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Fluid-absent melting experiments on a biotite (20 wt.%) andhornblende (2 wt.%) bearing tonalitic gneiss were conductedat 6 kbar (900–975C), 10 kbar (875–1075C), and14 kbar (950–975C) to study melt productivity from weaklyperaluminous quartzofeldspathic metamorphic rocks. At 6 kbar,biotite dehydration–melting is completed at 975C viaincongruent melting reactions that produce orthopyroxene, twooxides, and {small tilde}25 wt.% granitic melt. At 6 kbar, hornblendedisappears at 900C, probably in reaction with biotite. At 10kbar, biotite dehydration–melting produces <10 wt.%melt up to 950C via incongruent melting reactions that produceorthopyroxene, garnet, and granitic melt. Hornblende disappearsin the satne temperature interval either by resorption or byreaction with biotite. Widespread biotite dehydration–meltingoccurs between 950 and 975C and produces orthopyroxene, twooxides, and {small tilde}20 wt.% fluorine-rich (up to 0•31wt.%) granitic melt. At 14 kbar only a trace of melt is presentat 950C, and the amounts of hornblende and biotite are virtuallythe same as in the starting material. At 975C, hornblende isgone and {small tilde}10 wt.% granitic melt is produced by meltingof both biotite and hornblende. Our results show that hornblende-bearing assemblages cannotgo through dehydration–melting on their own (althoughthey can in combination with biotite) if the Ca content in thesource rock is too low to stabilize clinopyroxene. In such rocks,hornblende will either resorb or melt by reaction with biotite.Under fluid-absent conditions, intrusion of hot, mantle-derivedmagmas into the lower crust is necessary to initiate widespreaddehydration–melting in rocks with compositions similarto those discussed here. We argue that the high thermal stabilityof biotite in our starting material is caused mainly by theincorporation of fluorine. The relatively high F content inbiotite in the starting material (0•47 wt.%) suggests thatthe rock has experienced dehydroxylation in its past. F enrichmentby a previous fluid-absent partial melting event is excludedbecause of the lack of phases such as orthopyroxene and garnetwhich would have been produced. Our experiments show that thedehydration–melting of such F-enriched biotite producesF-rich granitic liquids, with compositions within the rangeof A-types granites, and leaves behind a granulitic residuedominated by orthopyroxene, quartz, and plagioclase. This studytherefore supports the notion that A-type granites can be generatedby H2O-undersaturated melting of rocks of tonalitic composition(Creaser et al., 1991), but does not require that these sourcerocks should be residual after a previous melting event.  相似文献   

The hornblende garbenschist horizon of the Lower Schieferhulleseries (LSH) in the SW Tauern Window, Austria, contains theassemblage hornblende + kyanite + staurolite + garnet + biotite+ epidote + plagioclase + ankerite + quartz + rutile + ilmenite,with either chlorite or paragonite present in all samples. Theseassemblages are divariant in the system SiO2-Al2O3-TiO2-Fe2O3-MgO-FeO-MnO-CaO-Na2O-K2O-H2O-CO2.Garnet-biotite geothermometry yields temperatures of final equilibrationof {small tilde}550 °C, and garnet-plagioclase-kyanite-quartzgeobarometry indicates pressures of 6–8 kb for the matrixassemblage and 9–10 kb for plagioclase inclusions in garnet.Quantitative modelling of zoned garnet, hornblende, and plagioclaseindicates growth and equilibration along a decompression pathfrom {small tilde}530 °C, 10 kb to {small tilde}550 °C,7 kb. Fluid inclusion data constrain the uplift path to havepassed through a point at {small tilde} 375 °C, 1.5 kb. These data permit the construction of a relatively completeP-T loop for metamorphism associated with the Alpine orogeniccycle in the LSH of the SW Tauern Window. The maximum pressureconditions ({small tilde}10 kb at 530 °C) recorded alongthis loop are considerably higher than previous estimates of5–7 kb for the region. Simple overthrust models developedfor the Tauern Window cannot account for pressures of this magnitude;a more likely scenario involves partial subduction of the rocksto a depth of {small tilde}35 km, followed by prolonged heatingin response to decay of the subduction isotherms. Initial upliftappears to have been rapid and occurred along a nearly isothermalpath. Significant cooling did not occur until the rocks werewithin {small tilde}5 km of the surface. Detailed tectonic modelsfor the evolution of the Tauern Window must be able to accountfor the quantitative features of the P-T loop.  相似文献   

Disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages in the Younger Andesitesand Dacites of Iztacc?huatl, a major Quaternary volcano in theTrans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, provide an excellent record ofepisodic replenishment, magma mixing, and crystallization processesin calc-alkaline magma chambers. Phenocryst compositions andtextures in ‘mixed’ lavas, produced by binary mixingof primitive olivine-phyric basalt and evolved hornblende dacitemagmas, are used to evaluate the mineralogical and thermal characteristicsof end-members and the physical and chemical interactions thatattend mixing. Basaltic end-members crystallized olivine (FO90–88) andminor chrome spinel during ascent into crustal magma chambers.Resident dacite magma contained phenocrysts of andesine (An45–35),hypersthene (En67–61), edenitic-pargasitic hornblende,biotite, quartz, .titanomagnetite, and ilmenite. On reachinghigh-level reservoirs, basaltic magmas were near their liquidiat temperatures of about 1250–1200?C according to theolivine-liquid geothermometer. Application of the Fe-Ti-oxidegeothermometer-oxygen barometer indicates that hornblende dacitemagma, comprising phenocrysts (<30 vol. per cent) and coexistingrhyolitic liquid, had an ambient temperature between 940 and820?C at fO2s approximately 0?3 log units above the nickel-nickeloxide buffer assemblage. Mixing induced undercooling of hybridliquids and rapid crystallization of skeletal olivine (Fo88–73),strongly-zoned clinopyroxene (endiopside-augite), calcic plagioclase(An65–60); and orthopyroxene (bronzite), whereas low-temperaturephenocrysts derived from hornblende dacite were resorbed ordecomposed by hybrid melts. Quartz reacted to form coronas ofacicular augite and hydroxylated silicates were heated to temperaturesabove their thermal stability limit ({small tilde}940?C foramphibole, according to clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene geothermometry,and {small tilde}880?C for biotite). Calculations of phenocrystresidence times in hybrid liquids based on reaction rates suggestthat the time lapse between magma chamber recharge and eruptionwas extremely short (hours to days). It is inferred that mixing of magmas of diverse compositionis driven by convective turbulence generated by large differencesin temperature between end-members. The mixing mechanism involves:(1)rapid homogenization of contrasting residual liquid compositionsby thermal erosion and diffusive transfer (liquid blending);(2) assimilation of phenocrysts derived from the low-temperatureend-member; and (3) dynamic fractional crystallization of rapidlyevolving hybrid liquids in a turbulent boundary layer separatingbasaltic and dacitic magmas. The mixed lavas of lztacc?huatlrepresent samples of this boundary layer quenched by eruption.  相似文献   

The Ashland pluton is a calc-alkaline plutonic complex thatintruded the western Paleozoic and Triassic belt of the KlamathMountains in late Middle Jurassic time. The pluton comprisesa series of compositionally distinct magma pulses. The oldestrocks are hornblende gabbro and two-pyroxene quartz gabbro withinitial 87Sr/86Sr = 0{dot}7044, 18O = 8{dot}7%, and REE patternswith chondrite normalized La/Lu = 7. These units were followedby a suite of tonalitic rocks (LaN/LuN = 7) and then by a suiteof K2O- and P2O5 rocks of quartz monzodioritic affinity (LaN/LuN= 13–21; LaN/SmN = 2{dot}4–3{dot}) The quartz monzodioriticrocks were then intruded by biotite granodiorite and granitewith lower REE abundances but more fractionated LREE(LaN/LuN= 13–19; LaN/SmN = 4{dot}3–6 and they, in turn,were host to dikes and bosses of hornblende diorite. The latestintrusive activity consisted of aplitic and granitic dikes.Combined phase equilibria and mineral composition data, indicateemplacement conditions of approximately Ptotal = 2{dot}3kb,PH2O between 1{dot}5 and 2{dot}2 kb, and fO2 between the nickel-nickeloxide and hematite-magnetite buffers. Successive pulses of magma display increasing SiO2 togetherwith increasing 18O and decreasing initial 87Sr/86Sr. The isotopicdata are consistent with either (1) combined fractional crystallizationof andesitic magma and concurrent assimilation of crustal materialcharacterized by low Sr1 and high (18O or, more probably, (2)a series of partial melting events in which sources were successivelyless radiogenic but richer in 18O Each intrusive stage displaysevidence for some degree of crystal accumulation and/or fractionalcrystallization but neither process adequately accounts fortheir compositional differences. Consequently, each stage appearsto represent a distinct partial melting or assimilation event. The P2O5-rich nature of the quartz monzodiorite suite suggestsaccumulation of apatite. However, the suite contains abundantmafic microgranitoid enclaves and most apatite in the suiteis acicular. These observations suggest that magma mixing affectedthe compositional variation of the quartz monzodiorite suite.Mass balance calculations are consistent with a simple mixingprocess in which P2O5-rich alkalic basalt magma (representedby the mafic microgranitoid enclaves) was combined with a crystal-poorfelsic magma (represented by the tonalite suite), yielding aquartz monzodioritic magma that then underwent differentiationby crystal fractionation and accumulation.  相似文献   

Olivine tholeiites (8–10 wt. % MgO) from Krafla show significantcorrelations between major elements (notably Fe) and incompatibletrace elements. In particular, the samples with the highestFe contents are the most enriched in elements such as K, Ti,and light rare earth elements (LREEs). The observed trends cannotbe explained by fractional crystallization of olivine, plagioclase,or clinopyrox-ene from a single primary magma, nor are theylikely to result from crustal contamination. The simplest explanationfor the compositional variations is that they result from imperfectmixing of primary melts, produced at different levels in theupwelling asthenosphere, which later underwent olivine fractionation.Nd and Sr isotopic data hint at the possibility that some mixingbetween two (plume and non-plume) mantle sources may also berequired. The average olivine tholeiite composition is comparedwith the average compositions of melts, predicted from parameterizationsof melting experiments, produced from mantle with differentpotential temperatures. The predicted compositions were correctedfor fractional crystallization before the comparison was made.The data compare well with the predicted average compositionof melt from mantle with a potential temperature of {small tilde}1580C. Differences between the observed and predicted compositions(notably higher Fe and lower Na in the Krafla basalts) are ascribedeither to errors related to the modelling or to the effect oftemperature- and velocity-structure of the mantle plume beneathIceland. The average REE composition of the olivine tholeiiteswas then inverted to obtain the variation of melt fraction withdepth. The predicted melt fraction rises from 00 at a depthof {small tilde} 140 km (consistent with a potential temperatureclose to 1580 C) to a maximum value of {small tilde} 03 atthe surface. The predicted melt thickness ({small tilde}22 kmwhen corrected for fractional crystallization) is consistentwith geophysical estimates of crustal thickness.  相似文献   

The mid-Jurassic calcalkaline Russian Peak intrusive complex,located in the Klamath Mountains of northern California, consistsof an elliptical peridotite-to-quartz diorite suite intrudedby two plutons of granodiorite. Several techniques were usedto decipher the crystallization conditions for ultramafic rocks,quartz diorite, and granodiorite, including comparison of parageneseswith crystallization experiments, application of geothermometersand barometers, and evaluation of phase equilibria. Contactmetamorphic assemblages, hornblende barometry, and amphibolesubstitution schemes indicate that pressures of intrusion were{small tilde}3 kbar. Plagioclase and pyroxene thermometry indicateintrusion temperatures of {small tilde}1000C for quartz dioriteand 900C for granodiorite. Phase equilibrium analysis for thereaction phlogopite+quartz=K-feldspar+enstatite+H2O, coupledwith an estimate of the water-saturated quartz diorite solidus,suggests that the solidus of two-pyroxene quartz diorite wasat {small tilde}780C with a mole fraction of water of {smalltilde}0•55. The composition of granodiorite is very similarto that used in several crystallization experiments and indicatesa solidus of 70025C. Estimates of oxygen fugacity, obtainedfrom equilibrium relations of olivine, orthopyroxene, and spinelin ultramafic rocks, magnetite and ilmenite in quartz diorite,and magnetite, K-feldspar, and biotite in quartz diorite andgranodiorite are 2•1–2•5 and 1•0–1•3log units above the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM) buffer forgranodiorite and quartz diorite at their respective solidustemperatures; and 1•0–4•0 log units above QFMfor ultramafic rocks and quartz diorite at subsolidus temperatures.Thus, the quartz diorite magma was hotter, drier, and slightlyreduced relative to the grandiorite magma, differences thatset important constraints on the genesis of the Russian Peakmagmas. These results also indicate that quartz diorite wasundersaturated with respect to H2O as it reached its solidus,a condition that is consistent with the absence of deutericalteration in this unit. In contrast, granodiorite shows extensivedeuteric alteration and features pegmatites, quartz pods, andradial dikes as might be expected for H2O-saturated conditions. Although calcalkaline plutonic complexes present serious difficultiesin estimating the intensive parameters of crystallization, judiciousapplication of appropriate methods may result in the successfulevaluation of the conditions of crystallization of such complexes.  相似文献   

The Kap Edvard Holm Layered Gabbro Complex is a large layeredgabbro intrusion (>300 km2) situated on the opposite sideof the Kangerdlugssuaq fjord from the Skaergaard Intrusion.It was emplaced in a continental margin ophiolite setting duringearly Tertiary rifting of the North Atlantic. Gabbroic cumulates, covering a total stratigraphic thicknessof >5 km, have a typical four-phase tholeiitic cumulus mineralogy:plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, and Fe–Ti oxides.The cryptic variation is restricted (plagioclase An81–51,olivine Fo85–66, clinopyroxene Wo43–41 En46–37Fs20–11) and there are several reversals in mineral chemistry.Crystallization took place in a low-pressure, continuously fractionatingmagma chamber system which was periodically replenished andtapped. Fine-grained (0•2–0•4 mm) equigranular, thin(0•5–3 m), laterally continuous basaltic zones occurwithin an {small tilde}1000 m thick layered sequence in theTaco Point area. Twelve such zones define the bases of individualmacrorhythmic units with an average thickness of {small tilde}80m. The fine-grained basaltic zones grade upwards, over a fewmetres, into medium-grained (>1 mm) poikilitic, olivine gabbrowith smallscale modal layering. Each fine-grained basaltic zoneis interpreted as an intraplutonic quench zone in which magmachilled against the underlying layered gabbros during influxalong the chamber floor. Supercooling by {small tilde}50C isbelieved to have caused nucleation of plagioclase, olivine,and clinopyroxene in the quench zone. The nucleation rate isbelieved to have been enhanced as the result of in situ crystallizationin a continuously flowing magma. The transition to the overlyingpoikilitic olivine gabbro reflects a decreasing degree of supercooling. Compositional variation in the Taco Point sequence is typicalfor an open magma chamber system: olivine (Fo77–68 5)and plagioclase cores (An80–72) show a zig-zag crypticvariation pattern with no overall systematic trend. Olivinehas the most primitive compositions in the quench zones andmore evolved compositions in the olivine gabbro; plagioclasecores show the opposite trend. Although plagioclase cores arebelieved to retain their original compositions, olivines re-equilibratedby reaction with trapped liquid. Some plagioclase cores containrelatively sodic patches which retain quench compositions. Whole-rock compositions of nine different quench zones varyover a range from 10 to 18% MgO although the mg-number remainsconstant at {small tilde}0•78. The average composition(47•7% SiO2, 13•3%MgO, 1•57% Na2O+K2O) is takenas a best estimate of the parental magma composition, and isequivalent to a high-magnesian olivine tholeiite. The compositionalvariation of the quench zones is believed to reflect burstsof nucleation and growth of olivine and plagioclase during quenching. Magma emplacement is believed to have taken place by separatetranquil influxes which flowed along the interface between alargely consolidated cumulus pile and the residual magma. Theresident magma was elevated with little or no mixing. At certainlevels in the layered sequence the magma drained back into thefeeder system; such a mechanism is referred to as a surge-typemagma chamber system.  相似文献   

A complex of crustally derived leucogranitic sills emplacedinto sillimanite-grade psammites in the upper Langtang Valleyof northern Nepal forms part of the Miocene High Himalayan graniteassociation. A series of post-tectonic, subvertical leucograniticdykes intrude the underlying migmatites, providing possiblefeeders to the main granite sills. The leucogranite is peraluminous and alkali-rich, and can besubdivided into a muscovite–biotite and a tourmaline–muscovitefacies. Phase relations suggest that the tourmaline leucogranitescrystallized from a water-undersaturated magma of minimum-meltcomposition at pressures around 3–4 kbar. Potential metasedimentaryprotoliths include a substantial anatectic migmatite complexand a lower-grade mica schist sequence. Isotopic constraintspreclude the migmatites as a source of the granitic melts, whereastrace-element modelling of LILEs (Rb, Sr, and Ba), togetherwith the Nd and Sr isotopic signatures of potential protoliths,strongly suggest that the tourmaline-bearing leucogranites havebeen generated by fluid-absent partial melting of the muscovite-richschists. However, REE and HFSE distributions cannot be reconciledwith equilibrium melting from such a source. Systematic covariationsbetween Rb, Sr, and Ba can be explained by variations in protolithmineralogy and PT–aH2O. Tourmaline leucogranites with high Rb/Sr ratios represent low-fraction-melts(F{small tilde} 12%) efficiently extracted from their protolithsunder conditions of low water activity, whereas the heterogeneoustwo-mica granites may result from melting under somewhat higheraH2O conditions. The segregation of low-degree melts from sourcewas probably by deformation-enhanced intergranular flow andmagma fracturing, with the mechanisms of migration and emplacementcontrolled by variations in the uppercrustal stress regime duringlate–orogenic extensional collapse of the thickened crust.  相似文献   

High-temperature–pressure experiments were carried outto determine the chlorine–hydroxyl exchange partitioncoefficient between hornblende and melt in the 1992 Unzen dacite.Cl in hornblende and melt was analyzed by electron microprobe,whereas OH in hornblende and melt was calculated assuming anionstoichiometry of hornblende and utilizing the dissociation reactionconstant for H2O + O = 2(OH) in water-saturated melt, respectively.The partition coefficient strongly depends on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)ratio of hornblende, and is expressed as ln K1 = (Cl/OH)hb/(Cl/OH)melt= 2·37 – 4·6[Mg/(Mg + Fe)]hb at 2–3kbar and 800–850°C. The twofold variation in Cl contentin the oscillatory zoned cores of hornblende phenocrysts inthe 1991–1995 dacite cannot be explained by the dependenceof the Cl/OH partition coefficient on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)hb ratio,and requires c. 80% variation of the Cl/OH ratio of the coexistingmelt. Available experimental data at 200 MPa on Cl/OH fractionationbetween fluid and melt suggest that c. 1·2–1·8wt % degassing of water from the magma can explain the required80% variation in the Cl/OH ratio of the melt. The negative correlationbetween Al content and Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio in the oscillatoryzoned cores of the hornblende phenocrysts is consistent withrepeated influx and convective degassing of the fluid phasein the magma chamber. KEY WORDS: chlorine; element partitioning; hornblende; oscillatory zoning; Unzen volcano  相似文献   

Biotite + plagioclase + quartz (BPQ) is a common assemblagein gneisses, metasediments and metamorphosed granitic to granodioriticintrusions. Melting experiments on an assemblage consistingof 24 vol. % quartz, 25 vol. % biotite (XMg = 0·38–0·40),42 vol. % plagioclase (An26–29), 9 vol. % alkali feldsparand minor apatite, titanite and epidote were conducted at 10,15 and 20 kbar between 800 and 900°C under fluid-absentconditions and with small amounts (2 and 4 wt %) of water addedto the system. At 10 kbar when 4 wt % of water was added tothe system the biotite melting reaction occurred below 800°Cand produced garnet + amphibole + melt. At 15 kbar the meltingreaction produced garnet + amphibole + melt with 2 wt % addedwater. At 20 kbar the amphibole occurred only at high temperature(900°C) and with 4 wt % added water. In this last case themelting reaction produced amphibole + clinopyroxene ±garnet + melt. Under fluid-absent conditions the melting reactionproduced garnet + plagioclase II + melt and left behind a plagioclaseI ± quartz residuum, with an increase in the modal amountof garnet with increasing pressure. The results show that itis not possible to generate hornblende in such compositionswithout the addition of at least 2–4 wt % H2O. This reflectsthe fact that conditions of low aH2O may prevent hornblendefrom being produced with peraluminous granitic liquids fromthe melting of biotite gneiss. Thus growth of hornblende inanatectic BPQ gneisses is an indication of addition of externalH2O-rich fluids during the partial melting event. KEY WORDS: biotite; dehydration; gneisses; hornblende; melt  相似文献   

The convergent margin of western Mexico is uniquely characterizedby a volcanic front of lamprophyric and related lavas located{small tilde}70 km closer to the Middle America trench thanthe main axis of andesitic volcanism. This front, defined bysmall volcanic centers ranging in age from {small tilde}1 kato 3 Ma, contains several lava types: minette, absarokite, leucitite,spessartite, and kersantite, all without feldspar phenocrysts.Many of the lavas contain hydrous phenocrysts; they are enrichedin potassium and other incompatible elements, and they are moreoxidized relative to the andesitic suite of the main axis. Intimatelyassociated are flows of basaltic andesite of comparable volume.They range in composition from 53 to 58 wt.%SiO2, have 5–9wt.%MgO and contain phenocrysts of olivine, sparse augite, andvarying amounts of plagioclase. Their alkali contents are typicalof calc-alkaline varieties, with average Na2O and K2O concentrationsof 4?2 and 1?1 wt.% respectively. The basaltic andesites oftencontain olivine of unusually high forsterite content, reflectingcrystallization under oxidizing conditions, and they have oxygenfugacities up to 3?3 log units above the Ni-NiO buffer. Manifestationsof high water contents are (1) the ubiquitous occurrence ofgroundmass olivine rather than orthopyroxene, and (2) the suppressionof plagioclase as an early crystallizing phase. Both featuresreflect the role of water in reducing the activity of silicain the melt. The progressive influence of water during crystallizationis also seen in the continuum between the two intermediate lavatypes, basaltic andesite and kersantite, as plagioclase is suppressedand hornblende is stabilized in the phenocryst assemblage. Thus,despite the absence of hydrous minerals in the basaltic andesites,their phenocryst assemblages reveal the influence of substantialamounts of water, and thereby show a genetic link to the variouslamprophyric lavas.  相似文献   

Metamorphic isograds and time-integrated fluid fluxes were mappedover the 1500 km2 exposure of the Waits River Formation, easternVermont, south of latitude 4430'N. Isograds based on the appearanceof oligoclase, biotite, and amphibole in metacarbonate rocksdefine elongated metamorphic highs centered on the axes of twolarge antiforms. The highest-grade isograd based on the appearanceof diopside is closely associated spatially with synmetamorphicgranitic plutons. Pressure, calculated from mineral equilibria,was fairly uniform in the area, 7 1.5 kb; calculated temperatureincreases from {small tilde} 480C at the lowest grades in thearea to {small tilde} 575C in the diopside zone. CalculatedXco2f equilibrium metamorphic fluid increases from <0-03at the lowest grades to 0.2 in the amphibole zone and decreasesto 0.07 in the diopside zone. Time-integrated fluid fluxesincrease with increasing metamorphic grade, with the followingmean values for each metamorphic zone (in cm3/cm2): ankerite-oligoclasezone, 1 x 104; biotite zone, 7 x 104; amphibole zone, 2 x 105;diopside zone, 7 x 105. The mapped pattern of time-integrated fluxes delineates twolarge deep-seated ({small tilde} 25-km depth) regional metamorphichydrothermal systems, each centered on one of the major antiforms.Fluid flowed subhorizontally perpendicular to the axis of theantiforms from their low-temperature flanks to their hot axialregions and drove prograde decarbonation reactions as they went.Along the axes of the antiforms fluid flow was further focusedaround synmetamorphic granitic intrusions. In the hot axialregion fluid changed direction and flowed subvertically outof the metamorphic terrane, precipitating quartz veins. Estimatesof the total recharge, based on progress of prograde decarbonationreactions, nearly match estimates of the total discharge, basedon measured quartz vein abundance, (2-10) x 1012 cm3 fluid percm system measured parallel to the axes of the antiforms. Withinthe axial regions fluids had lower XCO2 and rocks record greatertime-integrated fluxes close to the intrusions than at positionsmore than {small tilde} 5 km from them. The differences in bothfluid composition and time-integrated flux can be explainedby mixing close to the intrusions of regional metamorphic fluidsof XCO2/ with fluids from another source with XCO2{small tilde}0 in the approximate volume ratio of 1:2.  相似文献   

Atsushi Kamei   《Gondwana Research》2002,5(4):813-822
Cretaceous granitic rocks are widely distributed in the northern to central parts of Kyushu Island, southwest Japan arc, and are divided into two types, granite and tonalite-granodiorite. These rocks are clearly defined by their mineral assemblage, that is, the granite contains mostly muscovite and/or garnet and does not have hornblende, whereas the tonalite-granodiorite is always observed with hornblende. Many workers suggest that most of the granite has low initial Sr isotopic ratios (SrI90 Ma: 0.7052-0.7059) whose values are similar to those of tonalite-granodiorite (SrI90 Ma: 0.7050-0.7056).

The SiO2 contents of the granite (67.9 to 78.0 wt.%) are higher than that of tonalite-granodiorite (54.2 to 68.2 wt.%). The granite is characterized by peraluminous compositions, while the tonalite-granodiorite shows metaluminous to peraluminous compositions. The petrogenetic relation between granite and tonalite-granodiorite is examined by a modal batch melting model, which referred to results of already published experiments. The result of the model suggests that the petrogenesis of the peraluminous granitic magma can be explained by an anatexis of metaluminous tonalite in the tonalite-granodiorite under lower to middle crustal conditions and variable fH2O.

Rocks of tonalite to granodiorite in a subduction system generally have low initial Sr isotopic ratios (<0.705), which imply that the magma derived from a highly metaluminous origin such as mafic magma, mafic lower crust and/or subducting slab. In this study, it is regarded that the peraluminous granitic magma can be directly produced by an anatexis of metaluminous tonalite. Therefore, peraluminous granite with low initial Sr isotopic ratios may imply to a first step of recycling of the granitic layer in an active plate margin.  相似文献   

Crystallization experiments were conducted on dry glasses fromthe Unzen 1992 dacite at 100–300 MPa, 775–875°C,various water activities, and fO2 buffered by the Ni–NiObuffer. The compositions of the experimental products and naturalphases are used to constrain the temperature and water contentsof the low-temperature and high-temperature magmas prior tothe magma mixing event leading to the 1991–1995 eruption.A temperature of 1050 ± 75°C is determined for thehigh-temperature magma based on two-pyroxene thermometry. Theinvestigation of glass inclusions suggests that the water contentof the rhyolitic low-temperature magma could be as high as 8wt % H2O. The phase relations at 300 MPa and in the temperaturerange 870–900°C, which are conditions assumed to berepresentative of the main magma chamber after mixing, showthat the main phenocrysts (orthopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende)coexist only at reduced water activity; the water content ofthe post-mixing dacitic melt is estimated to be 6 ± 1wt % H2O. Quartz and biotite, also present as phenocrysts inthe dacite, are observed only at low temperature (below 800–775°C).It is concluded that the erupted dacitic magma resulted fromthe mixing of c. 35 wt % of an almost aphyric pyroxene-bearingandesitic magma (1050 ± 75°C; 4 ± 1 wt % H2Oin the melt) with 65 wt % of a phenocryst-rich low-temperaturemagma (760–780°C) in which the melt phase was rhyolitic,containing up to 8 ± 1 wt % H2O. The proportions of rhyoliticmelt and phenocrysts in the low-temperature magma are estimatedto be 65% and 35%, respectively. It is emphasized that the strongvariations of phenocryst compositions, especially plagioclase,can be explained only if there were variations of temperatureand/or water activity (in time and/or space) in the low-temperaturemagma. KEY WORDS: Unzen volcano; magma mixing; experimental study  相似文献   

Melting experiments have been performed on a peraluminous quartzo-feldspathicgneiss from Northern Portugal. This gneiss occurs as xenolithsin the Tourem anatectic complex and is the most probable sourcerock for the surrounding anatectic granites. On the basis offield, petrological, and geochemical data, it can be shown thatanatexis took place in the stability field of cordierite + biotiteand that the evolution of magmas is the result of processesinvolving segregation of partial melt and separation of restiteminerals. Experiments were performed at 700, 750, and 800 ?C, 3 and 5kb, and various H2O activities (aH2O) to clarify the influenceof aH2O and melt fraction on the composition of the generatedmelts. Biotite and cordierite are the two main ferromagnesianphases observed in the run products. Cordierite is formed byincongment melting of biotite. For relatively low melt fractions (< 30–35 wt. %),the partial melts coexisting with quartz, alkali feldspar, andplagioclase have a minimum or near-minimum melt composition.The melts become richer in potassium with decreasing aH2O. Thisresult using a natural rock as starting material is in goodagreement with results achieved in the synthetic Qz-Ab-Or system.In the stability field of biotite and cordierite, the influenceof aH2O on melt composition is at least as important as theeffect of changing P and/or T. For higher melt fractions the composition of the melt is stronglycontrolled by the disappearance of alkali feldspar and the meltsbecome richer in An and poorer in Or with increasing degreeof melting. The wide range of compositions (especially for K2O, which variesfrom 3.5 to 5.4%) observed in the experimental peraluminousmelts demonstrates that a wide variety of granitoid magmas maybe produced from the same source rocks. The application of theexperimental results to the Tourem anatectic complex shows thatmelting occurred at H2O-undersaturated conditions (4–5wt. % H2O in the melts, corresponding to aH2O of {small tilde}0.5at 5 kb). Experimental melts similar in composition to the mostleucocratic granite of the Tourem anatectic complex (consideredto approximate the composition of the generated melt) were obtainedaround 800 ?C, suggesting that this temperature was attainedduring the peak of anatexis.  相似文献   

Pyroxenes in a low-Ca boninite from a dyke show remarkable growthand overgrowth textures and chemical zoning, which are usedto infer crystallization mechanisms and kinetics. The rock comprisesnearly 50 vol.% fresh glass, phenocrysts and glomerocrysts ofclinoenstatite sensu lato ({small tilde}32 vol.%), microphenocrystsof orthopyroxene and Ca-rich clinopyroxene ({small tilde}17vol.%), and microlites of amphibole and oxides ({small tilde}3vol.%). Clinoenstatite, which inverted from protoenstatite,is skeletal with glass and chrome-spinel inclusions and thinovergrowth zones of Ca-rich clinopyroxene and amphibole; thecrystals are occasionally broken. Orthopyroxene is often skeletal,sometimes slightly resorbed with the same inclusions and overgrowthzones. Ca-rich clinopyroxene and amphibole occur mainly in pyroxeneovergrowth zones. Chrome-spinel in contact with glass is overgrownby magnetite-maghemite or amphibole. The rock is andesitic witha high mg-number of 0.78, and is quartz- and strongly hypersthene-and feldspar-normative. The glass is dacitic with an mg-numberof 0.15, strongly quartz- and feldspar-normative, and rich inwater ({small tilde}5.6wt.%). Strong chemical zoning occurs in all minerals, oscillatory zoningoccurring only in clinoenstatite and orthopyroxene. The mg-numberin clinoenstatite sensu lato ranges from 0.95 (clinoenstatitesensu stricto) to 0-68 (clinohypersthene), the largest rangeso far described, and from 0.88 to 0.43 in orthopyroxene. TheWo content of the former (0.21–1.56 with rare higher values)is considerably smaller than and does not overlap that of thelatter (1.36–4.84X Wo generally increasing with Fs. Thecores of both are chromian (up to 0–018 atoms per formulaunit), and Cr falls to or below the detection limit for Fs>25.The Fs-rich zones of clinohypersthene have {small tilde}2wt%A12O3 and (M6wt% TiO2, whereas those of orthopyroxene reachnearly 10 and 04 wt. %, respectively. Ca-rich clinopyroxenevaries from pigeonite through subcalcic augite and augite toferroaugite, the outer zones reaching 12wt.% A12O3 and 1–8wt% TiO2. Amphibole is magnesio-hornblende on pyroxene or tschermakitichornblende on oxide. The relative times of nucleation, growth, partial resorption,and fracturing of the crystals were determined from the texturesand the chemistry of the overgrowths. Protoenstatite and chrome-spinelnucleated from the melt and were overgrown in places by allsucceeding minerals. Orthopyroxene nucleated mainly from themelt, whereas the other phases occur only as overgrowths. Orthopyroxenemay show weak resorption at intermediate stages. Protoenstatitecrystals were occasionally broken, the relative times beingshown by the nature of the overgrowths. Minor-element concentrationsvary strongly with the growth stage, chromium soon being usedup in the melt and aluminium and titanium being strongly concentratedin the crystals during the last stages. Plagioclase and quartzare absent because of suppression of their nucleation in a water-richmelt on rapid cooling. Crystallization probably occurred intwo main stages, an early one of moderately fast cooling atlow undercooling probably in a shallow magma chamber (correspondingto the growth of the protoenstatite phenocrysts) and a laterone over a period of less than a day of faster cooling at higherundercooling after uprise and injection into the dyke (correspondingto the fracturing of protoenstatite and growth of the microphenocrystsand microlites).  相似文献   

The British Tertiary Volcanic Province (BTVP) comprises within-platecentral igneous complexes associated with plateau lavas andregional dyke swarms. Lundy is the southernmost complex of theBTVP and comprises granite ({small tilde}90%) emplaced intodeformed Devonian sedimentary rocks within the Hercynian Cornubiangranite province of southwest England. The complex is intrudedby a northwest-southeast trending dyke swarm. In common withother BTVP igneous complexes, Lundy is associated with positivegravity and magnetic anomalies which are interpreted in termsof the presena of an underlying basic intrusion at shallow depth,with a volume exceeding that of the overlying granite. The Lundy intrusion is a coarse-grained megacrystic granitecontaining up to 20% alkali feldspar megacrysts in a coarse-grainedgroundmass composed of alkali feldspar, quartz, lithium-bearingmuscovite, and ‘biotite’ (lithian siderophyllite),with a range of aaxssory minerals. The main granite has a coarse-grained(locally miarolitic) pegmatitic facies and is intruded by thinsheets and veins of fine-grained aplite and microgranite. Themineralogy indicates crystallization of the Lundy granite froma highly fractionated H2O- and halogen-rich magma at a relativelyshallow crustal level. The main Lundy granite is a peraluminous leucogranite with Na2O=3–4%,K2O{small tilde}5%, low TiO2, MeO, CaO, Zr, and Sr, and highRb and Rb/Sr in comparison with many other peralurninous granites,including those from the Cornubian batholith and the BTVP. Anew Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron for the granite yields an ageof 58?7?1?6 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0?715?0?006. Ndvalues for the granite (–0?9 to –1?9) plot betweencontemporaneous mantle (positive Nd and Cornubian granites (Nd=ca.–11). The trace element data (Rb, Y, Nb) show affinities with syn-collisionand within-plate granites. As the Sr isotope data indicate amajor crustal component, and the Nd isotope data suggest bothmantle and crustal components, we propose that the Lundy graniteis derived from a parental magma comprising crustal components(derived from a similar source to that of the Cornubian granitebatholith) and a mantle-derived component (derived from a differentiateof contemporaneous basaltic magma This magma experienced fractionalcrystallization of plagioclase, alkai feldspar, Fe-Mg minerals,and REE-bearing accessory minerals before emplacement, and theLundy granite experienced further in situ fractional crystallization,associateded with crustal contamination by the Devonian shaleafter emplacement.  相似文献   

Tin deposits are often closely associated with granitic intrusions. In this study, we analyzed tin partition coefficients between different fluids and melts (\({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{aq.fl./melt}\)) as well as various crystals and melts \({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{aq.fl./melt}\)(\({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{crystal/melt}\)) from the Furong tin deposit associated with the Qitianling A-type granite. Our experimental results indicate that tin partition behavior is affected by the chemical compositions of fluids, melts, and minerals. Tin is prone to partitioning into the residual magma in fractional crystallization or other differential magmatic processes if the magma originated from crustal sources with high alkali content, high volatile content, and low oxygen fugacity. Highly evolved residual peralkaline granitic magma enriched in tin can lead to tin mineralization in a later stage. Furthermore, the volatiles F and Cl in the magma play important roles in tin partitioning behavior. Low F contents in the melt phase and high Cl content in the aqueous fluid phase are favorable factors for tin partitioning in the aqueous fluid phase. High Cl content in the aqueous fluid catalyzes water–rock interaction and leads to the extraction of tin from tin-bearing minerals. All these findings support a hydrothermal origin for the tin deposits. In light of the geotectonic setting, petrochemical characteristics, and mineralizing physicochemical conditions of the Furong tin deposit, it is inferred that the ore-forming fluid of the Furong tin ore deposit could have derived from the Qitianling peralkaline intrusion.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and kinetics of equilibration between peraluminousminerals and granitic melt were investigated experimentallyby the dissolution of corundum and andalusite into H2O-saturatedmetaluminous haplogranitic melt at 800°C and 200 MPa. Mineraland haplogranitic glass rods were juxtaposed inside platinumcapsules, and then subjected to experimental conditions fortimes ranging from 12 to 2900 h. Upon melting, the mineral –meltinterface retreats with the square root of time. The compositionof the melt at the interface changes with time, but its ASI[aluminum saturation index = molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)]remains constant at  相似文献   

The Ordovician Snowdon Volcanic Centre (SVC) of North Walescomprises a bimodal basalt–subalkaline/peralkaline associationemplaced around a caldera within a shallow marine environment.The tectonic setting was associated with closure of the LowerPalaeozoic Iapetus Ocean and cessation of ocean plate subduction.The SVC volcanic products include basaltic lavas and pyroclasticrocks, rhyolitic pyroclastic flow deposits, high-level intrusions,domes, and flows, together with reworked equivalents. A programmeof detailed field mapping, sampling, and chemical analysis hasbeen used to evaluate the structure and magmatic evolution ofthe SVC volcanic system. SVC basalts show a range in chemicalcharacteristics between volcanic arc type and within-plate,ocean island basalt (OIB) type. Subalkaline, silica-oversaturatedintermediate intrusions (icelandites) and five chemically distinctgroups of extrusive and intrusive subalkaline/peralkaline rhyolites(termed A1, A2, B1, B2, and B3) were emplaced during the evolutionof the SVC. This evolution was driven by material and thermalinput from basaltic magma. The SVC basaltic lavas were derivedas partial melts from a heterogeneous volcanic arc to OIB-typespinel lherzolite mantle and experienced up to 60% olivine gabbrofractionation during storage in sill networks in the sub-crustor lower crust. Some magma batches experienced further fractionalcrystallization ({small tilde}70%) and minor crustal contamination({small tilde}10%) to yield the icelandites. Trace element andNd isotope data do not favour an origin for the rhyolites bypartial or total fusion of likely crustal material, and thefive rhyolite groups are regarded as distinct homogeneous batchesof magma derived from varied basaltic magmas. The icelanditesand peralkaline rhyolites (group B3) result, respectively, from{small tilde}50% and {small tilde}80–90% zircon-free fractionalcrystallization of SVC basalts. The subalkaline rhyolites (groupsA1 and B1) result from {small tilde}80–90% fractionalcrystallization of subduction-related basalts similar to thoseof Ordovician basalts which pre-date the Lower Rhyolitic TuffFormation, and groups A2 and B2 were formed by mixing and homogenizationof A1, B1, and B3 magma batches. These data and interpretationsprovide the basis of a model for the complex evolution of asilicic magma system below the SVC caldera around the time ofcessation of Caledonian subduction in North Wales. Rhyolitemagma chambers were short lived and discontinuous; the largestwas probably disc shaped and was almost entirely evacuated duringa >60-km3 ash-flow eruption.  相似文献   

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