a good alternative hydraulic barrier material to compacted clays. This study presents the results of a laboratory investigation on the strength characteristics of cement-stabilized sand–bentonite (CSB) mixtures and the effects of adding small amounts of fibers and metakaolin to the mixture material for strength improvement. The strength characteristics of the mixture materials were examined using unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests and splitting tensile strength (STS) tests, with emphasis on evaluating the effects of different proportions of bentonite, fibers, and metakaolin within the CSB mixtures with a constant value of cement content. The test results indicated that the maximum improvements in UCS and STS were all attained in the CSB mixture with 10% bentonite content, and the inclusion of fibers and metakaolin of 1% each within the same CSB mixture led to an increase in UCS of about 40 and 70%, respectively. The addition of fibers also increased the ductility of the mixture material and was more effective for the improvement of tensile strength compared to that of metakaolin. The contribution of metakaolin to early-age strength (i.e., 3 and 7 days) of CSB mixture was found to be small due to the relatively low cement content in the mixture.  相似文献   

Acomparativestudyonthecontentsofvitaminsinthenaturalandtheculturedprawn¥WangAnli;WangWeina;LiuCunqiandWangSuo'an(ReceivedFebr...  相似文献   

Researchonthespectralanalysisandtestmethodofperiodsignalsinmonthlymeansealevel¥MaJirui;TianSuzhen;ZhengWenzhenandChaiXinmin(R...  相似文献   

Lake St Lucia, the largest estuarine lake in Africa has been subjected to hypersaline conditions and low lake levels over the past eight years following the closure of its mouth due to drought in the region. This paper documents the physical changes through which the lake has passed and summarises the main findings of research undertaken on the three major biotic components that have been subjected to these conditions. A review of the anthropogenic impacts which have affected the system is provided. These indicate that in combination with drought conditions greater pressure is placed on the system that was the case in the historical past. Available data indicate that the current situation is not only impacting on the lake and its fauna but also on the adjacent nearshore marine environment, It is considered that the Meta area is potentially also under threat. Medium to long term relief possibilities that are under consideration are discussed in relation to the restructuring of something resembling the historically combined uMfolozi–St Lucia ecosystem that existed in the past. It is concluded that in the short term only two options are available to potentially provide relief for the system, the first is to breach the connection between the mouth and the sea. The second is to re-establish some form of more permanent connection, between uMfolozi and St Lucia.  相似文献   

Different methods have been used to examine minerals and/or solid bitumens in three adjacent Carpathian regions of Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia. The minerals fill smaller and larger veins and cavities, where they occur either together or separately. They usually co-occur with the solid bitumens. All δ13CPDB values measured for calcite lie in a relatively wide interval between −6.25‰ and +1.54‰, while most values fall into the narrower interval from below 0 to about −3‰. The general range of calcite δ18O results for the whole studied region is between +17.13‰ and +25.23‰ VSMOW or from about −11 to −5‰ VPDB, while the majority of these values are between +20.0 and 23.5‰ VSMOW (−10.53 and −8.00‰ PDB, respectively). δ18OVSMOW results for quartz vary between +23.2 and 27.6. The carbonate percentage determined in some samples falls between from <2% CaCO3 to >90% CaCO3, while the TOC values changes from 0.09% to over 70%.The aliphatic fraction predominates in all studied samples, mainly in bitumens and oils. The composition of the aliphatic fraction is relatively homogeneous and points to a strong aliphatic, oil-like paraffin character of the bitumens. Such a composition is characteristic of the Carpathian oils and different from the rocks studied that contain the higher percentage of a polar fraction. The content of the aliphatic fraction in bitumens is only slightly higher than that in two oils used for comparison. The distribution of n-alkanes is variable in rocks, solid bitumens as well as inclusions in quartz and calcite. Two groups of bitumens may be distinguished. Those with a predominance of long-chain n-alkanes in the C25–C27 interval (in some cases from C23–C25 and without or with a very low concentration of short-chain n-alkanes in the interval of C14–C21) show also a high content of isoprenoids i.e. of pristane (Pr) and phytane (Ph). In all but one bitumen samples, Pr predominates over Ph. The second group comprises oils and rock samples with a characteristic predominance of short-chain n-alkanes in the interval from C13–C19 and a low percentage of the long-chain n-alkanes from the n-C27n-C33 interval. Pristane and phytane exhibit a concentration comparable to that of C17 and C18 n-alkanes with a Pr predominance over Ph. Due to high maturity, only small amounts of the most stable compounds from the hopane group have been observed in the samples, also oleanane in one case. Among the aromatic hydrocarbons, phenanthrene and its methyl- and dimethyl-derivatives are dominant in bitumens, source rocks and inclusions in calcite and quartz. Occurrence of cyclohexylbenzene and its alkyl-derivatives as well as cyclohexylfluorenes in solid bitumens suggest that they formed from oil accumulations under the influence of relatively high temperatures in oxidizing conditions.Homogenization temperatures for aqueous/brine inclusions in quartz within the Dukla and Silesian units (Polish and Ukrainian segments) are between 125 and 183.9 °C, while salinities are low in the interval of 0.2–5.5 wt% NaCl eq. The inclusions in calcite homogenize at higher temperatures of almost 200 °C and the brine displays higher salinity than the fluid in the quartz. Two quartz generations may be distinguished by inclusion and isotope characteristics and the macroscopic diversity. Oil inclusions homogenize at 95 °C. One phase inclusions in quartz contain methane, CO2 and nitrogen in variable proportions.  相似文献   

Effect of air-sea temperature difference on the momentum exchange between air and sea for fetch-limited casesChengZhanandWuSh...  相似文献   

The Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (C. et V.), a fish of the upper layer lukewarm water quick in movement, migrates over long distances in shoals. With the development of the nylon drift net the annual catch of such fish has increased rapidly. Since  相似文献   

The sedimentary system of Kalimantan has undergone significant development since the Oligocene. Previous research have largely ignored the capacity of the Cretaceous–Eocene sediments to produce hydrocarbons,focusing instead primarily on the Oligocene–Miocene coal as the principal source rocks. Shales and coals from the outcrops in the northern margin of Kalimantan were analyzed with palynological and geochemical methods to characterize the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological differences bet...  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of an open gap, such as a road, in a coastal forest on tsunami run-up. A numerical model based on two-dimensional nonlinear long-wave equations was developed to account for the effects of drag and turbulence induced shear forces due to the presence of vegetation. Experiments were conducted on a forest simulated with vertical cylinders by changing the gap width. The numerical model was validated in good agreement with the experimental results. The numerical model was then applied to a wide forest of Pandanus odoratissimus, a tree species that is a dominant coastal vegetation on a sand dune in South and Southeast Asia. The effect of vertical stand characteristics of P. odoratissimus with aerial roots was considered on the drag resistance. A straight open gap perpendicular to the shoreline was used to investigate the effect of gap width. As the gap width increases, the flow velocity at the end of the open gap first increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases, while the run-up height increases monotonously. The maximum velocity in the present condition is 1.7 times the maximum velocity without a coastal forest. The effects of different gap arrangements in the forest on tsunami run-up were also investigated in this paper. The flow velocity at the end of an open gap can be reduced by a staggered arrangement.  相似文献   

Oceanology - The study examines changes in the abundance (density) and distribution of European Sprattus sprattus (Linnaeus, 1758) eggs and larvae, as well as the phenology of its spawning...  相似文献   

The deepwater of the northwestern South China Sea is located in the central to southern parts of the Qiongdongnan Basin(QDN Basin),which is a key site for hydrocarbon exploration in recent years.In this study,the authors did a comprehensive analysis of gravity-magnetic data,extensive 3D seismic survey,cores and cuttings,paleontology and geochemical indexes,proposed the mechanism of natural gas origin,identified different oil and gas systems,and established the model of hydrocarbon accumulations in the deep-water region.Our basin tectonic simulation indicates that the evolution of QDN Basin was controlled by multiple-phased tectonic movements,such as Indochina-Eurasian Plate collision,Tibetan Uplift,Red River faulting and the expansion of the South China Sea which is characterized by Paleogene rifting,Neogene depression,and Eocene intensive faulting and lacustrine deposits.The drilling results show that this region is dominated by marineterrestrial transitional and neritic-bathyal facies from the early Oligocene.The Yacheng Formation of the early Oligocene is rich in organic matter and a main gas-source rock.According to the geological-geochemical data from the latest drilling wells,Lingshui,Baodao,Changchang Sags have good hydrocarbon-generating potentials,where two plays from the Paleogene and Neogene reservoirs were developed.Those reservoirs occur in central canyon structural-lithologic trap zone,Changchang marginal trap zone and southern fault terrace of Baodao Sag.Among them,the central canyon trap zone has a great potential for exploration because the various reservoirforming elements are well developed,i.e.,good coal-measure source rocks,sufficient reservoirs from the Neogene turbidity sandstone and submarine fan,faults connecting source rock and reservoirs,effective vertical migration,late stage aggregation and favorable structural–lithological composite trapping.These study results provide an important scientific basis for hydrocarbon exploration in this region,evidenced by the recent discovery of the significant commercial LS-A gas field in the central canyon of the Lingshui Sag.  相似文献   

Oceanology - The paper presents the results of an analysis of the main pollutants (heavy metals, pesticides, detergents, hydrocarbons) in water, suspended particulate matter, and bottom sediments,...  相似文献   

Bacteria and bovine faecal matter were introduced into cultures of pathogenic free‐living amoebae, with chlorine or chlorine dioxide. The bacteria and faeces were to simulate natural conditions for a more exacting test of disinfectant demand when compared to axenic conditions. Both chlorine and chlorine dioxide were effective disinfectants under all conditions tested. Axenically and monoxenically cultured amoebae were used, the latter exerted a greater disinfectant demand.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the intact and damage survivability of a floating–moored Oscillating Water Column (OWC) device using physical model experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Different extreme wave conditions have been tested using irregular and regular wave conditions. The device was moored to the tank floor via four vertical taut lines and the effect of the mooring line pre–tension on the device response was studied. It was found that the instantaneous position of the floating device was a key factor in the survivability analysis such that a certain irregular wave train that might not include the largest wave could induce the maximum response. Reducing the pre–tension minimized the maximum surge, but significantly increased the maximum tension due to mooring slack events causing snatch loads. A design regular wave with a period equal to the peak period and a height of 1.9–2.0 times the significant wave height could reasonably predict the same maximum line tension as the irregular sea state, but a smaller wave height was required to achieve the maximum surge. A single failure in the mooring system increased the maximum tension by 1.55 times the intact tension. For a damaged mooring system, using the same design regular wave condition derived from the survivability analysis with an intact mooring system could result in overestimating the maximum tension by more than 20% in comparison to the tension from the irregular sea state, but a smaller regular wave height or a different regular wave condition representing another sea state could lead to the same maximum tension. This highlighted the importance of investigating survival conditions with a damaged mooring system instead of simply using the same conditions derived for the intact mooring system.  相似文献   

The Waikato River flows from oligotrophic Lake Taupo through eight impoundments to the sea. As it does so, physicochemical changes occur; conductivity and dissolved oxygen levels decrease, patterns in the seasonal variation in pH and alkalinity change, and the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations increase. Except for the changes in conductivity, changes in the other parameters are characteristic of eutrophication. This eutrophication is associated with an increase in the intensity of pastoral farming in the catchment of the Waikato River downstream of Lake Taupo.  相似文献   

In order to study the properties of sound-speed dispersion in a sandy sediment, the sound speed was measured both at high frequency(90–170 k Hz) and low frequency(0.5–3 k Hz) in laboratory environments. At high frequency, a sampling measurement was conducted with boiled and uncooked sand samples collected from the bottom of a large water tank. The sound speed was directly obtained through transmission measurement using single source and single hydrophone. At low frequency, an in situ measurement was conducted in the water tank, where the sandy sediment had been homogeneously paved at the bottom for a long time. The sound speed was indirectly inverted according to the traveling time of signals received by three buried hydrophones in the sandy sediment and the geometry in experiment. The results show that the mean sound speed is approximate 1710–1713 m/s with a weak positive gradient in the sand sample after being boiled(as a method to eliminate bubbles as much as possible) at high frequency, which agrees well with the predictions of Biot theory, the effective density fluid model(EDFM) and Buckingham's theory. However, the sound speed in the uncooked sandy sediment obviously decreases(about 80%)both at high frequency and low frequency due to plenty of bubbles in existence. And the sound-speed dispersion performs a weak negative gradient at high frequency. Finally, a water-unsaturated Biot model is presented for trying to explain the decrease of sound speed in the sandy sediment with plenty of bubbles.  相似文献   

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