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东亚高速铁路网络的发展演化与地理效应评价   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
经济全球化和区域一体化进程的不断推进,促使东亚在世界经济中的地位不断提升。高速铁路作为促进经济一体化和区域发展的重要手段和基础,其快速发展势必会对东亚地区的区域发展、空间结构、人口流动和一体化产生重大影响。在分析东亚高速铁路网络发展历程及服务水平的基础上,评价与对比了高速铁路建设对城市交通圈和可达性的影响,及一体化高速铁路潜在的空间效应,以期为东亚一体化高速铁路构建提供指导。结果表明:东亚高速铁路网络扩张整体上呈现出“核心—核心”到网络化的发展历程;高速铁路网络在中国东中部、日本和韩国等地区具有较高的人口和产业服务水平,但国土面积覆盖率相对较低;高速铁路的建设促使核心城市交通圈格局不断扩展与强化,可实现当日往返城市对数量明显增加,主要分布在中国长三角、珠三角,日本东京和韩国首尔周边;中国大陆、日本和韩国的加权平均旅行时间分别呈现出以郑州、东京和首尔为中心的“核心—边缘”结构,且圈层结构逐渐向高速铁路沿线延伸;高速铁路的建设促使城市人口服务水平和可达性的空间格局均呈现出明显的“廊道效应”。  相似文献   

Before the emergence of modern modes of transport, the traditional road infrastructure was the major historical means of carrying out nationwide socio-economic exchange. However, the history of transport infrastructure has received little attention from researchers. Given this background, the work reported here examined the long-term development of transport networks in China. The national road network was selected for study and the 3500 years from 1600 BC to 1900 AD was chosen as the study period. Indicators were designed for the maturity level of road networks and an accessibility model was developed for the paths of the shortest distance. The evolution of the road network in China since the Shang Dynasty(1600 BC) was described and its major features were summarized to reveal long-term regularities. The maturity level of the road network and its accessibility was assessed and regions with good and poor networks were identified. The relationship between China’s natural, social, and economic systems and the road network were discussed. Our analysis shows that the road network in China has a number of long-term regularities. The continuously expanding road network follows a path of inland expansion especially towards the border areas. However, its coverage and accessibility are characterized by a core–peripheral configuration, which has close relationships with, not only the natural conditions, but also national defense and warfare. The centralization of national power, national land governance, postal transport, the transport of specialized cargos, and international trade are also related to the development of the road network. This research draws attention to the evolving regularities of transport networks.  相似文献   

中国高速铁路网络的发展过程、格局及空间效应评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王姣娥  焦敬娟 《热带地理》2014,34(3):275-282
高速铁路作为现代交通基础设施的重要组成部分,其建设产生时空收敛效果,并进一步对生产要素流动、城市空间扩张、区域空间结构重构产生重要影响。文章在分析中国高速铁路发展过程、模式的基础上,剖析了其空间格局特征及与区域人口和经济的耦合关系;同时,借助ArcGIS方法从空间服务水平、时空收敛效应和中心城市交通圈等角度,探讨高速铁路网络的空间效应。结果显示:高速铁路的空间扩展过程表现出独特的“核心―核心”至“核心―网络”模式,与城市群的空间分布具有较好的耦合性;高速铁路的空间格局与中国城市人口、工业分布表现基本一致,站点1 h范围内可覆盖全国50.07%的城镇人口、73.47%的GDP和98.17%的第二产业产值;中国高速铁路建设导致的时空收敛效果呈现出明显的廊道效应,中心城市枢纽地位得以强化,服务范围的拓展和生产要素的便捷流动为城市群的空间扩张和重构提供了条件。  相似文献   

辽河三角洲地貌演化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper mainly analyzes the geomorphological changes of the tidal deposition in the Liaohe Estuary based on the multi-year bathymetric charts in 1990, 1996, 2002 and 2005 and Landsat TM images in 1987, 1994, 2002 and 2005. Evolution of the tidal depositional system during the past 20 years in the Liaohe River was studied on the basis of 50 boreholes drilling and 30 km shallow stratigraphic exploration from 2002 to 2005. The main tidal depositional body of the modern Liaohe River delta is located in the Shuangtaizihe Estuary. The stratum within the depth of 10 m includes tidal bank facies, tidal channel facies and neritic facies with paleo-delta facies underlying them. The sediments of tidal bank facies are mainly composed of sand and silt with siltation load and suspended load of about 50% respectively in proportion. The sediment of tidal channel facies and neritic facies is composed of clayey silt and silty clay which belongs to suspended load. The study area was a small bay between the old Daliaohe River, the old Dalinghe River and the Raoyanghe River complex delta since the Holocene to 1896. Many tidal banks formed and expanded rapidly after the Shuangtaizihe River was excavated by labor in 1896. The runoff and sediment discharge have decreased since the construction of brake at the Shuangtaizihe River in 1958.The Shuangtaizihe Estuary is in the state of deposition as a whole whose tidal bank is increasing and expanding southward, westward and northward. The maximum expansion speed is 87 to 683 m/a and the mean depositional rate is 0.189 m/a. Erosion occurred in some part of tidal bank with average erosional rate of 0.122 m/a. The tidal channel was filled up with sediment at a migration speed of 48–200 m/a. Geomorphologic changes have happened under the combined influences of runoff, ocean dynamics and human activities. The main source of sediment changes from river sediment to sediment driven by tidal current and longshore current.  相似文献   

正The International Geography Olympiad(IGEO)is a competition for the best 16 to 19 year old students from all over the world.Four students represent each country in a series of Geography tests in(generally)a four-five day program.The aims of the IGEO are to:1.stimulate active interest in geographical and environmental studies among young people;  相似文献   

欧洲高速铁路的发展历史与经济效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文回顾了欧洲高速铁路的发展历史,包括国家层面上的高铁网络如何发展和解决各种问题;在此基础上,介绍了高速铁路概念的变化,其目标在于为航空和短距离通勤提供补充性的服务;最后,介绍了高铁网络扩张过程中所面临的经济和评估问题,以及与欧盟的综合交通网络规划的关系。  相似文献   

中国土壤动物生态地理研究进展(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review summarizes main research findings in soil fauna eco-geography in China in the past 30 years.The subject areas and main results were overviewed including biodiversity and eco-geological distribution of soil fauna communities.Studies of ecological distributions of soil fauna and dynamic ranges in space from tropical,subtropical to temperate regions,and in categories from forest,grassland,desert,wetland,farmland to urban ecosystems,the responses and indications of soil fauna to soil environments.Ef...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between mineral resources exploitation and economic and urban development in Xinjiang. The article summarizes the mineral resource exploitation development of Xinjiang especially over the last 50 years, and investigates energy industries and their driving forces, directions, and economic impact on the oasis urban system evolution in Xinjiang. Methods like correlation analysis, location quotient and elastic coefficient are employed in the presentation and discussion, and also field reconnaissance surveys, interviews and secondary sources are used. The result shows Xinjiang's economic growth is promoted by the contributions of the increasing mineral resource industry which promotes economic development by accelerating infrastructure construction, developing industry and raising revenue and fixed investment. Mineral exploitation in recent years had profound impacts on urban development as a growth engine. The evolution of urban system has a close relationship with resource exploitation, and statistical results provide strong evidence to support the argument that mineral resource exploitation has promoted the growth of built-up areas and its expansion patterns in Xinjiang, especially regions along the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of the Chinese petrochemical industry was optimized ac-cording to the status of development of the industry employing linear programming and Ar-cGIS spatial analysis tools. We first identified the indexes of the spatial organization of the petrochemical industry and established a comprehensive evaluation index system that in-cludes four major categories and 11 indicators. The weight of each index was then deter-mined by the analytical hierarchy process. Afterward, taking the 337 Chinese prefecture-level administrations as basic units and scientifically evaluating the potential comprehensive layout coefficients of the cities, 151 prefecture-level administrative units were selected as the basis for the choice of optimization sites with a linear programming model. Secondly, using the 151 prefecture-level administrative units and the maximum-coverage model, the optimal number and spatial distribution of refineries were identified for service radii of 100, 200 and 300 km. Thirdly, considering the actual distribution of China’s refineries, general rules for the number of refinery layout points and objective values were summarized, and 52 refinery layout points were selected for China. Finally, with ArcGIS spatial analysis tools, the spatial effect of the 52 optimal refinery layout points was simulated for the service scope and socioeconomic factors respectively, and the GDP and population data for each refinery layout point were then ex-tracted within the service scope. On this basis and with estimation of the intensity of crude-oil consumption, final results were obtained for the optimal spatial organization of the Chinese refining capacity and ethylene production capacity.  相似文献   

马海涛  周春山  刘逸 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1057-1065
网络演化是演化经济地理学研究的重要内容和新近热点之一。在当前的理论探讨中主要强调路径依赖和惯例对网络演化的强化作用,对于信任这个关键要素缺乏深入探讨。本文通过深度访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,对比金融危机前后广东省纺织服装行业生产网络的空间结构,揭示信任与生产网络演化之间的互动机制。研究发现:信任是维系生产网络稳定性的基本要素之一,信任的强弱程度主要受合作类型(市场关系)、地理接近(空间关系)和社会文化接近根植性(社会关系)等因素影响。金融危机作为一种负面外部冲击,重构了广东省服装行业的生产网络。在这个过程中,较强信任关系的网络连结(潮汕地区)得以保留,并在危机过后进一步强化;而部分较弱信任关系的网络连结(珠三角地区)发生断裂,且在经济回暖之后被潮汕地区的网络所取代。  相似文献   

Based on provincial panel data of water footprint and grey water footprint, and with the help of data envelopment analysis model considering and without considering the undesirable output, this paper estimates the water resources utilization efficiency in China from 1997 to 2011. The spatial weighting matrix based on economy-spatial distance function is established to discuss spatial autocorrelation of water resources utilization efficiency. With the help of absolute β-convergence model, this paper concludes that there exists β-convergence in the water resources utilization efficiency. Under the conditions of considering and without considering the undesirable output, it takes about 52.6 and 5.6 years respectively to achieve the extent of half of convergence. By mean of the spatial Durbin econometric model, this paper studies spatial spillover effects of the provincial water resources utilization efficiency in China. The results are as follows. 1) With considering and without considering the undesirable output, there is significant spatial correlation in provincial water resource efficiency in China. 2) Under the two cases, the spatial autoregressive coefficients(ρ) are 0.278 and 0.507 respectively, at 1% significance level. There exist the spatial spillover effects of provincial water resources utilization efficiency. 3) With considering the undesirable output, these factors of the education funds, the transportation infrastructure, and the industrial and agricultural water consumption proportion have positive impacts. These factors of foreign direct investment, the industry value-added water consumption per ten thousand yuan, per capita water consumption, and the total precipitation have negative impacts. 4) Without considering the undesirable output, the factor of GDP per laborer has a greater positive significant influence on the water resources utilization efficiency. However the facts of industry value-added water consumption in ten thousand yuan and the transportation infrastructure have no significant influence. 5) Regardless of undesirable output of water resources utilization efficiency, the assessment of the present real water resources utilization in China will be distorted and policy-making will be misled. The water efficiency measure considering environmental factors(such as gray water footprint) is more reasonable.  相似文献   

The changing pattern of the Lower Yellow River (LYR) obtained from the traditional studies, which mainly did literal analysis based on historical documents related to the LYR are too macroscopic and absent of intuitiveness. This paper integrates all the records in historical documents related to course shift, flood and overflow of the last 3000 years and stores them in a GIS database. Then, all the data will be visualized in the form of map, which is helpful to show and understand the rules those events conform more intuitively and accurately. Taking these data as foundation, this study summarizes characteristics of the LYR’s courses and influence scope, and classifies them both into three types; divides the flow directions of the LYR’s courses into two periods, and proposes its changing pattern; concludes the characteristic of diversion points of courses shift events; calculates the velocity of courses shifts, gradient and sinuosity, and analyzes their changing patterns. Finally, this study classifies factors that may influence the occurrence of a course shift into two types: the internal factors, such as sediment rate, gradient and sinuosity of the river, and the external factors, such as precipitation and human activities.  相似文献   

目前,我国基础教育课程改革正在不断向前挺进,作为课程评价重要组成的教学评价成为公认的"瓶颈",影响课程改革的深入推进。课程实施中的评价之所以成为"老大难"问题,一方面与高考等高利害性考  相似文献   

中国陆地海岸线尺度效应研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatial scale is a fundamental problem in Geography. Scale effect caused by fractal characteristic of coastline becomes a common focus of coastal zone managers and researchers. In this study, based on DEM and remote sensing images, multi-scale continental coastlines of China were extracted and the fractal characteristic was analyzed. The results are shown as follows. (1) The continental coastline of China fits the fractal model, and the fractal dimension is 1.195. (2) The scale effects with fractal dimensions of coastline have significant differences according to uplift and subsidence segments along the continental coastlines of China. (3) The fractal dimension of coastline has significant spatial heterogeneity according to the coastline types. The fractal dimension of sandy coastline located in Luanhe River plain is 1.109. The dimension of muddy coastline located in northern Jiangsu Plain is 1.059, while that of rocky coastline along southeastern Fujian is 1.293. (4) The length of rocky coastline is affected by scale more than that of muddy and sandy coastline. Since coastline is the conjunction of sea, land and air surface, the study of coastline scale effect is one of the scientific bases for the researches on air-sea-land interaction in multi-scales.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区湿地恢复的生态补偿效应(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Eco-compensation is an environmental economic instrument for internalization of external cost.Returning farmland to lake is one of the important parts of restoring wetland ecosystem function in the Yangtze River Valley of China.Whether the project of lake recovery can be successful depends on the compensation to the farmers who have lost their original benefits and contributed to the wetland ecosystem recovery by returning farmland to lake.Aiming at the wetland recovery of the Dongting Lake,the practical im...  相似文献   

正In order to provide better services to the members of Geographical Society of China(GSC)and geographers and engineers in China,and improve GSC’s ability in hosting comprehensive academic conferences,with the support of China Association for Science and Technology(CAST),GSC established 7 regional divisions,representing different regions of China.In addition,GSC revised the annual conference organizing policies by hosting the comprehensive national academic conference biannually.Instead of hosting annual national conferences,GSC organizes regional academic conferences.The new policy was initiated and executed in 2013.Up to now,7regional conferences have been successfully organized by the regional divisions in their areas.  相似文献   

<正>Centennial Celebration of the Geographical Society of China (GSC), together with the 2009 GSC Annual Meeting, was held on October 17-19, 2009. A total of over 2000 people  相似文献   

Based on the measured hydrological data from 1951 to 2008,the chain hydrological effect between Jingjiang River and Dongting Lake is analyzed by comparative method after the Three Gorges Project operation.The result indicates that 1) the scouring amount in Jingjiang River made up 78.9% of the total from Yichang to Chenglingji,and its average scouring intensity was higher than the latter;2) the water and sand diversion rates at the three outlets of the Jingjiang River were reduced by 2.33% and 2.78% separately;3) the proportion of multi-year average runoff and sediment through the three outlets in the total into the Dongting Lake decreased by 7.7% and 24.4% respectively;4) in Dongting Lake,the speed of sediment accumulation was lowered by 26.7%,in flood season,the runoff amount was 20.2% less than the multi-year average value,leading to seasonal scarcity of water year by year.The former prolonged the lake life,while the latter induced droughts in summer and fall in successive years,shortage of drinking and industrial water,shipping insecurity,as well as ecological problems such as decrease of birds and quick increase of Microtus fortis;5) The multi-year average values of sediment and flood transporting capacity at the lake outlet were respectively increased by 26.6% and 3.7%,the embankments were protected effectively.Then,to adapt to the new change of the river-lake relation,some suggestions were put forward,such as optimizing further operation program of the Three Gorges Reservoir,reexamining the idea of river and lake regulation,and maintaining connection of the river and the lake.  相似文献   

青藏高原青海湖流域环境与经济协调性评价(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Qinghai Lake Watershed (QLW) is a hot place of a series of ecological restoration and environmental remediation programs nowadays.However,little information is available on change of ecosystem service and economic practice in this area.As ecosystem service and natural capital are closely related with social and economic development,an index of concordance between environment and economy (ICEE) has been proposed to compare the annual variation rate of ecosystem service value (RESV) with that of gross domestic product (RGDP).Using this Index,we have assessed concordance between environment and economy (CEE) for the QLW in the period 1977-2004.The result showed that from 1977 to 2004,the ecosystem service value in the QLW descended from 128.81×10 8 yuan to 127.32×10 8 yuan;In contrast,the GDP increased from 0.931×10 8 yuan to 8.856×10 8 yuan.The values of the I CEE were -1.14,-0.22,and -0.14 in the stages of 1977-1987,1987-2000 and 2000-2004,respectively.The result indicated that during the first stage 1977-1987,the relationship between environment and economy in the QLW was not concordant but at a high conflict;from 1987 to 2004,there was a low conflict between environment and economy,and the CEE appeared to increase slowly.Analysis of the assessment results showed that the national policies and industrial adjustment practice play an important role in the CEE changes.  相似文献   

The coordinated development of human settlement environment and economy is of vital significance to urban sustainable development and urban ecosystem health. Urban human settlement and economic systems exist in urban ecosystems, which are a structural complexity. Therefore the research is being challenged by some uncertain factors between human settlements and economic systems. However most of the researches were focused on its determinate objective aspects and qualitative analyses while less concern on the quantitative evaluation of coordinated development of urban human settlement environment and economy, especially little on its uncertain aspect. At present, the urgent task is to study the coordinated development of urban settlement environment and economy in terms of the effect of uncertainty. This study analyzed the uncertain characteristics, which would be confronted at different stages, such as confirming the index categories, their bound values, and their construction rate, etc. According to the actual urban conditions, many construction principles based on uncertainties are put forward and an indicating system for human settlement and economic evaluation is established. Moreover, the application of fuzzy mathematics presents a new method and a calculation model for the comprehensive assessment of the coordinated development of urban human settlement environment and economy. The application of the method and model in Changsha city of China showed that the assessment results can reflect not only the overall coordination degree of the city, but also the mode of interactive mechanism between urban economic system and human settlement environment.  相似文献   

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