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以土地利用变化和气候变化为特征的全球和区域环境变化及其影响已经成为国际社会和公众关注的焦点,同时也是土地科学、全球变化科学和全球生态学关注的关键问题。由于土地、气候和森林生态系统之间存在着复杂而密切的关系,土地利用变化和气候变化将不可避免地对森林结构和功能产生重要影响。如何采用合理的适应措施降低这些变化可能带来的损失,是目前全球变化研究亟待解决的问题之一。因此,研究土地利用和气候变化对森林的单独及综合影响具有重要的科学意义。本文综合利用基于主体的土地利用模型(ABM/LUCC)、生态系统过程模型(PnET-II)以及森林景观动态模型(LANDIS-II)构建了综合模拟研究框架,选择森林类型多样且具有长期观测数据积累的江西省泰和县为研究区,模拟并对比了土地利用和气候变化组合情景下未来森林地上总生物量的变化差异。结果表明:① 土地利用变化对泰和县森林地上总生物量的影响比气候变化所带来的影响更加显著。研究区森林地上总生物量在有土地利用变化干扰的情景下与RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5单独的气候情景下相比分别减少33.13%、32.92%和32.42%;② 尽管未来气候变化可能有利于森林地上总生物量的积累,但土地利用变化将使森林地上总生物量显著减少,并将抵消气候变化带来的正效应;③ 本文提出的综合模拟研究框架可以很好地模拟土地利用和气候变化对森林生态系统的影响,可为提升和优化人工林结构和功能、开展可持续森林管理提供科学建议。  相似文献   

吴卓  戴尔阜  林媚珍 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2141-2152
在全球气候变化和人类活动的影响下,森林生态系统结构、功能以及空间格局都将发生不同程度的变化。明晰景观尺度上未来森林的动态变化,对森林可持续发展具有重要意义。选择江西省泰和县为研究区,综合利用土地利用模型(CA-Markov)和森林景观动态模型(LANDIS-II),并结合生态系统过程模型(PnET-II),模拟气候变化、土地利用、采伐以及综合情景下未来40年(2010-2050年)阔叶林、针叶林的面积及生物量变化。结果表明:① 气候变化对森林面积影响较小,采伐使森林面积显著减少,土地利用变化使森林面积的变化更加剧烈;② 针叶林和阔叶林对不同干扰方式的响应表现出较强差异,针叶林对采伐的响应更加剧烈;③ 多模型综合模拟方法有助于区域森林管理,为南方红壤丘陵区森林结构优化和功能提升提供科学建议。  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass in grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has displayed an overall increasing trend during 2003–2016, which is profoundly influenced by climate change. However, the responses of different biomes show large discrepancies, in both size and magnitude. By applying partial least squares regression, we calculated the correlation between peak aboveground biomass and mean monthly temperature and monthly total precipitation in the preceding 12 months for three different grassland types(alpine steppe, alpine meadow, and temperate steppe) on the central and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results showed that mean temperature in most preceding months was positively correlated with peak aboveground biomass of alpine meadow and alpine steppe, while mean temperature in the preceding October and February to June was significantly negatively correlated with peak aboveground biomass of temperate steppe. Precipitation in all months had a promoting effect on biomass of alpine meadow, but its correlations with biomass of alpine steppe and temperate steppe were inconsistent. It is worth noting that, in a warmer, wetter climate, peak aboveground biomass of alpine meadow would increase more than that of alpine steppe, while that of temperate steppe would decrease significantly, providing support for the hypothesis of conservative growth strategies by vegetation in stressed ecosystems.  相似文献   

精确量化高寒区域的草地地上生物量在精确量化全球碳循环方面起着非常重要的作用。本研究利用月尺度的归一化植被指数、增强型植被指数、平均空气温度、≥5℃积温、总降水、降水积温比模拟了青藏高原高寒草地地上生物量。本研究对比分析了三种多重逐步回归模型,即地上生物量与归一化植被指数和增强型植被指数的逐步回归模型,地上生物量与空气温度、积温、降水和降水积温比的逐步回归模型,地上生物量与归一化植被指数、增强型植被指数、空气温度、积温、降水和降水积温比的逐步回归模型。结果表明,在高寒草甸,归一化植被指数模拟的地上生物量与观测的地上生物量间的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为31.05 g m~(-2)和44.12 g m~(-2);在高寒草原,归一化植被指数模拟的地上生物量与观测的地上生物量间的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为95.43 g m~(-2)和131.58 g m~(-2)。在高寒草原,积温模拟的地上生物量与观测的地上生物量间的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为33.61g m~(-2)和48.04 g m~(-2)。在高寒草甸,植被指数和气象数据模拟的地上生物量与观测的地上生物量间的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为28.09 g m~(-2)和42.71 g m~(-2);在高寒草原,植被指数和气象数据模拟的地上生物量与观测的地上生物量间的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为35.86 g m~(-2)和47.94 g m~(-2)。因此,植被指数和气候数据同时参与的逐步回归模型比植被指数或气候数据单独参与的逐步回归模型的精度高;不同高寒草地类型的回归模型精度不同。  相似文献   

Forest vegetation carbon patterns are significant for evaluating carbon emission and accumulation. Many methods were used to simulate patterns of forest vegetation carbon stock in previous studies, however, uncertainty apparently existed between results of different methods, even estimates of same method in different studies. Three previous methods, including Atmosphere-vegetation interaction model 2(AVIM2), Kriging, Satellite-data Based Approach(SBA), and a new method, High Accuracy Surface Modeling(HASM), were used to simulate forest vegetation carbon stock patterns in Jiangxi Province in China. Cross-validation was used to evaluate methods. The uncertainty and applicability of the four methods on provincial scale were analyzed and discussed. The results showed that HASM had the highest accuracy, which improved by 50.66%, 33.37% and 28.58%, compared with AVIM2, Kriging and SBA, respectively. Uncertainty of simulation of forest biomass carbon stock was mainly derived from modeling error, sampling error and statistical error of forest area. Total forest carbon stock, carbon density and forest area of Jiangxi were 288.62 Tg, 3.06 kg/m~2 and 94.32×109 m~2 simulated by HASM, respectively.  相似文献   

本文对俄罗斯、蒙古和中国范围气候变化对不同生态系统(寒带、热带)空气记录分布的影响进行研究,并将这些生态系统对全球气候变化的响应进行比较分析,其中空气记录来自研究范围的关键区域。研究发现,森林生态系统对气候变化具有一定的响应。伴随着气候变化,社会经济活动对生态系统的影响显著。研究结果表明,气候驱动力和人类直接影响对森林和草原生态系统如何施加影响有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

农村宅基地是农村土地系统中极其重要的组成部分,是农村衰落、农村空心化等各种问题表征的重要载体。农村地区发生巨大变化的同时,农村宅基地也发生着深刻的转型。本研究在总结国内外对于农村宅基地多功能分类的基础上,根据实地调查问卷,从宅基地功能提升的角度划分并界定了宅基地的人口承载功能、资产以及居住功能。通过协调转型度模型对农村宅基地的功能及协调转型度进行了分析。结果表明:(1)2000–2017年鄱阳县农村宅基地功能转型度在整体上有了明显提升。(2)北部山地丘陵区及环鄱阳湖区主要分布着协调转型度的高值区,近县城的平原区主要分布着协调转型度的低值区。(3)区位条件与资源禀赋较好的区域,人口、资本等要素非农化的支撑条件也比较好,相应的非农化趋势也更为明显。应根据不同区域农村宅基地转型的差异化情况提出针对性的发展建议。  相似文献   

Taking the semi-arid area of Yulin City as an example, this study improves the vulnerability assessment methods and techniques at the county scale using the VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) assessment framework, integrates the VSD framework and the SERV(Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability) model, and decomposes the system vulnerability into three dimensions, i.e., exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Firstly, with the full understanding of the background and exposure risk source of the research area, the vulnerability indexes were screened by the SERV model, and the index system was constructed to assess the characteristics of the local eco-environment. Secondly, with the aid of RS and GIS, this study measured the spatial differentiation and evolution of the social-ecological systems in Yulin City during 2000–2015 and explored intrinsic reasons for the spatial-temporal evolution of vulnerability. The results are as follows:(1) The spatial pattern of Yulin City's SESs vulnerability is "high in northwest and southeast and low along the Great Wall". Although the degree of system vulnerability decreased significantly during the study period and the system development trend improved, there is a sharp spatial difference between the system vulnerability and exposure risk.(2) The evolution of system vulnerability is influenced by the risk factors of exposure, and the regional vulnerability and the spatial heterogeneity of exposure risk are affected by the social sensitivity, economic adaptive capacity and other factors. Finally, according to the uncertainty of decision makers, the future scenarios of regional vulnerability are simulated under different decision risks by taking advantage of the OWA multi-criteria algorithm, and the vulnerability of the regional system under different development directions was predicted based on the decision makers' rational risk interval.  相似文献   

目前,关于里海的两个主要问题是水位变化及其生态条件。历史上,里海的海水入侵和衰退对该区域的生活和生产有很大影响。应用地质数据、历史数据和考古数据,以及观测数据,本文对地质历史时期里海水位的变化、年度和季度变化以及短期的波动进行了研究。文章对解释里海水位波动的两种不同的方法进行了论述,并认为里海水位变化是受地质、水文气候和水量平衡以及人类活动等因素的影响的多级过程,其中主要影响因素为水文气候的变化。  相似文献   

以北京东北3个区(县)为例,利用从1996年和2005年TM影像中获取的土地利用数据,参照3种典型的生态系统服务价值系数,对比研究该区域的土地利用结构与生态系统服务价值的变化及其相互关系。结果表明:(1)1996—2005年研究区的土地利用变化十分剧烈。耕地变化最明显,共减少264.38 km2,水域和未利用地分别减少72.19,0.17 km2,林地、草地、建设用地面积则分别增加63.76,19.94,253.05 km2。(2)区域总生态系统服务价值在1996—2005年呈下降趋势,依据3种价值系数计算分别下降5.22,3.68,36.49亿元,且离城区中心越远,生态系统服务价值下降越快。(3)在快速城市化进程中,建设用地面积增加,耕地、水域面积减少是研究区生态系统服务价值大幅下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

一、前言 我国长江以南的广阔地区,属湿润的热带亚热带气候区,地跨十三个省(区),土地面积约占全国总面积的1/4。当地雨量丰沛,热量充足,土地资源复杂多样,物产丰富。境内地形起伏,多山地丘陵,素有“七山一水二分田”或“八山一水一分田”之称。可见,整个地区2/3以上的总面积为山地丘陵所据。土壤大多有不同程度的富铝风化,属多种类型的红壤、黄壤。河谷平原多种水稻,产量约为全国水稻总产量的90%。这里不仅盛产热带亚热带水果(如柑桔、龙眼、荔枝与香蕉等),而且还盛产油茶、油桐、漆与乌桕等木本油料和经济林木。这个山区又是我国竹木主要产地,珍贵水产丰富。因此本区历来是我国农林牧副渔的重要生产基地,有“鱼米之乡”的称誉。 但是过去对广大丘陵山区的自然资源,未能合理开发利用,加之长期以来片面强调粮食生产,掠夺式的经营,重采轻造、毁林开荒、陡坡垦殖、烧山取肥、铲草皮等,违背了自然规律和经济规律,以致富饶的自然资源遭到破坏,有利的生态失去平衡,水土流失日趋严重,水旱灾害频繁出现,水冲沙压良田。这就导致粮食生产基地的土壤贫瘠化,造成低肥低产状态。  相似文献   

窦玥  戴尔阜 《地理研究》2012,31(2):311-322
本文在分析生态系统脆弱性概念与评价方法基础上,以土地利用变化引起的生态系统服务价值改变为影响力指标,以社会经济发展程度表征社会经济适应能力指标,构建区域土地利用变化对生态系统脆弱性影响评价和和空间表达方法,将生态系统脆弱性研究拓展到人类(社会)—自然(生态、环境)耦合系统的综合分析与评价,以广州市花都区为例,从花都区、乡镇两个空间尺度上进行了评价。结果表明:(1)在1980~1990年、1990~2000年和2000~2005年三个时间段,耕地面积的变化对该区生态系统服务功能影响最为显著;(2)1990~2000年和2000~2005年间,研究区社会经济适应性指数保持为正,两期平均值分别为0.391和0.374;(3)从研究区1990~2000年和2000~2005年两期脆弱性空间分布来看,虽然适应能力的提高在一定程度上缓解了土地利用变化对生态系统的负向影响,但总体呈现脆弱趋势,且脆弱性严重的乡镇数在时间尺度上呈现增加趋势。  相似文献   

气候变化的海拔依赖性在世界上大多数山脉地区已有报道,但导致这种变异的原因尚不明确。本研究利用中国四个不同的观测和再分析资料数据集,主要研究气候变暖对海拔的依赖性,结果表明:无论是在青藏高原地区还是中国其他地区,气候变暖的程度与海拔高度的一致性并不明显。但是,气候变暖与不同海拔水汽的变异具有很好的相关性。比湿度较低时,气温变化随比湿度的增加而升高;当比湿度上升到一定值,气温变化则随比湿度的增加而下降。而地表温度变化的最大值出现在比湿度2.0–3.0 g kg~(-1)范围内。因此,本研究揭示了水汽对气候变暖的海拔依赖性起到调节作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports the phenological response of forest vegetation to climate change(changes in temperature and precipitation) based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) Enhanced Vegetation Index(EVI) time-series images from 2000 to 2015. The phenological parameters of forest vegetation in the Funiu Mountains during this period were determined from the temperature and precipitation data using the Savitzky–Golay filter method, dynamic threshold method, Mann-Kendall trend test, the Theil-Sen estimator, ANUSPLIN interpolation and correlation analyses. The results are summarized as follows:(1) The start of the growing season(SOS) of the forest vegetation mainly concentrated in day of year(DOY) 105–120, the end of the growing season(EOS) concentrated in DOY 285–315, and the growing season length(GSL) ranged between 165 and 195 days. There is an evident correlation between forest phenology and altitude. With increasing altitude, the SOS, EOS and GSL presented a significant delayed, advanced and shortening trend, respectively.(2) Both SOS and EOS of the forest vegetation displayed the delayed trend, the delayed pixels accounted for 76.57% and 83.81% of the total, respectively. The GSL of the forest vegetation was lengthened, and the lengthened pixels accounted for 61.21% of the total. The change in GSL was mainly caused by the decrease in spring temperature in the region.(3) The SOS of the forest vegetation was significantly partially correlated with the monthly average temperature in March, with most correlations being negative; that is, the delay in SOS was mainly attributed to the temperature decrease in March. The EOS was significantly partially correlated with precipitation in September, with most correlations being positive; that is, the EOS was clearly delayed with increasing precipitation in September. The GSL of the forest vegetation was influenced by both temperature and precipitation throughout the growing season. For most regions, GSL was most closely related to the monthly average temperature and precipitation in August.  相似文献   

了解降水变化对荒漠草原植物生长发育的影响对于预测荒漠草原植物对气候变化的响应和适应具有重要意义。本文研究了3年的降水量增减(±50%)对乌拉特荒漠草原优势植物骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)的数量特征(分枝数、果实数和植株密度)、地上生物量(AGB)和功能性状的影响。利用相关分析研究各指标与AGB的相关性,并建立结构方程模型(SEM)来探究降水变化、骆驼蓬的数量特征及功能性状对AGB的影响机制。结果表明:(1)增加50%降水量处理下,骆驼蓬的分枝数、果实数和株高显著提高(P<0.05);减少50%降水量下,AGB、比叶面积(SLA)和株高显著降低(P<0.05),但叶干物质含量(LDMC)显著增加(P<0.05)。(2)生长季前期降水量(EGSP)增多有利于对骆驼蓬分枝和果实的发育,也缓解了年降水量减半对其SLA、LDMC和株高的胁迫。(3)骆驼蓬AGB与分枝数、果实数、植株密度和株高显著正相关(P<0.05),与LDMC和叶片碳含量显著负相关(P<0.05)。(4)SEM表明,增加的年降水量通过增加株高、果实数和植株密度来间接增加AGB,EGSP...  相似文献   

Rice(Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple crop of China, and its production is related to both natural condition and human activities. It is fundamental to comprehensively assess the influence of terrain conditions on rice production to ensure a steady increase in rice production. Although many studies have focused on the impact of one or several specific factors on crop production, few studies have investigated the direct influence of terrain conditions on rice production. Therefore, we selected Hunan Province, one of the major rice-producing areas in China, which exhibits complex terrain conditions, as our study area. Based on remote sensing data and statistical data, we applied spatial statistical analysis to explore the effects of terrain factors on rice production in terms of the following three aspects: the spatial patterns of paddy fields, the rice production process and the final yield. We found that 1) terrain has a significant impact on the spatial distribution of paddy fields at both the regional scale and the county scale; 2) terrain controls the distribution of temperature, sunlight and soil, and these three environmental factors consequently directly impact rice growth; 3) compared with the patterns of paddy fields and the rice production process, the influences of terrain factors on the rice yield are not as evident, with the exception of elevation; and 4) the spatial distribution of paddy fields mismatched that of production resources due to terrain factors. Our results strongly suggest that managers should scientifically guide farmers to choose suitable varieties and planting systems and allocate rice production resources in the northern plain regions to ensure food security.  相似文献   

The study of multi-dimensional expansion of urban space(MEUS) addresses the laws of urban spatial expansion from all directions and angles. Using Nanjing as an example,this paper constructs multi-temporal, urban three-dimensional models based on RS and GIS technology and then conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis of MEUS using plot ratio change maps and MEUS quantitative index for built-up areas. Based especially on the concept of volume growth contribution rate, this paper analyzes the characteristics of MEUS in different stages. The results show that in 2000–2004, planar expansion played the main role,the internal potential development(IPD) intensity of the urban built-up areas was relatively large, and the volume growth contribution rate was low; in 2004–2008, planar expansion accelerated, and IPD slowed down; in 2008–2012, planar expansion slowed while IPD intensity increased; the contribution rates of volume growth of urban IPD for the three periods were 22.21%, 24.51% and 73.38%, respectively. This study expands the research perspective of urban spatial expansion, and the adopted methods are instructive and meaningful for MEUS research. In addition, the results of this study will deepen the understanding of MEUS laws and help improve scientific decision-making for urban planning and urban land use management.  相似文献   

Land use/cover change has been recognized as a key component in global change and has attracted increasing attention in recent decades. Scenario simulation of land use change is an important issue in the study of land use/cover change, and plays a key role in land use prediction and policy decision. Based on the remote sensing data of Landsat TM images in 1989, 2000 and 2010, scenario simulation and landscape pattern analysis of land use change driven by socio-economic development and ecological protection policies were reported in Zhangjiakou city, a representative area of the Poverty Belt around Beijing and Tianjin. Using a CLUE-S model, along with socio-economic and geographic data, the land use simulation of four scenarios–namely, land use planning scenario, natural development scenario, ecological-oriented scenario and farmland protection scenario–were explored according to the actual conditions of Zhangjiakou city, and the landscape pattern characteristics under different land use scenarios were analyzed. The results revealed the following:(1) Farmland, grassland, water body and unused land decreased significantly during 1989–2010, with a decrease of 11.09%, 2.82%, 18.20% and 31.27%, respectively, while garden land, forestland and construction land increased over the same period, with an increase of 5.71%, 20.91% and 38.54%, respectively. The change rate and intensity of land use improved in general from 1989 to 2010. The integrated dynamic degree of land use increased from 2.21% during 1989–2000 to 3.96% during 2000–2010.(2) Land use changed significantly throughout 1989–2010. The total area that underwent land use change was 4759.14 km2, accounting for 12.53% of the study area. Land use transformation was characterized by grassland to forestland, and by farmland to forestland and grassland.(3) Under the land use planning scenario, farmland, grassland, water body and unused land shrank significantly, while garden land, forestland and construction land increased. Under the natural development scenario, construction land and forestland increased in 2020 compared with 2010, while farmland and unused land decreased. Under the ecological-oriented scenario, forestland increased dra-matically, which mainly derived from farmland, grassland and unused land. Under the farmland protection scenario, farmland was well protected and stable, while construction land expansion was restricted.(4) The landscape patterns of the four scenarios in 2020, compared with those in 2010, were more reasonable. Under the land use planning scenario, the landscape pattern tended to be more optimized. The landscape became less fragmented and heterogeneous with the natural development scenarios. However, under the ecological-oriented scenario and farmland protection scenario, landscape was characterized by fragmentation, and spatial heterogeneity of landscape was significant. Spatial differences in landscape patterns in Zhangjiakou city also existed.(5) The spatial distribution of land use could be explained, to a large extent, by the driving factors, and the simulation results tallied with the local situations, which provided useful information for decision-makers and planners to take appropriate land management measures in the area. The application of the combined Markov model, CLUE-S model and landscape metrics in Zhangjiakou city suggests that this methodology has the capacity to reflect the complex changes in land use at a scale of 300 m×300 m and can serve as a useful tool for analyzing complex land use driving factors.  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的重要组分,为人类社会提供着多种多样的服务产品。明确不同类型森林生态系统服务的空间特征和驱动机制对优化森林资源管理和提升服务综合效益具有重要意义。基于InVEST模型、CASA模型和GIS技术对赣江流域森林生态系统固碳、蓄积量、水源供给和土壤保持4种服务进行了价值评估和空间制图,并分析了各类自然和社会-经济因子梯度变化与生态系统服务生产之间的联系。结果表明:赣江流域4种森林生态系统服务具有空间异质性。赣江流域周边山地和高丘区域固碳和蓄积量服务较高,林型以阔叶林和竹林为主;水源供给服务较高的区域则为赣江流域东北部,林型以松林和杉木林为主;土壤保持服务空间分布较离散,赣江流域东北部区域略高于西南部区域。生态系统服务是自然过程和人类活动共同作用的结果:随海拔或坡度增加,人类活动干扰减少,森林固碳和蓄积量服务增加,但水源供给和土壤保持服务减小;随区域人均GDP增加或总人口减少,森林固碳和蓄积量服务表现出增加趋势。未来还需进一步评估各类自然和社会-经济因子对不同类型生态系统服务的限制作用和格局影响,以更好地应对区域生态问题。  相似文献   

人类对全球碳循环的影响主要来自于土地利用活动,随着露天煤矿开采进程加快,矿区内碳排放量增加、生态系统功能下降等问题显著,亟需探索低碳下生态效益最佳的土地利用优化结构,为西北干旱荒漠矿区土地利用结构优化调整提供理论支持。本研究以乌海市骆驼山矿区为研究对象,在矿区土地利用碳排放量核算的基础上,利用多目标线性规划模型以低碳排放和高生态系统服务价值为目标,探究矿区土地利用最优结构。研究结果:优化后的草地和水域面积有所增加,采矿用地和未利用地面积有所减少;与2021年相比,优化后方案碳排放量降低了19045.93tC,生态系统服务价值提升了5338.14万元。研究结果表明,以土地利用碳排放最小化、生态系统服务价值最大化为目标的矿区土地利用结构优化方案可以在低碳减排下,实现土地利用生态效益的提升,以期为西北干旱荒漠区矿山土地利用结构优化和生态修复工作提供科学指导。  相似文献   

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