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We report new age determinations and compositions for rocks from 18 dredge hauls collected from eight submarine areas across Central Kerguelen Plateau (CKP). Sea knolls and volcanic fields with multiple small cones were targeted over a ~125 000 km2 region that includes Heard and McDonald Islands. Large early Miocene (22–16 Ma) sea knolls rise from the western margin of the CKP and are part of a NNW–SSE line of volcanic centres that lie between Îles Kerguelen and Heard and McDonald Islands. These are probably related to hotspot activity now underlying the Heard Island area. We see evidence of much younger activity (5 Ma to present) in volcanic fields to the north of, and up to 300 km NE of, Heard Island. Compositions include basanite, basalt and trachybasalt, which are broadly similar to plateau lava flows from nearby Ocean Drilling Program Site 1138, lower Miocene lavas at Îles Kerguelen, dredged rocks from the early Miocene sea knolls, and Big Ben lavas from Heard Island. Geochemical data indicate decreasing fractions of mantle source melting with time. We propose that a broad region of the CKP became volcanically active in Neogene time owing to incubation of plume material at the base of the relatively stationary overlying plateau. The presence of pre-existing crustal faults gave access for melts from the Heard mantle plume to rise to the surface.  相似文献   

Lavas from several major bathymetric highs in the eastern Indian Ocean that are likely to have formed as Early to Middle Cretaceous manifestations of the Kerguelen hotspot are predominantly tholeiitic; so too are glass shards from Eocene to Paleocene volcanic ash layers on Broken Ridge, which are believed to have come from eruptions on the Ninetyeast Ridge. The early dominance of tholeiitic compositions contrasts with the more recent intraplate, alkalic volcanism of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Isotopic and incompatible-element ratios of the plateau lavas are distinct from those of Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts; their Nd, Sr, 207Pb/204Pb and isotopic ratios overlap with but cover a much wider range than measured for more recent oceanic products of the Kerguelen hotspot (including the Ninetyeast Ridge) or, indeed, oceanic lavas from any other hotspot in the world. Samples from the Naturaliste Plateau and ODP Site 738 on the southern tip of the Kerguelen Plateau are particularly noteworthy, with εNd(T) = − 13 to −7, (87Sr/86Sr)T=0.7090 to 0.7130 and high 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb. In addition, the low-εNd(T) Naturaliste Plateau samples are elevated in SiO2 (> 54 wt%). In contrast to “DUPAL” oceanic islands such as the Kerguelen Archipelago, Pitcairn and Tristan da Cunha, the plateau lavas with extreme isotopic characteristics also have relative depletions in Nb and Ta (e.g., Th/Ta, La Nb > primitive mantle values); the lowest εNd(T) and highest Th/Ta and La Nb values occur at sites located closest to rifted continental margins. Accepting a Kerguelen plume origin for the plateau lavas, these characteristics probably reflect the shallow-level incorporation of continental lithosphere in either the head of the early Kerguelen plume or in plume-derived magmas, and suggest that the influence of such material diminished after the period of plateau construction. Contamination of asthenosphere with the type of material affecting Naturaliste Plateau and Site 738 magmatism appears unlikely to be the cause of low-206Pb/04Pb Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts. Finally, because isotopic data for the plateaus do not cluster or form converging arrays in isotope-ratio plots, they provide no evidence for either a quickly evolving, positive εNd, relatively high-206Pb/204Pb plume composition, or a plume source dominated by mantle with εNd of −3 to 0.  相似文献   

INGLE  S.; WEIS  D.; FREY  F. A. 《Journal of Petrology》2002,43(7):1241-1257
At Site 1137 on Elan Bank of the Kerguelen Plateau, a largeigneous province in the southern Indian Ocean, a fluvial, volcaniclastic,polymict conglomerate and a fluvial sandstone are intercalatedwith subaerially erupted tholeiitic basalt flows. Clasts recoveredfrom the conglomerate have highly variable lithologies, includingalkali basalt, rhyolite, trachyte, granitoid and gneiss. Majorand trace element abundances and whole-rock isotopic data forthe sandstones, the conglomerate matrix and representative clastsfrom the conglomerate are used to infer the origin of thesediverse rock types. The gneiss clasts show an affinity to crustalrocks from India, particularly those of the Eastern Ghats Beltand its possible East Antarctic corollary, the Rayner Complex.The felsic volcanic clasts are not genetically related to theintercalated basalt flows, despite being erupted contemporaneouslywith these basaltic magmas. These felsic volcanic clasts probablyformed from partial melting of evolved upper continental crust.The granitoid also probably formed by partial melting of continentalcrust and could be an intrusive equivalent of the felsic volcanicrocks. In contrast, the alkali basalt clasts have isotopic compositionsthat are more similar to those of the tholeiitic basalt flowsrecovered at Site 1137; however, these clasts are highly alkalic(tephrite to phonotephrite) and have a distinct petrogenesisfrom the tholeiitic basalt flow units. KEY WORDS: geochemistry; Indian Ocean; Kerguelen Plateau; large igneous provinces; Ocean Drilling Program  相似文献   

WEIS  D.; FREY  F. A. 《Journal of Petrology》2002,43(7):1287-1309
During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183, basaltic cores were retrievedfrom the Northern Kerguelen Plateau (NKP) at Site 1140 on theextreme north of the plateau,  相似文献   

An almost complete Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequence recently recovered on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) during ODP Leg 183 was analysed for planktonic foraminifera in order to refine and integrate the zonal schemes previously proposed for the Southern Ocean area. Detailed biostratigraphic analysis carried out on holes 1135A, 1136A and 1138A (poleward of 50°S palaeolatitude during Late Cretaceous time) has allowed recognition of low and mid–high latitude bioevents, useful for correlation across latitudes, in addition to known Austral bioevents. The low latitude biozonation can be applied to Turonian sediments, because of the occurrence of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, which marks the boundary between Whiteinella archaeocretacea and Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica zones. The base of the Whiteinella archeocretacea Zone falls within the uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian black shale level in Hole 1138A. The stratigraphic interval from upper Turonian to uppermost Santonian can be resolved using bioevents recognized in the mid–high latitude sections. They are, in stratigraphic order: the last occurrence of Falsotruncana maslakovae in the Coniacian, the first occurrence of Heterohelix papula at the Coniacian/Santonian boundary, the extinction of the marginotruncanids in the late Santonian, and the first occurrence of Globigerinelloides impensus in the latest (?) Santonian. The remainder of the Late Cretaceous fits rather well in the Austral zonal scheme, except that Globigerinelloides impensus exhibits a stratigraphic range in agreement with its record at the mid–high latitude sections and extends further downwards than previously recorded at southern sites. Therefore, despite the poor recovery in certain intervals and the presence of several hiatuses of local and regional importance as revealed by correlation among holes, a more detailed zonal scheme has been obtained (mainly for the less resolved Turonian–Santonian interval). Remarks on some species often overlooked in literature are also provided.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths in alkaline lavas of the Kerguelen Islandsconsist of: (1) protogranular, Cr-diopside-bearing harzburgite;(2) poikilitic, Mg-augite-bearing harzburgite and cpx-poor lherzolite;(3) dunite that contains clinopyroxene, spinel phlogopite, andrarely amphibole. Trace element data for rocks and mineralsidentify distinctive signatures for the different rock typesand record upper-mantle processes. The harzburgites reflectan initial partial melting event followed by metasomatism bymafic alkaline to carbonatitic melts. The dunites were firstformed by reaction of a harzburgite protolith with tholeiiticto transitional basaltic melts, and subsequently developed metasomaticassemblages of clinopyroxene + phlogopite ± amphiboleby reaction with lamprophyric or carbonatitic melts. We measuredtwo-mineral partition coefficients and calculated mineral–meltpartition coefficients for 27 trace elements. In most samples,calculated budgets indicate that trace elements reside in theconstituent minerals. Clinopyroxene is the major host for REE,Sr, Y, Zr and Th; spinel is important for V and Ti; orthopyroxenefor Ti, Zr, HREE, Y, Sc and V; and olivine for Ni, Co and Sc. KEY WORDS: mantle xenoliths; mantle metasomatism; partition coefficients; Kerguelen Islands; trace elements  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Osborn Plateau is a large intraplate rise in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean, which has been poorly studied by the geological and geophysical methods. In cruise...  相似文献   

This experimental study examines the role of clinopyroxene fractionation on major element trends and alkalinity variations in mildly alkalic basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago, Southeast Indian Ocean. Equilibrium crystallization experiments were carried out on a natural basalt (MgO=5 wt.%, alkalinity index=0.10) over a range of pressures (0–1.43 GPa) and water contents (nominally dry to hydrous, 1.2 wt.% H2O) under relatively oxidizing conditions (Δlog FMQ=+1 to +2) at 0 GPa and relatively reducing conditions (Δlog FMQ=0 to –2) at all higher pressures. The hydrous experiments at 0.93 GPa closely reproduce most of the compositional variations in the 24–25 Ma mildly alkalic lavas from the archipelago, which supports a major role for high-Al clinopyroxene fractionation (5–9 wt.% Al2O3) at pressures corresponding to the base of the Northern Kerguelen Plateau (15–20 km). However, clinopyroxene fractionation at depth fails to produce important changes in the alkalinity of the residual melts. The transition from tholeiitic to mildly alkalic basalts on the Kerguelen Archipelago thus reflects primarily changes in melting conditions (lower extents of partial melting at higher pressures), which is related to crustal and lithospheric thickening as distance from the Southeast Indian Ridge increased over time from 43 to 24 Ma.  相似文献   

A basanite dyke in the Kerguelen Archipelago contains abundantcomposite mantle xenoliths consisting of spinel-bearing dunitescross-cut by amphibole-rich veins. Two types of veins (thickand thin) have been distinguished: the thick veins representalmost complete crystallization products of highly alkalinemelts similar to the host basanites, whereas thin veins areprecipitates from fractionates of the parental melts to thethick veins. These fractionated fluids are enriched in H2O relativeto the parental melts. The amphiboles in the thin veins arelower in Ti and higher in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf than amphibolesin the thick veins. This fractionation of high field strengthelements (HFSE) is consistent with a combination of the changingcomposition of the fractionated fluids and the change in intrinsicamphibole–fluid partition coefficients for HFSE in fluidswith higher aH2O and lower aTiO2. The trace element contentof amphiboles disseminated in dunitic wall-rocks is closelyrelated to the composition of adjacent veins and thus theseamphiboles are precipitates from fluids percolating into thedunite from the veins. Disseminated amphibole reflects the compositionof the percolating melt, which is similar to that of the associatedveins. KEY WORDS: mantle amphibole; Kerguelen; HFSE fractionation; mantle HFSE; mantle xenoliths  相似文献   

The deep sea is well known for its high faunal diversity. But the current interest in its abundant polymetallic nodules, poses a threat to the little known benthic organisms surviving in this unique environment. The present study is the first attempt to document the Indian Ocean abyssal benthic diversity of macroinvertebrates and to investigate its relation to the surface primary production (chl-a), sediment labile organic matter, organic carbon and texture. The present study is based on 87 individuals. Altogether 39 macroinvertebrate genera were obtained from water depths of 4500–5500 m from 23 box cores. Reduction in macrobenthic density was seen towards the southern latitudes. The area was dominated by deposit feeding macrobenthos. Vertically, the fauna was distributed down to 30 cm depth, with the highest faunal density in the top 2–5 cm sediment section. The values for population density were strongly correlated with surface water chl-a and sediment protein, indicating supply of fresh organic matter as a critical factor for maintaining the deep sea benthic diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

Deep-seated meta-igneous xenoliths brought to the surface by alkali basaltic magmas from the Kerguelen Islands reveal that basaltic magmas have intruded the upper mantle throughout their geological evolution. These xenoliths record volcanic activity associated with their early South East Indian Ridge location and subsequent translation to an intraplate setting over the Kerguelen Plume. The meta-igneous xenoliths sample two distinctive geochemical episodes: one is tholeiitic transitional and one is alkali basaltic. Geothermobarometry calculations provide a spatial context for the rock type sequence sampled and for interpreting petrophysical data. The garnet granulites equilibrated over a pressure range of 1.15 to 1.35 GPa and the garnet pyroxenite at 1.8 GPa. Ultrasonic measurements of compressional wave speed VP have been carried out at pressures up to 1 GPa, and densities measured for representative samples of meta-igneous xenoliths and for a harzburgite that represents the peridotitic mantle. VP and density have also been calculated using modal proportions of minerals and appropriate elastic properties for the constituent minerals. Calculated and measured VP agree well for rock types with microstructures not complicated by kelyphitic breakdown of garnet and/or pervasive grain-boundary cracking. Pyroxene granulites have measured and calculated VP within the range 7.37-7.52 km/s; calculated velocities for the garnet granulites and pyroxenites range from 7.69 to 7.99 km/s, whereas measured and calculated VP for a mantle harzburgite are 8.45 and 8.29 km/s respectively. The seismic structure observed beneath the Kerguelen Islands can be explained by (1) a mixture of underplated pyroxene granulites and ultramafic rocks responsible for the 2-3 km low velocity transitional zone below the oceanic layer 3, (2) varying proportions of granulites and pyroxenites in different regions within the upper mantle producing the lateral heterogeneities, and (3) intercalation of the granulites and pyroxenites throughout the entire upper mantle column, along with elevated temperatures, accounting for the relatively low mantle velocities (7.70-7.95 km/s).  相似文献   

Although a 1972 dredging by USNS Eltanin from the submarine Naturaliste Plateau was reported to yield rocks of continental origin, a re‐examination of the dredge haul shows that the rock clasts are in fact altered tholeiitic basalts. They have affinities both with MOR basalts and, especially, within‐plate basalts. Petrographically they correlate most closely with the Bunbury Tholeiitic Suite on the Australian mainland to the east. The basalts are reworked cobbles in a manganiferous Quaternary slump mass, which contains a quartz‐rich, felsic, detrital mineral suite with a granite‐gneiss provenance. The basalt cobbles were part of a basal conglomerate, which covered large areas of the Plateau. It is suggested that this was laid down from nearby elevated volcanic structures formed during the inception of seafloor spreading and the separation of Greater India from Australia at about 122 Ma BP.  相似文献   

Potassic volcanism has been widespread and semi-continuous onthe Tibetan plateau since 13 Ma, post-dating the orogenic thickeningof the India-Asia collision. Volcanism may have commenced slightlyearlier (16–20 Ma) in the southern portion of the plateauand then ceased around 10 Ma. The dominant lavas are pyroxen-and plagioclase-phyric shoshonites with subordinate occurrencesof dacites and rhyolites. Their mineralogy reflects crystallizationfrom high-temperature (1100C) magmas which had elevated oxygenand water fugacities. Geochemically, they are characterizedby relatively low TiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3, and high Na2O, coupledwith variable abundances of compatible trace elements and veryhigh contents of incompatible trace elements. Normalized incompatibleelement patterns have marked negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalieswhereas K2O appears to be buffered at 4% over a wide range ofSiO2. Isotope data show a relatively broad and enriched rangeof 87Sr/86 Sr (0.7076–0.7106) at more restricted ENd (–5.2to –8.1). Pb isotopes are characterized by a range of207Pb/204 Pb (15.51–15.72) and 208 Pb/204Pb (38.67–39.30) at very uniform 206Pb/204 Pb (18.39–18.83), leadingto vertical arrays. Volcanics from the southern parts of theplateau have more primitive isotopic compositions: 87Sr/86 Sr0.7048–0.7080, Nd 1.4 to –3.3, 206Pb/204 Pb 18.48–18.67,207Pb/204 Pb 15.59–15.68 and 208Pb/204 Pb 38. 73–38.98. In general, the geochemical and isotopic data most closely approximatepartial melting arrays, although fractionation processes haveclearly operated. The isotopic ratios and the enrichment ofincompatible elements and LREE/HREE cannot be derived from adepleted mantle source via a single-stage melting process. Instead,a metasomatized, garnet peridotite source containing 6% phlogopiteis required and this is inferred to lie within the lithosphericmantle. The enrichment in incompatible elements in this sourcemust have been sufficiently ancient to generate the observedisotopic ratios, and Nd depleted mantle model ages suggest thiswas Proterozoic in age (1.2 Ga), whereas Pb model ages recordan Archaean event, suggesting the source had a multi-stage enrichmenthistory. The negative Ta, Nb and Ti anomalies and low Rb/Basuggest that metasomatism may have occurred during an ancientsubduction episode. The high 208Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204 Pb and lowNb/U, Ce/Pb of the Tibetan shoshonites are distinct from oceanisland basalts. Thus, if convectively removed lithospheric mantleprovides a source for ocean island basalts, it must differ significantlyfrom the source of the Tibetan shoshonites. A lithospheric mantle source for the volcanism places importantconstraints on geodynamic models for the evolution of the Tibetanplateau and the India-Asia collision. For likely thermal structuresbeneath the plateau, the temperatures required to trigger meltingwithin the lithospheric mantle can only be plausibly obtainedif the lower parts of the lithospheric mantle were removed byconvective thinning. This is consistent with recent models whichinvoke the same process to explain the current elevation andextensional deformation of the plateau. The age data suggestthis occurred at 13 Ma and the duration of volcanism may beexplained by continued conductive heating since that time. Poorlysampled but slightly older volcanics from the southern portionsof the plateau may indicate that convective thinning began inthe south and migrated northwards. Rapid uplift of the plateaumay have resulted in increased rates of chemical weathering,which led to global cooling, as indicated by oxygen isotopedata from Atlantic sediments. KEY WORDS: Climate; lithospheric mantle; OIB; Tibet; volcanism *Corresponding author.  相似文献   

The Perth Abyssal Plain (PAP), located offshore southwest Australia, formed at the centre of Mesozoic East Gondwana breakup and Kerguelen plume activity. Despite its importance as a direct and relatively undisturbed recorder of this early spreading history, sparse geophysical data sets and lack of geological sampling hamper our understanding of the evolution of the PAP. This study combines new bathymetric profiles across the PAP with petrographic and geochemical data from the first samples ever to be dredged from the flanks of the Dirck Hartog Ridge (DHR), a prominent linear bathymetric feature in the central PAP, to better constrain the formation of the early Indian Ocean floor and the influence of the Kerguelen plume. Seafloor spreading in the PAP initiated at ~ 136 Ma with spreading observed to occur at (half) rates of ~ 35 mm/yr. Changes in spreading rate are difficult to discern after the onset of the Cretaceous Quiet Zone at ~ 120 Ma, but an increase in seafloor roughness towards the centre of the PAP likely resulted from a half-spreading rate decrease from 35 mm/yr (based on magnetic reversals) to ~ 24 mm/yr at ~ 114 Ma. Exhumed gabbro dredged from the southernmost dredge site of the DHR supports a further slowdown of spreading immediately prior to full cessation at ~ 102 Ma. The DHR exhibits a high relief ridge axis and distinctive asymmetry that is unusual compared to most active or extinct spreading centres. The composition of mafic volcanic samples varies along the DHR, from sub-alkaline dolerites with incompatible element concentrations most similar to depleted-to-normal mid-ocean ridge basalts in the south, to alkali basalts similar to ocean island basalts in the north. Therefore, magma sources and degrees of partial melting varied in space and time. It is likely that the alkali basalts are a manifestation of later excess volcanism, subsequent to or during the cessation of spreading. In this case, enriched signatures may be attributed tectonic drivers and melting of a heterogeneous mantle, or to an episodic influence of the Kerguelen plume over distances greater than 1000 km. We also investigate possible scenarios to explain how lower crustal rocks were emplaced at the crest of the southern DHR. Our results demonstrate the significance of regional tectonic plate motions on the formation and deformation of young ocean crust, and provide insight into the unique DHR morphology.  相似文献   

We examined more than fifty indurated sediments recovered from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) during the course of collection for manganese nodules and crusts. The samples occur as slabs either over which ferromanganese oxides are present or over a substrate of altered oceanic basalt in conjunction with palagonite or within the nucleus of manganese nodules. Mineralogically and compositionally, the samples show a mixture of phillipsite, palagonite and montmorillonite. We suggest that the volcanogenic precursors occurring in the CIOB were subjected to varying degrees of alteration under the influence of low temperature conditions, resulting in the formation of zeolitic claystones. The CIOB samples have similarities to those reported from various sites in the world oceans.  相似文献   

We report 40Ar–39Ar laser step-heating age determinations on 15 stratigraphically controlled lava flows and intrusive rocks from Heard Island, Central Kerguelen Plateau (Indian Ocean). The island history began with uplift of pelagic limestone intruded by 22 Ma gabbro sills. Subaerial and wave erosion levelled the early island, producing an unconformity onto which pillow lavas, tuffaceous sediments and shallow-water, fossiliferous marine siltstone (Drygalski Formation) were deposited, beginning in late Miocene time. Two volcanic systems then formed in the late Quaternary. Big Ben dominates the larger southeast part of the island, while Mount Dixon occupies the northwest Laurens Peninsula. Feeder dykes and the early lava flows in both systems are 400–200 ka. Lava flows with evolved compositions (trachytes, trachyandesites) erupted 100–20 ka. Well-preserved parasitic cones exposed at low elevations are 15–10 ka and younger. Mawson Peak, near the summit of Big Ben, has erupted lava flows as recently as 2007. Heard Island, and nearby active McDonald Island, are subaerial features of a larger Neogene volcanic region of Central Kerguelen Plateau that includes several large sea knolls and recently identified submarine fields of small cones. This broadly distributed volcanic activity is linked to incubation of plume material at the base of the nearly stationary overlying Central Kerguelen Plateau.  相似文献   

A bimodal volcanic sequence of 230 m thickness on Skiff Bank,a western salient of the northern Kerguelen Plateau, was drilledduring ODP Leg 183. The sequence comprises three main units:a mafic unit of trachybasalt flows sandwiched between two unitsof trachytic or rhyolitic flows and volcaniclastic rocks. Althoughinterpretation is complicated by moderate to strong alterationof the rocks, their original chemical character can be establishedusing the least mobile major and trace elements (Al, Th, highfield strength elements and rare earth elements). High concentrationsof alkalis and incompatible trace elements indicate that bothmafic and felsic rocks are alkalic. The felsic rocks may havebeen derived by partial melting of mafic rocks, followed byfractionation of feldspar, clinopyroxene, Fe–Ti oxidesand apatite. The mafic and felsic rocks have similar Nd andPb isotopic compositions; 206Pb/204Pb ratios are low (17·5–18·0)but, like the 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0·5125–0·5126),they are comparable with those of basalts from the central andsouthern Kerguelen Plateau (e.g. Sites 747, 749, 750). The Srisotopic system is perturbed by later alteration. There is nochemical or isotopic evidence for a continental crustal component.The bimodal alkalic character and the presence of quartz-phyricrhyolites is interpreted to indicate that the sequence formspart of a shield volcano built upon the volcanic plateau. Theage of 68 Ma, obtained on Site 1139 rocks by Duncan (A timeframe for construction of the Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge,Journal of Petrology 43, 1109–1119, 2002), provides onlya minimum age for the underlying flood volcanic rocks. The highage indicates none the less that Skiff Bank is not the presentlocation of the Kerguelen plume. KEY WORDS: Ocean Drilling Program; Kerguelen Plateau; Skiff Bank  相似文献   

Khromykh  S. V.  Semenova  D. V.  Kotler  P. D.  Gurova  A. V.  Mikheev  E. I.  Perfilova  A. A. 《Geotectonics》2020,54(4):510-528

Studies of volcanic rocks in orogenic troughs of Eastern Kazakhstan were carried out. The troughs were formed at late-orogenic stages of evolution of Hercynian Altai collision system. Volcanic rocks are represented by basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites. Based on geochemical and isotopic data, the basalts and andesites derived from mafic magmas that formed as a result of partial melting of garnet peridotites in the upper mantle under the orogen. U–Pb zircon data prove two volcanic stages: more-scaled Middle Carboniferous (~311 Ma) and less-scaled Early Permian (297–290 Ma). Basalts and andesites in lower parts of the orogenic troughs and independent dacite-rhyolite structures were formed at the Middle Carboniferous stage. Parental mafic magmas were formed as a result of partial melting of mantle substrates in local transtensional zones along large shear faults. The formation of dacites and rhyolites could have been caused by partial melting of crustal substrates under effect of mafic magmas. Transtensional movements in the lithosphere of orogenic belts may indicate the beginning of collapse of orogens. A smaller volume of basalts and andesites formed at the Early Permian stage. Geochemical data prove the independent episode of partial melting in upper mantle. Synchronous basalts and andesites also appeared at wide territory in Tian Shan, Central Kazakhstan, and Central and Southern Mongolia. Early Permian volcanism indicates general extension of the lithosphere at the postorogenic stages. Large-scaled Early Permian mafic and granitoid magmatism in Central Asia has been interpreted in recent years as the Tarim Large Igneous Province caused by Tarim mantle plume activity. Thus, the extension of the lithosphere and associated volcanism in the Early Permian can be an indicator of the onset of the plume–lithosphere interaction process.


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