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This paper reviews some of the important advances made over the last decade concerning theory of roAp stars.  相似文献   

We undertook a time-series photometric multisite campaign for the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 99563 and also acquired mean light observations over four seasons. The pulsations of the star, which show flatter light maxima than minima, can be described with a frequency quintuplet centred on 1557.653 μHz and some first harmonics of it. The amplitude of the pulsation is modulated with the rotation period of the star that we determine with 2.91179 ± 0.00007 d from the analysis of the stellar pulsation spectrum and of the mean light data. We break up the distorted oscillation mode into its pure spherical harmonic components and find it is dominated by the ℓ= 1 pulsation, and also has a notable ℓ= 3 contribution, with weak ℓ= 0 and 2 components. The geometrical configuration of the star allows us to see both pulsation poles for about the same amount of time; HD 99563 is only the fourth roAp star for which both pulsation poles are seen and only the third where the distortion of the pulsation modes has been modelled. We point out that HD 99563 is very similar to the well-studied roAp star HR 3831. Finally, we note that the visual companion of HD 99563 is located in the δ Scuti instability strip and may thus show pulsation. We show that if the companion was physical, the roAp star would be a 2.03-M, object, seen at a rotational inclination of 44°, which then predicts a magnetic obliquity     .  相似文献   

We present numerical models based on realistic treatment of the intensity spectrum (from model atmospheres), and demonstrate that they are consistent with Kurtz and Medupe's recent formula in showing that limb darkening is too small an effect to explain the observed sharp decline of pulsation light amplitude with wavelength in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. Kurtz and Medupe's formula is shown to be a special form of Watson's earlier general formula for non-radial light variations of a star pulsating in any mode ( l m ). Using a technique suggested by Kurtz and Medupe we derive temperature semi-amplitude as a function of depth in the atmospheres of α Cir and HR 3831, assuming that we can neglect non-adiabatic effects.  相似文献   

We present time-series spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HR 3831. This star has a dominant pulsation period of 11.7 min and a rotation period of 2.85 d. We have analysed 1400 intermediate-resolution spectra of the wavelength region 6100–7100 Å obtained over one week, using techniques similar to those we applied to another roAp star, α  Cir.
We confirm that the H α velocity amplitude of HR 3831 is modulated with rotation phase. Such a modulation was predicted by the oblique pulsator model, and rules out the spotted pulsator model. However, further analysis of H α and other lines reveals rotational modulations that cannot easily be explained using the oblique pulsator model. In particular, the phase of the pulsation as measured by the width of the H α line varies with height in the line.
The variation of the H α bisector shows a very similar pattern to that observed in α Cir, which we have previously attributed to a radial node in the stellar atmosphere. However, the striking similarities between the two stars, despite the much shorter period of α Cir (6.8 min), argues against this interpretation unless the structure of the atmosphere is somewhat different between the two stars. Alternatively, the bisector variation is a signature of the degree ℓ of the mode and not the overtone value n .
High-resolution studies of the metal lines in roAp stars are needed to understand fully the form of the pulsation in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

A simple idealized nonlinear model applicable to long period variable stars has been formulated that assumes the convective envelope ofM giants is composed of giant convection cells, which are comparable in size to the stellar radius. The simplicity of this model essentially constitutes a physical analog to the strong dynamic coupling that occurs if the convective envelope of the star undergoes both modes of motion. As shown implicitly in the time scales associated with these motions, the coupling produces asymmetrical fluctuations of the entire star, the mean velocity of which is comparable to the escape velocity of the star at particular values of the ratio of the pulsation and convection time scales. It is suggested that this can account for the mass loss from late type stars, and the circumstellar dust shells that are associated extensively with long period variables.For critical values of the pulsation and convection time scales, the solutions correspond to the rapid expansion of the entire convective envelope, and is the basis of a new mechanism that simulates the manner in which pulsating stars ballistically accelerate their convective shells to form planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

We have detected pulsational radial velocity variations in the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR 3831 which are amplitude- and phase-modulated in the same manner as the photometric variations. In particular, the radial velocities show the same 180° phase reversal at magnetic quadrature as the photometric variations. This confirms the oblique pulsator model, and rules out the spotted pulsator model for these stars.  相似文献   

Based on the observed energy distribution curves of about a hundred Ap stars, the various relationships among their physical parameters: namely, the temperature, colour index, bolometric correction and bolometric magnitude have been studied. The hotter Ap stars have been found to be apparently bluer than their normal counterparts, which is possibly due to the broad continuum features at 4200 and 5200 that are generally present in Ap stars only. The bolometric corrections are independent of parallax measurements; the Ap stars as well as the normal stars follow the same sequence of bolometric corrections when related to temperature. The Ap stars appear to beslightly evolved and their position in the HR diagram indicates the hydrogen shell burning phase. The mass range of Ap stars is similar to that of normal A stars.  相似文献   

We undertook two time-series photometric multisite campaigns for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 122970. The first one, conducted in 1998, resulted in 119 h of data and in the detection of three pulsation frequencies. The presence of possible further modes which held the promise of deriving a mode identification motivated a second worldwide campaign in the year 2001. This second campaign resulted in 203 h of measurement, but did not reveal further modes. Rather, one of the previously detected signals disappeared. The two modes common to both data sets have different spherical degree. They also showed slight frequency modulation, and one of them varied in amplitude as well. Possible causes of the latter behaviour include intrinsic instability of the pulsation spectrum or precession of the pulsational axis and orbital motion in a binary system. Frequency analysis of the Hipparcos observations of the star did not allow us to determine the stellar rotation period. The amplitude and phase behaviour of the two modes of HD 122970 in the Strömgren uvby bands is quite similar to that observed for other roAp stars.  相似文献   

Evolution, linear pulsation, and nonlinear pulsation codes were combined to produce nonlinear models of Delta-Scuti stars in an instability region extending over 3.8T e<3.95 and 0.6L/L <2.0. The linear analysis upheld the consensus that they are normal Population I stars of about 2M , in stages of evolution corresponding to central hydrogen burning and shell hydrogen burning. The growth rates were very slow; driving was due to an opacity mechanism in the second helium ionization region; periods and period ratios of the lowest modes of the models were in the same range as those observed. A wide range of nonlinear models was investigated. When eigenfunctions from the linear analysis were used as initial velocity profiles, it was found that the dominant peak in the periodogram of the light curve corresponded to the mode initiated. For a small subset of models, limiting amplitudes were identified, and were found to be in close agreement with observed light amplitudes.  相似文献   

The effect of slow uniform rotation on the radial and nonradial modes of partially degenerate standard models has been investigated. For the case of the radial mode, it is shown that the destabilizing effect of slow uniform rotation reduces with increased central condensation of the model. However, it is found that the models with a strongly degenerate interior, become more unstable dynamically as a result of slow uniform rotation. Further, it is noted that the frequency of the nonradial modes of oscillation (Kelvin mode) increases due to the presence of rotation. Thus the period of radial modes of oscillation of a slowly uniformly rotating partially degenerate standard model are much larger than the corresponding periods of nonradial (Kelvin) modes.  相似文献   

Based on the observed energy curves of nine Ap stars, three Am stars, four normal A stars and one F0 V magnetic star, their radii have been estimated.Thence, the bolometric magnitudesM bo1 have been obtained and a plot between logT e andM bo1 of these stars shows that a majority of Ap and Am stars are a little above the zero-age Main-Sequence, suggesting that they are slightly more evolved as compared to the normal A stars.The bolometric corrections derived from the aboveM bo1 are much closer to those computed by Mihalas than to the ones given by Davis and Webb, the latter being about O m 1 more negative than the former.  相似文献   

Some questions concerning the space distribution of Ap and Am stars have been discussed on the basis of the Abastumani Catalogue containing the data in the two-dimensional MK classification for stars in Kapteyn Areas Nos 2–43. Ap and Am stars do not show the high concentration towards the galactic plane as normal stars of the same spectral interval. Moreover, Ap stars occur at distances up to about 200 pc from the galactic plane, Am stars up to about 400 pc.  相似文献   

We briefly present the nonradial adiabatic pulsation code PULSE first developped for white dwarf asteroseismology and now used to compute adiabatic oscillation properties for various types of stellar objects. Numerical tests show that the code is able to provide the accuracy (for a given stellar model) required to deal with the precision in frequency expected from the COROT long runs. While the ultimate objective is to compare the output of various pulsation codes (see these proceedings), we already emphasize problems that need to be addressed concerning, in particular, the mesh resolution of the input stellar models and its impact on the accuracy at which frequencies can be computed.  相似文献   

The rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars currently represent the only main sequence stars other than the Sun which exhibit non-radial acoustic pulsations of high overtone. This makes them excellent subjects for asteroseismology, an approach which promises to yield accurate knowledge of the interior structures of stars. Of the 27 known roAp stars, 24 were discovered in Sutherland despite extensive searches conducted elsewhere. This paper reviews the discovery of the roAp phenomenon and describes the factors that contribute to the high discovery rate for these stars at Sutherland. Two long-term observational projects in progress at Sutherland are discussed,viz. the Cape roAp Star Survey and long-term monitoring of frequency variations in roAp stars.  相似文献   

The characteristics of two stars, 25 Sex and HD 21699, as additional candidates for the sample of magnetic stars belonging to superclusters, are discussed. For 25 Sex, which was already accepted as a probable member of the Hyades supercluster in a previous study, arguments supporting the view that this star indeed is a magnetic star are presented. In the case of HD 21699, the radial velocity derived from our observations is not inconsistent with membership. But from the determinations of its proper motion found in the literature, this star cannot be regarded as a probable member of the α Per cluster. On the basis of recent evolutionary models, all the well established Ap cluster members appear to be close to the end of their main-sequence life. This suggests that A stars possibly become magnetic at the end of core hydrogen burning.  相似文献   

The radii of several Ap and Am stars have been compared with those of the normal A stars of the Main Sequence. Though the brighter Ap stars have a little larger radii than the Main-Sequence stars, they may not be much different from those of the slightly evolved normal A stars. The Am stars have radii with which they appear to be merging with those of the cooler A stars of the Main Sequence. The Ap stars have radii predominantly in the range of 1.8 to 3.4R , while the Am stars are mainly concentrated between 1.8 and 2.2R .  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of a strong large-scale magnetic field on the reflection of high-frequency acoustic modes in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. To that end, we consider a toy model composed of an isothermal atmosphere matched on to a polytropic interior and determine the numerical solution to the set of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations in a local plane-parallel approximation with constant gravity. Using the numerical solution in combination with approximate analytical solutions that are valid in the limits where the magnetic and acoustic components are decoupled, we calculate the relative fraction of energy flux that is carried away in each oscillation cycle by running acoustic waves in the atmosphere and running magnetic waves in the interior. For oscillation frequencies above the acoustic cut-off, we show that most energy losses associated with the presence of running waves occur in regions where the magnetic field is close to vertical. Moreover, by considering the depth dependence of the energy associated with the magnetic component of the wave in the atmosphere we show that a fraction of the wave energy is kept in the oscillation every cycle. For frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency, such energy is concentrated in regions where the magnetic field is significantly inclined in relation to the local vertical. Even though our calculations were aimed at studying oscillations with frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency, based on our results we discuss what results may be expected for oscillations of lower frequency.  相似文献   

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