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交通是旅游过程中能源消耗和碳排放的主要环节,认识旅游交通能源效率变化及其影响因素对推动旅游低碳化发展具有重要意义。基于中国旅游交通及相关数据,在测算不同类型旅游交通工具能源消耗系数的基础上,遵循"自上而下"原则构建新的研究方法,分析考察1994-2013年旅游交通的能源消耗、碳排放、能源效率及其影响因素。结果显示,1)中国旅游交通能源消耗由178.21PJ增长至565.82PJ,年均增长率为6.27%,相应的CO_2排放由14.96×10~6 t增长至47.94×10~6 t,主要由旅游出游人次数快速增长和旅游出行距离增加引起;2)中国旅游交通能源服务效率由3.22×10~6人次PJ~(-1)提高至5.99×10~6人次PJ~(-1),能源生态效率由26.07 kg人次~(-1)提升至14.01 kg人次~(-1);3)单位交通能耗降低、规模效应、政策推动等成为能源效率提高的主导推动因素,但旅游出行方式变化、享受型交通工具的发展等阻碍了能源效率的提升。基于分析结果,提出了中国旅游交通降低能源消耗、提高能源效率的建议措施。  相似文献   

Analysis of casualties due to landslides from 2000 to 2012 revealed that their spatial pattern was affected by terrain and other natural environmental factors, which resulted in a higher distribution of landslide casualty events in southern China than in northern China. Hotspots of landslide-generated casualties were in the western Sichuan mountainous area and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau region, southeast hilly area, northern part of the loess hilly area, and Tianshan and Qilian Mountains. However, local distribution patterns indicated that landslide casualty events were also influenced by economic activity factors. To quantitatively analyse the influence of natural environment and human-economic activity factors, the Probability Model for Landslide Casualty Events in China(LCEC) was built based on logistic regression analysis. The results showed that relative relief, GDP growth rate, mean annual precipitation, fault zones, and population density were positively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. Notably, GDP growth rate ranked only second to relative relief as the primary factors in the probability of casualties due to landslides. The occurrence probability of a landslide casualty event increased 2.706 times with a GDP growth rate increase of 2.72%. In contrast, vegetation coverage was negatively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. The LCEC model was then applied to calculate the occurrence probability of landslide casualty events for each county in China. The results showed that there are 27 counties with high occurrence probability but zero casualty events. The 27 counties were divided into three categories: poverty-stricken counties, mineral-rich counties, and real-estate overexploited counties; these are key areas that should be emphasized in reducing landslide risk.  相似文献   

This research examines the distribution features of 4960 caves across Guizhou Province, while probing the relationship between the caves' spatial patterns and geographic elements. This study is based on hydrogeological and topographic maps of Guizhou. Arc GIS software was used to process the adjacent index, spatial analysis, and coupling analysis of the caves altitude and longitude, as well as the rock properties, lithology, drainage and tectonic division of almost 5000 caves. Based on a point pattern analysis of Guizhou caves, the adjacent index is 0.53, and the coefficient of variation verified by Tyson polygon reached 72.469%. This figure reflects the clustered distribution pattern of the caves. Across the entire province, caves are divided into four concentrated areas and one weakly affected area. The four concentrated areas are Zunyi-Tongren, Bijie, Qianxinan-Liupanshui, and Guiyang-Anshun-Qinan. The one weakly affected zone is Qiandongnan. The most concentrated among them is the Guiyang-Anshun-Qiannan area, which covers 24.67% of the total province area, and accounts for 36.63% of the total province's caves. Cave distribution in Guizhou is characterized as dense in the western part and sparse in the eastern part. Under this study background, the natural elements of formation, including lithology, structure, climate, hydrology, and altitude, and their effects on the distribution, number, and spatial pattern of cave development is analyzed.  相似文献   

中国城市化过程中生态环境研究成果丰富,总结其演变过程利于把握该领域现状与趋势。本文从城市化文献视角对中国城市化过程中的生态环境研究在研究成果、研究子领域、研究主题、理论和方法等方面进行总结。结果表明,从2005年起中国城市化文献中关于生态环境的研究呈加速增长的态势;资源领域的国土资源和产业子领域,生态领域内经济子领域和环境领域内气候和城市环境子领域受到了较多的关注;"土地利用"和"热岛效应"一直是最热的关键词,分别占全部关键词出现频次的0.15%和0.09%,"热岛效应"和"气候变化"则是近期热点;主要理论涉及生态学、数理模型、资源与环境经济学、环境科学等,其中生态足迹理论从2002年起一直占据主流,STIRPAT模型、环境库兹涅茨曲线等综合理论模型是近期热点理论;依方法来源和主要应用领域将1992-2011年主要方法分为4类,即统计类(65.17%)、系统类(13.11%)、机理类(11.79%)和测评类(9.93%)。灰色系统分析和R/S分析近年来常见的方法。由此得出主要结论:中国城市化研究对城市土地利用、城市热岛、气候变化和水资源等大尺度的生态环境问题更加重视,对城市环境健康等微观尺度生态环境问题关注相对不足;以STIRPAT和多种土地利用变化模型为代表,综合自然和经济理论采用系统建模方法评价和模拟城市化过程中的生态环境效应将是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

经济发展、资源利用和生态保护之间存在着尖锐矛盾,而生态效率概念和评价体系构建为这一问题提供了解决方案。本研究基于超Slacks-BasedMeasure模型,评价了2005–2016年中国大陆30个省份生态效率的时空特征、区域差异性,并利用面板回归模型分析了其影响因素。研究发现:(1)2005–2016年各省份生态效率在研究时段总体呈现上升态势,伴有波峰变化,但各地区生态效率水平及其变化幅度的差异较为显著。东部地区生态效率明显高于中部地区、西部地区和东北部地区。(2)通过变异系数测算表明各省份生态效率差异在逐渐缩小,但空间分布仍不均衡。从区域内差异看,西部省份区域内差异均值最高,其次为东部地区和东北部地区,中部地区区域差异最小。(3)通过生态效率影响因素研究显示,工业结构、对外开放度、城镇化、技术创新和环境规制对生态效率产生积极影响,能源消费、交通对其产生消极影响,而在不同区域生态效率的影响因素呈现不同作用力。据此,提出各地区提升生态效率的相关政策建议,为缩小绿色发展差距及加快促进区域绿色可持续协调发展提供重要的实证参考。  相似文献   

以中国内地31个省份为研究对象,构建基于就业环境、就业状况、就业能力、劳动报酬、社会保障、劳动关系6个维度的就业质量评价指标体系,测度2011—2020年各省份的就业质量水平,运用全局空间自相关分析揭示中国省际就业质量的空间相关性,选取空间杜宾模型的时间空间双固定效应分析就业质量受本地和邻近省份影响的程度。结果表明:(1)中国就业质量整体水平不高,2011—2020年就业质量指数均值仅为0.318,各省份就业质量差异较大。(2)社会保障维度的权重最高,且是就业质量的关键维度,劳动报酬维度的权重次之,就业能力维度的权重最小。(3)中国省际就业质量呈现显著的空间正相关,具有空间聚集特征。(4)财政支出对本地就业质量的影响最强,信息化水平及技术水平的提升会对邻近省份的劳动力资源产生虹吸效应,工业化水平对就业质量的影响不显著,产业结构是中国就业质量提升的阻碍因素。  相似文献   

村镇治理是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的基本要求,关乎国家乡村振兴战略的实施和国家治理现代化目标的实现。本文以全国2189个乡村治理示范村镇为研究对象,综合运用最邻近点指数法、核密度估计法、网格维数分析法、空间自相关分析法,探索乡村治理示范村镇的空间分布结构与影响因素。研究表明:全国乡村治理示范村镇空间分布趋于集聚分布,空间分异较为明显;乡村治理示范村镇核密度分析在空间上呈现出多个核中心,以及由核中心向四周递减扩散而形成的呈带状分布的次级中心的分布格局;乡村治理示范村镇系统具有明显无标度区,分形特征显著;乡村治理示范村镇空间分布主要受自然和人文因素影响明显,其中自然因素中地形地貌和湖泊水系是主要影响因素;人文因素中社会经济、交通、民族文化是主要影响因素,人口分布的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial variation in annual actual evapotranspiration(AET) and its influencing factors is crucial for a better understanding of hydrological processes and water resources management. By synthesizing ecosystem-level observations of eddy-covariance flux sites in China(a total of 61 sites), we constructed the most complete AET dataset in China up to now. Based on this dataset, we quantified the statistic characteristics of AET and water budgets(defined as the ratio of AET to annual mean precipitation(MAP), AET/MAP) of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Results showed that AET differed significantly among both different vegetation types and climate types in China, with overall mean AET of 534.7±232.8 mm yr-1. AET/MAP also differed significantly among different climate types, but there were no distinct differences in AET/MAP values across vegetation types, with mean AET/MAP of 0.82±0.28 for non-irrigated ecosystems. We further investigated how the main climatic factors and vegetation attributes control the spatial variation in AET. Our findings revealed that the spatial variation of AET in China was closely correlated with the geographical patterns of climate and vegetation, in which the effects of total annual net radiation(Rn), MAP and mean annual air temperature(MAT) were dominant. Thus, we proposed an empirical equation to describe the spatial patterns of AET in China, which could explain about 84% of the spatial variation in AET of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Based on the constructed dataset, we also evaluated the uncertainties of five published global evapotranspiration products in simulatingsite-specific AET in China. Results showed that large biases in site-specific AET values existed for all five global evapotranspiration products, which indicated that it is necessary to involve more observation data of China in their parameterization or validation, while our AET dataset would provide a data source for it.  相似文献   

中国城镇化进程中新区的空间生产及其演化逻辑   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
庄良  叶超  马卫  赵彪  胡森林 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1548-1562
城市新区是城镇化和经济发展的重要空间载体。改革开放后,新区在区域发展中发挥着重要作用,近些年则呈现爆发式增长,具有典型的空间生产特征。从空间的生产理论视角切入,聚焦中国城镇化过程中极具代表性的空间组织形式——新区的时空演化,发现新区的设立与发展是一个快速的三元辩证的空间生产过程:新区的“空间的表征”主要由自上而下的政府权力意志主导,“空间的实践”集中体现为类型与格局、距离与面积等空间要素的规模等级差异和区域分异,“表征的空间”则体现为政府权力与城市权利之间的紧张关系与策应机制。新区的空间生产与再生产具有时空序列下的统一性和连续性,但政府主导的空间组织模式也面临着行政区管理协调难度大和区域发展不平衡加剧等一系列挑战。批判地反思新区发展路径是新时代实现区域平衡充分发展与新型城镇化战略的基础和关键。  相似文献   

The sustainable development has been seriously challenged by global climate change due to carbon emissions. As a developing country, China promised to reduce 40%–45% below the level of the year 2005 on its carbon intensity by 2020. The realization of this target depends on not only the substantive transition of society and economy at the national scale, but also the action and share of energy saving and emissions reduction at the provincial scale. Based on the method provided by the IPCC, this paper examines the spatiotemporal dynamics and dominating factors of China's carbon intensity from energy consumption in 1997–2010. The aim is to provide scientific basis for policy making on energy conservation and carbon emission reduction in China. The results are shown as follows. Firstly, China's carbon emissions increased from 4.16 Gt to 11.29 Gt from 1997 to 2010, with an annual growth rate of 7.15%, which was much lower than that of GDP(11.72%). Secondly, the trend of Moran's I indicated that China's carbon intensity has a growing spatial agglomeration at the provincial scale. The provinces with either high or low values appeared to be path-dependent or space-locked to some extent. Third, according to spatial panel econometric model, energy intensity, energy structure, industrial structure and urbanization rate were the dominating factors shaping the spatiotemporal patterns of China's carbon intensity from energy consumption. Therefore, in order to realize the targets of energy conservation and emission reduction, China should improve the efficiency of energy utilization, optimize energy and industrial structure, choose the low-carbon urbanization approach and implement regional cooperation strategy of energy conservation and emissions reduction.  相似文献   

Esophageal cancer exhibits one of the highest incidence and mortality rates in China.Malignant tumors caused by esophageal cancer,and the relationship to environmental factors has been the focus of many public health studies.This study applied spatial analysis to ascertain the relationship between water pollution and esophageal cancer mortality rates nationwide.We employed two datasets,including a national investigation of esophageal cancer rates and distribution,and national water quality grades in China's primary rivers and lakes.Esophageal cancer data were grouped based on different water quality grades,which included a scaled buffer distance from rivers and lakes.Non-parametric correlation analyses were performed to examine the presence or absence of the following correlations:(i) esophageal cancer mortality and buffer distance from rivers and lakes;and(ii) esophageal cancer mortality and water quality grade values.The present study revealed a significant positive correlation between widespread water pollution and esophageal cancer mortality nationwide;and a significant negative correlation between esophageal cancer mortality,and buffer distance from rivers and lakes.  相似文献   

Data show that carbon emissions are increasing due to human energy consumption associated with economic development. As a result, a great deal of attention has been focused on efforts to reduce this growth in carbon emissions as well as to formulate policies to address and mitigate climate change. Although the majority of previous studies have explored the driving forces underlying Chinese carbon emissions, few have been carried out at the city-level because of the limited availability of relevant energy consumption statistics. Here, we utilize spatial autocorrelation, Markov-chain transitional matrices, a dynamic panel model, and system generalized distance estimation(Sys-GMM) to empirically evaluate the key determinants of carbon emissions at the city-level based on Chinese remote sensing data collected between 1992 and 2013. We also use these data to discuss observed spatial spillover effects taking into account spatiotemporal lag and a range of different geographical and economic weighting matrices. The results of this study suggest that regional discrepancies in city-level carbon emissions have decreased over time, which are consistent with a marked spatial spillover effect, and a ‘club' agglomeration of high-emissions. The evolution of these patterns also shows obvious path dependence, while the results of panel data analysis reveal the presence of a significant U-shaped relationship between carbon emissions and per capita GDP. Data also show that per capita carbon emissions have increased in concert with economic growth in most cities, and that a high-proportion of secondary industry and extensive investment growth have also exerted significant positive effects on city-level carbon emissions across China. In contrast, rapid population agglomeration, improvements in technology, increasing trade openness, and the accessibility and density of roads have all played a role in inhibiting carbon emissions. Thus, in order to reduce emissions, the Chinese government should legislate to inhibit the effects of factors that promote the release of carbon while at the same time acting to encourage those that mitigate this process. On the basis of the analysis presented in this study, we argue that optimizing industrial structures, streamlining extensive investment, increasing the level of technology, and improving road accessibility are all effective approaches to increase energy savings and reduce carbon emissions across China.  相似文献   

The interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical entities are the key areas of regional integrated management. In this paper, we analyzed the spatial patterns of the interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical names(ITPGN) from three aspects: numerical features, spatial variance and spatial agglomeration. The influencing factors of the distribution of ITPGN and the implications for the regional management were further discussed. GIS technology was used to visualize the distribution of ITPGN, analyze the spatial agglomeration and the influencing factors of ITPGN. A total of 11,325 ITPGN, including 4243 water ITPGN and 7082 terrain ITPGN, were extracted from the database of "China's Second National Survey of Geographical Names(2014–2018)", and the mountain geographical names were the largest type in ITPGN. Hunan Province had the largest number of the names in China, and Shanghai had the smallest number of the names. The spatial variance of the terrain ITPGN was larger than that of the water ITPGN, and the ITPGN showed a significant agglomeration phenomenon in the southern part of China. In addition, the relative elevation and the population had an impact on the distribution of the ITPGN. The largest number of the geographical names occurred in the regions where the relative elevation was between 1000–2000 meters, and where the population was between 40–50 million. Based on the analysis, it was suggested that the government should take the ITPGN as management units, optimize management strategies based on the characteristics of different types of ITPGN, strengthen the naming of unnamed interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical entities and balance the interests in the controversial ITPGN. This study demonstrated that GIS and spatial analysis techniques were useful for the research of ITPGN and the results could provide targeted management suggestions to realize coordinated development in the interprovincial regions.  相似文献   

Energy eco-efficiency is a concept integrating ecological and economic benefits arising from energy utilization and serves as a measure of efficiency in the energy–environment–economy system. Using the slacks-based measure(SBM) model considering undesirable output, this study first measures the energy eco-efficiency of provinces in China from 1997 to 2012. It then analyzes the spatial distribution and evolution of energy eco-efficiency from three aspects: scale, intensity, and grain of spatial patterns. Finally, it examines the spatial spillover effects and influencing factors of energy eco-efficiency in different provinces by means of a spatial econometric model. The following conclusions are drawn:(1) The overall energy eco-efficiency is relatively low in China, with energy-inefficient regions accounting for about 40%. Guangdong, Hainan and Fujian provinces enjoy the highest energy eco-efficiency, while Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang are representative regions with low efficiency. Thus, the pattern of evolution of China's overall energy eco-efficiency is U-shaped. Among local regions, four main patterns of evolution are found: increasing, fluctuating, mutating, and leveling.(2) At the provincial level, China's energy eco-efficiency features significant spatial agglomeration both globally and locally. High–high agglomeration occurs mainly in the eastern and southern coastal regions and low–low agglomeration in the northwestern region and the middle reaches of the Yellow River. Changes in spatial patterns have occurred mainly in areas with high–low and low–high agglomeration, with the most remarkable change taking place in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region.(3) There exist significant spatial effects of energy eco-efficiency among provinces in China. For the energy eco-efficiency of a given region, spatial spillovers from adjacent regions outweigh the influence of errors in adjacent regions. Industrial structure has the greatest influence on energy eco-efficiency.  相似文献   

Land circulation is an important measure that can be utilized to enable agricultural management at a moderate scale.It is therefore imperative to explore spatiotemporal changes in land circulation and the factors that drive these variations in order to maintain and increase the vitality of the land rental market.An initial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in land circulation is presented in this study on the basis of data from 169,511 farm households between 2003 and 2013.The rural fixed observation point system advocated by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture was utilized for this analysis,and Heckman two-stage models were developed and estimated in order to identify the drivers of regional differences in land circulation at the national scale and at the levels of different terrains.The results of this study show that the rate of land circulation in China rose from 15.09% to 25.1% over the course of the study period,an average rate of 0.8%.More specifically,data show that the rate of land circulation in the south of China has been higher than in the north,that the average land rental payment was 4256.13 yuan per ha,and that 55.05% of households did not pay such a fee during the land circulation process.In contrast,the average rent obtained was 3648.45 yuan per ha nationally even though 52.63% of households did not obtain any payments from their tenants.The results show that land quality,geographic location,transaction costs,and household characteristics have significantly affected land circulation in different regions of China.Specifically,the marginal effects of land quality and geographic location were larger in the plain regions,while transaction cost was the key factor influencing land circulation in the hilly and mountainous regions.The signal identified in this study,rent-free land circulation,is indicative of a mismatch that has led to the marginalization of mountainous regions and higher transaction costs that have reduced the potential value of land resources.Thus,as the opportunity cost of farming continues to rise across China,the depreciation of land assets will become irreversible and the phenomenon of land abandonment will become increasingly prevalent in hilly and mountainous regions in the future.The transaction costs associated with the land rental market should be reduced to mitigate these effects by establishing land circulation intermediaries at the township level,and the critical issues of land abandonment and poverty reduction in hilly and mountainous regions should arouse more attention.  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的重要组分,为人类社会提供着多种多样的服务产品。明确不同类型森林生态系统服务的空间特征和驱动机制对优化森林资源管理和提升服务综合效益具有重要意义。基于InVEST模型、CASA模型和GIS技术对赣江流域森林生态系统固碳、蓄积量、水源供给和土壤保持4种服务进行了价值评估和空间制图,并分析了各类自然和社会-经济因子梯度变化与生态系统服务生产之间的联系。结果表明:赣江流域4种森林生态系统服务具有空间异质性。赣江流域周边山地和高丘区域固碳和蓄积量服务较高,林型以阔叶林和竹林为主;水源供给服务较高的区域则为赣江流域东北部,林型以松林和杉木林为主;土壤保持服务空间分布较离散,赣江流域东北部区域略高于西南部区域。生态系统服务是自然过程和人类活动共同作用的结果:随海拔或坡度增加,人类活动干扰减少,森林固碳和蓄积量服务增加,但水源供给和土壤保持服务减小;随区域人均GDP增加或总人口减少,森林固碳和蓄积量服务表现出增加趋势。未来还需进一步评估各类自然和社会-经济因子对不同类型生态系统服务的限制作用和格局影响,以更好地应对区域生态问题。  相似文献   

Border areas are both important territorial security barriers and portals to the outside world. Considering the complicated geopolitical environment of China's inland borders, analysis of the current status and mechanisms of influence of geo-economy in border areas is of great significance. Namely, this analysis is important towards leveraging traditional advantages to accelerate China's development in border and minority areas. Based on a comprehensive analysis, our study constructed a framework to analyze the geo-economy in border areas, and also introduced three indexes: local economy, export-oriented economy and local development. In addition, our study systematically described geo-economic evolution in the border areas of China. We also analyzed the mechanism of geo-economic spatial differentiation in these border areas by using geographical detectors. Our results indicated that the level of geo-economic influence in border areas has grown steadily with significant spatial differentiation. The absolute geo-economic dominance of Northeast China gradually declines over time. Areas with geo-economic advantages are highly dispersed, showing a spatial polarization pattern with several polar nuclei including Mudanjiang city(Northeast China), Baotou city(Inner Mongolia), Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture(Xinjiang), Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture and the city of Chongzuo(Yunnan-Guangxi area). Geo-economics in border area is mainly influenced by national policies, the development level of neighboring countries, as well as the desire of these countries to cooperate with China in bilateral trade. Favorable policies, traffic, cultural proximity and other factors also impact the geo-economics of border areas significantly. The Inner Mongolia and Tibet areas are mainly influenced by neighboring countries, while Northeast China and Xinjiang are mainly affected by Chinese policies; the Yunnan-Guangxi area is influenced by a combination of these factors. At the end of the study, we provide our recommendations for developing policies that further geo-economic advantages in complex geopolitical environments and in areas with varied development.  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that:(1) Since the 1990 s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable.(2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India.(3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

The question of how to generate maximum socio-economic benefits while at the same time minimizing input from urban land resources lies at the core of regional ecological civilization construction.We apply stochastic frontier analysis(SFA)in this study to municipal input-output data for the period between 2005 and 2014 to evaluate the urbanization efficiency of 110 cities within the Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB)and then further assess the spatial association characteristics of these values.The results of this study initially reveal that the urbanization efficiency of the YREB increased from 0.34 to 0.53 between 2005 and2014,a significant growth at a cumulative rate of 54.07%.Data show that the efficiency growth rate of cities within the upper reaches of the Yangtze River has been faster than that of their counterparts in the middle and lower reaches,and that there is also a great deal of additional potential for growth in urbanization efficiency across the whole area.Secondly,results show that urbanization efficiency conforms to a"bar-like"distribution across the whole area,gradually decreasing from the east to the west.This trend highlights great intra-provincial differences,but also striking inter-provincial variation within the upper,middle,and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.The total urbanization efficiency of cities within the lower reaches of the river has been the highest,followed successively by those within the middle and upper reaches.Finally,values for Moran’s I within this area remained higher than zero over the study period and have increased annually;this result indicates a positive spatial correlation between the urbanization efficiency of cities and annual increments in agglomeration level.Our use of the local indicators of spatial association(LISA)statistic has enabled us to quantify characteristics of"small agglomeration and large dispersion".Thus,"high-high" (H-H)agglomeration areas can be seen to have spread outwards from around Zhejiang Province and the city of Shanghai,while areas characterized by"low-low"(L-L)patterns are mainly concentrated in the north of Anhui Province and in Sichuan Province.The framework and results of this research are of considerable significance to our understanding of both land use sustainability and balanced development.  相似文献   

人类对生态系统的过度利用使得维持生态系统服务功能和食物消费需求间的矛盾日益突出。哈萨克斯坦作为全球生态问题最突出的国家之一,人地、草畜矛盾非常严峻。因此,探究哈萨克斯坦食物消费模式及影响因素,进而提高食物消费可持续性、维持生态系统服务功能显得尤为重要。本文以2012年、2016年哈萨克斯坦食物消费数据为基础,通过对消费模式的划分及其变化分析,得到了以下主要结论:受消费习惯、食物供给和社会经济发展影响,哈萨克斯坦存在三种食物消费模式,分别为以奶、谷物消费为主的模式,以奶、谷物和肉类为主的模式,以奶、谷物、肉类、蔬果消费为主的模式,三种消费模式特征差异明显,分别分布在哈萨克斯坦的北、中、南地区;值得注意的是,哈萨克斯坦的食物消费有向以奶、谷物和肉类为主的模式变化的趋势。面对不同的食7品消费模式及其变化趋势,政府可通过转变食物生产观念、加大国内外区域间交流合作来增加当地居民的福祉。  相似文献   

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