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This study of the behavior of trace and rare earth elements in ores from the Natalka gold deposit allows us to draw several conclusions. It is suggested that ore formation is related to the regional metamorphism of the host terrigenous carbonaceous rocks, which could be the major source for trace and rare earth elements. Minor enrichment of the Natalka ores in W is evidence of the contribution of magmatic fluid, which could be superimposed on early quartz veins, in ore formation. Our results support the metamorphic–magmatic model of formation of economic gold–quartz deposits of the Yana–Kolyma Belt. The similarity of metasomatites of the Natalka deposit with disseminated gold–sulfide refractory ores from the Nezhdaninskoe and Bakyrchik deposits points to the possible presence of such ores in the Natalka deposit. Our data are important for forecasting regional metallogenic reconstructions, search, and evaluation of gold deposits.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The article discusses a novel methodological approach to deciphering the evolution of ore-magmatic systems (OMS), based on the study of geochemical fields associated with...  相似文献   

Multiphase aluminofluoride segregations were registered in aegirine–amphibole granite from the Vostochnyi massif of the Katugin rare-metal deposit. Among them are fluorides (fluorite), Ca–Na–Mg fluoraluminates (weberite, cryolite, pachnolite–thomsenolite, prosopite, gearksutite, ralstonite, and others), and Ba fluoraluminates, which had not been observed previously in this massif. Four fluoraluminates with high concentrations of Ba were found in aluminofluoride segregations: usovite Ba2CaMgAl2F14, the most abundant phase, and three potentially new minerals (BaAlF4(OH), BaCa2AlF9, and BaCa4AlF13). The chemical composition of Ba phases and the results of their Raman spectroscopic study are reported.  相似文献   

Wall-rock metasomatites of the Kara gold deposit, a high-temperature medium-depth pneumatolytic-hydrothermal formation, have been studied. Gold mineralization is associated with the intrusion of granitoids of the Kara-Chacha massif (J3) and dikes of alkaline rocks (J3-K1), which include hybrid porphyries, “grorudites”, etc. They are characterized by telescoping of ores, expressed best of all on joints of ore-bearing sites.The origin of the Kara-Chacha massif (Amudzhikan-Sretensk complex) is connected with pre-ore areal propylitization. The propylites demonstrate a zonal pattern relative to the massif and ore veins. A composite metasomatic column of propylitized rocks has been compiled.The thickness of intensely altered wall rocks does not exceed 1.5–2.0 m and the structure of these zones is very heterogeneous. Syn-ore metasomatites are found in propylitized rocks. The major factor of syn-ore alteration of host rocks is the active behavior of alkaline elements. Albitization, silicification (in separate sites), tourmaline and pyrite alteration occur at the early quartz-pyrite-tourmaline stage of mineralization. Sodium is supplied at this stage. During the next quartz-actinolite-magnetite stage sodium and potassium are active. The host rocks demonstrate albitization, feldspar alteration, silicification, actinolitization, biotite alteration, and magnetite impregnation. Aegirine in veins is accompanied by occurrence of aegirine, alkaline amphibole, green biotite and, locally, quartz in host rocks. Potassium becomes more significant later, reaching the maximum activity at the quartz-sulfide stage. The development of quartz-arsenopyrite assemblage was accompanied by K-feldspatization, sericitization of host rocks, formation of green and tan biotites, and arsenopyrite impregnation. The formation of K-feldspar, sericitization, silicification, and sulfide impregnation are associated with quartz-sulfide ore. The final quartz-carbonate-polymetallic stage is accompanied by silicification and carbonate alteration of host rocks. Potassium becomes increasingly more active from outer zones of metasomatic columns to inner ones. The gold contents tend to increase with the potassium contribution in zones of hydrothermal alterations.The propylite alteration and syn-ore changes become more intense veinward. It can indicate that hydrothermal solutions with dissolved minerals penetrated through the most reworked zones. However, hydrothermal solutions during propylite alteration and later syn-ore changes of host rocks not always penetrated through the same zones of weakness, such as tectonic dislocations, contacts of various rocks, etc. The rocks, comprising inner zones of the metasomatic column of propylites are quite often observed at a certain distance from veins and accompanied inner zones of metasomatic columns of later syn-ore metasomatites. They sometimes are not associated with ore veins. However, they are demonstrate later superimposed threads and separate impregnations of syn-ore minerals.Abundant telescoping of mineralization and inheritance of mineralization stages complicate the structure of zones with syn-ore metasomatites. In the sites with telescoped mineralization the metasomatites contain minerals intrinsic to all stages of mineralization found at the deposit.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of the Talatui gold deposit has been studied with modern methods. Previously unknown minerals (ilmenite, siegenite, glaucodot, wittichenite, matildite, hessite, pilsenite, zircon, tremolite, cummingtonite, hercynite, and goethite) have been identified in the ore. A high Re content has been detected in molybdenite. The spatiotemporal separation of Au and Ag is caused by different mineral species of these elements and their diachronous precipitation during the ore-forming process. Gold crystallized along with early mineral assemblages, beginning from virtually pure gold (the fineness is 996). Silver precipitated largely at the end of the process as hessite (Ag2Te) and matildite (AgBiS2). The temperature of ore deposition varied from 610 to 145°C, the pressure was 3370–110 bar, and the salt concentration ranged from 56.3 to 0.4 wt % NaCl equiv. The heterogeneous state (boiling) of fluid at the early stages has been documented. The chemical and isotopic compositions of the fluid testify to its magmatic nature and the participation of meteoric water at late stages in the ore-forming process. Thermodynamic modeling reproduces the main specific features of ore formation, including separation of Au and Ag. A physicochemical model of the gold mineralization in the Darasun ore district has been proposed. On the basis of several attributes, the Talatui deposit has been referred to the prophyry gold-copper economic type.  相似文献   

黄地金-多金属矿床严格受黄地逆冲推覆断层控制,矿脉(体)赋存于由推覆体构造带上下盘岩石所形成的碎裂岩化、糜棱岩化带中,并且金、铅、锌在空间上具有分段富集的特点.矿石为动力变质多金属硫化物蚀变岩型,主要有自形-半自形、他形粒状,包含、碎裂等结构,块状、浸染状、角砾状等构造.金属矿物主要有黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿以及银金矿和自然金,非金属矿物主要为石英和绢云母.自然金主要产于黄铁矿的晶洞中,少部分包裹于非金属矿物中.成矿作用可分为岩浆接触交代期、气-水热液矿化期和氧化期,其中气-水热液矿化期的早期石英-硫化物阶段为主成矿阶段,成矿物质主要来源于动力变质作用所形成的深部矿化热液,为沿推覆构造充填交代所形成.  相似文献   

Pyrite and arsenopyrite individuals were investigated in ore samples from the mesothermal Klyuchevskoe deposit. The internal structure of the individuals was determined by structural etching. Zoning of two orders was described. A correlation was established between the size of growth layers and the thickness of first-order zones. The anisotropic distribution of minor elements in particular zones and growth sectors was detected. It was found that the internal structure of metacrysts changes regularly, depending on their position relative to productive and nonproductive veinlets of different age. It was shown that, taking into account the volume effects of crystal growth, local changes in the geochemical parameters of mineral-forming medium (variations in trace element concentrations, density of mineral-forming solutions, character of temperature variations, etc.) can be estimated from variations in oscillation periods. The prospects of using pyrite-arsenopyrite and other geothermometers to study crystals consisting of several simple forms are discussed. It was concluded that the characteristics of the internal structure of pyrite metacrysts provide information on the stages of deposit formation.  相似文献   

The Bugdaya Au-bearing W-Mo porphyry deposit, Eastern Transbaikal Region, Russia, is located in the central part of volcanic dome and hosted in the large Variscan granitic pluton. In its characteristics, this is a Climax-type deposit, or an Mo porphyry deposit of rhyolitic subclass. The enrichment in gold is related to the relatively widespread vein and veinlet gold-base-metal mineralization. More than 70 minerals (native metals, sulfides, sulfosalts, tellurides, oxides, molybdates, wolframates, carbonates, and sulfates) have been identified in stockwork and vein ores, including dzhalindite, greenockite, Mo-bearing stolzite, Ag and Au amalgams, stromeyerite, cervelleite, and berryite identified here for the first time. Four stages of mineral formation are recognized. The earliest preore stage in form of potassic alteration and intense silicification developed after emplacement of subvolcanic rhyolite (granite) porphyry stock. The stockwork and vein W-Mo mineralization of the quartz-molybdenite stage was the next. Sericite alteration, pyritization, and the subsequent quartz-sulfide veins and veinlets with native gold, base-metal sulfides, and various Ag-Cu-Pb-Bi-Sb sulfosalts of the gold-base-metal stage were formed after the rearrangement of regional pattern of tectonic deformation. The hydrothermal process was completed by argillic (kaolinite-smectite) assemblage of the postore stage. The fluid inclusion study (microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy) allowed us to establish that the stockwork W-Mo mineralization was formed at 550–380°C from both the highly concentrated Mg-Na chloride solution (brine) and the low-density gas with significant N2 and H2S contents. The Pb-Zn vein ore of the gold-base-metal stage enriched in Au, Ag, Bi, and other rare metals was deposited at 360–140°C from a homogeneous Na-K chloride (hydrocarbonate, sulfate) hydrothermal solution of medium salinity.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Meromictic soda Lake Doroninskoe localized in the intermountain area,filled with continental sediments of the Mesozoic,in the upper basin of the river Amur.Coordinates of its location are N51°14'42"E112°14'40",  相似文献   

The Konevinsky gold deposit in southeast Eastern Sayan is distinguished from most known deposits in this region (Zun-Kholba, etc.) by the geological setting and composition of mineralization. To elucidate the cause of the peculiar mineralization, we have studied the composition, formation conditions, and origin of this deposit, which is related to the Ordovician granitoid pluton 445–441 Ma in age cut by intermediate and basic dikes spatially associated with metavolcanic rocks of the Devonian–Carboniferous Ilei Sequence. Four mineral assemblages are recognized: (1) quartz–pyrite–molybdenite, (2) quartz–gold–pyrite, (3) gold–polysulfide, and (4) telluride. Certain indications show that the ore was formed as a result of the superposition of two distinct mineral assemblages differing in age. The first stage dated at ~440 Ma is related to intrusions generating Cu–Mo–Au porphyry mineralization and gold–polysulfide veins. The second stage is controlled by dikes pertaining to the Devonian–Carboniferous volcanic–plutonic association. The second stage is characterized by gain of Hg and Te and formation of gold–mercury–telluride paragenesis.  相似文献   

本文通过对在外贝加尔大骨节病区水文地球化学研究结果表明,该地区天然水呈现出高浓度的磷(高达3.5 me/L),同时,锰、硅、铅等元素也呈现出高浓度的地球化学特征.分析水文地球化学数据,认为大骨节病可能与生物地球化学性质的多种因素有关系.进一步研究大骨节病的成因机制需要新的可靠的环境地球化学数据.  相似文献   

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