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20世纪80年代以来全球耕地变化的基本特征及空间格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于全球1982-2011年土地利用/覆被的矢量数据,分析了20世纪80年代以来全球耕地变化的基本特征及空间格局。结果表明:① 20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地面积增加了528.768×104 km2,增加速率为7.920×104 km2/a,呈不显著增加趋势,全球耕地面积以20世纪80年代增速最快。20世纪80年代以来,北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲耕地面积呈显著增加趋势,分别增加了170.854×104 km2、107.890×104 km2、186.492×104 km2,增加速率分别为7.236×104 km2/a、2.780×104 km2/a、3.758×104 km2/a;亚洲、欧洲、非洲耕地面积为减少趋势,分别减少了23.769×104 km2、4.035×104 km2、86.76×104 km2,减少速率分别为-5.641×104 km2/a、-0.813×104 km2/a、 -0.595×104 km2/a。② 20世纪80年代以来,全球增加的耕地主要由草地、林地转化,分别占53.536%、26.148%。新增耕地面积主要分布在非洲南部及中部、澳大利亚东部和北部、南美洲东南部、美国的中部及阿拉斯加、加拿大中部、俄罗斯西部及芬兰北部、蒙古北部等区域。非洲南部的博茨瓦纳为全球耕地增加比例最高区域,增加了80%~90%。③ 20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地换化为其他用地共计1071.946×104 km2,全球减少的耕地主要转化为了草地、林地,分别占比为57.482%、36.000%;全球减少耕地主要分布在非洲中部的苏丹南部、美国中南部、俄罗斯南部及欧洲南部的保加利亚、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚和匈牙利等国,减少最大的区域为非洲南部,减少了60%。④ 各大洲耕地均表现出向高纬扩张的趋势,全球多数国家表现出新增耕地扩张而原有耕地减少的特点。  相似文献   

Land-use/land-cover changes(LUCCs) have links to both human and nature interactions. China's Land-Use/cover Datasets(CLUDs) were updated regularly at 5-year intervals from the late 1980s to 2010, with standard procedures based on Landsat TM\ETM+ images. A land-use dynamic regionalization method was proposed to analyze major land-use conversions. The spatiotemporal characteristics, differences, and causes of land-use changes at a national scale were then examined. The main findings are summarized as follows. Land-use changes(LUCs) across China indicated a significant variation in spatial and temporal characteristics in the last 20 years(1990–2010). The area of cropland change decreased in the south and increased in the north, but the total area remained almost unchanged. The reclaimed cropland was shifted from the northeast to the northwest. The built-up lands expanded rapidly, were mainly distributed in the east, and gradually spread out to central and western China. Woodland decreased first, and then increased, but desert area was the opposite. Grassland continued decreasing. Different spatial patterns of LUC in China were found between the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The original 13 LUC zones were replaced by 15 units with changes of boundaries in some zones. The main spatial characteristics of these changes included(1) an accelerated expansion of built-up land in theHuang-Huai-Hai region, the southeastern coastal areas, the midstream area of the Yangtze River, and the Sichuan Basin;(2) shifted land reclamation in the north from northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia to the oasis agricultural areas in northwest China;(3) continuous transformation from rain-fed farmlands in northeast China to paddy fields; and(4) effectiveness of the "Grain for Green" project in the southern agricultural–pastoral ecotones of Inner Mongolia, the Loess Plateau, and southwestern mountainous areas. In the last two decades, although climate change in the north affected the change in cropland, policy regulation and economic driving forces were still the primary causes of LUC across China. During the first decade of the 21st century, the anthropogenic factors that drove variations in land-use patterns have shifted the emphasis from one-way land development to both development and conservation. The "dynamic regionalization method" was used to analyze changes in the spatial patterns of zoning boundaries, the internal characteristics of zones, and the growth and decrease of units. The results revealed "the pattern of the change process," namely the process of LUC and regional differences in characteristics at different stages. The growth and decrease of zones during this dynamic LUC zoning, variations in unit boundaries, and the characteristics of change intensities between the former and latter decades were examined. The patterns of alternative transformation between the "pattern" and "process" of land use and the causes for changes in different types and different regions of land use were explored.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末以来中国土地利用变化的基本特征与空间格局   总被引:86,自引:19,他引:86  
土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)是人类活动与自然环境相互作用最直接的表现形式,本文采用相同空间分辨率的卫星遥感信息源和相同的技术方法,对中国1980 年代末到2010 年土地利用变化数据进行定期更新。在此基础上,提出并发展土地利用动态区划的方法,研究土地利用变化的空间格局与时空特征。我们发现:1990-2010 年的20 年间,中国土地利用变化表现出明显的时空差异。“南减北增,总量基本持衡,新增耕地的重心逐步由东北向西北移动”是耕地变化的基本特征;“扩展提速,东部为重心,向中西部蔓延”是城乡建设用地变化的基本特征;“林地前减后增,荒漠前增后减,草地持续减少”是非人工土地利用类型变化的主要特征。20 世纪末与21 世纪初两个10 年相比,中国土地利用变化空间格局出现了一些新特征,原有的13 个土地利用变化区划单元演变为15 个单元,且部分区划单元边界发生变化。主要变化格局特征为黄淮海地区、东南部沿海地区、长江中游地区和四川盆地城镇工矿用地呈现明显的加速扩张态势;北方地区耕地开垦重心由东北地区和内蒙古东部转向西北绿洲农业区;东北地区旱作耕地持续转变为水田;内蒙古农牧交错带南部、黄土高原和西南山地退耕还林还草效果初显。近20 年间,尽管气候变化对北方地区的耕地变化有一定的影响,但政策调控和经济驱动仍然是导致我国土地利用变化及其时空差异的主要原因。2000 年后的第一个10 年,土地利用格局变化的人为驱动因素已由单向国土开发为主,转变为开发与保护并重。在空间格局变化的分析方法方面,应用“动态区划法”开展世纪之交两个10 年中国LUCC空间格局变化的分析,有效揭示了20 年来中国LUCC“格局的变化过程”,即动态区划边界的推移、区划单元内部特征的变化与单元的消长等;以及“变化过程的格局”,即土地利用变化过程与特征的分阶段区域差异,清晰刻画了LUCC动态区划中区划单元的消长,单元边界的变动,以及前后10 年的变化强度特征,揭示了土地利用“格局”与“过程”之间的交替转化规律,以及不同类型和区域的变化原因,证明了该分析方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The study of temperature change in major countries of the world since the 1980 s is a key scientific issue given that such data give insights into the spatial differences of global temperature change and can assist in combating climate change. Based on the reanalysis of seven widely accepted datasets, which include trends in climate change and spatial interpolation of the land air temperature data, the changes in the temperature of major countries from 1981 to 2019 and the spatial-temporal characteristics of global temperature change have been assessed. The results revealed that the global land air temperature from the 1980 s to 2019 varied at a rate of 0.320℃/10 a, and exhibited a significantly increasing trend, with a cumulative increase of 0.835℃. The mean annual land air temperature in the northern and southern hemispheres varied at rates of 0.362℃/10 a and 0.147℃/10 a, respectively, displaying significantly increasing trends with cumulative increases of 0.828℃ and 0.874℃, respectively. Across the globe, the rates of change of the mean annual temperature were higher at high latitudes than at middle and low latitudes, with the highest rates of change occurring in regions at latitudes of 80°–90°N, followed by regions from 70°–80°N, then from 60°–70°N. The global land surface air temperature displayed an increasing trend, with more than 80% of the land surface showing a significant increase. Greenland, Ukraine, and Russia had the highest rates of increase in the mean annual temperature;in particular, Greenland experienced a rate of 0.654℃/10 a. The regions with the lowest rates of increase of mean annual temperature were mainly in New Zealand and the equatorial regions of South America, Southeast Asia, and Southern Africa, where the rates were <0.15℃/10 a. Overall, 136 countries(93%), out of the 146 countries surveyed, exhibited a significant warming, while 10 countries(6.849%) exhibited no significant change in temperature, of which 3 exhibited a downward trend. Since the 1980 s, there have been 4, 34 and 68 countries with levels of global warming above 2.0℃, 1.5℃ and 1.0℃, respectively, accounting statistically for 2.740%, 23.288% and 46.575% of the countries examined. This paper takes the view that there was no global warming hiatus over the period 1998–2019.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed an energy security evaluation model(ESEM) from three dimensions, energy supply-transport security, safety of energy utilization, and stability of political-socioeconomic environment, based on the integrated application of subjective and objective weight allocation technique. Then the spatial-temporal evolution of global energy security pattern and its driving mechanism was analyzed with the method above, and the results are shown as follows:(1) since the 1990 s, the spatial patterns of global energy security have shown a deteriorating trend, with the growth of countries in at-risk type and relatively at-risk type.(2) The spatial distribution of countries with secure energy system shows a strong stability, and these countries are concentrated persistently in Western Europe and North America. The spatial evolution of countries with relatively secure energy system also presents a strong stability, which are mainly distributed in the periphery of the secure ones, namely Central and Southern Europe, South America and Eurasia, while countries with general energy system are mainly distributed in Asia, Africa and Southern Europe, and the spatial-temporal evolution of this type is the main cause for the deterioration of world energy security pattern. Countries with at-risk and relatively at-risk energy system are mainly concentrated in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Eurasia, rendering spatial extension to the east and south.(3) In the past 20 years, the mechanism for world's energy security pattern formation gradually transforms from the ‘unitary dimension dominated' to the ‘binary dimension-dominated', and the main factors influencing the global energy security pattern become more diverse.(4) In the pattern of world's energy security, China's performance on energy security has been the global average since the 1990 s, which shows a decreasing trend in safety of energy utilization dimension. Findings in this study can provide a reference for the government in terms of formulating strategic responses and policy options.  相似文献   

Micro-perspective studies on economic geography in China can be classified into geography of the enterprise, geography of the rural household, and small-scale studies on economic activities. Literature on geography of the enterprise includes spatial expansion of the enterprise, industrial location, firm's networks, industrial relocation, industrial clusters, and the relationship between industrial organizations and the environment. Studies on geography of the rural household(GRH) include the theoretical framework of GRH, the locations of rural economic activities, and the interrelation between rural households and geographical environment. Small-scale studies focus on human-land interaction from a land plot perspective, relations between specialized villages and the environment, and regional sustainable development research at site-specific scale. Micro-perspective studies on economic geography attempt to search for the basic unit of economic-geographical landscape, exploring the geographical process and the formation mechanism of geographical phenomena. The exploration of these three perspectives anticipates new approaches to economic-geographical studies with China's special background.  相似文献   

We initially estimated the cropland area at county level using local historical documents for the Songnen Plain(SNP)in the 1910s and 1930s.We then allocated this cropland area to grid cells with a size of 1 km×1 km,using a range of cultivation possibilities from high to low;this was based on topography and minimum distances to rivers,settlements,and traffic lines.Cropland areas for the 1950s were obtained from the Land Use Map of Northeast China,and map vectorization was performed with Arc GIS technology.Cropland areas for the1970s,1980s,1990s,2000s,and 2010s were retrieved from Landsat images.We found that the cropland areas were 4.92×104 km~2 and 7.60×10~4 km~2,accounting for 22.8%and 35.2% of the total area of the SNP in the 1910s and 1930s,respectively,which increased to 13.14×10~4 km~2,accounting for 60.9%in the 2010s.The cropland increased at a rate of 1.18×10~4km~2 per decade from the 1910s to 1970s while it was merely 0.285×10~4 km~2 per decade from the 1970s to 2010s.From the 1910s to 1930s,new cultivation mainly occurred in the central SNP while,from the 1930s to 1970s,it was mainly over the western and northern parts.This spatially explicit reconstruction could be offered as primary data for studying the effects of changes in human-induced land cover based on climate change over the last century.  相似文献   

新疆20世纪80年代末以来耕地与建设用地扩张分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于20世纪80年代末、2000年、2005年、2010年、2015年5期中国土地利用数据集(NLUD)中的新疆部分,以耕地与建设用地(城乡、工矿、居民用地)为对象,从土地利用动态数据中提取其扩张图斑,分析了近30 a来新疆耕地与建设用地扩张的时空特征。结果表明:(1)南北疆耕地及建设用地扩张具有明显的时空差异。持续增长、南快北缓、重心南移是新疆耕地扩张呈现的总体特征;提速增长、南缓北快、城市扩张为主是建设用地扩张的基本特征。南北疆耕地面积差距逐渐缩小,建设用地面积差异加大。(2)对比近30 a来不同绿洲区内耕地与建设用地的扩张数量及趋势,可将耕地的扩张模式归纳为双峰型、减速型及阶段增长型,将建设用地的扩张模式归纳为指数增长型、双峰型、缓降型及缓降陡增型。(3)各绿洲区耕地及建设用的扩张特征十分显著。北疆耕地除阿勒泰绿洲区依然保持加速扩张外,其余绿洲区耕地扩张规模均出现下降,而北疆各绿洲区建设用地均呈持续加速扩张趋势,其中天山北坡城市扩张尤为突出;南疆各绿洲区耕地扩张均呈加速态势,建设用地扩张规模相对较小。  相似文献   

奈曼旗20世纪80年代以来土地覆盖/利用变化研究   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13  
赵杰  赵士洞  郑纯辉 《中国沙漠》2004,24(3):317-322
奈曼旗是我国北方农牧交错带沙漠化最严重的地区之一, 也是中国沙漠化监测和治理的重要地区之一。自20世纪80年代以来开始实行一系列土地整治措施, 土地覆盖/利用发生很大变化。利用1980年和1996年的1: 10万的TM遥感影像及GIS获得的数据, 从土地覆盖/利用结构变化、数量变化、空间景观特征变化以及主要变化过程等方面对其进行了研究。结果表明, 80年代以来奈曼旗耕地与难利用土地大幅减少, 林地和草地大幅增加; 土地覆盖/利用变化的主要过程为: 耕地退耕还草、还林, 难利用土地恢复为草地, 在适宜的草地上植树造林; 景观变得破碎, 土地利用的多样性增强。  相似文献   

人口和人均食物需求的增加对全球耕地产生了显著的影响。利用欧空局提供的精度为300m的最新土地覆被产品,文章分析了1992-2015年全球耕地的时空变化趋势和耕地转化特征。结果显示:1)在1992-2004年间全球耕地面积增长迅速,而在2004-2012年间耕地增长缓慢,2012年后耕地有缓慢减少的趋势。2)在洲尺度上,非洲耕地有一直增长的态势,而其他洲耕地都经历了耕地转型,有先增长后下降的趋势;在收入较高的国家,耕地多有下降的趋势。3)全球耕地增长的热点区域主要分布在亚马逊林地、欧亚大草原和撒哈拉沙漠边缘。全球耕地减少的中心从欧洲转移到亚洲。由于迅速的城市化,亚洲耕地扩张侵占了大量农田。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来世界能源安全时空格局演化过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于全球158个国家能源供给、传输、使用以及社会发展数据,从能源供给—传输安全、使用安全和社会发展环境三个维度,并借助主、客观赋权方法,构建了能源安全评价模型,对近20年来世界能源安全格局时空演变特征、形成机制及其对中国能源安全表现的政策启示进行了系统分析。研究发现:(1)20世纪90年代以来,全球能源安全整体格局呈现出恶化特征,危险型与较危险型国家数量之和呈现增长的态势。(2)从世界能源安全空间格局演变过程来看,安全型和较安全型国家空间格局具有较强的稳定性,安全型国家持续集中分布在西欧和北美经济发达地区,而较安全型国家主要分布在安全型国家的外围——欧洲中南部、南美洲和欧亚地区;一般安全型国家主要分布于亚洲、非洲和欧洲南部等地区,是影响世界能源安全格局恶化的关键类型区;较危险型和危险型国家集中分布在亚洲、非洲、欧亚地区和中美洲,整体呈现"东进南拓"的空间演化特征。(3)近20年来,世界能源安全格局的形成机制由"一维主导型驱动"转变为"双维复合型驱动",影响区域能源安全水平的主要因素日益多元化。(4)在世界能源安全格局中,中国自20世纪90年代以来,其能源安全形势一直处于世界一般水平,且呈现出能源使用安全指数持续降低的态势,能源消费过程中的环境可持续问题日益突出。  相似文献   

蒙吉军  王钧 《地理研究》2007,26(5):857-866
气候变化与植被变化的关系已经在全球和区域尺度上得到了研究证明。在前人研究的基础上,基于AVHRR GIMMS NDVI和AVHRR GloPEM NPP数据集,通过对逐个像元信息的提取和分析,研究了20世纪80年代以来,我国西南喀斯特地区植被变化对气候变化的响应。研究结果显示:(1)20世纪80年代以来,西南喀斯特地区植被覆盖度和净初级生产量总体均呈增加的趋势,但不显著。植被指数的年际变化存在着明显的区域差异;(2)植被指数年际变化与气候因子年际变化的相关系数区域分异比较明显;(3)不同的植被类型对气候变化有着不同的响应特征;在该研究区气温变化对植被变化的影响要高于降水量变化对其影响;(4)植被指数年际变化与气候因子年际变化的相关系数在不同气候条件下分布的规律性比较明显。本研究将会增进对影响喀斯特生态系统稳定性的自然过程的认识,同时也会为喀斯特生态系统的管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来长江三角洲地区空间极化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以县(市)作为基本研究单元,采用综合指数法分别计算长江三角洲地区1991年、1998年和2005年经济社会发展综合指数,通过比较各单元经济社会发展综合实力的变化,研究20世纪90年代以来长江三角洲地区空间极化的特点。结果表明:长江三角洲地区区域极化明显增强,传统的核心—边缘格局没有发生根本变化,在核心区又出现了新的极化区域。基本上形成了具有城市等级体系的核心—外围空间格局,但网络结构和辐射轴尚不健全。  相似文献   

With a continuously increasing population and better food consumption levels, improving the efficiency of arable land use and increasing its productivity have become fundamental strategies to meet the growing food security needs in China. A spatial distribution map of medium- and low-yield cropland is necessary to implement plans for cropland improvement. In this study, we developed a new method to identify high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) data at a spatial resolution of 500 m. The method could be used to reflect the regional heterogeneity of cropland productivity because the classification standard was based on the regionalization of cropping systems in China. The results showed that the proportion of high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland in China was 21%, 39%, and 40%, respectively. About 75% of the low-yield cropland was located in hilly and mountainous areas, and about 53% of the high-yield cropland was located in plain areas. The five provinces with the largest area of high-yield cropland were all located in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, and the area amounted to 42% of the national high-yield cropland area. Meanwhile, the proportion of high-yield cropland was lower than 15% in Heilongjiang, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia, which had the largest area allocated to cropland in China. If all the medium-yield cropland could be improved to the productive level of high-yield cropland and the low-yield cropland could be improved to the level of medium-yield cropland, the total productivity of the land would increase 19% and 24%, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress of population geography in China since the 1980 s. The review results suggest that contrary to the common perception of its invisibility and marginalized status in the field, tremendous progress has been made in population geography in China since the 1980 s. Population geographers have made significant contribution to the understanding of a wide range of population issues from geographical perspectives, including migration, urbanization, population distribution, the relationships between population, environment and resources, aging, marriage patterns, and migrants' crimes, although such contribution often did not appear in the geographical circle. Furthermore, population geographers have played an indispensable role in revitalizing population studies in China and forging its links to human geography, occupying an important position in this multi-disciplinary field. Population geographers' contribution to the areas of migration and urbanization research has been particularly significant, reflected in their leading roles in these areas' research. The paper demonstrates that as latecomers in the field after more than 20 years of isolation, population geographers in China have gone through a process of catching up and increasing engagement with developments in social sciences and increasing interaction with social scientists since the 1980 s, and have benefited greatly from it; however, there is a tendency for population geography to be increasingly alienated from the main stream human geography, a phenomenon similar to but not exactly the same as Anglo-American geography in the late 1990 s and early 2000 s. The paper argues that population geography is only half way in the course to forge the links between population studies and human geography, and it needs to return to geographical sciences to strike a healthy balance between the field of population studies and that of human geography, and promote its further development in a multi-disciplinary field.  相似文献   

In concert with developments in global trade and energy resource transportation, there has been a marked increase in reliance on overseas shipping. Unimpeded marine transportation has therefore become a key issue which influences national maritime interests including the security of trade and energy resources. A strategic shipping pivot thus performs a vital controlling function for global shipping networks. In this study strategic shipping pivots are defined and subdivided into sea hubs, channels and areas. We then develop a model to identify strategic shipping pivots on a global scale. The results show that, depending on differences in location, function, and type, the concept of strategic shipping pivot permits the identification of both spatial and structural differentiation with respect to strategic hubs, corridors, and seas. Now 44 strategic hubs have formed across the globe. These hubs have become the control centers of local shipping network organization. At the same time, seven strategic corridors containing most shipping routes and transportation capacity connect important sea areas, and permit a high-degree of control over the transport of strategic materials. The strategic seas, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific provide vital import and export pathways, so that the formation of strategic shipping pivots is mainly influenced by factors such as physical geographical conditions, the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities, business organization, technical progress, geopolitical patterns and geopolitical disputes. Physical geographical conditions provide the potential foundations for strategic shipping pivots, while the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities and communications determine the strategic value of these points. Finally, business organization, technical progress, and geopolitical disputes all function to strengthen the strategic mechanisms and the mutagenicity of strategic shipping pivots.  相似文献   

耕地撂荒正从发达国家向中国等发展中国家蔓延。由于特定的自然地理条件,我国山区普遍存在耕地撂荒现象。然而,由于缺乏中高分辨率遥感影像监测手段,我国许多山区弃耕地规模尚不明确,耕地撂荒的驱动机制也未厘清。基于此,本文以重庆市忠县为例,利用Landsat 8 OLI_TIRS遥感影像数据,提出了一种基于土地利用年变化监测的山区弃耕地空间化方法。同时,采用岭回归方法对影响耕地撂荒的因素进行分析。结果表明,重庆市忠县耕地撂荒率为7.86%,耕地撂荒提取的总体精度为90.82%。在影响耕地撂荒的社会经济因素中,农村人口、经济发展和畜牧业发展贡献最大。在地块尺度上,海拔650m以上或坡度大于15°的地方发生了大规模的耕地撂荒。  相似文献   

The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)–a development strategy proposed by China – provides unprecedented opportunities for multi-dimensional communication and cooperation across Asia,Africa and Europe.In this study,we analyse the spatio-temporal changes in cultivated land in the BRI countries(64 in total) to better understand the land use status of China along with its periphery for targeting specific collaboration.We apply FAO statistics and Globe Land30(the world's finest land cover data at a 30-m resolution),and develop three indicator groups(namely quantity,conversion,and utilization degree) for the analysis.The results show that cultivated land area in the BRI region increased 3.73×10~4 km~2 between 2000 and 2010.The increased cultivated land was mainly found in Central and Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia,while the decreased cultivated land was mostly concentrated in China.Russia ranks first with an increase of 1.59×10~4 km~2 cultivated land area,followed by Hungary(0.66×10~4 km~2) and India(0.57×10~4 km`2).China decreased 1.95×10~4 km~2 cultivated land area,followed by Bangladesh(–0.22×10~4 km~2) and Thailand(–0.22×10~4 km~2).Cultivated land was mainly transferred to/from forest,grassland,artificial surfaces and bare land,and transfer types in different regions have different characteristics:while large amount of cultivated land in China was converted to artificial surfaces,considerable forest was converted to cultivated land in Southeast Asia.The increase of multi-cropping index dominated the region except the Central and Eastern Europe,while the increase of fragmentation index was prevailing in the region except for a few South Asian countries.Our results indicate that the negative consequence of cultivated land loss in China might be underestimated by the domestic-focused studies,as none of its close neighbours experienced such obvious cultivated land losses.Nevertheless,the increased cultivated land area in Southeast Asia and the extensive cultivated land use in Ukraine and Russia imply that the regional food production would be greatly improved if China' "Go Out policy" would help those countries to intensify their cultivated land use.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代新疆草地资源的空间格局演变   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以Landsat TM遥感影像解译出的新疆1990年和2000年1:10万土地利用数据为基础,探讨了近10年来草地资源的动态变化及其空间格局特征。两期矢量数据叠加,得到耕地、林地、草地、水域、建设用地和未利用土地的面积变化数据、土地利用类型动态度和土地利用变化转移概率矩阵,从而系统地分析了草地与其他土地利用类型之间以及高、中、低不同覆盖度草地亚类之间的动态变化。在归纳草地资源各种变化情况的基础上,构建无任何分类面积信息损失的ARC/INFO-Grid格网化数据集,从而讨论了草地资源动态变化的空间格局特征。研究表明,近10年来草地与未利用土地之间为近似等量交换,与其他土地利用类型之间的转换则是显著的入不敷出,因此草地大量减少,但是草地总体质量的提高在很大程度上弥补了其总量减少的不利影响。草地数量的转入与转出及质量的提高与恶化在时间上同步发生,在空间上则交错进行并形成复杂的空间格局。草地资源的动态变化总体上具有比较突出的区域差异性,可以划分出5个基本动态变化分区。  相似文献   

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