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广西横县六景火车站南侧,角度不整合覆盖下泥盆统莫丁组和那叫组下段,被新近系大面积覆盖而呈两部分远距离割裂状态的一套“二元结构”特征显著的红色泥砂基底碳酸盐岩粗巨砾岩及其横向相变部分,长期以来未被将其作为一个冲积扇的有机统一体进行研究。经笔者两次实地踏勘,系统采样和分析,以现代山麓冲积扇鉴别特征为主,辅以古冲积扇特征,综合分析认为该套沉积系列相关分割露头分别为一古近系冲积扇所残存扇根、扇中和扇缘。该冲积扇为一典型的古近纪早期干旱气候条件下,母岩区为陡峻碳酸盐岩山体的古山麓冲积扇。  相似文献   

Weichselian sandar in NE Poland show characteristics that are inconsistent with the commonly accepted alluvial-fan-like model for outwash deposition and sandur formation. Analysis of the lithofacies and their vertical and lateral transitions indicates that the Polish sandar developed as braidplains, not as alluvial fans. Analysis of the geomorphic conditions under which modern sandar form, indicates that these conditions (which are characterized by deposition in a narrow belt between ice-covered mountain ranges and the sea) cannot be considered representative of those that prevailed in the geological past when sandar developed as braidplains in confined valleys, to end up in a lowland area where the deposits could spread out further in lateral directions. The latter conditions have been found consistently for all Polish Weichselian sandar that were investigated in much sedimentological detail. This raises the question whether sandar are alluvial fans or not. Because the development of the sandar in NE Poland seems to be much more representative for outwash deposition than the present-day sandar in Iceland and elsewhere, the current alluvial-fan-like sandur model - based on the fairly exceptional present-day situation with deposition in a narrow belt - should therefore be replaced by the braidplain-like sandur model - based on deposition in a valley and in a wider lowland area in front - that has been established for the Polish examples.  相似文献   

In Albania, the Osum and Vjoje rivers cross the active graben system and the active frontal thrust system of the Albanides. The effects of climatic and geodynamic forcing on the development of these two rivers were investigated by the means of field mapping, topographic surveying and absolute exposure-age dating. We established the chronology of terraces abandonment from the compilation of new dating (14C and in situ produced 10Be) and previously published data. We identified nine fluvial terraces units developed since Marine Isotope Stage 6 up to historic times. From this reconstituted history, we quantified the vertical uplift on a time scale shorter than the glacial climatic cycle. Regional bulging produces an overall increase of the incision rate from the west to the east that reaches a maximum value of 2.8 m/ka in the hinterland. Local pulses of incision are generated by activation of normal faults. The most active faults have a SW–NE trend and a vertical slip rate ranging from 1.8 to 2.2 m/ka. This study outlines the geodynamic control in the development of rivers flowing through the Albanides on the scale of 103–105ka.  相似文献   

In a sandpit in an alluvial fan in the central Netherlands, four interstadials could be recognized. The upper two are 14C-dated and assigned to Hengelo and Moershoofd, while the lower two belong to either Odderade or Brorup. Lithological evidence suggested the existence of two zones indicative of permafrost separated by a zone in which running water was more important. The lower permafrost zone was found to be situated between the Moershoofd and Odderade interstadials, the younger zone to belong to the Upper Pleniglacial.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence (TL) age-determinations have been obtained for a large Pleistocene alluvial terrace on the Nepean River near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The deposit was laid down by a braided river system prior to the last glacial maximum. Six thoroughly pretreated samples of charcoal and degraded wood buried within gravels at the base of the terrace yielded apparent 14C ages of 37,000–42,000 yr B.P. These compare favorably with four TL determinations that gave apparent ages of 41,000–47,000 yr B.P. for the same deposit. Adjustment of the 14C ages to take geomagnetic effects into account further improves the correlation between these two independent dating techniques. In addition, 14C and TL correctly identified a reworked portion of the fine-grained alluvial overburden as being substantially younger than the main body of the terrace. These results augur well for the usefulness of TL age determinations of certain alluvial deposits.  相似文献   

Of the two post-Tertiary alluvial fills found throughout the southern part of the Central Plateau of Mexico, the older (whose deposition came to an end about 5000 B. C.) was laid down by shortlived floods. The younger (which dates from A. D. 500–1700) reflects equable stream regimes. The fluctuations in the seasonal distribution of rainfall indicated by the fills are analogous to regional trends observed in the area during the period of record.
Zusammenfassung Im südlichen Teil des Zentralplateaus von Mexico wurden zwei post-tertiäre Alluvialfüllungen festgestellt, von denen die ältere (deren Ablagerung ungefähr vor 7000 Jahren beendet war) durch kurzzeitige Überflutungen entstand, während die jüngere (die auf die Zeit von 500–1700 unserer Zeitrechnung zurückgeht) gleichförmige Zustände widerspiegelt. Die erforderlichen Schwankungen in der jahreszeitlichen Verteilung der Regenfälle entsprechen den regionalen Tendenzen, die während der Zeit der Aufzeichnungen in dem Gebiet beobachtet wurden.

Résumé Deux phases post-tertiaires de comblement alluvial ont eu lieu dans le sud du Plateau Central méxicain. La plus ancienne s'acheva vers 5000 ans a. C. et témoigne de l'action de crues spasmodiques; la plus jeune, qui date de 500–1700, est le reflet des régimes fluviatiles réguliers. Elles indiquent des oscillations dans la répartition saisonière des pluies qui trouvent leurs parallèles dans des tendances régionales plus récentes.

; , 7000 , , , 500–1700 , . , , .

Detrital gold particles in paleoplacer deposits develop recrystallised rims, with associated expulsion of Ag, leading to the formation of Ag-poor rims which have been recognised in most placer gold particles around the world. Recrystallisation is facilitated by accumulation of strain energy as the gold particles are deformed, particularly on particle margins, during transportation in a fluvial system. The recrystallisation process ensues after sedimentary deposition and can occur at low temperatures (<40 °C) over long geological time scales (millions of years). In the Otago placer goldfield of southern New Zealand, paleoplacers of varying ages contain gold with varying transport distances and these display differing degrees of rim formation. Narrow (1–10 µm) recrystallised rims with 0–3 wt% Ag formed on gold particles that had been transported <10 km from their source and preserved in Eocene sediments. Relict, coarse grained (∼100 µm) gold particle cores have 3–10 wt% Ag, which is representative of the source gold in nearby basement rocks. Gold in the Miocene paleoplacers was recycled from the Eocene deposits and transported >20 km from their source. The gold particles now have wider recrystallised rims (up to 100 µm), so that some particles have essentially no relict cores preserved. Gold in Cretaceous paleoplacers have wide (∼100 µm) recrystallised low-Ag rims, even in locally-derived particles, partly as a result of diagenetic effects not seen in the younger placers. Gold particles in all the paleoplacers have delicate gold overgrowths that are readily removed during recycling, but are replaced by groundwater dissolution and reprecipitation on a time scale of <1 Ma. The recrystallisation that leads to Ag-poor rim formation is primarily related to the amount of deformation imposed on particles during sedimentary transport, and is therefore broadly linked to transport distance, but is also partly controlled by the age of the paleoplacer on time scales of tens of millions of years. Gold particles that have been derived directly from basement sources can retain their original composition for long distances (tens to hundreds of kilometres) in a river system, with only minor recrystallised rim development. Gold particles that have been recycled through paleoplacer deposits can lose this link to source composition after relatively short transport distances because of extensive recrystallisation.  相似文献   

The Oligocene and Miocene Valley Springs Formation is one element in the middle to late Cenozoic alluvial fill of the Central Valley of California and represents a large fluvial depositional system that extended westward from sediment-filled palaeovalleys in the high Sierra Nevada to a piedmont alluvial plain under the present Central Valley. The Valley Springs Formation consists largely of tuffaceous mudrock, tuffaceous sandstone, polymict conglomerate and rhyodacitic tuff. The most prominent lithofacies in the formation is yellowish grey or greyish yellow, tuffaceous mudstone and claystone characterized by crude, commonly wavy layering or bedding, an irregular fracture, and common clay-lined partings, fissures, and small branching tubules. Petrographic and X-ray diffraction analyses of the composition, texture, fabric, mineralogy and organic content of an 8 m thick section of the tuffaceous mudrock lithofacies have provided evidence for an origin quite different from the earlier interpretations of this lithofacies as altered tuffs. Numerous rounded mudstone or claystone clasts in a detrital mud matrix, together with abundant freshwater microfossils (megaspores, chrysophyte cysts, diatoms and sponge spicules), indicates that the lithofacies is a mostly epiclastic sedimentary deposit. Root traces, fissuring, orientated clay skins lining pores and secondary surfaces, and mineralogical data are evidence of periodic exposure and desiccation. The tuffaceous mudrock lithofacies of the Valley Springs Formation, interpreted in the context of the middle to lower regions of a piedmont alluvial system, most probably represents a complex of ephemeral lake and marsh environments on a low gradient alluvial plain. The inferred abundance of shallow lakes, ponds and marshes implies a climate that was wetter than the semi-arid climate of the region today.  相似文献   

Laminated cryptalgal carbonates occur in the Precambrian Copper Harbor Conglomerate of northern Michigan, which was deposited in the Keweenawan Trough, an aborted proto-oceanic rift. This unit is composed of three major facies deposited by braided streams on a large alluvial-fan complex. Coarse clastics were deposited in braided channels, predominantly as longitudinal bars, whereas cross-bedded sandstones were deposited by migrating dunes or linguoid bars. Fine-grained overbank deposits accumulated in abandoned channels. Gypsum moulds and carbonate-filled cracks suggest an arid climate during deposition. Stromatolites interstratified with these clastic facies occur as laterally linked drapes over cobbles, as laterally linked contorted beds in mudstone, as oncolites, and as poorly developed mats in coarse sandstones. Stromatolites also are interbedded with oolitic beds and intraclastic conglomerates. Stromatolitic microstructure consists of alternating detrital and carbonate laminae, and open-space structures. Radial-fibrous calcite fans are superimposed on the laminae. The laminae are interpreted as algal in origin, whereas the origin of the radial fibrous calcite is problematic. The stromatolites are inferred to have grown in lakes which occupied abandoned channels on the fan surface. Standing water on a permeable alluvial fan in an arid climate requires a high water table maintained by high precipitation, or local elevation of the water table, possibly due to the close proximity of a lake. Occurrence of stromatolites in the upper part of the Copper Harbor Conglomerate near the base of the lacustrine Nonesuch Shale suggests that these depositional sites may have been near the Nonesuch Lake.  相似文献   

This communication reports the occurrence of an ash layer intercalated within the late Quaternary alluvial succession of the Madhumati River, a tributary of the lower Narmada River. Petrographic, morphological and chemical details of glass shards and pumice fragments have formed the basis of this study. The ash has been correlated with the Youngest Toba Tuff. The finding of ash layer interbedded in Quaternary alluvial sequences of western Indian continental margin is significant, as ash being datable material, a near precise time-controlled stratigraphy can be interpreted for the Quaternary sediments of western India. The distant volcanic source of this ash requires a fresh re-assessment of ash volume and palaeoclimatic interpretations.  相似文献   

Quaternary alluvial fans in the tectonically active Pinjaur Dun, an intramontane valley in the Sub‐Himalaya, were deposited in front of the Nalagarh Thrust and were influenced both by tectonics and glacial climate fluctuations. The surface morphology indicates that an earlier set of first‐order fans (Qf1) became entrenched and onlapped by a series of second‐order fans (Qf2). The younger fan segments were then cut by a pair of terraces (T1 and T2). Quartz optically stimulated luminescence dating establishes that the Qf1 aggradational phase was initiated before 96·5 ± 25·3 ka and terminated after 83·7 ± 16·3 ka. This was followed by a period of incision, before Qf2 fan deposition started at 72·4 ± 13·4 ka and continued until 24·5 ± 4·9 ka. Sediment was deposited on the T1 (upper) and T2 (lower) terraces at 16·3 ± 2·1 and 4·5 ka, respectively, recording a return to overall degradation punctuated by minor deposition on terraces. The period of incision separating the younger and older fan deposits coincided with enhanced SW monsoon precipitation. The subsequent development of the Qf2 fans and their progradation until 20 ka suggest erosional unloading of the thrust hangingwall during a tectonically quiescent phase. Toe cutting, deposition of axial river and lacustrine facies, and retreat of Qf2 around 45 ka, indicate fanward shift of the axial river due to tilting of the valley towards the NE in response to reactivation of the Nalagarh Thrust. The cessation of Qf2 deposition around 20 ka and the onset of through‐fan entrenchment suggest reduced sediment supply but relatively high stream power during the last glacial maxima (LGM). The prolonged stream incision since the cessation of Qf2 deposition, with only minor depositional phases at 16·3 ± 2·1 and 4·5 ka, resulted from high water discharge and low sediment input during intensification of the SW monsoon and vegetation changes in the hinterland.  相似文献   

The San Juan River, located in San Juan Province (Argentina), crosses the Precordillera and other geologic units including the Ullum tectonic valley and the La Laja Zone between latitudes 31°S and 32°S. The San Juan River is antecedent as is suggested by its two perpendicular segments linked by an almost parallel segment to the main structural trend. Along the Precordillera, the San Juan River valley has many different alluvial fans at the river junctions with its tributaries. The Quaternary alluvial fans display surfaces cut in a series of steps which we consider to be alluvial terraces generated by aggradation and repeated incision episodes. The studied sector includes one area with recent major seismic activity (La Laja Zone), another without major seismic activity (Precordillera area), and a subsident area (Ullum area) where a large lake was formed 6500 yr BP. The old San Juan River was captured by the Quebrada de Ullum valley by means of a 25-m incision, which resulted in river-gradient headward erosion. The San Juan River gradient shows some irregularities that, although unrelated to the main structures, are associated with river dynamics, which emphasizes lithologic differences. The main river valley width, the geometry and gradient of each tributary, together with the basement rock lithologies and the size of each local source area are the major factors which control the alluvial terrace generation processes. In the La Laja Zone, where the uppermost terrace is capped by travertine, dating of travertine deposits suggests that the maximum incision rate is 0.9–1 mm/yr related to episodic activity on the La Laja Fault.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(22-24):2701-2723
The Seine, Yonne and Somme are the main rivers draining northwestern France and flowing into the Channel. During Pleistocene cold stages they were tributaries of the “Fleuve Manche”. They are characterised by well-developed stepped terrace systems showing up to 10 incision steps for the last 1 Ma. After 15 years of research and the synthesis of stratigraphical, sedimentological, bioclimatical data and numerical dating, these terrace systems are interpreted as the response of the fluvial environments to climatic cyclicity, superimposed on a background of slow tectonic uplift. The comparison of these three terrace systems shows that the incision budget is similar within the studied area (about 55–65 m/1 Ma), implying relative homogeneity of uplift. In the main part of the area, beyond marine influence, the analysis of each stepped alluvial formation shows regular sediment balance generally composed of coarse periglacial gravels (pleniglacial), covered by fine-grained sediments locally overlain by calcareous tufa (interglacial). However, in the Lower Seine valley, close to the present coast, the low terrace includes two estuarine interglacial units interbedded within periglacial gravel units. Nevertheless, until recently evidence of full interglacial conditions remained elusive in fluvial contexts, especially in the Somme. To address these issues a new research programme has been launched on tufa deposits that are the best candidate to register the climatic optimum. Initial results from la Celle (Seine), Saint-Acheul and Caours (Somme) allow palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of MIS 11 and 5e, and thus confirm the importance of calcareous tufa to define a reference record of Pleistocene Interglacials for northern France. Moreover, it has been previously demonstrated that the main incision leading to terrace formation can be attributed to the transition between interglacial and glacial (during early glacial phases). The new results from interglacial records have important implications concerning the precise occurrence of the major incision phases within the climatic cycle as they provide the starting point immediately preceding downcutting.  相似文献   

文章通过冲积平原区(山东王家庄铜矿区)的地气试验研究及其与常规土壤测量结果的对比,总结了冲积平原区隐伏金属矿矿床上方地气元素的分布特征.研究结果认为:①在不同覆盖条件、常规土壤测量无效的情况下,地气测量均可发现清晰的金属元素异常,异常强度高,且与矿体空间位置相吻合;显示出地气法在厚覆盖条件下对隐伏金属矿的独特作用;②液...  相似文献   

Description and interpretation of fluvial deposits: a critical perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Alluvial nuggets of PGE alloys from the rivers Miessijoki, Sotajoki, Puskuoja, Palsinoja and Ivalojoki at Kolmosenkoski rapids and from the Härkäselkä area have been investigated with a microprobe and a scanning electron microscope. Pt---Cu, Pd---Cu---Au and Os---Ir---Ru alloys occur as well as the main Pt---Fe alloys, both as inclusions in the Pt---Fe alloys and as separate nuggets or crystals. Limited optical properties are given. From the inclusions and associated minerals it is assumed that some of the nuggets are magmatic in origin and that others are a result of oxidative weathering. The material is rounded through transport, although the original euhedral form can often be observed.  相似文献   

Description and interpretation of fluvial deposits: a critical perspective   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

北部湾盆地的迈陈凹陷东部地区浅层广泛分布第四纪火成岩,地表条件复杂,发育多期断裂系统,构造破碎,导致地震资料品质较差,构造解释及圈闭描述难度大。笔者在开展解释处理一体化以提高地震资料品质的同时,建立区域构造地质模型,综合运用多种解释技术手段,进行构造解释研究。解决了速度及多期活动小断层的识别及断层组合的解释等问题,提高了圈闭的可信度和构造解释方案的准确性。  相似文献   

The Cambro-Ordovician Cap Enragé Formation is interpreted as a deep submarine channel complex of conglomerates, pebbly sandstones and massive sandstones. The formation is up to 270 m thick, and crops out in a coastal belt 50 km long. In general terms, it has previously been interpreted as a deep sea channel deposit, with the channel about 300 m deep, at least 10 km wide and trending south-westward, parallel to the coastal outcrops. Eight facies have been defined in this study and they have been grouped into three major facies associations. In the Coarse Channelled Association, conglomerates with carbonate boulders up to about 4 m are associated with graded-stratified finer grained conglomerates. Facies of this association make up about 25% of all the beds in the formation. The association is also characterized by abundant major channels 1–10 m deep and up to 250 m wide. Excellent outcrop allows the reconstruction of topographic highs (bars) within the channels and the association is interpreted as a braided channel and bar system. The second association, Multiple-Scoured Coarse Sandstones, contains some graded-stratified fine conglomerates, along with massive to structureless coarse and pebbly sandstones, and rare cross-bedded pebbly sandstones. Deep channels are absent, but multiple channelling on the scale of 0.5–1 m is characteristic. In the absence of the very coarse conglomerates and deeper channelling, this association is interpreted as being deposited on topographically higher terrace areas adjacent to the main braid plain. The third facies association, Unchannelled Sandstones, is characterized by massive sandstones with abundant fluid-escape structures, classical turbidites and thin shales. In the absence of any scouring deeper than a few tens of centimetres, this association is interpreted as being deposited on an even higher and smoother terrace, farther from the braid plain. Palaeoflow directions for conglomerate facies indicate fairly consistent south-westward transport, apparently parallel to the base of the Cambro-Ordovician continental slope. Flow directions in the finer-grained facies are rather variable, suggesting complex bar development and overbank spills. Thinning-and fining-upward sequences are present on two scales. The smaller, 1–10 m sequence, is related to channel filling and abandonment. Thicker sequences (10–100 m), with facies of the Multiple Scoured, and Unchannelled Sandstone Associations, may indicate switching of a main channel away from the area and its subsequent burial by marginal terrace and higher terrace deposits.  相似文献   

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