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随着计算机的普及应用,常规制图正受到计算机化的冲击。本文作者根据实际工作经验阐述了把计算机技术应用到常规制图中的内容和方法,并就专题制图的发展提出相关内容和思想。 相似文献
专题制图符号库的设计与实现 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
介绍用面向对象方法实现专题图符号库设计,对符号库的组织方式,符号的分类及如何实现用户自行设计符号库进行样细的分析和论述,最后本所提出的符号设计思想进行总结。 相似文献
计算机动画在遥感专题制图中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
遥感专题制图是采用综合制图的原理与方法 ,以遥感资料为基础信息源 ,依据制图目的 ,按要求的比例尺和分类原则 ,反映与主题紧密相关的一种或几种要素的内容。常规遥感专题地图的表示方法是静态的 ,如表示某种现象空间分布特征的定点符号法、线状符号法 ;表示某种现象的移动方向、路线及其数量和质量特征的运动线法 ;表示某种现象垂直分布特征的剖面法等。由于受纸、笔等技术条件的束缚 ,静态的表示方法在遥感专题制图领域一直占据统治地位。尽管计算机显示能力已经取得很大进步 ,专家也不断呼吁在这一领域要采用创新的手段 ,但大多数计算机… 相似文献
基于GIS的土地专题图的制图概括技术 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
结合数字国土工程项目的实践,探讨基于GIS的数字土地专题图制图概括的理论和技术方法,并针对专题图制图概括所涉及的若干技术问题提出具体的解决途径. 相似文献
矢量专题图与影像专题图的区别在于是否具有影像内容以及矢量要素内容的选取和表示。本文基于Ez Map软件,从制图工艺流程、地理底图、专题要素内容、符号库设计、制图综合、表示方法、数据量和成图周期8个方面比较,详细讨论了矢量专题图与影像专题图编制的异同,指出了影像专题图的一些优势。 相似文献
The proceedings of the Eighth All-Union Conference on Thematic Mapping (Moscow, January 23-25, 1985), devoted to issues of automation in cartography, are described by two of the more active delegates. Basic problems include establishing a theoretical basis for automation in cartography, identifying means and principles for creating cartographic data bases, supplying these data bases with the requisite information, devising methods for thematic map compilation, and automating methods of map use and cartographic research. Most urgent is the need to increase domestic production of automated mapping and data storage equipment and accelerate the transition from experimental research to practical applications. Translated from: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1985, No. 7, pp. 38-42. 相似文献
The authors describe a method of applying the cartographic method of research to the study of air and water pollution. More specifically, the paper outlines a program of mapping air, water, and soil pollution in the Donets Basin, which is an integral part of four different stages in the formulation of an environmental protection plan. Emphasis is placed on the visual interpretation of maps depicting the spatial distribution of physical parameters at pollution sources, of concentrations of particular pollutants over the entire study area, and of their direct and cumulative impacts on the environment. Translated from: Geograflya i prirodnyye resursy, 1986, No. 2, pp. 92–94. 相似文献
A. A. Lyutyy 《地理信息系统科学与遥感》2013,50(3):155-165
One of Russia's foremost cartographers surveys the status of cartography on the eve of the 21st century, in a review of research presented at a plenary session of a recent national cartographic conference of the Russian Federation. The focus is on how changes in scientific paradigms (toward a so-called phenomenological paradigm) have been accompanied by the appearance of new products and modes of communication and information transmission. These, in turn, have generated needs for new programs of mass-based cartographic education and new scientific production institutes for the design and testing of new mapping technologies. Translated by Edward Torrey, Alexandria, VA 22308 from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, seriya geograficheskaya, 1998, No. 1, pp. 8-17. 相似文献
M. J. Jackson 《The Photogrammetric Record》1984,11(64):383-393
The paper presents research and development at the Thematic Information Service of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) on the topic of integrated geographic information systems. The term integrated is used to describe the incorporation of vector digitised map data and raster scanned remotely sensed data within a single computational environment and with a single interface to the user. Point sampled and statistical data can also be handled by the system. The general structure and working of the Thematic Information Service (TIS) is described only to the extent that it is relevant to providing the background to the research or to highlighting why the specific approach described has been taken. 相似文献
本文是作者根据自己参加黄河三角洲地区专题系列制图研究的体会和经验写成的。文中对遥感专题系列制图的理论和方法进行了较为深入的探讨,系统地提出了区域遥感专题系列制图的方法、程序、特点和要求,提出了以统一的地理单元图为控制进行各专业分类判读、定性协调的方法。 相似文献
豫北盐碱化土壤的遥感影像特征及成因机理浅析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
遥感资料的分析表明,豫北土壤盐渍化受半干旱气候、圈闭地形和浅埋藏地下水等因素制约。黄河侧渗为本区提供了丰富的地下水和盐份。地表及埋藏古河道与决口扇造就了该区复杂的微地貌与水文地质结构,并决定了盐渍化程度和类型。本区盐渍化的宏观地质背景是难以改变的,但微观地质环境可以改造。盐渍化土壤的主要治理目标应是经常保持水盐动态平衡,不断采取措施淡化地下水盐份,使土壤含盐浓度从结晶浓度向低盐浓度转化。那种期望一次治理可永远根绝盐渍化的想法是不现实的。 相似文献
本文从分析目前国际专题地图标准化的成就及存在的问题入手,剖析了专题地图标准化的重要意义及必要性,探讨了专题地图标准化的具体内容,并在此基础上,提出了专题地图标准化的实现途径。 相似文献