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Many methods are used to calculate the positron lifetime, these methods could be divided into two main types. The first method is atomic superposition approximation method and the second one is the so called energy band calculation method. They are also known as the non-self-consistent field method and self-consistent field method respectively. In this paper, we first introduce the two basic methods and then, we take Si as an example and give our calculation results, these results coincide with our latest experimental results, finally, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods.  相似文献   

悬浮颗粒物中生物硅测定方法的改进与应用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
硅是河流和海洋中非常重要的营养盐,硅藻、放射虫、硅质海绵、硅鞭毛虫的生长和骨骼形成都离不开硅[1].硅在河流和沿岸海域生态系统中扮演着非常重要的角色,在浮游植物大量繁殖季节,由于硅藻的大量繁殖,使活性硅酸盐含量急剧下降,甚至使硅藻的生长繁殖受到限制.在其他环境条件适宜的情况下,充足的硅又将成为发生硅藻赤潮的物质基础[2].生物硅是用化学方法测定的无定形硅的含量[3],称为生物蛋白石或简称蛋白石,是地球化学、古海洋学研究中非常重要的参数[4].根据世界部分河流生物硅和溶解硅的平均值计算,河流输送入海的硅中有16%的是生物硅,因此河流输送的生物硅的量是全球海洋硅收支中不可忽略的部分[5].  相似文献   

Plankton samples have been carefully collected from a variety of marine environments for major and trace-chemical analysis. The samples were collected and handled under the rigorous conditions necessary to prevent contamination of the trace elements. Immediately after collection, the samples were subjected to a series of physical and chemical leaching-decomposition experiments designed to identify the major and trace element composition of the biogenic particulate matter. Emphasis was placed on the determination of the trace element/major element ratios in the various biogenic phases important in biogeochemical cycling.The majority of the trace elements in the samples were directly associated with the non-skeletal organic phases of the plankton. These associations include a very labile fraction which was rapidly released into seawater immediately after collection and a more refractory component which involved specific metal-organic binding. Calcium carbonate and opal were not significant carriers for any of the trace elements studied. A refractory phase containing aluminum and iron in terrigenous ratios was present in all samples, even from remote pelagic environments. This non-biogenic carrier contributed insignificant amounts to the other trace elements studied.The plankton samples were collected from surface waters with a wide range in the dissolved trace element/nutrient ratios, however, the same elemental ratios in the bulk plankton samples were relatively constant in all these environments. The bulk compositions and the rapid release of the metals and nutrient elements (specifically phosphorus) from the plankton after collection were used to examine the systematics of depletions of the dissolved elements from surface waters. These elemental ratios were combined with known fluxes of the major biogenic materials to estimate the significance of the plankton in the vertical flux of the trace elements. In parallel with the major surface ocean cycles of carbon and nitrogen, significant fractions of the trace elements taken up by primary producers must be rapidly regenerated in order to explain the observed elemental compositions and fluxes.  相似文献   

Lagrangian experiments with short-term, drifting sediment traps were conducted during a cruise on RRS Charles Darwin to the NW coast of Spain to study the vertical flux and composition of settling biogenic matter. The cruise was split into two legs corresponding to (i) a period of increased production following an upwelling event on the continental shelf (3–10 August 1998) and (ii) an evolution of a cold water filament originating from the upwelled water off the shelf (14–19 August). The export of particulate organic carbon (POC) from the upper layer (0–60m) on the shelf was 90–240mgC.m−2.d−1 and off the shelf was 60–180mgC.m−2.d−1. Off shelf the POC flux at 200m was 50–60mg.m−2.d−1. A modest sedimentation of diatoms (15–30mgC.m−2.d−1) after the upwelling was associated with increased vertical flux of chlorophyll a (1.8–2.1mg.m−2.d−1) and a decrease of the POC:PON molar ratio of the settled material from 9 to 6.4. Most of the pico-, nano-, and microplankton in the settled material were flagellates; diatoms were significant during the on shelf and dinoflagellates during the off shelf leg. Off shelf, the exponential attenuation of POC flux indicated a strong retention capacity of the plankton community between 40 and 75m. POC:PON ratio of the settled particulate matter decreased with depth and the relative portion of flagellates increased, suggesting a novel, flagellate and aggregate mediated particulate flux in these waters. Export of POC from the euphotic layer comprised 14–26% of the integrated primary production per day during the on shelf leg and 25–42% during the off shelf leg, which characterises the importance of sedimentation in the organic carbon budget of these waters.  相似文献   

底部切应力作为水动力和泥沙输移模型中的关键参数,对底床泥沙起动、侵蚀淤积速率的研究十分重要.目前基于现场实测流速数据计算底部切应力的理论方法有6种:LP-mean法、LP-max法、TKE法、TKE W法、RS法和ID法,这些方法都有其特定的适用条件.河口海岸浅水区域水流和波浪作用复杂,遴选合适的方法计算底部切应力非常...  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the composition and distribution of the dispersed organic matter (DOM) were performed for the bottom sediments from active areas of the Ashadze hydrothermal field (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13° N) and for background sediments from the area treated (sampled during the cruises of R/V Professor Logachev in 2003 and 2007). The content of hydrocarbons (HCs) in the hydrothermal samples is about 20 times as high as the background values. The HCs composition includes both low-transformed (isoprenoids, hopenes, ββ-hopanes, and ααα27R-steranes) and geologically mature chemofossils (C16-C35 n-alkanes, geohopanes, moretanes, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons). The polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are mainly represented by phenanthrene and its alkyl homologues, i.e., by possible products of the diagenetic transformation of biogenic precursors. The results obtained point to the mixed genesis of the hydrothermal DOM, which is caused first by the diversity of the biota composition in the considered region, as well as by the specificity of the processes of the DOM’s maturing under the extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses approximative methods to be used in the determination of the heave motions of semi-submersibles. These methods can be useful in the design stage as they circumvent the use of large computer programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate phytoplankton abundance, composition and vertical export in the highly stratified Krka estuary, Croatia. The estuary is stratified throughout the year, and an interface between fresh- and brackish water plays an important role in production and degradation of biogenic matter. Vertical export of particulate organic carbon (POC), phytoplankton carbon (PPC) and faecal pellet carbon (FPC) was studied by deploying sediment traps in the middle and lower reach of the estuary and in the adjacent coastal zone. Zooplankton faecal pellet (FP) production experiments were conducted to provide additional information on the potential contribution of FP to the total carbon flux. High suspended concentrations of POC, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton was found in the lower reaches of the Krka estuary, adjacent to a source of anthropogenic eutrophication. The fraction of organic detritus to the total POC flux was 61–69% inside the estuary but only 7% at the marine station. This indicates that the primary producers in the surface layer of the Krka estuary are decomposed in and below the interface and then settle as detritus to the bottom. Low sedimentation rates in the coastal zone outside the estuary revealed that the eutrophication does not spread out of the estuary. Mesozooplankton played a modest role in vertical flux regulation, due to their low abundance and dominance of smaller forms as well as low faecal pellet production rates. It is concluded that processes taking place at the freshwater-seawater interface are of major importance for the vertical carbon flux in the investigated area.  相似文献   

Two piston cores (DD09-ST21, DD09-ST39B) from the northeastern Ulleung Basin in the East Sea were obtained to investigate variations in the biogenic components (calcium carbonate, organic carbon) and biogeochemical processes (δ13C and δ15N). The two cores had distinctive characteristics in terms of surface production, preservation and dissolution capacity of carbonate, and redox conditions of bottom-water. Core DD09-ST21 was characterized by an oxygen-depleted condition from 15 ka (MIS 2) to 60 ka (MIS 3). Core DD09-ST39B, on the other hand, showed oxic bottom-water conditions, possibly due to shallow water depth. These two cores with different redox condition showed opposite trends in terms of CaCO3, TOC, and C37 alkenone concentrations. CaCO3 and C37 concentrations were higher during the LGM in DD09-ST21 while lower contents were observed in DD09-ST39B in the same period. Moreover, consistently low TOC in DD09-ST39B and higher fluctuation of organic matters in DD09-ST21 may suggest difference in primary productivity, preservation capacity, or a potential dissolution effect. During the Holocene, the surface productivity of both cores increased, probably due to renewed ventilation and vertical mixing in the East Sea. Therefore, this study suggests spatial variation in production and preservation of biogenic components in the two cores since last 50 ka for DD09-ST39B and 80 ka for DD09-ST21 due to difference in environmental conditions such as water depth, bottom-water conditions, surface productivity and preservation.  相似文献   

The role of surfactant organic matter in marine aerosol production has been studied under conditions in which there is a large coverage of whitecaps on the sea surface. To improve the knowledge of matter exchange and pollutant recycling from the sea surface into the atmosphere, a spray drop adsorption model (SDAM) was developed and the validity of the proposed model verified by the following experimental results: (1) an increase of surfactant matter on the sea surface during rough sea conditions (‘surface wave concentration'); (2) an (hyperbolic-like) increase of the enrichment ratio (ER) of surfactant fluorescent organic matter (SFOM), made up predominantly by humic substances (HS), as the particle size decrease; (3) a similar behaviour for elements with pollutant properties, and which are known to interact with HS and other surfactant materials, considered pollution tracers. An additional laboratory experiment, based on the adsorption model conditions, gives enrichment ratio greater than unity for K and Ca. The first results on marine aerosols trapped in marine clouds (at 1000 m above sea level and at 100 km from the coast) seem to further support the proposed model and its ability to predict the transition from saline to almost entirely organic particles for the smaller fractions of marine aerosols. The possible contribution of these particles to the recycling and to the long range transport of pollutants via marine aerosols has been considered.  相似文献   

The integrated studies of the particulate matter and organic compounds in the surface waters and the snow-ice cover by means of geochemical (the concentrations of the particulate matter, the Corg, the hydrocarbons, the lipids, and the chlorophyll a) and optical techniques were performed in the Southern Ocean and in the east of the Atlantic Ocean along the vessel’s route: Africa-Antarctica-Africa-St. Petersburg. The correlations between the treated compounds were found. It was shown that the supply of pollutants affects not only the concentrations but also the proportions of the considered compounds. New data were obtained on the processes of the accumulation of particulate matter and organic compounds under the ice formation.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the EU-funded BENGAL programme, the effects of seasonality on biogenic silica early diagenesis have been studied at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP), an abyssal locality located in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Nine cruises were carried out between August 1996 and August 1998. Silicic acid (DSi) increased downward from 46.2 to 213 μM (mean of 27 profiles). Biogenic silica (BSi) decreased from ca. 2% near the sediment–water interface to <1% at depth. Benthic silicic acid fluxes as measured from benthic chambers were close to those estimated from non-linear DSi porewater gradients. Some 90% of the dissolution occurred within the top 5.5 cm of the sediment column, rather than at the sediment–water interface and the annual DSi efflux was close to 0.057 mol Si m−2 yr−1. Biogenic silica accumulation was close to 0.008 mol Si m−2 yr−1 and the annual opal delivery reconstructed from sedimentary fluxes, assuming steady state, was 0.065 mol Si m−2 yr−1. This is in good agreement with the mean annual opal flux determined from sediment trap samples, averaged over the last decade (0.062 mol Si m−2 yr−1). Thus ca. 12% of the opal flux delivered to the seafloor get preserved in the sediments. A simple comparison between the sedimentation rate and the dissolution rate in the uppermost 5.5 cm of the sediment column suggests that there should be no accumulation of opal in PAP sediments. However, by combining the BENGAL high sampling frequency with our experimental results on BSi dissolution, we conclude that non-steady state processes associated with the seasonal deposition of fresh biogenic particles may well play a fundamental role in the preservation of BSi in these sediments. This comes about though the way seasonal variability affects the quality of the biogenic matter reaching the seafloor. Hence it influences the intrinsic dissolution properties of the opal at the seafloor and also the part played by non-local mixing events by ensuring the rapid transport of BSi particles deep into the sediment to where saturation is reached.  相似文献   

All anomalous masses of the Earth are reflected in the free air gravity anomalies and the geoidal undulations. The low viscosity of the asthenosphere significantly reduces the possibility of existence of density inhomogeneities in the layer. This fact provides some physical basis for the separation of the gravity field anomalies. It has been shown by power spectrum analysis of the free air anomalies and gravity field of isostatically compensated model of the lithosphere for the North Atlantic and adjacent areas of America, Europe and Mediterranean, that the attraction of isostatically compensated model is significant for any wave length of the field. It causes significant error in the interpretation if long wavelength constituents of the free air gravity anomalies are considered as a field of deep anomalous masses. The isostatic anomalies und isostatic geoid are free from the influences of isostatically compensated lithosphere. The characteristic feature of the isostatic anomalies power spectrum is a pronounced minimum at the wavelength of about 1000 km. The relative homogeneity of the asthenosphere may explain this minimum. It means that principal density inhomogeneities of the Earth's interior are separated by the asthenospheric layer. Such a minimum has not been observed at the power spectrum of free air anomalies being masked by corresponding wavelength of the field of isostatically compensated lithosphere. Isostatic anomalies that reflect the differences between the real structure of the lithosphere and its isostatically compensated model have wavelengths less than 1000 km. Isostatic anomalies with the wavelength more than 1000 km reflect the attraction of density inhomogeneities situated under the level of isostatic compensation. The basic features of power spectrum of isostatic anomalies are the same for oceanic and continental areas. The method based on Kolmogorov-Wiener filtration which consideres statistical characteristics of the field has been developed to divide the isostatic gravity anomalies into lithosphere and mantle components. For the North Atlantic and adjacent areas the field of mantle inhomogeneities has been determined.  相似文献   

为优化电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)测试微量生物碳酸盐中元素含量的工作条件, 在Thermo-Fisher 公司生产的iCAP 6300 Radial 型ICP-OES 上, 对1 050 组仪器条件、32 种不同组成的标准溶液、36 个谱线对和两种仪器校正工作曲线进行了测试; 借助开源科学计算软件Scilab 数据插值和可视化技术对测试数据进行了比较分析。结果表明, 该仪器测试微量生物碳酸盐中Mg/Ca 和Sr/Ca 比值的最佳条件为: 雾化器, 0.1 mL/min 同心雾化器; 冷却气流量, 缺省设置12 L/min; 辅助气流量, 0.5L/min; 雾化气压力, 0.24 MPa; 蠕动泵速, 16 r/min; RF 功率, 1 000 W; 观察高度, 15 mm; 谱线, Ca373.690 nm, Mg 279.553 nm {121}, Sr 407.771 nm; 仪器校准工作曲线为强度-浓度工作曲线。  相似文献   

为优化电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)测试微量生物碳酸盐中元素含量的工作条件,在Thermo—Fisher公司生产的iCAP6300 Radial型ICP—OES上,对1050组仪器条件、32种不同组成的标准溶液、36个谱线对和两种仪器校正工作曲线进行了测试;借助开源科学计算软件Scilab数据插值和可视化...  相似文献   

对2009年3月28 ~ 29日利用沉积物捕获器在九龙江河口区分层收集的沉降颗粒物分别进行了激光粒度、X射线衍射、扫描电镜和能谱分析,分析了沉降颗粒物的粒度特征和粘土矿物组成特征,并探讨了九龙江河口水体沉降颗粒物类型及其絮凝沉积作用.结果表明:各站各层沉降颗粒物有不同的粒度组成和粘土矿物组成特征,单颗粒沉降颗粒物类型主要有3种类型(生物、矿物和其他颗粒);沉降颗粒物絮凝体类型则有5种主要类型,包括被囊类、硅藻等生物形成的絮凝体,粪球、矿物碎屑等形成的絮凝体以及由生物和有机质等形成的混杂絮凝体.研究区沉降颗粒物的类型受到地形、径流、潮流的影响,影响研究区沉积颗粒物分布的主要原因包括陆源碎屑物质的输入和人类活动的影响.颗粒物絮凝还受到河口区水体的盐度、有机物的吸附等诸多因素的影响.  相似文献   

The 17th ITTC Ocean Engineering Committee undertook the comparison of methods for calculating semi-submersible wave motion, and 34 programs from 28 different organizations participated in the project. The summary of the results are reported in the Technical Report of the 17th ITTC (ITTC, 1984).In this paper, the details of the project are described. Namely, almost all the calculation results of the 34 programs are shown and examined from the viewpoints of the validity of the program itself and of the correlation between the differences in the various calculation methods and the differences in the calculation results. The calculation results are also compared with the experiments, the details of which are also illustrated.  相似文献   

The influence of the variation of the components of the water balance on the structure of the oxygen and hydrogen sulphide fields in the Black Sea was studied on the basis of the solution of onedimensional problems for the admixture propagation. The vertical profiles of oxygen and hydrogen sulphide were calculated for the cases of enhancing or decreasing the river run-off, and when the Bosphorus undercurrent was blocked. The balance equations show that both a decreasing river run-off and blocking of the Bosphorus undercurrent result in a lowering of the boundaries of the aerobic and anaerobic zones. An increase in the river run-off results in a slight rise of these boundaries. The analysis erformed permits the formulation of some general recommendations on the prevention of an increase of the hydrogen sulphide upper boundary in the sea.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

利用2005年"大洋一号"科学考察船电视抓斗采样器采集的表层沉积物样品,对大西洋洋中脊Logatchev热液场附近7个站位表层沉积物样品中的烷烃组分进行了定量分析,并结合总有机碳(TOC)及C稳定同位素(δ13C值)分析,探讨了表层沉积物中有机质的组成及可能的来源和影响因素.结果表明:表层沉积物中正构烷烃组分以低碳数化...  相似文献   

Vertical and seasonal characteristics of biogenic silica (BSi) dissolution in seawater were investigated by multiple dissolution experiments using seawater collected from surface and mesopelagic layers in Suruga Bay during the period 2002–2004. The dissolution rate coefficients calculated based on temporal changes of BSi concentration varied with the season of sample collection. They ranged from 0.023–0.057 day− 1 for surface samples and 0.0018–0.0025 day− 1 for mesopelagic samples for temperatures approaching in situ conditions. Experiments at various temperatures confirmed that BSi dissolution depends on temperature in natural seawater. Dissolution rate coefficient (day− 1) of BSi correlated significantly with temperature (°C), and Q10 was 2.6. Addition of bioavailable organic matter to low-bioactivity seawater enhanced the protease activity and abundance of bacteria, and increased BSi dissolution rate by a factor of 1.4–2.0. There is clear evidence that BSi dissolution is accelerated by bacterial activity and potentially limited by bioavailable organic matter in natural seawater. Dissolution rates and total decreases of BSi concentration were lower during experiments using mesopelagic samples than in those using surface samples. This suggests that dissolution of BSi varies with depth and that BSi in the mesopelagic water is more resistant to the dissolution than that in the surface water. This lower dissolution rate was caused by lower temperature and lower bacterial activity due to less bioavailable organic matter in mesopelagic water. Our results provide a mechanistic understanding of variations in silica cycling within the seasonally and vertically differing marine environment.  相似文献   

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